Saturday, September 2, 2023

Skills of Christmas gnomes 33. About different forms of magic

               Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)

Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love (loving one's way of life)

Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 6. Some pieces of music  
 Skills of Christmas gnomes 7. Fracturelessness 

 Thousand pages long e-book about the skills of Christmas gnomes 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 10. Additional remarks 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 11. Ages old Christmas gnome life 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 12. Better life in a better world 
 Skills of Christmas gnomes 13. Still continued 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 14. Still some additions 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 15. Some wisdom of life

Skills of Christmas gnomes 19. Additional remarks 

Skills of Christmas gnomes 20. Christmas preparations 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 21. Some ordinary life  
Skills of Christmas gnomes 22. While a Christmas gnome sleeps 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 23. Women's position like that of others 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 24. Still continued  
Skills of Christmas gnomes 25. I ran out of good subjects to write about 

26. Birdsong and other Christmas gnome like life 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 27. Still some texts 

Skills of Christmas gnomes 29. About heroes, wisdom of feelings and mourning the dead 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 32. Where to live &about Gaia 

The whole blog

The parts 1. - 31. are available as eight books and e-books at the Amazon internet bookshops, at for example. Search "tervola", or visit my author page .

h1.   I wonder, after I watched the beginning of the long video of the original big continent Pangea in prehistoric times, I quite much later that day, it must have been evening, heard from outdoors a cry as if ancient lizard bird's, as if it had been flying there somewhere, and a little bit later human voices as if cavemen and cavewomen resembling the traditionally living dry mountaneous countryside of some almost present day Arab country. I did not know what it was, either time travel or a theater scene or the southern lands are very different from what we imagined. But with that influence from.prehistoric times it has been as if hunger had disappeared. Maybe the prehistoric lizard bird and humans were satisfied with their not so complex view on life at those times. Here is the video.

h2.   I read a not-so-informative article of very old times' magic in different cultures around the world. It mentioned at least chants, curses, rituals, magical plants and some kind of spirits around.

 Chants sounded like a way to attempt something impirtant in one's life in a well working way and with good spirit. Like if there was in a song like form something like these advices of mine about how to learn skills and where in one's life find new talents for oneself, an attemot supported by sincere wish to develop into that direction with good quality and also a dedication as one's future profession or the like, and this in harmony with the world and according to the major vurrents of the ages old nature of the living beings. 

 Curses seemed like something like some social relation saying factually, rigidly like educated views but without prooer ground, of something that "it is so, it ought to stay just here, don't move it" even though it is harmful and not according to good quality civiliced wisdom. Some other kind of curses were like unwise person's thoughts: not room for lufe, life sphere staying fixed so that lufe and social relations just get rotten. A third kind of curse was claiming that the person was alike with someone who had things poorly in his/her life so that one would get influencies from such miserable fate. 

Rituals sounded like ways to cultivate wise choices in life, like caring for what wisdom or some nice hobby demands and doing so in good spirit, diligently from the point of view of civiluced wisdom, just before one goes to the hobby or the like. 

If the world is of spirit, we run at least somewhat to things we are interdsted in our daily lufe and to things and persons like how we ourselves luve in practice and what kind of values we support in practice. So finding magical plants had some detailed rules, since sometimes those can be found and sometimes not, which sounds like a view of the gold rush in Alaska long tine ago, and sometimes those found thing belong to a certain kibd of lufe and get ruinef if you associate with persons with opposite vaöues.

There being some kind of spiritual beings around seemed to cpnnect people and animals meeting on the mentaö or spiritual side persons like them, sharing for example an interest in same wsy of makkng chores. 

h3.   3rd of September 2023

In shamanistic drumming i.e. seeking connection to animals, it is easy to see that there is a big difference in whether the ritual is in daylight time when one can see the nature around clearly and all animals live their normal lives, safely and quite ckvilicedly, it is the active time of the day. Or does one drum when it is quite dark so that one does not see what comes lurking around and when for animals being active and causing sound often means getting soon killed by some predator. Likewise in rituals at largeit is important to notice whether the perspective used gives a wide daylight like view of the world, wise, with wisdom of life and sensitive observations, caring also that things would be well for all fairly. Or does it rely on smallening the observational abilities and the sphere of life, and does it so bring some dangerous elements like unwise life. Does one rely on civiliced wisdom and good quality thinking or does one make choices in life when one's observational ability is poor and there are some unwise life choices as elements in ghe situation. Like sitting by the fire may be fascinating and ages old but going to some dark place may risk getting killed or harmed.

h4.   4th of September 2023   Many who live in another cultural domain but seem to prefer the climate, values, skill level etc of their original cultural domain, would not like to return to where thry came from, but would like to move to live in some other country of that cultural domain, like some Arabs in Finland seem to be afraid of heat but would maybe like not-so-extremely-hot Arab country, likewise people from the tropics seem to prefer some other tropical country or at least another kind of county than where they originally lived. 

If people mistake you going to the opposite direction, you ought to read of travel advertisements and other info about living only your liked possible new homecountry's advertisements & info, and leave away such about your old homecountry so that those who want to travel or move there have to follow that country's advertisements & info. 

h5.   "5th of September 2023   I just commented to a video of a new puppy and an older Maltese dog, that

I think that the puppy and older dog ought to have a common video channel until the puppy asks for it's own and has some good idea of a video or a trick or the like, while the older dog could have a video channel of wise thoughts or whatever. "

Humans usually are not so good at videos, but could write texts, thoughts and stories, with pictures & layout of the page nice too. 

Likewise reading about Christmas gnome like life ought to be one's own choice, thinking that if there is something nice in the text one can pick it to be a part of one's life, a kind of quite much the same values as make a Christmas gnome ok in the society and in the world, but allowing one's own wisdom of life instead of copying like a slave. 

h6.   If the Finnish climate is hard to bear and brings a huge feeling hunger (cannibalism?), one could try eating as still properly warm the following kind of meals: 

Lots of big pieces of cooked potatoes that have cooled and maybe been kept in refrigerator until the next day, pealed and cut to big pieces, and fried in oily pan so that the potato pieces are oily on surface. Anf 2 fried sausages of the ordinary Finnish type, i.e. one packet. Hapankaalia= sauerkraut?=sour cappage?, maybe thick slices of carrot baked in an oven, maybe beans and maybe squeezed potatoes. Drink maybe piimä. Some lingonberries.

At some other time, maybe later in the autumn, one could eat a warmed (almost to boiling everywhere or so) food called laatikko "box" kaupan laatikkoruuan, siis maksalaatikon (ei sovi syödä sitä usein), lihakaalilaatikon, lihamakaronilaatikon tai silakkalaatikon, tms, kenties lanttulaatikon, sillä lanttu opettaa loppusyksyn säätaitoja ja on tuhti vihannes. Upon it you coukd maybe drop lit of scratched cheese. If it aren't enough heavy food, you can add butter to it the amount that tastws good, and if that is only a little of butter, continue with food oil. Scratched sallad, lingonberries, full corn bread, butter, a slice of cheese, some dessert, maybe drink piimä plus water.

Or an chivken egg (max 2 per day, better less) friend in an oily pan, thin sausages fried on an oily pan, cooked potatoes, cooked big piece of kukkakaali and with it butter. A piece of bread with sulatejuustolevite, scratched sallad.

A hunger that comes from living kn a cold climate gets eased by moving to live in the tropics.

Cooked kukkakaali on a plate covered fully by thick light coloured mushroom sauce, in addition a pair of big pealed dust/flour like potatoes. 

h7.   6th of September 2023   I guess that today is excatly five years from when I in Savonlinna, where I lived in an apartment house Kaartilantie 15B24 at the Nätki suburb with my two companion dogs, borrowed from the public library of Savonlinna the book "Tontun vuosi" (the year of the gnome) and read most of it and then maybe next day or later on the same day the rest of it. And ln the 7th of September 2018 I wrote a comment of it in Finnish to my blog. When I some two and a half weeks later translated that comment to English, it started this long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes, which is now some 1500 entries lobg, 8 books or e-books, and which I have now been writing some five years and lost just about everything else kn my life, only writing and figuring out new things to write about seem left. I long for the walks with my dogs and I do not know why my life disappeared. Living a Christmas gnome like in ways that I happen to like would in my opinion have suited this text very well. Now I have mostly just read the news and watched some short videos, mostly been sleepy, not finding room for my life. Five years ago was exactly 9 months since the 100th independence day of Finland, and I would have liked to read about traditional ways of living, maybe handicrafts, traditional farming, summer cottage life and the four seasons & the wisdom of life with the nature.  ( )

h8.   7th of September 2023   If someone seems unusually poor at learning healthy ways of living or doing or generally skills about healing, that person maybe likes some other country's some town's or district's way of life, it's ways of living and doing, it's climate characteristics etc, and is tuned to them, but those are too far from the present living environment's ways of living and doing, and so she/he ought to move to where one likes the climate's natural original ways of doing and living &other charscteristics of the traditional culture there, like for example the wisdom, values and ways of doing in reactions and rythm, in constant content in life. 

h9.   The ways of being social depend on the climate and on the season of the year. Keeping company to the surrounding air cools one efficiently, so it is typical when it is warm and makes one soon ill if it is cool. The tendency to go near people as if such were a good habit to be demanded from most, is often a result of needing more bacteria in the air as if in a warmer climate where such maybe creates to them a feeling of being social in a good rewarding way. But it isn't good to do so because such brings influencies from other climates whose ways do not work well here in the cool or cold but instead leave a dissatisfied feeling as if a lack of skills in living. 

h10.   I watched from the news two videos of a man called Salwan Momika who had lived in Sweden, originally from Irak, last summer in Sweden burning a Koran and in the other video stepping on a Koran as a demonstration. His style was as if he had been told by the northerners the usuaö advice for kids: "If you can yourself write a better one", meaning better quality at least as widely for the same purpose of common good. ("Was it fair from you toward the writer and possible readers of that book (especially in our large cultural area)?") He seemed quite old. Does he think that he really will write that better text, such that is commonly understood and good for the common good, also in the long run? The man at the same occasion seemed to say ghat he is Stephen, which compares with Stephen Mitchell who translated the Taoist 2000 years old classic Tao-Te-Ching to English so well that he got confused with the finely working wisdom of Taoism which as far as I know is one of the major religions of the world, more like philosophy of ways of living and doing but difficult to understand for most. 

h11.   It makes one feel as if with a full stomach if one thinks that somewhere in Africa maybe elephants, rhinos and large snakes live in a habitat geographically like one next to a dry hot sub-Saharan inland area of reddish ground that has been pressed hard by big feet, where dinosaurs, lizard birds and other creatures which we thought prehistoric live even nowadays. 

8th of September 2023   I have often felt like under attack on some mental side, and I haven't learned why. With the thought of reddish brown or orange brown dinosaurs living in the present day world, somwhere where it is hot and dry and a reddish ground, made those attacks vanish as if those attacks had been replacing the info message of such big animals living in the present day world. I wonder if also other major circumstacies in life, if there is no explanation to them, may be results of some attack, some rigid form or whatever replacing the info of some major factor mostly elsewhere in the world. Does such happen when people bring up their kids, making arrangements which kind of get the position of the only reality, even though the picture of tge world of adults is much wider and so would also life possibilities be somehow from a wider spectrum or more liberal-mindedly allowing different human types' life choices. 

h12.   As far as I have understood, children are given their first names to allow them personal kind of room of what to develop into. If the child has some liking and seems to have good quality in that subject, good for lufe from the point of view of wisdom of life, and good for the society and the world from the point of view of civiliced wisdom like what work one could have or something else similarly valuable. That is not an obligation, it is just a way to gain personal room to live in. So just that one meaning is thought to be wise and a good benefical choice in lufe, while the other associations may back it up or just mostly bypassed. But these things too require following the common good, what wisdom says of how to live in the society and in the world, without ruining the world. Like I was given the name Kaisa because of it's association "emperor" because I had some wisdom that could be useful as written in the scale of the whole world. My parents said that it is unlikely that one would become an emperor, but one can try and so learn useful skills for life. They said that Kaisa is the name of a strong woman. My other name Hannele was name of a Finnish woman unusually wise in women's ways and with wisdom about feelings and happy lufe, so it could be a useful addition to my first name Kaisa. 

The family names I have understood to be for kids somethibg to learn from, like the last name Hari taught how to discern between what brings happiness and what not, and what is the right place of aggression. 

h13.   The news seems to use of violence and killing sometimes the ordinary words and it appears to be the ordinary use of those words. Sometimes the news use the words "deed of violence" or "a serious deed of violence" and it sounds like a humanoid robot had intentionally harmed or killed someone. My step mom like mom seemed to use of her own violent intentions the words used of robots, so maybe she was a robot. Likewise my brother. 

* * *

I collected the two last chapters, a page about winter melodies and my book Healthily moral, to a book and an e-book "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, Book 9. : Healthily moral and other texts", which ought to be soon available at the Amazon internet bookshops, search "tervola".

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