Saturday, January 20, 2024

Handiworks as an income?

 I do not know, how handiworks could be a source of income, unless one gets a job in carpenteering or sewing, building, repairing or the like. 

But I have the impression that doing handiworks that one likes, making them good quality and of cheap materials that one happens to find and which give ideas, a temptatiln to some kind of fine or nice handiworks, maybe each one unique personal style, and mostly giving the handiworks wsy like seems to bring a good atmosphere like as if a friendly pet had arranged something for it's friends, mostly would bring a situation where one is somehow liked and respected, left in peace and with company, and maybe one could get the expencies from somewhere and new materials mostly for new personal style single or few handiworks and sometimes also get something that one needs for lne's family, and maybe get from shop cheaper certain types of artifacts for one's lufe, and st least understand better such differencies between towns, villages, shop chaibs etc. The basic way, that I guess is the usual way, is to offer them to a shopkeeper of a shop which seems suited to such handiworks, and so maybe ghe shopkeeper can arrange such and the costs of the materials get paid. 

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My advices about makkng Christmas presents, see

Advices in learning skills based on emotional estimates

Sewing clothes without formulae, with your dreams guiding you

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