Sunday, March 14, 2021

Skills of Christmas gnomes 8. Repairing things

This text is the eight in a series of long blog texts about learning skills for Christmas gnome like life in the modern world. Please start from the first text, even though the subjects change along the way.


Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)   ( 111 pieces of text )  
Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills  ( 46 pieces of text )   
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life  ( 108 pieces of text )   
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love  ( 37 pieces of text )   

Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view   ( 49 pieces of text )   
Skills of Christmas gnomes 6. Some pieces of music   (  60 pieces of text ) 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 7. Fracturelessness   ( 67 pieces of text )

The whole blog



H1.   14th of March 2021   I guess that my blog about teaching women's skills for men could soften the relationship of women and men. 

H2.   I moved from Savonlinna to Espoo one and half months ago. In Savonlinna healthy ways of living seemed quite impossible and so people were not so happy in that respect. In the capitald istrict people emphasize healthy ways of living and doing much more, even if it means poor quality in other things that one does. For example in thinking fo painting the effect ought to be toward healthy natural ways of living in one's whole life, even if one's painting skills would then be more like school pupils'.But so one can be much happier and also develop in wisdom of life and in good quality skills.

H3.   My blog about curing seems to cause a paradigma change in medicine, i.e. a need to adopt a new theory to one's profession which demands some time to get used to, The blog, in Finnish , in English , brings some honey like atmosphere where it can help instead of a feeling of drowning to misery when some illness is mentioned.

H4.   Buddhist enlightenment is well possible by the advices of Zen Buddhidt books, civiliced wisfom and healthy wsys of living. The basic idea is clear: by increasing one's abilities of observation in a natural landscape like view with wisdom of life and an interest in practicsl life  with compsssion too, can increase one's slills a lot and so one dpes better in life and is wiser. But that is ashift yoward eiser happier more able ways of livong and not some eradure of all miseries. 

But one can learn skills in it that are along the lines of mefitation, and those can for example ease pain or help to find well working solution types to social life. In that it is essential that the attention is nonforcing so thT one can observe slight differencies and find kind ox middle way solutions that are more according to feelings and the natural agds old ways of living so that their ubderstandibg is naturally moee complex and wise, brings a sensitive awReness and touch with lufe, maybe even vigour. So enlightenment connects typicaĺy with active life that is in tune with the world.

H5.   15th of March 2021    Some make threatening social situations easier by giving in, but that often resluts in not being able to care things well in the long run and in the society at large. Trying to cultivate healthy spirit cures a lot in such situations, and largely that means mentioning things schoo taught to be good courses in the societya nd mentioning the objective reasons for such, why they are useful, since such do care the society and life in the long run to a better state, so better to have at least somewhat along their lines the courses supported.

H6.   16th of March 2021   If it feels that there isn't enough space for one's hobbies and interests, having such things as projects that one drowns to and kind of swallows in one's mind for example while on a bus trio on the way to somewhere, makes you a person who is considered inclined that way and who associates with such things, maybe even as a job.

H7.   If the world is of spirit  what happens results of social influencies much like one's own deeds succeed when one is tired exhausted but manages to save the situation by eating so that one is warm and comfortable, much like those who like good food get room for their thoughts after meal. 

H8.   17th of March 2021   I only now came think that my poodle's name YellowMellow Superman does not refer only to work and money but maybe also connects it withvthe emperor of China. My own first nam Kaisa was given to me as a baby thinking that my view about ratopnality of feelings etc would be valuable in the world at large and that is why the association emperor "keisari". But I do not think that one could just like that choose to be an emperor, since that is a demanding task. Each one has some incöination, feels at home in certain profession and type of work, and that's what one can work hard in and with good quality if one is so inclined  and for me it has been writong teaching material, arts, sports, nature and wisdom of life, also saving the world. Of trying to adopt some emperor like role of podition, one ought tp be liked  naturally have such a position, things running well when one is in it, all well for the country and for the wide world. Or then it is just robbing the remains of the old magnifient wisfom thst used to be there. Or then like visiting the church: you do not manage to grasp all in it but it is valuable that you take part and wish well. Or like gettinc the opinion of some skilled experienced person like a shop keeper visiting shortly.

H9.   I travelled testerday by bus with my poodle to another town center of Espoo to see the Christian Orthodox church there. The bus went throuhh an engineering area of the town and there eere amazingly many high houses there and the area was wide. But those houses looked very much like what engineering oriented people would like to live in and work in, so I guess that it us just a good place for them, even though totally unsuited for me who likes nature and pratical professions &arts. But I guess that it makes it easier for people to choose what place they would find pleasant to live in. Yet so many high houses so near makes me wish more counttyside life. I am happy that there is a big national park in Espoo  since nit so many places have such.

H10.   18th of March 2021   "What I promise here:

You get an increased work efficiency in mathematical kind of work and other work demanding objective thinking or similar skills, via the following:

* recreation in the nature: just spending time in the nature while admiring the beauty of nature

* sports: doing enjoyable physical exercise relaxedly the senses open and according to what feel best for you - as long as it is a varied and demanding real sport

* painting, drawing, etc. - especially structured landscapes with a sensitivity to atmoshperes

* following feelings in healthy natural ways while having a holistic picture of what one feels about each kind of thing

* singing, playing an instrument and learning to compose

* meditation, prayer and healthy natural ways of living

* doing anything that you like emotionally - including a rich social life and sex

In the following I give explanations to how all these help one's working ability in mathematics etc.

For a more detailed explanation see MY BOOK "Hard Rationality of Feelings and Instincts", to which there is the link (It is a whole book: a large PDF file, so give the page time to load.)"

 H11.   "Enjoying the nature

Most of mathematical work is pictorial thinking, so it matters a lot what kind of ability you have to imagine abstract structures in your mind's eye.

The nature is a multitude of all kinds of structures. It trains our sense of sight and our pictorial memory, which we both use in mathematics, much better than anything else. It is a very natural kind of exercise, refreshing at the same time as effective training for your work.

The nature views are enermously complex: at least a hundred or a thousand times as complex as the views in the build environment. So a nature hobby gives you a great advantage for your work!

I would recommend at least a half an hour each week wandering in the nature just to enjoy its beauty. But the more, the better!"

H12.   It is well possible to have interesting discussions with animals if one understands gesture language and uses as one's way of thinking a landscape like seen view that observes structures and if one is interested in subjects near thr animal viewpoint of practical life senses open and meeting animal friends etc.

H13.   19th of March 2021   If things go ashtray as a mess, it is nit good to arrange things personally for each as a kind of feedback which then tends to go wrong, but instead all should behave in civiliced ways, always start anew by following civiliced ways, and not supposing social estimates or clishees to go always right.

H14.   20th of March 2021   When I had a Japanese spitz and it liked nurses and so got sohow talked to or forcef to curing work on some spiritual side, it pondered about whether one ought to follow justice in medicine so that the evil would suffer much more and the good ones nit. My answer tovhim was that such typically causes a mess of revenges and so good quality work in medicine becomes almost impossible. Much better to cure all equally well. So one can have peace for one's work and good will around. If there is justice needed, maybe it is so that the wise understand better also about curing and healthy ways oflivibg  and so get cured quicker. I think that ut is similarly inmany other kinds of works too: one needs peace for one's work and goodxwill around, and so it is vetter to trest all equally well, in a fair way from the point of view of that area of life snd of the society. I wiuld add that generally it is also good if one succeeds better if one tries more. 

H15.   For pne to learn practical skills obe ought to understand different types of humans, one ought to pay attention to what kinds of routes, as if the tracks of a river of life, they live along and what so their life consists of and what kinds of things they run into and how they feel about them. And suprisingly much practical skills consist of paying attention to the styles of things and choosing just the comfortable good ones since such is a mark of them working well, via easy routes.

H16.   As I have learned about other cultures, it seems thst people in many vountries are unhappy, since their society foes not work morslly enough and sovthey have lots of miseries. Finns have lots of skills that can help to get the society in a wsy that is benefical for happy life. For example climate skills and the rule "Live and let others live!" are such. But as I wondered why me and my poodle feel in some way happier than most  even though we are in trouble, I came to think of three reasons: religion, having eaten well and having learned how to solve many of world's problems, in which it is essential that if you feel that there ought to be a certsin kind of answer to a certain problem  you would try yo articulate it, what kind of answer it is and why and possibly how it would work  and write that down so that the wisdom in use in the world would not be any smaller than your own insight.

H17.   My poodle Banjo thinks this story ought to be written here too. 

We used to live in Savonlinna in a district where it is dangerous in the evenings and appeard as if there were lots of murders. Sometimes in the evening one could hear a car with experimental evobenson frive in the syreets with bangs every now and then. It sounded like all the newesr verdion of ecobensin did npt manage to burn in the motor but indtead explodef at the street behind the car, which of course was fatally dangerous for passer bys. The car driver seemef to think that enviroment friendly cars are a huge important questoon of one's children's lives and of the lived of their generayons and of those whp vome after thrm, and compared to that whay would a few lost lives matter? The car appeared to need people in the jouses comment on how to develop the ecobendin and the ecomotor. 

My poodle Banjo says that even though he has been attackef and may lose jis life in the hands of liars, literature and reading ability to animals are huge quedtions affectibg all, and likewisr is mycuting blog bronhong a brighter guture.

H18.   21th of March 2021   I think it good to praise for a good reason about the good sides that the so praised person can build upon skills and strenghts well fitted into the society. So one gains self-confidence that is on a strong ground and that can bring far in life. So I have praised my poodle too and it hss learned a lot yet been a nice dog.

H19.   The wolf I saw from my window some one and a half months ago, and of which I made wolf melody by plotting down how it's life sang then, the wolf seemef to think that all one's living environment should be nature without any build things. It seemed in trouble in the town environment  and it made just a kkrraahh like sound of houses, streets and csrs & man-made tjings at large. The town was too much dominated by humans. There were only fragments of nature environment in the piles of snow snd trees and those kind of sang. I yesterdai listened a piece of American indian spng about wolves, I guess it was from the movie Dances with wolves, and it had the same problem with camp life. But in the wild nature wolves seem wise.

H20.   A

N old picture of my poodle Banjo, taken ten years ago when I traindd my dogs flr circus.

H21.   In July 2019 I composed a short melody of how one's own dedication to good life in the society can have as an answer similar views of others. I had planned that to be some good side of songs I would make in the future, but spmehow it ended being just a melofy. That autumn there was in the news about the peace Nobel price having been given to Eritreans and in some picture from Eritrea in Africa it seemed that they had managed to get the idea in the melody work out. That amazes me since it is so far away coubtry.

H22.   Things like Christmas gnomes and this text are compensation after years of schooling, compensations toward better life and do not work without the civiliced wisdom.

H23.   I do not know how much this gnome skills text of mine is read but I huess that quite much since I have somehow gotten stuck at writing it against my own view of good text. But gnomes are a subject that depends on the culture, climate, main profession of the area luved in, etc and so one ought to classify oneself as a reader to the group of one's county anf not any wider than that, and also inside the county allow differencies of view of gnomes based for example on different profession, place luved in etc.

H24.   Some people make social estimates based on looks and not on sure knowledge of what happened and each one did. If someone looks as if in trouble, it often is thst the person has trouble but it is on the person's own scale of measurd and foes notctell how much trouble compared to others, for example those who have more wisdo.of life and fo not look like as if in trouble, since it can be that they have more trouble anyway.

H25.   When I moved to Postipuuntie in Espoo, it was winter and cold and lots of snow. Near by there is a big stream or a very small river, and ut was very beautiful as snowy, but I did not photograpf it since such a place was new to me, I did not know such nature and so I couldn't have gotten it right. Byt anyway, when there was a fuss about my wolf melody, the snowy dtream brought to my mind pictures of wolves in the nature, and at home I made this melody, but zi did not get the lenghts of the notes to it. 

A D F E G A D F# G H A D F# upperC H D F#

H26.  I have been an internet writer without pay now for 22 years. First I wrote about the future of the human kind, my paradise theory, of which I got these letters  and then contibuef to subjects around the rstionality of feelings.

H27.   In the news ut was that an asteroid will bypass Earth near, only five times the distance of moon from the Earth, today evening after 18 o'clock. It could destroy a huge area if there were a vollision with it. As ypunger I thouhht that science describes these things, but a few years back I some evening looked at the moon and it seemed to come nearer and then I looked awsy and it seemef tp flee further awsy, much like the view of the little sinhong birds in the trees that I had been listening to. So I no longer know what to tjink of such ends of the world. I guess that such things belong yo the spiritual sphere.

If there is life after death, it matters when you change to it  and that is why suicife id not recommended: you ought not change in unfortunate circumstanvies. Much better go somewhere wjich you love but where there is a danger of death, like for example a music happening with possibilitues of continuing a life in the arts was in Savonlinna.

H28.   23th of March 2021   oh, where I saw the high houses in Espoo isn't any longer only engineers but also trade and visual arts for commercial use, the Aalto University that is. So I guess that it can be easier to communicate with and better at associating with the rest of the world.

H29.   My poodle died today, as a victim of malicious liars. Banjo made it possible to think of many big subjects each day, much like arts oriented people make possible, but he was already 12 and wise, yet in good health. He was a friend that I had in my company almost always.

H30.   24th of March 2021   "About music when one is mourning

 If ordinary way of playing evergreen songs does not feel right when you are mourning, try playing more melancholically, in a more nature oriented way, respecting ideals, somewhat like wind waves tree branches."

H31.   "About Memorial Words

 When someone close to you or some other person you value, has just died and you for the first times come to compare life without him/her to how magnifient good sides life with that person had, or how magnifient good sides that person had. Please plot those words down to be your memorial words for the person who passed away. If you write them down just with the words that you would naturally describe such thoughts with, that succeeds much better at capturing the value of such a person like is important from the point of view of sorrow."

H32. An old video of mine about remembering the deceased, made when my grandpapa passed away at the high age of 90 years, over ten years ago.

 H33. But one can learn about the wisdom of living persobs even better. And of course what we remember of those who passed awsy is from their living years. One can learn wisdom of life also from passer-bys, like in this melody of mine

 H34.   One version of kind of gnome like life especially for children, is positive mood of pleasant free free time activities  like in the song Lucky lips.
H35.   25th of March 2021   Come to think of it  I have read at least five books about gnomes. As a child I read Mestaritontun seikkailut (= The adventures of master gnome ) but it wasn't so wise at all, more like collapsing. As young adult in Helsinki my mother brought me the small book Be-good-to-yourself-therapy which had pictures of garden gnomes with wisdom of life. In Savonlinna I read Suomen kansan tonttuaarre (= Finnish people's gnome treasure ), Tontun vuosi (= The year of the gnome ) and Tonttuiloa (= joy of gnomes ). But of course I read many many other books too. 

H36.   26th of March 2021   For one to be wise, for one to have wisdom of life it does not need to be one's own insight and not any personal view. On the contrary: if one does not have really high skills, such personal views go often ashtray, either part of the way or sometimes from the beginning too. For one to be wise, it is enough to know such wisdom and understand it well enough to be able to use it successfully in practice.

H37.   I came to think of how a bank worker could avoid possible bank robbery. A bank robbery is a big thing, so maybe if there is just one robber, he/she wants to start it quite like normal bank visit. If then the bank worker goes along with such a spirit and uses it to normal bank visit but roughly so and with some possible smaller gain in money for the robber, it is possible that the situation goes via normal ways, contrary to a confrontation of bank workers & guards at one side and the robber as a kind of alien and labelled with big money at the other side.
H38.   27th of March 2021   I would have written only one text about the skills of Christmas gnomes. Now some 500 gnome skills texts later it is no wonder that the subject includes death, since so much forcing often causes such problems, one is just out of means to cope with the situation. Can the same be the reason why gnome texts often kind of collapse or break: the audience demands more than there is anything to give of the subject, instead of turning to other subjects that would offer things in the same area, like hobbies, handiworks, official recommendations about how to live and how to find a dream job, maybe entertaining media, adventure books etc.

H39.   If one is lonely, it maybe helps to observe that also fully ok people may be in trouble, and so you would have a nicer atmosphere if you would help them, but that is often a very demanding task that needs big bunches of skills from other areas of life. So often one does not have such skills, but if one tries to learn useful skills for life one can maybe find good books to recommend, and so one isn't so lonely, the atmosphere is somehow nicer, but it demands a lot. 

H40.   28th of March 2021   If things go ashtray with wrong kinds of persons in jobs  them doing evil and/or lacking basic skills, things lied too much to work out as the idea in jobs and arrangements is, people in wrong roles. Then there is no point in basing rights on the official position of each. Instead one ought to check the basic skills of all, which values they follow  what they respect in practice, etc, and place their rights on that in a way that is according to justice and checks that basic common sense is followed, instead of on the official position. And so things can well work out but the roles of people change.

H41.   Music teaches wisdom of life but I do not know how to teach the skill of learning from music. One thing is to choose music that one likes and that is of good quality. Another what one needs is listening to the radio, since radio chooses music to suit the weathers  things done like for example driving, and major news, time of the day, etc.

H42.   The Buddhists have an exercise to increase good will toward all living beings. They do not have a special method for it but instead just try to be more good willing toward the people in their environment and the world at large. I have never gotten that exercise to work out in the right direction. To me it seems like forcing things, while the right method would onstead be meditation. I think that good will grows from small good will toward the world  since if the good will needed isn't so big, you find it easier ftom your own wishes and values. Another need is that your own personal needs are met, which typically demands following the Finnish advice "Live and let others live" but with healthy spirit too. I guess that the Japanese think that if the spirit of how things are done is healthy enough, doing your part in natural ways solves the world around to good state so that your life becomes happy and fullgilling and things well in the society.

H43.   A short video of me

H44.   29th of March 2021   If one is under too much pressure, it is not good to choose any extreme option. Instesd choose something quite in the middle if you can, and try to add some civiliced perspective to it, some civiliced wisdom with healthy spirit at least in theory, since such are the opinions of the wiser and so can help.

H45.   If you are in continuous fear, try to invest in healthy ways to the official main current in the society which has been said aloud.

H46.   30th of Msrch 2021   As I moved back to the capital district of Finland where I lived my youth  I once again tended to do like when younger, I looked at the life around and wondered how one ought to behave here, what was possible and what not, what was wished for and what ought to be avoided, and so I looked at the people around, and so seem many others here do and are unhappy, don't get as much freedom as others. It is so that each one wants one's own kind of life and peace for that, and so they are not so understanding toward other professions etc, but instead think that those too ought to have peace for themselves and for the jobs at least, and not kind of ask it from each passer-by. So instead one ought already know what civiliced society supports and what it opposes, and so one should live one's life inside that rule, seeking for a dream job of one's own, where one likes to live, what to do, whom to associate with, what kinds of clothes to wear, etc

H47.   31th of March 2021   Some people lack social eye of how to arrange things in a society. That often is a result of them relying on social eye on judgements. If someone tells that in a society one is allowed to be gnome like or female or kind of soft or religious or whatever, it does not mean allowing all things that such people do. It just means that the criterion of what is acceptable is how well one follows the rules in the society  it's culture, common sense, healthy spirit, moral, etc, and not such social looks. 

H48.    Tomorrow is the Thursday of Eastern week, which is often a quite tough day, since people ought to fast then at least a little bit. During the last few years I have noticed that it goes lighter, kind of milder with my blog about the theoretical guess of how to wake from death .
"I haven't had the habit of fasting on spring, since it seems to collapse the well going spirit of spring, but I have lightened my choice of foods and added fruits and the like and especially tried to tune my ways of living to the varying weathers and other environmental conditions. But on Eastern the Holy Thursday(?), or which day was it, is a day that supposes that all fast at least a little bit, and in that a good try is I guess more important than problematically the whole day. If one associates only with positive kinds (for example music, healthy natural ways of living and the positive effect of religion) of things (and solves problems well) one needs less food and can eat some meal later, for example a half an hourlater or an hour or two, if one does not plan to leave uneaten. That way one can for example eat before noon lighter and in the afternoon or early evening eat some meal later, which one tough eats after having tried in a good way. That day it is not ok to go to the food shop in ordinary ways, but instead there seems to be someproblem in it."

H49.   1st of April, Eastern, Holy Thursday   I tend to write about big, even sensationally big improvements or positive options. I wonder if such has been mistaken to be fake news. You ought to estimate yourself by common sense, and if you want to know more, please read the blog.
a)   Curing illnesses and the like almost immediately, without any treatments and without medicine, works just by reading and understanding, or no effect.   A quotation from the index:
"58. Pains and carefully with one's whole way of life avoiding hirting  13.6.2015
60. Paisn when giving birth and adapting to the situation  14.6.2015
61. Paisn during menstruation and candy  14.6.2015
105. The perspectives of others feeling painful and living along with those persons too  23.8.2015
175. Pain ina knee and keeping the knee ina right natural position  24.11.2015
178. Pains from lack of energy and warmth & activity with positive mindset  25.11.2015
muscle pains after sports   210. Milk acid(???) in muscles and a way of moving according to temptations & softening afterwards  17.12.2015
pains   A261. MStomach aches and correcting life choises tyo be according to feelings   24.1.2016
A335.   Lower back pain and not to comment the work of another one when he/she is just finishing doing it and not later either   21.5.2016
pains   A336. Rheumatism and warmer body   21.5.2016
A343. Mildening pain and room for feelings    18.6.2016
A371. Crippled pain (Kihti) and ivesting in teh sides in life which taste more like life  21.8.2016
B384. Chronical pains and a body that is thoroughly warm   26.8.2016
B385. Local pain in the back (noidannuoli) and warmth, feeling positive and stomach muscles carry   1.9.2016
B438. Feeling like full & with pains and touching lightly in a mildening way to far from the pains   20.1.2017
b)   "For computers: feelings (goal oriented action is like the effect of feelings), rationality (the natural sciences and their measurements use largely math and maps) and moral (beneficality grounds on a mechanical language) objectively "

H50.   2nd of April 2021, Eastern Friday   "  I do not know what I have learned from my name association "emperor", but maybe reaching higher, taking things responsible to my heart and this melody that I made July 2019
H51.   As young adult I wanted very much to become a singer, but there seemed to be a too rough competition of such. Later I have lived in a countryside town with opera festival one of it's main attractions, and learned a more insiders' view of music as a profession. And there too it seems too tough  even murders, and quite impossible, like an orthodox priest waking murdered audience back to life, and me not asked for there at all, but for whom it is asked for place it seems to work out well and the same with music at large: some people seem suited to it and have kind of peace  yet skills of handling such things. But of music I have learned that singers rarely compete with each othrr even though especially the younger ones may think so, since there are many different types of audiences and those values, skills, likings, situations of life  favourite cultural influencies, professions liked, etc want each their own taste's type of music, type of stars, which in my opinion do not seem to compete with the others in reality, but I guess it is a reason to keep the music world more diverse and wide, without so much competition about money either.

H52.   As younger I wss taught that in a civiliced society one can choose profession freely and that each kind of profession has peace, but in my experience such peace and support has been for the favourite professions of the town and not for all, so it matters a lot to move to live where one likes the main attractions, culture  etc. Similarly of shops I thought that one can buy all kinds of things usually wanted, but they too are tuned to the town, district, chain of shops  etc, like for example nice things for decoration were easier to find in Espoo than in Helsinki, even though they are next to each other, and Savonlinna with summer cottage life and arts festival was even more different. Sometimes second hand shops sell clothes suited to those who want to move to a different kind of place. About moving  etc

H53.   If one has an ok moral and behaves so too but tends to get attacked by some type of evil people, that typically has to do with what kind of person you look like from some maybe kids' army like perspective i.e. are you of a type that they tend to compare with and whom to "teach" to be tougher or evil or destroy, i.e. are you muscular or agile and what type of clothes and style  which ways of fighting and which social attitude, which professions you associate with, etc.

H54.   If one has pets or human relatipnships that are on some side much weaker than oneself, if it then happens that one is in trouble and that seems to demand among other things tactiques that do not make sense, are too stupid or quite uneffective and propably in wrong place, it may be that the small animal or weak person in trouble needs such because of the weaknesses, but one oneself would not need such more than for keeping company, but could instead easily protect the other in those respects, and of course survive well in those things ondself, without problems.

H55.   3rd of April 2021   If you have a hobby that you like, each person in the hobby groups does things in a different style, in a different way which is often a perspective of different favourite areas of life and different skills. But if you meet other people, they are even more different, not inclined the same way. That means that if you can do sometjing  it is quite often that others cannot do the same, so that you are free to have such a job, and on the other hand if you observe something, it is your own task to take care of it  you cannot order it to be a basic skill for all, since others have different skills and a different vuewpoint. 

H56.   Some say that school goes easier, more comfortably if the children and teenagers are well eaten and somewhat fat. But that is a different attitude to life, a different way of living and talking, even thinking  but it is said that good food makes school years much easier to bear  likewise hobbies etc better life.

H57.   If in some country people tend to do evil  it often is a result of them having the habit of lying besutiful things needed when they in fact have not understood at all why would they be needed. One ought not lie so much, and each time that one supports some civiliced view one ought to say aloud at least to oneself what are the grounds for such a choice in such a situation and say them in a way that one understands well and others too. Instead of making lots of rules one ought to support a society that is good to live in for all fairly, and the good of the world  and use common sense in it and pictures of the whole and healthy spirut and wisdom of life. Problems get often solved by following the rule Live and let others live.

H58.   4th of April 2021   One can get along with animals if one leaves them in peace, uses a nature protectionists' view, respects their understanding and leaves them lot of space to live in. Abroad it may be different and animals too more social. 

H59.   5th of April 2021   If you need a good start for some skill or talent, or if you need to repair something with your skills and choices, invest in the elements of healthy natural ages old ways of living on all areas of life, paying attention to positive feelings too.

H60.   Meditation demands that one does not use one's capacity to something else  to for example social things. If one just has time and lets go of things, is free to live fully in the moment, that alreafy is near meditation, even if one does something, then it is just moving mefitation. Not all content of life works as well. Instead of artificialities ages old life according to human nature, like one longs for and like is wise, is typically content and happy, fullfilling in it's chores.

H61.   6th of April 2021   One way to get out of trouble if the society foes not work properly, is to just keep company and never mind what happens. But this of course is disastrous if you cannot bear the end result or if things go too badly in the society at large. So this tactic has to be backed up by choosong people that one can like  preferably likes a lot their type of persons, and is social in such a way that it is good to live so, also for cthe soviety at large and for the world at large  and for all the people and animals etc affected compassion and good will, common sense, responsibility and wisdom of life. Easiest this seems to go if you find a good place for yourself, favourite job or so and take civiliced wisdom as your viewpoint  as a natural thing to support and so gain better life.

H62.   7th of April 2021   Today mornibg I was thinking of burying the deceased. It can have a poor or a serene atmosphere, depending on whether one thinks of rottening corpsds  which I guess is a question of too personal too close social distance to the deceased, or if one understands the need of social distance  the impossibility of continuing life together, and just does one's part in helping, both in practicsl chores and in spirit, in wishing well and telling of how the deceased ought to be able to continue life on one's own  wishing the deceased well.
G, F, D, F, A, upper C, H, A,G,D, F
The melody is quite slow, kind of taking time for itself, but the A, G is quicker somewhat like hurried steps. (8.4.2021 The melody I made thinking of my apricot poodle Banjo who passed away two weeks earlier.)

H63. 8th of April 2021   For a quote orfinary adult to get something quite ordinary one wishes for to get it orgsnized in a society, it is quite often posdible to get it by writing the wish to a feedback box or the like so thar bureaucrats etc see that it is wished for and arrange it if there are several persons wishing for it and it is otherwisr also ok as a wish on the society. Also talking with people with such hobbies, people who wish similar things, often helps in getting it to one's life.

H64.   9th of April 2021   Quite often in skills, talents and wisdom, what is said aloud is not enough to get the skill work out properly, byt instead one needs some spark from the rest of one's life, some extra wisdom and knowledge of the situation, and especially wisdom of life.

H65.   I do not have children of my own  but as I had two dogs which ended up having professions that they took to their heart snd excelled in, I wonder what was it based on. I have lots of understanding about skills and about learning. So I taught my dogs already as puppies and young dogs in short spurts of interesting motivated things from which they got praise and sincere position and a view to what that kinds of skills are at large when one has good skills in that area of life. If I noticed a dog having talent in something, I quite many times managed to give them a hint of what it is like and that they could be very good in such. I think that one learns a profession by being interested in some profession's skills that one feels inclined toward both to it's values, skills and social position and kind what kind of character such a person is. So if one has good quality sources in it like good books and skillful talented dedicated professionals  one with that knowledge also learns about social ways  kind heart, ways of living, position in a society  values  etc, and so one is dedicated in a natural way and learns good qualuty skills and enjoys the work and it's achievements, yet has one's own life still left.
But a dog had free time all the time and can have many interests. It does not have to do diligently certain tasks and leave others undone. The good willing character of a companion dog keeps it largely on civiliced tracks. It can use it's time freely.

H66.   10th of April 2021    For arranging things well for life, good life as a value in the district and also in the world at large is very usegul. For that valuing free time fun, nice shops, a good place to live in and other personal choices according to feelings and best understanding & insight  is valuable  since on free time people make choices according to feelings  and being able to do so with wisdom of life in one's whole life makes choices easy to agree about and so brings a good mood which then brings good will with which to make such a common tune in the society.

H67.   Highly valued achievements are typically such that one is interested in something and learns skills at it. In addition one has civiliced picture of the world in which one has taken civiliced values to one's heart, i.e. what is good for the society and largely wished for. Then at some place one comes across a thing that one can solve with one's skills, a work that is wished for in the society  and since it is just a short task, one does it and is then valued for it since others wish for such. But what taught one the skills is education  & civiliced wisdom together with one's own interests, especially dream profession. But longer term thing like work with achievements is as far as I know such that one has some wisdom of life and skills from other areas of life which one then partly pours to one's work so that one is talented and enthusiastic yet so outside box that one does not get tired so much, and of course one needs go be motivated to doing the work well and making the society a better place to live in.

H68.   If there is a shortage of some natural resurce  wishing it all to oneself or to one's group and not to others, does not arrange it so well to oneself and one's group. One ought instead hope that all get fairly a chance for it, and describe how things would be very well for all in the world, what are the values and wisdom needed in such, what the beautiful wise view to the world, and the world would be benefical for having that thing, people wise and friendly and with wisdom of life too, the world would flourish.

H69.   If one does not know how to live naturally, how to enjoy life, how to fine tune one's abilities of perception to be sincere and sure ground for objecyivity and for life. I guess that to that helps to look at the hard part of tree branches, of either growing trees or fallen branch that one can follow with one's hand along the direction it has grown. A tree grows toward light curving naturally in a way that is a model of good ways of living  healthy ages old.

H70.   If one gets a work and chooses where to live (abroad?) based on that, if life then goes tense, it may be that the place lived in is of a wrong kind, since places and especially countries are different like different chains of shops but even more varied. If one would choose places that one likes culturally and find there a job that one likes  it would work out better. Likewise, life goes tense if one chooses work based on one factor only. One should instead have experience of what kinds of chores one likes and which kind of work feels meaningful  and what one's wisdom of life is suited to, which kinds of social ways one likes, etc , and choose one's job based on that.

H71.   11th of April 2021   Make-up isn't a wise choice when one thinks of the quality of life, since if you look good on an unhappy day or magnifient when you just make some kind of not so skilled attempt, then your friends will be likely to think that such days are the best choice for you and so you never get the chance to be truly happy. Besides  if you look too fine compared to your character, you have the tendencyvto kind of lower the fascination, while if you do not use make-up but have some interest in the things done  persons around, etc  then you naturally try to catch attention by your good sides  your eyes shine, you smile, take friendly contact, have wisdom of life, are eager to take part, and so your friends recognize right what is good for you.

H72.   Quite often if someone is evil, it is a question of him/her being a favourite of other persons who give them all the favours, also those intended for others, and so he/she gets too much things suited to others and so he/she throws most of them to the trash, kind of thinking that all people seem to be as too much in one bunch. Yet he/she always chooses to receive the priviledges of others since someone terms them useful, wise, benefical, good to know  etc.  I guess that the elder generation ought to avoid such misunderstandings of what suits him/her and in which amounts, and why are the favourite things of others mentioned to him/her.

H73. When there is not yet anything much to look at in the spring, one ought to search for the buds of trees and bushes and look at them quite detailedly and follow how they develop. Buds are beautiful and make the spring nice.

H74.   If one tries to behave always nicely, there is the problem of criminals easily dominating. But if one tries to behave in healthy ways  one gains some strenght and can often solve situations to some extend at least. This way you do not need to think of life as a fight of good with evil, but instead find a healthy middle road which is the best in many senses.

H75.   12th of April 2021   If one is old or otherwise hasn't had the chance of getting much motion even though one as younger practised sports, then for physical fitness it matters a lot if you sometimes get motion or not at all. It is good if you get daily some motion and sonetimes when the mood is good more motion. When you feel like moving but have had a pause, move like seems good for you  like your body and mind long for, like what feels right and what your former experience of sports adviced to. Feeling good about motion is what brings the benefical effect, so move in nice ways and don't force the exercise to a certain form. End in a way that feels good, so that you can easily contibue having at least some motion and hopefully increasing your physical fitness.

H76.   If you are ill, you csn try my blog about curing . The Finnish original version has even miracle cure attempts. At least they make the atmosphere better.

H77.   In the news it was told that today is 60 years from the flight of Sovjet Juri Gagarin once around the Earth in two hours and then landing to the ocean. There was a video of the celebration and I remember when as young the boys had watched it and were shocked about a man in it kissing a man. In the video it looked like Juri Gagarin had died and so were such landings impossible, and they thought that an able army man could help the mourning civilians, and he kissed a Sovjet leader like encouraging men to kiss their wives so  thinking that men can bear death well. But it is not so, engineering oriented men cannot. For it one needs wisdom of life that comes from sports, nature and following civiliced wisdom. Besides, times have changed. In the old times here in the north war was thought like funerals, the lost lives mourned. While nowadays engineering oriented lack a proper picture of the world and so things are not done so widely,  not with values respected. Also, when people are very unhappy, they kind of wish for death too to be present, and then there is mindless killing, like a suicide  without the world becoming a better place as a result. One ought to do things in healthy ways, at least a little bit, and so the quality of life would get better.

H78.   If I were ssked whst I thonk of whole towns being bombed with nuclesr wespons, the firdt thing thst comed to my mind thst it is a huge number of people killef or wounded, it is fifficult to know of such a huge number how to trest them. But with hydrogen bombs that do not leave the area radioactive, ut judt seems wiser. Still there sre vety many different types of people in a town  difficult yo know jow tovtrest them in a bunch. Also culturally there msy be peoplw from many coubtries and continents. But an area may be inclinef toward certain professions and certain choices, but often the youngrr generations are different since thry havr nit chosen where thry live. If a capital arranges thibgs well for the countty  foes it bring more war and less peace to bomb the capital? Certsin tjings have earned the right to live, they bring a better future for the world  better life in a better world. Some others damage so much so unfairly so unhealthily, unwisely,  that thry oughtvto be killed. But dies it make sense to kill them in a bunch. It is more like how to think of them afterwards or otherwise too. Better life in a better world is how to continue whatever the situation. Nuclear bombs cause so much fear thst it isn't good ghst thry exist  since people lose some part of wisdom, some eisfom of life and fracturelessbess of safety.

 H79.   My way of writing this gnime skills text is not planned to be good for tjinking. I write about theoty level things that ought to be good for good lufe at the level of personal life. Tge problemis that I do not know whst climate the reader is in, and whst type of socisl relstions thry have, and which values  which skills and which level of dkills, whicj professions as invlinations and which cultures they golliw and whst are thye used to.

H80.   13th of April 2021   Finns are typically very poor with nanes and somewhat also with symbolics, since names are not at all ss wise as Finnish cibilicedcwisdom and Finnish wisdom of life, ofvthe workings if tge societyctoo. As far as I understabd names go well via viviliced ideals vonnected withvthem, like values connected with the symbolics of obe's country in the light of high underdtanding, high ideals and dedication to one's country and so, but still I think thst it does notvrise tovthe level of gull understanding with healthy spirit  common sense  wisdom of life, etc

H81.   As younger I practised Japanese martial arts and they included lit of bowing. When I as a young adult thought that good quality and wisdom of life demand that one would not be so eager to keep social position, I noticed that bowing on one's knees to the world, kind of marking it bigger and the nature wiser than oneself, set room for wisdom of life  happiness, freedom  relaxedness, practical life with senses open and positive non-grasping emotions.

H82.   15th of April 2021   My parents used to be happy with their work as scientists and with their lufe, but they did not take the work as their big effort in the world but instead took following civiliced wisdom, much like a continuing school, to be their big effort in life and work was judt chores sometimes needed, something they were interested in and found a place for themselves in having such jobs. They also took weathers, getting some exercise and admiting the nature ss parts of the Finnish culture they lived by.

H83.   16th of April 2021   Oh, the more gnome like life in Savonlinna compared to the capital district, is largely a consequence of different main professions. Like the Otaniemi district in Espoo has engineering as it's main profession, Savonlinna has arts, beibg grandparents' home and summer cottage life in the countryside around it. Arts, namely opera and painting, give rise to a higher skill level which then kn turn is useful in other professions, much like engineers can get work also kn practicsl tasks that demand some engineering skills too. 

H84.   If a woman wants professional position, I guess that she ought to say aloud just things that are so and useful, and in addition take care of some things that are usually taken care of, and be social with just with those with whom one gets along and keep a longer distance to others.

H85.   In teaching circus tricks to my dogs, I learned quite much about teaching  and if I nowadays think ox teachibg  I first set a quite eady task of the theme, so that one can do itcwith a good dtyle and kind of get a grasp of good ways of dping and of tge motovation, of achieving fir such thibgs. Then an intermefiate task for jim yp try on obe's own and get a geasp of how well it coulf ho. Then reaching high on one's own, with good style and enfing in a way thst is good for high skills  so that it is good yo conyibye ftom.

H86.   I once in Savonlinna borrowed a gardening book from the library, and ut brought an impression that one can instinctually learn about what is good gor a certsin plant if pne looks st it finely tuned to atmodpheres too while one ponders about different options in it's care  in whst kibd of environment it would want  what does it's atmosphere say of when it would flourish.

H87.   17th of April 2021   These are among the spring's first flowers, by the road side.

H88.   If the world is of spirit, our lives are determined by whst we invest in, always do, have as hobbies  always support in such a form and skill level. So the effect of a hobby, be the hobby civiöiced wisdom or religion or some art or wanderinh in nature, reading or whatever, it anywsy depends on the person whst form it gets and how much there is of it in one's lufe. Like for example whom one admures and whom tjinks central in one's life and in which wsys one invests on that person and how much %. When one tries to compare these and gind common themes, a classification of the subject is not enouhh  but instead one needs to pay sttention to the exact form  to the detailed view of whst the person does and how it us motivated.

H89.   18th of April 2021   As far ss I understand, too heavy school discipline on kids compardd to what kind of studids would make sense, is a result of some others needing school. As far as  i understand, there are two groups that need heavier school: there are foreiners without enough school skills, and that is a problem especially when they are not recogniced as forrigners, so no-one advices them kn basic skills and in the nature of school, good ways of studying, the grounds for correct behaviour kn a society  etc. And the there are older people from 40 years of agr upwards, who have lost some basic exercise of lookibg detsiledly and sports and environment demanding diligent quality, and so their quality has deteriorated a lot, to which on some would help yo dtudy svhool like thing diligently.

H90.   The famous Finnush poet Eino Leino wrote: "I want to bring the broken music I play, to it's great tuner." By the great tuner he meant the nature or God. I wonder if it couls also the tge task of a capital or of great art in the Finnish viewpoint ofvteachibg wisfom of lufe  healthy spirit, wisdom and high dkills00. By music he meant lufe, it's wisfom of lufe, how it goes with one's skills and values.

H91.   When I want to teach birds or when someone seems to have so high skills that they can lesrn suvh, I advicevto look at a green branch of a tree and choose a branch from the atmoohere of which one can lesrn healthy ways of living fromnhow it grows toward light, and adopt those ways of living as a part of one's basic repertuaire. Abd so one vould br more tunef to understand the wisfom of trees, and so one could look at yhe landscape of trees and lesrn virtues of character and via them superb skills, and adopt them. And so conyinuig lesrn mire and more  live so and bevome donewhat like a hero of old times with full capacity of superb virtues.

H92.   21th of April 2021   Sometimes fine things deteriorate when the new people in them are of too low quality. Then it ogten becomed impossible to continue those fine things  since the too low quslity people do not succeed in teaching the younger generstion to conyinue the tradition. But even if the new people sre of a too low quality, if they invest in civiliced wisdom, that often has things right so that they are able to csrry well the next generstion who relies on cibiliced widfom. But what the civilicedcviews ouhht yo be like depends on the occasion. If civiliced views aew not much followed, quite rigid civiliced views are ok since thry kind of ssy that cibiliced wisdom ecists and is worth following. But if some follow civiliced wisdom diligently  it is good that they have an understanding ofvtheir own along too.
H93.   22th of April 2021   I have the impression that small companies in Savonlinna were very skilled  and bigger too. Such I guess dependson people in the area being highly skillef and there not being so much money thst one could start a company upon thin air, without anything much to count on. If obe has very luttle money, obe ought yo coubt on judtvthe biggest lures, assets, how are thry called  such that make people come from long distancies and even pay a lot  like id good in a tourist town. So one cannot sart whatsoever vompany  but instead one needs to have such as one's strenght and luke such work, even love the subject area, and from the wide group of people find similarly good strobg workers for each kind of task  people wjo love their job and have skills and the ability to learn new things.

H94.   In Savonlinna and often in arts and in the livesof the elderly and tge religious, there is firdt s good joludtic pictyre of things but somehow the culture promisezto protect it but insteadbit getd stiff and rigid and prevents practicsl life and especially wisdom of life and then people just wonder how to get their good quslity, wisdom of lufe  happibess snd healtjy ways of livong back, for example uding the srnses keenly and sports. The holistic views are parts of one's civiliced picture of the world, backed up by obe's experience of life. Here in the capitaldistrict the answer seems to be that life id primary and healthy wsys of livibg in it  and thinking is a part of life and the holidtic views parts of thinking, so rmphasoxing them in that order life ought tp work out well, with also the holistic views taken fully knto account.

H95.   23th of April 2021   Sometimes it is told of some church that under the church's floor there sleeps a gnome. Those gnomes are said to be at least hundreds of years old and the possibility of such a figure wakibg up scares, since they may be fierce and mighty, maybe from the era before Christianity settled in. They sleep becsuse thry sre do old that they easily get bored with the affairs of the much younger ones, and they are mighty because they may have thousands of years of experience of life and foreign cultural influecues compared to these modern times.

H96.   If one thinks of whst is holy  it is more like undisturbed natural elements of the nature in their natural context in their natural typical action, like a tree growing or storm wind splashing waves and bringing moisture to the sir. Such phenomena have a healthy spirit of their own, and there is a natural way to live with it  to tune to it to see that dide of life  to find it's wisdom, it's strenght, like for example from the fifferent tree dpecies one can learn different kind of lufe. One can learn from a tree for example hest regulation: look at a tree while pondering of how to stay warm, the tree has some kind of atmosphere, vopy it and you will grt wsrmer.

H97.   Thinking of burying the ashes of my apricot poodle brought as if ss an answervto the theme a rain of water muxed with snow which soon turned to watery snow, covered much of tge ground and quite soon melted awsy.

Such thst weathers suit the mood happens iften with things that affect the moid a lot and maybe tske time andvgive ut a rythm, like hahing a meal, school day ending or going out with a fifferent person. So either tge mood affects whst ee feel about tge westher  how we tune yo it  when it strikes us so thst we have the wish to ho out, or then there is some more spiritual sidevto it.

H98.   Dogs like msny humans have quite even torso in what comes to tge ways of living: eating  bearing things  work, kind of achieving poibts  worrying about safety  trying to get used to all kinds of social sides ibcluding unjudtices, sometimes even depressed or emotilnally scared, agitated or the like. 
Having a wider chest and narrower waist in a natural way would I guess need a way of wandering like an edging psth, in a style thst vsries accorfing to the situatiln, like one who is fascinated or lives ages old life on one's free time like caring for children  cooking, gardening with it's varied physical exercise  likes music, practides sports for fun  not like achieving for points  has wisdom of life and cares for good life in the society and the world.

 H99.   24th of April 2021   In the newspaper some time during the lasr few years, there was an article about a very old Chinese bittle of elixir of eternal life. It lookef fstally poisonous but reminded of nature  healthy ways of livinh and Buddhism which also can cure illnesses and do help to bring long lufe. The Chinese hava very old people it is said, and they have the philosophy Taoism of which I have read in English ut's two thoussnd yesrs old main book Tao-Te-Ching, judt ut's excellent Englidh translation by Stephen Mitchel. It teaches masterful skills and among other things how to find one's natural pkace in the world, be satisfied with lufe and in harmoby with the environment  but it demands good quslity objecyivity from the reader since it is a very difficult book to understand.

H100.   25th of April 2021   When there is some main thing in life to be arranged for oneself or some group but it seems to be difficult and many lavk it in the world, be it s hobby or some basic thing in life, it woulf be important in addition to arranging it somehow, also wish well for such goals in the world, so thst people could get them fairly, in healthy ways.
H101.   26th of April 2021   I have made lits if typing errors in this gnome skills text. In the behinning those appeared gnome like and kind of funny so that I left them. Then later my poodle vommanded me to not to correct them, sibce he said that he causes them to hide messages in them  kind of wisdom. This yesr 2021 I have had a new mobile

phone which does not seem to grt the letters right. So since my poodle dued a month ago, I todsy vorrected quite many later spelling errors. Doibg such an elementary task seemed to bribg forth the level of the srnses and of moving, of basic life. So I guess thst the elderly  the religious  the arts otiented etc need dometimes such too to make lufe more cobcretical  reactoons brtter  and the like.

H102.   Here us a pictyre if my poodle from one month ago. Somehow I feel like sdding it, but fon't know if it is wise st all  since he was killed two days later.

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