Saturday, November 18, 2023

Animals in space


(19.2.2024   Mysocial space to live in does not carry this subject, it just interests others with more social inclination. I ought to stop writing but feel forced to it. The reason seems to me having figured out easy ways to study kind of school taught things. But you should read my numerous earlier texts and not demand anything more from me.) 

 Mice, dogs and of birds pigeons seem able to adapt to zero gravity. So those might be possible in space. The colour of the coat is a result of what the animal continually does, so it may affect which animals are good to live with. But there are different versions of each colour, so it matters to pay sttention to the individual's versions. 

With both animals and plants in space, the environment could be more natural, at least if the plants are kept like in gardening that aims at a natural style, and the animals kept somewhat like pets, if the animals are not eaten, and propably like cattle if they are eaten. I guess that the minimum amount of plants in a room would be like is comfortable in a similar room in Earth, so at least one ball like plant like ones hanging in the middle of a window, and maybe a few smaller ones too, maybe moss. If there is something like handiwork from natural materials and with colour and materials kn sight, that could ease the need for many plants. From handiworks one can learn what is a natural way to use such a piece of material. ( If the world is of spirit, one can so find new routes even if it means altering the reality somewhat from then on.) I guess that from animals one would most need mice and flying birds, but dogs often try to help emotionally and socially, be wise members of the group, so that may be valuable too. 

Like in estimating from the style and atmosphere of an individual plant or seed, where elsewhere it might want to grow, likewise one could find plant species and plant individuals and animal individuals that would like to fly on a certain spaceship or for example to Mars and live there, for example with a Greek astronaut, or with whom, be it individuals, type of group or whatever, they think that they suit. 

There are plants, animals, handicrafts and natural materials from different cultures and climates, likewise of astronauts. So some may long for some kind of environment, while others for a different kind of. That sounds like children, teens or young adults growing up, wanting their own kind of life but the parents and siblings having different wantings and different needs. Often when there is some more painting or doll like handiwork, it is too loaded with the dreams and failures of some type of people, while those which are more of a healthy basic kind, more like a touch of enthusiasm and insight than actually a picture, are easier for many to bear and more beneficial in effect. 


Maybe on a new planet one should let the plants and animals dictate how we see the living environment and what is possible there. But it may make ordinary human living environment unlivable for those astronauts. One should see which plants look like flourishing there and plant them and with animals try to tune to what is or becomes possible there. Moving back to Earth would go similarly, but maybe produce a different viewpoint from the locals. 

Some people coming from Siberia have a more square style than the Chinese, so maybe they come from a permanent colonny in the Moon, which is with equal gravitational pull as Earth's surface, i.e. weight/diameter^2 is the same on both, so propably one can talk of it as a sister planet to th Earth. Also Asians and Arabs seem to explain their characteristics by a long tradition of space travel. 

Mercurius is nearest to the Sun of the planets. So it is hottest, of lava, and so it glows as red in the night sky. The pictures from a wheeled Mars vehicle are often coloured reddish, but seem to show lakes' shores etc, nice looking possible places for life. One of the videos showed redwood bark and greywood bark with a picture of a greywood leaf, but not as a tree but instead flat in the ground, which maybe reflects that it is on a new planet and cannot show the way to the life there at all as well as on the Earth. "Pine noob" the internet called such of the pine. There seemed to be also dry desert like habitats, some of which maybe had animals, lions?, and which so maybe were from the Earth. 

19.11.2023   I have the feeling that the boys on my school class over 30 years ago would have liked me to add this video somewhere.

My comment would be .

Here is a dance video that brought to my mind communication with animals by gesture language. 

I lived some 11.5 years in a countryside town, where there is a summer time opera festival, grandparents' homes and a lake district with summer cottages around. 

In Savonlinna there was the problem that some people from abroad wanted to have a peek in the locals' homes, which were kind of arts oriented and homes of the elderly with summer cottage flavour in style and skills of practical professions in the local artifacts. Maybe that is why I September 2018 got stuck to writing this blog about the skills of Christmas gnomes and elves , including hints in making indoors nice and charming, for example at . I also had another blog because I wrote a lot and felt the need for such advices in other places. 

The last bame Tervola, which I have now had some 18 years, has the associations "terve"= "fully healthy /fit" and "laulaa"= "to sing", but also "terveisiä" = "regards" by which is meant healthy kind of regards for healthier happier more fractureless life with healthy spirit, or that is the idea. So I guess this writing work of mine maybe is also regards of some kind, for a healthier happier world. 

About continuing to life after death, there is the text G52. at . That is maybe one reason why the video's tale about a Japanese dog waiting for it's owner for years after his death, makes one cry: how does waiting help at life after death? Wishing politely well at a distance seems to help after the death of a pet. Each one must continue one's own way, since the time for life together came to it's end. 

11th of December 2023   Some years ago, in 2019 July I watched some old video of the first Moon landing. I wondered if there are any beings in the Moon, and composed a piece about that Moomin cow or dog, like Moon being.

I have made about a thousand healing advices, so that way the impression of Moon beings is that by keeping company to them one would be transferred at least some part of the way from breathing oxygen to drinking syanide and living by it's force. Likewise one could guess that if people find an inhabitable planet, one could via time learn to live init, first via spiritually sensitive animals, plants etc, and then via keeping them company. I do not know how long the teansformation woukd take for each individual, but even if it could be in some cases be quick, that is a completrly different way of living, so it would be like visiting or entering to a separate kind of lufe, like as a child visiting people with very different kibd of homes and ways of living, like my parents were enthusiastic about the nature sciences and kind of scarce view to life, and visiting the neighbours with cooking enthusiasm and a different view on kids, or an elderly relative with a very different kind of life in a town envuronment. And like I have learned of insects, a certain superfluous kind of plastic like layer or feel of a substance in human shit being intended to insects' skin to produce the tough shield sheltering an insect, and like insects' thin legs being results of too much company, which I guess relates to the nature environment and to the need to teach singing birds to take all insects into account, also those near another singing bird with whoch the bird communicates and lives together. So even if the different planets etc would be connected by some quite far away theoretical communication, the lives on them would be separate, like only very different kinds of individuals flourish and make sense in different kinds of environments, for example climates, and professions. 

12th of December 2023   

28th of December 2023   If one has a good robot like endurancy in following taught perspectives, that is maybe like listening to music that is of another type than what one oneself would be interested in. So it does not increase one's life skills so much. Instead one needs a break without such rigid life, but maybe then one does not have life skills or wisdom in that either. In Finland where thinking has traditionally helped wisdom of life, the task of education has been to build a basic picture of the world and basic thinking skills and skills in a vsriety of things that are good to have in life. So the intention is to have free individuals, each living in their own ways, but having learned wisdom that is natural for humans. That wisdom typically was a theoretical view of how all lives are alike, so that for learning about life one woukd reach also for thr good of others, for full health in a variety of life situatilns with a variety of inclinations. For learning a new thing, one first trues a luttle in one's own ways but superwised and taught as a group of likewise beginners by someone exoeriences, knowing the theory perspective and values of the area of life st hand and having teaching skills and lots of good will and an apprexiation for the area of life at hand. So all get skills but tvey are not forced to such labour. If they woukd like to get such a hobby, they start it gradually, increasing skills, becoming familuar with the thing, getting to know it's place in the world and the lives of such professionals, their places in the world, choosing their own route in that jungle. 

If the work is artificial like in space or learning forcedly new culture and climate, it matters that one would learn wisdom for both the work and for free time relaxation and refreshment and for individual life choices. The basic advice is that one should have all ateas of a healthy natural life at least a little and in healthy natural ways that depend strongly on tge type of environment snd rythhm of life and tasks to be done there. 

Learning from others should increase life skills instead of being robot like. So the lessons should be short and enjoyable enough and make sense in one's landscape like view of the world and of one's life. So there is a need fir quite many explanations of the general guidelines for arrangements. See  the text about the old Finnush saying "One who does not work, ought not eat either." 

" There is, or was, a Finnish saying: "One who does not work, ought not eat either." Can one build the world upon what you do, like a farmer in the old times produced food and artifacts for the family and children learned skills for life, like one made good life possible, do you make good healthy natural life possible for all fairly, now and in the future? "

Like the younger generation doing chores and being taught in them and the motivation going somewhat like in this song, 


The song is about different impressions on autumn, like children doing woodworks, impressilns of nature and weathers, of walking in a new magnifient looking places, of autumn evening outdoors, of the summer times' lesrned wisdom of lufe still carrying, of the veauty of landscapes, different thkngs done etc, of the Finnish way of lufe as the version of some people. 

Was it 2019 or 2020 in Savonlinna, I composed a song about sewing, which was along the lines of listening to the possibilitues, and not so much like in school kn the capital Helsinki healthy basic ways of doing that were fun but not with experiences of such a prifessiln.

In a good healthy kind of life there should be all natural main elements of healthy kind of ages old lufe as healthy versions in a balanced wsy that feels good and makes sense for the individual and for the society and the world, is good for their lives. Like if school feels tough, it feels good to go out and feel the weather, admire the nature, do something freely, run around just for the fun of it, for feeling good about free movement and phtsical excercise. And if one spends a lot of time outdoors, go in at home and get warm, maybe eat a luttle something. Likewise if one needs to adjust to some new environment, one would first do what makes sense there and then get more knowledge of such lufe and adjust one's life chouces so that they make better sense there, are kind of agea old or good healthy ki d of lufe in the modern world, good basic choices in the lobg run, with variation possibilities according to the individual and to the situations. Also wisdom has many tyoes, like skill levels, areas of life, good hobbies for different types of individuals, etc. Many things like the rythm of life, the relationship of ratilnality to feelings and the rest of one's lufe, are strongly dependent on the climate. 

Uudella planeeralla tai uudenlaisessa elinympäristössä tulisi muettiä, minkälaista luonteenlaatua kiehtovat tai miellyttävät tuollaiset piirteet, ja näiden luobteenlaatujen tulusi olla kyllin viisaasti ja tervehenkusesti käyttäytyviä, maailmaa hahmottavia. Esim millainen teoriaperspektiivin tyyppi pitää tuollaisia sääilmiöitä kuehtovina ja ehkä huojentavina, ainakin tavallaan hyvinä olemassa. Esim vertaa ilmiön piirteitä leppeä, raju, totaalinen, pieniä, valuu, pyörteitä, ym ihmisten mieltymyksiin romaanien kerronnassa ym harrastuneisuudessa, jaksavaisuudessa, sopivien harrastusten tyypeissä. Vastaavasti voisi löytyä kasvi- ja eläi lajeja tai yksilöitä, jotka tuntuvat pitävän ja sopivan yhteen tuolkaisten piirteuden kanssa. Näistä saataisiin kurjo tuossa ympäristössä elämuseen sopivien piirteiden tienoilta, esim mutä elämäntapa kokonaisuutena vaatii, millaiset asiat velvollusuukskna, mitkä iloina, millaiset saavutukset tavoitteina, mutä elämäntavan piirteitä tervehenkusesti vaalii ja mussä loma tai lepsu, ym. 

Likewise if there are unfaluar substancies in the planet's atmosphere or ground, one should first get some izea of them, together with some animals and plants. So one ought to have small slight amounts ofthem somewhere indoors where some animal or plant can bear them for a while, to get some idwa of them, while others watch through a window, and then back to normal everyday environment with talk about such impressions, i.e. trying to lesrn such. Let each one have their own understanding and try to learn from i.oressions and from others, mostly kind of which styles of areas of lufe would be somewhere in that direction, so from whom to learn such, are there any such types of plants? So across time via such impressions learn more, maybe nnow which types of creatures on some mental side could live in such an environment, could one learn from such? Mostly animals learn quickest but at their own pace, and help plants, wvile it takes time for humans to follow. When there is a big change it is important to give hibts and tell advices, yet leave room for the individual skills of others. 

Many people have some dream like place in the world whose wisdom of life they value and try to learn. If such is a profession, they quite often would like to develop toward at least some of their forefigures in that professiln. So from their own younger years starting points they would change to the lufe that they want, to what offers them emotionally and intellectually and also otherwise life that they want in the long run, life that is a so good option in their opinion that they seek to transform themselves to be like people living such life. Ordinarily everyday lufe is so full of small choices that have become habits that starting anew one does not get a well working life, but if one has lots of skills in such tuning and wisdom of lufe, in areas of lufe that one especially loves and feels to be good choices for obeself, one could transform to new better life. And likewise if one really would want a lufe like exteaterrestials on their own planets, one maybe coukd change to a such being by forming friendships with them and vopying frlm them and cutting old ties to humans and human type of life (except values, theoretical picture of the world, healthy wisdom of lufe, lufe skills and healing skills are needed) especially when obe ought to change to the new living environment. 

2nd of January 2024   Of miracle healing mice, I have the impression that one can find such if one asks from a friendly mouse near by. It is said that all human houses and even spaceships have mice even if one does not ordinarily notice them. Last New Year Eve there was on some spiritual or mental side an impressiln of mice having been interested in this text about changing form, and in the video I found of Mongolian dance which seemed to teach soldier's skills of old times or their remains in the tradition.

And so the mice asked what it is like to be a dog, or a fox or a Buddhist tiger. And so on some mental or spiritual side there were phalene like mouse, an artistic fox like mouse with bluish fur and an orange kind of somewhat too square, not long since it was a pet and young and maybe with wisdom of lufe so that it did not think of the dead and their afterlives, small quite light tiger like mouse. And so tge muce informed of such around tge world, artistic fox like mice were wanted by quite many but when the mice informed Asia of tiger like mice, there in a minute or two were tens of millions new and wanted Buddhist tiger like mice there, is it in China. 

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15th of January 2024   I made a booklet of this blog post. It ought to be available at after a few days both ss a paperback booklet and I guess already sooner as an e-book (i.e. kindle). 

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See also

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20th of February 2024   If one wants to learn to apply this subject, one needs lots of objective thinking and an objective picture of the world, for example school education's. Objective thinking is like a landscape like view that observes structures. So the temperature needs to be such that one tends to observe seen things clearly and with accuracy and many of them as a landscape like view goes well. So one should have experience of looking a lot and of moving in the seen landscape and of observing complex natural forms and structures, like the looks of plants and animals, maybe also landscape like pictures on a wall or the beauty of a landscape outside the window. 

The ability to change to new things is different from recovery, which needs following civiliced values and civiliced wisdom of life. Changing to a new kind of lufe with a new form goes via being naturally fascinated about such a life, i.e. of being suited to it and enjoying it naturally and observing a lit in it and so learning well new things. So it is an individual thing like lot's of lufe's choices of what kinds of life, artifscts, food, things done, tjings to see, etc one likes. And this too needs to be according to civiliced wisdom like in recovery too. 

But it often happens that some thing does not first work out so well that it would suit anyone. So it needs to be an object of intellectual interdst, trying to find how such world suit good life in the world and have many version, all civiliced values followed in them. 


Please observe that the picture in mind after reading these advices ought to be an objective landscape like view of structures, of things in life like a landscape with some things especially clarified.

The "blurts" like style as if a mushroom growing in a few seconds, is of miracle healing mice regrowing lost bodyparts for humans. It needs in additiln a clarification by human skills what is the use of the body part and how it ought to function, ought to be used. So instead of a vague shape one ought to get a seen clear image of the natural beautiful well functioning human body. So one oneself finetunes the bofy part to right kind, right size etc. But this is jyst an imoression on some virtual or spiritual side. My impression is that such miracle healed body parts need to be marked need, estimated in normal time measures, and the old unwounded body parts as old, and that might be seen in style too, since otherwise there may be social problems of losing one's wife etc, when they are not sure of such healing being possible. 


May 2024   See also


24th of June 2024   Kazakhstan in Central Asia, south from Russia, is said to have lots of space travel - so much also ufos that many of those creatures escape to tge nearby sea, is it the Black Sea? 

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13th of July 2023   One of the problems of space travel is if it takes so many years to travel to other stars, and another is if the new planets or moons do not fit together with the space travellers. Most of my younger years' unexplained failings got a solution only via thinking that the world is of spirit, kind of each person and group in a world of one's own, determined by kind of one's mental viewpoint and how one lives, as if someone would have tried to estimate how such an individual or group would live in the world, find it's place in likeminded company with similar values. Anyway, in the view that the world is of spirit, if one has chosen clearly wrong, the journey may take a lot of time, kind of to give one the chance to think thoroughly the subject again and end up at a better choice, but if the person then would choose another kind of planet as the goal, which would suit him and the group very well, they would be well suited aliens there, then the space ship would have suddenly almost arrived there and soon theh would arrive and everything go well if chosen similarly like what type of person suits where.


16th of July 2024   An artificial atmosphere would be easiest to build in a room ot a tunnel. That is why it can be more likely to find ufos living in underground tunnels and caves, instead of out in the natural atmosphere of the planet. It can also be that some ufos would for coming out prefer uninhabited areas like deserts and mountain tops. Maybe some would buikd their cabes etc near chemically unusual volganic activity, or the like. 

17th of July 2024   See also 

18th of August 2024   Adapting to a new planet as a living environment, might go like the advice about experiencing fascinating weathers pleasant and charming like wine, see .


9th of September 2024    A new booklet "Animals In Space 2. : More about inhabiting new planets" soon available at , or you can download the efile from .


31st of December 2024   The advice "As if of a nturally healthy family" at seems like it coukd suit ufos too, and so it might suit space travellers too, also on other planets, etc. 

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Your comments are welcome, but remember that Christmas gnomes are a subject that children often read. One can comment under each blog post of mine, but the blogs are aimed for a global audience, so the comments too should be from a so general point of view, and with well workkng beautiful values.

Find The Land Of Christmas

  "  You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...