I liked this performance, kind of basic good quality, it seems. One of the performers had last name Silver, kind of an attempt at curing a name by adding a more life like taste to some association of the name. I watched it only once, though.
LEARN TALENTS and SKILLS quickly, well and quite easily: dream job, liked home, music, rationality of feelings, etc, very many different kinds. These advices are from a climate of four seasons. The appearance or style of Christmas gnomes ought to be acc. to local climate, culture, type of town, life, etc. Christmas angels: learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/christmas-angels.html gnomes/elves LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09/ Try free www.blogger.com blogging! A huge collection of various skills
Thursday, February 29, 2024
About 2000 advices in wisdom of life and skills for a Christmas gnome or elf like life
A few days ago I counted the texts in this blog, starting from the beginning of the text Skills of Christms gnomes LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 , counting first the numbered entries untill the end of the texts about Christmas elves at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2023/09 , which was about 1600 texts, and then mostly counting each paragrapf but jumping over some. If I remember right, October and November 2023 were about 200, December 100, January 2024 was about 100 too and February maybe 50 more. So these all togetger maje some 2050 pieces of text roughly about the subject wisdom of life and skills for a Christmas gnome or elf like lufe in the modern world, year around, world wide. So these texts are not about tale figures. These are about the skills and wisdom of lufe that make such tale figures fascinating, like a dream job and a place to live kn which one likes. Such means among other things that one might be a good worker in such a job and fit into the area - better than anywhere else, or something in that direction. So it isn't any place for childhood competition to interfere. Each one must make one's own choices in life.
Estimating the number of all my texts https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/12/indoors-somewhat-like-forest.html .
6th of March 2024 If I estimate by the atmospheres of these texts, the booklets "Wisdom of lufe for Christmas elves" 1.-3., see LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2023/09 were still in the "tonttu" i.e. Christmas gnomes or elves subject, that was September 2023, i.e. somewhat over five years of writing and about five years in English about that subject. Christmas angels and other later subjects have been different in atmospheres, kind of more failed attempts or kind of not so nice in overal atmosphere. So there were some 1600 advices in the skilks of Christmas gnones and elves plus texts on links, some of which were copied to be parts of the books. And some hundreds of later texts in this same blog, but somehow not so relueving in atmosphere, even though those too can make lufe lighter.
Especially I noticed that the book Christmas elf like work https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/02/about-making-presents.html somehow no longer carried the reader, and that made also the earlier booklets Thoughts about magic, Animals in space, and Wonderful miracle like beings, carry less well. You can find the booklets as free downloads or blog links at MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com , and likewise the earlier booklets Christmas angels (around oneself in the living environment) and Guardian angels, but I do not remember, whether one can find the Christmas calendar with the theme rationality of feelings. It is at https://adventcalendarrf.blogspot.com
Olevi Virta : Tyttö metsässä (Girl in the woods)
"... It is just a memore, just a memory,
That song from my youth.
It is too late to turn around and go to the girl.
Skills for a Christmas gnlme or elf like life in the midern world, world wide, year around : LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09
1st of April 2024 https://learntalents2.blogspot.com/2024/03/in-forest-hut-time-passes-but-husband.html
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Finding wisdom like Kalevala's
I watched some videos today evening and put the mobile phone away, but it started playing some concert very silently, and as it is Kalevala's day, the style somehow got influencies of the times of Emias Lönnrot having collected the poems of Kalevala. Once again, like when I was a child, I wondered at the wusdom of the Finns meeting the unwise influencies coming from Sweden and from gge seas. How to sing about wise fractureless views of lufe when the others want judt a date and want to be called highly skilled when they are just newcomers from somewhere without such skills in their cultural background. So singing of high skills does not seem to get lusteners to wisdom. So I guess one shoukd sing songs like many traditional songs around the world: songs about love but especially the seasons and nature and traditional much liked and valued ways of living as a theme, so that one is left remembering the themes and learning a lot about such nature, ways of living, etc in the öiving environment, getting sensory stimulu, memorised knowlezge, thinking of lufe and wisdom of life and of how to take into account these midern times too. So instead of an audience asking anew song for them, maybe the family with friends has a good songbook and each one can wish some song from it, and all those are much liked and bring content to life and wisdom and one knows tvat there are many who like the same song. But this too supposes that if one would like to move to a very different kind of place, say a different climate zone and different cultural domain, one would move there already as a child, since very different choices about weatgers and ways of living do not fit together.
Elias Lönnrot travvelled near the border of Finland and Russia, where people maybe did not suppose all sharing the same wisdom, so he interviewed just old individuals with insight and with a wish to teach the young ordknary skills for life and what thete was such wisdom, and pass on what there was to learn of the old tines' ways of living in these modern times at the counties where civiliced wisdom was widely valued.
Animals too share such views. But how often it is jyst a few birds singing in the nearby trees or an aninal walking by, instead of it talking to the whole world. For many to like something, they each typically want to make their own choices about it, and so it seems often quite impissible to pass wisdom so to many, but if the people around and animals around ate wise, that is just nice.
I did not want to write this blog post, but as I watched some news video of Mitch Macconnel of the u.s. congress, I somehow got overrun to write it anyway.
29th of February 2024 My text about Värmlandsvisan could help if one can use it also if one usn't so very young, https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2024/02/varmlandsvisan-kaunis-kotimaani.html .
Most of the texts of this blog LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com and the texts at links from this blog, seek to teach some strenghts to a global audience. Those are either my version of civiluced wusdom, Finnish culture's skills or my own skills. I have written a lot since I feel that mostly others cannot offer the same good sides, but of course many good quality books may offer valuable things to learn.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Quite many of my books FOR FREE
See MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com .
For example a free download of my book "Skills of Christmas gnomes" as a text file at www.angelfire.com/planet/paradisewins/SkillsofChristmasgnomes.docx , the file size ought to be 8.15M.
28.2.2024 "Kalevala, the beginning translated to English", free download at www.angelfire.com/planet/paradisewins/Kalevalabeginning.docx
There is no tradition to fast on Kalevala day, but one would like to eat healthily, like is nice if one goes out for a walk or skiing with the beauty of nature around. So senses open and healthily sporty, aiming at wise ways is the point, experiencing the nature in nice old times' ways like what made one wise and motivated into living here in tge north with the nature. So abroad too, fasting is not like living in cool, instead eating so that one is healthily active and the sense of sight works well, ought to resemble northern climate's traditional ways.
Inform civilicedly about my texts
About making presents
You can download my booklet "Christmas elf like work" for free at www.angelfire.com/planet/paradisewins/Christmaselflikework.docx .
Monday, February 26, 2024
About police mark on a grave
In the news there was something about it being forbidden to knit a police mark in socks, since a police mark is meant for the police only. The news told that in some cases relatives had gotten the possibility to have a police mark carved to a dead police's grave. That sounds unusual, kind of mixing what kind of life it is about. For a grave of a police, if one wants more peaceful than a knife with a lion head , I guess a kind of square form with spaces in between, referring to the pieces of different theory perspectives used to caring things well point per point in each occasion but leaving lots of room for the civiliced wisdom of the people in the society, kind of it working of itself. So for example only the corners but on one side going along inside like certain procedure needing filling some document, and on the other side along some wider perspective good for living in a society. * Or the centers along some inner square like basic things, with quite much space between and the corners somewhere like doing some extra work to fix this and that when needed but not using overly rigid or overly guiding measures, more like leaving room for life. Both of these ought to be somewhat wider than high.
Sunday, February 25, 2024
About making a song for a family member
I have the impression thst the song Romance is for opossums, i.e. for the small animals maybe spending the winter or even all year hiding in the rooms lived in, for example in the small room by the outdoor, between wall and carpet, kind of stuck, kind of very familuar and family lufe like. So if an opossum likes to live in our home all the year or mo ths at a time, how to make such family life like lufe together nice for all? There is a melody of opossum's lufe running well, like on sees from the atmosphere of the image of an opossum in one's mind. And for words one picks all kinds of things, ideals that are good to have in life, and especially for young like the opossum maybe is too, they give chances to rise toward one's full potential on rewarding valuable important areas of life.
"You only I love above everything else.
You are my treasure, my most valued thing upon the Earth.
You are my happiness, my dreams.
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Some foods for different countries
" " I 48. 15th of May 2021 I feel that this text gets classified as "like eskimo", even though I am from Finland in northern Europe, but this is of course a climate four seasons and I have written about weather skills. I feel that for eskimos and for others too a good summer time food would be salmon (or rainbow trout) sallad: equal size pieces of tomato, cucumber and sallad leaves' pieces mixed in a bowl and let be in cool for some time to get juicy taste. Add somewhat smaller pieces of cool fried salmon, mix and serve. " learntalents.blogspot.com
Today I watched a piece of some video of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. After it I came to think of this kind of food for peope somewhere there. Maybe half a banana that is already quite soft, small pieces of cucumber and half a glas fresh orange-mango juice.
I tried to figure out some kund of food for Arabs too, abd it was: some fresh orange juice, some fresh tomato and a small piece of red paprica ( not a spice ) plus drinking water.
For the Chinese a fresh sallad of pieces of cucumber, leaf sallad, spice called "persilja" in Finnish, pieces of mandarin and small pieces of carrot.
I do nit know this, I came to think of my poodle who used to est such, but for people in usa cooked carrots, Fanta lemonade, meat balls brown sauce and tattar or rise.
An attempt for tge Japanese : carrot scratched to small pieces, and as dessert red berries with whisped cream.
For Africans water melon, apricot marmelafe on a toast, orange marmelade on a toast, fresh orange juice, and milk.
For Indians cook pieces of tsukin and honey melon and rise.
For the Swiss apricot jam bakery.
For the British vegetables in oven with some element like bakery, potato, or so, plus some fresh berries vegetsbles or fruit, and maybe milk.
For the Russians hard bread called näkkileipä cheese and a sallad leaf maybe margarin on the bread.
Hot summer day foods for children
vanilla ice cream with berries
lemonade, either light or ordinary, colour like what feels good in the shop
if hungry ordinary food that aren't warm anymore, maybe cooked vegetables, brown sauce with meat stripes and åieces of vegetables in it, rise and fresh sallad, but only quite little of the ordinary food and a lot of fresh vegetable sallad, for example equal size peices of tomato, cuycumber and leaf sallad, mixed,kept in cool for a while and served.
If on a hot day's evening one feels weakbor fragile and as if crying, one can est a normal meal, even a quite heavy one.
* * *
For west coast of usa small sallad leaves like at the center of a ball like sallad as snacks.
For midwestern usa lingonberry porridge (pink, airy, eaten with cool milk).
For eastern usa a dish that loiks somewhat like a big green worm, or a green bakery which has been squeezed a luttle bit by gummy strings, maybe the thickness of a palm. Of sallad or some green plant, cooked schrimp or lax, and some milk product like airy butter like cheese or what is it used in desserts.
These ought to a kind of happy easy going life with a civiliced picture of the world followed and good will as a value. So the foods tend to give energy to such a life if it is aimed at, and the view seeks to have some fractureless wisdom. So it kind of interpretes Finnish culture or a school taught view on life. Either for getting such wanted features to one's diet and daily life or by giving a chance to kind of cooking travel, peeks to Finnish life.
The scratched carrot or small pieces of carrot or the like ought to be of fresh carrot.
( ( Arvaus (en nyt oikein osaa arvioida, kun olen ollut kipeänä reilun viikon ja vasta toipilas, mutta siis yritän) :
Alaskalaisille joulutorttua omenahillolla, tuoretta itse tehtyä italiansalaatin tyyppistä makaronisalaattia, joka ei ole etikkainen, sekä ehkä lusäksi kuivahedelmistä tehtyä hedelmäkeittoa kermavaahdon kanssa.
Kanadalaisilla leipänä vehnäpatonkia, jonka välussä tuoresalaattia esim lehtisalaattia, tomaattia ja kurkkya, sekä makaronilaatikkoa, keitettyjä vihanneksia, jotka aika isoja paloja ja keutinvedessä sekä suolaa että öljyä, ja ehkä karjalanpaistia.
Mutta nämä kumpikaan eivät ole tavallisia ruokavalioita, vaan etsivät jotain suomalaistyhppistä virettä, joka suomessa vaatii kevye.pää tavallista suomalaista ruokaa ja mm ulkoilumahdollisuuksia ym mahdollisuuksia päästä vaihtamaan ympyröitä hyväätekevin tavoin.
Suomen Lappiin: piimälimppua, vuohenjuustoa, kirsikkakoristeinen täytekakku, isoja jauhoisia perunoita, uunissa lihaa tai kanaa, parsa-rahkapiirakkaa. Mutten tosiaan näitä tiedä, ajattelin kai ruotsalaisia vieraita tai ruotsinkuelisiä Rovaniemellä.
Arvaus: Venäjän tundralle kasvispiirakkaa plus tavallisia perinteisiä venäläisiä ruokia esim talviversioina.
Chile: lihakaalilaatikkoa ja karpalo-punakaali tms raastesalaattia.
Brasilia: tuoreita kai vihreitä hedelmiä jälkiruokamaisesti, riisi-maitovanukkaan kanssa ja ehkä limonaadia.
Pefu: punakaali-riisi-papu/juures tms pataa, jotain liian kevyttä esim kesäisemmän sään pasteijaa, jossa mm riisiä täytteenä.
Guatemala: jotain tuoretta vihreää hedelmää, ja kai kirkas ei-värjätty kiisseli siitä, ehkä lisäksi maitoa.
Greece: some sallad leaves in big pieces, a part of a piece of bakery, some red berries and fresh water or lemonade, as a dessert red berry juice mixed with water.
Malaysia/Indonesia: some lemonade, slices of fresh fruit(s), a food of sallad leaves in quite big pieces mixed with rise and squeezed avocado
Italy: somethkng like rise porridge from rise, cocoa milk and cocoa flakes, a food of cooked spenate leaves, rise and maybe tiny pieces of fried meat, plus tomato either baked or as fresh, maybe sheets of pasta with some ordinary kind of warm tasting spice plants pieces that are not overly dry. (The problem in the atmosphere seems to be square forms like the walls of houses, etc. So maybe this food is kntended for insects, or the like, to those who are paying too much attentiln to following square forms in thinking, social life, etc.)
) )
I saw somewhere a picture of a brown Mexican prison cat which looked like a bulterrier dog maybe. I tried to figure what such a dog or cat might eat: (these as warm) squeezed potatoes with brown sauce and vegetabled baked in oven together with maybe as much meat thoroughly baked in oven, plus as separate some transparent maybe green sauce of some root type of vegetables, plus some cream as bubbles.
Would Egyptians eat a piece of a fresh green grass (25.2.2024 to get some vitamins every now and then).
25.2.2024 Kireä Suomessa nykyaikaan: (tavallisen ruokavalion lisänä) rusinapullapitkosta viipale tai pari, tms, punaruskeaa teetä ja naposteltavina siivuja tuoretta porkkanaa, tuoreen kukkakaalin paloja tai tuoreen kurkun viipaleita.
I guess that all foods should be from the same climate zone and also culturally from a similar kind of place, for example tea from local plants' leaves, since typically the characterics of a very different kind of place, say seashore or tropics compared with winter inland, do not carry right in the local life. One can have dishes from another kind of environment but one must balance the whole.
About searching for a job
In the news there was told about problems in job interviews, about discriminating because of age, pretending applicant's skills to be much lower than they are, other strange comments etc. What I know of academical jobs in the university by having heard from older generation people, for many men such a job is a way to appear convincing and skilled, and so get a family, maybe even more kids, and a position in the society and for that type of educated men to appear militarily convincing enough for the country. So for other types of applicants the wish of those men is that they would seek to classify themselves somehow to the direction of their strenghts and likings compared to this quite large group of men, so for example a more skilled wise one to a more philosophical sounding job, one with a more lively approach to some with flourishing life or teaching of the young or whatever is their characteristic feature.
Bakery or sports or how?
The Estonian Independence Day today makes one think that they look like as if many of them liked to eat a piece of bakery in a cafeteria every now and then, except not maybe today or it would be overly much. Such helps to keep up fine traditilns, but it is only for special moments, and one ought to get the everyday lufe work out all right, in healthy happy ways, leisurely free, wise and active. But how does it go in practice? Bakery gives energy, so liking such often means that one has too cool clothes or too mittle weather skills. So if one wants a sports hobby for example, it is best to arrange it indoors, where it is nice comfortable room temperature year around, but just suited to ghat hobby, so it may be much too cool for lazying. In addition one can try after snowfall if it is just a few degrees under zero or warmer, skiing in the beauty around, or likewise in the spring winter's sunshine. Just a few tens of meters like feels nice and is beautiful is much nicer than nothing. But one must take extreme care to avoid freezing injuries, especially of the head and neck areas, and of toes, fingers, ankles and wgists, thighrs, etc. So warm winter boots for sliing are much beyter than skiing shoes. And likewise one should be in the mood for outdoors motion, kind of adventureous, capable and wise, recognizing the value of traditilns, giving others too fairly room to live in. Enjoying the beauty of nature, the wisdom of weather skills.
Friday, February 23, 2024
Reading books
In the news there was an article of some women in Tampere meeting to read together in a cafeteria. Mostly they did not look like satisfied with the novels, but one was reading a novel by a Russian author and she looked peaceful and satisfied. I guess there ought to be Russian books in the internet, maybe at https://feb-web.ru/feben/feb/c19.htm for example, but actually I am not sure of it. Also hobby manuals can be nice.
I made the Google.com search "russian children's books in english" and it did bring quite many books. I remember that my father read us some Sovjet children's books in Finnish when we were quite young and those were quite nice, but I do not know what I would think of them nowadays. Those are some of my background from childhood but I did not fully understand the cultural content, so I do not quite know how they affected my life.
About safety in long term career choices
I have wondered why some taking care of cattle sound as if it were a good needed characteristic to sound somewhat like a nurse at a health station. But I guess they run so much into accidents and illnesses, both of their own and those of some of the animals. In my experience with quite small animals and humans accidents happen when the physical distance between the humans and animals is too close compared with the amount of attention and lightness of movements in use. So for habitual who does not enjoy one's work such happens often, while to one in wonder of such a beauty, the beauty of such a work but with enough skills and good enough general capacity for driving, moving, learning, being in a group of many, etc such rarely happens.
But for one to enjoy work, one needs to have also other healthy kinds of things in life, freedom and variation, and so also for others, both humans and animals in civiliced ways, since there ought be no social tangles. Instead there should be some freedom of movement toward better life for all, kind of place for their individual wisdom in the group and possibilitues to enlargen the sphere of life toward other areas of life that suit them. So one also needs possibilities to go to town, have wider social spheres, real library, hobbies, possibility to move to another farm, town, etc like one likes.
Lappland's summer
A fine performance of Lappland's summer by Joose Vähäsöyrinki. Each person typically has fascination for certain area's nature, for it's beauty, vigour, wisdom of living the weathers of the years, for it's type of life life and it's climate's characteristics. Typical is ghat to such a climate and district come many such people, and for them reflecting life in what one learn from the seasons of the year, is kind of in tune with how much rationality, hardships, what types of social ways, how long flourishing season their type of life tends to have, for example the jobs they can carry even if others are not able to bear such. Here in the north the four seasons often make one think of the world, objectively like from far as a seen landscape of civiliced thinking.
" Lappland's summer
In Lappland all gets into flower soon,
the earth, grass, wheat, also the Lapplandish dwarf trees.
That I have been thinking about often
when I have looked to the past fates of this people.
Why among us all beautiful tends to die
and great deteriorate to not worthy?
Why do we have so many out of their mind?
Why so few who play a musical instrument?
Why men here everywhere fall like grass, -
men, of hope really,
men of ideals, men of feelings,
all get to be earth or stop in the midle of action?
In other countries gray haired spark fire,
in the elderly shines the sun of spirit.
Among us already kids are alike elderly men
and a young man is already ready for grav.
And what about me? Why do I ponder about these things?
It is a mark of having early grown old.
Why am I not following the command of blood's instinct,
but sigh about the fates of peoples?
There is only one answer: Lappland's summer.
In thinking of it one gets melancholic.
Short is Lappland's birdsong, fun
and the flourishing of flowers and other joys.
But long is the might of winter.
Just a moment rest ideals here like from flight,
when they again begin a sunny journey
and already leave the icy Lappland.
Oh, white birds, you guests of Lappland's summer,
you great ideals, I greet you!
Oh, stay here, make a nest here,
even if you move to the southern lands!
Oh, learn from the swans!
They leave in the autumns, return in the springs.
On our shores it is peaceful
and safe the side of Lappland's hills.
Sound of your wings whle you fly through the air!
Do deeds, lighten lands!
But when you see that winter has gone from here,
I pray, I ask: please return!
Eino Leino (My traslation)
(I live in Savo,originally from Helsinki and haven't been to Lappland, I am just a Finn and I was translating Eino Leino's poems at large, not in connection with Lappland, even though this poems is famous just in connection with Lappland.
I have also written about the seasons in Savo and the capital area, see http://finnishskills.blogspot.fi/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html , to which I needed some poems...)
(10th of June 2020 Surviving the winter is a question of high skills. I do not know if it belings here at all, but Santa Claus is said to live in the Finnish Lappland, and I have written a very long text about learning skills of Christmas gnomes and other Finnish gnomes: You can find it at https://learntalents.blogspot.com/ )
* * *
I try to explain this poem, kind of to tell that poems have objective content and are valuable, that is if they are really good quality poems.
1st paragrapf: The practical physical circumstancies in which we live our lives determine a lot of how our lives go. The Lapplandish seasons show that for example the ampunt of daylight and of how much one can because of the weather spend time outdoors, affect a lot how we feel:what is our situation of life that our feelings make us tuned to. From such things one can learn different lessons in life, especially valuable lessons aóne can learn from the nature, since it is objective, ages old and fractureless good quality, also objective in it's concretical features like for example the seen landscape and how branches grow toward light, which often is a good example for reaching one's goals, a good analogy for them.
2nd paragrapf: These are problems that the poet wants to solve in the world at large, with the help of the wisdom of life learned from the Lapplandin´sh nature. Music is a cure.
3rd paragrapf: to these the pet thinks that the Lapplandish nature is a good cure:if they did not have those wished for strenghts to begin with, the Lapplandish way of life together with the nature tend to teach them so that they can have them as realk virtuals from then on.
4th : Ideals that people, also kids tend to agree with, even though saiud as if one did not have such.
... "
From my blog einoleinopoems.blogspot.com
Thursday, February 22, 2024
A video "My name is Job. And this is my story."
I found a good video of work, is it according to the Bible. But I do not understand the subject so well. My impression is that you ought to care the world wisely well too. And that if you value the areas of life of your work, you should let it be seen in your style too. And that if there is an area good at producing something, one might find a job at selling it to the areas by it's borders or in trade relations with it. But on the whole I did not understand so much.
In the beginning of the video the business seemed much more successful, happy and naturally wisely arranged than some group of workers following the counting of camels etc. I guess in the first pictures there was a hobby group like business that had grown from a small start, say a few ponies owned by one man on a farm, and they had liked the hobby and had figured out ways to make it possible eclnomically, even as their way of living and earning slme money, and so it had grown as an effort of enthusiastic hobby pals to nearby farms too and included more of various animal friends.
* * * *
24th of February 2024 I tried to roughly count the texts in this Christmas gnome skills subject. Until the end of September 2023 there were the 33 Christmas gnome skills posts and 3 Christmas elf skills post, together some 1600 pieces of text, which with additions from linked texts made 9 + 3 books and booklets. I tried to roughly estimate the paragrapfs or ideas or subjects in what I have after that written to this blog. Until the behinning of December 2023 there were maybe about 200 new pieces of text, in December 2023 about 100 and in January 2024 also about a hundred, plus some 50 in February 2024. So these all together makes a little bit over 2000 pieces of text, plus the beginnkng of the blog.
Mother of Lemminkäinen
Lemminkäinen is a young man in Kalevala, a soldier. And of him is known that he died and his mother tried to wake him up with different wise means. So since there is the tradition of the young men going to the military service and fighting in war when needed, what if a boy is not so skilled and wise, what if one's child seems to die in a war if there ever comes a war? How to try to cure the situation? There is a song about the subject, ghe lyrics telling of a storm in the sea while the bay is quiet and peaceful. The message is that one has to live one's lufe in wise ages old ways, learn weather skills, get motiln, learn healthy basic skills in life. Then one can do better in life. If one just lazies out of doing anything healthy basic kind, one does not learn lufe skills, and so one is much weaker in war. But wisdom is also a wise good oeaceful perspective and that is good to have always along, also in the middle of action.
Here is a video of a painting about how the mother of Lemminkäinen tried to wake him from death. My guess is healthy natural life in healthy natural ways, with the world at large also wished well for, with such natural motivation too. What is more alive, what kinds of things, beauty of nature, religious sensitivity, wishing well for the world, living in a healthy way working for the good of the world in beautiful alive healthy kind of ways, beautiful music. What makes burdens smaller?
Restoring an area to it's past beauty, wisdom and happiness: Värmlandsvisan = Kaunis kotimaani
"Joskaiken yrittää valuta hyvältä toimivimmalta kohden, varmasti oikein menevän teoreettisen viisaan objektiivisen maailmankuvan mukaan, sekä maailmassa ideaali että kunkin yksilön tunteiden ja elämn mukaan reilusti ja tulevaisuuttakin vaalien, niin voi saada hyvin toimivan elämän kauniissa viisaassa elinympäristössä, joka jopa luonnontilainen ym ideaalien mukaan. "
23rd of February 2024 I have a vague impression of this song from when I was just five years old.
I added yesterday the search keywords: "Restoration of an area to it's past beauty wisdom and happiness, with the help of following extremely skilledly objective civiliced values, by those who like the nature and culture there"
I try to translate my comment from yesterday : " If one tries to choose from everything (i.e. of every piece of wisdom) fine-tunedly the best most well functioning place/version (both objectively like civiliced wisdom teaches and according to one's feelings of what suits ghe local climate, it's way of life, the feeling individual's place in the whole, wisely for the world, for alively for healthily wise ages old nature of living beings and it's wisdom in the world), according to a theoretical civiliced picture of the world that is surely correct, choose so that each guideline chosen is both an ideal in the world and according each individual's feelings and life it ought to be fairly and also safeguard the future, so one can get a well functioning life in a beautiful wise living environment, with even untouched nature around and also othetwise according to ideals."
Civiliced wisdom has lots of good sides to offer. I have written overly at lenght since this time or the past few decades have longed for my understanding of the rationality of feelings, etc. So with that addition it is just civiliced wisdom which ought to be valued as a source of some beneficial wisdom, and not just my texts, of which there are so overly many that such already causes misunderstandings. It is best to count on civiliced wisdom at large instead of getting lost in these additional explanations of mine. Basic school education is the main guideline all the time and not some social estimates of remarkable thinkers of these modern times.
* * * * *
2nd of March 2024 I watched the video "Olympia - The City of Gods"
and it made me wonder, if the ancient Greeks had had in each place, town or village, life suited well there, and so in the mounrain cool some had liked sports, found the place well suited to such, and so maybe with the help of cultural civiliced wisdom, like in the song Värmlandsvisan, they had build the place according to the wuse ideals, according to the cultural wise understanding of such areas of lufe on wide areas around, maybe also the wisdom on other continents in use, to be good for sports, to support such good sides of sports in the wide world. And maybe on the other hand, even though being of good quality, the place was jyst some place faraway, kind of nice to exist but not so impirtant, not disturbing or threatening. So if one would like to rebuikd such, it would be in some other kind of place, where the climate and location are good for sports, and where those wanting to create such are in tune with the local climate and wisdom of lufe, where they feel that their sense of wise places to live in guide them. And such ought to have dimensions suited to such places, and not overly high. I guess in the present day world dominancy isn't the thing sought after, instead it is giving people a change, many chances to sports hobbies of thrir liking, to a healthy, happy and free life, without hiving up civiliced wisdom.
Public visibility and each person's comfort zone
I noticed that one cannot show by one's example what to do, how to live etc, if one's own comfortable liked areas of life and main ways of doing and living are outside what is possible for each member of the audience at least part time. So for me such tasks do not suit, especially not internationally, since my comfort zone is in the Finnish climate and with the educated picture of the world along. Anyway, it often seems that for example my profile pictures start to look like some other type of people or that I myself get influencies from too lazying hot weather like ways of living.
So if your comfort zone suits some area, maybe you could suit publicity there. One can read these texts of mine as kind of theoretical advices, like people interested in the nature sciences usually have the skills for.
8th of March 2024 What I have learned of publicity mostly during the last few years when I have watched internet videos and written of the skills of Christmas gnlmes, is that there is some occult side to it, which influences lives hugely and ought to be taken into account if one only knew of it. The basic framework seems to be that the world is of spirit. Watching a music video that fascinates lneself may make one wish to take part in such a performance, kind of try to express one's own version of such, and somehow it gets intertwined with the performer. So it seems that someone who made, perfor.ed in a very much liked music video or somehow sich that other want to take part in it as if in a discussion that is unpbjectively free, the performer seems to have gotten caught in endlessly repeating the same performance, or is it mice or pets or so making the variation to it. Likewise in public visibility, kind of making the official in dight discussions etc of subjects, seems to be like a platform for each one in the audience interested in the subjevt to make their own versions of it and maybe express them somehow via the public forefigure kn it. So such public tasks are only gor the learning of the wide audience, so those aim at using basic flat language, basic school type of rationality etc, while the forefigure hss kind of disappeared under the influrncies. And such seems to be very much the case in tv, to which changing yo internet would smallen the presumed audiences. But anyway, it seems that a public fihure often cannot be a tjinker, instead yhere are the masses' chaos deciding or it's common skill level and viewpoint. Anyway, to elderly often happens that they make something with better quality than as younger so they too get overrun by the wish of others to speak on top of their subject to practice skills, to get heard, to mention about poinrs to take into account, and so they are not in sight, but instead the people talking are, and so the person in publicity isn't often affecting almist at all, and so the imoressions tell of the discussion nstead of the elderly person, and so the elderly person often gets bypassed. In a video, if one refers to it by song's name or whatever flat short, there often is lots of lufe happening, while in a fact text there maybe isn't almost anything more than the words and the experiences of the readers, so it makes no sense to keep the writer along while reading.
Monday, February 19, 2024
I cannot bear all kinds subjects, I need civiliced values and common sense
Friday, February 16, 2024
Women's view of home
Women's view of home is that it is a kind of car depod?, a carage like space for repair of cars, maintenancy, short pauses and for keeping some needed artifacts, a little bit like the working place of a car repairs man but not so full time work and for so many clients. In a home there are likewise needed nutritients etc, like bensin for a car, and oil etc. The spaces are made good for use and the aim is to be in full intellect, in a good mood and otherwuse good for the actions of the day and of the future too, in good healthy ways. So like a garage maybe needs less dust, people often need that things would be good to look at and good to use and good for life, and the variations between people and things done etc easy and natural to take into account, which typically means that there shoukd be a flower pot or other complex natural decoration object near by, for example on a near by window, pleasant to look at.
Heat regulation skills advice for all climates
This works only if you know the climate, are tuned to it, and not just travelling as a tourist.
Pay attentiln tl the air around, warmth, cool or coldness at different distancies, possible sunlight areas, shadows, indoor air, breeze, etc, and the quality of air, mostness, saltiness, dryness etc, and so also of other qualities, and your own state of body and mind and way of being social, so that you have some sensed atmospheric and largely understood idea of the situation, including clothes you wear and what body heat balance, moisture eyc are near by the clothes.
From liking melodic music, and from watching or having watched the way plants' branches grow curvingly toward light, from these there usually comes to at least some parts of the hands and feet and of the central body a natural sense of posture that is effortless and good for moving and feeling well, kind of natural wisdom of the body, seen at least along the limbs' central muscles and like the spine carrying the person naturally in a posture that is good for moving, musical, feels well. Kind of relugiously wish - as if from looking them from the sides, for example hand by their side and not actuslly being there in the muscle oneself with one's clumsy thoughts, social ways etc - these naturally wise musical nature like wise parts of your body-mind to tune your heat regulatiln, moisture regulatiln etc, also what clothes to wear, toward which styles or whatever tune your social ways, etc so that the natural effect is cooling or warming and whatever needez, just right for the situation. You should seek for tuning that is good in the lobg run too, for example is well prepared for temperature variations of the next few days plus adapted to the climate.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
How many years of school
(19.2.2024 Mysocial space to live in does not carry this subject, it just interests others with more social inclination. I ought to stop writing but feel forced to it. The reason seems to me having figured out easy ways to study kind of school taught things. But you should read my numerous earlier texts and not demand anything more from me.)
When I was in school as a child and a teen, the first class was quite interesting and motivating since there were many new things for one's picture of the world and in the first autumn term I learned to read. The second class wasn't so much new things, so it wasn't as motivated and I wondered why there was school without so much new things. The third class got some higher goals from the number 3 being associated with religious wisdom, so it was quite ok and at least at some parts motivating. But on the fourth grade boys wanted engineering lije technical approach a lot and still more and more and it was much too elementary and boring so, without enough wisdom, so I thought such a serious drawback. The fifth year was thought by teachers to be the last thst makes sense to study if one has an ok head and seeks to behave wisely. So that would have been the natyral lenght of such a school. Then still the direction was toward following school taught things, which was the only motivation gor havkng a school.
But in the sixth grade pupils were no longer interested. They started to be teens and school become an engibeering style rigid form in contradiction with thr pupils' own wusdom of life and their possibilitues of choosing their orofessilnal inclinatiln and future lufe as adults. And so as years passed the school become more and mire narrow, with a feeli g of liw quality, and it no longer was wusdom for lufe.
Society level crimes and justice
In the news there was a video https://yle.fi/a/74-20074698 of a shooting in Kansas in Usa, where they had caught the presumed shooter. But as a writer about large scale things I must say that the air around the presumed shooter who lay on the ground under several police, men, guards or whatever, the air was kind of wondering like a calm wise elderly person with wisdom of li, what happened, what is happening to me, what is this all about.fe So it was a person best capable of calming such growds, of bringing wisdom of lufe with wise views of the whole to the situatiln in which all wete interested in what the shooter was like, why he did so, what is this world that we live in, why did such happen, how to behave now, what is a good choice now. So since it can happen that sonetimes people catch the right criminal, sometimes someone to calm the situation and sometimes several different kinds of persons and I guess quite often people may see different versions in the media, different for the social eye, etc, so each person should be judged by their own effect, a moral person treated as at least possibly moral, honest as honest, unfairly behaving as unfait, etc, and these may be momentary characteristics, gaining momentary feedback. It makes no sense to classify unfair as miral or one without kniwledge of typical criminals as one faking position. Lijewise in court: the wise ought not be treated harshly. One ought to pay attention who behaves well from the point of view of the society and the world, and who bypasses unfairly the rights of those who follow civiliced values in practice.
Three or four nice fine blogs of mine
These are all too short for a book, so I haven't yet figured out what I could get from them.
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
A vegetarian sturdy emergency guest food of traditional priests' homes
Dried old leftover bakery in maybe fingertipwidth pieces, "maitorahka" milk product usually used for making desserts with berries and sugar, or full milk, farin sugar or sugar, untouched nice healthy berries, maybe frozen ones if there aren't freshly picked berries. Mix these quite evenly and let it be in cool for maybe 10min for the bakery to get wet.
If ordinary food is not enough, maybe if one ought to go to food shops, and if there is a need for sturdy food with which an unexpected ill guest gets forces and wisdom to recover, or for the family if it needs to plan something with fine quality even though the circumstancies do not support it, for example make future plans even if the children are suffering from school.
This is meant to be used very rarely. If you have a job or otherwise life needing such, ask about the foods of different professions and of religious people.
My books might offer some wise options for times of emergencies or when in need of such, see MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com : free downloads, blog links and links to my books for sale at the Amazon internet bookshops.
About publicity
I have wanted a healthy happy natural wise life for myself as a part of the healthy world. But somehow such a goal brought a good understanding and wisdom of lufe that are good for the society and the world. So I ended up a writer. Instead of just living my lufe with my daily chores and wisdom of life, I wrote advices for others too. Those were on a general theoretical level, so they in a way suited the all countries and also animals, the living kind, maybe also some ghosts and spiritual beings, computers, robots, it turned out that even space travel and intergalactic communication (15.2.2024 and inhabiting new planets). So I have a long time ago run out of means of coping with such a publicity, of interests of different kinds of individuals, kind of supposing me to be some kind of large group, since it is clear for judt about all school pupiks that often theoretical texts would need another writer or several media figures etc to answer the needs of different countries, cultures etc, since those are lookibg for wisdom for their lives and not some theoretical views from some single individual of some foreign type. So it may be that kind of occult problems are kind of general public asking something to be in tv, radio, new well written good quality books, products, etc, and not intended here affecting me in any way. I guess those mean to be some percentage of the demand, and wish for civiluced values and quality running well the media as a whole. I guess that people usually suppose of themselves, of gheir friends, pals and of others that they follow school taught civiluced picture of the world and civiliced values according to common sense, main features right and well for the world etc, but each adding their own wisdom of life that is often typical for their type of people and keeping it always by their own deeds emphazies, words and social influencies so that it is well for the world and already as such fair toward all tyoes of people, beings and things in the world. But in practice people in almost all occasions jydge what to do and be satisfied, by social sides of the situation, so that they almost never folliw civiluced values and fair play. They just mentiln those things but take too much sides or are unable to choose so freely that it woukd be possible to be fair and wish well in the world, with good quality too. So people wait for such civiliced behaviour from the media, but mistake it to be everybody's usual quality almost always, and so it is difficult to find such people to the nedia but also otherwise.
About learning skills and position, see my texts at https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-christmas-song-i-am-not-seeking-for.html
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
How to teach one's pet, child, etc to become wise
" Please read my book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" at MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com , especially it's first text / it's backcover text at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola .
If you do not have a pet, it is said that there are mice in almost all human apartments, also in space, so those can ease a little bit even if you don't see them. Likewise you can watch this way passer-bys and things seem to run like in light shining from low in a dusty air, kind of life happening, nothing special, things just running well without anything new but without any special lack too, all knowing their school education and having some potential talents too but one does not know what since all just takes it's time, whenever short or longet, things going their own ways with some wisdom of life too.
Maybe you can yourself become wise in the same way too by spending some time in the nature, for examole by walking across a park : just walk kn the beauty, like a person in a cloud of dust when sun shknes low, admiring the beauty around, the beauty of the moment, plus the wisdom in nature's beauty.
24th of February 2024 See https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2024/01/a-new-book.html
Monday, February 12, 2024
About the work of a president
(19.2.2024 Mysocial space to live in does not carry this subject, it just interests others with more social inclination. I ought to stop writing but feel forced to it. The reason seems to me having figured out easy ways to study kind of school taught things. But you should read my numerous earlier texts and not demand anything more from me.)
I do not know of politics, since I do not seem to catch it's skills. But as a thinker people as younger in the capital sometimes wondered if I could be one possibility to a future president. But I catch none of it's skills, so it isn't possible at all, but I have tried to understand at least something of a president's job.
A president ought to be a skilled wise, experienced person caring for the whole country, so not for one's political party especially. It is not always considered so detailed who got elected but mire like what was the wisdom sought after, the wisdom needed to behave wisely in such a task. (So the person may vary, but it is not like all wise taking part. It is clearly a certain kind of person, a certain person for a certain period and the person is seen in the pictures, but on a longer time scale it may vary from which continent the persons originally is, or the like when needed.) A president is more like an individual than what politics often is. I do not know, but it seems that a president does not interfere or command so often, but as a wise individual with well tjought of views and lots of experience of lufe, the president sometimes reacts to something, like caring for things that one has strong views about. So mostly a president is a person whose viewpoint, values, wisdom and ways of doing things affect somewhat the envuronment and the society, but not always like taking part, more like being a momentary forefigure for some. And also in foreign relations where an experienced wise view is needed, that is often the work of a president, together with other wise experienced individuals with values and character suited to the task.
( https://kokonaiskuvat2.blogspot.com/2024/02/about-elections.html )
16th of February 2024 A new president after the electiobs does not replace the old one. There jyst is a different kind of person in the job. Those who relied on the personal qualities, skills and values, etc, of the old president, do not change to relying so on the new one. The emphazis jyst lessens somewhat since the person no longer is a president. How to live in a society with the new kind of person as a president is a different question. To whom the new president's qualities suit well, may learn to rely on those but in a way that varies across time and depends on the persons in question.
28th of February 2024 I did not want to write about presidents, but on some mental sude it felt like as if president Tarja Halonen and some other presidents had wanted me to write about the subject, so I wrote something, but I do not have any social positiln to carry the subject, neither do I understand about such subjects.
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Widely interesting profound questions in the modern world : even intergalactic
" I have written some 25 years. One of the subjects I have lately written about is the possibility of inhabiting new planets, i.e. of the adaptation to a different kind of living environment, see my booklet "Animals In Space" at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola . That made me think of my writing work as a whole that has an amazingly wide possible area of those interested in it, both because of space travel and because living beings of natural origin in natural living environment, living nowadays in an at least partly artificial i.e. build environment. My paradise theory books, see 2013paradise.blogspot.com , offer an objective structure analyzis of work efficiency in an at least partly build environment. My text About Kalevala at talesfromforest.blogspot.com offers a view of how to regain lots of original fullfunctioning even in the present day world. My blog nopeaoppisuus.blogspot.com about changing profession to one's dream job, and my book Living with the four seasons, tell of how to do the needed adaptations to new kind of life and living environment. Similarly I have also written about learning to compose music learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/09 and about choosing where to live and about skills for happy peaceful working life there learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09 . I have also written about healthy ways of living and healing advices by pieces of healthy natural ways of living and wisdom of life. "
From my blog aboutmytexts.blogspot.com
Wisdom of life of a certain place or culture
People are often fond of the wisdom of life, ways of living, climate characteristics, style, skill levels, areas of lufe, types of people and of being social, characteristic miljoos, etc of a certain area and it's culture. Typical examples are wine agriculture areas in is it Italy, modern metropolitan areas in Usa or in Asia certain towns that the individual likes, northern nature, etc. But each such culture and climate had it's own rythms and ways of classifying things, so that in another climate or culture, if one tries the same rythms, those do not fit into the envuronment, but instead a produce a skriik like effect, likewise the colours, styles etc of artifacts are tuned to certain climate's and culture's ways of living and do not fit together with foreign viewpoints even if one likes such, so those too leave one kind of unsatisfied and wondering if the local ways hete where one still luves are not good enough or pleasant enough, not wise in the art of living and in needed skills.
So you would solve the problem by moving to live where you think that life is so wise and comfortable that you all the time tend to tune to jyst their wisdom, so much that other types of wisdom do not work out, and it is true that all do not fit all professions, places and climates.
If the climate difference and/or cultural difference is too huge to allow moving straight to where you want to live, you should .ove a long way that direction like is usually adviced. But remember that to learn via living in a certain place you have to like that culture and it's climate characteristics, since otherwise you are not tuned toward learning. So if you do not like the other places so much, you ought to move all the way to the right climate and culturally to that country, but live somewhere where there are new foreigners adviced about livibg there, culture, climate, work, etc. If you are in the right coubtry and climate, it is not so likely for you to find dates who came away from there. Instead you find people who too want to live there, since you are in the right area already then.
13.2.2024 Often the climate of southern Finland is too difficult for foreigners from the tropics or Arab countries. It seems that quite many kind of oscillate between too cold, like in outdoor temperatures but in too thin or too little loose clithes, and eating too much or otgerwise feeling uncomfortable because of too much like the tropics. Mostly it seems that people in Finland have come to Finland to live in a cool or cold climate. So the basic fact is that most in Finland are afraid of too hot climate which for most includes also tropics, but the mountains in the tropics might be cool enough. So those who have nit learned to luve in the Finnish climate, would prooably fit to somewhere where the weathers stay between 10C to 25C, and rooms are witjout artificial cooling. If the weather variation of the four seasons are not ok, maybe tropics' mountains with 20C outdoors temoerature woukd be ok. And for others some warmer climate of the four seasons, but the summer in the mountains or somehow so that there ought be no too hot periods. It is better to live near by location which suit well than to travel between southern and northern Europe or ghe like.
14.2.2024 In Finland if someone has no weather skills at all for certain weathers, is something for which there seems to be no cure. One shoukd just start from easier climates and move gradually northward, for example a year or a few years living in a certain place that one likes and so also learns it's westhefs. In Finland it seems that mostly people born and raised in Central or North Europe, in their traditional cultures and school etc, mostly have at least some weather skills for Finland's westhers too. But in Canada and Alaska it is different. Most people raised in Nirth Europe would guess that they do not have weather skills for Canadan or Alaskan winter colds, much less for eskimo life. So there I guess the usual situation is that the newcomers may have no weather skills st all for some parts of the year, and so I guess there people do not get told of such a lack in a way that discerns between skill level of tropicians and the people of the four seasons, so I guess that thise places are not at all good for learning weather skills from.
Thursday, February 8, 2024
It is a species characteristic for humans to have a landscape like view
Standing and walking on two feet, resembles how a mouse rises to two feet when it wants to take a look of the wider environment, of the landscape it is in. It seems, judging by human bodily structure and ways of moving, that a human tends to want such a wide landscape like view of ghe environment, and that humans are specialiced to living just about all the time with the guidance of such a landscape like view.
(19.2.2024 Mysocial space to live in does not carry this subject, it just interests others with more social inclination. I ought to stop writing but feel forced to it. The reason seems to me having figured out easy ways to study kind of school taught things. But you should read my numerous earlier texts and not demand anything more from me.)
So if some people refuse to take into account the whole, a landscape like picture of the world, can it be that there is soul wandering and they have somehow born or otherwise mistakenly changed to human form, when they ought to have changed to slme animal or other being not needing to respect a landscape lije view. For example an engineer only might be sitting like a mouse or rat, but anyway respect a landscape like picture of the world. And one always coming near without regard to what one causes to the other, could have born a small insect needing the warmth of a human or other big animal.
One very much social and taking sides, using only some parts of perspective, might be a parasite of a cat. Cat living with humans ought not attack eyes. It is likely that cats' characteristics are somehow wrong, since a cat seems to behave like a clumsy rigidly moving person.
One attacking soft ones might be a crocodile?
One wanting to destroy all with pictures of wholes in sight, might be an animal specialiced into digging tunnels to the ground and living in them, like a mole or a worm.
One attacking things in a seen landscaoe would not have an erect posture like human, but instead a more forward leaning mostly without such a wide view. Is jaguar such a predator?
One wanting to always have a role would maybe be one hiding, almost invisible, or one wanting to live fully according to the local environment and local traditional culture, for example without disturbing the nature at all. Or like one wanting to learn to live wisely according to the advices of birds. If there is no such idea of respecting fully the wisdom around, it would maybe be suited to bacteria. Or a sneakingly attacking animal, like a tiger for example, but is the total effect too big, especially in the long run, and is the effect toward wiser views and good living conditions for all fairly now and in the future?
Ones inclined almost solely toward eating, without so much wisdom of life, almost always would like life in a warmer climate, often find even tropics nice.
A landscape like view is just watching. It is not dominating like a big strong among somewhat smaller ones that are near by. A landscape like view makes it possible to take things into account, and so to live leisurely while being aware of the envuronment. This way of living coubts on coordinating the whole so that catastrophes are prevented beforehand and ways of living and doing are free and with wisdom of life and wisdom about the whole, so that their wishes fit together without problems and they cooperate in a free harmonious way helped by communication at the level of pictures of the world, and seen etc observations about individuals' ways of doing etc, and maybe a music like perspective (from birds? Or somehow such idea but in human pictures of the world, like in the form of songs memorised knowledge of ways of living at the level of experience, to pass some of that beauty and richness of life to the next generations, in a wise form) about good ways of doing, motivations, etc.
9th of February 2024 My text "Animals In Space: Inhabiting new planets", see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/11/animals-in-space.html . The text is also available as a booklet at www.amazon.com . It is a nice, relieving kind of text, it seems.
Obs. Read this only after the above booklet, if you want to learn this skill :
Mars, photosynthezis by the skin, and green colour
It is said that in Mars the atmosphere is largely carbondiokside, which means that plants could propably flourish there, and such is also told of the Earth a long long time ago. Martian people are said to be green. If one copies from the atmosphere of a healthy pine brach with green needless, the atmosphere near the needless, as if moist air there, like an aura, thinking of the tree as a model for oneself in transforming one's life permanently toward photozynthezis ability in, near or on one's skin, and another picture more blurredly in mind that of a green Martian, and such a model by the skin of one's arm, it feels as if the tree as a forefigure had given a feeling of fresh oxygen in the arm a few centimeters from the skin, maybe nearby arm fully at least a little bit.
Green colour of a coat or hair seems to connect with an elderly thknking tjings overly, much too much poorly in lufe around and trying to cure such with one's wisdom, but caring for things wider too, kind of aiming at adding good quality wisdom of life for a wider area too, kind of wisdom for the society, like for boys in the old times' adventure books maybe. So even though such seems to connect to plants' refreshing effect, and is maybe needed in Mars, it maybe isn't necessarily needed for photosynthezis.
Just came to my mind: if humans too could learn to produce oxygen from carbondiokside this way on one's skin, copying from the photosynthezis of plants, could that lower the carbondiokside levels in rooms and in town environments so much that it would counteract global warming?
23rd of March 2024 A species or an individual of it developing to a new species with different characteristics is different from malformation (which seem to be caused by some normal basic life being replaced by clumsy keeping company or the like, so the body gets clumsier too, like skills deteriorate if never used). In developing to a new species the new characteristics are likely to develop via serious reaching for, like if a fish comes to land, it by turning this way and that way can maybe soon return to the sea. If some type of fishes like .oving on land such short distancies, maybe they hobby like develop skills for such, are motivated to developing such skills. So maybe some learn to move on land with their stomach side undermost. And so they maybe learn balance and tend to think that somewhat sturdy finns would help them in keeping upright and moving. And so maybe in a group of young or young adult fishes they would try to reach for, train their finns to support them well in moving, maybe rise a little bit on them, and so across time via such inclination they woukd develop legs, and maybe a skin that bears sometines a little bit of dryness (from the weather skills of the four seasons I know that such is like balancing on tunings of the (maybe thicker, more layeredly thought of) skin & water etc balances & states of mind & ways of doing, goals, values, etc that appear and feel good both in the short term and in longer term). And so they could across time develop both in skills, observatilnal abilities and in their physical characteristics toward life on land. One develoos in skills via sincere interest in them, not via slumber like taking part or trying to bear while too ill to behave wisely.
19th of May 2024 If some people are so fond of murders that it seems unlikely that the human species could have survived with such charavhteristics, can it be that some of them are not originally of the human species, and that they somehow feel too uneasy and unnatural living as humans. And if some do really wish to make the planet Earth not good for life and wish all to fly away in a spaceship, can it be that they are ufos feeling the planet Earth to be unnatural for them and wish for better planets, or that they have identified so much with such ufos that they too have begun to adapt to other kknds of planets already much beforehand.
25th of May 2024 I once saw some info of yearly space rocket launches in all or several countries, and it was some enermous number, was it thousands a year? So if one longs for space travel, moving to live somewhere where the country ir area is largely specialiced to space flights, like Kazakhstan for example, would bring more info of such possibilities, maybe more info of ufos too.
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
A paperback version of the first book "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes"
I made a paperback versiln of the first book in the series Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, which I think is better as a hardcover, since it is 498 pages and large pages. I guess the paperback ought to beclme available as an option on the book's page. You can find it at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola .
9th of February 2024 I also changed the covers of the books 2. (continued) and 3. of the series, and the covers of the booklets "Wisdom of life for Christmas elves". Those ought to be changed on the books' pages today.
15th of February 2024 I added most of my later books or booklets to the series "The Christmas gnomes and elves internet institute" at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BLLS8BWC?binding=kindle_edition&ref_=ast_author_bsi but I do not know how long it will take to update.
13. Christmas angels
14. Christmas calendar
15. Thoughts about magic
16. Animals in space
17. Wonderful, miracle like beings
18. Christmas elf like work (about making presents)
I added also quite many earlier books of mine:
19. Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living
*20. Knitting tips : Nice knitting
*21. The best fact language is like music
*22. Living with the Four Seasons
23. A few famous poems by Eino Leino
*24. Year 2030 : technologized nature paradise
*25. 9 short robot stories
16th of February 2024 I took yesterday some of the books away from the same page, since it seemed that for many readers those did not belong to the same subject. But those books ought to be available on my books' Author page www.Amazon.com/Author/KHTervola .
A wished for feeling of richness connects with succeeding in choosing when buying, and not with wasting money against feelings
A wished for feeling of richness often connects with someone having bought something that they like and which kind of suits them so well that it lifts their life on that area of life more than similar things bought without skills in choosing. It also connects with the liked cloth or whatever being kept well.
Choising right in buying connects with choosing right product based on the colour symbolics, style snd product logo or tge like associations about what extra good sides the oroduct ought to have, to which kind of way of life it is intended, supposing that it is for a large group, for example all youbg men type of values who value blye kind of view. If one sometimes needs more room for feelings, one sometimes buys red.
Suomeksi asiakkaanavain.blogspot.com
High position or quality fit together with basic rationality and civiliced values
Monday, February 5, 2024
An old engineering skill level in use or proper objective picture of the world with good quality thinking
Maybe in the 1980's the ordinary or quite ordinary engineering point of view included mostly math and possibilities to form sequences of letters instead of understanding words with meanings. So a typical social situation when discussing something in the ordinary old basic picture of the world, would be an engineering oriented person refusing to taje seriously anything complex, especially if it was a eomen's thing, so many kinds of different skill level, values, goals, relationshios etc got mixed as if there would not have been any criterios for choosing between the options of what someone had at some time heard someone claiming existing or having existed in the wide world. So for example the word "mother" could get power as if over a baby aged child of that mother even if the mother was not motherly and even if the child was already an adult and living on one's own, etc. So there were different levels of objectivity treated as if the same, and lues mixed with partially usable words or even truth and society's rules. So also later there has been people with the tendency to leave away all complex structures as if thise were nonsense, and yet claim to be objectkve and wise via age as if they had used an ordinary pictyre of the world and understood lufe also in it's complexity objectively, wisely for tens of years instead of bypassing such as if it were false unobjective claims and lies, and as if they had always civiliced valyes and good quality instead of just engkneering tyoe of skill level with some additional info.
Sunday, February 4, 2024
Fires, lava, pyromans, lots of red colour etc
I have the impression that where someone ought to have recommended my texts about subjects around the ratilnality of feelings, and people have read at least somewhat them, if they have not done so almost at all, there may be forest fires, volcanos erupting, pyromans or for some other reason fires or lots of red colour. That is possible if the world is of spirit: what are your values and what do you consider wise? You can find many of my books at MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com and lots of my texts in this blog about the skills of Christmas gnomes or elves LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com or at links from this blog. There are my books and e-books for sale at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola .
Especially good for easing catastrophes has been to read my text Skills Of Christmas Gnomes starting from the beginning https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09/gnomes-or-more-likelily-doing-things-in.html and being interested in Christmas gnomes, and one can read it just a little, if that seems enough for easing the fires, but notice that mice etc may like the subject and maybe get some animals to help to end the fires.
About estimating different people's effects
I have during the last few years read a lot of news. At the same time my picture of the world has gotten as a new firm belief that the world is of spirit. It is mostly a view of the structure of the world, even though it is often very much the same as using social eye to the influences that I get from different people, interests, areas of life, etc.
What as younger disturbed social eye, was a lack of noticing the influencies from somebody's viewpoint, the wideness of view, the approach, typical social reactions and things done. Those were mistaken to be the situations at hand as seen from an objective perspective common to all or many like certain profession's view or the like. But instead there in the news is influencies from the people that one needs to estimate, like from the two presidental candidates for the second round of the Finnish presidental elections a week from now.
And likewise there often is in the room at some side atmosphere of the people one somehow associates with, for example if someone tends to interfere much too much with my life, so that it affects things like the quality of things done, endurancy extremely much, the social looks very much, etc. And be it result of new technoligy or of the world being of spirit, also the news seem to reflect the atmosphere, social reactions, personal values, social goals, etc of persons somehow too much left in one's mind.
Saturday, February 3, 2024
A news link
In today's news there was an article of interviewing somewhere in Lappland soldiers of the situation of the war in Ukraine. But the pictyres looked just very snowy. The light had been confined indoors, but all were just concerned about staying warm, and it did not seem possible that there would ever have been a winter war between locals. There were only a few people, stuck in a Lapplandish "kota" tent, in the muddle of untouched snow. It did not seem to make sense to make any more tracks in the snow, much less war like tracks. And so it seems to have been in the nirthern areas, the traditional lufe been comfortable and wise compared with waging a war.
See https://yle.fi/a/74-20071941
Is there a danger of a man or boy to look like a woman or girl?
" In the 1980's I was in school age, likewise my two years younger brother who was interested in becoming an actor. I was born 8.8.1971, so my brother tried to figure out a way to attack me and other girls and maybe women too by claiming that the number 8 is too womanly for boys. So in the 1980's he was interested in if actors could arrange some man look so woman like in some picture that all men would flee to some "ööööö" style and refuse to alliw any womanly style or lufe according to feelings to gurls and women.
In today's news there was a claimed picture of a famous 1980's boy band Dingo, but it was from a planned movie, so it was not actually from the 1980's. But in tge pictyre there was at first sight an amazingly womanly charming looking man, sensitive like is considered good for high skills, but maybe not so detailedly right but instead lije a young person's guess of sensitive observatiobs and reactions which include the sense if atmospheres and a sense of beauty too. But the man looked like social only with men and boys who oppose such a style, and getting the looks only from copying from womdn and girls and from folliwing the wishes of others, so that it was like pretending to have such characteristics and skills without folliwing those viewpoints' values, skills, picture of the world etc. So it was like a disguise of someone wanting to murder people who do not accept to near by people who lack their skills and values. In addition the picture had curly womanly hair like a rificule of the number 8, instead of the oldfashioned kind of rigid curly or wavy hair associated with times hundreds of years ago or some arts oriented people, which has been typical if some man wants to have a curly hair. A curly hair is associated with some kibd of good lufe, with such wisdom in tge art of living, so it is wanted that wise enough such wisdom is alliwed widely and so also some men having a curly or wavy hair.
Anyway, the characteristics of different people reflect their skills, values, ways of living, etc, and typically such are wished for in both women and men. Tge physical abd also social characteristics of women seem to come from always starting from the point of vuew of wisdom of life, while those of men from starting from doing the needed chores at hand. So a wlman at home thinks, what would I or we now need for good life, it seems that I woukd now start doing home chores. Whike a man at home thinks, what needs to be dlne at home, I will start doing those chores, so I can take it leisurely after a while, sit in the sofa for a miment and see what I would do next if anything needs to be done. "
Friday, February 2, 2024
The remaining old texts in this blog do not form a booklet
( There were quite many texts of this blog left over, from the end of October 2023 to January 2024, and at first I thought that I would make anouther booklet of cats, female warriors, the looks of angels and devils, some power balance calculations, etc, but it turneed out that those texts were mostly corrections to some ordinary clishees of the subject, so as a bunch those would fail to communicate, since the readers were interested in the clishees. So it turned out that I cannot make a booklet of them, and if I would anyway make a booklet of them the result would not feel worth reading. )
14th of April 2024 I have now written some 50 blog posts of the next blog too, and collected some more books too. But still quite many of the remaining new texts are such that it makes no sense to collect them to a book. Those texts are mostly remarks on subjects that I did not manage to solve fully. So the subjects which I did not agree with, were more interesting to readers than my thoughts of them. That is typical when there is something scandalously wrong in them. Then the scandal raises much more interest than some too complex objective correction attempt to it. I guess the scandal tastes like lufe, and the reader is not interested in getting the world well if such involves more wise thoughts that are not like running free without regard for the world. So the reader ought not decide about the world so unobjectively, but on the other hand such a reader does not want to read those thoughrs of mine.
A new booklet "Christmas Elf Like Work : And influencing things in the world"
The booklet "Christmas Elf Like Work : And influencing things in the world" ought to be available at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola in a few days' time, both as a paperback 5.80 usd +post (order via your local bookshop, so it is quite likely that you could get the postage cheaper.) And as an e-book, 0.99 usd +tax or the like, with instant download, i.e. the total cost is or ought to be about 1 euro.
You can find the ebook at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTTKJHT8
3rd of February 2024 Paperback via the same link or at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTXG1TNR?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520
* * *
27th of February 2024 There is a free download link in my blog MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com , or you can go straight to www.angelfire.com/planet/paradisewins/Christmaselflikework.docx .
About jobs with a high sounding position
When I was in my early twenties in the capital Helsinki, people there supposed that if one had some wise views of what to speak for in the society and in the world, like was typical for many academically educated, but also for other Finns, one ought to have tried continuing to politics. But that does not make sense, since for example the Greens like some recreation in nature, instead of liking so much talking with people with opposite views and values and sitting in meetings etc. So for most Greens it would be ok to write some idea of theirs every now and then, instead of aiming at politics.
A politician and other people in publicity ought to be wanted there, and not just someone with basic skills but somehow not so much liked and respected. A politician ought to be like oil between the groups, like a person who likes the viewpoints and people of both groups, and takes care of talking somewhere where the groups associate with each other and have to arrange something together, and it just goes well and so the same person is asked to the same task at other occasions too, and if it goes well, maybe that person becomes their politician. So instead of deciding about things, like an inventor or people arranging those things in practice, the politician takes care of talking, social things and is a person whom people like seeing in the media, like having such influencies around and in their lives.
Similarly other people in publicity, for example a singer, have to be liked and asked to that kind of tasks by many, agreed by most or all and especially liked by their own group. So instead of achieving the highest points in some important skills, the person maybe has a good way of living that suits most and especially some professions or types of people.
A boss ought to arrange that basic things work out well. So the boss arranges also safety against intruders, sabotage etc, which I guess is mostly by the motivation of all the workers and other people around the working place, workers, products and their areas of life, etc. So the basic perspective of work ought to be of good quality and with wisdom of life and fair enough so that people, values etc do not get squeezed.
Find The Land Of Christmas
" You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...

See https://sekundablogi.blogspot.com/2023/01/skills-of-christmas-gnomes_23.html " Start a career as a Christmas gnome! Study for ...
(13th of November 2024 This text is not at all as good as my texts about skills for a Christmas gnome like life, see LearnTalents.BlogSpot...
" You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...