Saturday, February 12, 2022

Skills of Christmas gnomes 11. Ages old Christmas gnome life


Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)
Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love (loving one's way of life)

Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 6. Some pieces of music  
 Skills of Christmas gnomes 7. Fracturelessness 

Skills of Christmas gnomes 10. Additional remarks 

The whole blog

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K1.   " 30th of June 2019   I do not think it good at all to tidy very much at one time after the death of someone, but just to take some things with poor spirit away and on a good moment tidy or arrange something so that it is good to continue life. "

K2.   11th of February 2022   My Japanese spitz Vaapukka ="raspberry" was a skilled miracle healer via some spiritual connection of animals. When he died, my apricot poodle Banjo wanted mice to keep up the inheritage of Vaapukka, so he together with elder muce taught mice to be miracle healers. A couple of days ago i kn the evening drank orange juice which i had ooened in the mirning, and it had a taste ofcradpberry jam muxed with orange juice, tasty, delicious but not goid for thecteeth i guess, it was as if the mice or my Christian postcard icon had tried to teach young muce to be miracle healers: what wss Vaapukka like, like the fresh uncooked raspberry jam which has been stored in cool, and what kinds of healing skills he had, like ghe fresh oringe juice. Raspberry jam is maybe a little bit like marmelade. 

K3.   12th of February 2022   To have a good spirit in music and to get well support, at least for me as a composer, when i make music it is good to make it available, but it is not good to try to rob a certain place for it.

K4.   13th of February 2022   I do not know for dure, I am 50 years old, but if I would be asked what is the secret of living very ling, I woukd guess that doing things with a good basic way of doibg that has common sense like objective thinking with pictures of wholes and also healthy ways of living like one can learn from watching nature, so that the basic guess of a young person is that one can luve very long that way, of a so young person that one does not count how many tens of years but just gyesses that many. 

 I came to write this since when i looked out of tge window, some blackbirds on the ground seemed to have nuclear bombs' destructiln as a theme, and some small greyish bird on the ground ( which wandered absentmindedly saying that people who do not have muchvtime left are often at loss like that ) seemed to say that from a wild bird's view my view went with long age, so i wrote this, even though i often do nit get well alobg with people and i do not know what is the reason for that. 

K5.   17th of February 2022 Feeling very lonely or a need to do everything together even if one does not get along, is often a redult of someone forcing, making nasty things compulsory and so one needs more support for one's own views, likings and actions, or then freedom from the compulsory burdens. 

K6.   " An attempt at a kind of love song   

21.1.2020   Could this work as mobile phone's ring tone? Would people for example in North Korea like it? I am from Finland,don't know foreign cultures so well. Was thinking of fixing love songs so that one would get along well, kind of happy life for oneself and liking the other and then again making sure that one has happy life so that one does not get tired and into argunments but instead has energy,g ood will and a good mood.

19.3.2021   To be clesr, I made this melofy to help Finns  not thinking of foreigners  but afterwards I came to think that it might suit foreigners too

K7.   I have tried to write this text about the skills of Christmas gnomes so that the advices would suit all countries and many kinds of groups, be almost equally possible everwhere. I do not know how well i have succeeded in that, but at least some demand for this kind of text is now milder, has been satisfied. These skills are largely my own skills, i have not read them from anywhere, at least not most of them. But for example westher skills one just needs in Finland so thst aöl have their own version of weather skills, dven though my text about the four seasons seeks to be applicable also in other countries which have the four seasons. 

K8.   This is a free blog, like my other blogs too. is the major internet search enhine 's blogging platform which is available for free in most countries. But one must gollow laws  society's customs, civiliced wisdom and good will in the world at large when lne blogs since blogs are public. One can find them by internet sesrched. If the address takes you to some other blogging site, maybe you started using blogger esrlier but then forgot, (18.2.2022 Check the internet address of the page that you are on. ) so just start there a new blog and choose a good subject and better looks for it. But the blog address ending or i haven't been able to change after i had chosen it to my first blog from several options. 

I wrote first about what useful thoughts i had to help to save the world . Then i wrote advices about learning thinking skills . Then i wrote about hobby like interests of mine and tried to give useful advices for beginners in them. Then i wrote other useful advices that i felt needed and weather skills. Then i thought that i would quit writing but still wanted to offer useful help like solving environmental quedtions and healing illnesses, even ended up writing this endless text about the skills of Christmas gnomes since i felt that there was a big demand for what i could teach in that. 

K9.   In The arts oriented countryside town Savonlinna i learned quite lot about painting, among other things that one needs an undisturbed moment for painting and that one can so givevroom to the atmosphere of nature, for example trees, likewise for other things in life, they each take their time, for example a few seconds and giving them that makes the atmosphere in town more fracyureless and ages old. 

 K10.   19th of February 2022   " If someone wants to die

   This way of waking from desth is of person's own choice. The dead or nearly dead person must oneself lighten one's way of living and one's relationship to the world and make it livelier, in order to wake from desth and revover. But if one wsnts to die, there is the problem that life after death exists and is in many cases similar to life before death, even though thecreason for death may have been erased awsy. But one can dream of life after death that one wants to choose, for example lufe as some animal or in different life circumstancies or as finally dead without lufe after death. One must dream so many times  be very much so inclined and already prepared to leave everything behind and start a new life for example as a bird youngster  insect or even as a young tree. There are Russian tales about young maiden orwhstever having turned to a tree. I once looked absentmindedly out of the window to a near by forest pstch, and there was a man standing there, admiring the trees, and he seemed pleased at lufe so but his life otherwise seemed a burden  and he was left standing there quite a while pleasantly forest like, and when i looked again there was a young tree there where he had stood and the tree was like him and it seemed that he liked life so. "   


 K11.   20th of February 2022   When there seems to be a demand for some text from abroad, especially if it is for a long time, they seem to wish for a more cynical view with murders etc. I do not know why, are they enemies, are they for reasons connected with their own life interedted in such tjings, do they lack social eye or do they wish for calming Finnidh influence to the problems in their own land? For calming effect there is only one basic answer : lots of good will with common sense and a healthy spirit, civiliced wisdom too.

K12.   22.2.2022   I used to have on my wall a Zen Buddhist quotation : " I embrace emerging experience. I participate in discovery.  I AM A BUTTERFLY. I AM NOT A BUTTERFLY COLLECTOR. "

K13.   When tgere is a possibility to spend some moments in nature, the experience gets much stronger if one wonders what was the ages old way of life like in the muddle of nature like wild animals live. Here I tried to take a picture of how one can under s tree feel some ages old feacturelessness when one watches wind tossing falling snow, but this is just a view out of my window. 

K14.   I have tried to write about basic skills that carry well. But these too suppose that you have gone to school, have those school skills and habits. 

K15.   My old video : The Great Song Of Life

K16.   23th of February 2022   I had a reddish brown dog, and that is a coat colour of dogs that corresponds red in symbolic colours i.e. life according to feelings. The dog was very nice and seemed to bring such life but as it's own version. Now later when i wstched some video of a reddish brown animal, I wondered how is that possible and figured out that a reddish brown dog chooses from the sphere of life of the family things that are ofcreddish kind in it's own opinion, like eating sausages, being friendly, valuing birds and the newspaper, life in the neighbouhood, conversations with family members and meeting younger generation animals & the elderly. Or somewhat so. I wondered if similar reddish choices are possible for humans too. 

K17.   24th of February 2022   In the news there were videos of what looked like war dogs, trained to kill humans, amazingly obedient via having been rewarded with lots of meat food and because instead of being commanded this wsy and that way without any good reason they associated with things of major importance in life  and because they thought that humans as tens of years old must be superiorly wise via old age, which is not necessarily so and to which might help the quick school for animals E11. . I do not know why i added ghis text here. 

 K18.   25th of February 2022    " If Ukraine is going to lise the war against Russia, what mstters is how things will be in Ukrsine after the war, what lufe will be like, how independent the country and that there would not be much damage to lives. That is what ought to determine what Ukrainans ought to do. Maybe it would be enough to officially give up trying to join Nato, since Ukraine does notvhave nuclear weapons but Nato has. So if Asians tend to causd border clashes also in the western parts of Russia, maybe to check, to compare to Asian border clashes  then it is much better that no nuclear weaponscresult from such. And that is a big thing to Russia, while i understood from the news that otherwise Ujraine causes much much less damage to Russians. So without Nato it sounds thst Ukraine could luve in peace, much like before. 

Sweden often wants to conquer Finland. But Sweden is nit a border nation of a big natiln, balancing on foreign interests and adding fact points. Instead Sweden is a cute small natiln among small nations, and needs to rethink a lot if it wants to conquer Finland and become a border nation of Russia. 
( 26.3.2022   I guess that also these comments about wars are needed in this text, since in a way it would be good to know what is Christmas gnome's view on war. )

K19.   ( 26th of March 2022   I lost the texg but tty to write it again now a month latef.) In demonstrations it is valyable to be able to express one's views and that ( if there were many in the demonstratiln ) after that it is taken that such a group exists in the society and tvings are looked also from it's poibt of view, explained to it too. It seems that a demonstration ought not command exact measures taken but knstead vaguely express opiniln, like not seeming to plan crime but instead shout something that is chosen because of ease, rhyme etc indtead of excat language. Things many agree about and also banderolles etc.

K20.   28th of February 2022 Kalevala Day    Sometimes when there are piles of snow or otherwise nature or otherwise this and that around and you wander, you see all kinds of interesting shapes  figures  impressions thst have some style but somehow vague. It may be that chance is like that or nature, but if the world is of spirit, it seems that some friendly person or animal has wished you well and so you meet things which soften your mood and situation like in the autumn first snow softens life or a friendly wish of good will, and you meet like-minded things that someone happens to know to exist there or as if dreams of some distant place and maybe another time. Those are to support you against harmful knfluencies that clutter your mind. Wishing well and valuing civiliced life can make the phenomenom more positive. 

 K21.   1st of March 2022  " For most not even a diet but instead lighter foods in the spring time so that one would get a little bit thinner effortlessly, would be the best.

"Getting thinner quick (5 min), easily and comfortably
"If your emotional ideal weight is thinner than your present weight. And if the season is such that one uses quite lot of food. But you don't need even all present fat to bear the weather. Then you copuld get somewhat thinner quick, for example in five minutes and then would your diet already be over for the time being. And in so doing you would feel somewhat like one who has eaten oily food or bakery.

So: You can pay attention to your emotional iudeal weight, which needs to be honestly estimated, you real goal. And so you can then take such weight as your identity, that means somewhat smaller body and a body form & size according to your character. The fat that is over this, especially ones feeling cumbersome or not so good, you can let to melt away, and to come near the stomach as an effect like buttery food, which replace some of the fat of some near future meal but not it's nutritients.
So you still need healthy meals.

 I do notr know how well one gets thinner with this but it appears that at least somewhat if the smaller body size is left as one's identity, a more satisfied picture of oneself. Somehow I would suppose that in teh human nature there is some natural weight control mechanism like this.""
1. emotional ideal weight, 2. extra fat, 3. melt away, and 4. (two last notes) come as bakery like feeling to near the stomach
 If you have as a oal and reference point a body form and size of which your character, values and sensations of your body say that your body is good that way, let'schoose this one, it is good to live this way, then it is likely that your body has a tendecy to transform to that direction and once it has reached that form to stay in it, like feels good abd right, feels to be the natural best choice.

In Finnish a blog about getting thinner without food restrictions, with the help of wisdom of life 
Blogi Laihduta hauskasti  ilman ruokamäärärajoituksia elämänviisauden avulla 

K22.   I have written these advices in skills and talents, so thst they would be good basic skills to have and carry the reader who studies them with common sense, amazingly far on one's own, to some kind of hero like level of skills and success, which then together with civiliced wisdom and civiliced values, would really be a hero to value in the world, or at least a success in one's own life with dream job, hobbies and peace to luve in. 

K23.   One cannot take this Christmas gnome skills text as Finnish influence in what comes to the style, way of living and approach, since I have written this thinking of the whole world as possible readers, and sl climate dependent thing have to be adjusted so that it is possible to read this kn the tropics, and so this has been quiet food oriented sleepy lufe centered on reading and writing, while ordinary Finnish lufe is westher oriented, valuing nature too, often centered on work and free time activities, typically with objective thinking with pictures of wholes and healthy common sense on a strong emphazis in the society, wisdom of life too.

K24.   3rd of March 2022   Since life after death exist and may be similar to life before death, if one is deep in trouble, it isn't necessarily a good choice for friends and supporters to arrange you getting killed, since so you may lose the compassionate support but stsy in trouble. Instead one ought to kill some of the evil attackers or cause them harm  so that the world would be a better place to live in and extra support really would make things better.  

K25.   4th of March 2022   I found a video of pictures of ancient Greek athletes which taught different types of humans ( like the characteristic atmispheres of the people in the painted ancient pictures ) ways of using sttention, moving & the body so that the picture of the body and the way of moving are more complex and much more like athletes in the Olympics.
I just watched the beginning and then was left pondering. 
The Chinese in the pictures about shadow boxing would in addition need to copy some typical European style, to find the athletes body & way of moving. 

K26.   "  

Birds aflame

"I was readong the book "Suomen myyttiset linnut" = "Finland's mythical birds" and it had lots of information from Kalevala. Of the eagle it said that it is a bird of fire and that fires have been burned on holy days in connection with that. But the picture of an eagle next to that wasn't like in fire but more like bored. Sometimes when a little bird flies, it looks as if it sprks fire: at the same time uncontrollably playfully flying around and flying freely, just for a small while trying out something, playful, living it's daily life and friendlily social, understanding that the tough world with the seasons is it'sliving environment. Human's actions have the same when oen sometimes for the sake of trying does something sporty, that Hi, I'm like this too, and can this too, a second or a few seconds, just a glimpse somewhere, like the blink of an eye, some kind of spark of skill and character, with more profound wisdom in just the fact that onedoes for a moment only, without exhausting, according to one's emotional motivation, understands about bigger capacity. catches fire.
To burn is a different thing. I guess it connects with an eagle sitting on a curved branch of a pine and eats fish from the lake or from the sea, that it has itself naturally hunted, there is the flash of the fish's movement, the reddish colour of the pine branch, as a model the emotionality of the curve of the pine branch, the warmth of a cliff under one's bare feet in the summer, the flames in a fire ina fireplace, frying the a fish that one has caught oneself, evening sun, the lake and bird's sounds, quietening calming lake view, the fullness of summer. Each time that one does something, one ought to have both a natural thing to do and an approach that is not stuck to habits, that does not exhaust things, that is born naturally from the situation in the moment as a new idea, way of doing, mood, idea of what one does and how, a flowing rythm of doing like when carving a small branch according to the colours of the branch, it's forms etc, and accordingt o how one gets tired, has mom cooked somethig, what are the others doing, when does action stop changing naturally to the next one, and when is thing done full like a caught fish, or a nest box for birds to live in, clothes washed ready for use.

Whta we usually understand to be wisdom, art and religion, maybe civilized books, isn't feeling as such, especially not as only memorized, but it is a protection in life for being feeling, is like a piece of advice under the roof of which it is good to live as a feeling being, to fit together the demands of the world and one's own wishes in life, one's daily life and needs. The rof is just knowledge and communication. Life is in the living, in practical things to do, in growing, in concretical things."
K27.   Knitted bird
(A bird figure on a knitted sock which is kept around my hand.)
"So: back loops as the background. Here then I knitted by the middlemost loop, one right and to the neighbouring spaces thread around the stick. Then I continued the tail: three right and the background back loops.
 Then I started the stomach: on one row next to the three right loops on their left side space I added one right loop. Then I knitted a row four right loops, next row added one to the same place (between the added and the three right loops), then knitted five right loops, then added one to the same place and one to the right side of the five right loops. Then I just knitted the bird: seven right and the background back loops.
 When the form of the bird seemed to demand so,I arched the stomach inwards: I knitted the two leftmost loops together in teh ordinarty way, so that the leftmost loop chain continued. On the next row I again knitted two loops together in teh left side, and on the right side I hid the other wing from sight behind the back: two rightmost loops topgether in the ordinary way. Then still one row I knitted tw loops together on the left side so that the neck become of birdlike thickness.
  Then I knitted one row of the neck: three right. On the second row I added next to the leftmost right loop one right loop to be the nose of the bird, which I on the next row knitted together with the leftmost right loop of the bird's head. Then I knitted three right for the head and on the next row knitted the three together so that the centermost was upmost (I lifted the loop with my fingers,moving the other loops from stick to stick). On the next row I knitted there one back loop and next to it on both sides thread around the stick so that the head would not lower there, but the thread was much too loose and so I got big holes above teh bird's head.
Which bird species would it be?"
K28.   A blackbird sang today so beautifully: "Spring like wine!", it seemed to say.
 I found a video of a blackbird singing beautifully, but my computer got jammed before I could watch it.

Birds sing only in daylight time, since otherwise it is too dangerous, but they may scold if they get disturbed during dark. 
Last year we didn't have a blackbird, but this year some humans in this neighbourhood were interested in getting wine like view of spring weathers, and I wondered if I ought to try to compose about such but was not convinced and asked the little singing birds for such birdsong when needed, and I guess that the little birds invited the blackbird here. Blackbirds typically sing about wine like weathers, a voice a little bit like a flute and melodies slow. 
K29.   5gh of March 2022   I found this lovely video of birds singing in Punkaharju. It is named Birds singing in morning mist. Such sometimes happens but quite rarely. 

K30.   When I was younger and at the capital, I tried to learn how to gain power to get my insight into use. Later i have learned that one gets one's insight into use when one does not have too close relationships to people who oppose such and if one has free time and a civiliced society allows freedom for such. I have also learned that gaining power isn't a good option if i don't have enough skills gor it since then i just fail or someone sabotages things regardless of what i do, and so things ho ashtray if one has too much power in one's hands. But if i can something well and am motivated to sharing it, if i then write a piece of advice about lesrnibg it, many people resd it and lesrn it and soo it is in use if they like such. So that way i judt gain whst wss the goal of power  without any of the drawbacks, without needing to care who is in power where. 

K31.   6th of March 2022   " 4th of March 2022   If you run too much to my blog texts, either you by accident came to my blog ( my blogs link mainly only to my other blogs ) or someone copied some text of mine to their own site. Internet link lists and sites typically are aimed for a certain audience and have a certain subject. If you don't like the site but like tge subject, you could make an internet search with different words about a similar subject and so maybe find a better site. As far as i nnow there are courses in the internet of making internet searches, but i do not know what the courses sre like, maybe short. Likewise someone knowing about computers and likkng similar subjects  could advice on finding good pages and on getting rid of unwsnted pages. But for me writing the reason is that as far as i know other teaching material of these subjects does not exidt or has a different cobtent or is otherwise very different. Some texts though i wrote just because i like the subject. 

5th of March 2022   Generally if one runs too much into something, it is some family member's or other close aquiantance's favourite choice or something they value as a thing to recommend to others. So one accidentally went along too much and made a similar choice oneself, but unfortunately it had this drawback. Finns solve this kind of problems by valuing the freedom of indoviduals and the rule "Live and let others live!". 

6th of March 2022   If you think that certain things or persons are valued much much too much, it depends on which scale you measure such, what are your values, and very much affects what ste the values of the persons you associate with a lot. Different people produce different ghings and have a different level of skills. That is why your values emphasize those persons' input a different amount. Who is high depends on which professions' skills and values you value. It is typical that people are used to certain benefits, so that even though they want to start a  individual life on their own they often want to keep the old benefits their oarents valued, and so they end up getting lots of influencies from views which they want to abandon but which produce certain benefits much much better than other areas of life. Especially problematic this is if the parents were religious  since religion sffects life a öot and gives miracle like benefits that other sreas life often fail to give at all, even though civiliced wisdom oftdn gives lots of good sides. 


K32.   Years ago in school i liked the practical subjects, music and drawing. Most others did not like handiworks so much, they were kind of stuck and doing them as if forced to them. Maybe thry had copied from people who do lots of handiworks. I instead wanted to do on my own, learn skills for life from it  all kinds of skills, especially woodwork supported by sports and liking the nature. Also kn textil work i wanted my own view of the things instead of cooying from others. 

  K33.   As I have learned via my last name Tervola, which means healthy or associates to healthy sings, about healing by comparing with fully healthy ways of living, it seems that illnesses of the elderly result from having grown wise  are nit any degeneration  see . Similarly, now that i am already 50 years old, characteristics of old age seem to be caused by others wanting a slower rythm etc and not by old age itself. 

K34.   7th of March 2022   Iwas wondering of how music instruments are made. Can it be that a fractureless branch with good spirit has a king of singing tone while some other kind of piece of wood may make a kkrraahh like soubd only. A moment ado I watchdd a vudeo of a Stradivarius violin. Can it be that it was made frlm a curved piece of wood like a curved branch from a place where the branch has good spirit? 

K35.   8th of March, Women's Day    This text does not seek to offer soft life like some nursing professilnals' idea of gnome like appearance of people. Instead this long text with it's links seeks to offer life like Christmas cnomes kn Christmas poscards of old farms and their chores: dream job, a place to luve in that one likes in one's soul, living according to civiliced wisdom, nature and sports, lufe accordibg to feelings in harmony with the world  and the like. 

K36.   9th of March 2022  

K37.   If one does evil, that means that one destroys some kinds of things, which means that one has so much too much of them that one wants to throw some of them away, which means that one ought to get less such kind of presents. If one is good, one is building so better life kn better living circumstancies, so in a way one is making more present like things, which means that one ought to get more presents. 

K38.   10th of March 2022   I have sent this blog text link to many places, as if it were that much interesting to read all over the world. I do not know how widely Christmas gnomes interest people, but one can also pick some parts of the text that would be better suited to one's culture, climate etc. Anyway, there are alreafy some 800 numbered entries in this text plus a lot more on links from it. Luckily people who follow the media often read a lot every day. On the whole i feel that i do not have anything more to write, it is time to continue my life in other chores. 

K39.   13th of March 2022   Realism is just somebody's idea of what is a good way to do things, what usually happens naturally when one does things, what is a good professiln like, what a good state for social relationships, a good way of life, tadte of life, good for one's attitudd, etc. So as ypu gain more age, you can change the characyeristics of yheir dream job to those of your own dream job, and choose your own social tactics, town to lkve in, ways of living and taste of life. 

K40.   Each profession has it's own skill level. If you are above that, you cannot benefit from that professiln, at least not much . So quite many professilns aim their work for children especially, for example tv and care professions. I guess that care pfofessions in Finland have many times too much personnel compared to how much Finns would need, since numerous foreigners abroad, for examöle in Africa, are ill and wish for Finnish understanding of healing brought by healthy life in the climate of four seasons. But if one would hire such workers from Finland, they are many originally from abroad and not culturally Finnish.

K41.   14th of March 2022   If someone likes certain culture and place or area, that person across years gets lots of such influence and starts to look kind of that type. Then someone maybe thinks that they are from such places but decided to move to live here, while in truth it is quite the opposite: they are looking for a chance to move to live where life is of the kind thst they like a lot.  

K42.   15th of March 2022   I looked the beginning of some documentary about remote viewing of cia and it seemed concentrated on military documents and such. But it just brought to my mind that one must take care to not to choose unwisely who remote views what  since that may bring musery and stuck ways or happiness. Not so long time ago i was dsydreaming of a pilot talking to an aeroplane highjacker and showing her some document in the cockpit. I too wanted to see the document, so i asked a mouse to read it. And it read: the paper said something like " spribg eggs of fishes..." and the font tol had changed to such, since such is the sphere of lufe of muce, gheir identity is to be an animal and to associate with animals primarily. So it matters a lot who reads the text. 

K43.   If one needs to do something, one can figure out what, why and how and what is one's motivation to it. Then one can follow that motivation for a while to get the thing done, and that is a way to be sincere, not acted, natural and in a way free, and then lne can continue to other things that one is motivated to doing. School could teach this kind of sincerety or is it a form of freedom : there is a certain motivation, one follows it for some time, learns things and continues to other ghings without giving up the good sides of having gonevto school.

K44.   17th of March 2022   When I was in school age, there was a rule to make it possible to guide things successfully by conversation. The rule was that if one speaks for some view or supports it and especially if one in publicity writes about it, one should oneself folliw it in one's life to show that one can well gollow it and that it fits together with moral, the common goid and good life. So it becomes annoblucation, a said aloud place for the person in the society and in the group. So one can cjoose what one likes and show that it fits together with the rest of the society and speak for such optilns in the society. Likewise many of the drawback become more apparent and sometimes one needs to correct one's erroneous views. 

K45.   I still read the local newspaper Itä-Savo of Savonlinna. I like the newspaper and the subjects it handles like music, countryside town charm and handiworks. It brings some of the wisdom and values of a place with a summer time music festival, and some of the quality of just opera. I was recommended the newspaper when i earlier lived in Espoo, since i liked it's atmophere, kind of more countryside style. 

K46.   18th of March 2022   I found a video of making a Canadan indian canoe, skilled woodwork, but to be clear i am from Europe, so i do not know of such.

I do not nnow but i came to think of vegetarian food for such hard work outdoors in the cold. But i have not tested it..

Root type of vegetables for example carrot in quite big pieces in oven, squeezed cooked potatoes, cooked reddish beans, raw vegetables cut to small pieces sallad, light coloured ordinary school taught sauce with some oil or butter in it, for drink something somewhat thick like maybe beer, and water for thirst.

K47.   Here is another, old 1946 Canadan indian film of making a canoe from tree bark.

Oh, what a canoe!

K48.   The latter canoe making video left to me a taste as if it would have been almost possible to talk with the old man kn it even though 75 years have passed. It is as if such document film was very much wanted in the world and he was left talking in subjects around such canoe making, kind of lufe carried bybhis fans, but without much else in his lufd, as if his fans were jnsble to support his ordinary life. I wonder can it be for me a same kind of thing with this Christmas gnome skills tdxt : it is very much wanted but i do not have much other kind of lufe and mostly if i have something it fits the Christmas gnome like life. 

K49.   I have watched this video many times since the words of the song are about writing, and video about walking like and gedturelanguage like dancing. I would have liked to become a dancer, but then i learned from luttle singing birds what i had hooed to learn from dance but never learned. 

Bruce Springsteen : Dancing in the dark

Here is another song that i have lustened to a lot lstely. But quite often it makes me cry sincei think of my poodle which died a year ago. Even though i think the song is of bigbtowns having been destroyed in nuclear wars. 

Julio Iglesias : Hey

This song i listened to when i wrote my paradise theory book. 

Tina Turner : Simply the best

As far as i know these are among the biggest singer stars in the world. 

K50.   19th of March 2022   My 12 years old apricot poodle Banjo, which died a year ago due to vetenarians lying ( they claimdd teeth so loose that drop away why they need to be removed in which there is ghe danger of jaw bone breaking and that is why the cost about the same as new puppy's ), he was very intelligent and used tocread the newspaper. He was the bedt conversation partner i have ever had, inbtellugent opinions of roughly the same subject but from a different viewpoint, and he wss my family and my work pair. 12 years is a so llng time that i had gotten used to the company of my dogs, and so my habits and strenghrs leave me partly without support when continuing onwards. When my Japanese spitz died, a yesr later was a few weeks with lack of luck. This year is the same but my experience is that by living quietly, eating like affects the atmosphere toward better and postponing official things such has seemed to go well. There was a similar lack of luck with my 50th birthday but with the same tactics it went quite well. 

K51.   The problem in Finland nowadays is that there are too many foreigners and too much foreign ingluence, so the Finnish speaking Finnish culture which can solve a lot of problems and create good life, is often not followed at all. The climate is so demanding that foreigners from tropics not having slightest climate skills often ruins everything, and the next year the newcomers mistake those who survived the winter as original Finns. 

K52.   It is possible that this Christmas gnome skills text is much asked for, since many like Christmas and might at some moment come to think that it would be nice to read something of Christmas gnomes. If then many possible writers lack some skills kn the subject, which i on the other hand have, there is a wish for me to write at least something on the subject, just in case that some parts of whst i have eritten might be useful. 

K53.   20th of March 2022   It seems that some people, maybe nurses of not so good quality, have been messing with my Finnish blog about healing, which has over 950 entries so that i am unable to check it. Anyway, in my blogs was my lifetimes work and they are an essential support for example to this Christmas gnome skills text. If you like some blog of mine, try to make a safety copy or arrange some library or wharever keep their own copies of pages, since the world is wide, many different kinds of people in it  so one cannot know what will be preserved in the long run. 

K54.   21th of March 2022   I read a little bit of the major newspaper Helsingin Sanomat ans wondered how it manages to keep thibgs so civiliced if all are not so civiluced to begin with. It values science and objective thinking with a picture of the whole and pays attention to things one can measure so that also the not-so-civiluced pays attention to them and thinks: "Oh, that was good to notice." and so thibgs cobtinue peacefully from there onwards, with a common agreed aboyt viewpoibt in objectice thinking.

K55.   This year after the death of my apricot miniature poodle Banjo has in a way gone well in what comes to remembering the deceased, since i wss not fully sure if the dog had been stolen or killed, so i just wished it well, good possibilitues in life and/or in life after death. So mostly i have had a view of it lying in a pets' graveyard in Savonlinna but as if alive, so that i have wished it nice grasses to look at and to wander around if ghosts can and so it has been quite harmonical and peaceful. But most of all i have missed tge walks, since i thought i could wander on my own or with a new pupoy. 

K56.   As older my poodle was interested in Greek dogs and said that they are all intelligent and understand philosophy, also puppies, since Greece has thousands of years old tradition in philosophy, is very famous for it. 

K57.   23th of March 2022   One can live so that one's physical sensations senses open and the atmosphere of ghe physical environment and of the nature is almost always or mostly positive, comfortable and fascinating. It is a skill but depends also on the environment and ways of living. One can learn such from paintings, music, poetry, charm of the nature, enjoyable ways of moving from sports, admiring the weathers and gettingvto know what kind of vuews of lufe in the environment the builders and planters of the area had as their ideas, and from shopkeeper's views on fascination, and from learning wisdom of life. 

 24th of March 2022   The sunrise is beautiful, even though the camera did not get colours right, and with the eyes one can see colours in the room. 

K58.   I do not know how gnome like influencies it is possible to get from me, since either it is thw writing or the places and times, but anyway some things seemed ruined. For example many of foreigners would mostly like to eat the gnomes and there really has seemed to be murders around, and the tap water is ruined, just piss. And i at least used to be the best of the world in quite many things that i am interested in, so ordinary good quality just cannot be trusted the same amount but is instesd full of attacks when others command to try it instead of my own which they claim to be normal social manners. So i am just tired, and the people around seem to have their troubles too. And what i have lesrned of the world people in other cultures seem to be more in trouble, so thst in addiyion one ought to save the redt of the world tol  and then some hackered my blogs and so i wonder what has happened to my lifetime's work which ought to have helped to save the world. And mostly i have enemies and distant people. One can make a safety copy of an internet page by clicking on the "save" button of one's browser, but it does not copy tge whole blog, and one must take care to not to ruin the copy by refreshing the page. 

And I am a Buddhist and a Christian, used to be religious, have done a lot of good by writing, usdd to have healthy ways of living, healthy spirut too, wishibg well in the world, following good moral in a kind of happiness oriented way, with a love of the nature.

K59.   It is still spring winter, too esrly for flowers, but this melody of mine came to my mind. It is flower bush's bud's atmosphere and at least when all snow has melted, it seems to advance spring, and could so help to bring spring flowers quicker, a flower greeting it could be used to.  

K60.   For one's own safety it isn't good to be overly naive, since a young person or a beginner can be somewhat stupid but to not to avoid dangers when one notices them and knows well how to avoid, goes against thecreasoning of others and so they offer less safety. For example if something ought to be fully safe for lufe to work out, someone clsiming that they have safety as acted role is not enough, since then safety isn'tctaken care of for sure, and so one cannit count one's lufe upon it, so it often goes that one needs to drop that person away and refuse the dangerous things. Otherwise it does not need to affect one's lufe so much, but of course pne must make sure others too understand the danger. 

K61.   26th of March 2022   When i was young in Helsinki the young men did not like war so much since they said that it is difficult as a soldier to defend a place with such a name. So i was told that if Sweden would conquer Finland, next would Russia conquer Finland from Sweden. Then the Russians would not know what to do, so they would go enjoy summer cottage life and all would be happy. After a while all would go home to their families and it would be peaceful again, everything much like before, and the borders would be where conversations and common sense says they ought to be. 

I guess that also these comments about wars are needed in this text, since in a way it would be good to know what is Christmas gnome's view on war. 

K62.   27th of March 2022   As a youbg adult i wanted to change from the university, from math and physics, to practical professions, to physical work in the nature or something in that direction. In sports i learned that one can experience practical things done strongly with the body: "Oh, life!", with the different areas of lufe feeling in gesture languge, their taste of lufe in one's experience of lufe. 

K63.   Things fully rotten, like buffs of smoke or contents of a tunnel, which i guess is typical for some people from the tropics, i guess that that is so because the person has mostly been lazying, just lying and eating, and so in something that one does one has not had any skills so thst it hss gone ashtray and when one has continued even more ashtray. I guess that the reason is that one has copied ways of doing as if one had skills as a model but hasn't had any skills there. So ought ought to start learnkng basic skills which i guess best goes via building upon pieces of civiluced wisdom, trying to aim at good civiliced skill level, so that one would not be so completely st loss anymore and not cause so much harm. 

K64.   28th of March 2022   Abeautiful swaying way of walking and moving is when one has been largely left kn peace, doibg chores that one likes and which git the society, like a woman allowed to be woman like in style if she so wishes, or like a late morning leisurely doing home chores. Also when one has extra wisdom of life in use instead of jusr a schooled perspective. Similar happens when one is a foreigner or from a vvery different environment and so at loss of where the ordinary perspective goes, so that obe does not feel it forcing oneself but indtead feels that one is left with room to live kn. 

K65.   If one has a too big stomach, so that there is usually a not so comfortable attempt to keep it pulled in or then just hanging in front, fitness videos recommend muscle syrenght exercices, for examoly lying on one's back and lifting thights. Or the one can turn around and lean on hands and elbows with the body dtright and one toes as support  which seemed to be very efficient. In these the body notices thst aha, a different body form wanted. But one should not aim to keep the normal body form like in the excercise since such feels dead, as if the person had been disabled in the middle. But instead keep the body naturally somewhere between that and loose, at a naturally changing ways that feel good and make lne more alive and feeling and are better for movements too like music. 

K66.   Getting continually refreshed in a pleasant atmospheric way, as if more alive from weather, nature, music that sings nicely, wishing well for the world and from civiliced wise things that one likes mskes one happier and healthier as if young and so ought to make one live longer as fully healthy. But what these things are depends on the climate, since different climates suit differdnt character traits. But fully lazying ouhht not be such but leisurely doing in well working wsys thst are civiliced often is such. Likewise it depends on the person and type of environment. 

K67.   This is a book that i read and liked when i was a young adult and wanted to change from university math to practical work in farming. I still like it's wisdom of lufe ( but i listened only the beginning of it ).

Dale Carnegie : How to stop worrying and start living ( usa 1948 )

K68.   If at some time in life things start going via dsrker roads with more crimes around, it is often a question of a change in which values you follow and respect also in social situatilns and how much skills you demand in each thing. Like if you followed civiliced views learned in school but then replaced them by the much more narrow views of some profession's education. Or if you did not bother to forbid high position from a person with a very poor moral, so thst beautiful values were no longer cultivated in practice. 

K69.   29th of March 2022   A dog did not have healthy ways of living. Instead the dog owner has, because of school or sports hobby or civiliced wisdom and love of the nature, i guess. 

K70.   The speech on indian chief Seattle made a huge impression on me when I was a child : " Man has not woven the web of life, he is but one thread of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. " There sre many versions of the speech. The obe on the beginnig of this video is quite much the same. Usa ( at that time long past? Or is it Canadan history? ) 1854 

A child's understanding of the text isn't so fully grown. It says that the whole is important, it is important to take knto account the interconnectedness of things in the world and the nature of living beings. But exactly what and how is left unanswered. And for that it is essential to have as a model wise words from a culture which understands the interconnectedness of living beings and luved in harmony with the nature so well that our feelings too say that there is much right in such. 

K71.   If one is motivated, one effective way to develop kn skills is to not to be socially dominant. The one who meets obstacles needs to rise in skills, so if your forces are enough for the challenge, you develop manyfold in skills compared to too eady life, and a lazying one just deteriorates kn basic skills. The one who needs to take into accou t many views rises in understanding. But one's values and the support of the environment are important in this. 

K72.   The first four parts of this Christmas gnome skills text, that is some 300 entries, I wrote like seemed to increase possibilitues for Christmas gnlme like life. Then there were jusr additional remarks about this and that. That was maybe parts 5., 6., 7. and maybe 8. At least from the beginning of the 9. part i have written whatever subject even slightly associates to this Christmas gnome skills text, for example the death of an elderly relative, flying cars and ufos, so that i cannot anymore understand why i would write such a text. The last few entries in this 11. part, after some 800 entries, are just something that came to my mind, a somewhat gnome like subject, but i no longer can join them to Christmas gnomes in any way. Besides my ways of living have deteriorated, i would need room gor my own life instead of just writing regardless of whether it is for kuds or whoever. Since i have run out of subjects some 500 entries ago, the quality of my texts judt deteriorates and unluckiness may be a result of that also for the readers  since my texts on this subject just do not carry as well ad before. I cannot understand why i ought to write about gnomes if i don't luve a gnome like life even part time, since without living it it is impossible to offer it to others. 

K73.   30th of March 2022   Once one has hobbies and likings, one can largely live along their lines instead of needingvto always refer to some old version of how daily life ought to be lived. One can for example at some moment watch lufe from the viewpoint of one's favourite sports hobby, then have liked music in the radio as some side of how one luves while one does chores or whatever there is to do, at some moment admire the spring, make home nice, spend some moment in getting to know some knteresting thing by reading, etc. So that one can be a that kind of character instead of always coming back to some uncomfortable ways which maybe are from a time with less skills. 

K74.   I yesterday ran to this video. It's header is " when you are overqualified for tge job " 

K75.   Living near a good food shop or in a food oriented area can soften life circumstancies. On the other hand people often come there when ghey have had difficult times, so such can be a burden also afterwards. 

Colours of clothes should fit your values. So life treats you better. 

K76.   I like to tidy my home sometimes but not very rigidly. I like that there would be good to live in, clean  spatious, beauyiful and trees outside the window somehow a part of the views. So i dp not like things acted st all, but instead wooden floor in sight, stool, music, blankets, clothes thst are good gor use like clean and folded leisurely instead of detsiledly - so that it would be easy to get it so and then enjoyable to live in, likewise nice to tidy. But for the last year i have mostly been too sleepy. 

K77.   Some three years ago there was at that new year an impression as if there had been a nuclesr war in the world and major capitals destroyed, msybe also some other capital, for example there was a silence in the media as if Sweden's capital Stockholm had been destroyed and nobody knew how to handle the subject except that give Swedes time to adapt. That spring winter there was one day as if in the air that all school children had gotten killed by poisoned food, and the next time we saw scjool kids those looked African. Then a rumour of my dogs ssid thst so had happened in all the world to all kids except African, and so had adults as if emotionally died even though still alive. Another rumour ssid that children had noticed that adults think thst school ought judt be lived through, not taken so detsiledly. So they ate st the school themselves fat and started yo live that way witvout suffering so muvh from school but to their psrents they needed to explain it so that they were Africans, not so conscious of every detail. Another later explanation asks did the children wish for a nyclear war, did some kill those who wsnt to kill so many, but i guess children answer that there is some reason whh nuclear weapons exidt, maybe they ard needed for bombing such places, but otherwise not. If one can undo an atom bomb and life after death exists  maybe one could undo such jorrible crimes of kiöling children but then it often would go so that people could have kids who do not suffer, kids of likeminded orientation but propably not the same kuds that they already lost, but maybe those kids could conyinue elsewhere, in a life after death. It can also be that one can wonder as if in sleeping dreams : oh, not thst option but this one thst i like, and so undo the wrong dream, the wrong dream, and just continue in a one that one likes with the kuds along and a happy family, like choosing options based on one's values and likings. 

When i had my dogs  i thought that i coukd get new ones and continue my type of life even if i live longer than my dogs. But now i am just sleepy, without the former good sides, possibilitues in life  and this Christmas gnome skills text continues endlessly, so i just wonder what is the new lufe sfter the old one has ended. Kind of unpersonal this seems  without the views i write about, without theoretical strenghts, without practical life. 

 K78.   Some attempts at solving global warming . Have you noticed that ecocars and among them electric cars are alreafy widely for sale and bought? Also other climate friendly sources of energy are already in use, for example wind power  solsr power, nuclear power and water power. 

K79.   If one wants to soften life along the lines of this gnome skills text, i guess that a good choise, if one likes such, is a companion dog. They are friendly, comfort, bring motion and a cliser contact with nature and weathers, something like artistic too and value home lufe and good food. There are very many dog breeds, and people typically have good experiences of breed dogs. For those who want to walk slowly are the small long toy breed dogs, for those who want long walks the working dogs and most dogs need an average amount of motion, at least 3 walks a day. There are huge differencies between the different breeds, so a good guidebook aboyt dog breeds is essential, likewise are the breed owner clubs. 

After my poodle Banjo died a year ago  i have watched a lot of videos, for example of white dogs, since other coag colours have appesred as if near desth, a greyish fog covering them. Most of all i have managed to find videos of Maltese dogs, esoecially of Xanti :

My poodle Banjo was intelligent and he said that he had not noticed that i would have other pets after him and my Japanese spitz Vaapukka. But can it be that i had no plans about what kind of pets i would have in the guture. I just thought that nice individuals and those types suited to me as far as i know. I would just like to go for walks and let the puppies grow to what thry personally are like, and lesrn to get along, like the pippy already to behin with and teach it healtjy ways of living and what is good to know in life and what it likes to learn. 

K80.   For getting someone that fucks, is a pet rabbit good for. Choose one that you like, since symbolic colours, ear type, character, etc matter a lot. Buy the rabbit  and other pets too, from towns that you like. 

K81.   If one is interested in music, wild singing birds are good for that. 

K82.   During my adult years i have had needless problems of psychologists lying, forcing to their pstient even though i have been fully healthy, but they sre so dedtroyed my lufe and causdd lots of fear  horror to be exact. One should understand that if someone wants to a csre professiln one thinks of it somehow fine and relieving  and that means that one is somewhat or even a lit kn need of such care lnedelf and thst means that lne isn't so wise on thst area of lufe, and so one isn't above the average citizen when one is a care professional, but instead one had gotten lits of inflyencies fromnthe ill and not at sll skilled. The aversge person instead has wisdom of lufe, is healthy and goes to work, he/she isn't looking for nyrsing to stop thst individual lufe, nursing has nothing do vslyable to offer. I have always been knterested in healthy wsys of libing, wisdom of life, skills of getting along, weather skills, etc, have even written good advices on such, even on nice ways to get tjinner, and i used to have a very much singing experience of lufe like good heslthy ways of living, following civiliced wisfom and an enthusiadtic music hobby can give, i have learned nothibg useful from pdychological professions, they have judt destroyed my lufe. I guess that ghey do not understand normal healthy lufe at all, like spring etc. 

K83.   Teaching moral to my white spitz Vaapukka wasn't so overly difficult. It sometimes as a puppy wondered whether to be white or blavk, and if it at some time considered blavk as a propable option  we asked " How come you so blavk?" and it was a quite mild distant questiln, leaving it room to estimatd by himself and decide by himself, even though we had wanted a white dog. Vaapukka answered " Oh  maybe it is a little bit too extreme. " and so he figured out an ok option. But mostly we did not talk about moral at all, except about the need to take others' feelings into account and to take care of a good guture for the world. And about healthy ways of living. 

K84.   One can learn healthy ways of living, i.e. ways of living that keep one healthy, from trees by the rosdside : look at a green tree branch while you walk orvrun, let your eyes look st iy for a second or so, and notice it's atmosphere. The atmosphere gives some tuning to activities, whivh serves as some guide to healthy ways of living. So just copy that. 

K85.   31th of March 2022   If society's structures seem turned upside down i.e. supporting opposite goals than what is the idea in such professions, then typically people's levels of understanding in the subject differ a lot, so that one person following the right values looks like a crime in the eyes of another since their views of what causes what and how much indivifuals understand themselves differ so much. Especially when there are many foreigners from distant lands in the jobs their pictures of the world may differ a lot too and values. Often ghey had some situation in the original country but in the new country they still react to that even though things are really different. To be right way is a simple tjing: for some commonly agreed important value get things to work out well in a good quality way. So each motivated i dividual with a good enough understanding works right way in practical matters but cooperatiln between different kinds of individuals is more like separate views than working together in a basic way, and that is often so in matters concerning the lives of individuals since the workers each have different experience of life and maybe also a different role in the society and work  for example defending or cultivating, workkng in a culturally homogenous group or with people of diverse origins. 

K86.   Persons who seem to want to be a devil, often have in fact some other goal when watched from the point of view of civilkced wisdom. They may want to lesrn some local culture's strenght, thst's the reason why they came to the place, gheir first version of it only is something of the kind " this femsle soldier here" i.e. a counter reactiln to always soft civiliced ways as a role, too muvh female role often leads to achieving for soldier like characteristics which may be too criminal while the individual oneself thought yo have been fully female only and seeks for wider life like civiliced wisdom with good quality rstionality and well grounded values can givd. But i do not know of these since i am not so socially skilled myself. 

K87.   A Finnish type of strenhht in thinking, skills and quality, that some may search for is the following : An objective picture of the world is like a landscape view, for example like one learns in school. Add to it the practical landscape that you luve in, adding it's quality of perception too : trees grow, cars are driven, houses lived in or kept shops in etc, the roof water-proof. Add at the same time how nature increases wisdom, makes things more profound, and the dxperience of westhers.

K88.   During the last few years i have folliwed Eurovision Song Contest and hace been surprised to find that it is no longer like the Eurovision clushee of spring weather like songs. But I have found out that Eurovision Song Contest is followed around the world, so that many of the songs have to be gitted for that larger audience, for example to tell what Eurovision style is like ( Finland's Eurovision song if this year first sounded muchvtoo negative but then i noticed that it brings Eurovision atmosphere to Asia or China. ) and to tell about climste differencies also for those who come from trppics and do not have enough climste skills. Also some songs explain something connected with Eurovision, so that not all songs represent their country even though ut is claimed so. If there is crime, it may be that people copied too much from the wild singing birds since those live a really tough lufe and die young. And Eurovision us for it's audience, especially for kuds and people interested in Eurooe. At the same time some want to subdue the hapoening, fearing that it will affect more than what it  can carry. 

K89.   3rd of April 2022   If you feel that there is always too much of certain kinds of things in your environment and too little of others, that is propably because you have not moved to live in a town thst you like, whose msin attractions pull you there and which has none of the not liked main things. If you think that the place you live in ought to be changed, you propably have a different style than the place and so people think you came from some other place like that and want more of the local characteristics of your present town. The world is gull of charming places, suited for many types of people. Find what suits you and move to luve there! 

K90.   4th of April 2022   I had a Japanese spitz Vaapukka which seemed to have as a job to wake ankmals and humans from death via some spiritual connection or the like of animals. If from that one gets influencues of being near death, as if in a somewhat foggy place, a tunnel like situation, one should apply the same way of waking from death to oneself : lighten your life in the spiritual sense of the word, making thibgs more alive kn a refreshibg way like weathers, nature, beautiful music, civiliced wisdom, wishing well in the world, etc. And remember that Christmas gnome like lufe is a subject that ibterests many who are ill or otherwise with smaller possibilitues kn life than usually and so they wonder if a quieter more basic life in a quite soft way would be what they now need, and so they read about gnomes, but anyway some of them may die soon and many are ill or otherwise kn trouble, so please do not classify gnomes or readers as one big group, since many anyway just read all kinds of subjects and are not ill or kn trouble. 

K91.   If one thinks of what one can achieve in one's life, it isn't only a question of how much one tries, since one cannot succeed at all kinds of things. One must try where one has insight, then one can avhieve something great, then one's love for the things lifts the results to something that is meaningful in life and maybe in the world too in ways thst touch lufe in the living, are worth achieving. 

K92.   5th of April 2022   Lufe isn't lived only by building on thoughts. One has this and that skill and one's likings, things suited for one's character in harmony with the wisdom of the local culture. Likewise one is fascinated by a certain climate, it's weathers and some that climate's place's traditional ways of living, their wisdom of lufe. So one in a way joins a common mivement for better lufe in a better world. 

K93.   If some place's theory perspective is too rigid for arts and culture to succeed, that often is a result of people behaving in a too dominant way so that it does not allow so wide variety of views but is instead too single-eyed. Then it would help if people would allow much more variation in the ways each profession etc does it's work, allow them do their work in their own good quality ways according to their professional skills, civiliced wisdom and dedication.

K94.   6th of April 2022   Yesterday it was raining a mixtyre of water and snow all day long but i was at home. But some from India did not know how to walk in such a eesther and it id one of the nastiest westhers for all, so somehow i got their tummyache and was just ill for jours. In the very early morning i dreamed that i got into arguments with the Indians who claimed that they want to be the devil kind instead of the human kind. So it went so that i bombed them and 100 million Indians died. In the morning i was awake but dtill somewhat shaken. It is quite far from really bombing someone but still i think thst i ouhht to take that option too inyo accoubt, since if i have an idea of how to undo an atom bomb and can think objecyicely of the world, maybe some woukd like yo koin such dtrenghts. 

K95.   8th of April 2022   I have noticed thst i have run knto the subject of death many times in my environment and have thought other reasons for it but maybe it connects with the gnome subject. A gnome is said to live a quiet undisturbed life, so many think it naive and defenceless and so they may try to eat it or rob it's place of living, maybe identity too, by killing it. The gnome on the other hand has chosen lufe with better spirit than the fuss of the modern world, so it easily happens thst the gnome or some it allies with feel the need to protect thst space to live in by myrders too if needed, "Home, religion and homecountty" was such motivation to war regerred yo in the old times. For some fractureless peace is just a question of some having been murdered, some areas of life have ceased when others are undisturbed on top, which some refer to as being near death, but either there are murders around or you are of a different professions by your inclination or both. Some think thst gnome like life is a thing of the past, and being quite fed up with such they kill such when thdy meet or otherwise remove possibilities for such life. An army defending homeland is needed for good lufe. 

 K96.   In the countryside town Savonlinna shops, city planning etc appeared more successful than here at the capital district kn Espoo. Here builders seem to ghink that something of that kknd ought to be build since so it is usually, has anybody any idea of it, could it be this or like that, which is much like guesswork, not gully knowing what one does. While in Savonlinna there was a certain chsrm of the place, people coming to countryside and to the summer time opera festival to spend their joliday, so all were likewise motivated, also the inhabitants. So each thing was build in the guidance of those wjo know the things well, are fascinated by it, like building something each spot of it by some enthusiast who had a good view of it in a wsy that suits life well, so it was like a natural forefigure in such, often an older person with such a likings for tens of years, yet life like generally in that district, esoecially values good for life and skill level good enough. This text did not go right, yet i feel thst it has a demand, so for the time being it is left here. Maybe the worker just had such good quality in many things as a hobby, personal area of development, and learned more as years passed.

K97.   11th of April 2022   It is impirtant for the gnome as a worker to join a trade (labour?) union of it's profession. 

K98.   13th of April 2022    I do not quite understand the wish of people to sabotage things needed for good lufe, for example the Finnish society. Even if they are from other continents, if they wish to live in Finland they need to arrange their lives somehow and the society is useful just for good basic lufe, that is why it exists, and so if ghey wish to live in Finland and do enjoy the lufe here, then after a few years they can get vitizenship and get to bote, st least if they have gone to scjool do thst they understand about things like the society, how it creates good lufe. And so it works even if Finns had been killed and here luved only people from other cultural backgrounds, for example from distant lands only. When i was a school kud, just about all other pupiks in our class wanted to move to live in some other country that they liked more of their style, and it appeared that they did so and our class got new pupils from abroad but with Finnish language skills, who wanted to live in Finland. So what does it mean that one us a Finn?

K99.   Finns tend to wish well for all fairly, like civiliced wisdom advices to. It is a mild wish that is often easily along and gets things worknout well, since it is then a guideline for practical arrangements, and as a guideline it is at a so general level of theory thatbit goes right and so it gets the arrangements more easily right too. Wishing well, people are left with a need to understand wisdom of lufe and civiliced wisdom : whst is good for all and how it varies according to cirvumstancies. Wishing well for all fairly leaves lots of freedom to indivifuals without that didturbing the luves of others. So it is understood that others too luve their luves instead of being subjects of arrangements or intensive affairs. Civiliced wisdom is whst makes this wish possible: for a better lufe kn a better society, in a brtter world, fairly for all. 

K100.   14th of April 2022   Here near by byrned last night a chapel of the horse oriented people. I looked at it's picture in the news and it looked like an ordinary quite old wooden house of the type that is most widely used for living. The horse oriented went there and were hirse oriented which often knclydes fighting and nastiness, but thought of the place holier than ordinary such housds ljved in, and so i feel that slme shelter was lost from ordinary homes to live in peace, without needless fighting. So one ought not accept as holy something that has been conquered by some not so holy group, not so moral ways. I feel that kn the present day world such has often happened. So one should not acceot that all alike take part, but instead keep some quality criterilns and drop away too poorinflyence from good sounding places or people or ankmals if the quality is not up to the normsl level or if gge kbfluence is too dominant compared to it's quality and moral. 

K101.   18th of April 2022, 2. Easter day     I found in the net an old book about getting rich. It used something like ghe view that the world is of spirit, and that we create our own lufe circumstancies by what kinds of things and ways of doing we concentrate into, like having a hobby and that resulting that others tend to tell about that area of life to us. But it seemed to say that if you do single-eyedly kn rigid ways, thst is not good for finding new possibilities. Instead you should use your own wisdom of life and have more hobbies. And you should use a view that you can gain money this way, and develop skills to bavk it up, instead of being pessimustic and stuck to a view that one does not get rich this way. The book adviced that people need growth and fuller lufe with their needs met, both physically and spiritually and for the understanding too, so such dimension is a direction where you gain by selling and doing work, and not without it. So by your own valuable input you gain money instead of by unfair ways which do not iffer a high standard of living if they sre followed widely in the society since thry offer no vsluable knput as a source of money. But i did not read the whole book. 

K102.   I do not know, i am not good at getting a job, but i think that it isn't enough to specialize to one's hobby since it is kind of too comfortable and much of work is something others did not bother to do. So one should from the beginning take the attitude of applying for a job in certain profession and growing to it's demands like a young person has wisdom of life with which to develop new skills and adapt to the demands of the environment, but one can well choose a professiln because one would like such work and have enough strenght in such a work, would choose such a csreer. 

K103.   19th of April 2022    In Savonlinna there is a medieval castle at the center of the town on an island in a short river. There is also the word "castle" in the name of the town. So one can there learn something about how a castle protects. "The castle has walls which stop the attack. If one takes this figuratively, one can estimate that against an enemy shelter easy things, thibgs which all have and all accept and most feel needed, preferably especially nasty characters. These inclyde good food, civiliced wisdom learned from books and liking music, and being feeling and religion. They all kn a way create room for being a feeling being, which in turn is a measure of space to luve in : do normal reactions function well and the natural communicatiln between the members of a society. "

 K104.   "  22. As a young adult I had a nice way of living that others copied from. It was roughly like liberated movements and a nice sports hobby, healthy ways of living and forest trips, "Live and let others live", taking room for oneself in healthy ways according to that rule and leaving room for others and Finnish kind of good will that is born from it, that means independency, freedom and good will, global responsibility, taking care of one's work and getting energy for it from one's favourite hobbies that one enthusiastically practises, variation and open-mindedness and moral. " 

K105.   20th of April 2022    For getting a healthy effect and most out of the experience of the time kn nature, it is valyable to say to kids & family members : "Look, how wonderful! Now concentrate on these few moments, since we rarely have the chance for ghis." regardless of whether it is a moment of birdsong in town, a refreshing walk in nature or once a year a week or so at the summer cottage. And similarly about other healthy kinds of influencies. 

K106.   21st of April 2022   Lack of healthy natural visual stimuli makes one stupid and unwise. So one stays more intelligent and wise if one likes to look at trees, also indoors öikes to look at trees outside the window. One can make indoors nice so that the view out of the window with the tree in it is a part of the ordinary view of indoors.

K107.   I do not know any rules for getting the view work out well with the view from the window. Just on some moment that you think thst the view outdoors is magnifient, arrange indoors so that you can look at it from a good place. The exact places of things you get if you move and at some moment the view is magnifient  just fix the sofa or whatever there. Likewise the effects of decorative things and of things whosd place does not affect their usage. Once you find in which way the views both indoors and outdoors work out nicely or magnifiently, you can with that charm kn mind find yhe places for the rest of things too. 

K108.   But mostly my home is just a mess since I have been sleepy for over a year already. 

In Savonlinna I took pictures of my home since I felt that otherwise some care professional would have liked to live there and put me without moral grounds to some care institution to get me out of the way. Now I have been judt sleepy so the situation is different. Savonlinna is an arts oriented place and kind of grandparents' home type with the charm of a countryside town with arts and tourists. There was the problem at the district of tourists or newcomers wanting to visit the homes of the locals. Such does not leave room to live in, since some of them would like to get yhe homes by criminsl means. So I wrote to the same blig advices about making home nice and of having a good spirit. Taking pictures from one's home somehow ruins the usability of those areas of the home, as if someone had come without regard for the spirit of those places' chores. So i do not think it wise at all to photograpf much at home. In a way this Christmas gnome skills text is written by a similar motivation: maybe some lack basic skklls of peaceful life, so i write something, even though i have not luved so overly much in peace. 

K109.   22th of April 2022    When I was younger, the peace of my living got typically ruined by too strong influencies from others even when i was alone, as if in a rain and wind. That seems to be a spiritual side of things, redulting from someone tjinking thst those persons are emotionally importantvto you. So you ought to turn to a more mature lufe arrangement, without them getting so much room as if there were no effect of it. So you should have other interesting people & social relationships, even animals and things of knterest work out for that. But if the influence is from a more distant person, not mum or study pal, and especially if it is from a man or from a thin person, you should go eat something and it will cease, often a biscuit is ok for this but often you need a meal for this. But you should have other interests, a lufe of your own that you try to livewith a bwtter spirit. Also known position based on skills helps to protect personal space, so reading good quality books can make one more independent as years pass. Those who do lean on others are typically those who send that much influencies, typical to them is to be suddenly st the verge of tears as if things were toovheavy without a reason plus temper tantrums of adults. 

K110.   Some months ago I one morning heard a piip piip like sound like a heart tone of some black African man with heart trouble. I tried to say in my mind that he ought to be in a spiritually and healtjily refreshing more alive way, but he did not want since it's style was not African and he wanted to kill northerners. So he died of the heart problem. I today saw a video logo of Boston marathon with only black men kn it and they too seemed to agree about something heavy near desth African. So it is a choice of values which determines how nesr desth one is, how soon one will die. Wishing well in the world at large, with civiliced wisdom and healthy ways of living, brings a long healthy life. 

K111.   Thinking of that good quality Finnish handiworks often get stolen abroad and replaced by handiworks of foreigners, and that the same seems to be happening to Eurovision Song Contest, at least 2022 Finnish Eurovision song seemed to be aimed at Asian listeners. Likewise there have been many kmmigrants in Finland wanting to rob Finnush strenghts to their own original country. Propably peoole there do not like them, yet the people robbing them vslue such strenghrs, such values. So they are by their values Finnish and not of their orihinal culture, at least kn ghis respect. So one just huesses thst they ought to change to be Finns, and it sounds that otherd too thought to and thst is why they came to Finland. It is the same as with professions or climates : if you are an enthudiastic supporter for something, you ought to choose thst group since all do not share your likings. 

K112.   To be clear : Fknns were not interested in this Christmas gnlme skills text because they mistly know that much about these things already, without needing to read, since such skills are in their cultural inheritage and partly in school. So it was at least with the first part. The later parts i feel to have been somewhst interesting but still much known beforehand. 

K113.   23th of April 2022   Buing things is one of the major things where one can influence one's quality of life and whst is possible for oneself. So one ought to invest time and dedication into choosing well. Product manufacturers aim their product for some large group like those who like the same kind of as young men like (symbolised by blue ) or like young women like ( symbolosed by red or pink ). Choosing those user friendliness features right accordibg to what you wish, makes the product's usability kind of fly, makes it a very useful finely manufactured product if you jyst take care of it well, with dedication. 

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