Saturday, December 5, 2020

Skills of Christmas gnomes 6. Some pieces of music

Please start from the first post of this series:

Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)
Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love
Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view
The whole blog

The headers are not descriptions of all the content, since the text has been made in a diary form.


 F1.   "An old picture of mine of a lila ukulele with pictures in it, which I have learned somehow eases things away from being ruined without a reason, but brings very foreign cultural influence that I am not sure of if it is good at all or not, kind of religious instrument but nowadays I have another red ukulele too and it too seems to have some effect on the same direction, an instrument of the paradise islands.

But I have mainly played some familiar chords on these. Songs I play on a keyboard which has some 200 different instrument sopunds."

 F2.   One thing I have learned to value a lot and that solves amazingly well life's problems, is following one's dreams, like for example as a kid I dreamed of becoming a singer-songwirter and sang at home and played an instrument. Often when people refuse to give you a place in something, that is a question of them thinking that you are not that kind of person. But when you follow your highest dreams, it is clearly in sight that you really wish such, and you adapt to the demands of such things with your whole being, and propably so that the effect lasts for your whole lifetime, so that you really are such kind of person and so there just naturally is a place in such for you. Often that means setting your demands quite high, like for example some dream of being a boss. All do not have such dreams, so maybe such dreams make you adopt more characteristics and skills needed in such life, for example such values and things that one can build upon such likings. And of jobs there are many kinds of versions of even the same job, so that an entirely different kind of person finding ajob in the same does not mean that your assets would be bypassed. 

F3.   "Just some attempt

I attempted something song like, like singing in a group, with the theme singing experience of life. But the problem is that it was like explaining it to others, and not like learning it by oneself, like a song should be made. And besides my mood was not so singing experience of life, more like somewhat hoarse."

F4. "How objective/military is much the same as atmospheric

Today when I went to the bus stop, there was at the parking lot of the neighbouring house a red car on the road and two big men speaking Russian. One of them seemed like men from around here but the other one looked like Russian military or something of the kind. The question seemed to be: How a red car goes with the military? My answer is that if you are motivated to your work, also if it is in the army at times of war, if things are well for your work, your feel like saying "Great!", you feel positive, so it is much so that your positive feelings guide toward full health and things healthily in the world, to things well for your work, and negative are marks things being poorly for your work. See my paradise theory book for this . But it means that you do not count as feelings laziness, comfort and things like that, at least not much but more like pay attention to what is the motivation for them: are tired, do you need a pause, do you need food, company or what is it?
Another answer is that objective perspective, also if it is military, like seeing the structures in a landscape, with proportions right, is much the same as an atmospheric view to living in that landscape. I tried to compose it, but I feel that I did not so well succeed. The moment wasn't good for composing, I more like felt unskilled.


F5.   "Moral

Moral that is light to bear, not exactly a melody, more like it described in note form.


F6.   "Attempt at enlightenment

Yesterday I tried to compose about enlightenment, but it was more like thinking of what is needed, and not ,meditation or the kind-

"Attempt at composing
More like thinking of it. My idea was that usually an emphazis on wisdom of life is needed plus cuvuliced wats and the main current is ages ofl healthy natural ways of living and healthy spirit. I guess that my text could help.


F7. I just said this to my poodle, I wonder if it hasn't noticed himself. Chores and things done typically do not demand that you would do them in a certain way detailedly, but isntead allow lots of variation even if the task demands some skills. Like if you need to look detailedly, you can for example just live leisurely and have senses open, or you can be pedantic and concentrate on looking detailedly, or you may think obje´ctively and have a clear sense of sight in commection with it, or you may practise sports and that opens your sense of sight to more vivid and clear, or you may just look at the things that interest you. 

F8.   6th of December 2020, Finland's Independence Day   A detailed way of looking can be very beautiful if one has wisdom of life along and uses a natural way of looking like sports and an interest in painting teaches, a way which has atmospheres along and observes colours, lights etc, ways of living and understands well what one sees, what it means to life. One also needs some independency, since that brings an ability to meet situations wisely, to not to be at their mercy. Independency is suypported by civiliced wisdom, which carries far and gives safety and a alife according to feelings and best understanding. Looking at things detailedly does not ruin them, since wisdom of life that emphasizes healthy natural ages old ways of living on all areas of life, sees the power dynamics of situations and people's motivation and what their life situations are like and how they develop. And Finnish view of how it is good to live in a society, like "Live and let others live" for example, solves just about all the problems in it, if it is followed. And so things are on a strong ground when one uses a detailed photograpf like way of looking isntead of blurred eyesight.

F9. Finns do not have a tradition of celebrating much anything else than Christmas and birthdays, Finns do not seem to have the skills of celebrating, since when you ask foreigners what is it how one ought to celebrate, they say something finer than usual and eating. But if Finns think something is better than the ordinary, like for exampel music, fine conversations, valued traditions, beauty of nature and art, we think that it ought to be made a part of the veryday life, and so we once again lack the finery for celebrations. Today is the independence day of Finland and there was in the news told about independence day traditions in other countries, and it sounded even more problematic than our lack of celebrating (I have isially burned a candle on the window, like is teh tradition, and that's my amount of independence day celebrations.) since there may be a confluict about who is in power, and foreign interests too. But Finns think that independence is for the good life of the people, and somewhat also for the good life of similar kinds of people in the wide world, so that it ought to be celebrated just in ways that help such, which of course often is for Finns ordinary Finnish life, and maybe following how others celebrate for the nation to satisfy the inetrnational demand for independence day celebrations all over the world. But as such it seems quite nonproblematic, without much foreign interests except in what comes to the official celebrations in the mdeia, anbd as far as I understand thise are kept quite much like what is asked for but maybe mild and quite Finnish so as to avoid misunderstandings of who and where we are.

F10. 8th of December 2020, Finnish Music's Day   I used to have my keyboard against a wall, tehre seemed to be a nice neat place for it there, and I played it almost every day, but so my music became flat like the empty wall and my wisdom of life was in practice lacking in spirit. I remembered that as a child I had always played my accordeon in a place from which I saw tree branches, and it had somehow fitted the spirit of accordeon music, teaching wisdom of life and making a connection with traditions. So I changed my keyboard to where I could see trees, even though the place was not so good, and after a while I noticed that I did not look at the trees while I played, but still after a long time, is it two years or more, I noticed that I had so regained much of the spirit I had had in my wisdom of life, and the direction was still toward better spirit and happier healthy kind of life.

F11. Around my last birthday in the late summer I did not know if I ought to celebrate it somehow or not at all, but I made a melody of how it seemed to go quite well, and I wrote about birthdays and the passing of the years to a blog of mine

F12. My childhood Christmasses, and also often Christmasses later too because of memories, were not so happy since I did not get along with the other family members, but I liked very much the Christmas tree and other Christmas traditions. Especially much I liked visiting the graveyard: big trees, snow, families together remembering those who had passed away, a sea of candles under the trees and a view of how generations follow another, at the way home Christmas songs in the car radio.

F13.   " I was born in Helsinki and lived there over 30 years. So I heard quite many versions of why the capital has such a name, but mostly the opinion was fully according to the Finnish saying "A name does not make a man worse if the man does not make the name /reputation worse." i.e. that one ought not pay attention to names but to things themselves instead.

Tervola was maybe the best Finnish name, so it maybe was considered as the name of the capital: "health sings" which both are Finnish values and Finnish skills. But the Swedish translated it wrong to "helsin". Or that the name originally was meant to be "health sings" or the like but foreigners in Helsinki took to heart the associaltion "hell sin" to it and did amazingly much evil, and so Finns thought that it is better to have a Finnish version of that association to the name Helsinki (-ki means also) so that things would not go so criminal.

Finland is a neighbour of Sweden and for things to work out well solutions need to be well thought of and that means that one should have honest picture of how things are as a starting point, and with Swedes that worked out only with the association "hell sin" since they tend to lie in imago oriented ways. 

If a place has a beautiful name that is a value people there respect, some follow only the name and bypass other things and so if one has good quality objectivity as a goal, one ought to take into account everything in one's thinking and that is why Helsnki is maybe named so that it has the association: "hell sin too" must be taken into account in thoughts. 

Finland used to have very good quality of life due to wisdom of life and healthy ways of living and objective thinking with a view of the whole and a well running society, so that other nations, other cultures looked like hell and hell sin in comparison. A capital is much for associating with the rest of the world, but a communication was lacking since Finns did not know what difficulties the other countries needed to overcome, and so to gain communication and to be able to help the others to wise ways of living, Finns choose a name of the capital that is not good but which helps us to help the rest of the world to a better future, muvh happier.

Finland was very harmonical and fractureless, with wise people countryside, but big towns and the capitaö had foreign influencies,of which the young adults coming from the more countryside areas of Finland had to be warned."

 F14.   It sometimes happens that some valued member of the society gets attacked and people around do not know what to do since they do not have skills for such a high position and such big interests of power, and so the situation easily changes to people being quiet and things deteriorating to criminal. If people do not have enough courage and skills to take part in such, that is still different from being quiet. One ought to keep up the basic rationality and basic values in a societyby saying aloud things that are such basic level ideas of the situation, like "ordinarily one ought to... since such is good for the soceíety. If it then is like... one ought to take that into account by common sense, for example..." so that the lacking children's level truths and oter basic things get right in the thoughts of most, since when feelings or lack of social eye or other question obscure one's view, the basic level things ought to be reminded and made easy to understand. And the views of a large group make things often something in that direction, and so the worst problems of things going almost opposite of how they ought to ge, disappear.

 F15.   10th of December 2020   I made a meditation advice to my Finnish blog about curing . It is for beginners but made thinking of cancer patients, just in case they might need it.
"To such would help MEDITATION, not any bady observation "meditation", but instead ordinary meditation of observing breathing and living in connection with the mandscape around and life around like meditation in motion and of the body observe more mostly just how is good to move. 

In breathing meditation just follow your breathing, observe it and it's effects (healthy sides of them, in a healthy way, with wisdom of life, etc) on the body and mind and to oneäs contact with the environment etc, in fact just ordinarily breathe and feel the air moving in your nostrils etc, and aim to be naturally, without forcing, sit in a good posture,  still but not stiff, but instead like is sporty and a naturally straight back like sports hobbies bring, and aim also at living according to feelings, and thoughts come and go but don't ponder on them but isntead concentrate on feeling sensations and be in balance and enjoy the present moment and the sensation s of beauty brought by nonforcing attention and a somehow wiser way to associate with things, 

not so squarely thinking, not so clumsyly pushy nor artificial but instead according to motivation and valuing the everyday life's basic things done, their ages old basic form, basic current, and find from it a nonforcing way to be fully awake in living one's everyday life, which is natural the same way as breathing is or some other nonforcing basic life, when one likes it or needs a rest pause from the noise of everyday life, and one ought to aim at compassion too, such is good for attention, when one goes along how people and animals do things and not artificially forcing things to some form, but the idea is to just sit relaxedly with back straight and follow one's breathing and as a side effect learn a good nonforcing way to use attention, in other words meditation."

F16.   11th of December 2020   If one does not have anything to do and one longs for practical things to do, one can do things that all do not value or like so much but which someone needs to be done, like "would someone carry this and that to where they are going", "would someone find where is...", "would someone help in..." etc. If one has such things to do without being used to so much physical activity, one ought after them take a short rest in warm, or if cool feels musical and light and one has a satisfied feelings som then in coollike feels good and healthy and such creates a quietened mind, fond of looking the landscape with the sense of atmospheres impoirtant, while warm creates relaxedness and unties muscle tensions.

F17. If some maybe elderly person lives a gnome like life with handicrafts, home life and old time sstyle home, maybe cool, but is not happy but instead quite stuck and uneasy. Then it maybe would help to wash things that one is often in contact with like woolen socks and clothes and sur´faces that one often touches, for example once in every two weeks is much better than not at all, and as far as I know it makes one less stuck in one's habits and more like with new beginnings. Likewise going to places, getting room to live in, investing in the theoretically cvorrect healthy natural ages old best answers even if those are not the most typical for your own group, refreshes air and makes one as if with new starts, as far as I know.

F18.   12th of 12th 2020   Generally letting things go very dirty amd them using a strong detergent isn't good for one's wisdom of life and one's health and how one feels, since dirt is kind of heavy to bear and detergent too antiseptic or otherwise not energetically good for life. Instead one ought to keep things quite clean so that they are either fully clean like washed or after a short time's ordinary healthy kind of use so that they have some ordinary healthy bacteria of one's oewn healthy kind of life, and are so energetically good, much better for wisdom of life and healthy spirit. So a mild detergent may often be better than a strong one, but such depends on the climate: how much there is bacteria around.

F19.   13th of December 2020   Seeking better life by starting towards one's dream job is maybe better than finally finding some roughly such job, since jobs are often made comfortabel with extra food while searching toward one's ideal gets mane things right and is kind of open-minded.

F20.   All do not like this type of gnomes or this type of text, so please do not recommend it, especially not repeatredly to those who do not like it's style, spirit or other major features.

 F21.   " If some time at home there is some place that is more difficult to clean, then the end result may depend on when you try to clean it, for example what is in your mind of social thing or things done, and so the next time the end result can be better, for example better thought of and more light, more strenght.

14. maaliskuuta 2019    My mom taught me to clean like a machine: to one place starightforwardly some kind of result while on the edged like after an explosion. I think that it is better to clean and tidy in some other way: thinking what kind of whole is this, how and why would it be good this way, why is this a good way tyo clean, and so feel better afterwards and also when tidying and cleaning.

I think that cleaning ought to be common sense like way to make places good for living and doing, somewhat like a healthy animal cares for it's feathers or fur, and so it is good for it, even magnifient to live. But then instead of a forced way ofg doing one ought to follow one's own motivation, use good ways of doing, learn for life about good ways of doing, rythm, about good practical possibilities, about differencies of ways of doing, etc.  Tidying and lceaning ought not be like a square: here begins cumbersomely and one just has to do, then one h´just has to do labour, and then just ends here was it. One ought to have motivation, practical deed along it, good enough physical fitness so as to not to get squeezed because of the task, lots of common sense and enough social distance for one to do right choices, that have learned about the rest of one'slife and not stuck collapsing ones, way of doing energetic and not forcing oneself, farsighted with healthy spirit and not square like."

"31th of January 2020
I do not know for sure, but my impression is that methods of cleaning ought to depend on the person, since a different character does the cleaning job in different ways and so needs different equipment, soaps etc. Only if you are a good team, can you copy some of the other person's ways and succeed, even though it may be that some equipment is good for the task while some other equipment is not. But for example which other professions you like and admire, use their ways of thinking and doing, tehir values, may affect a lot what is a good way of doing. Also, if you for example wet the floor, you as a person typically wet it another amount than some other person, and so if you want to remove the dirt, you have to wait a different time and repeat different number of tyimes with a different tecxhnique too. A good guide for good ways is your idea of what you like: you maybe like it because it works for you and your favoyurite ways of working, while some other could for example be too dangerous for your eys and skin. And so it also varies from person to person, in how big bunches and how often doing you achieve the best result: do you find giood enjoyable ways of working immediuately but tire and start crying or do your start clumsily but then find an enjoyment of doing but overdo it compared to your forces?"

F22.   14th of December 2020   This year I have sent this gnome skills text of mine to several Santa Clauses, and so I have noticed that Santa Claus lands (21. Dec. 2020  of USA at least, but remember that the effect is with Christmas like miracle cure skills, yet exhausting to some extend) have year around the burden of helping the ill and the miserable, and so from the Santa Claus lands one gets influences of people who associate a lot with the much ill, exhausted etc. And now under Christmas the phenomenom is muc clearer: one gets as an influence a tendency of things to collapse and turn toward being like ill. The same isif one seeks for influences of those who much make things Chrustmas like already now,, since those mostly help the ill and exhausted. But when I a moment ago thought of not taking any such influences, especially niot much, and by myself preparing home etc for Christmas, that brought a nice warm Chrustmas like atmosphere and peace of mind.

F23. Often food shops and other professionals are concentrated into meeting the most demanding cases that are clearly their job, and so via them one gets influences from people who are much ill, or otherwise miserable, and so since they are a source of influencies in that area of lufe for just about all, those nfluences make things collapse somewhat, and I guess that in the long term the effect is bigger. So it would help a lot if professionals would take the average everyday life and the skilled as important parts of their job, so that onbe would get inflkuencies from them.

F24.   Succeeding in having an enjoyable sports hobby often seems to demand labelling sports sexual. I guess that it is so because then it is a question of what kind of spirit and type & amount of activity one would like to have the rest of one's life, and so kind of opposite of with a half mind and a half effort. But if it is just sports, it really is enjoyable and fun and keeps one healthy and fit, happy too.

F25. 15th of December 2020    "if one would wish for the waiting for Christmas to begin already, one can cook rise porridge (: 2dl water + 2dl porridge rise, let it boil some two minutes ultil almost all water has been absorbed by rise. Add then 1 liter ordinary milk and let it boil some 4o minutes, stir every now and then. Add some salt and it is ready.) and as one cooks pray slightly something beautiful, so that life kind of quietens toward waiting for Christmas."  One can shed to the surface sugar and some spice - is it called cinnamon? - that has reddish brown colour and kind of warm taste, dry powder that colours the surface where it lands, or then just sugar

F26.   Typically whether one is allowed something or not, whether one gets a chance to it or not, depends on how much capacity one has, or more exactly it depends on whether one has used all one's capacity to arrangements, reserved it for them or whether one has made theoretically correct ideal solutions as one's guidelines and is quite free,with ful capacity and lots of healthy kind of wisdomof life. For such ideals my advices about healthy natural ages old ways of living on all area sof life work well: 

 F27.   Some think that incresing skill makes one bored and less motivated, but I think that at some higher level of wisdom of life and skills one can do in more free ways and find motivation fromother areas of life to what one does and from variations of ways of doing, like feels motivated and wise, fun too, since the skilled has more options and if one is free enough, one can much of the time use other areas of life fully, like feels to suit the momnent and is ok for the task at hand, and so one can learn for example new kinds of jobs and new talents, and one's theoretical view on skills gets better. If one has wisdom of life as a goal, one can so gain more like a magic touch, both at the sphere of work to be done and in what comes to quality of life.

F28. 16th of December 2020   Often people are afraid of other interest groups and malicious people doing them the opposite of what woulöd be good for them, and that is one reason they may lie about such things. On the other hand such individuals and groups typically want to gain power and maybe money, be strong and do well in life compored to others. And so they rely on someone wiser, for example their mom's views of civiliced wisdom and of what is a benefical thing to invest in life, and in so doing they maybe aren't aware of how unsure and how near mom's personal life such views are, and so they tend to get recommendations toward the values and dream professions of other social relationships of thei momor the like person, and so they get fed up with such things that are not suite dto all. Instead they should have gone to library and asked the librarian books that would suit them. Or go to some course. If it is a question that people around value some weird things that seem to have too much power, it isn't a fight, it is instead a difference in dream professions and professions suited to the area, and so they should themselves move to live in some other trown that has theirt own favourite rpofessions much liked and nothing of those not at all suitable yet somebody's jobs.   and about moving   but pay attention if you are first in a wrong kind of environment, maybe you are used to too low quality, too far from your own likings and type of person thatr you are, so that care to choose a place that you are alike with in your soul, in your likings

F29.   17th of December2020   Some foreigners think that ciuviliced wisdom is so different from the nature that the nature has nothing of the kind and is kind of criminal. But in Finland we tend to have trees also in towns, and so when someone thinks of something and looks at a landscape at the same time, there often are trees in the alndscape, and so one tends to place some wholes next to trees since trees make them easier to think as pictures, like is a natural good objectiveway to think. It goes something like this whole is like this and that whole like that, and thinks it somewhat alike two neighbouring trees that one happens to look at. It is not an exact analogy but instead a helping aid, but it makes me think that wild animals looking at nature landscapes have something like pictures of the world and even objective views and understanding about happenings of life in the landscape, so that they too have social eye, wisdom of life and a wise picture of the world + communication.

F30. 18th of December 2020   "Writing a good blog

My poodle Banjo said that he would like to start an English blog, and star with a Christmas greeting and as a present the blog. The greeting would say something like: "Banjo the Poodle wishes a Good Christmas and a Happy new Year 2021!" and have a picture of Banjo with a Christmas flower. 

I said that the blog ought to have just best pieces of how Banjo has been on an adventure in my other blogs, and not just try to write a blog and write a blog, etc, since such is work like and does not give the writer any hint of how to write. Instead I ought to need highlights, atmospheres, sources of joy, insights, wisdom of life, smnall tales, and good pictures of nature, pets, home life or the like."   In Finnsih


F31. In my twenties I learned lots of wisdom of life by reading poems and pondering about the wisdom of life in them. Where was such fractureless happiness to be found in my own life and in the world? How did it depnd on the eprson, how would I find something of the kind, like the personal insight of each poet to how life in meaningful, ahppy, ages old, feeling in a strong wise way, sensitive so that one learns wisdom of it, build on ages old strong ground, etc. Healthy wasy of living,sports and music helped in this.

F32.   20th of December 2020   Some ponder why if some human makes cunning plans and does evil deeds, why is such forbidden, while if an animal is robust and does similar with vigour, for example steals a seed that it wants, why is that then allowed, at least allowed more. A human who makes cvunning plans, has replaced what was meant for good life, by technical calculations that have negative effect on lives, and so such is forbidden since it causes harm. While an animal which makes a vigorous version of a similar deed, gets it's vigour from the healthy natural ages old ways of living that are the ground for life and the good satiusfying best version of such deeds, like being successful, being well motivated, doing according to one's best understanding of the situation, etc, and so such is allowed much more and even hoped for.

F33.   21st of December 2020 Winter Solstice    Winter solstice is to be lived quite quietly, normal life but paying attrention to that symbolics would not go badly, for example not drinking unusually much black coffee but drinking coffee with milk isntead if such is closer to one's normal symbolics, since some think that such symbolics can be used to partly ruin some parts of the coming year. Winter solstice isn't the darkest day of the year, since darkness of the day depends on the cloudiness only and of whether there is snow. Snow lightens even the night to twilight with no big darkness. Wiunter solstice  is the shortest day of the year, and that is why the time around it is called the darkest time of the year, even though Christmas is so near that it kind of lightens the atmosphere. Winter solstice is also a time to pay attention to what one thinks and especially to things that tend to affect atmosphere, since sometimes when one thinks of for example someone who has recently died, that may ruin the atmosphere, while the coming Christmas may make it a normal day, but such depends on the people around, how they take the winter solstice, what they happen to think about it. Winter solstice is depending on teh year either 21st or 22nd of December. Winter solstice is a time to reflect on the lenght of the day: how it varies so much across the year that the difference in the amount of sun light affects weathers so much that it creates the seasons which affect life hugely. And soon it will be Christmas. And quite in the beginning of Januatry one already notices how mornings get light earlier and earlier each morning.

F34. This year autumn my poodle Banjo remarked that somewhat Muumi like fat nurses that are motivated to curing are somewhat like the Japanese spitz Vaapukka that I used to have, and so they too would be likely tolearn to have miracle curing skills. Vaapukka learned at least partly from me and that was my blog about curing (in fact the Finnish original please read especially the index) and the basiuc main method was to make livelier and lighter, and if there was a contact, a good communication to get the patient to do it himsefl/herself/itself and just a hint from the nurse. Vaapukka also was somewhat religious and the curing got support from that and from some love of the nature and animal's wisdom. Now, I just watched from the news how Santa left his home with presents by a raindeer sledge, since there is only a few days until Christmas, and it kind of left me wondering, could most people with especially good will but also somewhat more fat if meeting ill is a burden (take care to avoid getting illnesses from them!) and somewhat religious to gain peace and good environment for curing, and insight from the wild nature too, learn to have such moracle curing skills? Christmas sounds like a good time for such, but there is the danger of illnesses coming fromsuch - those are a typical big burden of medicine professionals. I have no such background, I have just the name that is roughly "Health sings", and as younger I was especially interested in healthy naturaöl ages old ways of living, but lately I haven't had much chace for them.

"Making livelier
Things making livelier are among others the fascination of the ongoing season, the fascination of music and it's beauty, prayer that make one more alive, the beautiful atmosphere of the summer hymn, sunshine and lush greenery, bird song, being according to feelings, with healthy spirit, being relieved, something doing good, beautiful course of action in the world, getting room for one's real self with a healthy spirit, getting free, holiday and free time, naturality, not forcing ways, sensing atmospheres, fruits and vegetables, ..."

F35.   I just learned how to compose an ode to someone that one loves. I had been composing today earlier after a long pause, and I sat looking at my apricot poodle Banjo, which was laying and looking, and I thought of saying to it how magnifient to live witha poodle with such fine characteristics as he has, but so I sang the atmosphere of that feeling or thought, and then plotted the melody down somehow, but it is was somewhat Russian sounding melody.

 Here is how to learn to compose music:

"Song inspired by the moment's atmosphere
Now that trees and bushes are getting their leaves, instead of Eurovision song contest, I feel that the nature would somehow long for humans too to sing, maybe like this, a little bit like on the summer cottage or an freely organized choir or singing at home, like feels to suit the moment.
29.4.2017 A singing skill from a few years ago came to my mind today morning, when grass was most places already green, sun was shining, birds sang and the green plants on my window created a feel of green, there was like the summer time a haze like atmosphere in the air. So with that atmosphere came to my mind a tune that I roughly knew, or something in the direction, so I sang it in a way that emphasized the fascination of the atmosphere, like doves or yodling(?) of the Alps or composing, creating sound like the atmosphere, not according to rigid forms but singing especially the parts that are musical, emphasizing the atmoshphere tones, like assembling from pieces of different strenght, somehow a very natural song and atmospheric, a little bit like what a composer seeks for with his/her tune: a moment with such an atmosphere but richer one, and then singing it naturally, not la-la-laa or the like as if from notes but instead from the places that the atmosphere touches oneself, one is fascinated by such an experience, but somehow on a general level and not a murmur of personal life.
This singing skill comes from trying to learn wider expression to be able to sing emotionally like this or a song like that or with a clear atmosphere, impressively or whatever, many kinds of colours in voice, many ways to approach song as one oneself is naturally, since there are moments in life, spirits and many different songs. So when one then picks from that spectrum according to the moment, but somewhat like song being partly carried away by the wind, not of even strenght, one manages to describe the atmosphere tones of the moment, not only in tones of voice but also with singing skills, somehow naturally."

"An easy way to write down the melodies, but I am not sure if iut is right:"

F36.   Composing a hymn is a different thing, but I guess that one can use the same piece of advice about how to produce a melody like the atmosphere. As far as I understadn, a hymn is the atmosphere of some place where there is frcatureless nature and it's wisdom emphasizes virtues needed in a good society, and offers some view of how such fractyureless atmospheric society is possiblke, what it is build upon and what it is like in at,osphere, and that is composed: some moment wandering there, like Finlandia Hymn is about skiing on sunny spring winter landscape somewhere in nature with open spaces and trees and lots of snow, and somehow that fracturelessness is a good model for society yet familiar for almost all.

 F37.   26th of December 2020   For one to have a hobby, it helps if the environment, at least family and a hobby group of people who like such a hobby and support it also to the lives of others, thinks that such a hobby is a good idea for the indivudual and surely needed. A hobby that one likes is much better than sometyhing one is not interested in.

F38.   A human does not learn teh better the more skilled the forefigure is. If the forefigure is very skilled, he/she goes through masses of information and takes it into account in skilled ways in a very short time, and so one learns nothing but instead is just a disturbance for the skilled. One learns bets from those who are specialiced to be teachersof people of one's own skill level, if one just has the endirancy to study and really tries to learn. A good forefigure is a person who still partly is at the phace oflearning those things oneself, so that one does clearly and emphasizes just the major points, uses a similare perspective and has virtues of which the student understadns by oneself that such things can be useful. 

Many also have a dream profession, to which's demands they like to adapt with their who le life, so that they can in those things learn from the very skilled and talented, much above the level from which they otherwise could learn. Some hobby like things are such too, but maybe then one could like a job with similar features.

F39.   " How one feels about cleaning and tidying, and what one's mood is, depends on what is one's approach and which moment one starts the task. If one does not care when, but just forces oneself to the task, that feels like against one's own will and so leaves a nasty feeling and a not so well working way of doing the work, which then somewhat is seen in the result too. But if one thinls that one would like to clean today,to get things nice and clean, a comfortable enviornment that is good to live in, and that one would like some practicvaö to do, like washing for example, clean water, and some motion which one would like to do in a good way, and that one would like to be active and energetic the amount that suits one's character, and so spend tome time in cleaning too. If then on soem such moment one starts the task and has enough peace for it to work out well, it leaves a nice feeling and that is somewhat seen also in the results. So one can also learn better ways of doing."

 F40.   For developing social eye, it helps if one has the possibility to live according to one's nature, since then one sees of others whether they have space to live in only so and so or live broadly, have a wide space. Living according to one's ages old nature helps also in that one sees the natural motivational factors and natural major phenomena of life, both in one'sown life and in that of others, and of them is life build also in these modern times. Also being interested in other professions too,learning skills and talents in professions that one likes, gives eye to such differencies. Likewise being interested in different ways of living. Not judging much but following justice when surely needed, being compassionate and like-minded shows things along their moptivation, their way of happening, their dynamics. Being interested in cvalues and good quality often solves problems,kind of lifts one above the problkematic basic level of social tangles.

F41.   27th of December 2020   These thoughts are largely just theory, even though backed up by my experienmce of life. So they give some advantages but are not the whole thing. Parctical life is more complicated, and so my life has not typically gone so well, especially not in social respects, even though I seem to have found quite many answers though. So infgluencies from mys kills by reading my texts is benefical as far as I understand, but influencies from my own life are largely not. I seem to have problems with some classifications which go always with a wrong group of people or too closely with some group that would be right in some other respects, and so my life goes just ashtray, maybe because I am not average.

F42.   The gnome book Tontun vuosi = Year of the gnome, that I read, has lots of large photograpfs of gnome figures/toys on a traditional farm, and only quite little text on each opening of the book. What I have written here, is my own skills, not from the book at all. I haven't had gnomes as a hobby, but the town I live in, Savonlinna is a countryside town and so life somewhat gnome like. But I myself am originally from the capital Helsinki, so I guess that I can somewhat build a bridge toward life like in a countryside town, from modern city life. But I think that this text is alöready over hundred times longer than my own opinion of what I ought to have written of the subject. I prefer reading of hobbies in hobby blogies of each type of hobby, and not as some sugary pile for too wide audience to be interested in such.

 F43.   28th of December 2020   It is said that one can learn new skills and talents from sexuality, but I guess that it isn't from fucking or from thinking of fucking, but instead from further away, from being fascinated by some skill or area of life and having a skilledf talented forefigure in it, yet keeping much of one's own fascination and one's own skills to support what one does and understand and how one lives, and so one is kind of lifted above the normal level to something fascinating and well working, to kind of a new area of life, new better life. One gets via social gesture language, social influencies, influencies from the otehr person's ways of doing: which areas of life are in use, in which ways, which things are paid attention to, and so one learns skills and talents.

 F44.   29th of December 2020   The nearing New Yaéar lift to minds the danger of nuclear wars. Such atmosphere seems to disappear via meditation and especially Buddhist good will: good will toward all living beings and compassion toward them. I guess that such values are understood all over the world to be peaceful and good willing. Maybe many feel the cultural differencies to be so big that they themselves do not fit into our picture of what all humans are like, and so all living beings is nearer to wishing well to the world.

F45.   It may also be that all intelligent beings are not humans, like Finns value the wisdom of little singing birds, and the ancient Mayas are saud to have been able to predict happenings for thousands of years in advance, which I guess could be best explained by the way of moving of snakes like a track of history, and so Mayas could have been either snakes or in close relationship with sankes, and that would have explained such wisdom.

F46.   There is a long tradition in Finland of sauna: a steam bath to get warm and to wash. It is a warm room ( a small wooden house) warmed by an oven in which pieces of wood are burn, and above that there are hot stones to which one can trow water that evaporates to the air to make it moist and hot. In sauna there are wooden benches at different heights, the highest of which is the hottest and the hot water vapour hits there hottest, and at the lowest bench it is easiest. One in in the sauna only a quite short time to get warm and then one goes out to cool to recover, wash and dress to clean clothes. The sauna is very comfoprtable and it makes one feel good. But it is tough for heat regulation, yet needed if one has gotten thoroughly too cold outdoors. In the summer time one can go swimming and warm again in sauna. It is traditional ti splash oneself with abunch of tree branches in sauna to get clean and feel good, but such damages trees so that the landscape does not recover, but young white trunked trees at a long distance are often ok for such, but one needs to have the opinion of someone skilled and responsible living there to have such rights. Here is a song about sauna. Families with young kids are in sauna together, but as older women and men go to sauna at separate times.   (18.2.2021   The video has only one picture, of this painting, and no video pictures.)

Video removed 29.6.2021

One does not fuck in sauna. That is too tough for heat regulation and too dirty for the place. One fucks in one's bed. There it is warm and nice to spend the whole night, and so a good place between clean sheats to make love too.

F47.   31th of December 2020, New Year's Eve    I read from the local newspaper about New Yaer's traditions in different countries, and mane seem to try to start with something good,thinking hat it would be a benefical effect to that direction for the whole year, but I think that such is a too tough task, one gets tired and so there is less of such in the coming year. Typically referring to some other time of the year, for example Christams or summer, does not bring forces to continue the same things, does not even rbing motivation to such, but a similar fascination in life brings such forces, brings such things to be parts of one's daily life.

"While I have lived in Savonlinna town, on New Year's Eve evening there have been almost solely low celebration like bangs all through the evening and midnight and not so much sharp or buzzling bangs and that has been more like a celebration and nice for feelings, but maybe that is partly a question of taste."

F48. 1st of January 2021   Usually those who have something as an enthusiastic hobby can reach higher than professionals in the same things. That is because they do not get tired and they can vary their ways of doing according to the situation and they have chosen the subject because they like it and so their attention is open to observe well evert´ything in it, yet they connect it with the wide world and lives at large too.

F49.   3rd of January 2021   "15. To one who has gotten very cold and been for a long time in cold, give heavy food, for example meat pie and meat sauce(?) as warm, and hot tea. Being in the cold consumes energy, so it is good to eat well that day even if you already have gotten warm again."

F50.   "453. Carrying responsibility is a character trait like a value. It means that one cares important things morally to well when one associates with such things. But it does not tell whether one associates with such things or not. And it does not mean any priviledges or rights, such is a different thing, and neither does it mean such a person having such a job."

F51. 5th of January 2021   If things around seem to deteriorate to criminal and kind of low level dark, the choices and the kind of wisdom generally valued as civiliced and wise is often an answer to such, so check if you have lately had such things to read, kind of have such a hobby, your course in the society to get things well again. 

F52.   It sometimes happens that when people make one kind of arrangements in a society, people tend to do the opposite of what was the idea in the arrangements. Like for example a nonmoral person having a so nasty idea of what moral is like, that she/he cannot get anyone to follow it, or at least gains lots of opposition toward such arrangements, which maybe was her/his own opinion to begin with. Instead one of course ought to make arrangements that are god to live with, and supporting such is largely the idea in moral. Generally things turning to the opposite of what was sincerely mneant often is a result of the ground for those things have not been understood, so the message has been on a different elevl of understanding than the receiver's understanding. So one ought to communicate to the real level of understanding of others, and to their real motivation,supporting so civiliced ways and civiliced wisdom. The message ought to reach also those parts in which the other one fails, makes mistakes, is not as skilled as otherwise, and so it ought to contant elementary explanations without giving up the good wise choices that civiliced wisdom teaches. And the real motivation & interest of others ought to ba taken along in civiliced ways, safeguarding against hoorible things, but often quite liberal-mindedly on the strting situation, i.e. being able to lift thesituation to well working civiliced, often via school knowledge and the like, but viua wisdom of life too.

F53.  6th of January 2021, the end day of Christmas time   "High skills is different from doing well in life

 I haven't done well in life, I do not have friends, family, work, money, safety, well working society or freedom to follow my own wisdom of life. But for me it has mostly been so that increased skills have made my life better, so I have across the years learned quite many skills and talents, and so I have been stuck to writing but without pay. I know that skills can be useful but they are not all that is needed, and neither is one's own good will all that is needed.

But I have a nice dog and more distant people are quite often good willing, which maybe partly is because I seek for civiliced distance, while poeple who come too close often turn to enemies or were cunning to beging with."

F54.   When it is raining, glimpses of light shining in the water drops bring a sense of beauty that makes the weather enjoyable, beautiful and atmospheric, kind of quietened mind and atmiospheric content to life.

F55.   I used to live on the north-western side of a three storeys high apartment house. There was at that side a parking lot, then a road and a row of trees by it's side and another parking lot and then an as high apartment house plus trees further away and a forest patch at the souther side of the houses, and just about evry evening when it was not too cloudy, one could from the second storey, maybe almost from the whole house, see sunset behind trees and it was quite nice so. There was another house that came nearer the road on the other side by the side of the parking lot, but it did not disturb the view so much.

F56.   "

12. November 2018   Vaapukka has after that happening specialized into helping other animals, sometimes humans too but dizzy humans do not so well understand animals, so mostly to helping animals. I do not quite know how it connects with them, but at least partly via birds and partly in some religious people's way or whatever is the usual way of dogs and other animals connecting with each other kind of spiritually or socially from a distance. He has seemed to spend in that task all the evenings, sometimes afternoons too for the last five years. During the last years it has also speciualized into curing illnesses and wounds with the help of my attempts at curing . A moment ago it said that it had thus come to help as many times, done as many good deeds this way as it has white hairs in it's coat, which it as a puppy said to be one of it'sgoals but I never believed such possible, but it says thatit/he has been able to help a hundred ort even a thousand a day. So it seems that he has the right to have a white coat, even though in daily life he does not appear moral, but just caring.  

Vaapukka thought that I ought to take a picture when he celebrates and at the same time lien on the ground the way he does when he thinks of waking an animal from death:

My texts from this autumn about angels, devils and Christmas gnomes .
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Vaapukka died friday 7th of June 2019 when he at the moment had inflences from unwise British dogs,on a hot day to hyperventilation attack.
He stayed unmoved after it but looked somewhat as if listening, as if recovering, but was quite stiff in the morning, kind of toward relaxing too, so I estimated him dead even though there were not much bacteria in his coat. But in front of his mouth was a small pool of old blod.
30th June 2019   When a little bit under two weeks had passed from Vaapukka's death I composed a short tune to help others who mourn. I thought that it is good to take distance and to wish well and to have an idealistic, kind of polite as if in some spiritual context, picture of the pet which had died.

The day vaapukka died was a quite hot summer day, and maybe a half an hour earlier on a walk with my dogs Vaapukka sniuffeda scrap cover of some fat woman's ice cream on the rgound and thought that it is time for him to continue onwards to such company, like he had long wished for to change to some fat nurse with a caring character like his. I had not known how to arrange it, so he arranged it himself, and so there was an impression of him continuing to life after death, and later on it often came to my mind that Vaapukka was many a female fat nurse's dog and cured handicapped humans. Once 9months later I also heard from outside my window a baby crying like as if it had been Vaapukka, and later that day an aeroplane flew overhead,as if it had beenIranian aeroplane carrying Vaapukka as a baby to Iran, a dog with miracle cure skills, maybe able to wake people from the death too.

Six days before Vaapukka died he had composed two melodies for curing patients in wheelchair back to walking, and he seemed to have lots of ideas and skills in it, thinking that he might comoose a tango about how roads toward getting cured fascinate, but that was a mustake, since the next friday he died. 

I wonder, my poodle Banjo composed last year was it in November a piece for living that time of the year more nicely, it was called Evening twilight and waiting for snow. He was not as skilled but we got attacked the next day and our lives have been ashtray amnd we have been attacked also after other things he has composed. Now we are in a damger of being without home, with no-obne to help us. And contacting the house administration already asd a thought makes me feel as if I were turning to a ghost, and that is what it this time started from, I guess some there wnating to kill me as such experiment.

7th of January 2021   Vaapukka had as a project to teacj curing to animals (and maybe humans) of all countries, and siad that he had succeeded in it on some mental connection of animals.

F57.   7th of January 2021   I saw somewhere a picture of world's first known musical isntrument. It was a hollow stick with holkes through somewhat like a flute but it had the style of dog sledge. I guess that the leashs of the sledge dogs had gone through it and wind had blown melodies and so one had learned how each type of stiuck sings or howls in the wind, and so learne dto make a flute. I wonder if originally people wanted to make artifacts so that they would sing, for example tools. And sometimes it is also nowadays possible. Like as a id we lived in a wooden house with outside wooden stairs to the door and there was in the mornings both shadow of trees and sunlight shining through to the stairs and so it was a nice place to sit and eat breakfast which was mainly warm tea, and listen to bird song and watch the garden, a pleasant moment, not so long but so suited to many people, kind of as if the house had lives singing, kind of weise way of building, even though the house was not in all respects such.

F58.   8th of January 2021   I have already written at lenght about my wisdom of life in the text about healthy natural ages old ways of living on all areas of life , so that's what you ought to read.

1. Healthy natural ways of living are not a rigid rule or alike for everyone. Instead they are a group of things that are good to have in life and from which there usually is lots of good things coming if you catch the idea in them.
Feeling bad, dark thoughts, depressed, being ill, agitation, lack of energy, etc often are results of a lack of healthy ways of living. But how much you should do each thing in the healthy natural ages old ways of living, in that you need to try some amount and listen to what brings pleasantness and energy.
The healthy ways of living are a loose group of things and may depend on the climate."

 F59.   "Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Building dream level solutions

A quotation from a leter of mine:
"lots of room left for
positive imagination according to which one can years later build
something that becomes our future. Feeling, imagination, a structured
 picture, a technical scetch according to that and an engineer building
it: this way you make dreams real! It is a good way to do and to have
in the style the posters are written and pictured: the dream kind of
works as building instructions for making it real, so you get almost
 or even totally ideal solutions this way!""

 F60. Oh, how is gnome like life possible socially, how is it possible to get along and to have room for one's own life, for one's own likings? I guess that the answer is the traditional Finnish rule "Live and let others live!". It is essential, so I copy it here:


Saturday, October 13, 2012

World's best problem solving method (Important to learn all over the world)

 The ruleis something like: One is allowed to be selfish in ways positive for happy life but not to disturb the lives of others - except fairly to prevent them from disturbing others unfairly.

I do not know how all-European this traditional Finnish speaking Finnish (saying/)behaviour rule referred by the non-literal words "Live and let others Live!" but it is surely worth copying! It gives a maximal amount of freedom of everyone, completely according to their own likings, at the same time as it gives perfect moral for purely selfish individuals concerned mainly about their own life but who have a holistic rational view of the world and of the
society's workings.
The rule "Live and let other Live!" means that you can yourself live as freely as you allow others to live in the society - that means the others who follow the rule "Live and let others Live!". If you to some extend disturb people who follow the saying, you own room to affect things and to live in is shrunk on that respect, preventing the harm and making you think that you might want more room and so be motivated to living in harmony. That means that evil is not allowed to affect lives (of anybody else than the evil one oneself) but nice moral things are allowed to affect fully and supported in order to get better life for all! But one does not need to accept some influence because someone else says it is nice, instead there is the need to be moral and the freedom tofollow one's own likings.
It is a good rule. Maybe You have it already! Please learn to use it for happy life and a prosperous society, if it is not so widely known...

About the rule in all social relationships, please read

Observe that this rule is roughly "Room for happy life!" and is akin to justice and caring the world to such that it is good to live in happily. It is not saying that one should not kill anybody. It means that if fair play and the happiness in the society or in the wide world so demands, you are supposed to prevent evil ones (and utterly stupid ones) from harming others unfairly, also if it means war, killing or the like, but of course one must see the situation as a whole, the good and bad sides of each tactic and choose with wisdom.

There is this same rule without any exception in all relationships, including mother-child-relationships, dating (Try for example in competitors in love, their kids and other responsibilities), friendship, hate, not caring attitude etc. Largely other rules are not needed, except lots of common sense, healthy spirit and a good understanding and at least some good will toward all.

An important application of this rule are the relationships between countries and between groups which may compete fiercely. It is also a good rule to build the society upon.

It often happens with this rule that the problems disappear as if they had vanished to the thin air.
Typically some woman (a wise one) or some nice man says "Go and enjoy yourself. Do not be bothered by them. You do not need to disturb them if you go to some other place or to some other people." and so the person in conflict does so and finds so room for him/her to live his/her own life without conflict with the others.

The goal is something like "We live our lives and let them live theirs." But the other side of the rule is how to get it to apply, how to force it upon people who do not follow it. And that is if they break against justice disturbing the lives of others unfairly, their own room to live in is shrunk similarly and they are prevented from harming others unfairly. But where they live ok, they can fairly keep their space to live in. Typically in this the rest of the society caring about that people would follow the rule, is important. Also some wisdom of life makes this work better than too little understanding about quality of life, social relationships and the workings of the society.

If this rule isn't familiar to you and you don't know how to take it into use or even if you want to use it or not, please try it out in your mind: figure out what it is like in each situation and how following it would affect things. It is a very useful rule, somaybe you like it too, it is quite easy when you have first learned it in each type of situation.

If you in some occasion don't feel like yur feelings coming along in letting others have so much room and preferably happiness too, you have propably not applied the rule enough to yourself: so be more selfcentered, think about what your own life need in a situation like this and see if you can arrange freedom and happiness for both yourself and for others, for yourself you need to take care of it and for others just leave room for them and they themselves with their friends arrange for themselves without feeling it being a burden of some kind.

This rule works also if there are lots of murders

In care professions, like for example medicine, it is important to follow good enough understanding, good enough moral and be honest about what is a lie, a habit or an unsure supposion. But with wider consequencies taken fally into account this rule applies there too: the patients and others cared for should be allowed to decide fully about their need for care and about the decisions in their care: that is their life, their own influence to the world and those in care professions should not mess with it, giving excuses for crimes. It is especially important to let those live freely who are moral and so carry the burden of keeping the world in a good state, for example some parts of the society.

This rule works well for example in the negotiations between different groups. You do not need always say aloud that things are according to this rule. It is enough if your suggestions are such that when other groups check them, they find that those are ok for them, so they can easily agree to support them, and likewise for your own groups too. But on the long run it is good for people to learn the rule, so that their own suggestions are all right for others too.

Following this rule in decisions, courses taken, judgements etc makes police and justice system and government also easy to agree about, but you do not need to refer to this rule, but more likely explain things in terms of law, needs, objective thoughts, common sense, experience, fair play, carrying responsibility, freedom, etc and then when the other person checks whether it is ok for him/her, it is according to this rule and so easy to agree about, and kind of makes it easier to think of these kinds of things if one has good enough understanding, wisdom wisdom of life, healthy spirit, good will and responsibility about the coming generations etc.

Horse running in an arch, a model of free life according to feelings, a horse knit picture

Animals and somehumans too learn this rule easily by comparing people (and animals) to the trees in a park: each one has one's branches sovereign, lives freely according to one's emotions so, but does not mess with the branches of others, isn't allowed to do so. But one can offer available things that people like, like for example a song in the radio, in a radio station which specializes to that type of music so that people can choose according to their likings whether they listent o it or not.


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Continued at:

 Skills of Christmas gnomes 7. Fracturelessness


Find The Land Of Christmas

  "  You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...