Saturday, August 19, 2023

Skills of Christmas gnomes 32. Where to live & about Gaia

              Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)

Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love (loving one's way of life)

Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 6. Some pieces of music  
 Skills of Christmas gnomes 7. Fracturelessness 

 Thousand pages long e-book about the skills of Christmas gnomes 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 10. Additional remarks 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 11. Ages old Christmas gnome life 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 12. Better life in a better world 
 Skills of Christmas gnomes 13. Still continued 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 14. Still some additions 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 15. Some wisdom of life

Skills of Christmas gnomes 19. Additional remarks 

Skills of Christmas gnomes 20. Christmas preparations 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 21. Some ordinary life  
Skills of Christmas gnomes 22. While a Christmas gnome sleeps 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 23. Women's position like that of others 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 24. Still continued  
Skills of Christmas gnomes 25. I ran out of good subjects to write about 
26. Birdsong and other Christmas gnome like life 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 27. Still some texts 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 29. About heroes, wisdom of feelings and mourning the dead 

The whole blog

The parts 1. - 31. are available as eight books and e-books at the Amazon internet bookshops, at for example. Search "tervola", or visit my author page .

g1.   Some get overly convinced about their own skills in the areas of life that they learned in their childhood from their parents, so that they continue in a wrong profession and often in a wrong continent compared to which professions they themselves value and like most, to which forefigures they would endlessly transform themselves toward, and which kind of culture they feel to be the right vhouce in lufe in practice. In starting something new as an adult one benefits from the childhood skills even if those are of an entirely different kind of profession, and so one learns some things quicker and in a less cumbersome way and one understands where one can back up one's insight with one's skills, and so what one does is fluent snd emotionally motivated and feels pleasant like holuday even if it work, and the things done are meaningful in life, and across time one grows in professional skills and quality, life is not a burden anymore, it is like life ought to be lived. 

g2.   Some live in technical looking ways and may be overly industroysly active and visiting the homes etc of others, as if they were in a climate, culture or otherwise a spaceship like artificial feeling environment that is not natural to them, so that they have to most of the time conscientously coordinate intellectually what they do and motitore their health and ways affe ting their health and checkkng those thibgs against the ways of living of the locals whose health is on. Then it is likely that they sre tuned to a different kind of climate and ways than where they live, and that by trying to tjink of different climates and cultures would make them find a country where thry can live in a pleasant natural way and feel the local culture's ways to be natural for them, feeling the air to be nicely refreshing or tge sunlight and shadow a good combination, and the people social in pleasant wise ways, like someone moving from Finland to a hut in Texas, or an elderly woman with a cat to Tunis or countryside town in Pakistan. 

g3.   If you luve kn a more countryside like ways but the lufe is not so good, it may be that a part of ghe present day world is tuned to making home chores like cooking, gardening, etc in a quick way concentrated into getting the things done instesd of enjoying them and trying to develop toward skilled and pleasant lufe in such chares. So some things in the modern lufe are tuned toward either choice and not toward them both, like whether you come from shop carrying a plastic bag or a nice traditional handiwork basket that you like. Likewise what is the style of your house or apartment, how it is built, affects lufe possibilitues a lot. If you do not have knterest and energy for the traditional kind of life, modern good quality apartments build in a style thatoffers well space and good quality support of skilled professional builders' insight into livibg in such houses such support to the ways of living and areas of lufe that you like, such are usually good pleasant well working cjoices, but not if the builders or planners do not have practical understanding about such lufe and years of experience of makibg good homes. 

g4.   Plastic shopping bags have a different atmosphere depending on how full they are. If you have only somethkbg at the bottom, ghe bag looks square and squuzed as if you would not want good lufe in such. If you stuff your extra coat or shirt upon the bought things in the bag, the bag looks round like good lufe supported bt shopping, so that passer-bys who all or most have some wisdom of lufe about good life, often think that you search flr good lufe like gets support from shopping, and so they come to think of such life when they see you carrying a round bag, and so they kknd of offer you nice comfortable well running home life. 

g5.   The Lebanese-American poet and a writer Kahlil Gibran wrote finely about work: see


On Work

Then a ploughman said, Speak to us of Work.
     And he answered, saying:
     You work that you may keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth.
     For to be idle is to become a stranger unto the seasons, and to step out 
of life’s procession, that marches in majesty and proud submission towards the infinite.

     When you work you are a flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours 
turns to music.
     Which of you would be a reed, dumb and silent, when all else sings together in unison?

     Always you have been told that work is a curse and labour a misfortune.
     But I say to you that when you work you fulfil a part of earth’s furthest dream, 
assigned to you when the dream was born,
     And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life,
     And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life’s inmost secret.

     But if you in your pain call birth an affliction and the support of the flesh a curse 
written upon your brow, then I answer that naught but the sweat of your brow shall wash away 
that which is written.

     You have been told also that life is darkness, and in your weariness you echo 
what was said by the weary.
     And I say that life is indeed darkness save when there is urge,
     And all urge is blind save when there is knowledge,
     And all knowledge is vain save when there is work,
     And all work is empty save when there is love;
     And when you work with love you bind yourself to yourself, and to one another, and to God.
     And what is it to work with love?
     It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart, even as if 
your beloved were to wear that cloth.
     It is to build a house with affection, even as if your beloved were to dwell in that house.
     It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy, 
even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit.
     It is to charge all things you fashion with a breath of your own spirit,
     And to know that all the blessed dead are standing about you and watching.

     Often have I heard you say, as if speaking in sleep, “He who works in marble, 
and finds the shape of his own soul in the stone, is nobler than he who ploughs the soil.
     And he who seizes the rainbow to lay it on a cloth in the likeness of man, 
is more than he who makes the sandals for our feet.”
     But I say, not in sleep but in the overwakefulness of noontide, that 
the wind speaks not more sweetly to the giant oaks than to the least of all the blades of grass;
     And he alone is great who turns the voice of the wind into a song made sweeter 
by his own loving.

     Work is love made visible.
     And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better 
that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and 
take alms of those who work with joy.
     For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that 
feeds but half man’s hunger.
     And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distils a poison in the wine.
     And if you sing though as angels, and love not the singing, 
you muffle man’s ears to the voices of the day and the voices of the night.

From The Prophet (Knopf, 1923).


 g6.   21st of August 2023   Often elderly persons are all the time as if on moments of concentration to work to which there is a good motivation and which demands the higher understanding of the elderly. Often it is so that the young people have heard of such and thought that such achievements are good enough way for an elderly person to be useful for the society and earn the living of that month even if the work takes only 10 to 15 minutes time for the elderly to get it done, yet it is valuable and ordinary healthy kind of lufe is needed too, even if it takes the great majority of the time of the elderly. 

g7.   The Russians' way of doing traditional living's chores, like burning wood in a fireplace for example, isn't unwise. Instead there is a theory perspective that like an academical picture of the world mentions just some things to take care of and leaves lots of space in between them, so that one just takes care of some point and is left sensing and admiring with the sense of atmospheres the traditional chore's natural ages old sides, especially the nature, eeathers, natural materials, ways of doing and what there is wise and according to wisdom of lufe in the living environment. In Russia the weathers of the seasons vary a lot, so it is good to tune into the present moment, learn a good way of living it, and then continue to a new one. In the more southern, warmer climates people do not quite understand this kind of wisdom of lufe. Instead they continue warmly between the mentilned thibgs, as if keeping cl.pany to others and noticing nothing in between, but maybe that too could be cured by doing meaninggul things like practising a sport tvat one likes or having some favourite hobby or other motivated uplifting endeavour. 

 g8.   If one does something that requires a higly skilled theory perspective, it often happens to many that they just memirise the theory and so if they use it a big part of their time they become nonsporty. For one to be sporty one needs to think something so simple that one thinks it quicly and clearly, and at such moments one can be sporty too, like "here are two steps of stairs between two areas" and so one can sportily rise them. From such sporty moments, say when running, obe can notice on a free moment how big one's possibilities fir sports skills and different good ways of moving are, kind of what is one's vigour. 

g9.   This is the 1500th entry in this Christmas gnome skills text, if I counted right. 

Healthy wisdom of life for all climates : see at e-books (or books) about healing, and the series of books about the Skills Of Christmas Gnomes.

g10.   I wrote to Santa Claus Village at Rovaniemi and to Korvatunturi to inform that there are now 1500 entries in this long text about the Skills of Christmas gnomes. Right afterwards I ran into this maybe Korean video of the song "All for the love of a girl".

Which brought to my mind my blog Advices for dating and finding new friends .

Thinking of some place, profession or way of lufe that one wants but cannot get, brings to my mind that there are many versions of such wanted things, and you were looking at a version dominated by someone who left away from there because she wanted an entirely another kind of lufe in another kind of place, but such may of course happen if the times change and best lufe possibilities are given elsewhere. It is also so that often people and animals want a certain combination of different kinds of things in their lives and are not ready to so much weight on only the another kknd of option, like from the freedom of highly educated town lufe to uneducated countryside where the lufe chouces of some are unwise and life restricted. Mostly one would like a combination of countryside life and visiting towns, living in nice places for a while but being able to take part in the wider world with it's wisdom. Ghe optilns given for the educated kn some place generally suppose that such a place's normal life would be your main choice, so you ought to move to live where such is true and where you can get the right combination of things in your lufe so that your lufe is in balance. My blog guesses that you should choose a few dream professions of yours, toward whose professional forefigures you want to develop, like whom you want to become and live such profession's life. That is far from investing in professions that you do not feel at home with, whivj you are not motivated toward. So you are just your type of person, a kind of righteous existence as just such, and so the places you would go to, are also your kind, a real person meeting a real person, instead of being on wrong tracks. 

Where men's possibilities in life get dropped away except the work which feels like a too big burden, is in letting one who only reaches for points and neglects beautiful values, to lead because of appearing wise, which his course is not. It is too narrow for most, so it fits only him. It does not care life good for living, so it is not ok for deciding about the lives of others, so it isn't good for a leader. It also does not use an educated picture of the world with civiliced values. So people with such are better at providing wise courses in lufe and in working life. Your professional inclinatiln just is for a different kinds of task than of the one who only reaches for points. 

I do not know, but is the problem that the traditional houses too in Japan are very work oriented in what comes to one's state of mind of how to be there? Would it help if the food were of a different kind, kind of more leisirely lufe oriented and more filling in what comes to supporting free time according to feelings and the need for variation. Would (maybe cool) rise with vegetables, with pieces of chicken or soya in some sauce, with them scarcely in it like risotto, plus some fresh fruit in pieces mixed in too. The food ought to be so much heavy or not heavy that it supports just lufe according to the wide civiliced possibilities of life that the civiluced wisdom in the society seeks to offer. And not so heavy that immediate plans would overrun the civiliced values in the society. 

g11.   22nd of August 2023   If it is true (see a10. in part 26.) that manly characteristics come from caring for the tasks that a family and the society needs, it makes no sense to tell the boys that their task is to defend the country and all else is just ordinary livibg of all. Instead they should be told that their task is to care things well for lufe, now and in the future, for all the society and all the world, for all fairly but especially for those whom their views or actions affect. But to do that with best quality, with a good understanding of the world, especially of the need for beautiful values and good quality. Likewise women should safeguard the world and the luvibg environment to good to luve in, good for lufe now and inbthe future. 

Is caring for tasks typical for children becayse of their lower skill level, and so also for those who like and valye jyst engineering & math (because counting etc does not give a proper objective civiliced picture of the world), while an adult man would just care things well for life, both for the family and for the society, also in his social contacts care things well for the society and for the world. While a woman would cultivate and follow wisdom of life and get so things well for life also in a wider context. 

g12.   23rd of August 2023   Some wonder why don't I have a man, aren't that the normal thing to be demanded from all. Why would I have pets or nothing except some distant overly wise old people and just normal aquiantages plus enemies as my social contacts. But I have always been intelligent in an objective way and with wisdom of life and a sense of responsibility as a wise person, so all or many have thought that it would be my job to write or to make some art, and that is consideted an important input in the world. So people tend to complain that if I have a man, there comes lots of such much lower skill level and much more unwise, much less responsible influencies from him to my work, and so it is not ok, especially since some stupidly guess that it is the spouce who should be in my work and not me, and so such & having a spouce is in practice prevented by others. In having a pet there is no such problem. I get company but no-one actually thinks that the pet should write to my bligs with it's paws, or that I should replace my texts here and there by it's advices, since pets are different in their understanding, so that at most my dogs had videos, a page at and own blog, while the pet of some high official may for a similar reason have an own video channel, since the pet has developed unusually wise and responsible and is really a replacement for a family that one cannot have because the job is too important and demanding. 

g13.   A cool or cold climate life is very much centered on looking, especially on looking at landscapes and understanding what there is in it but not being bothered by it and being mainly centered on the sense of beauty and just looking. I do not know if the people in the tropics look at the landscape around that way. It is something like if you have a relaxed moment, maybe sit leisurely and glance a familiar landscape, say children swimming near by, maybe some mist in your eyes. It is just a landscape, seen, understood but just a sense of beauty, a peaceful moment of lufe in the livibg. Maybe also if you walk some cumbersome path, say rise a step upon some higher place and kind of walk slowly or pause after that for a second or two or a few seconds and glance around as if to notice "Aha, here I am, now I can continue that way."

g14.   24th of august 2023   When I was a child and our parents were scientists and the school too oriented toward objective thinking with pictures of wholes, the ideology of what science and civiliced wisdom could be and what they could give to human societies and to lifd, was fine and generally agreed about. But then once in school some teacher asked the pupils that the teachers had liked scientology and taught things said by Ron Hubbard, was it ok? The pupils answered that those were common rational goals agreed by all, it makes no sense to call them Hubbard's own even if he was good at finding words for them. But somehow we never later heard of thosd beautiful values. 

"Lights of Moscov

You I once found, my friend.

You wandered a moment in the night by my side.

Your eyes looked at me so,

Called to love's dreams.

And to us shone the lights of Moscov.

When the morning came I lost you,

When the lights of the town were turning off.

You said quietly "Goodbye".

We separated under a lamp post.

Now will I ever see you?

Still I search for one window.

I see millions of those.

I walk to a darkening evening.

Lighrs tell of their memories.

And I know that I can never forget you. "

g15.   25th of August 2023   The ages old human nature, livibg along it on all areas of life gives magnifient life, every moment on every side of life. It has great missions in the world and in the life of an individual, and reaching for them in wise ages old wsys, with full capacity and full understanding, with the wisdom of life of the individual and of the civiliced society, brings life rich with sensations, natursl healthy wisdom of lufe and full of contentment of feelings, of livibg according to one's ages old nature which is good for the world and social contacts too. Vaving such a capacity as an inborn possibility makes it possible to grow toward it if one is left to develop in peace with high wise ages lld values and an environment that understands about healthy life, is wise in that wsy. That is the opposite of the idiotic evil forcing and lying done by psychologists etc. The individual just needs freedom. 

g16.   My old text (only the beginning in English) "The fate of the human kind and the development of large systems", see 

From my paradise theory book


K. Gibran (a famous writer from Lebanon):

" I have chosen both the joys of this world and peace in the world to come.

Because I feel in my heart that the Upmost Poet wrote just one poem and its structure is perfect."



I have reached

the most beautiful

things that I know of,

made them real possibilities

and this world wide,

starting from an as cynical point of view as I can imagine

i.e. from the completely value-free competition for power and benefit,

and from all the nicer points of view that I know of.


If things are even worse, i.e. evil ruling without other goals than just destruction and torture, we can use the value-free competition to put the more moral ones, our own side into power, to let the global paradise win.

I have succeeded in this. I can even prove it for computers governing instead of living beings and for the case that no material world exists and we are just spirits or some kind of intelligent constructions run inside a huge computer brain (The beneficality of the optimised solution to the whole does not demand that you would have been planned and especially fitted to that kind of whole by the evolution or by intelligent planning.).


I do not know what more I could do,

the rest is

up to you!


At least spread the view that these objective grounds for a global final paradise exist!


 The above is in the meaning: the most beautiful things that I have heard of.

 g17.   Fair play keeps things well for life in the living environment.

g18.   Video of someone making an old times' book

" * * *

25th of August 2023   It seems that due to a not-so-literal quality, most of my books and booklets will not stay in the long run. The ones that seem to stay are:

"Living with the four seasons"

"Knitting tips : Nice knitting"

Of my healing advices the Index, and maybe also the Miracle healing advices. 

( "The far future with computers" might stay like some old presently no longer much used booklet.

Most of my books and booklets would be largely bypassed like old university lecturer's own unedited texts, or maybe some parts of them taken to some collection of texts by different authors. )

I do not know, what will happen to my Christmas gnomes skills books. Those either suit Christmas and sre preserved somewhere, or then they are just some repair pieces in intercultural communication, like a list maybe.

Also my book "Singing experience of life and Healthy natural ages old ways of living" might interest new readers in the long run. 


My books and e-books at ought to have a look inside -feature, so you can see the difference between the books. Some books are collections of many separate texts while the most liked are just single well running texts in a subject that I like and have skills and teaching skills in. And the healing blog's liked parts are made more with thought and concentration. 

g19.   26th of Aucust 2023   A fine capercaillie video from was it Russia

It makes me wonder, could one make a photobook, for example of these magnifient nature pictures, with such a fine cover as in the previous video. 

But I guess that this is a not so new idea, since I have a photo album of the same style.

g20.   I collected the beginning of my Finnish blog about solutions and problem solving hints to environmental questions to a book and an e-book "Ratkaisuja ja ongelmanratkaisuvinkkejä ympäristökysymyksiin 1." see 

g21.   30th of August 2023   I wonder if internet's face recognition program made a description of the picture of the Japanese spitz Vaapukka which I used to have, in the cover of my new book : (the e-book ought to have unlimited copying possibility). Vaapukka was a skilled miracle healer on some spiritual side, so maybe it is no wonder that sometimes it seems possible to see some Japanese spitz that resembles him, as if a picture of it accompanying some nurse in their work, even though it is already four years from when he seemed to die. This year's summer or spring I said to him during such a glance that if he seems to have position that compares with that of Jesus, it isn't only some nurses he is affecting, it is a much wider thing affecting the whole society and the world, so he ought to change profession and start invest in strenghts needed in governing, and rely on wise relicious and civiliced persons as an aid in such, both animals, humans, cultures and wisdom of life, relying on one's own understanding and experience of lufe but trying to see it's place in the wider picture of the world. As a puppy he once said that he had learned to be a priest by two days' attempt. Maybe he is still yearslater superbly good at learning. He used to read the newspaper and it was an arts oriented town with civiliced wisdom, nature and religion. 

g22.   It is said that Jesus had followers. In the Buddhist center in Helsinki some 15 years ago there was a man with somewhat Jesus style appearance and he too tended to have followers. He used to keep some short talks about Buddhist teachings, somewhat like tales of different subjects, kind of his own versions of Buddhist thoughts, on meditation evenings. I guess that it is some human type which tends to have followers : there is something valuable, of good quality that he tends to give to listeners, but some other parts somewhat obscure as if not so good for others, and it all valuable kind of theoretical, letting people live their own lives each in their own way, completely undisturbed but sharing common civiliced values and an interest in the hobby group like meetings every now and then, not so overly often snd not so rigidly, more like a group of like-minded people at some age in their lives. I guess that some adults who tend to charm neighbourhood's children and show them things to do, have some good sides like that even though not necessarily theoretical. 

g23.   31st of August 2023   I warched today in the news how Mitch McConnell paused seeming to think how justice system did crimes sueing him because of having sued Trump and some other major politicians. Usually it is so that wise old experienced objectively thinking individuals can express their views on the practices in a societh, making suggestion of how things should be in each case and on a general level, what are the rules to apply and why just such, like I just a few days ago noticed that " g17. Fair play keeps things well for life in the living environment. " ( , ) but one should explain the grounds for those general guidelines objectively and make clear why to make such detailed choices in each of a few famous cases. Often people see that some course does not gp right or needs extra explanatilns, so some tend to involve wise people in affairs that they want wise comments ln. 

Such happens often to wise old people, also in questilns involving medicare. Ghen I thknk that writing teaching material to the internet, for example , is a good way to offer such wise views to both professionals and to people at large. But publishing such writings as a book or an e-book, for example at Kindle Direct Publishing, is more cpnvincing, seems to be a more lasting effect, if the quality is good enough. Journalists ought to be one option too, and politicians, but I do not know of those. 

g24.   I have learned that if it isn't Christmas time, people search for reading about Christmas gnomes if they are young and long for happier life, or if they are old and seek ways to communicate their wisdom to the younger generations, or if they have a very poor day so that they just have to take it easy, or if they are ill and have to stay in bed, and especially people who are badly ill in a hospital might choose Christmas gnomes as a subject to read about. So for libraries the e-books about Christmas gnomes could be a good choise, see my Christmas gnome skills books at .

g25.   I wonder if a bad day should be renamed a poor day, i.e. not rich enough day : poor in wisdom of life, poor luck, poor skill level, not managing to choose exactly right courses in life, lack of social acceptance from the people that one meets, poor position in the society, commjnication errors and a mismatch of social styles, lack of rest and refreshing tjings like nature environment, lack of feeling full from food and poor in what comes to the good sides in things done which one can get if one has enough money for the right kind of good basic equipment etc. 

Lot of good food, religions, meditation, civiliced wisdom and education, healthy ways of living, shops, music, making indoors nice, parks and recreation in nature, etc seek to correct poorly working life toward good well working days and good life. 

 g26.   What wisdom and wisdom of life older people want to teach to the younger generations, is largely in what is taught in schools, both about thinking, skills, values and picture of the world and about good ways of living. Yet very few try to follow such values and good quality in everything all the time, diligently in major matters of life and of the world but without making rigid irrational rules of it. Yet it would be so valuable if one would follow it all the time that only a few great famous persons during world history have so done. From having had the last name Hari kn my childhood, I learned that all who copy from Mother Maria develop to very evil. So Jesus' mother must have been very diffivult to live with. Such usually leads to the child investing in following civiliced wisdom since such one can rely on at all times. So as an adult when he had tough, his basic ways of recovery were according to civiliced wisdom and so he woke from death and was able to heal himself and others and make miracles. What I have as an adult heard of problems of others, both social and what tge society is like, seems to say that with values and level of objectivity like in civiluced wisdom, most or all such problems would vanish. 

Of Mother Maria having become pregnant without having been with a man, I guess one means that instead of on relying on Mother Maria people ought to rely on persons who are independent and can live on their own instead of creating social tangles and unfair behaviour of favourites and rejected or despiced ones, which often prevents people from living based on their own strenghts and civiliced wisdom. 

g27.   1st of September 2023   Yesterday I watched a little bit of the beginning of some long video which told about the prehistoric times when all the present day continents were still together, forming one big continent called Pangaea. I was left pondering about the name Pangaea, was it a question of how a Gaia, a symbiosis of all living beibgs, of the whole world was possible, how was our original nature born, if it today seems to be in the nature of living being, all or many fractureless having the pitential to such when fine-tuned, great deeds possible just in that directiln as if things had been that way when the species developed. First I was left pondering of prehistoric kind of lufe of dinosaurs and luzard birds in a landscape of reddish orange dry land which had been pressed hard by big feet like some eleohants and rhinos egc niwadays. But it did not bring the answer because it looked too clumsy kind of life. I guess a Gaia like understanding and via it a Gaia is born where the climate and animal lufe are more benefical to plants but where one can see the landscape, so that if an animal is adapted to that kind of living environment, it just looks at the landscape around and thinks that it is a good way of life, plants growing and flourishing in the ground everywhere and trees too but not a jungle there in the basic form, and so the animal wishes well for the plants and for the lufe around, that each one coukd fliyrish in one's lufe without being a burden to others, instead being a blessing to the natural lufe around. And so one can think as a landscape like view in one's picture of the world and have the complexity of instinctually understanding the lufe around along, wishing well for the world and understanding how all can live well, flourishingly together so, together in spirit, having common ideals and wise understanding, even if not always together physically. 

g28.   For one to learn to respect life, there should originally have been some option of choosing whether to mive with floyrishing life or with a more desert like environment, like for example eating only some plants and letting the young plants grow in peace, and having paths instead of stepping on leaves. The variations of the seasons would have made the chouces very valued at certain tines of the year while the applying of the wise practices would have been most important at the start of the flourishing season. The deasons also make such collectively shared goals and thewinter or zry season leaves time for ponderibg and sharing experiences of different methods of cultivation or nature preservation. So collective learning is important, lijewise getting along and protecting the needed. 

g29.   In my paradise theory I have estimated mechanically useful characteristics of wholes. One way in which living beings could form Gaia is via reaching for same ideals and supporting each other in skills, so one can learn skills and talents via having skilled models in them, also from living beings of different species in the same living environment. 

g30.   Come to think of it, an opossum is in Finnish "opossumi" which is near the words "ope Suomi" meaning a teacher, Finland. If an opossum or some other animal, maybe a mouse who lives also indoors, would like to become a teacher of Finnish kind of wisdom to other animals, it coukd study and later teach the opossum excercise W20. and the easy quick school for animals E11., and take care that the students follow good quality in all major matters. If the students would like to continue to further studies, they maybe could study something that they like in "The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute" , not forgetting to value the wisdom of the nature. 

g31.   Quite many people when they get older, at some time start needing less food or preferably lighter kind of food with fresh vegetables or something of the kind on a bigger emphazis than before. It seems to be when they themselves and their social environment and often their relationship to the society has become wiser so that some old things that were hard to bear drop away and so they need less food. If one can be indeoendent, it is often easier to be wiser and so lne needs less food than one who keeps company since often others wish to keep company when they have tough times in their lives, and walking each step together one is clumsier and so the quality is lower and so there are more things that are hard to bear and so each one needs much more food. Yesterday it was as if somelne had said that food is scarce in the shop, we will see how we will be able to live the winter. And later it was as if a poluceman had said that all must fast three days, at most eat a little bit of fresh carrot during the whole day. Today which was said to be the first day of fast, it appeared that all in the district or very many were unable to eat anything. Some children got hungry, cried that they cannot bear ghe hunger, so one of them ate a tiny amount of flour like on a fingertip after one has touched flour, and immediately afterwards he cried in pain as if he had eaten a too big meal of fried pig's fat, much too heavy for him and so he got ill from that tiny amount of flour. I thought of eating a tiny amount of lemonade mixed in lots of water, but as I thought of it there came a nunn on some mental or spiritual side and forbid it saying that one must eat nothing. 

So maybe the elderly and religious people who need only a luttle food, really eat very luttle, lije we would guess a mouse to eat: a small part of some fruit only or juice and a nipple of bread or is that too too much. For the elderly whose amount of muscles gets smaller because of not eating much, maybe they coukd eat a small amount of food for sporty people and start moving lije sporty people in normal life outside spirts hobbies, like half a slice of fresh vucumber, a fingertip sized piece of full seed bread and a fingertip sized piece of a slice of cheese, not so much that one would get lazy, just so much that one can grasp it as a support for movkng like when younger. 

g32.   2nd of September 2023   A couple of days ago there was in the news something about Gabon, which is a country in Central Africa, between Congo and the sea cost in the west. The news said that the president had been thrown away from power and they had been adviced to protect the president and his family. It sounded like my poodle as a president, very peaceful and well running life like a pet can arrange if it is wise but humans rarely. But maybe they have gorillas there. Apes seem to guide their lives via thoughts and a learned theoretical picture of the world, like humans, so I would classify apes among human species, while dogs and other animals guide their behaviour and ways largely via their instinct nature, via what they feel in their instinct nature. So an animal would take cover when in a storm, while an ape would maybe discuss options in it like human boys. 

Which brings to my mind that China has as it's capital Peking as if "pet king". Do they have a buldog somewhere influencing life? 

We Finns tend to learn the weathers from the little singing birds in the living environment, to a large part from the little singing birds at the trees near houses. It is important because the weathers are really tough, the warmest summer day in Savonlinna was +34C and the coldest winter morning -33C, so there may be a yearly variation of 60C in daytime temperatures, but here near the cost of the Baltic Sea such is somewhat milder because of the sea. So how we live the weathers, affects life here a lot, but it isn't the same as a ruler or a pet. 

g33.   Kookaburras look cute but they have a sharp peak. I do not know where they live, is it in Australia? One who likes pets often likes indoors looking nice and having something which refers to nature. Having a pet often connects to wanting to look all the time at something beautiful, always varied, finely structured like nature. It just makes one feel good like warmth and keeping company make some feel good, but there is a huge difference in how much one wants to look and how detailedly and how socially and so those people fit to different kinds of work and each to a life of their own kind.

g34.   My Japanese spitz Vaapukka as a puppy in Espoo. He later learned to be a skilled miracle healer. He said that if one bites, one must also know how to heal. He also studied to become a samurai. He went near people, to their lap, like if one has some other strenght to rely on. My poodle Banjo was very different in those respects, kind of jolly running it's own friendly ways like a singer and discussing factually like a philosophy strenght with a fine level of understanding, teaching such also to younger dogs. 


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