Monday, July 13, 2020

Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love (loving one's way of life)

Tale like things in everyday life, Skills of Christmas gnomes 4., Gnome like life in the modern world

This is the fourth part of a long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes and other gnomes.
The first three parts are:
Start from the part 1.:   (gnome like life)   Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)
Continued at with some of my best texts.   (high skills)   Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
The third part is at      (some more difficult parts of gnome like life in practice)   Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life

This is a diary like order of writing, so the headers refer to just something in the text and the rest is kind of randomly chosen, yet with some logic of what suits there, what makes gnome like life more possible.

D1.   "

1. Healthy natural ways of living are not a rigid rule or alike for everyone. Instead they are a group of things that are good to have in life and from which there usually is lots of good things coming if you catch the idea in them.
Feeling bad, dark thoughts, depressed, being ill, agitation, lack of energy, etc often are results of a lack of healthy ways of living. But how much you should do each thing in the healthy natural ages old ways of living, in that you need to try some amount and listen to what brings pleasantness and energy.
The healthy ways of living are a loose group of things and may depend on the climate.

2. The basic things in healthy way sof living are healthy food (eat many kinds of things like feels good) in which there is (according to the food circle advice taught in school, see point 215.) vegetablöes, fruits and fish year around. And pleasant varying sports, spending time outdoors and admiring the nature and a touch with the weather and going out just in daylight time.


D2.   "
18. What you daily excell in and get position from, what are your meaningful achievements and your successes, determines your profession to a large extend. So train just the skills of your dream professions! And avoid achieving continually in the demands of professional ability of such professions that you absolutely do not want tinto them. Show that you do well on other areas of life that are better suited for yourself."

D3.   14th of July 2020
"Women wishing for work like men's work
Some women do lot of evil, and often the reason for that is that they would like work like men's work, but when they are given such, they want something else, for example more social or wider ins cope, but refuse call it some other version, and so they again are given very boring men's work and so they get tired in a day or so and quit. They should pay attention to what expressions are used of each choice about w´how to do work, and change the exporession to suit their present view of what kind of work they want.
My mom liked her work a lot. And she had blue jeans, quite worn but without holes, quite nice looking, somewhat female but kept much like some men might keep theirs and not very finely. She also had a kind of ball shaped woolen shirt with dots (single knitted loops) of another colour. She had a hair almost to the shoulders witrh sorter above the eyes. It was kind of man like yet recignisedly female, very work oriented. She enjoyed her work very much."

D4.   How the summer is benefical for understanding
"A goiod understanding demands usually both warm (ideals, compare to flowers, + peace) and cool (heat regulation, objectivity, articulating grounds).
 On hot weather one usually senses the material strongly, for example the bark of a tree and the tree material inside the trunk of a growing tree, undergrowth plats with their leaves, flowers and raw berries, or for example the material of a newspaper, table top, etc. Such classifications are good for philosophy and for learning new talents: to which things one ought to concentrate, what is the center of attention in those skills.  Also the phonetical meaning of the phonems in a language use some such perspective, likewise how some indigenous people learn new languages was it in a half an hour or a couple of days, learn a new language well by learning it's view to the world and it's social perspective, which maybe when one thinks about it, is how a child is encouraged to be a part of that society by talking:
 A Finnish speaking one independently starting from one's own thinking perspetive and with one's own wisdfom of life, a Swedish speaking by paying attention to artifacts, an English speaking one encouraged to be socially a part of the social group as a person and a character, a Russian one to remember the society's theory perspective but to live in a way that values countryside life, a Japanese one to be one that does in poractice but has studied well the society's theory and taken it to one's heart, a Chinese one encouraged to do but to look how one does, a German one to be a society member that produces civilized theory perspective of the Steiner school type, a French one to live old time's countryside build miljo life, and a Hungarian one to remember taught things but to do like one's view of how is best quality and fascinating. (Just my guesses, I could not so well remember all languages that I know a little bit.) I guess that an Arab warns that outdoors it is hot and dry and salty air, better indoors but it is nice to spend some time outdoors ever now and then. An African (Swahili) I guess would like to continue traditional African small village life, accepting in addition only shop. A Spanish one encourages to live as an individual that leaves a bold space for feeling wisdom of life. I guess that the language of Tahiti gives an advice that listen and think with your best understanding which routes work best and do along them. Hawai'ian Aloha I h´guess would be from this view "Could we take it easy/calm?". A dog puppy is adviced by other dopgs to do by oneself, according one's own best understanding and wisdom of life. A bird youngster is advices by other birds to remember taught wisdoms and do oneself in skilled ways. 

In the summer it is good to lie on the grasses and look at the landscape and tree branches wavung uin the wind, so that one has there some kind of basic perspective, a landscaoe like view to be a model for pictures of the whole in objective thinking and in one's picture of the world. It is good that it does not interfere but is instead just apicture and in it somelife and it doe snot bother oneäs feelings. It is good that we´hen one looks the view is according to feelings: one learns that the goals of thinking can be and ought to be according to feelings, and at the same time eyes/pictorial thinking tell objective structures. It is also good that one feels easy and the relations hip to the landscape is without problems and in agood mood.
Also looking at the flowers is important: those connect to ideals and the atmosphere tones of the seen leaves etc, helpt o think how such would be possible in practice and teach virtues to it or help learning them."

D5.   15th of July 2020
 "In Savonlinna the weather is very different from the weather in the capitaldistrict. In the summer time there can be a coupleof weeks of heat ovet 30 Celcius daytime highest and then suddenly almost 10 Celcius as if a book had been closed, it reminds me of the song book of a singing course. In the winter time there is maybe -10C more freezing than at the capitaldistrict, the coldest mornings here in Savonlinna maybe aorund -30C but the air dry and somehow calm compared to the moist winter wetaher biting the face at the capitaldistrict. In the plant specias map there is a nose at Savonlinna: here grow also the palnts that demand warmner climate (the II Finnish vegetation zone, counting from southern Finland northwards). And it is true that Savonlinna is of it's own kind culturally, it is as if the weathers were characterical to it.Whena coule of years ago I heard of the cancer surgery of my papa, the weather went cold, there was a rain ofwater mixed with snow already in September, one and a half months too early, and it suited the mood. Many times earlierin the capital district when there has been something tough in life, school, studies, whatever it was, then coming out has the biting weather hit me to the face and somehow cured the atmosphere, has been an influence suited to the moment.
And if I have been talking about the weather with someone, someone has said that it is rainuing, and another one a little bit later that the rain already passed, already there is teh sun peeking through the clouds. It is as if we experienced the weathers from different points. Also on different areas tell that one village got snow so much that the ground was covered only so and so, and other got many centimeters of snow, all white. So has the summer cottage it's own weather, aech village and town it'sown, the center of the town more watery, places lived in more snowy.
To which extend we create ourselves our own weathers? Sometimes when things have gone evenly and there has been nothing special, it is as if the weathers had been evenly warmer, milder. And then if I meet some nasty work oriented engineering oriented person, there is windy, water mixed with snow, tough,rough, as if the nature too would hit one against the face roughly the same style as the nasty person. And then when I forget that, instead of the city center I walk the peaceful streets of the living areas, a coup of centimeters' snow covers the little travelled roads,it is beautiful and peacefuöl.
With foreign culturalinfluencuies it seems that the same kind of thing happens: it is as if the wetahers would develop into their direction. Maybe I myself live themin their eways, but does it mean that they for example knwo how to live weathers warmly if I do not copy from them but from their cultural wuisdom?

Can we choose our own roads? Will some road bring environmental problems and via some other things go well, relaxedly? Do we have the skills to choose right our ways of living, attitudes, ways of doing, ways of being social, our human contacts, values, our professions with their ways of thinking, the circles of our lives? Will we learn?
Scientifical results aren't as sure as one would think them to be. The thinking ability of those who enjoy sciences isn'tusually among the best. They maybe understand how measuring equipments work, but do they understand what the weather was like at each place when they hear different typesof persons in different conditions tell about what they experienced? Is there any certainty that the weather is everywhere the same? Isn't there more evidence that under socialpressure one does not get expressed through one's own view of what the weather was like, when someone shouts their own experiences, but instead thnks they experienced the same weather ind ifferent eways? But freezing cold snow is different from powder like snow: maybe some had freezing weather and smallbits of snow thrown to their face by the wond, while others had feathery buff everything white and still third ones had city streets with watery snow.

Translated from Finniah

D6.   19th of July 2020   The same weathers in the summer time can feel much more enjoyable if you have some skills of living the summer weathers wisely: In this text over 80 advices:
D7.   21th of July 2020   I borrowed from the library a travel guide to Greece. My poodle was glad of the subject but soon got tired. When I looked at the book it advertised things like monasteries, tavernas and ruins and food, and not much life. It was as if it were some working place which had some burden to carry. I wondered if the burden was the ruins,how to get the history to carry well even present day. I mentioned to my dog that if such is a burden, it means that it is't an uninterrupted cultural history, but instread has had pauses with nothing of the kind, maybe 200 years thought my poodle and lost it's tiredness. It also said earlier that if it is just history in books, people and animal persons  seek torise to that level themselves, instead of just following somelearned knowledge without trying on one's own to reach that high.
Also if the ruins tend to have the ground magnifient looking but no walls, pilars etc, yet those are of stone. Can it be that the pilars etc were not so fine looking, but were more like too stupid? It often happens with beginners that they have some magnifient insight that with ordinary present day thinking could lead them far, but they do not reach that far since they lack such organised skills in it. Can it be that also present day Greece achieves high in teaching the beginners, for example people coming from Africa, and that could be like in the early days of Greece, i.e. just like the culture carries well that is left in sight in teh ruins? Could it be that one could maybe reach that high all the way if one looked at the local trees while one thought of the subject and maybe also when one tells about it, kind of placing each though next to some curve of a branch or the like? Trees offer seen structures together with their atmospheres that often connect to the life in that climate, to it's good ways of doing, and often one can compare a thought with the atmospheres of a tree or a bush that has branches at least partly in sight, and so the culture's and climate's good ways of doing and the landscape like view natural in that climate come along with a good sense of structures, even complex ones.

D8.   22th of July 2020   "Two old texts of mine:

Free e-book:
Tough Power Benefit Calculations About Sex & Women: women's values calculated for men:

A shorter text:
Curing future threath scenarios:

D9.   "25th of July 2020   Kalevala as a word brings to mind the word "kalavale"= a lie about how enermously big fish(achievement) you have managed to catch, and the words "kalliit valat" = valuable loved oaths, which is something that kalevala's wisdommakes possible or more possible."

D10.   30th of July 2020   A traditional Finnsih song "Tein minä pillin pajupuusta" teaches high skill and superb quality via humblaness and ordinary life:

"I made a tiny flute out of a tree branch
surely it was only out of an ordinary tree, nothing special
hey, joyfully beautifully rings my flute
though only out of an ordinary tree

In the forest I play between late afternoon and the beginning of the evening
surely it is only at that time of the day
hey joyfully beautifully rings my flute
 though only in this time of the day

Cattle's bells also compete by their music with (the poor) mine
surely they only compete by their full music
hey joyfully beautifully also the cattle's bells
 only competingly play they heart touching music

The waves of the small lake splash and sing
surely they modestly ring the right tune just by splashing and singing
hey, joyfully beautifully the waves of the small lake
are modest enough to hit the right chord by just splashing and singing.
* * *
 In the Finnish speaking traditional culture of Finland there is the wisdom that by emphasising too much some rigid form, like I am good at this, you lose the quality of your actions. By remaining small and unimportant you all the time reach higher and get a much more fulfilling life and a better place to decide about things: your word counts when a good opinion is needed. I high is poor I with fine suffers from the company of the fine I poor is the right position for good quality work The forest is almost holy, so right it has everything in life. The cattle is closer to the healthy animal wisdom than we: they play more beautifully than I. But most of all the nonliving nature: the lake, has it right, since it is completely unspoiled by human ways."

1st of August   The above does not mean that one should not play in an orchestra. It just means that there is value in playing by oneself, like one's heart wishes and one's best understanding guides. Such makes one much more talented orchestra musician. It just means that one ought not be rigidly formal all the time if one has good will and civiliced ways so that one aims at the right direction also when on one's own.

D11.   4th of August 2020   I sent this gnome skills text to Korvatunturi, Ear Lappland Hill. There was a picture of santa Claus on a summer holiday, and it left a taste that santa gives more presents than I by writing this gnome skills text, and is more skilled and religious.
For foreigners there is a Santa Claus site at . If not a fairy tale figure, maybe santa is a priest or the like.

D12. 6th of August 2020   Some women create social tangles by how they associate with men and especially boys. They kind of like their ways and so they drown to each subject so that they lose sight of rationality and good quality and moral and the guidelines of bringing up children, and so they may end up in a danger of being beaten. If one wants to understand men and boys, one ought not drown in each subject of conversation but instead pay attention to what is the other poerson's way of thinking, see it as one picture as a aprt of one's thoughts/view, and see how good thinking ability the other one has: what he observes and what not, and what kinds of things he always errs in. In addition one ought to know his situation of life, what are the major factors in it, what kinds of social situations he tends to have and what tends to happen in them and what he so chooses as his tactic and what it leads to. And what kind of social pressure there is on him, what kind of place offered, in use, what he considers an imago question and how he handles such and what he so takes care of and what not,what does the situation look in his eyes and what objectively, what in the eyes of others. And so what is the society like and how are important things taken care of.

D13.   Some men do not understand women. The reason is that they think that all women are roughly alike and try to search for some common womanhood and so think that all women have all other women's characteristics, and that of course does not work out! Women aren't so complex. And individual differencies are typically bigger than the differencies between women and men. Different women are mostly characterised by the country, climate and culture they themselves are from, and what areas of life they personally feel inclined toward, and what are their skill levels, values and type of social relationships, and what professionm they are in and what situation of life they have in the biggest respects. Often men also confuse different types of women to be the same person, or alike because of profession even if they have different ways and different types of major hobbies, likings etc.

D14.   10th of August 2020   Kalevala is one of the most important bppks of world literature. People who have read it, have a better understanding of what good quality is like, and so they produce better quality and have a better understanding about the value of fracturelessness. So by reading Kalevala one's way of measuring quality changes, and that is a thing worth noticig: did you measure people, places, cultures etc in a way that took into account Kalevala's wisdom while earlier you did not. It is a possibility for growth in wisdom and fracturelessness, yet it at the same time does not value everything as much.

D15.   17th of August 2020   There is a tale that in places called something like "machines get broken" machines do tend to get broken, even so much that maybe one cannot use them. Some think that the might of nature might have something to do with it.

D16.   "...thought could be even the reason for God's existence and especially to the purpose of our existence, to the goals of God creating us.
I added the story here:
Once upon a time there was a God, not the highest one of all but an ordinary ruler of one world. The God was worried about the state of the universe since there was too much evil around. Beings didn't seem to understand why to not to be evil. So the God decided   it was the fate of the God   to try to cure all the countless worlds. In order to do so the God created a world, and created us in it, not to be spirits and capable of much like most of the beigs were, but to be of flesh and bone, and with a lesser intelligence, so that everything would be clear for all to see.
Now in this world we manifest how good is stronger than evil, because good means cultivating good health and evil means needlesss breaking, and because we all understand that a healthy one works better than a broken one. From a technology hell with evil around we have found a road back to the paradise which God created: it is the cultivation of good health of all scales. It is what makes us strong and happy and brings us the best intelligence that we can have. It is what saves this world and all the others.
One might add that if God created the world, God created it this way perfect."

D17.  My old video: World is of love and beauty

D18.  19th of august 2020   Come to think of it, I wonde rif the santa Claus gets it right to whom what kind of presents, or does it leave some bad luck to whom went what. I guess that choosing such is much like choosing what food to cook today: what nutritients are needed (see A64.), what makes life feel naturally melodical and brings energy for the things done, for a few hours at least but also in the long run what is good. In life generally that is more complex since people need healthy ways of living and things generally needed in life plus things of their favourite professions and favourite hobbies, things that makes them feel joyful and in a good mood, firendly and responsible, with healthy common sense and an energy reserve to meet what life brings. A good hobby tool makes that hobby possible in a good way. So it is somewhat also a question of what type of person the receiver is, something such type of persons find useful and joyful when they use it, and which also fits into the socviety.

D19.   25th of August 2020   Generally one gets easily accepted if one just takes care of one's job in a good way and don't rock the boat, just takes care of that things go well and wisely, in a nice comfortable and wise way, with wisdom of life too. Instead of trying to have an opinion about everything, gain power or steal the show. Maybe such attempts are a consequence of the world having changer so much and there being a need of better pictures of the world for many or even for all, which gets mixed with the need of individuals to have an understanding of their own along also outside their own areas of expertise, so that arrangements do not deteriorate into criminal ways.

D20.   26th of August 2020   From my text about cure guesses , "cure suggestions in them after the word "and"".
astma   "67. Difficulties in breathing and investing healthily in the main current of the society which has been said aloud  14.6.2015"
"A261. MStomach aches and correcting life choises tyo be according to feelings   24.1.2016"
"A344. Getting sudden attack of a disease and giving up the estimates that caused the attack    21.6.2016"

D21.   In borrowing from a library there is some wisdom of the town that one lives in that matters in how well one succeeds. It would be good to borrow just fine books that one happens to be interested in, maybe invest time and enthusiasm in like a hobby for a day or two or longer. Here in Savonlinna there are liked reasons to be in Savonlinna, like the summer time opera festival which makes this a good place to learn arts, and like summer cottage life which brings a contact with the nature and traditional kind of practical life. So the books that oen borrows are either from those subjects, good books in them, or get compared with such well liked good quality choices, and so one makes better choices, whether it is history or travel or novels or whatever.
Also,sometimes it is good to read books that one values but some other days are not so good, do not give rise to such a high level of skill and insight, such well running hobbies, and so at such days one ought to borrow some more basic book yet good quality, so as to repair the skill level of oneself and of one's living environment kind of via social influences back to the normal and even good quality, and likewise borrow something like nature books that are good for wisdom of life and good life and good possibilites of life generally, together with a nature hobby that is, for example looking and admiring the magnifient beauty of birds and trees, and so maybe after a day or two the situation ought to be different and one can choose again.

D22.   27th of August 2020   For possibilities of life the town that one lives in matters a lot. What are it's main attractions, it's location, it's favourite and main professions? What is it's culture like, which values, ways and skill level it has, do you like it? For those it is easy there to get room to and to learn about those things there. and

D23. 28th of August 2020

D24.   "What was Russian tsar like
As far as I know Russian tsar when he ruled was an individual interested in the upbringing of children and in getting people to do their work in a good quality way and to carry responsibility as parts of the nation. For that purpose when the tsar travelled he did or bought something done in a good quality way or otherwise so that it would make the local people do work in a good qualiuty way, use their own understanding and carry responsibility as parts of the nation - and this oughty to have been so that they in turn would have got other similarly to the right tracks for the nation to work well and people be healthy happy and free´ina civilized way. But I guess that this meant that the tsar did not have much power to command, more likely to listen to what professionals and wise people with common sense say. And the big things like trans-Siberian railway were propably the needs of the time by the opinion of many professionals and tsar was just the figure head in them, in a good quality way so as to get the nation to work well. And as such it maybe does not matter so much that he is not in power, but it disturbs the nation a lot if such deeds are opposed and not valued. Children upbringing is important for the nation and for the wide world, for the people themselves, for their happiness and possibilites in life, for what the society develops to in what comes to the quality of life and the skill level and wisdom in use.

D25. 29th of August 2020   These advices are about skills that I have found useful in life, but the gnome tale figure is somewhat misleading since it unifies softening with happy ways of doing, which is somewhat a contradiction, since happy or joyful ways of doing usually demand that one has freely chosen best ways of doing from several alternatives, which is typical when one does not need to choose only the softest alternatives. On the other hand these advices tell about the value of following feelings, so that such a goal does not disturb things done.

D26.   One could maybe continue thsi text in teh subject of happy life, but such advices are mostly in my long text about healthy ways of doing and continued at , but it is only partly tasnlated to English.

D27. 2nd of September 2020   "One ought not keep company to atmospheres. Keeping company like to humans makes one's rythm of life much the same as of the other person. On the other hand the atmosphere of for example of a tree near the tree is beautiful, when one separately conceives where is tree's atmosphere and where open space, and goes past the tree near by so that there first is open space, then at the shelter of the tree and then continues onwards, to life, to open space or maybe to other trees and forward, more like in a sporty way and like in cool than like with a full stomach and position oriented ways.
The effect of food to rythm is partly a consequnece of bodily functions needing time, partly a need for some kind of pause. And partly a consequence of keeping company to others who eat."
From my Finnish blog

D28.   "Oath like love" in the header refers to a way of life that is so good that one loves it and at the same time would not change it to something else since it is the best, and so one's love for the way of living is at the same time a practical choice that one would not give up and that one would fight for and work for. Such can be at least  for some part of one's way of life also dream job that one loves with natural healthy love and values and would not change to some other job. Healthy ways of living are such, the nature offers such, a good understanding with feelings and wisdom of life seeks to offer such and Kalevala is a book fromwhich to learn about such. That is something to do wqith fracturelessness, with ages old best choices and high ideals that are healthy in spirit. Kalevala teaches about making such choices, and the song Tein minä pillin pajupuusta teaches some glimpse of such quality.

D29. If one in these modern times has some problem with publicity, like feeling that many would like to ask the same question, a good way to solve such tasks is in my opinion to write it into the internet in a clear way at a general level for a wide audience all over the world, and not mention some details that could cause misunderstanding when for example boys read them and grasp them. Like for example the instructions for a gnome hat are in A1., except that there is one letter spelling error there and the instructions are short. For sewing instructions generally, read the third text of this blog . Good quality is important in such since it is very public, yet can be personal and mostly anyoen can read it.

D30. 3rd of September 2020   There is a much liked old Finnish Christmas song called En etsi valtaa loistoa, "I am not seeking for power or glory" that tells of the value of things themselves and of wisdom of life instead of grasping only tool like things.

"I am not seeking for power or glory

I am not seeking for power or glory,
I am not searching gold either.
I beg for heaven's light
and peace upon the Earth.
It brings Christmas which brings happiness
and lifts spirit up to god.
Not power nor glory
but instead peace upon the earth.

Allow me a peaceful hut
and children's Christmas tree.
The light of god's words
 in which my soul gets lighter.
Bring to homes, also to small ones
now Christmas celebration sweet.
Light of god's word
and some nobleness of mind.

To the poor and to the rich too
comes Christmas lovely.
To the darkness of the world
bring heaven's light.
I want you, I wait for you
you master of earth and heaven.
To the poor and to the rich
bring your sweet Christmas!"
(my translation)

D31. 7th of September 2020   If you have difficulties to get room to live in, invest in ways that have healthy spirit (since otherwise it does not give you room to live in) in the official main current of the society and of the groups that you associate with, the main currenty that has been said aloud and that is civiliced, some kind of wisdom of life. Sometimes it is just a little and sometimes much, depending on the subject, but it is how people think that one ought to live in the society and when associating with their gorup, so that it gives room to live in.

D32.   "The cahrm of a recording like an original recording comes from it giving room to things themselves. Instead of filming just about everything that appears to have a chance of success in the media, having manyfold amount of those things in one's life, having them in a spirited way, with skills and life skills backing themup, and using only tiny fraction of what appears to be good enough quality, so that the recording is just some glimpse of some richness of life and some areas of life of which there is lot to offer in practice for a wide group of people, and preferably for animals too since pets can rise some quality and skill and enthusiasm, some liked things to higher, more magnifient looking level, ordinary pets that is, not overused."

D33. 8th of September 2020   As far as I know all cultures do not emphasize the sense of atmospheres as much and some even don't quite understand what an atmosphere is. But it seems that all do have atmospheres and often observe them even though they may use some different words to refer to them. An atmosphere usually is a landscape of life in the living like for example what is typical for a certain time of the day, like a morning atmosphere for example and in it emphasized what works well for life, like for example if all else is badly often good food though has a pleasant atmosphere. An atmosphere describes rythms, sounds, major elements, typical light, beautiful features, things that touch feelings, life in the living like we experience it and value it. Merely going intellecta´ually through something without wanting to live in connection with such values typically does not have a good atmosphere. While moments of being drown in some action that one likes have a string atmosphere, are life that one reaches for, are fractureless for the individual. Being drown in some experience means that one observes it strongly and so atmospheres often affer very sure thinking.

D34. removed

D35. In Finland there is a tradition of hundreds of years of the old capital Turku declaring Christmas peace every Christmas Eve.

D36. Every year some days before Christmas Santa leaves his home by a raindeer sledge.

D37. 13th of September 2020   This is the 300th numbered entry of this text about learning the skills of Christmas gnomes, so I guess that it is a natural place to end the gnome skills text, especially since I do not feel like having anything more to write about the subject. I have just sometimes under the Christmas made Christmas preparations assuming the Christmas gnome role, and read two books about gnomes, and seen Christmas gnomes in postcards, celebrated Christmas and  sung Christmas songs...

Have a Peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021!
Kaisa Hannele Tervola and apricot miniature poodle Banjo, Savonlinna town, Savo, eastern Finland, North-East Europe

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Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view

Find The Land Of Christmas

  "  You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...