Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)
Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love (loving one's way of life)
The whole blog
These parts 1. - 18. are available as three books at the internet bookshop . Search "tervola" or "skills of christmas gnomes".
S1. In connection with Christmas it is possible to get influences from Santa Claus land. Like if you bake when you feel like baking, there is the smells and the atmosphere of doing fills the kitchen and the chores fill your activity, or if you have bought something fascinating and ghe family gathers to take a look at it, or if you share a hobby that runs well and is nice to do. There too you get influencies from those who manufactured or planned the products that you sre interested in, and from those who made such hobbies possible for you. Santa Claus land arranges Christmas, so lne possibility is to be Christmas like their way.
S2. Of the famous old Finnish composer Sibelius I came to think of the following when it was 150 years of his birth : "
* wider environment thought of
* active in a sporty way
* feeling toward that and toward his content of life
* objective thinking that is practical too
* a natural practical living environment with it's practical chores."
Months later I came to think of how to make a Sibelius style hair cut that coukd teach music:
"The first point is the nature and the seasons, and about them especially landscape views, small singing birds ( for example tits ) and weathers. How the contact to the nature and recreation outdoors sing as music. How the seasons are profound, and the nature landscapes too. How healthy ways of living make one's experience of life sing.
To start to take contact with the nature landscape. To get stopped in that attempt by cool : attention to the seasons, weathers, the demands of the weathers, regulating ways of living and doing according to temperatures etc -> a life that sings, landscape profound, the landscape as one's living environment -> the realities too sing and are profound, parts of healthy natural ages old life, also in what comes to the environment, each thing finds it's natural ages old, that has healthy spirit and feeling, place in the whole like according to best understanding, like if one thinks while looking at a nature landscape.
To find from oneself a singing experience of life, atmospheric social ways which is sporty, quick and handy. To find in addition with for example little singing birds the world of music."
S3. 7th of November 2022 I have heard that easiest in what comes to weight control have those who have normal weight plus a little bit of stomach, i.e. some extra energy reserve just in case that such is needed.
S4. Knitting aren't needed for staying warm. Some people just like to havecsome handiwork skills, and others are maybe mislead to think that knitting would somehow be needed.
" A warm winter shirt you can make easiest from warm fabric. Buy it from the same town where you use it. Ask the shopkeeper for advice. Sewing does not make one stupid.
If there is a feel of cool and moist or cold and moist in a room thst is lived in, is heated by a heater or people in it, warm the room by ventilating the air quickly dry. Open a window and go sit in the center of the room. When the air begins to feel fully dry, go at once to shut the window. The warm air high in the room soon warms the new cold dry air, and in a minute or three the room ought to become very warm.
Warm winter clothes you get easiest by buing as new. Those usually cost the same as fabrics or threads, or are cheaper. Ask the shopjeeper for help. Do not buy secondhand if you cannot recognice which fabrics are warm in yoyr present climate. "
S5. 8th of November 2022 Strong presence of an animal or of a person, like tge jaguar in Q18. and Q19., and like I once on the wilderness guide course felt a strong presence of a wild bear near by, i guess connects to moment when the animal or person is about to do something with it's greatest skills, with it's talent and vigour, like on moments dedicated to that skill, and it ought to be somehow natural, have ages old basic things of lufe as it's parts.

S6. A year ago i collected my Finnish blog texts about healing to a book which is for sale at . A few days later it was in the air that some handicapped neighbour had bought it in quick post since he thought that he could get healed just that way. If i remember right, a day or two later it was in the air that he or some other handicapped person kn the neighbourhood had gotten miracle healed by the book's advices, even grown a new limb if such is possible, and without being told the whole neighbouhood was kind of quiet, as if with full stomach and unable to eat, so unheard such miracles, the cured person had also healed some ordinary illnesses of his aquiantages, the burden of diseases havibg partly been lifted away. ,
S7. If one tries to follow some forefigure all the time, it often does not work out so well and disturbs one's life. If one follows the forefigure part of the time just like makes sense, the amounts and ways of following go easier right and one is more free, kind of relueved. My poodle Banjo copied from my rabbit Lissukka. Can it be that if rabbits are sexual and run, it is the free motion which gives one a chance to do thing in one's own ways this way and that way just like one feels doing, and so one is kind of free and with wisdom of lufe, in a good mood and so one can say according to the situation that yes, I can be along, I feel well this way.
S8. 9th of November 2022 I guess that this my type of Christmas gnome would be a Finnish Christmas elf. If you are from a different culture, I guess that you would end up with a somewhat different type of gnome or elf, even if you read this same text.
S9. 10th of November 2022 i have now for a couple of weeks felt like ordinary food were too buttery, so i have been vegetarian for two or three weeks. Some vegetarian food makes me wonder what are the missing food substances vegetarians are looking for. My impression is that the missing food are ordinary vegetarian parts of the normal local diet of those who eat also meat producrs like is customary. So the missing incredient is a glass of orange juice, or a slice of fresh tomato upon a bread with margarin ( margarin corresponds to vegetable oil upon bread, not butter ) and a slice of cheese, or whatever is normal, and just normal amounts of them and not overly much.
S10. 11th of November 2022 As younger in Helsinki I thought that it is important to not to pay any Finnish marks too much and not on false grounds. I had so luttle money that one chocolade bar a week was the only extra my basic budget allowed. But so i afterwards heard that i had gotten 100 marks per months too luttle some support for apartment. Later I have learned that some work in medicine with illnesses around so tired that thibgs just collapse, not only their own things but also those of the patients. And i have also lesrned that it isn't so easy to earn the needed sums, often not even possible. So i have thought that tiredness and burdens cause collapsion like big expences and harm to life while softening life circumstacies where others have done a good work and do their part, is needed even if it aren't the same as the letter of the rules. But one must notice that giving position to young low quality workers who lie to get extra isn't what makes this possible.
S11. Some wonder why Christmas gnomes associste with the darkest time of the year. Are the gnomes somehow dark? I don't think gnomes as necessarily dark in atmosphere but having lits of skills, used to have a young eager heart, and then using it all just to make some artifact dims life down, the wisdom does not shine so brightly, since that is not the place of an artifact but instead it is reserved for wisdom and for wisdom of life. But sometimes some dark evil person can too have a posiyive side, drown in ordinary good quality doing, maybe such happens just Christmas time.
One needs to use a realistical view. So one can the next time start from what works well in such a situation.
S12. Some decoration artifacts have a good spirit. If one likes them one can learn something of such life from having them in one's room. In Savonlinna I had some Christmas postcards on a wall. I just longed for them, so I put them on a wall, mostly forgot them but liked them so that i did not remove them after Christmas. I had also a hollow grey beton statue of a deeply thinking somewhat fat angel. And some poster on a wall brought a strong effect too but it was somewhat religious, a picture of a steam ship, in which the text said that it was on the route of Heinävesi,( where there are two monasteries, one for monks and one for nunns).
S13. 13th of November 2022 Father's Day Sometimes some woman may momentarily look like a handsome man. That is her version of what she would look like as a man, but it has the characteristics of a 100m runner compared with a marathon runner in the task of being a man. Similarly a man may have momentarily as if a woman's style but technical, not so moral, laborous or only food oriented, which is what he would be like as a woman. The biggest difference to the styles of people lately associated with is does one meet such women or men in practice or is it just impressions from others.
S14. Maybe my earliest melody that i have written down. I liked it and planned to continue along the same lines, but somehow later the music notation net program's style was different and it somehow led my melodies to otherctracks. Those melodies were also more public.
The subject of this melody was yellow autumn leaves on a row of big trees roadside, and luttle birds in them.

S15. 15th of November 2022 The news told that today the human population of the world will rise over 8 000 000 000. The news told that many people get more children than what they woukd want. I do not know for sure, but I think that usually the views of a large social environment determine a lot in such questions. One can choose what one expects from life, learn to be good at some type of things and learn wisdlm of lufe so that one can be work or career oriented or child oriented in a good way, so that others too see woukd there be room for a child or not, but talking about children is one way people express that there might be a child coming. I do not have children but i just did not find husband and now I am too old, and my environment hasn't supported getting children, not given the peace a family needs, maybe because my step mother was career oriented and i was good at school, so they mistook her ambitions as my likibgs.
S16. 16th of November 2022 Using emergence means to survive one's daily lufe isn't wise, since in emergencies one answers just to the demands of the task at hand at the expence of the rest of one's daily lufe. So if that is the ordinary situation, one lacks the rest of one's skills and room to luve in, and so one is as if kn a stomach pain, kind of out of order even if participating somehow. And so one cannot sense what is the right best way to do somethibg and so lne lacks a lot of wisdom and can't be happy, not refreshed at all. And such happens with continuous emergencies even if you rely on religion to survive. Much better would be to safeguard healthy wisdom of lufe all the time, and set one's ambitions lower, more modest so that there is room for healthy lufe.
S17. In the news there was about a missile in Lake Inari 1985. The dates and facts were dufferent from what i remembered, but i guess that it is the same happening.
S18. My step mother had a dream job as a scientist. For tens of years she liked her work so much that it was the center of her life. I think that she said she did not know what work would suit her, so she asked an old foreigner - was it Chinese? - and told what kinds of things she liked in work, got a suggestion and after pondering it this way and that way found out that it had all that she liked in life. Another version was that she went to a place where she thought the spirit was good, they did things in good ways in her opinion, and asked the quite young people there what would be a good job for her. I guess that in such one ought to be i terested in their profession and eager to ask about it and hear about nearby professions and about ordinary routes to them. So one can be along in the profession and naturally choose it or some near profession.
S19. Sometimes if there is dangerous, not knowing detailedly what is what makes it possible to invest only in the best answers that are good for a wide variety of situations, instead of getting stuck to just one situation.
S20. 17th of November 2022 Korvatunturi in English Claus Village in Rovaniemi
S21. This is the 1200th entry in this text, if I counted right.
Getting things well in a society is not build upon getting one thing well at a time, since that is much too luttle. One needs to get well a thousand times more things per thing done. Otherwise the society just breaks and it becomes impossible to live. So just following some rule that kn this do this way isn't usually enough. Instead one needs to know a lot and understand a lot and have beautiful civiluced values. Then having wisdom of life can help a lot. One jyst luves one's lufe and notices thst ouch don't do that way, this wisdlm is better, and so one can at a glance know if things are running smoothly or if people need to correct some things. One learns from living the daily lufe with senses open and from following the rule "Live and let others live!".
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