Thursday, November 30, 2023

Santa Claus, do you need more Christmas gnomes & elves?

 Please make available as a free time interest "fractureless happiness like old times countryside" 

Also available as book and booklets at the Amazon internet bookshops, for example at "The Christmas gnomes internet institute" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola . One can maybe order such via one's local bookshop.

An advertisement of the Christmas gnomes internet institute

I am not working in product manufacturing or sale. I am just a writer and this is a Christmas like way of advertising my texts, for which there is somehow a demand in the air, like was for writing the Christmas gnome skills advices too. 

When I visited the pages of Santa Claus associations, school for them or the like, there seemed to be many Santa Claus professionals around the world. Yet as far as I know Santa Clauses are just exhausted under the work load, even at other times of the year. I have a vague impression of someone years ago having visited my parents' house telling that she had been in the Americas on a course for becoming a Santa Claus professional and it had been a really fine cruise, somewhat on the religious side too, sailing amongst the clouds and angels there abd everything, but after that there really was lot of work year around, an enermous work liad and it seemed impossible to get rid of such, so she said that one needs to be informed about that beforehand. I do not remember, but maybe the works were mostly in usa only.

Very useful and nice miracle healing advices: see  Think what is most lacking in healthy natural ways of living and wisdom of life according to positive feelings on those who tend to fall ill that way, and teach that piece of wisdom of life as a cure as if for a beginner or to one who has forgotten to emphasize such. 

2nd of December 2023   The dog videos of this piece of news somehow made me feel like being asked to add this link here, see

Links about Christmas angels

 Christmas angels (around oneself in the living environment)

As an angel repair kit my texts about the skills of Christmas gnomes, see

A shorter text about Christmas angels

Other texts: 

Healing & giving birth


How the Christmas angels subject came along

About Guardian angels (not so fruitful)

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Joulun ykköslahjat: Tonttuopisto

 Wished for Christmas presents: The Christmas gnomes internet institute, see the beginning at   Obs. The link is to this blog.

The courses include also the three booklets Wisdom of life for Christmas elves, but those too presuppose the earlier texts about the Skills of Christmas gnomes. 

These books and booklets are for sale at i.e. in the Amazon internet bookshops only, but quite often it is possible to order such via one's local bookshop, but tge postage takes time and rises the price a lot, even though via one's local bookshop it may be cheaper. 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Finding a good place to live in

 In the Finnish climate of four seasons, it is clear that one cannot live the summer in the same way as winter, since the weathers are so different. One needs to have a liking for tge variatiln of the weathers and seasons to enjoy such life. Typicamly people have a liking of some country's, climate's and type of district's wisdom of life in it's ways of living, and so thry tune toward such, and may forget to or do not want to tune themselves to their present living place's weather skills, cultute, wisdom of life etc. So they would most adapt to and like living in the district whose wisdom of life they admire. So they ought to move there right away. And likewise of family members: each to the climate, country and type of environment that they enjoy are tuned to, which culture's wisdom they value. That way they themselves would be much wiser, natural and happy. 

4th of January 2024   Bobby Vee : "I love you more than I can say" 

Friday, November 24, 2023

A Christmas movie

 Santa Claus and the Magic Drum, "Joulupukki ja noitarumpu"

Sovjet academical speech tradition

 When I was a child, the magnifient speeches of an academy professor in forest science in the Sovjet Union, Juhan Ross from was it Estonia, made a great impression on me. He told that it was a tradition in the Sovjet academical education. Now tens of years later this video made me think that maybe such fascinating tales are born from an academically educated person changing to entirely other subjects and producing stories like in this video, even though I watched only the beginning of it. The greens, i.e. nature protectors woukd need such fascination and could produce such blogs. My blogging about Christmas subjects seems to be of the kind, so blogging -free blogging at - could be a good start, but the subjects need to be nice, solution to this and that, hibts, insights, glimpses of somethibg beautiful, etc. 

The blog would need pictures, always nice and fitted to the subject. Trying to make a nice blog makes it easier to reach for quality and to rise higher toward one's dreams and good quality instead of rigid stuck ways and trying to copy pals without going one's own fascinating roads, and teaching such snills and insighrs to others too. The pictures csn be anything, like a notebook and pen on a table according to the day, or growing plants from seeds, or having pictures with poems or descriptions like a butterfly roadside, varied views from daily life, handiworks or whatever. All posts do not need such, just try to reach an interesting blog instead of work like like boring studies. 

The looks of angels and devils may be from too angel like or too devil like social environment for the individual


(19.2.2024   Mysocial space to live in does not carry this subject, it just interests others with more social inclination. I ought to stop writing but feel forced to it. The reason seems to me having figured out easy ways to study kind of school taught things. But you should read my numerous earlier texts and not demand anything more from me.) 

In this blog I have followed the ordinary view of angels as moral and devils as evil, since that is the view I am used to. These views about how the looks connected with angels and devils are naturally born, are new to me. 

 The angel like characteristics of a single person connect with associating with liked things or wisdom, and the devil like style connects with defending against the ones breaking against one's needs or values. 

* * *

The traditional characteristic looks of angels and devils do not go in a so easy way, but there are rational reasons for them. The characteristic looks thought to be of devils are of persons who are fed up with the other person intruding their lufe and disturbing their life, so the person is about to explode, of which the looks warn. The looks may also say: could we please raise the level of understanding to much higher? And if the not-wise person is much bigger, like an adult Chinese woman compared with a marakat monkey which has a good wise understanding and a responsible character with condiderate common sense like ways, the constant need to fight of the unwise commands may make the marakat monkey grow horns to it's forehead, like sheep need horns (like a satisfied customer of a shop?) to shelter them from the social pressure from fellow sheep, and like a deer in bushes feels branches above it's head disturbing it's social communication and so grows horns to have it's own wisdom heard. 

An angel like appearance is when the situation is wiser in wisdom of life and in values than what is usual for the person. So one enjoys such and accepts others near, so that the others with such wisdom can expect friendly response from going near and affecting the person that wisely. Such is typical between like-minded persons who do not intend to command the life of the other, but may suppirt the person's values and likings. Claiming to be a close long term old relationship makes the situation more fight like, less angel like. 

The one considering oneself angel like, thinks that she/he is presently behaving too civilicedly, and is so likely to attack civilicedly behaving persons and betray civiliced values. That is why an angel is often seen in too light coloured clothes, which maybe do not fit the weather, and with a sword as if about to destroy life possibilities around, and with wings as if about to fly, which is too much imaginatiln or in the spiritual sense a mark of living according to varied smounts of wisdom, i.e. identifying with groups of a different level of understanding. 

One looking like a devil wants to say: coukd you please follow at least a basic civiliced wisdom & civiliced behaviour. So one is wise in some way and would prefer livibg in peace. But it may also be a difference in living environment, culture, types of skill, etc instead of one being wiser than the other. 


In this blog I have followed the ordinary view of ancels as moral and devils as evil, since that is the view I am used to. These views about how the looks connected with angels and devils are naturally born, are new to me. 

 The angel like characteristics of a single person connect with associating with liked things or wisdom, and the devil like style connects with defending against the ones breaking against one's needs or values. 


Good means good for some purpose, good quality, and that is typical when lne sees well, preferably a whole landscape, so such is typical to daylight time and to having light to give the possibility to look and see clesrly. So good is symbolized by white. Evil means needless breaking against what is wise in the world, so it connects with unwise views, which means that some observations are not in the picture guiding actilns and there may be erraneous info in the picture. Such resembles how things are when one does not see well enough or at all, so it is like the effect of a lack of light when one needs to look at something. So evil is symbolized by the black colour. 


19th of December 2023   I do not know so much about Tasmania, except that it is an island south of Australia. But I have the impression that it has a hot or warm humid climate of an even temperature, so that one tends to get stuck to the same tracks so much that it is a big problem in itself. So the people in Tasmania long fir skills in healthy pleasant variation, and so people abroad have been across years asked to solve tge problem. The basic solution they use seems to be soneone else forcing the Tasmanian to move in varied healthy ways, but it usually goes ashtray because the others use much too much forcing, so that the Tasmanian stays unmoved like a sack because of too much disturbancies to irdinary lufe. So what one should notice, is that the one helpibg ought to be small and undustyrbibg lije a child comoared to a sovereign adult, or a moyse runnibg on the floor in a varied route and rythm so as to break stuck posture knto conceiving ordinary lufe rythms etc like tree branches or the branches of bushes. To would be helped by havibg several different kinds of nice lookibg liked artifacts or places with a more comolex structyre than square forms and straight lines. The animal called the Tasmanian devil looks like one ought to go around it at a distance of a few meter or slightly less, and so the bushes braches etc woukd look beautiful and the weather feel pkeasant for a moment. One could call it a "go around" type of animal. 

24th of December 2023   In today news there was an article consisting mainly of pictures and videos, of figures from around the world which may some be related to the Santa tradition, but these had different kinds of horns, some as if agitated by disturbancies from younger generation adults, some as if communicating a feature of culture, a social situation or a type of person, not all real but some might have been like somebody's social chsracter or message. See the article at . If a person really has lots of wisdom of life, it can be easiest communicated in ways natural for humans, like via the wild nature, especially birds can teach for example weather skills quickly, likewise natural gesture language when learning skills and living in the same social group, maybe songs etc, maybe on some spiritual side too. Life choices get easier if one notices that the world is of spirit so that what you tune to or get classified to, may alter your environment and who wander in your living environment. 

What is too much soft, art etc and what too scarce 

25th of May 2024   The last oaragrapfh of the addition 23.5.2024 at , is about body's cooling ability, so it could be useful also in a hot climate where temoeratures do not vary so much. Typically one can learn heat regulation skills from the atmospheric looks of bushes' branches snd of the magnifient looking atmospvere of whole landscapes of both houses or road or the like and some greenery including bushes or trees, if one lets the plants, weather, etc dictate what looks magnifient and how one ought to luve nicely in such a landscape. Usually one needs to learn these ways anew for each weather, each time being outdoors, and usually even mych more often.  

Beneficality grounds for moral

 The Finnish culture values holistic objective thinking with civiliced values, healthy wisdom of life and good quality. There is a big white catedral in the center of Helsinki, build by the command of the Russian zsar a long time ago 

" A shorter version: women's values calculated for men "Tough power benefit calculations about sex and women"

Curing future threath scenarios

* * *

If one thinks what each kind of place is good for, and what it so naturally ought to be preserved for, Finland is clearly a land where the four seasons matter a lot, and it is in northern Europe neighbouring Russia, so it is an edge nation of a big nation, which means that it tends to balance the effects of the big nation with the effects of other big nations in the world, and so gets it's own views heard easiest if it finds wise civiliced rational grounds for them on a general level with healthy wisdom of life that too is suited to many countries. So Finland is a place where to invest in holistic objective thinking, civiliced values, fairness and wisdom of life. Helsinki is the capital of Finland, and as such it's name has been chosen also from the point of view of objective thinking: the ending -ki means in Finnish language "also", giving the name Helsinki the meaning: take all things into account in building your objective picture of the world, aiming for good life now and in the future, for all fairly in the world. 

* 10th of December 2023 

  I have wondered why I have lost the healthy ways of living, a strong taste of lufe and a singing experience of life that I had in Helsinki, Finland. But today morning on some spiritual side I wondered how woukd someone sing in Helsingborg in Sweden according to the advice I made to a post in this blog a few posts ago. So on some mental or spiritual side someone sang so in Helsingborg but kind of hellish style too. Huh, I thought, not at all like jyst taking all thibgs ibto account like in Helsinki. But so, at the edge of the area the song affected not so nicely, and so I noticed that in the world widely it affects like taking the taste of lufe away, takkbg a way the meaningfulness of life, like has been the problem, mayve also causing murders and cannibalism. So I guess the point is that one ought not aim at hearing unwise singing styles, since those are harmful to life and harmful to the world. 

Generally well working sings, like on can understand from an old times' saying of factory machines singing, meaning doing their work well, it does not include any destruction caused. Of a hellish machine a man maybe would say "It is quite a machine. It just works and does it's job. We have been looking at it for a while. It sure causes destruction too and quite a lot, all those small plants and insects etc under it's wheels get destroyed, die, but it is unavoidable in a work like this, so it just goes. That's it, it is farmer's work. "

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Some songs

 Vieläkö on villihevosia (Are there still wild horses) by Hanna Ekola

(8.12.2023   A beautiful fresh voice, telling in Finnish way rationally about things in the culture's theoretical objective picture of the world, and in that also of weather, landscape around, wisdom of life and the natural wishes of humans, yet warning of dangers too, as if talking to children who like horses)

"Are there still wild horses left 

And does still somewhere sing a gipsy woman

and dances a gipsy woman

And in the evening camofire a guitar is played

Even a big house's owner can be prisoned by freedom

... And there a bride that is darkest of the dark gets to her hair a flower crown

And then happens the most wonderful miracle of all, you wants the bride to be her husband

Are there still wild horses

..." ) 

Jossain on kai joulu (Somewhere I guess there is Christmas) by Leevi and the Leavings

Kulkuset, kulkuset riemuin helkkäilee (Jingle bells)

I sung years ago, Tuikkikaa oi joulun tähtöset (Oh glimmer stars of Christmas)

"Glimmer, oh stars of the Christmas sky,

competingly with children's starry eyes.

Tell Christmas's tale, always as new and as entertaining, as in ancient times when one was a child.

Sing, oh Christmas's songs,

from chests so full of joy. 

Let melodies sing, children's games flame, 

let it tell of heart's joys,

 entertainingly as in ancient times when I was a child. 

Once the tale of Christmas will end,

sorrow will blur the notes.

Once eyes will be filled with tears, the waters of pain will flow like flood.

That is why, you starry eyes ought to shine! "

(When I was a child, this traditional Finnish Christmas song bought to my mind that schools start in January, and that one does not always have the chance to live according to traditional ways, and that some when they age get absorbed in art like describing things and forget to take part in living, like an adult saying that one is not interested in such now, go play by yourself. It also brought to my mind that it is important to try to learn to stay healthy.)

There is, or was, a Finnish saying: "One who does not work, ought not eat either." Can one build the world upon what you do, like a farmer in the old times produced food and artifacts for the family and children learned skills for life, like one made good life possible, do you make good healthy natural life possible for all fairly, now and in the future? 

Video by Elmo & Patsy : Grandmother got run over by a reindeer

9th of December 2023   Some old Finnish Christmas songs programs

18th of December 2023   The above video of the Christmas song makes one wonder, how sporty the old man is or has been. It seems like he had lived a lufe that leaves lots of room for sports skills. Yet it seems like "one can do it this way or that way", so more like a theory perspective or like some adult teaching kids in sports. But if one tries to copy such, it does not leave a sporty feeling, and it seems more like spiritual view like an elderly person writing and creating room for kids' sports classes in school. It also seems Santa Claus like, repairing all things from healing the handicapped to social getting along, having room for hobbies, etc, so it uses many separste aress of lufe instead of being tuned fully to sports even a part of the time, so it is not at all sporty, more like ordered such achievements by many, so the hero was more like someone managing to do such via the world beibg of spirit, so quite likely like a cartoon or like a machine that one uses havibg done them, so it does not leave a sporty feeling, it does not have the same effect on quality of lufe as sports, so it does not have their practical skills in the art of living, and so it isn't healthy like sports are said to be, but may work as a way to get done things which in the old times would have required sports skills. One reason for such may be that people in northmost America sit indoors a large part of the year, even though many want to live there because of the nature and weather, so they seem to have thpughts of such subjects instead of lot of healthy life outdoors with nature around. The old lady, or is it an army man, seems very sports oriented in a good way. 

Here in Finland in the old times there was not so many foreigners, so the culture and it's values were followed, but nowadays the vast majority seems to hace come from far away places or at least of grown in Finland always dreaming of certain far away cultures and towns so that there is no room fairly for Finnish values. So people take part in things in very different ways, very different values and different ctiterions of quality, like one can do things in school taught way with civiluced values, while the neighbouring one is not motivated at all and so survives via excuses and social position instead of taking part in any way, likewise someone may be a part of the group while someone else interested in other hobbies and others reacting to someone with sabotage as an interedt. Sabotage means that you are fed up, you do not ubderstand why here ought to be such, so you follow some other group and tend to get comments about why the things at hand are needed in the world, why there should be room for such as women etc, but mostly such go without the wanted effect, more like those too get sabotaged. So lne jyst wonders, what will the future of the world be if people do not always aimat a good future for the world in practice, good living conditilbs for all fairly now abd in the future, also in all practical questions and all social situations. If the world is of spirit, it is of a certain kind, each one living in a world of the kind that thry cultivate, so it does not produce fine things without supporting them. 

Christmas movie: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

 I do not remember if I have seen this some time years ago, but I remember others having praised it or liked the subject.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Ten Buddhist pictures of taming a water buffalo


"An extremely handsome man"

 I thought I had stopped writing, but I somehow felt like explaining the social sides of Lea Laven's song "Ei oo, ei tuu" which I felt boys reacted to very badly when I was a child. And something about handsome men too. 

 1. Lied and acted good will isn't the same as wisdom of life which is good for the society too.

2. If a girl or a woman has different dream job, values, liked places to live in, liked cultures etc than one's parents and the town one lives in, those who are at the right dire tion look handsome but are often of a wrong type for oneself, typically changing from the charming areas of lufe toward the professilns etc that lne wants to distance oneself from. It would help a lot if one could choose a district to live in which fascinates oneself and a nice job. 

3. "An extremely handsome man" in a woman's gesture language is usually the woman's own view of one's manly skills, but those are like a sprinter's, a spark of short time interest, instead if the work like exhausted typical to many men. It would be good to choose a spouce with whom one gets well along, a social relation with whom it is good to live, things in life work out well, one is happy in a natural way, both enjoy such life, it is good for skills, wisdom of life, it offers one space to live in, a good living environment, so lne naturally likes it and tends to smile, and that is why it is said that one ought tp choose a beautigul or handsome one, it means one for whom it feels good to live with ypu. It often means someone with similar likings abd wisdom of life but often of a dufferent age or otherwise with different strenghts, instead of getting stuck to forced rigid ways. 

4. Finding "an extremely handsome man" connects often with a phenomenom of which Asian philosophy has the saying "When the student is ready, a teacher appears" of which I wrote some piece of advice in my long text about the Skills of Christmas gnomes . I mean when a person has own skills and wisdom of life and longs for some element to one's life, some area of life added, which sparks and lifts lne high especially in the beginning, maybe lifts high also the effect of the new human relatilnships there, but it works only based on one's own wisdom of life, and not if others force one to lean on the others in questilns of wisdom of life etc, instead of relying on one's own wusdom of life. 

Obs. With whom lne wants to live closely together or copy from is typically a personal matter, but in any case one must leave others room to live in, also for childhood family members as they grow up. Room to live in is a question concerning life in the society. It isn't place for childhood competition or social matters. 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Hard-core fantasy or just wisdom of life: "The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute" (12 books series)

 "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes" : Christmas gnome like life year around, world-wide, in the modern world, books 1.-9.

Continued by "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves", books 1.-3. 

Author Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland, North-East Europe

See as books and booklets or e-books

These are just advices in learning skills and talents. Kind of hard-core fantasy books and booklets, i.e. good quality objective thinking and wisdom of life, but a tale figure like life as a theme or as a hobby, meant for objectively thinking responsible individuals, but somewhat for others too. 

You can read the text in the blog form starting from the beginning : . But read also the texts on links at least so much that you get an idea of them, since without them much of the text would be lacking. 

* *

25th of December 2023   In addition there are the booklet and e-booklet

"Christmas angels (around oneself in the living environment)" 

"Christmas calendar with the theme Rationality of feelings" 

More loosely in the subject there are also two more booklets/e-booklets :

"Guardian angels" 

"Thoughts about magic" 

Please see also my other books and booklets on the lust of my books on the same page. There ought to be near 50 of them, plus some old ones by the shorter name Hannele Tervola. Those which have the same subject in a different context, often have the same texts, like "Healthily moral" and "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, Book 9." which has text about the skills of Christmas gnomes, plus the text of the book Healthily moral, and in the beginning my short melodies of snow. 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Animals in space


(19.2.2024   Mysocial space to live in does not carry this subject, it just interests others with more social inclination. I ought to stop writing but feel forced to it. The reason seems to me having figured out easy ways to study kind of school taught things. But you should read my numerous earlier texts and not demand anything more from me.) 

 Mice, dogs and of birds pigeons seem able to adapt to zero gravity. So those might be possible in space. The colour of the coat is a result of what the animal continually does, so it may affect which animals are good to live with. But there are different versions of each colour, so it matters to pay sttention to the individual's versions. 

With both animals and plants in space, the environment could be more natural, at least if the plants are kept like in gardening that aims at a natural style, and the animals kept somewhat like pets, if the animals are not eaten, and propably like cattle if they are eaten. I guess that the minimum amount of plants in a room would be like is comfortable in a similar room in Earth, so at least one ball like plant like ones hanging in the middle of a window, and maybe a few smaller ones too, maybe moss. If there is something like handiwork from natural materials and with colour and materials kn sight, that could ease the need for many plants. From handiworks one can learn what is a natural way to use such a piece of material. ( If the world is of spirit, one can so find new routes even if it means altering the reality somewhat from then on.) I guess that from animals one would most need mice and flying birds, but dogs often try to help emotionally and socially, be wise members of the group, so that may be valuable too. 

Like in estimating from the style and atmosphere of an individual plant or seed, where elsewhere it might want to grow, likewise one could find plant species and plant individuals and animal individuals that would like to fly on a certain spaceship or for example to Mars and live there, for example with a Greek astronaut, or with whom, be it individuals, type of group or whatever, they think that they suit. 

There are plants, animals, handicrafts and natural materials from different cultures and climates, likewise of astronauts. So some may long for some kind of environment, while others for a different kind of. That sounds like children, teens or young adults growing up, wanting their own kind of life but the parents and siblings having different wantings and different needs. Often when there is some more painting or doll like handiwork, it is too loaded with the dreams and failures of some type of people, while those which are more of a healthy basic kind, more like a touch of enthusiasm and insight than actually a picture, are easier for many to bear and more beneficial in effect. 


Maybe on a new planet one should let the plants and animals dictate how we see the living environment and what is possible there. But it may make ordinary human living environment unlivable for those astronauts. One should see which plants look like flourishing there and plant them and with animals try to tune to what is or becomes possible there. Moving back to Earth would go similarly, but maybe produce a different viewpoint from the locals. 

Some people coming from Siberia have a more square style than the Chinese, so maybe they come from a permanent colonny in the Moon, which is with equal gravitational pull as Earth's surface, i.e. weight/diameter^2 is the same on both, so propably one can talk of it as a sister planet to th Earth. Also Asians and Arabs seem to explain their characteristics by a long tradition of space travel. 

Mercurius is nearest to the Sun of the planets. So it is hottest, of lava, and so it glows as red in the night sky. The pictures from a wheeled Mars vehicle are often coloured reddish, but seem to show lakes' shores etc, nice looking possible places for life. One of the videos showed redwood bark and greywood bark with a picture of a greywood leaf, but not as a tree but instead flat in the ground, which maybe reflects that it is on a new planet and cannot show the way to the life there at all as well as on the Earth. "Pine noob" the internet called such of the pine. There seemed to be also dry desert like habitats, some of which maybe had animals, lions?, and which so maybe were from the Earth. 

19.11.2023   I have the feeling that the boys on my school class over 30 years ago would have liked me to add this video somewhere.

My comment would be .

Here is a dance video that brought to my mind communication with animals by gesture language. 

I lived some 11.5 years in a countryside town, where there is a summer time opera festival, grandparents' homes and a lake district with summer cottages around. 

In Savonlinna there was the problem that some people from abroad wanted to have a peek in the locals' homes, which were kind of arts oriented and homes of the elderly with summer cottage flavour in style and skills of practical professions in the local artifacts. Maybe that is why I September 2018 got stuck to writing this blog about the skills of Christmas gnomes and elves , including hints in making indoors nice and charming, for example at . I also had another blog because I wrote a lot and felt the need for such advices in other places. 

The last bame Tervola, which I have now had some 18 years, has the associations "terve"= "fully healthy /fit" and "laulaa"= "to sing", but also "terveisiä" = "regards" by which is meant healthy kind of regards for healthier happier more fractureless life with healthy spirit, or that is the idea. So I guess this writing work of mine maybe is also regards of some kind, for a healthier happier world. 

About continuing to life after death, there is the text G52. at . That is maybe one reason why the video's tale about a Japanese dog waiting for it's owner for years after his death, makes one cry: how does waiting help at life after death? Wishing politely well at a distance seems to help after the death of a pet. Each one must continue one's own way, since the time for life together came to it's end. 

11th of December 2023   Some years ago, in 2019 July I watched some old video of the first Moon landing. I wondered if there are any beings in the Moon, and composed a piece about that Moomin cow or dog, like Moon being.

I have made about a thousand healing advices, so that way the impression of Moon beings is that by keeping company to them one would be transferred at least some part of the way from breathing oxygen to drinking syanide and living by it's force. Likewise one could guess that if people find an inhabitable planet, one could via time learn to live init, first via spiritually sensitive animals, plants etc, and then via keeping them company. I do not know how long the teansformation woukd take for each individual, but even if it could be in some cases be quick, that is a completrly different way of living, so it would be like visiting or entering to a separate kind of lufe, like as a child visiting people with very different kibd of homes and ways of living, like my parents were enthusiastic about the nature sciences and kind of scarce view to life, and visiting the neighbours with cooking enthusiasm and a different view on kids, or an elderly relative with a very different kind of life in a town envuronment. And like I have learned of insects, a certain superfluous kind of plastic like layer or feel of a substance in human shit being intended to insects' skin to produce the tough shield sheltering an insect, and like insects' thin legs being results of too much company, which I guess relates to the nature environment and to the need to teach singing birds to take all insects into account, also those near another singing bird with whoch the bird communicates and lives together. So even if the different planets etc would be connected by some quite far away theoretical communication, the lives on them would be separate, like only very different kinds of individuals flourish and make sense in different kinds of environments, for example climates, and professions. 

12th of December 2023   

28th of December 2023   If one has a good robot like endurancy in following taught perspectives, that is maybe like listening to music that is of another type than what one oneself would be interested in. So it does not increase one's life skills so much. Instead one needs a break without such rigid life, but maybe then one does not have life skills or wisdom in that either. In Finland where thinking has traditionally helped wisdom of life, the task of education has been to build a basic picture of the world and basic thinking skills and skills in a vsriety of things that are good to have in life. So the intention is to have free individuals, each living in their own ways, but having learned wisdom that is natural for humans. That wisdom typically was a theoretical view of how all lives are alike, so that for learning about life one woukd reach also for thr good of others, for full health in a variety of life situatilns with a variety of inclinations. For learning a new thing, one first trues a luttle in one's own ways but superwised and taught as a group of likewise beginners by someone exoeriences, knowing the theory perspective and values of the area of life st hand and having teaching skills and lots of good will and an apprexiation for the area of life at hand. So all get skills but tvey are not forced to such labour. If they woukd like to get such a hobby, they start it gradually, increasing skills, becoming familuar with the thing, getting to know it's place in the world and the lives of such professionals, their places in the world, choosing their own route in that jungle. 

If the work is artificial like in space or learning forcedly new culture and climate, it matters that one would learn wisdom for both the work and for free time relaxation and refreshment and for individual life choices. The basic advice is that one should have all ateas of a healthy natural life at least a little and in healthy natural ways that depend strongly on tge type of environment snd rythhm of life and tasks to be done there. 

Learning from others should increase life skills instead of being robot like. So the lessons should be short and enjoyable enough and make sense in one's landscape like view of the world and of one's life. So there is a need fir quite many explanations of the general guidelines for arrangements. See  the text about the old Finnush saying "One who does not work, ought not eat either." 

" There is, or was, a Finnish saying: "One who does not work, ought not eat either." Can one build the world upon what you do, like a farmer in the old times produced food and artifacts for the family and children learned skills for life, like one made good life possible, do you make good healthy natural life possible for all fairly, now and in the future? "

Like the younger generation doing chores and being taught in them and the motivation going somewhat like in this song, 


The song is about different impressions on autumn, like children doing woodworks, impressilns of nature and weathers, of walking in a new magnifient looking places, of autumn evening outdoors, of the summer times' lesrned wisdom of lufe still carrying, of the veauty of landscapes, different thkngs done etc, of the Finnish way of lufe as the version of some people. 

Was it 2019 or 2020 in Savonlinna, I composed a song about sewing, which was along the lines of listening to the possibilitues, and not so much like in school kn the capital Helsinki healthy basic ways of doing that were fun but not with experiences of such a prifessiln.

In a good healthy kind of life there should be all natural main elements of healthy kind of ages old lufe as healthy versions in a balanced wsy that feels good and makes sense for the individual and for the society and the world, is good for their lives. Like if school feels tough, it feels good to go out and feel the weather, admire the nature, do something freely, run around just for the fun of it, for feeling good about free movement and phtsical excercise. And if one spends a lot of time outdoors, go in at home and get warm, maybe eat a luttle something. Likewise if one needs to adjust to some new environment, one would first do what makes sense there and then get more knowledge of such lufe and adjust one's life chouces so that they make better sense there, are kind of agea old or good healthy ki d of lufe in the modern world, good basic choices in the lobg run, with variation possibilities according to the individual and to the situations. Also wisdom has many tyoes, like skill levels, areas of life, good hobbies for different types of individuals, etc. Many things like the rythm of life, the relationship of ratilnality to feelings and the rest of one's lufe, are strongly dependent on the climate. 

Uudella planeeralla tai uudenlaisessa elinympäristössä tulisi muettiä, minkälaista luonteenlaatua kiehtovat tai miellyttävät tuollaiset piirteet, ja näiden luobteenlaatujen tulusi olla kyllin viisaasti ja tervehenkusesti käyttäytyviä, maailmaa hahmottavia. Esim millainen teoriaperspektiivin tyyppi pitää tuollaisia sääilmiöitä kuehtovina ja ehkä huojentavina, ainakin tavallaan hyvinä olemassa. Esim vertaa ilmiön piirteitä leppeä, raju, totaalinen, pieniä, valuu, pyörteitä, ym ihmisten mieltymyksiin romaanien kerronnassa ym harrastuneisuudessa, jaksavaisuudessa, sopivien harrastusten tyypeissä. Vastaavasti voisi löytyä kasvi- ja eläi lajeja tai yksilöitä, jotka tuntuvat pitävän ja sopivan yhteen tuolkaisten piirteuden kanssa. Näistä saataisiin kurjo tuossa ympäristössä elämuseen sopivien piirteiden tienoilta, esim mutä elämäntapa kokonaisuutena vaatii, millaiset asiat velvollusuukskna, mitkä iloina, millaiset saavutukset tavoitteina, mutä elämäntavan piirteitä tervehenkusesti vaalii ja mussä loma tai lepsu, ym. 

Likewise if there are unfaluar substancies in the planet's atmosphere or ground, one should first get some izea of them, together with some animals and plants. So one ought to have small slight amounts ofthem somewhere indoors where some animal or plant can bear them for a while, to get some idwa of them, while others watch through a window, and then back to normal everyday environment with talk about such impressions, i.e. trying to lesrn such. Let each one have their own understanding and try to learn from i.oressions and from others, mostly kind of which styles of areas of lufe would be somewhere in that direction, so from whom to learn such, are there any such types of plants? So across time via such impressions learn more, maybe nnow which types of creatures on some mental side could live in such an environment, could one learn from such? Mostly animals learn quickest but at their own pace, and help plants, wvile it takes time for humans to follow. When there is a big change it is important to give hibts and tell advices, yet leave room for the individual skills of others. 

Many people have some dream like place in the world whose wisdom of life they value and try to learn. If such is a profession, they quite often would like to develop toward at least some of their forefigures in that professiln. So from their own younger years starting points they would change to the lufe that they want, to what offers them emotionally and intellectually and also otherwise life that they want in the long run, life that is a so good option in their opinion that they seek to transform themselves to be like people living such life. Ordinarily everyday lufe is so full of small choices that have become habits that starting anew one does not get a well working life, but if one has lots of skills in such tuning and wisdom of lufe, in areas of lufe that one especially loves and feels to be good choices for obeself, one could transform to new better life. And likewise if one really would want a lufe like exteaterrestials on their own planets, one maybe coukd change to a such being by forming friendships with them and vopying frlm them and cutting old ties to humans and human type of life (except values, theoretical picture of the world, healthy wisdom of lufe, lufe skills and healing skills are needed) especially when obe ought to change to the new living environment. 

2nd of January 2024   Of miracle healing mice, I have the impression that one can find such if one asks from a friendly mouse near by. It is said that all human houses and even spaceships have mice even if one does not ordinarily notice them. Last New Year Eve there was on some spiritual or mental side an impressiln of mice having been interested in this text about changing form, and in the video I found of Mongolian dance which seemed to teach soldier's skills of old times or their remains in the tradition.

And so the mice asked what it is like to be a dog, or a fox or a Buddhist tiger. And so on some mental or spiritual side there were phalene like mouse, an artistic fox like mouse with bluish fur and an orange kind of somewhat too square, not long since it was a pet and young and maybe with wisdom of lufe so that it did not think of the dead and their afterlives, small quite light tiger like mouse. And so tge muce informed of such around tge world, artistic fox like mice were wanted by quite many but when the mice informed Asia of tiger like mice, there in a minute or two were tens of millions new and wanted Buddhist tiger like mice there, is it in China. 

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15th of January 2024   I made a booklet of this blog post. It ought to be available at after a few days both ss a paperback booklet and I guess already sooner as an e-book (i.e. kindle). 

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See also

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20th of February 2024   If one wants to learn to apply this subject, one needs lots of objective thinking and an objective picture of the world, for example school education's. Objective thinking is like a landscape like view that observes structures. So the temperature needs to be such that one tends to observe seen things clearly and with accuracy and many of them as a landscape like view goes well. So one should have experience of looking a lot and of moving in the seen landscape and of observing complex natural forms and structures, like the looks of plants and animals, maybe also landscape like pictures on a wall or the beauty of a landscape outside the window. 

The ability to change to new things is different from recovery, which needs following civiliced values and civiliced wisdom of life. Changing to a new kind of lufe with a new form goes via being naturally fascinated about such a life, i.e. of being suited to it and enjoying it naturally and observing a lit in it and so learning well new things. So it is an individual thing like lot's of lufe's choices of what kinds of life, artifscts, food, things done, tjings to see, etc one likes. And this too needs to be according to civiliced wisdom like in recovery too. 

But it often happens that some thing does not first work out so well that it would suit anyone. So it needs to be an object of intellectual interdst, trying to find how such world suit good life in the world and have many version, all civiliced values followed in them. 


Please observe that the picture in mind after reading these advices ought to be an objective landscape like view of structures, of things in life like a landscape with some things especially clarified.

The "blurts" like style as if a mushroom growing in a few seconds, is of miracle healing mice regrowing lost bodyparts for humans. It needs in additiln a clarification by human skills what is the use of the body part and how it ought to function, ought to be used. So instead of a vague shape one ought to get a seen clear image of the natural beautiful well functioning human body. So one oneself finetunes the bofy part to right kind, right size etc. But this is jyst an imoression on some virtual or spiritual side. My impression is that such miracle healed body parts need to be marked need, estimated in normal time measures, and the old unwounded body parts as old, and that might be seen in style too, since otherwise there may be social problems of losing one's wife etc, when they are not sure of such healing being possible. 


May 2024   See also


24th of June 2024   Kazakhstan in Central Asia, south from Russia, is said to have lots of space travel - so much also ufos that many of those creatures escape to tge nearby sea, is it the Black Sea? 

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13th of July 2023   One of the problems of space travel is if it takes so many years to travel to other stars, and another is if the new planets or moons do not fit together with the space travellers. Most of my younger years' unexplained failings got a solution only via thinking that the world is of spirit, kind of each person and group in a world of one's own, determined by kind of one's mental viewpoint and how one lives, as if someone would have tried to estimate how such an individual or group would live in the world, find it's place in likeminded company with similar values. Anyway, in the view that the world is of spirit, if one has chosen clearly wrong, the journey may take a lot of time, kind of to give one the chance to think thoroughly the subject again and end up at a better choice, but if the person then would choose another kind of planet as the goal, which would suit him and the group very well, they would be well suited aliens there, then the space ship would have suddenly almost arrived there and soon theh would arrive and everything go well if chosen similarly like what type of person suits where.


16th of July 2024   An artificial atmosphere would be easiest to build in a room ot a tunnel. That is why it can be more likely to find ufos living in underground tunnels and caves, instead of out in the natural atmosphere of the planet. It can also be that some ufos would for coming out prefer uninhabited areas like deserts and mountain tops. Maybe some would buikd their cabes etc near chemically unusual volganic activity, or the like. 

17th of July 2024   See also 

18th of August 2024   Adapting to a new planet as a living environment, might go like the advice about experiencing fascinating weathers pleasant and charming like wine, see .


9th of September 2024    A new booklet "Animals In Space 2. : More about inhabiting new planets" soon available at , or you can download the efile from .


31st of December 2024   The advice "As if of a nturally healthy family" at seems like it coukd suit ufos too, and so it might suit space travellers too, also on other planets, etc. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Konnevitsan kirkonkellot * The church bells of a place called something like "Have to get rid of machines"

From this blog's text "Thoughts about magic"


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Konnevitsan kirkonkellot * The church bells of a place called something like "Have to get rid of machines"

The build environment and nature

I do not know if you can notice it from the pictures, but if the houses would be one storey lower than almost at the level of treetops, the trees would shelter the area and also the houses, while almost at the level of ordinary treetops shelters a little bit, whike just the houses topmost leaves the area as if bombed. The trees are natural and very complex to look at, so trees around make people wiser, happier and more skilled than living in a place without trees. 

With the trees are complex natural phenomena understood with wisdom of life, while only build things catching attention makes some or even all people somewhat enhineer like in understanding, rigid and stuck, without cultivating thibgs well for life for all fairly. 

Tvere is in Russia, maybe in Russian Carelia, a place called Konnevitsa, which name brings the association that the existence of machines in the world is a major catastrophe.  It has a view that one ought to figure out a way to live without machines, only pure unfractured nature in one's way of living and in those of the world. It is a view like birdsong at the edge of small woods, and like aiming at wild bird's wisdom of life, with it's tough realism and with it's beauty, with it's wisdom in the wide world. See in Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. About Kalevala, see B38. at (it is in the first book of the "Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute", see ). I know nothing of Konnevitsa, but it is famous for it's chrurch bells. 

There is a dream that without machines there would be original wisdom of nature in the ways of living, even magic.

Of machines one of the problem are the square stuck nonreactive ways of thinking of engineering. To be wise lne should observe more and do things in ways that are good for the world and good for oneself and one's living environment, in healthy natural ways that have wisdom of life like music. Such makes natural wholes work well together and so one gains more force and more wisdom, and one's understanding and that of the group encomoasses more areas of life, is wiser so. It is also more natural, so all are happier and more at ease, even though there are many sides to lufe, and like is the idea in being a living being, lufe situations vary and so one lives with emphazis on dixferent sides of lufe according to the situation. And likewise there are many kinds of individuals, sowhat is detailedly describing good for one often isn't good for another, even ghough at a general level the optilns would be the same, the same ages old wisdom guiding. 

One problem with build environment is that it often leaves one fractured, without a natural way to mive and wander in the town. But if there are some trees etc, it helps to notice that one ought to look at them from the point of view of those who planted each tree, for example by the walkway to shelter and to make the place nice and atmospheric in nature's way, a miljo good to live, simikarly of those who plsnned, made the materials or buikd each small space & other parts of the houses etc. They thought of the near environment and of pleasant meaningful ways to live there for people and maybe some animals who feel that they suit such a place. But they were not able to plan the trees etc so well for the larger environment, at least nit in ways that taste so much lije life, so one must see the landscape as consisting of several much smaller miljoos, for example of apartment houses with theirnear environment, somewhere a big motorway leading people from work to hobbies, home and places they want to be in, making life much easier to bear, making lufe more worth living by allowing possibilities to change living environment. 

The nature environment is good for the youth learning : there are many kinds of shapes and structures, colours to look at and uneven terrain to wander in, lots a variations and shades, for one to get vocabulary for observing, understanding, moving in natural ways and using the senses. And it all is from the point of view of ages old life with full capacity and natural goals in lufe. 

This song or more like it's lyrical part (after the pictures of young birds) tells of the dream of the natural wisdom of the ages of old nature of humans and of the animals & the wild nature, some day conquering in the world, winning the world to better wiser life for all, but of course varied according to the natural environment.

" Oh, Finland, look: your day is dawning.

The threath of night has been dispelled away.

And the morning's bird sings in the brightness,

As if the whole sky would sing.

The powers of night are being won by morning's lightness. 

Your morning has begun, oh Birthland.

Oh rise Finland, lift high your head

With it's headband of great memories.

Oh rise Finland, you have shown to the world

That you drove away slavery

and that you did not get bend to under opression.

Your morning has begun, oh Birthland." 

If the world is of spirit

Some sides of magic are results of the world being of spirit. Such is often seen in people going different ways because choosing different things to tune themselves into. But the effect is larger than that, as if each person really would live kn a different world, each quite like their own character, like someone mostly keeping company to the nearest ones, while one more skilled in work like skills would seek possibilities to individually do something meaningful and share the viewpoint of some profession or the like. So much depends on how wise and charming those viewpoints are. Anyway, a different focus of attention creates different things, like for example most have noyiced each person in their habitual social emvironment having a style that seems to be typical to them, for example a certain way to be social and think of social kind of things, certain areas of life liked and used a lot in certain ways, a certain view of finery, moral, literature, practical matters, ways of doing etc. So one kind of wanders along those areas of lufe and meets different things. So even places are different for each, kind of exist much more for some, like for example does one fit the culture or social group or not. 

Canadian timber wolves 

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29th of October 2023   I collected these texts and the short melodies of snow to a booklet "Thoughts about magic", which ught to be available at in a few days time.

" (see part 2. of the text Skills of Christmas gnomes, entry B38. of the first book of the series) (see my paradise theory books, the collection has all the texts) (see my book Feelings, rationality and moral for computers) (see my booklet 9 short robot stories at ) eli and (see my books about healing) (see The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute) (see my book Healthily moral)

Also (see my books "Living with the four seasons" and "Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living", plus the booklet "Thousandfold intelligence and skill, easily!") 

( My melodies )


My books ought to be for sale at the Amazon internet bookshops, for example at .

Konnevitsa is in Russia. Konnevesi is in Finland. 

The internet gives the translation "vitsaus" = "scourge / plague / blight".

And "kone" is "a machine" in English, and "vesi" is "water" or maybe "a lake" in English. "Vesittyi" means plans got ruined like as if because of the building materials or the ground to build upon went very soft because of having gotten thoroughly wet. Like we planned to go there but we got lost right in the beginning, so we circled a little and just returned home. 


From my advices about the healthy natural ways of living :

" 110. The point of view of some men is very much according to education, kind of narrow and not so intelligent, not adapting to situations and not understanding the rest of the life in the society. It would be good to vary one's way of doing and one's way to approach things according to common sense and according to the situation: sometimes it is good to be practical, sometimes one needs a good memory, or educated thinking, common sense, motion, feelings or whatever suits the situation. Likewise when working it is good to notice the landscape of life at large with it'sphenomena: with it's social contacts, happenings, journeys, approaching holidays etc. Like that one can train one's common sense and one's understanding about life.

This way a more skilled person can learn to vary the rythm of writing on computer keyboard, so that one feels somehow more comfortable and the sound is nicer, better suited to other things to do and to listening one's own views.


4.12.2023   Blogini luettuna aikajärjestyksessä voisi huojentaa ympäristökysymyksistä huolestuneen mueltä. Sen alun voi ostaa myös kirjoina, esim .

Johonkin kirjastoon lyhytlainoina tai lukusaliin ne sopisivat, mutta osa 1. yksinään ei kai riitä, vaan tarttis olla ainakin 2 tai 3 kirjaa. Blogeista saa kai yhteensä 7 kirjaa tai enemmän. Pituudet on ajateltu lukijan jaksavaisuuden mukaan, aikajärjestyksessä, ekan osan lopussa luonnonsuojelun taloudellusesta kannattavuudesta, tokan kirjan lopussa teksti mitä puita jättää puita kaadettaessa, jotta maisema olisi hieno. 

27th of January 2024   My new blog "A Hymn Of the Instinctual Wisdom of Our Species", even though it is mostly links to my books and blogs. 

28th of April 2024   A nice quite new blog of mine, with lots of theory of the wisdom of the nature, see 

Monday, November 13, 2023

Wisdom of life for living with the four seasons

 See .

The English texts starts from the late summer. Just scroll the text til the beginning of the present season. Bladdre through maybe two forner months or like feels good, and read the text about the present time of the year plus maybe a month or two forward. 

The text is also available as a book at Living with the Four Seasons by Kaisa Hannele Tervola. 

About food fitted to late autumn, read 5) at

For example: 

" In October, when th trees still have a large part of their leaves and the wind waves their branches and pushes one's coat, it is at the same time sturdy and yet a part of summer's flourishing life still in sight. One has practical life and the need to shelter oneself from the weather. There are autumn leaves on the ground, the colours of autumn and the time for sporty moving and the demands of winter time life in an easier form: getting warm after going indoors, somewhat heavier foods, wearing gloves and other warmer clothes. The nature is beautiful in a way but more like impressive with it's winds and sturdiness, and one can well spend time outdoors but leisurely moments have changed to practical chores, sporty movement and watching the autumn colours and fallen leaves.


A feeling of Christmas angels around

 A wrote a text about Christmas angels, see , which is also available as a short booklet. 

I meant to write about leaving the environment in peace and fully jntouched for a couple of days, but was not able to generalize it to all countries. In Finland in the winter time it is cold outdoors, so that peopke do not spend so much time outdoors. And when there is snow it is much easier and often also warmer to walk only along pavements and paths. So there is often quite much untouched snow, which especially after a snowfall is beautiful, kind of gliding slopes of untouched powder like snow. In tge Christmas time lufe quietens toward Christmas, so maybe someone does the showelling of snow from tge pathways, but otherwise it is just quiet and wind throws slight slooes of snow on some sides of the paths, as if a quiet peace had fallen upon tge ground and the beauty of nature present more than when work timetables etc press themselves upon the neighbourhood's life. 

Maybe if one is from a warmer climate, one could brush the floor or just a pathway kn a kind of airy sporty way, kind of happy from moving, from making things nice, instead of caring everything at once. Valuing physical activity and a nice feeling of clean space more than any detailed goals of arranging the room etc. Maybe then at ghe ezges of lne's activity, and where there us clean, there woukd be a happy feeling as if tiny sporty kind of singing like creatures were there, kind of singing Christmas angels, which just means that tjkngs feel good for life, one can sense it so, like one sometimes feels well. 

If one washes, mild detergent or just water is good for this. 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

About places suited to different professions

From Skills of Christmas gnomes 31. 

 " f4.   "

I lived some 11 years in Savonlinna which is a quite small countryside town in eastern Finland in North-East Europe. In the town there is a medievat castle in which there has been on most summers a month-long opera festival. The festival is liked by locals, since it is a nice half-a-day or shorter visit on the summer holiday, nice to show kids. So Finns have advertised the festival a lot, also to fordigners. The problem seems to be that foreigners from very distant countries somehow like the advertisements, something so fine sounding they would like to have themselves, but they do not quite like the Finnish happenibg so much, they do not understand why it has to be just a certakn kund, to fit the local climate, culture, wisdlm of lufe, ways of luving and summer holudays, would be the answer to ghat, but people from the tropics would search for happenings with well known good tropical strong sides in the tropucal vlimate and culture that thry luke. So the syraightforward idea is for their coubtries to have their many kinds of lujed happenings, good places to livd kn and fasvinaging jobs in the tropics. But the problem is that such require skills, and those skklls ha e bern difficult to teach. Now i have written a lobgvtext from which skilled experienced media profesdilnals could pick some skills, talents  etc to be taught in the media.


For my books see or other Amazon internet bookshops by the search "tervola", at least the postage costs and times vary a lot.


In connection with several towns in the Saimaa lake district applying for being ghe cultural capital of EU some year, there was talk about shore fish parties. Such are possible kind of everywhere in tge world where there is a shore and traditional ways supporting such life. The children like such. And if one were for example a smith selling traditionally ornamented hatches for doors or gates, maybe lanterns etc, would it be better if the village had a shore fish party for the kids, kind of a better holiday destination for the ones who long for such? 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

An angel is not the same as moral

 An angel with wings in pictures or kn images that come to mind are usually nonsporth. They do not have a theoretical picture of the world with beautiful values, good quality objectivity and wisdom of life, in use. So they do not seem moral in ways needed in the modern societies. Instead they seem to sit drinking tea or I don't know what, maybe juice or milk, and eat bakery, discussing in a way that keeps company but is not overly interested in the subjects. So maybe it is like somebody's social company at home circles. It may be that some elderly can so help to solve some problems, especially those of not getting socially aling, but it does not seem to fit to higher positiln in tge world than one living a normal modern life of the working age or younger. But maybe it is a style fitted to discussing things like if god exists, what are the highest virtues, etc rationally lije when children or in a cultural environment without much wisdom or social peace, kind of discus it but leave it untouched in practice, jyst continue nirmal life in everyday ways. 

Friday, November 10, 2023

Do not stock yourself things which are of a wrong type for you

 Christmas isjust once a year, it is when all long for such a softening to the ways of living and to lufe possibilities. But when the Christmas time is over, people cannot wait to get to their normal chores. The days are getting longer and there is no longer any need for so much softening. 

Similarly when some have tough in their life, they may like Christmas like softening. So the Santa Claus lands meet lots of travellers who have some cancer or the like and wish for miracle healing or death. Likewise people have their own likings and needs of what to choose and how much. Choosing what some other person wants and needs and likes and so values and recommends too, usually does not bring a good result. And the problem gets worse if there are very many such chosen and not enough of what would suit oneself but of which the others maybe do not feel that they would need it at all so much.

 Generally if peopke stock some kinds of good sides recommended by others, those liking them are left without such and during time those artifacts get thrown into the trash because those did not suit the obe preserving them as the recommended ones to oneself. Similarly of skills and virtues: different people need different kibds of them, even though basic school education may be useful to most, giving skills for life. 

Santa Claus's white curly hair and white curly beard

 A beard seems to grow to a person who feels that there are more demands of being a good guard than what he can eadily bear. So he is worried about that and how to fullfill such task all by himself, by his own virtues.

An abundant hair grows to one who feels life worth living, who isn't at all bored with one's work, who has not grown out of that fascination and feeling of good quality in things done. 

A white curly hair grows naturally to one who all the time tends to do tasks of making presents for the younger generations. It ought to be in a wsy that is for good in the world, when one wisely looks at it, but also good for feelings, both in the sense of having chosen oneself and in the sense of enjoying doing, be it fun or comfort, but all these kn wise ages old ways. 

So one with a white curly beard would prooably live in a social lufe environment that seems to demand making presents, like a wise old person can make wise presents for the younger generatilns for Christmas. And white curly hair means that one ought not get bored with such life and such tasks, yet be motivated to check that what people do would be for the good of the world, for the living conditions being good for lufe, for all fairly now and in the future. 

Santa Claus networks, study to become a professional Santa Claus (such can be very tough life and kind of never end)

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

About making presents

 A Christmas gnome like way of making presents is doing something that one likes, in good ways of doing, and following one's insight, kind of emotional touch of quality and inspiration, which means doing so for a moment without exhausting it, and changing then to do something that one likes and feels like doing but which kind of carries itself, like it is nice if the area of life at hand, nature, civiliced wisdom, culture's wisdom of life, professional skills and/or the handiwork materials at hand and the company and the peace for doing, the dedication kind of fill the things to fine beautifully varied wholes in addition to what one does. 

For something to be a wished for present, there often needs to be in the air a wish and a liking for such kinds of things. Like you know that you have insight and liking to build such for them, at least some such, and then change to other things to do. 

Often when there is some handiwork material and some subjects of what you ought to do from them, you may have your own insights about other finer things, like for example someone liking music maybe could see something musical in some sides of it. Or like colours can bring to mind things like Christmas and pleasant states of mind, kind of dedicated to the tradition's atmospheres etc. Anyway such things in one's mind may make the handiwork more fascinating and add value to it, especially if there is skill and variations backing it up.

 I sent this blog to some Santa Claus association and/or Santa Claus university in usa. So the next day I somehow came to try to buy the internet domain to set it to direct it's traffic to this blog . I bought the domain for one year today, and it can maybe be continued. 

The only text in this blog about just Christmas angels is 

But the main text is about the Skills of Christmas gnomes, 

 so it is both about Christmas and about how it is possible to behave nicely and wish well for the world. It contains some 1500 pieces of text. 

Also the other texts and links in this blog can do their share in making nice behaviour with civiliced values possible in practice, for example the miracle healing advices

 and my paradise theory, 

and in Finnish there are advices about changing profession to one's dream job. 

There are also much liked knitting tips in the blog, see 

If the subject is angels, I am just a thinker and a writer. I do not see angels as a good social role for me. Most of tge people who try to be classified as angels, appear very evil, bringing to mymind some movie called "resident evil". So being angel like does not as a social classification suit anyone. By an angel many mean so moral that such ought to be allowed, when in practice those are so evil that such ought to be prevented. 

Maybe sometimes it is a question of the "angel" trying social self-defence by fighting, lies, acting and murders etc, when instead she/he should have followed civiliced values and civiliced wisdom and those would have given one room to live in and safety, since those are recommended just because of being good choices in life and in the world. 

I was writing this blog of skills and talents for a Christmas gnome like lufe in ghe modern world, but maybe the words "Chtistmas elf" would be more right. 

So, is it that this situation I got from writing to the Santa Claus association. There was some mention of 5500 graduated Santa Claus professionals. Was I transformed to presents for others, since such are always needed? Is my writing career ending here? I am exhausted, so in a sense it would be good. 

But i do not know how to handle the angel imago subject here next to Helsinki, maybe two kilometers from Helsinki, and what do the people in Helsinki and in the capital district at large do with such a contradiction, when the angel like people from other cultures are more like devils if objecticely estimated? 

9.11.2023   Siis enkelillä pitäisi olla maailmankuva, ja sivistyneet arvot sekä perusyleissivistys. Olen katsellut youtube-videoiden kuvakkeita engl enkeliaiheista, joita on esille nostanut aiempien videoiden perusteella, ja ne tuntuvat kovin kaoea-alaisilta, kuin ei olisi useimmilla ollenkaan maailmankuvaa laajemmasta maailmasta, ja kenties moraaliakaan. Mutta ehkö ne istuisivat leivoskahvilla ja hajamielusen hyväntahtoisesti kuubtelusivat, kun täti puhuu taiteesta. Niin he eivöt taideharrastusta paljoa häiritsisi mutteivät olisi hyödyksikään, etenkään maailmassa laajemmalti. Silloin enkeli ei olisi moraalinen vaan hyväntahtoisen seurallinen. Paitsi että laajemmassa maailmassa ei silloinkaan saisi tehdä pahaa, ei vaikka olisi enkeli. Onmarraskuuta ja lämmitin äsken käsiäni mahaani vasten, ja unenpöpoeröisedti uneksuin, että olin enkelikoriste-esine, sillä se jotenkin vaikytti samalta kuin enkelikuvat: vain sen verran hyvä, että omia käsiään lämmittää ja huomio maailmasta poissa, puuttu vaikka yleensä sitä kaivataan. 

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15th of November 2023

Find The Land Of Christmas

  "  You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...