Sunday, January 21, 2024

About crimes as an interest

 The name of the capital of Finland causes to some foreigners a guess that if they are interested in crimes or of certain type of evil, they could try to find such kn Helsinki. But Helsinki is primarily a place in a cold climate where climate skills matter a lot and where rationality with picture of the whole matter a lot. Crimes on the other hand depend on what are the wishes born of the ways of living, so what kinds of crimes make sense, interest people, depends on the culture and climate. One who does not wish to follow a theory perspective wishes for a place where hot weather or some other factor interrupts the work like perspective and forces one to put it aside and not demand it from others either and still things go quite ok if people just lazy away ghe hottest time of the day, and are grateful if in the coolndss of evening some others get the practical chores of daily lufe done bringing pleasant refreshment. So what one wishes for determines where one would suit to live, in which climates, cultures, places. Those do not all have the same crimes abundant, neither fo they suit to associating with the same other cultures, professions, etc. 

Generally if one wishes for certain type of crime, one ought to search for it in the vulture and area where such a wish is common, where such a wish is suited to the place, making lufe better there. If it is not where you live, it is likely to be a part of some of the major cultural or climate inflyencies that you get from media, local society, people you associate with or via your own interests or liked people and forefigures. Generally people can break against rules if they do not force others, do not command, do not disturb, do not lie about others. So that is very different from aiming at or using a dominant position in practice. One gets freedom if others and wisdom of lufe see such choices as wise, making sense in such a society, in such a place, for such an individual at such a time. So the Finnish advice "Live and let others live!" is good for getting freedom to live in one's own ways and for getting room for such ways of living in the society. 

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