Friday, November 3, 2023

One against many

 When I as younger practised the Japanese martial art aikido, it was at first surprising that sometimes we also practised defence of one person against a few attackers. It went by throwing the first one in front of the next one so that there was only one attacker at a time. Now as older and without having lately had any such hobby, it seems just that it is a fight anyway, so it does not appear a good tactic for one against many.

Generally if one is of a so much same kind of group that one understands the others and can choose also peaceful solutions, if one is weak it is like a child in the company of adults, just going along and when the theory perspective of the group or adults' views so allow one can wander to other activities or just walk away. If one is somehow equal and accepted, the group's values, ways, the choices of individuals and the situation at hand determine a lot. If one is much more skilled and somehow with a good input with lots of wisdom of life, one is maybe like an elderly in the company of younger ones, somehow leading somewhat but mostly just going one's own ways. 

Likewise of cultures: are you like a worker doing a favor, yet for yourself deciding about local matters. Or do you try to get far away cultures agree about your own ways, which do not suit them. Do you catch the pictures of the world of others so much that you can communicate to newcomers, what is what and how basic things go and why to do here so. 

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4th of November 2023   Belonging to a group 

Usually belonging to a group has quite much of this same kind of motivation. And typically the group wants to know that you are capable of at least some self-defence, so that you are not their weak link, not a burden. Like preferring company when walking outdoors in the night time. If a child wants to come along, it is usually more strictly commanded to stay close to parents and just walk briskly without stopping for long.

 And if one is strong, others maybe consider it a good tactic to learn from, and a good choice to choose for the time being, and safer too. 

If you are approximately an average member of the group, it matters that you agree with the group about the ways, understanding, values etc to follow while in the group, and classify yourself to some kind of subgroup of it that creates space for your type of people inside the common goals, ways, picture of the world and the common skill level, in harmony with the rest of the world at least in theory. 

Many against one

If one is weak, quite often one dies soon. Or one cannot choose fairly what happens to oneself. 

If the many attack one because the one appears so monstrous and huge, the one us propably surprised, and cannot understand how numbers are estimated. 

Or then it is someone who just wanted such looks or reputation because of knowing how to use such an effect.

If it is a murderer killing some kind of people or groups or doing some other evil, the situation maybe often leaves an i.pression as if she/he/someone or one's own sensations had said the person saying "Oh, I got this close, even though I shouldn't have, because you do not know, you do not understand, you haven't noticed. So you will see what happens later on /now because of this." To which often helps to notice that such a company is not a good idea, not even for a short while, and not in the living environment of one's types of people.

Likewise there other fakes, like position on false grounds leaving wishes unanswered and causing some big harm instead, or sabotager destroying things of value from the group or society, for example one fed up with following school education's view on values pretending to be teacher of such moral. 

See also 

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