Sunday, February 23, 2020

Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life

Tale like fascination in everyday real life : Skills of gnomes 3. Gnome like life in the modern world

This text is a continuation for my texts about gnome like life in the modern world:
The original gnome text
and continued at .
In the end of the second part I quoted my best texts, so that there isn't much more that I could write about the subject. But here are at least some links:

C1.   How a well working society is build:
More texts about moral in oractice

C2.   (Some Finnish text of interest in this subject, maybe:
Haaveammattiin-blogi )

C3.   What I wrote today about nuclear bombs

C4.   The wooden bird with somewhat Eurovision song contest like style has the style of spring with in mind the thought what if I too could make music, for example sing from my heart. But I made the dark brown bird before I watched the Eurovision song contest the same day, and the light brown birds during that song contest week.

(In Finnish:Lastulinnun ohje
Tulta leiskuu harmaahapset )

C5.   Get a touch of how to compose music
Advices about living the four seasons, a long text with melodies

C6.   What fits well together with a gonme like way of working, of doing the chores of one's dream job or at least a job that one likes, is the traditional view of the task of banks as upkeepers of the prosperity in the society and in the world.Investing in valuable things, doing work that produces better life, doing things in meaningful ways, having skills in using the money, succeeding in buing and in building and otherwise using the maney that one has, even if it is small money. Not thinking of large figures as numbers only (is the money from abroad or from not valued work if it is just numbers?) but instead of as the valuable things that produce good life in the society, much like is the idea in having pictures of famous highly valued things in paper money.

C7.   In caring for the affairs of the world Finns have often wished for international negotiations, which has typically caused that the people negotiating are not interested in such a minor place's views. But if we Finns ourselves are interested in Finnish views, we can invest work in those subjects and produce ready material about how to solve things in the Finnish ways, so that if need arises, such answers exist and there is material that one can read and use them, for example here in the north. So there is no need in that for Finns to manage to rule the world but instead it is a question of offering volutary labour here in Finlandand having ready solutions in matters of interest here in the north.

C8.   In skills how detailedly right you get depends on what kinds of visual stimuli you have and have lately had. If you look at empty rooms with walls and floor of even colour and maybe a table or so but without things to look at deatiledly like nature decorations for example, you get things only roughly right and if you need to choose between options, you get it only roughly or vaguely right. But if you have wandered on a path in a park and admired the beauty of nature and if then the things you do have natural detailed sturcture like for example a fallen tree branch as a woodworks material, you at the same time as you move your hands in shaping the wood you see it's natural structure, its patterns, and slight movements of your hands are easy to discern compared to the patterns next to them, and so you have a sense of atmospheres too and so you can discern between different ways of doing and so you learn new skills all the time. And such is the usefulness of natural materials and nature decorations even if you do something else next to them or right afterwards. Music has often a similar good side.

C9.   24.2.2020   Quite many traditional things are such that it depends on your approach whether you find them to your life or not. Quite many people know them but them demands skills and peace and so you need to be motivated toward them to find them to your life, at least it is often so. If you bypass something just by noticing the central features, it is likely that you find only the present day main things in it. But if there is more life to it and different areas of life, then it may be that if you search with your heart you can find something of interest, somethiung rhat suits your life. But cultivating it demands dedication and peace and adapting your life to such goials instead of to the most obvious, and such means somer different social group to belong to. Like this you can maybe find nature and place to live in, if you search from a wider area something qyuite common there.
If you ask, why does it need to be quite common, the answer is that it works out as a part of your life better as such than as somethings pecial, over which there is a competition and so it lacks many of the good sides it ought to have or needs continuous fighting. If it is some nature view, much nicer is if there is similar fascination widely around there, if you use that as a criterion of where to live or where to spend frr time. If you belong to some group with similar interests and similar ways of living, you find support and shelter from it. If you are of a different kind, like often is if you have not yourself chosen the town where you live because of it's attractions, (12th of May 2022, it's spirit in this respect ) then there maybe is some option in principle but not in practice, like if there is some sports possibility but the locals are not inclined toward sports and so it does not work and no-one cares to repair it and take care of it.

C10.   ""Spring cleaning
When you get a spark of enthusiasm of spring, you can among other things tidy and make things nice at hiome so that you are along with the season with a happy mood. But in April one is usually forceless, so one has energy and good mood with which to leave things joyful mostly in March and May. It is customary to wash windows in the spring when sunshine shows the dirt in them.
In February at the spring side of winter it is good time to go through places that one hasn't had the energy to tidy for months. In March sunny days it is nice to clean in ordinary ways and to make places nice for spring. In April one does not tidy so much but one ought to live quite speedily and soften home in some ways by making places nice if the landscape behind the window is strenously grey. In May one already makes home nice for summer."
Please observe! This means enthisiasm about the spring, not about the tidying itself. Like: "It was so nice outdoors. The spring is already here! How can it be like this indoors? Wait a moment, I will tosss these aside and wash this table with a few round strokes,so that it is more like spring here in too. Now, look how much better! What if we should do this to a few other places too? If we just have the energy to it." "

C11.   25th of February 2020
"A melody: peoples cooperating in European way
Thinking of peoples cooperating in Eiuropean ways, in harmony of individuals and cultures
Thinking of the Eurovision song contest brought this subject to my mind, aversion of singing in a choir.

(Quotation added later, 8.3.2020 :)
"26th of February 2020   I was thinking of åepåle living in harmony in a way that is reflected in singing in a choir, or learned from it, and thought of people from different continents singing, but I do not know what it affected that it was just a thought.
There are three parts in this: 10/4 theory, 8/4 practice and 8/4 ideals.
Was thinking of the harmony of the choir, not nedessarily of it's melody.Could it work out as chords accoimpment?

5th of March 2020 These three parts would beif I remember right: 1. rationally, 2. in practical chores, 3. ideals. I wrote also fourth part and it would be: 4. collecting these to living ordinarily. It is half-notes: E, A, F and C.

C12.   26th of February 2020   How to see how one's environment supports the good of the society each their own way but from their heart:

C13.   29th of February 2020
(In fInnish: laajemman ymmärryksen palauttaminen matemaattisuuden jälkeen )

C14.   Also in this age of technologization and computers, there is room for real rationality, feelings and moral, for the ages old nature of humans and living beings

C15.    "Just a monet ago it for the first time in my life came to my mind that
the British maybe do not like rainy weathers. I have written about the
seasons in Finland and in that there are some pieces also about
pleasant rain: some melodies and a part in the summer part and maybe
something in teh autumn part too, but I am not sure of that.
For finding a weather pleasant it helps to recognize what kind of
weather it is, kind of detailedly like in arts, and adjust some major
factors like heat production, clothes & shoes, how long one is
outdoors, how quickly one moves, what one does outdoors, what are the
things indoors in between which you are outdoors, how much one looks
at what and how much one uses the sense of beauty, and the sense of
atmospheres, in which ways one is social in that weaher, how much one
is separate from the weather and how much along it for example feeling
it suiting one's character, what ways of living, moods and who enjoy
each weather, for example slight rain with sun shining, and how long
that experience lasts for them and is it a part of the fascination of
the area they live in. And so find the option in each that is good for
the weather in question for you and for your day today anbd it's
social relationships who too each have their weather skills and

C16.   1st of March 2020   Some years ago I sent this letter to Africa:

Fitting thinking and feelings together

About good wise ways to think:
All our observations, which form our thinking ability, are not simple
mechanical. Many of our wisest thoughts are on a more emotional
philosophical insightful way of looking at things. How to keep these
both kids of truths in harmony:
Each feeling marks some things important in our own life, in the
society or in the world at large. The task of feelings is to motivate
our practical action into safeguarding these things. So each feeling
corresponds to a thought: "This thing is important in life!". This
way, as our thinking tells why objectively these things are important,
emotional truths find an expression in schooled kind of objective
All of the tough value-free dynamics are based on what functions, i.e.
on what is healthy. In man-made things this corresponds to well
functioning, well planned and rationally used in the light of one's
whole picture of the world. The healthy is what our nature guides us
towards: toward the healthy we feel natural healthy love. So the
world, all it’s tough dynamics is based on the healthy, which we love.
On a flowery language: “The World Is Of Love!”.
Typically complex problems involving whole societies, but also other
kinds of problems, get solved via: Healthy natural ways of living and
the state of the world healthy. Build in your mind a picture of the
ideally healthy world. Compare other options to it with the help of
the principle “Healthy works better than broken.”.
In our nature there are encoded our principles of functioning: The
most natural on all areas of life while having a good holistic picture
of the world, functions the best: gives most capacity, intelligence,
social wisdom, well working social bonds, well working society, a good
position in it fairly, best state of the world, most happy life, etc.
The most healthy and natural is the most well working and harmonical.
It is also the most beautiful and touching: as music, as art, as
social communication, as truths and ideals,…
A wider attention can handle more things and handle them without
errors, so religious sensitivity, friendly compassion, love of the
nature, leisurely voluntary labour for some good cause in a group of
pals and holidays can increase one’s intelligence to manyfold. If one
way of thinking that you can use, can predict all the outcomes of some
other way of thinking of yours, then the one which observes more is
the more intelligent one and worth picking.
Many try to solve problems by trying what they can build from the
available parts. Religion solves problems in a much better way by
solving them solution centeredly:
First an idea of the ideal, which is like building instructions for
the whole solution.
Then an atmosphere according to it and a landscape of the situation
according to that atmosphere, which gives a practical holistic view of
how to arrange things in order to reach the ideal.
Then practical action in your own life according to that landscape and
atmosphere, reaching for that ideal. And trying friendlily and
idealistically to get others along for a good cause.
Thinking of the whole makes you solve most problems of application
already before you meet them. If you think of only the problem at
hand, you leave your relationship to the wide world unsolved and so
you run into extra problems and lot of more work which you could have
avoided via using a holistic perspective in planning.
Typically in thinking you eed two pictures: 1) the world is
objectively like this, all it’s phenomena and structures like this,
and 2) my life is like this, these are my wishes, this is my wisdom of
life and this is howI am going to live.
The healthy is what working ability and intelligence is build on. It
is also what gives us happiness. It is the natural direction in our
lives and in the world. The thought “I love Life, happiness and things
positive for happy life – like most of the others, like You too! So I
take them as my values in the world at large…” gives so happiness,
friendly social life and the most well working prosperous working
With each phenomenom of the world it is good to think what it means to
life: “children, free time, catastrophes,…” and feel accordingly.
These objective feelings in one’s picture of the world motivate one to
the wisest practical action easily and in well understood sincerely
felt ways."

C17.   2nd of March 2020
"A few years ago around Christmas I heard from somewhere - or misunderstood? - someone saying that she had chosen to have Christmas year around, that one can well choose so. My Christmasses haven't been so very good but I like Christmas preparations and the idea of arranging things good for life. So I kind of took it as one thing to figure out part time how one could have somewhat Christamas like good sides in life in different times of the year. Christmas itself is for winter and for surviving the darkest time of the year, and for learning winter skills. But on other times of the year one can similarly find good ways to live those seasons and weathers, those views to life and the world. And one can in the middle of work like things to do find also something that is some mixture of comfortable and active, good for feelings. And a kind of freedom to be an individual, have hobbies, favourite professions, interests in the wolrd. And a mixture of making home good for living, enjoyable and going out to the world, having healthy spirit and healthy kind of versions of things, joy oflife, even though I think that joy is a characteristics of the more sporty life, which I long for."

C18.   I had a dog, a white Japanese spitz boy, that somehow on the spiritual side via some mental connection with other animals helped the ill animals and somewhat also humans. And he said that there seems to be life after death, life that is often much like the life before death but some major factor like who are one's closest relationshipms, where one works or where one lives, had to change, for example an adult child to grow up from his parents, and if there was no other way for it to happen, the person had to die and from him/her maybe the closest relationships died or moved away or got a new wife or whatever. He said that there is a place for each but sometimes times change and there is no such place in the same place anymore, and so one has to move to new kind of life jsut where one happens to find a place for oneself.

C19.   Preserving cultural inherotage from generation to generation, also if there are lots of immigrants and/or times change

C20.   3rd of March 2020
I wonder if a good atmosphere somewhere like as if there were gnomes, is a question of there being some factor that carries in itself life to good life there, like nature and hobbies and maybe some culture that one likes are. And one comes across it in the middle of some other thing in life and it is refreshing and it is from the point of view of middle of action and it is though fractureless there anyway and so it offers energy and good life and a touch of something ages old.

C21.   6th of March 2020     Life according to feelings and peacefulness in the tough world
 "Beautiful things in the tough world
If the world sometimes seems too tough to allow well beautiful things and peaceful life according to feelings, pay attention to structures, look so that you see at the same time both the concretical structure that is important from the point of view of tough realism and of how things work in practice, and at the same time see the finer structure of the things, their atmospheres too, so that you know what they are like for skills and for life. So you can choose goo´d structures and your choices are good for skills too and for living your life and for life in the society and in the world, anmd so you can choose accprding to feelings, live a life according to feelings at the excuse of havimng followed tough realism."

C22.   My paradise theory book, please bladdre it through!

C23.   7th of March 2020
"About foreign interests
If a place is small and foreign interests many and mighty, there comes the question how to arrange things. Generally then one has to pay attantion to the different interest groups, to what they need, and in civiliced ways arrange such things on one's own behalf for those groups separately or if works well as some bunches, and especially for one's own groups. That means that one must maybe arrange such things also elsewhere, support some other groups whiuch arramge such, often abroad and in different professions etc. For example all material like suits one's own group in civiliced ways, but having specific occasions in which the other groups are taken tinto account. And if they ask for something else, refer that to the groups which arrange such, poften abroad, like for example travel is different from actors introducing basic areas of life in their own coutrnry, and documents telling of them in reality."

C24.   9th of March 2020
Gnomes are a traditional part of Finnish Christmas and Christmas is by far the biggest celebration of the year. Gnomes are a part of the whole December, of making Christmas preparations and of the Christmas itself. Christmas gnomes, which are often the family's children, help Santa Claus in bringing the presents.

C25.   11th of March 2020   Travel to fascinating places with a spirit pf their own maybe depends on whether you have chosen the destination(s) right, by their fascination.

C26.   But you can find some version also nearer, for example in some nice free time area near by.
Sometimes when you have a moment or two extra time and you spend it wandering and looking around, those moments feel like a richer time, rich with experience, multiple sensations and feelings. That is like meditation i.e. a way to happiness and skill. Those richer moments have something to do with it being just a few moments and not some long lasting labour. Something to do with it being like a twinding path from one experience to another, then to next ones and so on. A way to happier life if you can find it."

C27.   12.3.2020   Generally if one has some energy left one can choose in which ways one associates with things, emphasizing some things and some things carrying with wisdom of life, taking distance like feels best and keeping a moment's enthusiasm by not lingering too long in one subject, so that one gets a more pleasant experience and can get energy from the enjoyment and from healthy ways of living. This is maybe clearest about one's experience of the weather somnehérw where there is nature. One can similarly learn from rock music in the radio: how it suits the weather and the chores of the day.

C28.   13.3.2020   One way to be left in peace for a while is to eat good food so that one is warm and satisfied. People usually leave room for such. If there is a civiliced good-willing social custom in the society, following such and suporting it with having eaten warmly good food often calms down aggressive malicious people too. I guess they come think without it being mentioned that such is what they themselves need right then. Civiliced ways as a custom and valued professions are like shared hobbies and values and make it easier to get along with more distant persons whi share the same values.

C29.   14th of March 2020   The old Japanese poet Basho wrote books with stories that have poems in between about the same subjects, and so one can learn to read poems. Those at the same time teach some concretical view of using the senses and living practical life that is good for understanding how ordinary famous old poems are of good quality both intellectually and in what comes to quality of life, happiness. Poems fit well together with life that has enjoyable sports, nature, rock music in the radio, practical life, civiliced wisdom, something worhwhile to do in the world and moral & a quest for wisdom of life and a life according to feelings and one's best understanding, healthy natural life according to the ages old human nature and wishing well in the world.

"Old pond.
Frog jumps,
sound of water."

C30.   15th of March 2020   Using in one's life the point of view that a human being is by one's nature a being that lives in societies and that one wants a good society to live in, often solves away society level problems, since if it is used on a general level it creates an easy way for the different kinds of groups to cooperate in a society for a better world.

C31.   19th of March 2020   Civiliced wisdom offers answers that are theoretically looking best and worked well in practice, so that even if one does not know the situation, they typically work out well. It is often so that answers look different in style than problems, one kind of catches a different view of the situation and learns tyo cure things to normal.
People have many kinds of wisdom. Investing in just one kind of answers does not bring as good effect as trusting different areas of life.

C32.   20th of March 2020   If you love some area of life and have a good touch with it so that you could have it as your work, how often did it happen that after some age you got no chance to it, almost at all, and especially not as work? Can it be that even if you were young and with not so much experience, maybe you were a forefigure in it for an enermous number of people and maybe animals? People and animals likelearning all kinds of things in life and hearing about wise things in the world and nice things etc. So maybe in spirit you were not at all alone but instead for a wide audience, like and elderly person with wisdom of life maybe to all younger ones,  in the world can it be, or in similar cultures? And so your place is with that audience's support and not as someone who just happens to wants to do such.

C33.   24th of March 2020   If a person who likes some work, hobby, chores at home or traditional life is in some classification gnome like, there are very many gnome likepeople in the world, maybe as many as all human kind. Plus animals of course. So there are very many types of gnomes, like there are different cultures, places, interests, types of persons and ways of doing. So all gnomes are not alike and they do not deserve the same feedback and often not the same classifications.
This kind of gnome here in my texts is in the tough world. It isn't like a young person sheltered from the world by parents or people who like him/her or admire him/her. Maybe someone can get such shelter too, but the idea here is to find a place for oneself and for good life in the toguh world, even if one isn't the smaller one in the unwise shelter of others. But it is very much like a worker having found one's place in teh society and the society working well.

C34.   25th of March 2020
A harmony between birds

Another between humans but just somehow

C35.   28th of March 2020
"The Nätki suburb I live in the countryside town Savonlinna in eastern Finland has a fascination of it's own. It is much like a "Huaah!" like feeling instead of work as a burden, like is fit for a holiday travel destination and free time. I guess that mnay would like to learn these good sides and adopt them where they live, but not all.
* local newspaper that tells about the local highlights and no work magazines etc
* food shop that values comfortable ways and good quality fit for arts
* food helps to put work aside and brings room for free time
* religion 
* music but choose instrument or CD player with a quiet sound so that you do nto disturb neighbours
* my blog could bring more skills
* the weather too is a "Huaah!" like experience
* the advice "Live and let other live!" would help the harmony of the neighbourhood 
* Lots of time at home can bring an individual way of doing suited at home, listeing the one's own insights
* To follow the night time quietness of an apartmenthouse roguhly but allowing sounds of living
(And maybe my blog )"

C36.   30th of March 2020   When ants build thier pile like nest from pine needless, they understand about the differencies of needless and about building and the end result is atmospheric, well working and comfortable for them, and sonce it lets some light through propably beautiful too. Could it be that in building or arranging indoors humans too ought to have lots of material or things that are somehow atmospheric, good old time things or the like, so that when you place something somewhere, for example a wooden bench with the wood patterns in sight, it is at some end at the shelter of other things, a beautiful nice comfortable place there for someone to sit, a place of it's own kind andf natural charm of that place, naturally born, and at other places similarly, tha characteriustics of the places and of the things around create different kinds of fascinations and different kinds of spaces with different possibilities of using them to chores etc.

C37.   1st of April 2020   If life after death exists and is much like the life before death, so that one cannot say who died and who did not but instead people live at the same time as some others and at different time or different world than some others. It seems that for a person there is some space to live in and if that space ends the person dies, but in the life after death the person is in some space that is somehow suited for him/her, so that it is the same kind of life but some factor changed. So also one's own strategy of lofe affects what happens: did one choose a good benefical good willing civiliced (in civiliced wisdom there are the good answers to life's and world's questions that people want to teach to all the younger generation) that is good for possibilities of life, or not and dies sooner? So one could maybe choose with whom one'slife is synchronized and via civilized good will live so without big problems, and maybe also choose so with whom one is not synchronized and live separately as if in different worlds or at different time. Choosing profession, place to live in and other big choices in life also affect similarly: what kind of environment one lives in, whom one associates with and in what professions are they, which countries' cultural influencies one personally gets.

C38.   2nd of April 2020

C39.   5th of April 2020
When one thinks of how difficult it is to find fractureless old time things and live with such good sides in one's life nowadays, has one taken into account how global the world nowadays is? It is not enough to cultivate the good things of life and of the culture just from the points of view of one's own countrymen and of the neighbouring countries, but instead ne needs to tell of them to all the world, to those interested in this place and culture, who share the same fascination but are from very far away places, from all the continents: How exotic, would you like to live there? Some want to do so and so they travel and are content with their new place, it's ways and values, but they do not know that everything from all their age since child´hood and school, but instead need to learn them as new things, as things to value, as things that one can find here, as parts of the culture specialiced to living just here.And a part of the protection comes fromsimilar ways and values, similar nice things in life being possible also elsewhere, being valued in the wide world by some larger group.

C40.   6th of April 2020   Some things exist only sometimes or at least flourish only sometimes, when the environment is good for them, like for example things that need a big group doing it like singing in a group and having the peace for it, others supporting it. Likewise religion gets support from the company of others, from others sharing the same values and things done, and so it is quite natural that Sunday can be a more religious day than weekdays.For such to work the things done have to be valued and usually liked by most or all, while if you want to do something that is not so widely valued and liked, you have to do it on your own, as your personal characteristic even if it is superfine and skilled, since there just isn't the audience for it and fascination with it.

C41.   12th of April 2020 Eastern Sunday
If there isn'tmuch left of old time's things, some manage to live on their remaints without it being so much a road for others to follow too. Often some things exist only for some and not for others and the difference is whether they are like such persons that have such inclination and skills all the time and are nice to have along. There is a difference if you straightforwardly always look at things at hand from the point of view of certain areas of life, or if you have to make a new start to see them from that point of view, since such is a difference of professions. Also someone liking not-so.fine things may find it easy to find a place for oneself if there isnät much of such to offer, whole someone liking just recommended things mayube doies not find a free spot. Also not being a burden to others matters. Also it matters if one has a theory perspective with which to offer such to others too, especially to the younger generations and to people with such a hobby/dreams, even though that isn't exactly the same as others finding a free spot for themselves too, but such can help to recreate such possibilities in the society and somawhat in the world too.

C42.   In social life there is shelter of like-minded people, of ordinary ways and of the same group's ways. If one does not have such company, one can find shelter from the ordinary wished for basic life in the society, especially if one lives via the ways of one's own group that is on wished for ways a member of the society. Some activities gain more shelter from others than some other activities. Easily classificable wished for things that are easy to understand and keep in control of the society like peaceful ways and tendency to discuss thinsg friendlily gain more support than things that scare others like sometimes sporty ways outside sports circles. 

C43.   13th of April 2020 Eastern Monday
Many a dream and a dear hobby is fascinating and offers good life, but gets ruined if one thinks what if I could take this as my work, since a hobby gets supprt from all of one's life, of all kinds of things, while trying to make it one's work drops the other things away and makes always the same things in bored ways. This is what typically happens to those who would like to be painters or other artists and happens if you put too much extra time on your hobby, like for example some days in row instead of the ordinary an hour or two. Tiredness is one reason for it but the maiun reason is that there are too little other things in one's life, and that the hobby used to be their addition and not the other way around.

C44.   "5th of April 2020  During the last two days it has part of the time rained snow or the like. Today sun was shining but outdoors a dog howled as if it had not caught the weather but instead depressed mood coming from children's school. So I composed these twi chords for it the experience the weather nicer, even though I was indoors.

C45.   13th of March 2020
A melody of an icy sand raod for walking, but the main attention of course was in not falling and in avoiding falling badly.

C46.   "So what brings
safety to government officials?
Rationally grounded moral makes arrangements understandable also to
the selfish individuals and groups, see
Basic view of bureaucrats is that bureaucracy serves to meet people's
needs fairly and according to common sense witha picture of the whole
and civilized wisdom.
Different professions gain safety if they are according to people's
wishes what they with wisdom wish the officials etc to be like. Like
singers should have wisdom of life, police behave according to common
sense and people's views on what kind of moral is ´good to have in a
society, etc.
The Finnish behaviour rule
solves conflicts between individuals, groups and countries. It also
makes government agreed about and law too, if it is placed above them
according to common sense, wisdom and wisdom of life, with a healthy

C47.   15th of April 2020
If there is a possibility to learn something from someone or to do things together, copying detailedly like an actor does not bring enjoyment of doing and usually is not good for the quality of life. Instead one ought to keep much more social individuality and do in one's own ways, just enjoy the company of a like-minded person or his/her support with even more distance. Like, if one learns from bored worker, one gets better enthusiams if one makes one's own version of the things as an eager beginner, and later too keeps one's own views, since mist things do not suit others when copied detailedly, but many things suit many if people make their own versions of them, wioth their own motivation and wisdom.

C48.   Safety is among other things a question of what is your caliber compared to that of others if the others do not have much social eye, like enemies often do not have: are you a person that does not fight, like a cushion, or are you a person to take into account like adult persons typically are if they have normal capacity and experience of life, or are you somehow very strong. Some attack only the ill etc, since they may want to attack many. So it matters a lot to be physically fit, with good capacity and healthy. On the other hand a fight is not the only type of encounter you can have, even though it is more likely if you are very weak or very threatening. Persons sharing the same values get better along, persons liking the company of the other one get better along, persons liking doing the things at hand get better along, persons who get wished for support in nice ways from the other one get better along with each other, persons whose characters have a benefical effect on each other get better along with the things at hand too, persons whio value good life often get better along with others and with life.

C49.   I was wondering if people's longing for magnifient looking things could be somehow transformed into leading to profound good quality things and healthy spirit with good quality of life, happiness. If magnifient looks and style consist of features parts of the ages old healthy natural ways of living which touch us deep inside. Then they couldget increased profoundity and meaningfulness by searching for what would be ages old and healthy natural in those respects and cultivating such. And that would be made possible in opractice by cultivating healthy spiurit and healthy ways of living and doing. And so one would end uyp magnifient, profound and happy, with healthy spirit.

C50.   21th of April 2020
There is a viewpoint, an approach that teaches lots of skills of living and wisdom. It is being very much an individual, with healthy spirit and sporty and being thoroughky convinced that it is always good to live in ways that are good to have in a society. Old times life was much like that but some in the tropics, some acting and some too stuck with memorized knowledge do not like such ways around, since they are not that healthy in spirit and sporty themselves, but they maybe could learn such skills too via learning the weathers from the atmosphere of trees: variations of rythm like suits the moment, and that is near the touch I write about here.

C51.   In learning skills using that skills always according to common sense or only sometimes when it is easy, brings in the long run a big difference in how skilled one is in that, since the extra work one sometimes needs also teaches extra skills and it also teaches about what one can use that kind of skills in the world and to which things one needs other skills. So it makes one much more like a professional in that.
On the other hand easiness can be a mark of a good tactic, while cumbersome ways of doing usually decrese one's skill level much and bring bad habits, make one more stupid. So a challenging task is a different thing from working hard with poor tactic.

C52.   "22th of April 2020  

Two days ago my poodle who likes very much to read the local newspaper, buried his nose in the paper and mentioned Egyptian dogs which wrapped themselves in papyrus, like insects in a flour jar.

Now it came to my mind could it have been easier for the Egyptians to start writing if they had told of animals: of the holy insects which taught us to write?

C53.   If it has just rained snow and one talks with people that one knows about the snow, often all give a different impression of what kind of snow it was, as if they had experienced it in different ways since their heat regulation was different and their characters differ too, and because they were in different places at somewhat different times. But could there be another explanation: that the weathers are poersonal and depend on your attitude, as if the world were of spirit. Like in ordinary rain you walk more heavily than usually, as if somewhat depressed, since the light is dim and rain somewhat heavy too, and at the same time you walk lightly since the weather is good for plants and just a natural ohenomenom, nothing to wonder much. Or that when you think of only positive things the sun more often shines. So maybe you create your own experience of the weather or maybe the weather gets tuned to just you and your socvial contacts. So that also the global warming could be seen in a different light in such a world. When I was a young adult, iun the city center it sometimes rained a mixture of water with snow, while where people lived the landscape was snowy.

C54.   23th of April 2020
Each person gets via one's social eye impressions and influence from others' ways of living and doing, what they at the moment do. Such is meant to be observed via the sense of atmospheres, kind of as a part of the landscape that one is in, and as such it brings information and is a a pleasant experience. It is not meant to be followed like an advice or like keeping very much company, even though such errors arise if someone is much clumsier/stupid than you but wants tod ominate since their coordination is not enough for taking such things into account in a natural way and so they just keep sompany in some way amnd are often so even clumsier.

C55.   26th of April 2020
An attempt at unwoundedness when shot

C56.    If many places nowadays are more fractured and full of fighting than in the old good times when things were more peaceful and fractureless, can it be that it is at least partly a question of how the media, books etc tell about those areas, since if one looks at a documentary abotu some place and is then forced to describe that place's culture to others, it brings only a little information and if one is forced to tell more, it is just guesses and in vain, something which could cause the present situation. Like if in the Eurovision Song Contest the songs seek to offer something instead of being typical to the country they are from, it's typical life so that one could learn it's culture, with some videos etc too, but instead all in the same style and seeking to answer some foreign demand, or to offer other copntinents a possibility to something like European culture, so that the version isn't any more a picture of ordinary European life.

C57.   "Now I noticed that my poodle banjo has thought that if we will get another dog, like he wishes, my poodle ought to have only half of the space I have reserved for it. But it isn't so. If one has enough energy for another dog, it is a joy, brings it's own energy, it's own fascination, builds it's own space, if one's life has time and energy for it. It isn't lacking from the other dog, or then one ought not have two dogs at the same time. But it can happen that they do not fit together, and then one ought to keep them more separately, more individually, or then one cannot keep them both. But when I had a Japanse spitz and this poodle, on a walk my poodle part of the time run in circles and  archs while my Japanese spitz wanted to be cuddled by all elderly fat aunts that walked past us. They did not have the same needs and not the same things they offered, each one had their own place and when there was a cinflict of needs, one needed to protect both's space for living, freedom to good life and to taking part in life, to one's own individual way to live."  ...
I canme to think would it be easier with kids if they had a more free position: would be like charactyers of the type they wish for and that fit into the society, and not just social relationships answering in some discussion to what is your opinion. My poodle learn to be an excellent thinker, when I praised him for what he did well and told him that he had enermous potential, taight him my thinking course (a landscape like view that observes structures,see ) but did not follow detailedly it's thoughts, just praisen it for fine views."
Translated from my Finnish blog

C58.   "Increased need for sleep can be a way to adjust wisely to things. It demands first letting go of things and healthy overnight sleep so that one is rested and refreshed, and then one should rise from the bed and eat breakfast and preferable go out too so that one starts the day in an roughly ok way. And only then one can dream and adjust to things burdening one's mind. Dreaming is different from sleeping. In dreaming you lie comfortably as if going to sleep or like in the summer time leisurely in a garden swing, and so adjust to things which demand adjusting to like changes in life or challenges to rise up to. Each such situation usually has a starting level that isn't enough high, and one ought to form for oneself and for to help others too via social communication, a picture of how to lift the level on each area oif life at a time to what it ought to be for things to go well, like civiliced, with wisdom of life, having healthy spirit, healthy eways of living, with insight, according to feelings, listening to wisdom, fractureless and by it's shape fractureless like lying or summer holiday giuve a chance to . Ad after that stay for a whilke well for the feelings and cultuvcating fracturelessness, adjusting so that things get even more ideal form and that one gets used to such picture as one's usual view of those things. And then continuing to other things, to more active life since the thing has been handled. (If one cannot rest enough when one comes from work, do other things, at least something like watching tv or preferabvly go out and do other thingsm even talk about other things.)"
Translated from my fFinnsih blog

C59.   28th of April 2020
Here where I live in Savonlinna town, the apartment houses are three stories high and clearly lower than the trees by them and so the place has an atmosphere of as if sheltered by trees. Here are three apartment houses in a square that is open in the south-west side, and there is a forest patch between them and at the southern side of the houses, so trees also by the houses with birst singing in them. Next to the houses is a little bit of lawn and a yard road and some lawn also on the other side of it before the forest patch, so that also when it is dark it is safe to walk to the house. The forest patch is mostly pines, so that no one can hide there. But at the sides of the forest there are leaf trees, like is usual, which is more beautiful in the summer time and creates more a world of it's own of the forest patch. There goes a few paths in the forest. The road on the southern and western sides of the forest are under a slope and so the sound of cars are mostly not heard. A part of the yard is lawn for children to run and there are some swings and sand boxes for children. There is a parking lot on the outer sides of the houses and some trees there too, mostly by the road, and garbage shelters with roof in some more airy way, in more shadowy places. The distance to the neighbouring apartment houses  that are somewhat similar but different ins tyle, is roughly twoce that to the road in between and so from the second and third floor on the north-western side one can see sunset behind the tree tops abocve the houses nearly every evening.

C60.   1st of May 2020   Very many people want to have somehow a stronger position than the people around them, and so it often happens that they somehow do not like others being strong, but on the other hand they like their own loved areas of life, and so they kind of create room for others too to have such hobbies, and on the other hand they then do not pay so much attention if you have other strenghts that they are not so interested in. Likewise one can find room and skills in the professions and cultures that others like, while one's own such likings are maybe seen as oneä's characyerm as one' sstyle. If one wants bigger improvements to life, the culture and organuized society offer them: for example jobs for beginners in many different kinds of professions, and different types of towns etc to live in, hobbies, interesting and nice people of different types etc.

C61.   6th of May 2020   From an old blog of mine:
"Dance is at the core of being

Life Is A Song

The best way for objective thinking is to think by atmospheres.
They unify a pictorial objective holistic view with the wisdom of feelings.
Each observation is a sensation, an atmosphere tone.
The light coloured atmosphere tones we can express by high notes.
The darker and more down-to-earth atmospheres we can express as low notes.
Thus our observations form a song.

When we act, we have an emotional motivation for it.
That motivation is a melody.
And action according to it is dance.
This dance appears to be dance in its basic form.

To live!
Means to sense, to react and to act in the world, in life!
Thus natural music, the song of our life and the natural dance of natural action
are at the core of what it means to be human!"

C62.   In the news today I saw a picture of an old maybe northern Russian man with a raindeer in harness who had been transporting post packets during war time, kind of Christmas gnome like life but a very harsh view of just transporting artifacts in the war time in the winter cold.

C63.   7th of May 2020   Quite traditional kind of life in a static way and without much else, just boredom and always the same things to do often isn't so good life. One needs varied content to life, some beautiful philosophy that guides the world and life to better courses, I mean moral and wisdom of life and some deep wisdom. And also one needs motion like leisurely wandering, not being static, having the feeling of being alive, getting tuned to new situations and following wisdom of life, having an energy reserve with which to meet the varied needs of everyday life, and just having fullfilling hobbies that touch the ages odl nature of humans and animals.

C64.   8th of May 2020
"Coxy indoors
Just an attempt, a not so good day for me. Last part watching nature outdoors. In parenthesis the keyboard.
Seeks to be something like having bought something but the fascination staying for a long time. Picking nice things to be centers of attention and content to life, like listening to music. Here in a picture from a year ago my favourite poems borrowed from library.
And I meant finding peace for one'sliving even if there are factors disturbing the atmosphere, like today is 75 years from the end of World War II.

C65.   10th of May 2020   There is a traditional Finnish character trait called "sisu" which means to try and try again and again so that one gets the task done, for example wandered some distance or succeeded in agriculture. It is often also about learningf things. It does not mean suffering, even though the situations can be difficult, but instead it means new beginnings with one's wisdom of life and with short pauses of rest in between. The main thing is to try again and thios time with a better wisdom of life. Wisdom of life is such that you find it when you lket go of habits and try in healthy ways and concentrate on healthy kind of influences like for example nature and civiliced wisdom and feelings with healthy spirit. Tiredness and getting stuck to habits may obscure such wisdom, but with a short pause, relaxing to rest and can get more energy and refreshed have a fresh view and so one succeeds better when one takes the healthy spirited ideals in everything to be one's guide.

C66.   11th of May 2020

The video ought to have subtitles. Try to find their button.

C67.   19th of May 2020
One cannot learn civiliced wisdom from school books later on in one's life if one did not go to school at all, since civiliced wisdom ought to be the landscape one lives in, and if one starts only later on, it is just knowledge, not the picture of the world one lives in. Such happens too if the work load in school is too heavy and too unmotivated so that one just escapes from under it's message's way when one has the chance for that. School ought to give views to what the world is like in important respects and to wisdom of life, so that it is interesting and very motivated and becomes a part of how one sees the world, what one understands about life and wisdom of life.

C68.   In school teachers used to say: (In school the idea is to study) not for school use but for life.

C69.   20th of May 2020   "About women power
As a woman I have been delighted to see that many women have excellent skills and dedication for their work. In the university female students were often smarter than men. But such often happens when one is not taking part in rigid ways but instead more freely uses skills from other areas of life, like often happens when one is not so much raised to the same role, to the same tasks, but instead comes from a different background with high skills in something similar but not the same. On the other hand I have not noticed power going to women via skills but instead more via looks and some social estimates that do not go right. One should not treat women as if women were martians and impossible to understand. Women's characteristics are shown in women's looks just the same way as men's characteristics in men's looks, but women are often very different from men, so guesswork is not ok. One should just demand professional skills and ¨good work ethic, and not confuse positions of power with sex affairs. Power is a society level thing, while sex is a thing at the level of social relationships, which of course are also parts of the society and ought to not to break against the common good."

C70.   Only nice work is worth a lot
Good quality objective thinking is largely the same as looking at a landscape and

noticing the structures in it correctly.

In learning new things it is very important to be sincerely interested in the

subject: it opens us to notice a lot, strongly, clearly, remembering it well, with

common sense and one's whole picture of the world along.

Already from this one can see that in an interesting subject one notices more and

with better quality, and has more energy, and one so gets much more work done and

does not tire so easily.

Likewise emotionally motivated interests make one's attention better, even if they

were of free time subjects. In other words one gets wiser when living that way, if

one has healthy spirit and mind (

One can see from this also that if something does not interest oneself, it dulls

attention if done for longer times and so makes one much more stupid, brings a poor

quality of work and a poor work efficiency. Such tasks are often better taken care

of alongside some work that one sincerely likes, for example that a nice work but

10min to half en hour in addition going through something not so interesting,

without giving up good quality."

C71.   I agreed with the birds in the trees by my window that the next step from women power ought to be bird power: the power of the wise, of wisdom and wisdom of life. Some time later when the subject came to my mind, a bird in those trees sounded like the tuut tuut sound of the traffic lights, telling when to cross the street. It seemed to say that bosses' job is like that: there is power to command there but the task is very elementary, not varied. So it is: the task of a boss is mainly to keepthe basic job of the working place going, like for example the main tasks of education in schools etc, basic products in factories etc, and the more complex is just an addition or the task of an expert.

C72.    Nicer way to pay bills
"I write here about paying bills, even though it is not studies or work. But it anyway is a burden in theneck abd I have noticed that the reason for that is that one does it wrong and not from paying bills itself. So:
  In paying bills the wortst forefigures for it are those who do it or collecting payments for their work, since they discuss at lenght with just the ones who have difficulties in paying bills, for example find it very unpleasant or do not have the energy to try. In addition they do overly much of it so that they are just fed up with it. Likewise tense characters who claim to get overly well along with paying bills, maybe get tensely along with it but copying from them makes others feel as if ill, one would not bother since the good sides are personal characteristics of others and not suited for all.
On the other habnd, if one pays bills that one agrees about, it does not feel bad but just needed. If I for example want a magazine, I quite easily pay that twenty euros in time, and I am left with a feeling that I want the magazine, if I have the money for it.
But then if the magazine costs too much, for examle forty euros, I am left to bonder if it is worth that, when my budget then won't have anything left but for food, buss, electricity and of course rent. So being careful with money, investing time and effort for being careful with money, and making some kind of scetch for oneself about what things to buy, for which cost, helps to keep paying bills pleasant.
Not at all nice bills used to be school books, when I did not want to go to secondary school, my parents just forcved me to, and it sepnd more money than my hobbies, the ways of life of which I would have wanted. So for paying bills to be pleasant it demands for you to not to pay the bills of others that you do not agree about. Or you can pay something little, if the other one so wants, but no to ruin the whole budget by something nasty.
Compulsory bills like phone and internet one would need to get cheaply, so one is left in a good mood. Cheating, mistakes and extra pay because of beibg late leave a not at all nice taste according to how much money you lose that way. Like wise if you need to buy something extra to get something you need, since you would not have liked to pay for the other one, but such is forbidden in the law.
I used to keep book about my expences. It helps one to see what the money disappeared into and where one could easily reduce the costs. It just usually makes me wonder what I want to spend my money into, and so I usually buy a music instrument, regardless of whether I have the money for it or not."

C73.   "About cooking
Translated from my blog
"Better tasting from the same food
When you cook food or estimate the amounts of it's substances, and if you have earlier cooked the same or something quite like it, then you have an emotionally felt estimate of when it is fried or with which amounts of substances, it would have been at it's best or just as certain type at it's best. And when you take  to be your guidelines those emotionally felt estimates about time lenghts, cookedness, amounts of food substancies, about which elements fit well together, etc, then with the same amount of labour, time, money and foods you get better food.
Likeise if you have skills in other skills, ten rythming your actions according to emotionally felt estimates you can reac your best."
* * *
20.8.2018   I add here another cooking tip that is good for skills at large:
"264. If one does something in rigid ways as if work all the time, one's understanding does not develop into as good as via more complex rich ways of doing even the same work, much less than life skills at large would give. That is why it would be good to instead of a very detailedly followed single perspective, give room for a taste of life, for one to see where one is going and for skills to develop. So for example when moving food while cooking it one would not mix it to completely even but instead leave it more uneven, so as to have in sight some of how one worked, so that one can then notice that if I would have for example cooked thicker, would the taste and feel have been better, so that there is a richness of options in sight and one can see where in it would be good, so that one learns all the time new things, even if otherwise one would not have learned anything else otherwise than remembering past times and comparing to them in one's memory, but at those time maybe one needed different amount of different kind of food because od´f different things done, weather etc."

C74.   21st of May 2020   Gnome like things are tied to the place and culture amnd to who lives there. The place gives rise to certain kinds of situations which have certain good answers that the culture there cultivates, and so gnome like things of that type are possible there, tend to endure, are kind of alive and lively. If there is some other type of gnome likedness there, it maybe connects to who lives there, what are their needs, skills level in wisdom of life, etc, like for example children needing something to compensate school burden, to make it lighter, or if someone is ill or in a straining life situation, they too need something to compensate it with, to gain extra forces and refresshment. And what kind of free time fun tthey enjoy.
During the last hundred years or so the world has changed a lot, so that if it was said that in teh old times there were gnomes where people lived but that tjey died, it propably connects to changes in these factors there.

C75.   25th of May 2020   The Finnish original version of the first gnome text in this blog, which I then translated to Engliesh, which started this long gnome skills text.

C76.   26th of May 2020   I wonder how I got stuck writing this long gnome skills text, now for over one and a half years, even though I write some other texts too. The Finnish piece of text that started this isn't much interesting for Finnish readers, neither are it's additions that this English texct brought to my mind. But for the English text there is some quite large demand abroad. I read a lot of books, borrow from the town library and bladdre through hundreds a year, much like postcards, often not fully but with much experience in reading boks it is yet something like having read a book. I used to borrow from Helsinki town library books about Buddhism and poetry, which I liked a lot, here in Savonlinna town library there aren't the same kinds of books but I like to read arts books and often borrow books about handiworks, nature, travel, history and foklore. I also write a lot: about hundreds of subjects each year. But I have tended to have some blog texts that become very long: the seasons, dream job, healthy ways of living, staying warm and curing. Of this gnome subject it is good that it is both fascinating life and offers good life via ages old healthy natural ways of living, in a way fitted to the modrn world and to many readers. I have also tried to solve environmental questions, have made some 200 attempts at that in my Finnish blog , which is possible via my experience in objective thinking skills, and it feels much more important than to continue this already overly long gnomeskills text: please click the links to interesting blogs, that's the way to read internet text, no idea in copying them all to the same text.

C77.   31st of May 2020   Is one reason for me writing this gnome skills text that some, especially as elderly, have learned to make some kind of softening to their social life and it seems to help a lot their life but they do not quite understand why, and I on the other hand tend to have rational explanations for things accordingt o feelings. I think that the reason is that people have different strenghts, different views to life and to the world, different likings, professions and cultures they like and tend to follow, etc. And so just discussing makes things too rid´gid to allow for the differencies between the people who discus, and so kind of bypassing reasons for argument, maybe tasting bakery instead and taking kind of insightful view that yes so could it be and so could these people be fine people, leaves much more room to the views and life of the other one, and so solves problems too.'

C78.   People tend to turn to religion when they have problems that they themselves cannot solve with theirordinary means. But the reason they value religion and learned about it is typically that religion helps them to raise to higher skills and to keep up civilized values in the society. They also think that it has some kind of fracturelessness and fracturelessness is a thing to value since it is connected to health of practices and to the ages old human nature and to the living nature, to happiness, healthy spirit and a well working society. Like in other skills, in religion too some have those skills as memorised taught knowledge, while their own character is something else, and others may have a liking toward things like religion, and some have a personal insight to such skills but that is different from surely following civiliced wisdom in questions involving religion. So even if heart-felt religion and good will is taught to all and wished for, the reliable good willing civiliced behaviour & values in connection with religion is memorised behaviour for some and for some thier own liking.

C79.   3rd of June 2020   "603. The founders and important forefir´gures of different professions are typically by their basic tracks in life like that work's basic perspective and it's basic attitude, like for example the founder(?) of Kellog's rice crispies was by one's viewpoint like a good morning with rice crispies in a family with kids. Like if one in the summer time is on the edge of a lawn whern peopleplay some gameor some other hobby like that and decides to take part in it oneself too, get a spark of enthusiasm from them, likewise people with different works in successful ways have the spirit of theior work and offer it to others too. Since it is a question of the basic tracks of one's life, of the viewpoint from which one always tries to do something, something of the kind of one's work, it means that one does not have so many possible successful choices of work to do, maybe only a few."
From the Finnish version of my blog

C80.   5th of June 2020   A tale figure is not a good way to find space for oneself, since in human life the spaces for living are for humans and animals, for some gardens too etc, not for tales, not for people supposing they are like tales. The reality is much more interesting, from it the tales are born, it is rich with possibilities and with things to experience. I have never had a gnome like space for myself in my social environment, but I have had hobbies and interesting things to do, things I have enjoyed.

C81.   7th of June 2020   Sometimes when wandering in the nature kids find the atmospheric forms of hills, cliffs and vegetation by them to be like the forms and atmosphere of a sleeping giant gnome. But I do not believe it to be a giant gnome. Instead when one wanders to a nice forest patch, it has kind of round area with it's atmosphere and if it is comfortable like it often is, then it is somewhat like the atmosphere of a gnome from a Christamas tale. And if one climbs a cliff mostly covered with vegetation, one can wonder if there life mice etc there and is the place magnifoent looking for them, and it is also magnifient looking from the top of the hill, and maybe one can see an atmospheric cliff ridge continuing here and there, and so it is like a giant gnome but more like a nature place with a good atmosphere. But could one in the town too find compfrtable atmospheric ways to wander where there is nature, for example make a scenic path where there is nature, and that would be somewhat gnome like.

C82.   10th of June 2020
(I translate very freely:)

Left behind is youth - like a flowing river.
Already grey threads - sets life's golden handiwork.
I reach for the present moment -
life's joy does not come from pleasant company or wine.

Left behind in time - my strenght's proud days.
The love of my spirit - in ancient times.
I rose from the pit. - I doubt I can fall again?
The wish of all: painless moments.

We know: peace in the grave is allowed us.
Seeker does not find comforting rest,
cool wind speaks, sun is obstructed from sight by storm,
a red line is left: a forceless longing for beauty.

Drown in the sea - my dreams' hills in flower.
I am a poor man: expensive are the costs of songs.
I gave my all, I had the forces to be active - for a while,
the loves f my dreams I paid by my mind's sorrow.

I am exhausted - oh, to the roots of my heart!
Was I given too much - life's load?
Or am I one of those wo have the will but not strenght?
My victory - empty, the results of my work - my conscience finds fault in them.

So in the end - were without a good reason born, difficulties,
broken chains - burned, loved ships?
Now already did I fall - when my all was needed?
I was solidified to ice - when my wound got a scar?

Hopeless fight - against heaven's powers!
Kannel sings - song does not comfort it's child.
Frost night speaks - tune sings - with collapsing wings.
To the peace of my pit - like a dying beast I sneak.

Eino Leino   ( My nonliteral translation)"

C83.   11th of June 2020
"Happiness, ways of doing and living environment

"A stick there catching fire
shines for a moment, gets extinguished in the river.
Love dies also sometimes too,
only a memory is left in life's handiwork."
says a song.
I was left pondering that experiencing so rtongly and wit so healthy spirit life is rich and happy, somehow full. But it has the work of a log floater on a river with the nature as it's environment, natural physical work, company, meaningfullness from the point of view of lives in practise, demanding skill but not with a forced rythm. Earlier I used to think that such is born only countryside or at a summer cottage, maybe wandering ina forest trip. But after I have moved to live in a counryside town, I have gotten the impression that a farmer is somehow melancholic and in town it is somehow full, the antuer too present and practical professions as people's jobs. Could it be that one cannot reach the ideal fully countryside but somewhere where there is both nature and humand and lots of things to do? It is important for the things done to have anatural rythm and such asks for both a natural work and possibilities for choices. The feeling of fullness connects with fractureless wholes and to being according to the human nature, which demands among other tyings action with healthy spirit, meaningful things to do for each one inone's own ways, not acting one's way but isntead in ways that work out well for oneself, according to one's motivation and one's dreams, in ways that one likes and not for acting out. It is essential to reach the phenomena in life in their natural basic form that touches the human nature, but it maybe isn't when driving a tractor but instead in cooperation work of a group, by grandparents, on a summer cottage, on a wooden one-family house, in hobbies, in connection with motiuon and nature. A pet seems tocultivate these like a collector, a wild animal finds them fromone's own life inpractise. It has often been nice in work if one does in practise something nice and then work or civilized ways or some other outside factor like for example summer or nature or the good feeling brought by motion and healthy ways of living fills them to a whole somehow finely. And that life or that day is not left there but continues onwards like a twinding path, the view is not restricted but instead possibilities in life increase and skills to a lot. But that it would demand more people, more things to do, nature, motion, meaningfullness.

On a summer cottage the things done are often more pleasant than in town. If one for example brushes the cottage's floor to smallen the numder of pine needles on the ground there, the needless are beautiful, varied, quite unlike town's trashes and dirt. But I used to have a floor with a beautifult hin woolen layer of pine on top of itin town, and it wa sreally impressive looking, and it was nice to brush and keep clean, not at all as work like as cleaning a plastic floor. Are many things in town, like cleaning for example, adjusted wrong way so that they are a burden upon people. If one would adjust some other way, for example the putting thinsg nicely at home, and some things in the environemnt like a beautiful wooden floor, pleasantly, would things in towns be lighter to bear and life better? What one should change and how? Is it a question of the place one lives in? Here in Savonlinna town people know practical things well and fine style well, but in teh capital people were better with healthy ways of living and freedom."

C84.   "American indian horse from Finland in North-East Europe

"This is a some kind of clishee of the harmonious cooperation of a horse and a rider. I cannot resist teh temptation of trying if I could get it to work, taught to those who like horses. Here are only elements from which to build it.
The child sits toos tiffly in the saddle, because she herself is commanded with too much valuing of school. One should allow free time and doing things in one's own ways and listeening to feelings and sensations, room for them. One can learn sports talents from my advices at and .
In life one should pay attention to how moods and ways of doing affect how well things done go. And to what kind of things one can build upon good well working ways to do and good moods. Then when one rides one should give room for both oneself and for horse's movements from the point of view of sportiness and for it's good ways of doing and positive moods in connection with riding, and in cooperation attention and room for social sensations, and in one's own movements for experiencing strngly the senses and for good ways of doing.
The horse communicates largely via gesture language, for example thoughts via facial expressions and with one's being, which one can understand via the sense of atmospheres like a piece of art that changes from moment to moment. Usually animals communicate by ways of doing and by intervals of ways of life, and the one talking with an animal should ponder what do I notice clearly with this way of doing that the animal was just using, by living and doing with this way of living, what does come to my mind using those. That is the message of the animal. Then when doing so and living so one should allow room for variations in ways of doing and in styles and ways of living: use them when they seem good for some use or when it is nice to morally try them in something, especially if a friendly animal has just used them. So one learns a lot  of new things and the communication with the horse one rides rises to a new level."

C85.   "If one would like to celebrate Midsummer in the Finnish way but abroad, one could with the family eat some traditional food that is more countryside style, and then go out to a park or otherwise green area and sense the weather, the time of the day and it's light, the nature's beuty, birdsong and the like, leisurely, like is pleasant and has a nice atmoshphere. If one would like to go to some happening, a quite peaceful one to which one can take kids, maybe with violin music or the like: emotional, peaceful, traditionally inclined, sensing the nature etc.
If you like this, maybe you would like to read my long text about the seasons in Finland ."

C86.   14th of June 2020   Putting things to computer isn't always so easy, since the practical world conceived with common sense and by living in it, is much more complex than the simple theory that is easy to put to computers. Here one long list of things to take into account when trying to lead things by discussions on computers . On the whole it suggests that it is much better to think of the world as consisting of spirit than of a jungle of technical arrangements.

C87.   "For computers: feelings (goal oriented action is like the effect of feelings), rationality (the natural sciences and their measurements use largely math and maps) and moral (beneficality grounds on a mechanical language) objectively "

C88.   15th of June 2020 
The human nature has stayed unchanged while the world has technologized. So our ability to answer to the demands of working life, studies and the hard world and everyday life, is still based on the ages old human nature. Our feelings tell when things are according to our nature or not, and so what we love may be the strongest option in the tough world. In it is encoded the wisdom of past ages about what is a wise tactic in the wide world. Our cultures' highest achievements in terms of wisdom and religion reach for that direction. We feel it to be beautiful because it solves our problems and brings superb good sides that our skills have taught us to respect.


C89.   "After California earthquake?

In the news some time there was a map of USA but without the Californian peninsula. Had the predicted big earthquake happened and was it caused by a nuclear bomb? I tried to compose a piece about continuing onwards.

C90.    "

The first part in the melody is the most important. I am not so sure of the second and third part. The last part complates it."


So one should go with livelier way of life: light green. And one should with positive feelings, believing and praying take well care of the body, reaching toward the beautiful."

C92.   "361.In teh summer it would be important to swim in natuyral waters at least once, preferably a few times at least, since nature's waters have some small water insects that are very good for the skin and for how one feels and bring energy for the whole year. The water should be ordinary nature's water in lakes, rivers, the sea or rain water, so one must not dirty it at all, but should go well into the toilet just before and take a shower just before, be thoroughly clean. Already a few swimming movements in the water helps a lot for the whole year. If one cannot do that, it would be good to quickly spread water upon one's whole body by walking to the water, but without shampoo andwithout any skin cream or the like, also the hair but not inside the moug´th or bottom end. If in a warm countery one cannot swim in lake, river or sea water because it has too mcuyh bacteria, then propably the rain water would be good for this. If someone would take care of it and people pay for it because it brings well being for the whole year, it propably would be possible to arrange, if one would not let too many people use the same small amount of water since the idea is not tyo swim in washing water but in clean natural water instead. Even walking knee deep to the water and splashing water to one's arms and face helps somewhat."

C93.   16th of June 2020
From th text about the seasons
"The beauty of nature is partly a question of a way of looking. One
should be interested in the multitude and richness of forms and
colours, of the atmosphere of plants' growth whne looked among other
things along the way they have grown, the magnifient moments of bird's
flight, treen looked from near, the nature from the point of view of
an insect or bird where even a small branch or grass can be biggest
factors of the living environment, the atmosphere of the time of tha
day with it's birdsong, light coming through the leaves to a mist, how
one always finds new variations slightly different details full of
feeling and atmospheric for example in pine's surface and it's thick
branches, in the beauty of a forest lanscape viá trees, the different
atmosphere of each type of lants etc."

C94.   Gnomes isn't a subject I would know much about, but maybe some think that my other texts would somehow fit the subject of gnomes, but I do not see the point in connecting them to a tale figure.
But it came to my mind that maybe these texts of mine would suit the subject of elves, and since I am interested in animals and nature, that is an interesting subject for me. But in the Finnish tradition elf gnomes ("haltiatonttu") cultivate the good spirit and living conditions of some place that may be some building or it's part, some part of garden or some place in nature or the like. It is difficult to write about elves "haltiat", since an elf creates a fractureless pleasant atmosphere like a skilled moral person, while a gnome is more like abeginner. An elf is like ifchildren ask they mom and dad if they can bake something and mom and dad answer that it is ok if you then also take care of that other things too are well.
"Haltia" means "owner" but it is a version with good spirit especially. In teh forest an elf is an animal living there and liking to take care that things are well there. It cannot be a human, except maybe a maiden or a pair of laughing children or so, since a human is like in boots, is too robust, not in harmony with every detail of the environment there.

C95.   If one has a nice hobby that one likes a lot, it brings a good mood and when one comes from one's hobby, that good mood may affect the atmosphere atround and others too may think: "such a hobby is nice, what if I too would do something like that", and since it is just after the hobby, for example enjoyable sports, one has a good way of doing for that and so the others too get a grasp of that skill and like it. Similarly with weather skills: if one likes some weater and wanders some time in it or spends time in garden or the like and it is so nice and others too notice it then and right afterwards and so they too catch that skill and enjoy their time outdoors in such a weather. Likewise one can learn about wandering in the nature from those who enjoy such.

C96.   I guess that an elf like atmosphere somewhere with areference to build environment too, is an elf gnome, while wiht nature only might be an elf.

C97.   I guess that en elf pays attention to how high the sun shines: whether it is from a tilted angle or fromquite straight above, since such affects a lot what life is like there, what time of the day it is, which animals live actively then. The atmosphere is different.

C98.   An elf propably wants to cultivate the world and the society to a good state or some other big whole like that and not just some place, so the atmosphere is like cultivation and sensitive, atmospheric, respecting beautiful values, instead of just like the build environment.

C99.   A Finnish elf is not like a thin girl with wings "keiju", of the size of a meadow's flower, which I guess to be a description of insect and is often connection to problems of too thin and too fat.

C100.   21st of June 2020
Both for motion and for living the weathers, also summer, is a varying rythm good, like feels to suit the moment. Such makes one happier and makes one find out easier how things work out."

C101.   "Tree branches sing in summer wind, not just sigh: A, #F, D, A and upper #C (1/8 notes)"

C102.   24th of June 2020   If one needs to get along with some foreign country, there are typically people who have such a hobby and they have a nice view of what it has to offer. It typically suits them better than the others but still if you take some more distance and allow for differencies in approach, values, character, etc, there is a view there that can typically offer much and teach to get along, but it demands a lighter touch, less supposing similarity,less repeating exactly the same words, more like doing things with like-minded or freindly people.

C103.   26th of June 2020   "One learns heat regulation of summer's warm days from trees and from some smaller plants: wandering like the branches curve/edge."

C104.    30th of June 2020   If Santa Claus was bombed (see the first oart of this text 24th of August 2019), the question is why was he bombed? There is a rumour that he was somehow associated with bribery.

C105.   There is a story that if Ear Lappland Hill where Santa Claus is said to live, was bombed by an atom bomb, Santa and his Christmas gnomes, raindeers etc had some magic protecting them, and so they flew to the air like Santa Claus is said by some to fly, and the bomb hole got immediately filled with water so that it became a lake and there was formed an island in it with trees too and Santa etc landed there and were so saved by Christmas magic. It is said that in Inari lake there is an island that is a holy place for the Saame people who live in Lappland.

C106.   5th of July   If there is some work or even many work like projects that really need to be done and your input is needed, my paradise theory offers a good way of working and living, in wghich you do not get squeezed but do get the work done in optimized good quality ways anyway, see and teh book link there and the rest of the same blog.

C107.   10th of July 2020   "About the skill of dying of sorrow
I used to have budgeriga birds andI have the impression that if the pair of a budgie dies, the budgie dies oneself too. It is some kind of skill: when things no longer go well in life, when feelings say that one does not want to continue life without one's spouce, then the budgie has the skills of dying. I guess that it is something like stopping trying to in a reserved way with one's body to do well in life, for example by keeping one's limbs somewhat tensed, so that then the poisons etc preserved in them get freed to one's body and so that if one then wants just sink into something like depression and evaporate away from life and die soon away, then one dies - if one is a budgie, but could it work on humans too?
Here the budgie is left faitfully with what it loves.
But even though I had an old pair of budgies that seemned to love each other and we loved them too, the more social one did not die right after the other one. But some years earlier when I heard that a budgie has the skill of dying of sorrow, I said to my pets that it is a beautiful skill, I would like tyo learn it. And so I across time via my quite many pets that felt well, anyway got an idea of how such is possible.

Even if that would not work out, one could propably that way transform some of one's life toward the things that one loves, even if those were more distant ones, and leave some group of nasty things away even if others don't agree about it.
Years ago I pondered abotu suicide. My mom had chosen for me what profession tostudy and it made my life just horrible, but I did not seem to get rid of it. So I oincdered about suicide. I heard a piece of advice that if someone with cancer or the like has just half a year time to live, he/she ought to think how he/she wants to use it, and dedicate one's ölast times fully to those things, or like feels vbest for him/her. That heloed somewhat me to change profession: I begun to get positive content to life. But when that was not enough for really chamnging profession, I again thought of suicide and figured my own version of the thought: If I would think of committing suicide today, that would break my ties to the old spheres of life, I couldn't go to engineering studies anymore, and so if I would postpone my suicide half a day without telling anyone about it, I could go where ever I like most, like for example travelling in my home country or some happening of a different profession that I like, applying for a job that I would like very much, start a new wonderful hobby or buy with my money some clothes that would have a better spirit like the life I wish for, and wear them just like that - but couldn't go to old nasty spheres of life & old nasty studies. And so that difference to my old life again and again made my life much better and I no longer needed to think of suicide, sonce I had concretically much better life, for example much better professions. "

C108.   12th of July 2020   There are very many types of gnomes, gnome tales, gnome handiworks, etc in the world. So please refer to this text of mine as "gnome skills" blog text, instead of just "gnome", and maybe mention my name too and Finland.

* * *

Fourth part at
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love
Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view

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  "  You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...