Sunday, November 27, 2022

Skills of Christmas gnomes 24. Still continued

         Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)

Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love (loving one's way of life)

Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 6. Some pieces of music  
 Skills of Christmas gnomes 7. Fracturelessness 

 Thousand pages long e-book about the skills of Christmas gnomes 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 10. Additional remarks 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 11. Ages old Christmas gnome life 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 12. Better life in a better world 
 Skills of Christmas gnomes 13. Still continued 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 14. Still some additions 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 15. Some wisdom of life

Skills of Christmas gnomes 19. Additional remarks 

Skills of Christmas gnomes 20. Christmas preparations 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 21. Some ordinary life  
Skills of Christmas gnomes 22. While a Christmas gnome sleeps 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 23. Women's position like that of others 

The whole blog

These parts 1. - 22. are available as four books at the internet bookshop . Search "tervola" or "skills of christmas gnomes", or visit my author page .

X1.   24th of December is the Christmas Eve when Finns celebrate Christmas and Santa Claus visits homes bringing presents. Before that there is at noon the centuries old Declaration of Christmas Peace from Turku. And people visit graves bringing candles to the graves of dead relatives. And there is at home the Christmas dinner and Christmas songs. And sometime in the evening or afternoln Santa and Christmss gnomes bring presents.

* * *

The latest entries are in part 23., entry W2. ->

X2.   10th of December 2022   Tradition says that one ought to spend the Christmas with relatives. If one does not get along, the Finnish rule "Live and let others live!", see F60., helps. But at least to me return to hobbies after Christmas was a relief. Christmasses alone but following traditions have been nice but sometimes too mild. 

X3.   12th of December 2022   Today was under zero and windy, which is very unusual and was warned about in the news, so I wore warm winter clothes and used a warm maybe woolen scarf outdoors to shelter my head and neck from the cold wind. I did not find the old white-blue woolen scarf that I had, so I used a dark brown woolen scarf around my neck inside the coat, and when I looked at the mirror, I noticed that such dark brown was like being satisfied to live in the town that one lives in, while a light coloured maybe colourful woolen scarf would have more like mentioned that one is interested in travelling and maybe moving to other places. I guess it is a question of some phace in one's life and not a rapidly changing thing. 

X4.   Babies whose whole pregnancy was in war time, are called war time babies and their initial view on life seems very tough. So how to continue from such war like view to ordinary lufe? One could use an objective picture of the world and objective thinking which notices that a healthy whole works better than a broken whole. So one could have healthy kind of life along in one's estimates and that is very useful and allows life too. 

X5.   14th of December 2022   If one meets more relatives, aggressive looking new spouces want to be treated as a pair or family with their spouce, and if they or their child lift up some subject for opinion they maybe want civiliced open-minded conversation about it with a wider group. Aggressive bullying groups maybe just want a good Christmas for themselves, especially dinner and presents, maybe something luxory too for example watching tv or cookies and warm clothes, and these offered for all fairly. And likewise offer for the bullied also something that she/he likes, be it nature, a car drive home (by some friendly or neutral person), or whatever. 

X6.   15th of December 2022   One ought not fast before Christmas, since fasting may make one angry and like a nuisance and it is easier to eat with moderation and keep one's old weight if one isn't especially hungry. One can eat an extra meal if the Christmas dinner is late. Christmas is unusual life with maybe burdening social relations and the Christmas foods are one way to learn winter time heat regulation, so one may spend the extra food eaten. 

X7.   On Christmas Eve celebration begins after the Declaration of Christmas Peace at noon. Then people visit graves, eat dinner, celebrate Christmas and get presents. It depends on how eager each person is for presents when Santa Claus comes for visit and he or his Christmas gnomes bring the presents in a sledge or however it is arranged. Each one can serve as a helping Christmas gnome in delivering the presents to each one fairly. A Christmas tree, Christmas decorations and Christmas songs are parts of the Christmas too, and often it would be nice to sing Santa a Christmas song. " Santa Claus, Santa Claus, white bearded old grandfather. Doesn't the burden of present sack feel heavy on the back? Come here, we are not afraid. Since you are an old familiar aquiantance, hairy hat, furry coated. Here are nice well behaved children, bright eyed, with light silky hair."  

X8.   16th of December 2022   I have used to think that if one is wise enough and with healthy spirit and civiluced values, all positive feeling thibgs fit together and are generally allowed and for better. I have in that looked at the feelings and their causes in my theoretical picture of healthy natural ages old ways of living, what is the thing that the feelings search for and what is that thing kn it's ideal form that is moral too, and tried to follow that ideal way of life with healthy spirit instead of tuning by the occasion which brought it to my mind. 

X9.   Winter time with leaf trees and bushes without leaves shows quite like drawn what the branches are like. Cold makes perceptions more solud and landscape like, especially the snow makes one look at landscapes. So winter time quite naturally goes with emphasizing efucated objective pictyre of the world. But the chances of spending time outdoors and going to places are restricted by the cold. Then in the spring when the weathers get warmer, one starts wandering outdoors and it is more like finding the kind of lufe that one has longed for. Still there are only branches in sight which compares to objective thinking, but already then one can plan and find room for lufe without losing the objectivity. And so as spring proceeds there is more hope of better life, like a young adult reaches for lufe chouces according to one's own nature. Spring is at the same time tough because the beginning is too lifeless, and full of new lufe, which becomes the more floyrishing the nearer the summer. One feels that one can so learn something of how to build flourishing life for oneself and for others. 

X10.   17th of December 2022   Today morning, at least feeling of the news and the rythm of people walking outdoors kn the snowy landscape, for the first time this winter, brought to me much more Christmas atmosphere than writing this long text about the "Skills of Christmas gnomes".

X11.   Generally one gets good peace for doing, good possibilities for a hobby or the like, if in one's environment quite many or all have such values, motivation and skills, and if one's hobby does not compete with them but is nicely along the same lines as their work. For example if parents like their work, their children maybe can have hobbies which they like and in which they invest a lot of effort quite like their parents in their jobs. 

X12.   If one's hobby, work or whatever is valued kn the town one lives in, and not just some minor interest for most, then it is easier to get it work out well in many respects, since people help and do their part in makkng it possible, instead of sabotaging it away as a peculuar foreign interest. 

X13.   18th of December 2022   People's own worlds maybe just pass by the worlds of others, so that if one tunes to something one's environment happens to include people who are interested in such or whose life somehow rhymes with your interests. So sometimes one meets people with a lack of luck, while some other time via healthy kind of interests one runs into just well running positive life with a multitude of possibilities. 

X14.   This New Year quite many fear an end of the world by atom bombs. In my eyes it seems that my life is not ending then, but that Ido not have the strenght to save others, but that having this Christmas gnome skills text as a hobby like interest around the New Year could save many. If there is an end of the world for some, I feel that it is a spirituaö kind of time : what you are interested in as a hobby and what values you have can determine your fate during those times. 

X15.   19th of December 2022   I have thought that this long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes could be valuable addition to the wisdom of many countries, making people happier and maybe more profound. I have tried to offer happier healthier lufe in the modern world with it's computers etc but with nature too. 

So as I have wondered will the blog disappear around next New Year like has been in the air, I have hoped that people or libraries around the world would make safety copies of it with it's linked blogs, so that it could be available again if times turn more positive toward it, available at least somewhere. But there are tens of millions of internet pages found by the search "christmas elves" and was it five million by the search "christmas gnomes" so that i do not understand why this text would be so central, even though it teaches needed skills. The books about parts 1. - 22. of this text ought to be available for buying at .

X16.   21st of December 2022   I watched a beginning of some video of northern Russia countryside in the winter time. It had some fine pictures like if they had collected all the finest moments to art, so that ordinary life paled to Sovjet like style in comparison. Better to make art for one's own group so that there is atmospheres and variation in daily life around each subject, so that the lufe feels rich in content and fascinating, maybe charming. 

X17.   It is now so near Christmas that when one thinks of Christmas preparations, it is as if it were in ghe minds of many, for example baking and wrapping Christmas presents, that such thoughts bring to the air foggy impressions of someone small moving in colourful clothes and the traditional red hat of a Christmas gnome and it is as if somewhere outside the window there were a vague glimpse of a small Christmas gnome running by over the snow. Maybe it is just Christmas chores in everybody's mind. 


It is about an hour before mudnight on the shortest day of the year. Yet the sun is here so little under the horizon that the cloyded sky is quite light grey. But there are street lights and snow on tge ground. Snow makes nights twilught like if there are any lamps, since the light gets reflected from the snow crystals. 

X19.   23rd of December 2022, The eve of Christmas eve   When I was in school our class one winter made a bustrip to Lapland, but I went completely dizzy when I planned to go out of the bus. Now tens of years later I wonder if it was dizziness because of eskimo influencies to help to bear the freezing cold. I am used to that one needs weather skills but that one can go in and out like one wishes and be active, but maybe Canadians fear cold, flee to under thickest winter blanket, wear extra warm clothes and concentrate on bearing the cold instead of running around leisurely. So they have much less freedom to be active. But it is true that Lapland is somewhere between Canada and southern Finland in winter skills, or at least pictures of people in Lapland appear less sporty in style and more cozy than people in southern Finland. 

X20.   If one meets an insect and is social with it and tries to communicate with it, the insect has a social space around it maybe some centineters in each direction, a quite round area, and if often makes sense to treat tge insect as if were that size since it needs at least that area to live in. And if there are insects flying around or busy walking, it is as if having met different kibd of beings, a glimpse to charming life like a meadow atmosphere, and that often is where insects live and what their luves are centered on. 

X21.   24th of December 2022, Christmas Eve   Declaration of Christmas peace from Turku in Finland in North-East Europe at 11.55 (GMT+2h)

English text at 

X22.   25th of December 2022, Christmas Day   Late last evening I took a glimpse at the pope's Christmas night's mass, but it reminded me of the danger of nuclear war, so I soon shut the tv. But it made me wonder if many people want to die? Have i been wrong thinking that i work for the good of all if i seek for better life now and in the future for all fairly? Can it be that some who do evil do so because they think that these are the end times, the end of the world inevitable or very likely? Is it so that people who associate with things with death near as an element, if they do not have enough skills at least partly wish to die?

X23.   People attacking on some spiritual side may be somebody's view of what more intelligent thinking is like, kind of talking with people and living in a tangle of social relations. So they do not themselves live inside an objectice picture of the world, think and live concentrating on the sensed reality. 

X24.   If life after death exists, it maybe is hard for some who want to die. The traditional answer to that is that, if one does not get peace in life after death, one must first undo one's big bad deeds and somehow compensate the harm one has done. Only after that one can rest in peace if one so wishes. 

X25.   27th of December 2022   God or people in high sounding positions do not necessarily have much power. Instead they just understand what works well, and so they suggest it but were not able to choose what it is. Even if God created the world, maybe just some arrangements work best so god chose them. 

X26.   1st of January 2023, New Year's Day   One can learn wisdom, wisdom of life and skills from the nature and from a varied kind of life, but it works much better when it isn't so hot that one would need to lazy because of the weather, and likewise when it isn't so cold that one would just flee inside warmest winter blankets, or have such a stuck reaction without being able to take part in active life. Otherwise my guess is that climate does not affect where one can learn skills etc. 

X27.   This district in Espoo, in southern Finland, where I have lived for almost two years, seems to calm down some social problems, i guess because many, especially people originally from the tropics, feel that they would need such life. This is a food oriented area, but i am not food oriented. The way of living here seems to be to care foods well, sleep a lot, keep oneself warm, wear warm clothes, do something nice but not strain with work, it is ok to eat less if one does not feel any ( irrational? ) need of sturdier food, but avoid diets. If there is some social or other problem, eat something even if such hasn't been in your habits, since eating something good or needed nutritients may solve the problem, even if the problem seems to be that the other person has missed a meal. 

X28.   4th of January 2023    Before New Year many seemed to say that they did not see their life continuing after New Year. Around New Year there has been a danger of an end of ghe world, so that inflyencies from other have seemed dangerous, kibd of black. And so one has needed to invest on things like civiluced wisdom that luft the danger of an end of the world away. But so it has seemed to be abroad too, and bombs in Sweden and Russia raported in the news have seemed to connect to such inflyencies.

X29.   If there seems to have been a nuclear bomb in your country and you wish to lift it away if such is possible via ghe world being of spirit, you ought to find in which ways people in those places tend to behave in civiluced ways so that there is no reason to bomb them away, and ghen have such song, documentaries or whatever in the media, both where people miss those people but do not have so clise ties with them and in the possibly blmbed area. 

X30.   5th of January 2023   Birds do have the ability to fly, but it requires very high general skill level. Especially it requires sports skills, one must be able to estimate in which way to move and move so reactively in real time. One must know how each kind of factor affects one's mivement, be it one's own mood, lately actions, social inflyencies from others, the effects of habits and how to take them into account. And one must see the landscape, where to mive there and how and is the wind changing etc, and for such fine coordination heart felt music gives skills for. One must understand what lifts well and how to build higher skills. 

X31.   In Oceania, just north of Australia there is the island of New Guinea and eastern half of that big island together with some much smaller islands is a country called Papua New Guinea where I have understood animals too take in a good way part in the government, so it is a country of humans and animals. That sounds much like what Finns would like to learn from, but it is a too distant place so many mistake it for African influence. Here in Finland my two Finnish intelligent and responsible dogs told me around elections that they were able to vote since some humans want to let their kids' views be in sight in elections and some trust animals, so my dogs were able to vote via birds bringing their message to humans. 

X32.   9th of January 2023   When Iwas young I tended to get robotized without having been like tgat myself. Especially bad it was when i studied theoretical physics and math. I did not like my studies but was forced to them, without being of such orientation or human type. I guess that the Japanese have such phenomenom too. If the world is of spirit, what a person has lately associated with and told to others, can determine in which subjects one is and how one is thought to do things. So associating with an engineering oriented person can cause that she/he/they kind of leave you stuck in that kinds of subjects and approaches, while associating with wiser people could leave you in wiser spheres of life and wiser approaches. So if you want to change profession you must avoid all contact with the old profession's people, tasks, books, places, clothes etc, and you must have new better alternatives as hobbies or as work. If people around you are too stupid, religion, music, media and school taught healthy civiliced life can help, hobbies too. 

X33.   12th of January 2023   If your style is too much work like, growing flowers or a natural style bunch of dry flowers or dry grasses bring a more free time like style. 

X34.   15th of January 2023   My old text about sorrow and about continuing onwards

" About sorrow: 

The loss shows how much we loved.

About continuing onwards: 

Like the moments of the day are different, spend in different company, and even when in same in different thkngs done... Likewise are the phaces of life different! 


X35.   In the news there was told that some people choose their clothes for dog show so that the dog's coat colour would look nice. But otherwise they were not so well cled, except the ones whose dog had a good taste in what comes to clothes. 

I guess that to choose clothes right one should understand colour symbolics in shopping and how styles of artifscts tell what kind of lufe they seek to offer. And one should likewise choose shop and town from which one buys. And one ought to have some interest in handiworks, thinking and dreaming ten times as many things as one actually sews in a good way. 

X36.   I do not know why i add this here, but here is an old painting of mine with text:

" A thought about one's own nearing death gets one to shift in one's way of life the emphazis to what content of life one still has left.

We grasp life, it's beauty, it's richness, it's content to life, it's taste of life and it's meaningful things."

It is just a thought, quite like the view to healing too. 

X37.   16th of January 2023   Maybe it is good to know that women's magazines are often written by men. 

X38.   About fishing I have learned thaat one should not cause suffering or stress to the fish. One should unfasten the hook at once, and if the net disturbs the fish unfadten the net too. And keep the caught fishes so that they have water and shadow and stsy moist. 

X39.   18th of January 2023    Some people understand more about money than others. So if one has a shortage of food and almost starves, one should visit a food shop and most likely buy something thst one needs, and let the shopkeeper know what kind of customer one is and what is one's situation in what comes to food and money. Then the shopkeeper maybe knows how to solve the situation to quite good, but it means that you will have to visit the shop again after a few days and listen to the shopkeeper's advices also in which types of food to choose. Some foods may help to solve problems. But so you will need to use that shop or some other shop that you get adviced to since it is your type. 

X40.   21st of January 2023   If one wants certain type of life, it matters that one would have basic tools good for it and basic life circumstancies good for it, for example good hobby tools and place luved in good for it. If one can move to or visit a town or village that is specialuzed to offering such, it is good to buy there basic equipment recommended for beginners who live where you live. So what you buy is backed up by cultural wisdom and by the need of the locals to earn a living. Another option is to buy good quality equipment from your local environment if such hobbies work out well there. (There was in the news about a young female witch which had come to Lappland, kind of to draw from Lappland's charm and integrity. I felt that it did not go quite right. So I wrote this piece to tell how it works out. ) 

X41.   Lately I have had varying kinds of stomach aches that seem to come as influencies from others. When I have had no influencies my stomach has been just musical and relieved. As I have wondered why musical, i think it is because i like music so much, used to listen to radio all days long, so my perspective is quite musical and i like sports, try to move in a good way and am interested in meditation and wisdom of life, kind of free time oriented. 

X42.   22nd of January 2023   If I counted right, this is the 1299th entry. 12 refers to December and so to  Christmas, so it is kind of Santa Claus' area. It seems to have suffered from bad luck or sabotage, quite like has often happened in Christmas time. 13 somehow connects with my paradise theory book "2013: Paradise like era", see , so it is likelily in my area. 

X43.   About Buddhism one interest of quite many is: what is a meditative way of making love like? Generally meditation in daily life is meditative moments born of fresh variation to what was boring, so for example going outdoors if one was fed up with too much indoor lufe, the first moments oytdoors when one meets the greenery, the weather and tge lufe around, senses get opened and the world is fresh and fascinating, a pleasant relief after indoor life. Likewise other refreshing moments and their sensations, which means that for making love one ought to have had a shower and clean clothes, a nuce pleasant environment too. But while free time after nasty things is superfine, one ought not carry the nasty lufe along. For making live in a meditative way i guess there ought to be nice things to do, pleasant company, moments of attraction, pleasant sensations and love. When there is some beautiful sight while on a walk, a natural reaction is let's go there, oh that's beautiful, while the charm of a person is often in the nice fine subjects associated with in a good quality way plus in the love and good will making lufe together nice and a good cjoise in the future too. 

X44.   My poodle and Japanese spitz once on a walk smelled tge shit of some small nice dog, maybe a bichon frisee or some other toy breed, and my Japanese spitz started rolling in it. I took the dogs home thinking that I have to wash the one who rolled in it. I do not remember whether i washed it, but the dog said that it can so learn the nice ways of behaving and being social, and as i touched the coat it seemed that the small companion dog had really been very nice. So my both dogs were nice from then on. I guess that the way of being social was something like being fluffy, kind of round, kind of giving in and being unspecified but good willing and enjoying one's time, while listening to the other one talking, and while walking kind of fluffy ball, wandering near according to the situation, kind of loving. 

X45.   To my email comes some news about Eurovision song contest. They make me wonder if i should so somehow build spring with Eurovision songs, but i do not quite feel ut to be right, since the eurovision contest is just once kept and then largely over, while songs in life could build spring and also summer, all the seasons and in the coming years too. If i find just some songs that i like, that is better than emphasizing song contest. There is some wisdom in music and in musical kind of things in life, and those are needed always, not just for some contest. 

X46.   23th of January 2023   Unexplainable hunger to which no type of food suits may be need for motion. 

X47.   I have made hundreds of search keywords for this Christmas gnome skills text in my blog . Today i added among others the search keyword "repair an angel" ja realized afterwards that repairing angels is what needs eating and sleeping, while a Christmas gnome coukd well also to start with do something nice at home. And maybe an angel would need to read ordinary civiliced texts, maybe news too, and live in an ordinary way to kind of correct one's viewpoint. 

X48.   " For being a Christmas angel I guess that one would need skills of making the landscape peaceful and atmospheric : see the comment about mobile phone's local area share, plus living with the seasons, plus experiencing the seen environment as beautiful, plus likibg music. "

X49.   Of the Christmas gnome like lufe too soft and too much listening to others is often too vulnerable. If one were an animal one would soon get eaten, just disappear from the road of others. That is why a Christmas gnome is on guard and behaves wisely according to the situation, so that one has peace or is otherwise on one's ok zone because one takes into account the situations with the values that all need to cultivate to do well in life. One lives a life that is in a good way in rythm with the lives of others, is an example of valued things. 

X50.   27th of January 2023   If one as one ages gets more stuck and circumstancies prevent life, it helps to take a more independent approach and relying on healthy ways of living and civiliced wisdom pray that one could get one's course in life healthy again, something along the lines of the beauty of nature, beautiful music, good quality books, sports, etc.

X51.   "The origin of human species is in a climate of 4 seasons 
 Living in Finland in northern Europe makes the human tendency to think and to build houses to live in yet have nature and practical lufe, work out in a heaöthy way since the cold season makes it so obvious that a shelter against weather is needed. Tropics on the other hand doed not seem so naturally working. Also the constantly changing weathers make it easy to learn new things and to have lots of wisdom if lufe. So it seems that the origin of human species is kn a climate of four seasons and not in tropics. 

X52.   31st of January 2023   If one has a too engineering oriented life and would like to broaden it to other areas of life, school education is meant to be good for that. It is planned that civiluced wisdom learned in school would be values higher than narrow professional skills that are not suited for life at large. School also aims to give good starting points for one's dream job and so for changing profession too. See also and read this Christmas gnome skills text .

X53.   In the news it was that an aeroplane from Estonia had been on it's way to Savonlinna when it's navigation signal had ceased and it had to turn back. It was atgued that such was Russian milutary disturbibg air traffic. But on the map the plane had travelled to Lappeenranta near the Russian border instead of to Savonlinna at a more inland location. It seems that people ought to turn their tendency to spy to ordinary official information like school's maps, official pages of towns telling major professions, happenings and other characteristics of the district, so that one can choose where to go and where to not to go. Often i feel that problems woukd be avoided if spied information would be clearly classified like "things you weren't told because you are not interested in these professions" instead of people hopibg for all kinds of secret information without knowing the basics that older generations thought that everyone would know. 

X54.   1st of February 2023   In the news there was told that the Finnish parlament haf voted that soon it is possible for an adult to choose one's official gender just by making an application. It could lead to a division between feminine and masculine couples. Then it is good to notice that the feminine need to be physically fit, even strong, and have some fighting skills. Traditional praised female charscteristics are often typical to physically fit very sovereign people. 

X55.   3rd of February 2023   "Miracle cure advice attempt for first aid plus later 
 Wish well for the world at large so that your effect in the world is positive and beautiful. Pay attention to the landscape around, especially trees and the weathers of the season, how they make more alive and spiritually sensitive in return. With the help of this effect on your body and mind, turn to religion seeking for miracle like healing. Give to your body and mind as an advice these effects and that each part of the body should be completely healthy, aim at healing to fully healthy. Each part of the body should heal itself and the neighbouribg areas, the wholebody too back to full health."

X56.   4th of February 2023    If one has to start with some other values than civiliced, the civiliced viewpoint that is taught in school is meant to come as a new area of life, of which one can then later on estimate that the civiliced view with it's values give nicely these needed things in life. Then later on as one's civiliced picture of the world is wider, one can see where the old values are in that picture of the world and what does civiliced objective thinking say of them. 

X57.   8th of February 2023   The quotations at about gaining position show that one can rise toward one's full potential and each one has highest position just where one's personal strenghts and values are. So each person has room for personal interests and personal division of skills, and the whole is decided by the coooeration of many people with different strenghts. So each one has a natural place according to one's full potential, if one just develops the needed skills and respects highly the needed values. 

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