Wednesday, November 22, 2023

"An extremely handsome man"

 I thought I had stopped writing, but I somehow felt like explaining the social sides of Lea Laven's song "Ei oo, ei tuu" which I felt boys reacted to very badly when I was a child. And something about handsome men too. 

 1. Lied and acted good will isn't the same as wisdom of life which is good for the society too.

2. If a girl or a woman has different dream job, values, liked places to live in, liked cultures etc than one's parents and the town one lives in, those who are at the right dire tion look handsome but are often of a wrong type for oneself, typically changing from the charming areas of lufe toward the professilns etc that lne wants to distance oneself from. It would help a lot if one could choose a district to live in which fascinates oneself and a nice job. 

3. "An extremely handsome man" in a woman's gesture language is usually the woman's own view of one's manly skills, but those are like a sprinter's, a spark of short time interest, instead if the work like exhausted typical to many men. It would be good to choose a spouce with whom one gets well along, a social relation with whom it is good to live, things in life work out well, one is happy in a natural way, both enjoy such life, it is good for skills, wisdom of life, it offers one space to live in, a good living environment, so lne naturally likes it and tends to smile, and that is why it is said that one ought tp choose a beautigul or handsome one, it means one for whom it feels good to live with ypu. It often means someone with similar likings abd wisdom of life but often of a dufferent age or otherwise with different strenghts, instead of getting stuck to forced rigid ways. 

4. Finding "an extremely handsome man" connects often with a phenomenom of which Asian philosophy has the saying "When the student is ready, a teacher appears" of which I wrote some piece of advice in my long text about the Skills of Christmas gnomes . I mean when a person has own skills and wisdom of life and longs for some element to one's life, some area of life added, which sparks and lifts lne high especially in the beginning, maybe lifts high also the effect of the new human relatilnships there, but it works only based on one's own wisdom of life, and not if others force one to lean on the others in questilns of wisdom of life etc, instead of relying on one's own wusdom of life. 

Obs. With whom lne wants to live closely together or copy from is typically a personal matter, but in any case one must leave others room to live in, also for childhood family members as they grow up. Room to live in is a question concerning life in the society. It isn't place for childhood competition or social matters. 

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