Thursday, November 23, 2023

Some songs

 Vieläkö on villihevosia (Are there still wild horses) by Hanna Ekola

(8.12.2023   A beautiful fresh voice, telling in Finnish way rationally about things in the culture's theoretical objective picture of the world, and in that also of weather, landscape around, wisdom of life and the natural wishes of humans, yet warning of dangers too, as if talking to children who like horses)

"Are there still wild horses left 

And does still somewhere sing a gipsy woman

and dances a gipsy woman

And in the evening camofire a guitar is played

Even a big house's owner can be prisoned by freedom

... And there a bride that is darkest of the dark gets to her hair a flower crown

And then happens the most wonderful miracle of all, you wants the bride to be her husband

Are there still wild horses

..." ) 

Jossain on kai joulu (Somewhere I guess there is Christmas) by Leevi and the Leavings

Kulkuset, kulkuset riemuin helkkäilee (Jingle bells)

I sung years ago, Tuikkikaa oi joulun tähtöset (Oh glimmer stars of Christmas)

"Glimmer, oh stars of the Christmas sky,

competingly with children's starry eyes.

Tell Christmas's tale, always as new and as entertaining, as in ancient times when one was a child.

Sing, oh Christmas's songs,

from chests so full of joy. 

Let melodies sing, children's games flame, 

let it tell of heart's joys,

 entertainingly as in ancient times when I was a child. 

Once the tale of Christmas will end,

sorrow will blur the notes.

Once eyes will be filled with tears, the waters of pain will flow like flood.

That is why, you starry eyes ought to shine! "

(When I was a child, this traditional Finnish Christmas song bought to my mind that schools start in January, and that one does not always have the chance to live according to traditional ways, and that some when they age get absorbed in art like describing things and forget to take part in living, like an adult saying that one is not interested in such now, go play by yourself. It also brought to my mind that it is important to try to learn to stay healthy.)

There is, or was, a Finnish saying: "One who does not work, ought not eat either." Can one build the world upon what you do, like a farmer in the old times produced food and artifacts for the family and children learned skills for life, like one made good life possible, do you make good healthy natural life possible for all fairly, now and in the future? 

Video by Elmo & Patsy : Grandmother got run over by a reindeer

9th of December 2023   Some old Finnish Christmas songs programs

18th of December 2023   The above video of the Christmas song makes one wonder, how sporty the old man is or has been. It seems like he had lived a lufe that leaves lots of room for sports skills. Yet it seems like "one can do it this way or that way", so more like a theory perspective or like some adult teaching kids in sports. But if one tries to copy such, it does not leave a sporty feeling, and it seems more like spiritual view like an elderly person writing and creating room for kids' sports classes in school. It also seems Santa Claus like, repairing all things from healing the handicapped to social getting along, having room for hobbies, etc, so it uses many separste aress of lufe instead of being tuned fully to sports even a part of the time, so it is not at all sporty, more like ordered such achievements by many, so the hero was more like someone managing to do such via the world beibg of spirit, so quite likely like a cartoon or like a machine that one uses havibg done them, so it does not leave a sporty feeling, it does not have the same effect on quality of lufe as sports, so it does not have their practical skills in the art of living, and so it isn't healthy like sports are said to be, but may work as a way to get done things which in the old times would have required sports skills. One reason for such may be that people in northmost America sit indoors a large part of the year, even though many want to live there because of the nature and weather, so they seem to have thpughts of such subjects instead of lot of healthy life outdoors with nature around. The old lady, or is it an army man, seems very sports oriented in a good way. 

Here in Finland in the old times there was not so many foreigners, so the culture and it's values were followed, but nowadays the vast majority seems to hace come from far away places or at least of grown in Finland always dreaming of certain far away cultures and towns so that there is no room fairly for Finnish values. So people take part in things in very different ways, very different values and different ctiterions of quality, like one can do things in school taught way with civiluced values, while the neighbouring one is not motivated at all and so survives via excuses and social position instead of taking part in any way, likewise someone may be a part of the group while someone else interested in other hobbies and others reacting to someone with sabotage as an interedt. Sabotage means that you are fed up, you do not ubderstand why here ought to be such, so you follow some other group and tend to get comments about why the things at hand are needed in the world, why there should be room for such as women etc, but mostly such go without the wanted effect, more like those too get sabotaged. So lne jyst wonders, what will the future of the world be if people do not always aimat a good future for the world in practice, good living conditilbs for all fairly now abd in the future, also in all practical questions and all social situations. If the world is of spirit, it is of a certain kind, each one living in a world of the kind that thry cultivate, so it does not produce fine things without supporting them. 

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