Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Skills of Christmas gnomes 9. Wisdom of life

 This text is nineth in a series of texts about lesrning skills and talents of Christmas gnomes, needed for Christmas gnome like life in this modern world.

Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland) http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09/gnomes-or-more-likelily-doing-things-in.html   ( 111 pieces of text )  
Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills   https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2020/01/some-observations-about-gnomes-and-like.html  ( 46 pieces of text )   
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life    https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2020/02/some-additional-remarks-about-gnome.html  ( 108 pieces of text )   
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love   https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2020/07/tale-like-things-in-everyday-life.html  ( 37 pieces of text )   

Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view   http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2020/09/skills-of-christmas-gnomes-5-gnomes.html   ( 49 pieces of text )   
Skills of Christmas gnomes 6. Some pieces of music   http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2020/12/skills-of-christmas-gnomes-6.html   (  60 pieces of text ) 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 7. Fracturelessness   https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2021/01/skills-of-christmas-gnomes-7.html   ( 67 pieces of text )
Skills of Christmas gnomes 8. Repairing things   ( 102 pieces of text )   https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2021/03/skills-of-christmas-gnomes-8.html

The whole blog   http://learntalents.blogspot.com


I 1.   27th of April 2021   What one finds depends on what one is tuned to and what one has prebiously found. If one is in a wrong kind of mood and goes work like through all material, it isn't likely that one would find mych new interesting things. On the cobtrary, one ruins much of the old chances thst were there. I have written of this in connecyoon with lesrning miracle cure skills and in connection with finfing dolutions to environmental questions. There is also the same in ginding a good place to live in and in finfong a good wsy yo live in where one happens to live. One needs a good approavh  positive mood. One ought not exhaust things but instesf cultivate them and find good wayd to live in connection with them. The effect is bigger if the world is of spitit. And the same applies also to ginding nature to enjoy and wander in.

I 2.   A picture from today, still thinking of burying the ashes of my poodle which died a month ago and is going to be buried in Savonlinna where he lived most of his life and liked and was of the same type as life there, kind of artistic.

I 3.   29th of April 2021 in (three mobths in) Espoo   If an elderly person loses one's spouce it is a big thing since one lived so many decades with that person's perspective alobg and his/her skills always as a backup, and has lots of habits and things one is usedvto. When I lost my 12 tears old apricot poodle, I first lived centered on those areas of life that I loved and thst went well when I fid not yet have my dogs, and it went quite nicely so. So I guess that also an elderly can during the first times live quite well on one's own as much as thecdorrow leaves room  but later one ought to find new everyday life. I guess that one ought to think whatcwere the main elements of one's lufe when life went well snd one liked such life. If one forcexample liked one's work, one ought to find similar thingsvto do in a company thst is good for tjings done andvtalks but does not rise the desth of one's spouce to bevthe central theme all the time. And one ought to have some happenings inhobby curcled or dobwhere one csn grt to know new people and a taste of life. And the redt of one's life along what othrr elderly persobs with similar type of likings in areas of life do. If the basic level of quality and content yo life is lavking, one oughtvto fo more enhineeting like elementary work tasks like for example correcting spellibg errors in a text.

I 4.   30th of April 2021   " 


Each one loves only one’s own nature, what is inevitable and at the same tima a part of the positive ground for life, of the base for everything, of its strong current. In the end it is our ages old nature, a wolf howling at the moon, the basic material of reality, that upon which everything even nowadays is build upon, that which I cannot avoid recognizing as my deepest most real self and of which I cannot let go in the world because it is the blod that I live by. We are all still by our very structure parts of Gaia, parts of the Mother Earth. "

I 5.   Today is the Eve of 1st of May   If one wants a dream job by changing enturely profession, what one gedt classified to is largely what one foes and in which ways and what one does not do at all, even shortly, plus whether one is a good member of the society so. Some style like factor affecrs too : would your style be ok  ordinary, enthudiastic if such were your work, or do you use some kind of too heavy style, so thst it would work out as a hobby only?

I 6.   If one as one gets older learns to solve problems and make choices in one's life, there is thw danger that one makes an arrangement upon arrangement endlessly and so drowns in arrangements. One should always solvevtge quedtion, how to keep one's way of living good  ages old, with healthy spirit, happyvtoo and good for thecworld st large and for life in the long run.

I 7.   Since tge world seems to of spirut in duch a way that April connects somewhst with last snow melting and in May it us the beginnibg of summer, it often rains snow on the eve of 1st of May, whike the next morning 1st of May sun shines and there are small leaves, flowers and a dummrr like stmosphere. So it is better to celebrate 1st of May on 1st of May ibsteafof on it's eve 30thof April.

 I 8.   Last year on the eve of 1st of May I had a dste that was bycreputstion a famous singer but turnef out to be a big disappointment. Itcwss a bird called 'kivitasku', a bird thay lives on thrvroofs of jouses and builds it's nedt thete snd climbs there, does not know well howvyo gly or sing. After thst this bird knew hoe to fly snd howcto sing, but I had lodt my skills and my sbiliyy to compose, and the effect lasted the whole year. So better yonpivk a dste wjivh youvwanna keep for s long yime and knowvfor sure whst it makes life like.

I 9.   In following one's dreams it matters a lot to pay attentìon to in which form one has had thst thing in one's life, how much abd how well it worked out. If one had it just as a dream, one ought to have it at first at most as a hobby, i.e. roughly the same amount and in ways that work well, bring good life, let you follow your insight fully. 

I 10.   1st of May 2021   If one makes an arrangement with judt one option, one is stuck, without the ability to choose. While if obe can travel, one can get a right kind of blend of two cultures, places with their main professions etc  like if one plans moving to another town and starting one's own life, or like if one uses at least two different kinds of food shops. 

Already small leaves o  trees. Tge small stream nesr by. But I do not have money to live here for a longerctime.

I 11.   Havibg as a hobby, as cultural influence a culture thst one likes, can shelter one's life a lot. But a country or a culture is a complex many-sided thing, so that one ought to pay sttention what one's life becomes like, and choose based on that.

I 12.   If life is hard to bear, not fullfilling, one ought to let go of something and wander along thr routes thst obe loves, like changing profession or choosing one's company, like dying away from something and grasping what brings good healthy kind of life to oneself. 

I 13.   2nd of May 2021   "To a dog or other animal who is motivated to become an artist a painter, I would first encoyrage him/her keep a stick or a brush in one's mouth and draw a line with it, then praise about it from a perspective which values art. Later the same, and when the animal has drawn a few different kinds of lines so, let him/her dream of painting a pictyre with his/her painting skills. Praise & value art!"   For this to work out one must sincerely value animal's viewpoint. But generally painting is not good for wisdom of life, even though it is good for objective thinking. Also sports abilities and eyesight suffer from painting.

 I 14.   Finns have a saying "End well, all well." meaning that if something ended well, then things are to a large extend well. This is what Finns use if there is a need gor the association Finnish - finish, i.e. that all should end well and that end wellbis the goal of Finns in the world and in life, and that means like in tales "and they lived happily ever after". 

I 15.   "Wisdom of life

 Finnish speaking Finns have trafitionally had lots of wisdom of life and because of that a much more sovereign position. 

Wisdom of life is different from tricks. Wisdom, i.e. also wisdom of life, is on a general level and good for a large group of people  typically for all fairly. That is why it is benefical to give it podition yo affect things around much like a custom would affect. It is not just a trick with which one person or a few survives well in a certsin situation. Instead it is very good healthy kind of influence for life if it affects more widely, if it is followed in the life st large. Such is to be judged by it's effect and by it's grounds on a general level. One cannot judt decide to give it position, but instead obe needs to know thar it affects very benefically and wisely to all fairly.

Finns typically have lits of such skills, for example at least a thousand pieces of wisdom which they follow in their life. Examples of such are the advices in this blog: those are my personal wisdom of life and help me in life, for example the weather skills, healthy ways of doing and understanfing of how people can build a society that is good to live in, offers good life for all fairly."

From my blog https://finnishskills.blogspot.com/

I 16.   If one wants to do something in cooperation with others, honesty is a strong ground to build upon. But it demands some discretion since open-mouthedness can be dangerous, make one a targrt of malicious attacks, and since ways of expression affect a lit how well people work together, do they like it socially and does fact communication support cooperation and learning about tge thibgs done. For oneself it often gives a strobger position to say aloud things that kind of honestly praise oneself, like good solutions for example. For the group it is often good to talk honedtly about views in which there is wisfom of life  like weather skills for example or healthy ways of living and doing and how they are benefical. For the things done it is good to know about people's ways of doing and about tge situation and especially much about the thing done and tge good motivation for it. 

I 17.   Often when things do not work out, some people have been lazy and done them only somehow or just jumped over thst point and kind of joined rest pause party or meal party oreven crime or drugs party. So often if one needs position obe gest it by somewhat lazying and using one's money lsrgely to good food. Similarly if something needs to be dobe but you fo not manage to do it fully with good quslity, kind of joining tge lower quality part of the way often solves the problem  but then of course the overal quality of the work isn't so good, so one ought to chevk where ut is needed. Good quality is often possible to reach by making it easy for others to achieve  like using a common sense version of thoughrs and rules, and offering chaces for free time fun and for others to ways stuck to habits.

I 18.   4th of May 2021   I guess that if some farmer has good luck in farming and gas friendly animals which help in farming, there sre propably many muce there and also their culture knows about farming and good will. So if one could get a couple or a few mice from there  such that want to live in friendly terms with you and yet keep the culture, theyvtoo could teach fsrming to mice on your farm, and so if it is a question of skills and good will  your farm too could learn some of such good luck. But the whole thing depends on many things, like I liked my dogs' breeds and personalitues and my dogs liked circus and I too and tgey liked the town we lived in. 

I 19.   Engineering is just one profession, one type of task. Engineering does not teach skills for the rest of one's life, and many engineering oriented wsntvto just ruin other thibgs so that they themselves would surely be classified as engibeers. So even if soneone aims to be an enhineer, school and civilicdd wisdom at large ought to be demanded. If one started from engineering and wants to widen one's understanding, civiliced wisdom with my thinking course, library's books, media's documentaries, newspapers, good music and recreation in nature too, ought to widen obe's understandibg and make it possible to cobtinue to other areas of life.

I 20.   I looked the beginning of a video of fairies in Britain. It had videos of a beautigul atmosphere near plants  but guessing ut to be fairies ruibed the atmosphere aroubd and made it kind of dead. So it is unlikely that the rights explanation would be fairies, since xatching a right idea kibd of lightens the whole landscape, but thinking of fairies caused the oppodite. But nesr plants is the advice of the plant about how is good for humans and snimals to live in that weather or miljo or to lesrn high skills, and gollowing such makes one's life sing.

I 21.   When my poodle died, I at first started to rely on my old loved well working areas of life that I had had before I got my dogs. Meditation was now central of them: looking at lights, colours, patterns of wood, weathers, the coming spring, possibilitues of life, tuning somewhat toward sporty mood but sensitively taking into account the needs of mourning. So in it I had basic life that carries somewhat, and my posture was not so stuck but instead open to new things.

I 22.   If one has too much influencies from engineering, so that one is kind of flat, some Hungarian cultural influencies seem to help away from it. Hungary has both mathemsticians and rich traditional culture with horsemanship skills etc.

I 23.   In Savonlinna where I lived for 11 years, many older arts oriented people with high skills andcreligiousness too want to live there, and even though they are often in ordinary sounding practical professions, thry take it as a kind of service job where the high skills of the oldrr generation lift the quality of work in this and that and offer extra value alobg tge lines of local culture, so making it work out as a tourist destination year after year. So even if ut aren't the work officially, it can create a place for the highly skilled and for the arts oriented. 

I 24. In the news there was a video of a kind of drone having been tried in Mars and it flew somewhat in the style of an animal. I was left wondering, would my white spitz dog have wsnted to teach miracle curing skills to Martians by the wsy of flying of such a drone. It would have been one motivation gor a Mars flight and useful for Martians, at least some positive attempt. But my whire spitz died already almodt twovyears ago. 

I 25.   During the lasr years I have read news a lit byt nit quite understood them. Some ooen sliwly via extra i formation, so I guess thst I just don't know enough. For example in the usa some man called Floyd was killed  an ugly looking face, and there was a huge mess about ut and I did not understand tge reactions st all. But then I noticed that musician called Pink Floyd has the song Another brick in the wall, with words "we don't need no education, we don't need no false control, teacher leave us kids alone", which I as younger thought as a relief, school just did nit make sense, abd so I have tried to write a blig about shortening school by teaching tjinking skills with which to stufy quicker and understand better quickerlearning.blogspot.com .

 My poodle said of the fuss  riots etc in usa that apes are getting voying rights  that's what ut is about. I had a little bit earlier written that in my opinion apes react and behave in ways that are like human thinking prientednesd and the social ways of young men, and not like animals emphasizing the instinct nature.

I 26.   5th of May 2021   That a country is civiliced does not mean that it would nit have lots of nature and traditional ways of living. It just has civiliced wisdom that prevents very unwise choices, continuous fighting, killings, unjustices etc. Sp it is not peaceful  not wise at all to copy from unciviliced coubtries, for example unciviliced indigenous people, since those most likely cannit wander so many meters from their home because of the danger of getting killed.

I 27.   6th of May 2021   If one does not seem to find anything fine to one's life  things that would be suited to oneself, try a week or a minth when you buy only a single well thouhht of thing from some shop or the like, and try to learn to use ut with a good spirit, like it's style recommends. 

I 28.   7th of May 2021   When there is a quiet moment with no social life, nothing important to do and no pressure, just a moment of quiet maybe melancholic life but with a good atmosphere of nature and of the time of the day, it kind of refreshes life, as if the body and mind would start to sing like withvrecovery from a flu, kind of lufe without timetable  just basic life in it's ages old form where the pgenomena of nature and of one's life hive it sttucture.

I 29.   Two years ago in the New Year I had a white blanket with large red flowers and green leaves in it. Right after the New Year's Eve I sleps some days in a row under it. Such has never happened to me before. I guess that there was a shortage of fresh air after tge New Year's fireworks and I had caught cold. But I feel that the main reason is that insect sleep the whole winter under the snow cover, a kind of Rose's sleep. 

The blanket was similar to this but with a little but bigger fliwers. 

But sleeping so wasn't good for health and it took weeks or months to recover from and did not leave one ascrested. If one longs for sleep  it is goodcto have a wsrm blanket (of nice colour & feel) and good air and est like feels good and go to the toiletvtoo, and sleep long nihhts, long mornings, spend part of the dsy dozibg too andcest well and go outdoors  afmire nature  listen to music and also resd something nice, a little bit like Christmas time, and sleep comfortablu long nights in a good refreshing way.

I 30.   When in the autumn insects crawl to shelter to spend the winter there dozing  ss fsr as I know they fo not crawl there with their lsdt forces and vollapsr to slumper, but instead they have tried to lesrn good ways of doing  wisdom of life  goresight, skills  healthy ways of livobg and doing and lidtening to instinctual wisdom of feelings and sensations. And as they find a place to spend the winter, they find a good way yo be there, so that if they under 0C are unconscious or just unmoving  they can when they wake up immediately cure themselves, defend, correct their podition, take the environment and their own cpbfition into account  lisrening yo both their feelings and understanding what they have learned about life.

   I 31.   I do not always understand all bews since I lack tge background information and tge needed social eye. Say for example usa's former president Donald Trump is said to have a chain of hotels, byt somehow I come toaasoc7ate ut wuth Christmas, Santa Claus us said to gave a large chain ofbhotel like homes offering Chridtmas dinner to their families. And why would they want judt thst person as a president and alliw him even nuclesr war, except that such might happen tobthe santa claud of usa. Well, yes, I know nothing of tge subject.

I 32.   Oh, some of my interests are suprisingly nesr Christmas gnomes. For example I wstched this video. (of a Samoyed)

I 33.   If one does not know how to avoid agitation, doing crimes etc, esting healthily and accordingvtovfeelings do that one is warm and comfortable and in a positive mood, softens the diyuations. But that means eating very often, and to most I guess would work out better if one would all thectime emphasize wisdom of lufe quite much, so that one would be in a positive mood and things would work out well and one would find good ways ofctsking care of various needs.

I 34.   If one likes music and dancing and would like tovget others too to dance but people are somewhat stiff, I guess that one ought yo hsve the mood of the day like living the westhers and fifferent people's ways of experiencing them and enjoying them so that there is vsriation, and common sense and have a sobg that people like and that suits such a day and dancing kind of each on one's own way. Well, judt a guess.

I 35.   8th of May 2021   In the Finnish Christian Church's internet pages there was something about helping the poorcelderly. My blog about curing is only partially translatedvto English curingguesses.blogspot.com but by reading it one could maybe cure some illnesses and so save money and so it would be possible to get paid. It works largely just bycreading, no meficines and no treatmenr, just learning from full health. An elderly person could mayve help to get the miracle cure attempts to work out, and so could maybe earn much bigger sums.

I 36.   9th of May 2021   My apricot poodle Banjo had a nice way of being social and of getting along. He was an intelligent gentleman like dog and he was social as if eating bakery and drinking tea  juice  milk or the like, discussing so with the younger generation, in connection with visiting an art exhibitiob or opera that evening. But he died one and a half months ago.

I 37.   If you don't have peace uou can still have hobbies. Never mind someone terrorising your life, just shelter yiurself on that side and start doing something thag you like. You do not need to be totally without disturbing others, judt take your space and the freedom that civiliced society wants to offer when one behaves in ways fitted into the society i.e. is moral enough. Just follow your feelings, books and the society can largely replace what social life lacks.

I 38.   Cleaning home together with a family member is much lighter than alone, since while one cleans a couple of places the other one cleans few others that she/he is inclined to, and so soon the task is over without anyone getting tired. For example one carries extrs things away and puts them to their right places, while the othrr one has taken the task to clean the floor. Or one starts cleaning something one feels like cleaning and that is needed, while the othrr one takes trashes out snd cleans the kitchen.

I 39.   10th of May 2021   I haven't had a sports hobby for a long time and the last few days I have been ill, but I think thst for one to enjoy sports a lot one ought to have a similar attitude to moving as to the challenges westher brings, and have a sense of concretical achievements of the hardcreality and have senses open as one moves  eye watchibgvtrees  grasses etc and from that comes a large patt of the concreticsl side, and have along a widercwisdom of lufe like the beauty of music as one sibgs or listens to a good singer.

I 40.   " I do not know which genre my wolf melodies belong to. I would guess that not to metal music, even though the Eurovision song was of a heavy metal band. My melofy Wolf in town resembles traditional American indian music about wolves. Of the other one I do not know. It brings to my mind some American paintings of wolves. "

I 41   11th of May 2021   I looked the begonning of some video of the Finnish Eurovision band of this year, and the song did not sound the same as my wolf melody.

I 42.   Yesterday I commented on the video of Andalusian Spanish horse dance https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-WHIN-rzbgM
 ( 6.6.2021   I added here a link to the video. If you like the video or the woman in the video, please changevto that subject. The woman does not fit this gnome skills subject since this isn't a dating site and I am a paradise theoretican, associatibg with the large scale  which the presumably Spanish woman in the video does not care about. Besides, this is my blog. Please try to learn to use Google to find interesting pages of others, there ought to be millions of such pages in most subjects, seems Google counter say.  The space a person looks likevhaving is usually the area she/he xarries responsibility over and not his/her rights&power, it is what the person does & thinks thst moment or ordinarily. How high some person appears to be, depends on who made the markings, and usually one has oneself instinctually made such marking on some good grounds and later has just forgotten what the reason was. Typically high skills in the area of life in question and wishing well in large scale things get marked high. This is a free www.blogger.com blog  available as far as I know in over hundred countries. )

"On late morning, on a quite peaceful day, he goes walking and riding and according to the mood of the day they go quite in archs, sway, and when thry meet her theycwalk to her in a wsy that naturally ends in an arch, and she is friendlily social with animals and so she does also a kind of dance movement, and the horse maybe turns half a meter, and thry say thst they dance and they are happy, and it becomes their morning ritual a way to enjoy the mornings: sway and be social with animals. Just a guess."

I put the video & comment here and then took them away, thinking that it is not gnome like but instead something like art or training animakls. But I think that many countries have magnifient things of their own kind, and it has been my goal in this gnome skills text to find from everyday life things that bring such remains of old cultural heritage more to alive and more to be possibiities in the modern world. I do not know why but i seem to have skills for such. Part of that is common sense and part is honesty and sincerety, part is distance so that one can reach for one*s dream sinstead of being stuck to form or to endless repetition, and part of that is good qiuality objewctivity in one*s picture of the world at large so that things don*t go ashtray but instead have great power of hitting the right chord of ages old healthy natural ways of living and f their elements.

Oh, why to dance? Dancing connects to searching good ways of doiung and high skills, so it is useful for learning skills and for valuing skills, if it is skilled enough dance. And it also searches for building on the fine and magnifient in persons, on thier highest skills wih their persoal variation instead of not emphasizing such. But the rpoblemof course is acted dance,since such isn't a sign of the acted skills and it isn't so happy, so it isn't good life either, and often it causes anger in those who act dance, somehow too technical task too near them and then considered valuable by those who fail to see the difference to sincere real dance, joy of living reflecte din graceful movements and finely tuned social cvommunication by gesture language. Long time ago people were so psorty that their life sang as music, and so dance is somehow connecte dto that kind of moving, but I do not know how and if it is at all a good approach or should one just remember like a song and like a video of movement.

I 43.   In the news there wss it last year was news about large forest fires in Amazon, Siberia and Australia  and somehow I got the impression that I ought to send my translation of the beginning of Kalevala kalevalainenglish.blogspot.com and this Christmas gnome skills text learntalents.blogspot.com there so that animals would help to end the foredt gires. 

Thete has also bern news of masses of insects dying. I wonder if the same vould help to that, plus maybe my Finnish blog about the intellugence of insects ampiaiset.blogspot.com .

I 44.   12th of May 2021   people with certain character and certain westher skills typically like certain types of westhers and often can find such charm also in other kinds of weathers. So one can well learn weather skills if one learns from a few such persons around the westhers one typically has, for example someone liking the weathers on the cost, someone froma colder vlimate, someone liking the summer andcfeeling well then  knowing for example summervtime foods etc, and some liking spring and autumn. Would it be a good ides to make videos of the westhers one likes and knows how to live well, and have a www.youtube.com channel or a playlist such each such forefigure or some tv or so. Onr could also compose about the weathers, see in this blog tgevtext Singing spring. I guess that teenagers ibterested in lesrnkng to mske lyrics to songs, could figure iut fine words if you have a melody. One can write music to produce scores for free in the internet.

 I 45.   If one does not feel well, that often causes also social problems, but to it helps to invest in doing things in healthy ways, in healthy ages old ways that cure life to happy, harmonical, well working. But what is heslthy is a huge question which takes time yo lesrn as widely as life and the world. For example if one cuts all to even pieces, maybe one is left stupid and stuvk to habits and not feelibg eell. While if one for party for example cuts bread to uneven pieces with magnifient style  it kind of widens one's view while one picks just the piece thst one likes. But if one comes tired from work, maybe one does not risr tp such heights but instead feels bad about such a mess. If one then cuts for example pie to even pieces but with varying amount of vegetables or whatever in them  then one feels in ease and yet all have the ability cjoose, for example someone chooses one with big piece of gillning and is called selfish  but ut is not thought of sp but jyst fun and others top grt as big pieces. Eating too much at one time leaves one feelibg ill, so happier to tune what is good in these westhers etc

I 46.   In the song Veteraanin iltahuuto  Evening call of veterans, there are the words "And the eatth snd the sky flamed fire" which is often interpreted as shooting, but the melody hives a much more bivid picture of a moment, with nsture around  when a young adult has found a right chord in living, so that what one does and how one sees the world go with wisdom of life thst touches feelings in a way thst is sporty anf senses open and allying with the society so that emotionsl motivation and bedt underdtanding join togrther with the eisfom of life of the environment sp that things grt cured to their right heslthy tracks by thst common effort and l7fe becomes good, wise and happy and active with healthy spirit, healthy ways of livibg and being fit to the civiliced society at the same time

I 47.   13th of May 2021   helatorstai  some Church's holy thursday, Oh, it's the day Jesus entered Heaven.

It was already quite summer like: small leaves in trees and birds sang, a quite peacefuö morning. In the vidro the small stream bear by. On the other side of the stream apartment houses have been deconstructed.

I 48.   15th of May 2021    I feel that this text gets classified as "like eskimo", even though I am from Finland in northern Europe, but this is of course a climate four seasons and I have written about weather skills. I feel that for eskimos and for others too a good summer time food would be salmon (or rainbow trout) sallad: equal size pieces of tomato, cucumber and sallad leaves' pieces mixed in a bowl and let be in cool for some time to get juicy taste. Add somewhat smaller pieces of cool fried salmon, mix and serve.

I 49.   I wondered how to see or experience the landscape like music, and made this melody to help in it, but lately I haven't been musical at all. 

D, F, A, H, F, D, F#, A

 and another melody to make the landscape more emotional, with spirits of things

F, A, H, G, E, D, F#, A, E

" But I have been lately ill. After my poofle died I have gotten ill if I try to eat meat, fish or the like, stomach pain etc.

It is spring and birds sing. A cloudy day yet quite light, somewhat cool aftera few warm days, already medium sized leaves on trees. "

I 50.   17th of May 2021   This again seems a possible place to end this text, since the quality is so much lower than kn the earlier parts. Please cluck my name to find a list of my blogs. Those are maybe all of a better quality than this one, since this text is just about tales and my strenght is objective thinking according to feelings.

I 51.   22th of May 2021   "  I made originally my thinking course quickerlearning.blogspot.com to show how nature and practical physical work are good for objective thinking ability. But in farming there is the problem that quite often the work one does is not so complex and beautiful encoyraging one to look well, but instead goes in straight line or maybe counting numbers or amounts, so that propably the worker then isn't so intelligent after that. So how to fix this problem? I would try to keep the complex beautiful wise view while doing something else and then learn from that, so that I guess the answer would be to allow slight variation in the straight lines etc, so that one would have the sense of atmospheres along and a complex beautiful view too so that one would be much wiser and stay so. "   workandfreetime.blogspot.com

I 52.   There is a tree full of white flowers by the stream, which is liud after rain.

Here too plus leaves in wind.

I 53.   If a country is largely without education one might try the Easycquick school for animals E11. in this gnome skills text.

I 54.   24th of May 2021   As far as I understand many women in third world are in danger of physical violence from men. Such is often the case when the woman is very weak and physically nit fit at all, so that the fifference to men's muscles is so great that she starts to build in one's mind a picture of strong men like animals or so and kind of expects violence  glorifies it in advance. To such is typical that the woman thinks of tge confrobtation instead of solving the problem thinking that she wants to be physically fit in one's life, abd so exercise somewhat, develop toward more able and friendly, more sovereign for a goodcreason and with wisfom of life and so via sovereignity toward more peaceful in her social life and in her effect on the luves of pther women helping them too find healthy kind of sovereignity.

I 55.   25th of May 2021   I warched a bideo of an island of wild pigs in the Caribean. The wild pigs looked agile, comfortably slim  happy and quite intelligent. But the human tourists gave them food so that they become fst and much less happy, lived in a much less wise wsy. Such seems to have happened to many valuable things, for example summer cottage lufe etc. Can it be that the toyrists need unusually much food when thry travel and meet lots of new experienxes  cultural differencies etc, so that they ought to est a big meal first and often and only thevremaining time spend in getting tp know new kibds of things, or otherwise what they fo and think of the new culture us food oriented. Also such good life ought to be for all, for examole all youbg maidens beautigul enouhh instead of some competition, and all so free to choose their jobs and hpbbies that thry find a spouce who likes the same  whose ideal they are. And thst for the whole culture and who wants to learn it, become such a person to tjose would br teaching material avaiöable  like this gnone skills text gor example.

I 56.   27th of May 2021   I watched videos and came to wstch videos about space and ufos, and at firdt I did not react st all  since I have studied in the univerdity the curvature of space near black holes etc but nowadays my picture ofvthe world is dufferent, much more spiritual. But when I had wstched a few videos about ufos and dtopped, I was left scared and I do not quite know why. Ufos spunded like each person meets things akinnto one's own ways of thinking, values and ways, like a very svience oriented dominating person.might meet the huge block like ufo hovering above several big jouses and casting it's shadow over them, or a religious person meets a triangle like flying ufo, or for me maybe an animal like ufo, for Africans ufos sounding African, and like when I read the newspaper with my apricot poodle dog Banjo there was a painting of a red tobacco like ufo spaceship. If the world is of spirit that people kind of send to someone certain type of ufos like the person oneself  so it may be a kind of spiritual phenomenom, like dreaming might be. In the old films in some crowd fighting someone hit someone in the style one might hut an ufo, but media was new then and people did not know how to raise their kuds to be critical tjinkers in quedtions of media. Largely the ufo videos appesred to say thst we have a lot to lesrn about other cultures and animals, and we ought to learn to live in peacebefore we meet the ufos. It is disturbinglycwronhbperceived thingscwhich disturb and scsre people  makingvthem thinkbthatcwyy csn't we protect ourselves better, wiser. A right, true explanation to ufos calms things down, since after all an alien is just someone who travelled to another planet, or maybe sometimes with local highly developed technology just to another continent.

I wonder, I was left scared and the fesr did not evaporate after a short while, so maybe I too thought something wrong. When I watched some video about ufos, it left an impression that Pentagon innusa was somehow of acwrong kind, conquered by aliens or so, and that us soldiers fought for sone us lies whilecthe arabs fid not have such tadte of lues and wrongdoing. But what is wrong in usa leaves just an impression of a cultural melting pot and of a countru in world power invaded by masses of foreiners wanting such position. 

I 57.   29th of May 2021   Some people tend to force others to engibeering studies as if the modern life fidn't have any computer use, as if intelligence or good grades meant the ability to figure out bew thibgs in engineering and as if the persons themselves weren't able to think of a better profession for themselves. That often us a result of the persons forcibg being engineering oriented and bwing told thag engineeribg is a good profession for them, even if they otherwise would be stupid (read thinking course quickerlearning.blogspot.com ), since one can learn engineeting skills by studying from books, and even if they were old and/or uneducated. For cganging profession read todreamjob.blogspot.com .

I 58.   My highly civiliced highly intelligent apricot poodle dog was a charming character. I wonder if humans too could learb domething of the kind by studying the easy quivk scjool for animals, which is E11. in this Chridtmas gnome skills text.

I 59.   I found a video of flying vehicles between a kind of helicopter and a small aeroplane, much like science fiction fantadies about flying cars. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H4jAJFp-tmw But come to think of it, I am afraid of high places, so I couldn't fly with such. And I guess that the accidents are often fatal if one flies over the roofs of houses, and otherwise it would be too crowded if there us a chanhibg wind. But I do not quite know why I add it here.

If one thinks of this from the point of view of people beibg forcedvto engineering career, if you are with a theoretical efucation and think thst glying vehicles for example would be a nicer more practical work but you don't have the practical skills needed and so in this too you would end up in theoretical engineering work which offers nothing tobyou. Isn't it then so thst you sre in that practical subject still too nesr the wsys of tjinking of your efucation. If you would be further away so that you cannot use habitual enhineering ways to think, you could have an eager interest to some fascinatibg subject backed up by your common sense and wider civiluced wisdom and education would just help you to know whst work like foing is like and what it gives and what ut lacks  and so with your common sense and with your motivation you could reach higher. And likewise in engineeting people with ibterest to that kibds of thibgs, to thst way of workibg would bedt take care of such work and enjoy it.

Oh, but the flying vehicles may be difficult to fly. I searched for "test pilot" and found this Russian skilled flying practise, which may be what spaceships need right after launch. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0_Cgxy7N-V0&t=11s

30th of May 2021   To be clear, I do not agree about the need for space travel. The living conditions outside the Earth are unnatural to humans and so make one unhappy and may cause malfunctions, so better to stay at Earth where the human species was born. As far as I know, healthy natural ages old ways of livibg, helped by civiliced wisdom and cured by healthy spirit, are what make people happy. Happinesstipsblog.blogspot.com 

Oh, one needs the pilot skills right st the rocket launch and not only after it. (I wonder if the start ought to be like some calm place of flight but withslihhtly bursting motor.)

I 60.   I do not think itcwise at all to build humanoid robots. http://feelingcomputers.blogspot.com/2017/05/about-humanoid-robots.html

I 61.   Tge automated vehicle on Mars finds rocks and ground that bring to mind remains of life there. Tge most likely form of lufe I gave seen on tge videos is groubd like pine tree's red surface, and something green like moss near by on the ground. ( 28.5.2022   And next to it similarly flat on the ground grey like the bark of aspen with a picture of the leaf of aspen in it. Aspen seemed to fit the technological of humans in Mars and the pine to doing things in a good quality way and growing in skills. ) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zaski9KLQvQ

Pines in Finland are good basic trees from which one can learn basic skills of good quality. Pines have a partially red trunk and needless. They gfow in dry places, even on rocks, even tvough they are then smaller and have curved branches, grey bark.   

I 62.   31th if May 2021   When I was a child tgere was once an old radio play of a superb Finnish spirts hero Elmo who won wverything with a geeat differencw to the others. Today I read a piece of news about some athlete with the same first name going to compete in the Tokyo olympics in hurdles running. It brought tp my mind cgarachteristics of the radio play, among other thibgs beibg concentrated to sports and other wanted for achievements, so that one based one's way of doibg on the sports luke sensations instead of tge memories of the daily life, and thought that one can have a grasp of some superior instinctually good way to move instead of coming to sports but thinking of other kinds of life, something along the libes of Greek god's style which I guess is a result of greater wisdom like age and dedication and enjoyment and tespecting skilled forefigures, etc. https://yle.fi/urheilu/3-11955206

I 63.   1st of June 2021   I tried writing on my old laptop computer: not a single spelling error, it was just superb  while on this new mobile phone there is sometimes more than a half of the letters in a word spelled wrong, almost impossible to guess which word it is, but the problem is that the jeyboard does not work ok. 

I 64.   3rd of June 2021   One can see grasses  flowers, trees etc as teaching each some wisdom of life. Like in Savonlinna where there is a medieval castle in the center of the town, the tall grasses looked like views of the virtues of knights, but I am not sure if so is also at othrr places, since I observe the nature in varying ways, not always it's wisfom which is encoded in it's atmospheres and seen structures.

I 65.   A film of building a traditional Finnish wooden house by hand. Just amazing. So heavy the logs.

I 66.   In Savonlinna town there were cars but somehow the sound was more leisurely, varied according to the situation, more common sense like and skilled instead of a rigid perspective that does not vary according to the situation, and so the sound was n7cer, dud not disturb so much. Wisdom of life and valuing practical life and nature& summer cottage life & music made the rythm of driving vary slighly like seemed good for feelings and good for driving. 

Wrumm - mmm - hhh - mmm - sshhh - pöhh - ssshhh sound fades away

I 67.   4th of June 2021   Advices if you do not feel fully eell in the summer time, some 80 of them, http://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2017/08/if-you-dont-feel-well-in-summer-time.html

I 68.   I watched a video of what the Japanese samurai Miyamoto Musashi ( about whom I have reaf a very good thivk novel in Finnish ) had taught wisdom of lufe, and in the video tgere was a picture of his handwriting which showed a way of luving the practical life with feelings in a heslthy way that brings happiness and cures things to hwalthy. Some part of tge vidro handled hus midtrust toward feelings which sounded like mustrudt toward social srnsatoons' unobjectivity, toward the unobjectibity of judgement born of social bonds, while feelings in one's objective picture of thw world may be objective, no fault in them. Placing living the life higher than stickibg to claimed social customs and in practise i.possible claimed best chouces in practical matters, but livibg the life according to healtjy natural ages old ways of living  their basic elements where one can find such basic life in the society for oneself, this makes feelibgs connect in a healthy way with the questions of pne's life as seen from the point of view of pne's best understanding of the world. But this needs sports and some nature in the livibg environment too, and a responsible attiyude in the affairs of the world. Itis much like life ought to be luved and happy in a way.

I 69.   5th of June2021   There is a very famous old Finnish psinter, who originally was named Gallen but wanted to change his name to more Finnish, towiser and so according to the Finnish man's name Kalle changes his name to Gallen-Kallela and was very much respected for it since ge had so wise grounds for his choice. The foreign views typically have just one theory perspective which is kind of single-eyed and far from practical life and so nit so wise. While the Finnish view does understand the theory perspective, but values practical life and common sense, so that ibstead of a single theory obe has practical life rich with sensations and atmispgere tones which give risr to multiple perspectives and wisfom of life, all of them part of a holistic picture of the world, parts of tge daily life, which so is wiser, happier, lived at the lrvel of sensations and atmospheres, a practical view ti life in this relaxedly active physixal reality wuth nature too, in which common dense teaches wisdom of life and defining concepts, jydgibg the uses of pieces of understanding from the poibt of view of wisdom of life, of lufe tasting like life and being lived with the heart and a full understanding, the ages old healthy natural basic current of life with nature too. 

I 70.   7th of June 2021   one year from the deathvof my Japanese spitz was tough for weeks, too unlucky. Now that it is two years since his death, it is just a memorial day of a beautiful being. Birds sing in thectrees, there are flowers and a good atmosphere, white foods taste delicious andcfasberry jam too ( they connect to his cost colour abdvhis name ). I think it essential to not to try to replace the lost pet with humans, like some wish, since that is the cause of judt about all problems. It is important to cobyinue onwards and find new friends  both humans and animals.

I 71. If in tge forest the ground and plants together look like a gnome, it is often a sleeping gnome that the wanderers wantvto keep there because it has such a good atmosphere. But if the gnome is in some sense alive, it wonders why it needs to sleep. But it is often so wise in ways of livibg aand wisdom of life that itcwould have a good atmosphere also if it were awake, and the people would be happy enough if it had such a good stmosphere at least half of the time, like is likely.

I 72.   10th of June 2021   If the world us of spirit, yiu can by thinking of a certain subject yiu have jyst associated with or place get influence from such a thing or something like ut or of soneobe pretending yo be such. That is quite ordinary, but if the world is of spirit, you can so also get some information, for example learn somethibg in tge direction of your dream job or learn something of a distant place, what such life is likecto some.

I 73.   Today here in Espoo in Finland it had been in  the stmosphere that some who are for Sweden claim that today would be Swedish national day, which accordibg to Wikipedia in the internet is 6.6. Tge Swedisd cultyrsl influence is in atmosphere very different from the Finnish summer. The Midsummer is said to be around 21st of June, but then soon evenings get darker, maybe because so many try to notice when so happens  but it appears to be sooner than physically possible. According to the atmosphere of the nature the Midsummer is 10th or 11th of June. Thst is tge lightest time of the year. But the day that appears darkest is 14th of Decemver which is four days more than half a year after the Middummer, so I do not know how this ought to go in the light of physics. The stmosphere of Midsummer is very light, somewhat like pale, and it is quiet andctranquil and kind of sensitive to atmospheres and serene, but very mych just some day with attention in the grasses roadside etc, nothibg so very special but anywsy something one might notice in the nature, since all animals are very conscious of the seasons  since tge westherd sffect their lives so enermously much.

I 74.   In Savonlinna tgere were trees quite nesr my window and luttle birds sinsing in them, a forest patch of mainly pines in the yard between apartment houses. One evening I had been lustening to them and it was already dsrk and tge moon in sight. And I came to look st the moon while thinking of the luttle birds, and the moon was first small and far awsy but as I looked at it it came nearer and was quite big and so I became scared and looked away and the moon was again small, and the same happened again when I stared st thr moon and then turned my eyes away. It reminded me of little birds' view, but also gave an impression that the world is of spirit, tge nature of the sun & moon etc dependent on who looks at them. After that my vuew on space teavel has changed, maybe it was who visited moon which determined what the moon's landscape is like, barren or a garden like was one tale.

I 75.   11th of June 2021   If obe us very much for some cause, values, way of life, some areas of lufe with dedication to their skills, one would suppose that one would fibd things suited to it, like Communists for example maybe found red stone for stone pilars, and like a dog finds other animals of it's type in it's daily life. But if one thinks of who finds something needed from shops, it is often the people one kniws well but whp do not value the same things as much, so that they are more open-minded, not so detsiled in requirements of social classifications. As far as I kniw shoos often classify products only roughly, like young adult living on one's own, or a family with small kids, likings typical for men (blue) or what women often like (red), etc, so that you can choose from such options, learning from the style of the product how it ought to ve used, in which style and what itoffers, but you can choose between the products and do not need to use one of your own age, gender, life situation etc, even though such typically would answer your needs. 

 I 76.   When I was a teenager our family spend ever year a week or two of the summer holuday in a dummer cottage by a lake with forest around. My father read from somewhere of the skill of making baskets of wood strips, and year after year he practiced making the strips of wpod and the baskets of them. It wss his hobby. He also liked to make big nest boxes for big birds by making a piece of a thick tree trunk hollow inside and thst too tookbtime and was his hobby. So he tried tp find again old yimes' handicraft and fsrming skills etc. In the evenings we cast fishong nets to the lake and fetched them in the mornings. That wss very trafitional and I enjoyed it. 

I 77.   12th of June 2021   I found a video of quotes about lovibg yoyrself. Healthy spirit, nit ruining things is tge idwa in them. I heard such wisdom of life when I was young, in Helsinki.

One ought to have one's own needs and the needs of others in hsrmony, like Luve and let others live! teaches, so thst one foes not ruin the other.

I 78.   When I had my two dogs which seemed to have learned to read, i used to leave the newspaper open on the floor and they liked such much. I choose an article that was interesting and of good quality, often leisurely about art, places or news of the world or about the nature. I tried to give them good models of how to think by oneself, and I feel that the articles were one reason my dogs learned to do so miraculously fine things, largely learned on their own or similarly taught byvtalking about skills theycwere interested in. 

I 79.   13th of June 2021   In writing this text about the skills and ralents of Christmas gnomes I first chose subjects so as to support the view that gnome like lufe is possible in the today's world, kind of to make the view and pictyre of the world more gnome like and the text so more readable. That was so during the four first parts. From the fifth part onwards I have run out of subjects to write about, so just about all additions are the only pieces that I have happened to find and not chosen in any way.

I 80.   How warm one's body is, determines a lit of how it is good to live. My impression that many people gave eitger a too hit body temoerature which causes that they just lazily spend time and don't feel so fully well but instead are more like jysr aftera meal or like on a hot day. They don't observe thibgs with atmospheres and their eyesight is not detailed and sports not so nice. Also their understanding of bodily functions and of heat regukation is smaller, likewise wisdom of life quite small. I used to have lits of enjoyment fron sports abd wisdom if life, good capacity, good moid and good will. I some time later measured my bidy temperature and 34.5 degrees Celcius seemed best, whike the official reconnendation is 37 degrees which is vety high fever for me, so I gyess thatbit is wrong. Too cold causes stiffness and melancholy, hunger if not enough clothes, abd colder I do not kniw what.

I 81.   If uou are lonely, you can spend your time alone in yiur favourite hobbies and develop sovto a mire happy and mirecfascinating person and attract so new like-minded friends.

I 82.   "   Buddhism says among other things that attachement causes suffering. Such attachement means putting things to thought form and expecting them to follow such laws, anticipating things going so and tying one's happiness to thst thibgs would be so. Instead of just living the life  without guessing the guture or laws, judt respecting values and enjoying life in the living, an ever changing sensed world, natural ages old lufe. "

I 83.   14th of June 2021   Yesterday there were lical elections but I did not manage to choose a party & a candidate, so I fid not vote, which is maybe right sibce I aim to move back to a more countryside place, but I am tired and stuck and so everything takes time. Fenerally I have nit understood politics. My mon thought that it is like academical work but as far ss I understand it is not st all, but instead like balancibg on conflicting ibterests of all groups who wanns mess with things  do thst a right kind of person succeeds, a favourite of 9thers I guess, and msny others get attacked too badly. In the capital when I was younger people tended to ask all youbg sdults if they would like to be in the parlament in the fuyure, but I think it is wrobg, since all do not have the socialnskills gor it  are not the social favourites of just about all. I guess thst civiliced ways in the society at large take care that the politicisns can work well and thst the society works well  and that meabs all ibdtead of just the politicians.

I 84.   Here in Espoo in the evening or night time I sometimes hear some old thin man maybe in his 80's or at least 70's, maybe with a small dog, talk with an angry evil Latino woman and it always sounds like the Latino killed tge old man. So what to if you sre weak and meet a strong evil enemy? There are many factors determining tge outcome of such a situation, like distance, tactics, others at nearby houses, sound, social skills, ordinary dynamics of social life  wrongdoings, agility, subjects inmind, social ibgöuencies  values and interests, ways of lufe  cultures and cultural influencies, forefigures, police, dog maybe doibg his/hrr part -did someone promise it puppies or something else it seeks, etc.

I 85.   Tens of years ago, maybe ahundred years ago engineering was a new big area of life and since it changed tge world a lot, people wsnted to know what it says abiut things in the world. But since engineering studies are midtly counting and things much like counting lije math and physics for example, ibstead if including objective thinkkng and a pictyre of the world, largely engibeering says nothing about things in the world. Engineering ysed to be jydt a job and the rest of one's life an engineer spent according to school efucation taught and according to civiliced ways at large, not gainibg anyvwisfom via engineering. And so it is aldo nowadays: one ought to have understandibg and skills for one's profession but in the matters of the wider world gollow jydt civiluced wisdom and tgat's it. So alsonin other professions, and in one's own profession too folliw moral and common sense.

I 86.   People in thectropics and also if tgey have teavelled to a cool climate  do not seem to enjoy moving much, since they use a wide thought perspective that does not taste like lufe, while enjoyingmoving demands tgat one is concentrated in the practical life, enjoys senses open lufe in the living  reactively  somewhat like lufe singing, with the action in focus and not some theory of many not-present things. I mean living life at it's basic level, ages old basic form of life  if usibg the drndes, of moving, of enjoying life in the living without social plans  food orientedness or other superfluous subjects.

I 87.   Some foreiners seem to think that the only way to have feelings along in what one does, is to be social in addition, kind of to have a social presence. But action kn ut's ages old basic form has feelings as it's part, and somethibg of the kind is well possible also in the midern world. Our understanfing of the world and of our lufe, together with our experience of life, give us feelibgs abd motication to do tjings, and following our vest understanding together with those feelings, guide us to wise action according to feelibgs, feelibgs together with our best understanding for example telling what us a good way of doing, what the situation is, how worthwhile our goals, etc.

I 88. Building social feelibgs to robots or computers http://feelingcomputers.blogspot.com/2011/12/remarks-about-building-feeling-robots.html 

My book about the hard eationality of feelings is at a linj from the page http://workandfreetime.blogspot.com/2011/07/what-i-promise-here.html

I 89.   As I wrore esrlier, I do nit quite kniw why I have gotten stuck writing this long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes. In my opinion it is much too long for the latter half to ve of good quality. And so it may be no coincidence that bith of my dogs have died during tge time I have been writing this text. Also my own life is now much mire stuck than at any time earlier in my lufe. Onky the gnome text seems to continue byt not tgat type of tjibgs in my own life, uf anytjing. To write hundreds of times moee text that whst one estimated to be good in that subject, makes one exhausted  but maybe some countries lavk this kind if wisdom of life, maybe even the Finns knew just about everytjing only of the first part of thisctext.

I 90. One way one can get over hard times is sleeping. Another is eating good food. Both some consider easy and comfortable and many like others doing such in part of the time, since it kind of eases things and makes people friendlier. One can so also regain lost energy and rise higher thsn as exhausted, so solvibg problems. But if ut does not seem to repair tge atmosphere or one's own feelings, it is vetter to be awske andcdp something which varies rythm and things done like sn sdging path, like whst feels good and has healthy spirit. Also music helps a l8t in gettingbtuned to wise ways of livibg abd doibg, happier.

I 91.   A picture from nine tears ago, on the sude of a small sand road by lake's shore, in harminy with mosquitoes. Mosquetoes like if one sincerely respects them and the nature. But after I figured that out, I haven't met many mosquitoes, but the places I have lived in have been quite dry, sand etc.

I 92.   Library, if one birrows at most a few books, maybe just one or two, books with phoyograpfs and gpod quality texts, like present books someumes are valuable, can offer treasures in the areas of interest people in that district, like summer vacation destinations  dream hobbies, art  etc. ( Tge books in the picture are my own though, bought by me. )

I 93.   15th of June 2021   Lately I have been stupid because of some inflyence, maybe from old women eho knit a lot and are oriented to home chores. That has been so for over a year already. Byt generally I have made and partially still make very good quality work and my thinking ability might be among the vety best in the whole world. But I have other steenghts too, mainly wisdom of lufe, healthy spirit, moral, love of the nature and valuing practical life and feelings. So it is difficult to fibd videos  songs etc to my blig, since readers tend to suppose that those are very much like me in skills, moral, wisdom of life and valyed, but in practuce judt about no-one is, which of course is the reason I write, now already for almost 23 years. But anyway, please search for ypur own favourite music, good quality books etc, since I am not able to correct the singers, blog writers etc, at all.

I 94.   16th of June 2021   If some culture us rotten, has lits of problems but the people there want to repair it, they need lots of motivation and civiliced wisdom which tells what are the choices to invedt in, very benefical in many respects. 

I 95.   Good life in good living conditions is an useful value, a good goal helped by objective thinking, nitvtaking sides byt instead just jystice, responsibility and masses ofcwisdom of life with healthy spirit too. In this Chridtmas gnome skills text E11. could help.

I 96.   17th of June 2021   Wandering in a forest is often safe if one oneself has civiliced values and peaceful behaviour, but wild animals can be dangerous if one is interested in the possibility of them attacking humans. In a forest it is easy to get lost if one is not so interested in the nature so as to remember each tree, all the undergrowth etc. Then ut is bedt to wander only a short distance and along a road, paying carefully attention to road crossings etc so as to know the way back. Then it is also best to follow a marked route abd go to some scenery spot, admire the nature labdscape there and walk back caregully avoiding getting lost. The westhers, especially cold and rain and tge fifficulty of the terrain make getting lost dangerous, especially if the nature area is large. If you get lost  try to find a road and walk then only along the road. Bedides, the nature does not bear dteppibg outside paths and roads. If you like the nature and can remember trees etc, walk alobg paths but pay attention to the landscape, see where you sre in it and latwst st the edge of the memoriced landscape look around at the landscape, memorize it addibg it to the former picture of the place  so forming a kind of map especially of hills  slopes  tree species' areas, etc major festures of forddt typest and landforms, and take caee that you know tge wsy bavk and have enough physical and mental strenght for it. Eady quick school for animals E11. in this blog text might help in findibg the right sttitude

I 97.   In the news today https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-11987288 there was that a group of young people called Extinction Rebellion had closed a road in the center of Helsinki and wanted the global climate change taken mire seriously. They looked deeply depressed about the situatio  of tge world in this question especislly  kind of thinking the end of the livable world coming. But come to think of the question from the point of vuew of ifthe world is of spirit, like if different people have very different high skills in their professions, then the customer choosing some complex option works well with good spirit but not wuth block like enhibeering head, and likewise with the skills of others st large: you can choose based on dpirit even if you do not know what the skills of others are, and so could you choose better roads in climate change questions too, in all that might influence that. I have two Finnish bligs about solving environmental questions kokonaiskuvat.blogspot.com and kokonaiskuvat2.blogspot.com . Those are mainly partisl snswers to many enbironmentsl questions and problem solving hints plus advices in learning skills. About solving climare change there sre in this gnome skillsvtext points A66. and A104. 

I 98.   18th of June 2021   

To stop global climate change, one ought to give up using gossil fuels. That would happen nsyurally if one would find plants gitted to different vlimates, which are possible to grow in agriculture, and which burn at least roughly ss well as wood. 

My pet fogs used to have hobbies, kind of catch things in the air. It seems that simiksrly one can discern from growing plants which indivifual is suited to which view of what biofuel ought to be like, where to fibd such plants  how yo culyivare them, etc. I do not know if it is the work of a priedt or a music enthusiast or a young person to notice such things for almodt surely.

I 99. "  I watched maybe half of a vidro about Rosetta stone. There were shown many hueroglypf texts which gave tge imoression tgat humans had been under the ruke of birds, kind of gotten ideas of how to do from individual birds that they knew, lived with, and that some hieroglypf texts meant the bird had gotten offspring, a family whicj was described.

If you try to copy such a good start, please find a bird that is responsible, thinks wisely of the wide world and of younger generations. That I guess depends on the colour symbolics, specie's ways of living, age abd personal hobbies of the bird plus about bonfing and respecting the oåinions of the bird and picking just wise magnigient starts.  " 

I 100.   19th of June 2021   In my twenties when from somewhere came too position oriented habits  stiff and kind of wrongly centeredon self-esteem and stuck views, I learned that if one kneels on the floor and bows to the world like itis bowed in the Japanese martial arts, then one can gain a relieg, much better quality  be in harmony with what really is worth a lot in life, in harmony with obe's ages old nature, and via that gain superb skills. But bowing too much or too often isn't good either, since so one may end up in a too subordinate position and lousy life. This means bowing tobhow magnifient the world is, taking that to one's heart. It does not mean social bowing or bowing without an act of respect toward good quality.

I 101.   Music in tge radio teaches skills for one's life better than just some CD, since the music in the radio has been chosen to fit the weathers, the time of the day, working whike lustening to radio, or driving  livibg obe's life, and to the major happenings of the world, many people's wishes, etc

I 102.   I guess tgat what this text's view lacks is music, but I do not know how to find such suited to this text. Here are songs with the search keyword "music" 

I 103.   20th of June 2021   In Savonlinna where I livef it appeared that there were many well known much admired people livibg there, but come to wonder of it, each professio  has it's own famous professionals which all others do not always know of. And the reason why skill level here in Espoo appears low, is that here people fo not travel their own roads to the areas of life that they like and fo sonething useful for the society in them, whilecrespecting good quality. 

I 104.   As a baby I had do much insight about a good way to live in a society - see my paradise theory - and about the connection of feelings and rstionality, that I wss hiven a name with the association "emperor" hoping that I would develop that insight and grow up do thst I would shsre ut with others, propably by writing about it so that I would have along the poibt of view of govetning and of the large scale and be gully objective and common sense like.

I learned from that association thst if an emperor ir the like has power based jusr on beibg an emperor, it will doon be stolen by actors, foreign interests, ctiminals, fufferent groups ir indivifuals wanting power, and so it will be ysed to wrong pursposes, and so an emperor ought nit gave power as an emperor, byt ibstead all  also the emperor, sould have power accorfing to theur personal qualitues, checked anew each time, so that the dkilled, responsible and fair get rights to ibfluence things, whike the irresponsible don't get any rights. 

If it still is fifficukt to know who ought to have rights and who not, the ones estimating ought to have enough ibterest in the level of facts so as to know for example who does bt oneself and who just refers to ithers, and enough skills to be able to edtinate the quality of each input.

I 105.   21th of June 2021   I ran in the video site www.youtube.com into an advertisrment that asked  something like "Do you want to earn 1000$ a day, then the next day, a 1000$ aday from them onwards?" Come to think of such a dream, I guess that my Finnish blog about healing could offer such if it works well, like it seems to. It cures immediately just by reading and understanding, so peopld could pay for it to someone who reads from the index tve cures to their own illness or wpund. The blig is at parantamisesta.blogspot.com and the not so good English translation of mine is at curingguesses.blogspot.com .

I 106. Come to think of it, could a country be run more smoothly, better if the immigrants and all inhsbitants studied the easy quick school for animals E11. in this text called Skills of Christmas gnomes? It seems to give a very high position.

I 107.   22th of June 2021   Some time ago I ran into a vidro titled something like A prison escapee cobvinces a cop thst he is a jogger. I guess thar such is the idea in fact, since if you behave in a way fitted to the society, there is no need to keep you prisoned. While if you do not behave in a way fit into the soviety, for example if you are a cunning jogger, it is dangerous to let you go. 

I 108.   If the world is of spirit, there can be in Moon and in Mars things that people and/or animals emotionally wish for to find there or expect to find there, like a brave male figure which then turns out to be a pile of stones.

I 109.   23th of June 2021   In Savonlinna the opera festival in July was valued.

I 110.   I do not always understand the news and what the world is like. For example people in the usa look dark in atmosphere as if they had list New York abd California in nuclear bombings, maybe other places too destroyed around NY. When some place us lost you cannot rely on that place's local culture anymore, and tge differencies between towns etc are huge. But I guess that those places in usa got bombed because they sound important, so ut is not the same with culture of usa which I guess has good sides that are still longed for.

I 111.   Here in the capital district especially young people often try to grt others to conform to one's own profession and to it's ways of dressing  while some other fominating people tend to grt angry because of too much influencies from wrong kind of professions. People tend to beed room gor themselves and life goes much easier if one can choose professions that one likes, and so the easiest way would often be to alliw each one to dress accorfing to one's favourite areas of life and to avoid cipying so the likings of others.

I 112.   I have the name asdociation "emperor" and as a kid I thought that I maybe should aim at becoming an emperor if I would have learnef the skills for that, since it seemed thst I had an objective view of the world with which to make things much better in the world. Since Finland is a demicacy  I did not know which country's emperor byt thought that Finland or the whole world, since it was an usegul picture of the world and on a very general level. But my life did not seem to lead to such a direction and I did not learn such skills almost st all, much less a lot, so it did nit seem a road gor me. Byt I noticed thst if I could teach ib common dense ways the insight that I had about making tve world a better place  that would ve just what I have to give to the world and nit too difficult. So I became a writer an the internet an ideal platform since it makes my texts available alm over the world, and that's it! 

I 113.   I am fed up with watching Mars rover picture videos. Thry make me exhausted because there is nithing alive in them. Except some huesses ETs, like this for example was cute and charming, but I do not know if this is the same video st all since the camera goes fifferent way, the atmosphere is different and music is lackung.

I 114.   24th of June 2021   The view I had already as a baby, uf I remember right, was thst good life in a good living environment is the bedt choice for an individual, and that according to the biological picture of humans (which my father valued much) that means healthy life as a healthy part of a healthy society which is in a healthy way a prt of the healthy world.

Likewise I learned that a healthy strong indivifual is also a strongest worker abd dedicated and works for the best of tge society i.e. is moral and is strongest in fighting as a soldier and lives according to one's ages old nature and is socfeeling and happiest and with best understanding and is best gor the world and for oneself too  and hss ages old well working social relationships, and is musical too, and since God created the world, is in harmony with God's wishes too.

I 115.   25th of June 2021,  Midsummer Eve    Some years ago I read from a book about thst Midsummer had traditionally been celebrated in Finland with cattle coming home with fresh leaf decorations around their necks, and it sounded like they celebrated the growing season and not so much the lightness.

I 116.   Estonian Saaremaa waltz is quite near what Midsummer celebration gathering is like in atmosphere.

I 117.   Especially from the nature one can learn new skills by tuning to it, quite much the same way if one wstches a documentary film of an interesting subject and ut is left as an interesting subject in one's mind, you kind of get such influencies to your daiky life from the things you attach yourself to, often edpecially about persons, cultures and wisdom of life. Similarly insects can in the autumn tube to the wisdomof a certain species of trees or I guess an individual tree and kind if wander to such world and learn so skills for surviving the autumn and winter. It is in a way like magic. 

I 118.   There isn't much traditional Finnish Midsummer magic, but mist of the known magic is connected with finding a spouce. There us also some traditional kniwledge about the effects of different species of plants. But as I today read about them in the news https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-11996083 , those all sounded like symbolics ways of hivibg advices or talking about thibgs. Like for example if one on Mudsummer can see one's coming spouce if one looks sr a deep well. Like if someone us in trouble (or forcsome other reason wishes for the better life thst you can give) but ypu are a good influence to such a person and such just makes life shine on both, then propably that could be a possible marriage for you. Some weeds were said to curse, like if you show too polidhed side while thinking of getting married, maybe ypu do not git yogether in reality. 

I 119.   In the book Tontun vuosi, Year of the gnome, which I read two abd s half years ago, there was also of old time traditions around the year and those sounded like they might have worked well, been alive and pleassnt if those were kind of invrnted anew by the participants  yet aiming just for the ages old serene sovereign untouched fractureless natursl ages old cobtent yo l7fe  like how cattle was in the spring let outdoors to a meadiw after winter cold indoors, maybe some cow went under a certain species of tree and so they picked thst tree to be one element gor those cows  for thst importsnt occasiob, kind of celebration. 

I 120.   Midsummer is celebrated largely because the summer is short and one ought to notice that one sjould live it, enjoy lufe before the dummer is over and svhools start. Likewise it is a good advice for lufe that lufe ought to be luved fully, enjoyed, experience of life gathered, when you have a chance for it, because later thibfs may be fifferent, life circumstancies prevent because of illness, small kids, no possibility to travel or whatever. So seize the moment! It is of no use to complain afterwards if your possibilities were when young.

 (26th of June 2021   That is what my mom used to say, but on the other gand she had a tendency to restrict my life too badly, dedtriy possibilities for my life.)

I 121.   Misummer Day     Midsummer is the lightedt time of the year, after that it gets dsrker for half s year and that affects life hugely, brinhing the winter and the darkedt time of the yesr which is hard to bear for most. Midsummer isn't the start of dome light season, so in practice it isn't possible to successfully celebrate the might of light then. Besides, I think that tge lightest time of the year is by it's nature fifferent ftom symbolics. But for knowing the seasons, being sble to live eith the changing amount of light aroundcthe yesr demands paying attention to when it is lightedt. But modtly Middummer is a celebration of the summer, holidsy time before it is too late abd dummer is over. Nowaday Middummer is celebrsted in Finland futing a weekend so that it is not exactly the dame as Muddummer in tge calendar, which this year was a few dsys esrlier. 

I 122.   Some think that a gnome like or a goodcwayvto live means putting things in a certain way and keeping them in a certain way, but such life isn't happy and it makes one dum, brings thinking errors and does nit give possibility to good life and healthy kind of wisdom of life. Life is in the living, in living basic life without (in the first seconds?) caring how, and only then observing what is a good option or good ways of doibg, and growing to higher skill and greater happiness via that. 

The previous advice is good for the quality of lufe. Otherwise I think this is a good place to end this Vhridtmas gnome skills text which with it's links would alreafy be a thousand pages long e-book.

Have a nice summer!

Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland, North-East Europe 

12th of July 2021 Some of the longest texts on links are the Finnish originals parantamisesta.blogspot.com , nopeaoppisuus.blogspot.com and about healthy ways of livibg at opisuomalaisuus.blogspot.com , maybe also about thinking ability at pikakoulu.blogspot.com .

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