Friday, November 24, 2023

Beneficality grounds for moral

 The Finnish culture values holistic objective thinking with civiliced values, healthy wisdom of life and good quality. There is a big white catedral in the center of Helsinki, build by the command of the Russian zsar a long time ago 

" A shorter version: women's values calculated for men "Tough power benefit calculations about sex and women"

Curing future threath scenarios

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If one thinks what each kind of place is good for, and what it so naturally ought to be preserved for, Finland is clearly a land where the four seasons matter a lot, and it is in northern Europe neighbouring Russia, so it is an edge nation of a big nation, which means that it tends to balance the effects of the big nation with the effects of other big nations in the world, and so gets it's own views heard easiest if it finds wise civiliced rational grounds for them on a general level with healthy wisdom of life that too is suited to many countries. So Finland is a place where to invest in holistic objective thinking, civiliced values, fairness and wisdom of life. Helsinki is the capital of Finland, and as such it's name has been chosen also from the point of view of objective thinking: the ending -ki means in Finnish language "also", giving the name Helsinki the meaning: take all things into account in building your objective picture of the world, aiming for good life now and in the future, for all fairly in the world. 

* 10th of December 2023 

  I have wondered why I have lost the healthy ways of living, a strong taste of lufe and a singing experience of life that I had in Helsinki, Finland. But today morning on some spiritual side I wondered how woukd someone sing in Helsingborg in Sweden according to the advice I made to a post in this blog a few posts ago. So on some mental or spiritual side someone sang so in Helsingborg but kind of hellish style too. Huh, I thought, not at all like jyst taking all thibgs ibto account like in Helsinki. But so, at the edge of the area the song affected not so nicely, and so I noticed that in the world widely it affects like taking the taste of lufe away, takkbg a way the meaningfulness of life, like has been the problem, mayve also causing murders and cannibalism. So I guess the point is that one ought not aim at hearing unwise singing styles, since those are harmful to life and harmful to the world. 

Generally well working sings, like on can understand from an old times' saying of factory machines singing, meaning doing their work well, it does not include any destruction caused. Of a hellish machine a man maybe would say "It is quite a machine. It just works and does it's job. We have been looking at it for a while. It sure causes destruction too and quite a lot, all those small plants and insects etc under it's wheels get destroyed, die, but it is unavoidable in a work like this, so it just goes. That's it, it is farmer's work. "

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