"About modern hhelplessness and practical skills
I just looked at the newspaper how an elderly couple had ordered a house built and it was partly a failure and partly in it had been made choices like one who for the first time does such things and on the other hand were not able to take into account how people would live in such house and what would be the best choise for each thing. So they were an example of modern helplessness in practical things and for example from the ends of the log walls there were the joints lacking with which the logs have traditionally been kept at place, and they had just piled the logs next to each other without proper support and so the house was like a collapsing card house.
So: in which ways one can learn good quality in new areas of life? I guess that modern helplessness is born when one in addition to one's old work alittle bit bladdres through or tries like one's work to get to know the new area of life without having it's spirit, without being tuned to it's ways, habits, ideals and it's professional virtues, without having taken them as one's dreams and as one's practical goals. For one to succeed in such one should dream a lot: what is a good house like, why is it good to live in, what fascinating, what comfortable, what practical all through the year, what kind of houses have such so that they could be used as forefigures, who have buikt them and in which ways, what choices they have made in them and why, in which ways and what are the basic skills needed in that area of life, what are it's basic concretical facts that one must build upon, what are the building parts of such skills, what are the areas of good proper skills, why doe sone need to be able to do each kind of side of the thing, how does one build the things that one dreams about (see my thinking course at http://quickerlearning.blogspot.com ) from teh usually used parts of which people have lots of good experiences, what usual criteria the parts have to fill, for example the different spaces of the house, what are the usual errors and what kind of spirit one needs to have to avoid errors, can I thus plan one with which it is good to live and practical, pleasant, healthy, do I know how to put that into practise and do I have a possibility for it?
So, one needs to learn basic skills well and have the area of life as a hobby for years and start from small things to which one invests with a serious attempt, accepting only successes, and not to trust too much unclear communication with shop assistants and other professionals, since they say yes just in order to be good in a service job, not because things would be so but because they cannot understand why the customer does not read the basic books and brochures of the srea of life, learn those very well first and detailedly, without forgetting to be critical toward unusual options. "
Translated from my blog post http://tunteetjatekemisentapa.blogspot.com/2016/08/uusavuttomuudesta-eroon-paasemisesta.html
LEARN TALENTS and SKILLS quickly, well and quite easily: dream job, liked home, music, rationality of feelings, etc, very many different kinds. These advices are from a climate of four seasons. The appearance or style of Christmas gnomes ought to be acc. to local climate, culture, type of town, life, etc. Christmas angels: learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/christmas-angels.html gnomes/elves LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09/ Try free www.blogger.com blogging! A huge collection of various skills
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Writing tip
From my Finnish blog about environmental questions http://kokonaiskuvat.blogspot.com/2018/11/kirjoittamisessa-onnistumisesta.html
If one already has skills and insight, then a good text is found from where one has one's own insight, supported by a group of basic skills. One can tell about the meaningfullness of the subject: that subject is fine because... , and connect it with a wider view of the world, and tell based on basic skills the things that are essential for others to learn about the subject, and add a few nice pictures or pieces of stories or interesting observations, like life usually makes fascinating things interesting, but this time pick those that are on a general level, fitted for a wider audience.
Someimes it is difficult to start writing about some subject. Then one can find a right header for the subject, but start it like a tale telling how one came to think about such subject, and so one has described the subject already somehow and can continue to the subject itself.
It is nice to teach the readers skills for life as far as those are not dangerous to others. So it is somewhat like teaching the younger generation in a subject that fascinates oneself."
See also http://musicalfactlanguage.blogspot.com
If one already has skills and insight, then a good text is found from where one has one's own insight, supported by a group of basic skills. One can tell about the meaningfullness of the subject: that subject is fine because... , and connect it with a wider view of the world, and tell based on basic skills the things that are essential for others to learn about the subject, and add a few nice pictures or pieces of stories or interesting observations, like life usually makes fascinating things interesting, but this time pick those that are on a general level, fitted for a wider audience.
Someimes it is difficult to start writing about some subject. Then one can find a right header for the subject, but start it like a tale telling how one came to think about such subject, and so one has described the subject already somehow and can continue to the subject itself.
It is nice to teach the readers skills for life as far as those are not dangerous to others. So it is somewhat like teaching the younger generation in a subject that fascinates oneself."
See also http://musicalfactlanguage.blogspot.com
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Sewing tips (buying fabric, avoiding errors, easy skirts)
Mostly translations from my Finnish text about sewing http://tunteetjatekemisentapa.blogspot.com/2017/01/ompelemisesta.html
Please read my easy advice about sewing clothes withoutformulae, with just your dreams guiding you, in this blog: http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2017/09/sewing-clothes-without-formulae.html
It is propably a large part of what you wish from sewing!
* * *
At which point, how proportions etc: In this it helps a lot to pay attention to one's feelingsa of what is the right choice. So please read the cooking tips in this blog: http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2017/10/about-cooking.html
* * *
Buying fabrics
Do not think detailedly what to buy but only roughly and grasp fascinating possibilities if they are not too expensive.
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Avoiding errors
Quotation from the knitting advices in this same blog:
" In avoiding errors it is important to notice that some things demand much more time and need their own peaceful space. Planning is such. Likewise estimating right places and right ways of doing. Spotrs talented people invest in moving maybe a thousand tomes more each moment than ones withotu such taloents, and so they do better in sports. If you want to get over some problematic point, keep a pause, breathe freash air, eat something, maybe a fruit or so, rest and do other things for change. Form a picture of your goals starting from your dremas, not according to a ridi´´gid form. Collect practical skills to your support and some kind of emotional touch and an eye for teaching that yu can apply to yourself. Return to those points which succeeded and find good ways of doing and the minimum amount of energy you need. Try again along your dreams with a good quality in practise. Don't copy your old failures and the viewpoints of too clumsy ways. Think starting from the ideals what would be a good way to solve proiblems."
Usually in sewing there comes errors if one does not concentrate in a problematic point in a good way, preferably beforehand already when approaching it. In a difficult point one needs a larger sphere of attention which includes different options of how to do and different possible choices and a good basic way to do and a good state of mind.
So one's state of mind ought not be stuck, stuck to habits, since such easily causes errors to the difficvult points. Insteda one should have energy to invest more in difficult points: Let's see how we come over this in a good way.
In sewing there is the same kind of thing: not just sewing forward with the machine, but it is instead just one factpr of sewing and adjustments, choices, pauses, trying the cloth on and thinking of noce lines to serw along are also such elements that need to be given time and energy. So sewing does not proceed via an even track, but instead only some points are such sewing which one already can well, and others are thinking of the cloth, developing in sewing skills, solcving difficult points energetically, dreaming of what the cloth would be like to be nice, etc.
* * *
Quotations from my blog http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2015/11/healthy-ways-of-living.html
"109. It seems that there is a big difference between whether one is fractureless while doing nothing much or fractureless in the middle of action. In daily life and in healthy ways of living there are many kinds of active things to do, and it is important to get along with such things, feel well with them and be fractureless while doing them. Fracturelessness in the middle of action is somewhat like when you while driving a bicycle stop for a few pushes from pushing with your legs and the bicycle moves by itself, so that you have stuimuli and activity and at the same time you have light easy fracturelessness and sense the atmoshphere of the moment. If you do likewise but whenpushing teh pedals with your legs in a good pleasant mood, the task is easy and just easy enough and the pleasantness, naturality and that it is according to feelings bring fracturelessness into the middle of action. Or if you aren'ät even that much sporty, then like when a sightseeing ship turns, you have stimuli and pleasantness at teh same time. Maybe the diufference to one who is fracturelessness while doing nothing is in how you conceive the moments: do you listent o how your body adapts to changes of temperature when you have just come in fromoutdoors and do you think whether you should eat some snack, or do you lazy without noticing how your body reacts, even if it was just your body which said that now keep a pause since you have to adapt to the temperature change. So one is active and another is passive in the same things to do, and activity creates a route to get along with activity at large inone's life while passivity makes activities cumbersome, full of failures and makes them feel nasty.
110. The point of view of some men is very much according to education, kind of narrow and not so intelligent, not adapting to situations and not understanding the rest of the life in the society. It would be good to vary one's way of doing and one's way to approach things according to common sense and according to the situation: sometimes it is good to be practical, sometimes one needs a good memory, or educated thinking, common sense, motion, feelings or whatever suits the situation. Likewise when working it is good to notice the landscape of life at large with it'sphenomena: with it's social contacts, happenings, journeys, approaching holidays etc. Like that one can train one's common sense and one's understanding about life.
This way a more skilled person can learn to vary the rythm of writing on computer keyboard, so that one feels somehow more comfortable and the sound is nicer, better suited to other things to do and to listening one's own views.
111. In my own life and in that of the people that I know, I have noticed that for the quality of life it is of an enermous importancy that work, hobbies and studies would be things that one values because of themselves and fascinating as things to do, and not done just because of money, habit, custom or being forced to them.
112. Accordingt o my experience women long for women's things more than men do and men on the other hand long for men's things more than women do, but on the other hand both long for the whole spectrum of life, also long for having skills of their own on the whole spectrum of life, at least some kind of skills or even good skills, many kind of content to life. Women long for sports and healthy psirit and basic skills in men's works and not to get pushed around. Men long for music and the possibility at least sometimes bake bakery or the like and fry beef, to be able to choose clothes for oneself, nice looking and socially ok, one that one oneself likes and what kind of values one has and not just according tos ome rigid form, and learn tobe handy etc too. But anyway men enjoy their time in repairing cars more than women do, and women spend time making home nice, to clothes and so on to social things and things that bring good life. So even if you were first a human being and only secodnly of your own sex, you would be just more skilled and more satisfied with your life and not less of your own sex's typical characteristics. My guess is that if pairs would choose freely, boith would do 20% of the other sex's typical work, 10% they would do together and 70% would be according to the traditional roles., but that is just a guess.
113. I do not remember this well enough but as a child I read boys' books "Vinski ja Vinsentti" and "Koko kaupungin Vinski" which were maybe by Jalmari Finne, and they taught fracturelessness, how to be fracturelkess even though there is scholl, human relatiosnhips etc,so that one would anyway live according to one's own wishes, somewhat like some on the coffee pause at work read afternoon paper, but that somehow more widely in one's own life and in what one does, like just is healthy. I wonder ifsome women left those too much un´read, that one should read at least oneor two of them?"
* * *
Making ths sound of sewing machine quieter
The sound of a sewing machine became quiet and nicer when I puty a few times folded fleece fabric under it and somewhat around it too. Earlier the sound was loud and metallic, nasty. Now it is quieter and softer.
Three types of skirts, sew without formulae,according to your wishes
One can easily sew a symmetrical basic skirt without any formulae, if one has the fabric and inspiration for such skirt. One needs to look at the fabric, feel what it is like and how it hangs, to know what kind of skirt would be nice from it and which season of the year it would fit. If one compares to an oldskirt of one's own, one knows better and surer, how wide, how long and what type of skirt would be nice from the fabric.
One needs heigh from the weist to the lower edge of the skirt plus on the top a tunnel for a plastic band and the small part of the lower edge that gets folded. The width needs to be how much width there is needed at the lowest part, so that often means making the skirt from more than one part.
One can cut the pieces of the skirt with curved edge, to which one gets the curve when one knows how much wider the skirt is at the bottom than at the top of it, i.e. in which angle the skirt widens when one goies downwards, since the curve ought to be in every place in a straight 90 degrees angle toward the vertical direction, which of course torns when you go sideways.On the other hand height stays the same all the time. Then just sew the sides together.
Or then one can sew a tunnel from rectangles and make with even spaces in between folds to it to give it its' form. If one wants the skirt widen straight when one goies doiwnwards, the folds are straight i.e. truiangles. Otherwise one makes the form of the skirt to them in what comes to how much the skirt widen at each place when going downwards. One can make all folds of the same size, or every second or ever third bigger one. At the top the width ought to be that of the widest part at the bottom of the torso, since the skirt has to go over that, and at the bottom the width of the bottom of the skirt. The part under the folds hangs straight. One needs atleast six folds.
Or the if one has a kind of plastic thin fabric that gets easily squeezed, one can sew a tunnel of it and at the top of it between two sewing lines a small tunnel to a plastic band which squeezes trhe upper edge to a narrower evenly and so gives the skirt it's form.
Then sew a small tunnel to the top enge and a plastic band to it at the same time already. And make the bbottom edge nice, i.e. fold a little bit nicely and sew. The excat height of the weiat should be chosen so that the bottom edge comes to a nice height, i.e. the height is easier to shorten from the weist.
Especially improitant os to look in from of the mirror or by grasping the fabric lightly to one's hand how the fabric hangs, since different fabrics hang in different ways and different figure sin them, colours and materials like different amount of waves. Likewise the season of the year, type of skirt and the social impression you wish for or other style like thing affect a lot to what kind of skirt would be nice. Let the fabric be loosely and change glidingly the amount of it's waves, width etc. And when passing by somepoint that seemed nice, fect it again, and memorize what it is like in style. Then try to make similar amount of waves all the way and estimate the width needed from them and other points like that.
If at some point the style goes poor, keeo a pause, ventilate the room, maybe ear something and start again with a fresh mind with your dreams guiding you.
28th of May 2019 A sewing professional may be bored and not so interested, not so charmed about sewing, while someone who likes sewing as a hobby but does not sew so often may be enthusiastioc, full of new ideas and insight and just like sewing a lot, producing good quality results. For one with a hobby like interest in sewing:
Please read my easy advice about sewing clothes withoutformulae, with just your dreams guiding you, in this blog: http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2017/09/sewing-clothes-without-formulae.html
It is propably a large part of what you wish from sewing!
* * *
At which point, how proportions etc: In this it helps a lot to pay attention to one's feelingsa of what is the right choice. So please read the cooking tips in this blog: http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2017/10/about-cooking.html
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Buying fabrics
Do not think detailedly what to buy but only roughly and grasp fascinating possibilities if they are not too expensive.
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Avoiding errors
Quotation from the knitting advices in this same blog:
" In avoiding errors it is important to notice that some things demand much more time and need their own peaceful space. Planning is such. Likewise estimating right places and right ways of doing. Spotrs talented people invest in moving maybe a thousand tomes more each moment than ones withotu such taloents, and so they do better in sports. If you want to get over some problematic point, keep a pause, breathe freash air, eat something, maybe a fruit or so, rest and do other things for change. Form a picture of your goals starting from your dremas, not according to a ridi´´gid form. Collect practical skills to your support and some kind of emotional touch and an eye for teaching that yu can apply to yourself. Return to those points which succeeded and find good ways of doing and the minimum amount of energy you need. Try again along your dreams with a good quality in practise. Don't copy your old failures and the viewpoints of too clumsy ways. Think starting from the ideals what would be a good way to solve proiblems."
Usually in sewing there comes errors if one does not concentrate in a problematic point in a good way, preferably beforehand already when approaching it. In a difficult point one needs a larger sphere of attention which includes different options of how to do and different possible choices and a good basic way to do and a good state of mind.
So one's state of mind ought not be stuck, stuck to habits, since such easily causes errors to the difficvult points. Insteda one should have energy to invest more in difficult points: Let's see how we come over this in a good way.
In sewing there is the same kind of thing: not just sewing forward with the machine, but it is instead just one factpr of sewing and adjustments, choices, pauses, trying the cloth on and thinking of noce lines to serw along are also such elements that need to be given time and energy. So sewing does not proceed via an even track, but instead only some points are such sewing which one already can well, and others are thinking of the cloth, developing in sewing skills, solcving difficult points energetically, dreaming of what the cloth would be like to be nice, etc.
* * *
Quotations from my blog http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2015/11/healthy-ways-of-living.html
"109. It seems that there is a big difference between whether one is fractureless while doing nothing much or fractureless in the middle of action. In daily life and in healthy ways of living there are many kinds of active things to do, and it is important to get along with such things, feel well with them and be fractureless while doing them. Fracturelessness in the middle of action is somewhat like when you while driving a bicycle stop for a few pushes from pushing with your legs and the bicycle moves by itself, so that you have stuimuli and activity and at the same time you have light easy fracturelessness and sense the atmoshphere of the moment. If you do likewise but whenpushing teh pedals with your legs in a good pleasant mood, the task is easy and just easy enough and the pleasantness, naturality and that it is according to feelings bring fracturelessness into the middle of action. Or if you aren'ät even that much sporty, then like when a sightseeing ship turns, you have stimuli and pleasantness at teh same time. Maybe the diufference to one who is fracturelessness while doing nothing is in how you conceive the moments: do you listent o how your body adapts to changes of temperature when you have just come in fromoutdoors and do you think whether you should eat some snack, or do you lazy without noticing how your body reacts, even if it was just your body which said that now keep a pause since you have to adapt to the temperature change. So one is active and another is passive in the same things to do, and activity creates a route to get along with activity at large inone's life while passivity makes activities cumbersome, full of failures and makes them feel nasty.
110. The point of view of some men is very much according to education, kind of narrow and not so intelligent, not adapting to situations and not understanding the rest of the life in the society. It would be good to vary one's way of doing and one's way to approach things according to common sense and according to the situation: sometimes it is good to be practical, sometimes one needs a good memory, or educated thinking, common sense, motion, feelings or whatever suits the situation. Likewise when working it is good to notice the landscape of life at large with it'sphenomena: with it's social contacts, happenings, journeys, approaching holidays etc. Like that one can train one's common sense and one's understanding about life.
This way a more skilled person can learn to vary the rythm of writing on computer keyboard, so that one feels somehow more comfortable and the sound is nicer, better suited to other things to do and to listening one's own views.
111. In my own life and in that of the people that I know, I have noticed that for the quality of life it is of an enermous importancy that work, hobbies and studies would be things that one values because of themselves and fascinating as things to do, and not done just because of money, habit, custom or being forced to them.
112. Accordingt o my experience women long for women's things more than men do and men on the other hand long for men's things more than women do, but on the other hand both long for the whole spectrum of life, also long for having skills of their own on the whole spectrum of life, at least some kind of skills or even good skills, many kind of content to life. Women long for sports and healthy psirit and basic skills in men's works and not to get pushed around. Men long for music and the possibility at least sometimes bake bakery or the like and fry beef, to be able to choose clothes for oneself, nice looking and socially ok, one that one oneself likes and what kind of values one has and not just according tos ome rigid form, and learn tobe handy etc too. But anyway men enjoy their time in repairing cars more than women do, and women spend time making home nice, to clothes and so on to social things and things that bring good life. So even if you were first a human being and only secodnly of your own sex, you would be just more skilled and more satisfied with your life and not less of your own sex's typical characteristics. My guess is that if pairs would choose freely, boith would do 20% of the other sex's typical work, 10% they would do together and 70% would be according to the traditional roles., but that is just a guess.
113. I do not remember this well enough but as a child I read boys' books "Vinski ja Vinsentti" and "Koko kaupungin Vinski" which were maybe by Jalmari Finne, and they taught fracturelessness, how to be fracturelkess even though there is scholl, human relatiosnhips etc,so that one would anyway live according to one's own wishes, somewhat like some on the coffee pause at work read afternoon paper, but that somehow more widely in one's own life and in what one does, like just is healthy. I wonder ifsome women left those too much un´read, that one should read at least oneor two of them?"
* * *
Making ths sound of sewing machine quieter
The sound of a sewing machine became quiet and nicer when I puty a few times folded fleece fabric under it and somewhat around it too. Earlier the sound was loud and metallic, nasty. Now it is quieter and softer.
Three types of skirts, sew without formulae,according to your wishes
One can easily sew a symmetrical basic skirt without any formulae, if one has the fabric and inspiration for such skirt. One needs to look at the fabric, feel what it is like and how it hangs, to know what kind of skirt would be nice from it and which season of the year it would fit. If one compares to an oldskirt of one's own, one knows better and surer, how wide, how long and what type of skirt would be nice from the fabric.
One needs heigh from the weist to the lower edge of the skirt plus on the top a tunnel for a plastic band and the small part of the lower edge that gets folded. The width needs to be how much width there is needed at the lowest part, so that often means making the skirt from more than one part.
One can cut the pieces of the skirt with curved edge, to which one gets the curve when one knows how much wider the skirt is at the bottom than at the top of it, i.e. in which angle the skirt widens when one goies downwards, since the curve ought to be in every place in a straight 90 degrees angle toward the vertical direction, which of course torns when you go sideways.On the other hand height stays the same all the time. Then just sew the sides together.
Or then one can sew a tunnel from rectangles and make with even spaces in between folds to it to give it its' form. If one wants the skirt widen straight when one goies doiwnwards, the folds are straight i.e. truiangles. Otherwise one makes the form of the skirt to them in what comes to how much the skirt widen at each place when going downwards. One can make all folds of the same size, or every second or ever third bigger one. At the top the width ought to be that of the widest part at the bottom of the torso, since the skirt has to go over that, and at the bottom the width of the bottom of the skirt. The part under the folds hangs straight. One needs atleast six folds.
Or the if one has a kind of plastic thin fabric that gets easily squeezed, one can sew a tunnel of it and at the top of it between two sewing lines a small tunnel to a plastic band which squeezes trhe upper edge to a narrower evenly and so gives the skirt it's form.
Then sew a small tunnel to the top enge and a plastic band to it at the same time already. And make the bbottom edge nice, i.e. fold a little bit nicely and sew. The excat height of the weiat should be chosen so that the bottom edge comes to a nice height, i.e. the height is easier to shorten from the weist.
Especially improitant os to look in from of the mirror or by grasping the fabric lightly to one's hand how the fabric hangs, since different fabrics hang in different ways and different figure sin them, colours and materials like different amount of waves. Likewise the season of the year, type of skirt and the social impression you wish for or other style like thing affect a lot to what kind of skirt would be nice. Let the fabric be loosely and change glidingly the amount of it's waves, width etc. And when passing by somepoint that seemed nice, fect it again, and memorize what it is like in style. Then try to make similar amount of waves all the way and estimate the width needed from them and other points like that.
If at some point the style goes poor, keeo a pause, ventilate the room, maybe ear something and start again with a fresh mind with your dreams guiding you.
28th of May 2019 A sewing professional may be bored and not so interested, not so charmed about sewing, while someone who likes sewing as a hobby but does not sew so often may be enthusiastioc, full of new ideas and insight and just like sewing a lot, producing good quality results. For one with a hobby like interest in sewing:
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Enjoy life! Live healthily and happily...
Healthy ways of living and of doing bring a good life, health and happiness, solve life's tangles and even impossible seeming situations as if there were no problems to begin with:
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Skills of Christmas gnomes and elves 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)
Tale like fascination in everyday life : Skills of gnomes 1.: Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)
This text used to have the header
"Gnomes (gnome="tonttu"), or more likelily: doing things in ways that have good spirit"
A1. (Somewhat later remark:) It is said that in old times places people lived in has gnames: small maybe knee high men, women and children, often old, that took care of that like things in those spaces. Mostly it is just a tale, but when there is a good spirit somewhere some may say thart it is as if there were gnomes there, so that it is a way of talking about things running well with good spirit and fractureless happiness like old times countryside. Before Christmas Finns make Christams preparations and Christmas presents claiming that they are Christmas gnomes and it is just a nice way of saying and of doing. Gomes are said to make handiwork presents all the year for Christmas. Gnomes are mostly said to wear a simple grey suit and a red hat that is made from a sactor of a circle.
Here is my text from 7th September 2018. I translate it because it muight interest many, mostly those who feel too much squeezed.
A2. 26.9.2018 (Obs: This is the main text of this blog post:)
Having read a book about gnomes (The time of "gnomes" or more like the time of gnome like things is not over)
"I looked at the book Tontun vuosi "Gnome's year" which told about different types of gnomes and gnome tales but did it very shortly mentioning them, interesting though, old time things with good spirit mentioned, but gnomes did not seem to fit as an explanation but instead animals, places fitting to certain kind of things to do, the demands of cultivating things, pleasant time in actyivities, old time well thought of things to do that fit many, even religion and old people who like some thing to do, and in addition the wish of the culture of something (gnome cliff for those who long for rationality). But on the whole it brought to my mind things like an old farm, living with the seasons, happenings of the wild nature, old time wisdom about making choices in life - such that people do not seem to have skills for nowadays, but is it more a question of all living too much in the same places and chores instead of not enjoying their time when they have favourite hobbies or chores of their own and also learning about them nicely then.
Some gones tales that told about houses brought to my mind that has the house been very sheltered, very respected, and it has just brought this impression of gnomes or respect for gnomes, I mean that the fracturelessness wasn't born from gnomes but instead of such farm or professional being largely very much wanted and so there was a space for it, if the person had alwasy enjoyed such chores, if he/she was reliably, faithfully a good professional in such what was longed for, and taught it to others too. Gnome tales left a taste that all breaks, it aren't good to think about gnomes, but can it be that gnomes interest all the world or at least many and so the shelter of things staying the same is left away and also is left away the same ways of doing things brought by basic skills, even talking about the same things, like once I saw a picture of a cow from Bolivia or Brazil and it was like a giant, so a cattle shelter must be a different kind of thing in Bolivia or wherever it is, but there may of course be same kind of things in it too. So it sounds like that even if the basic thing were different, gnomes inetrest, people would like gnome like things to their lives, and so teaching those things to others would bring room to such for oneself too, I think. But telling about things, for example gnomes, is very different from teaching how to make those kind of things possible in one's own life.
I think that if someone has an enthusiastic hobby with always a new approach, always figuring out new nice things in it, nicely in harmony with the world, then he/she at the same time makes room for himself/herself for it, a calssification for oneself in which to have such hobby and be a support for that hobby in the world, it's enthusiastic supporter, to keep those good sides in one's life and the hobby too. And then if some time the interest mildens, changes to other subjects, but some of that socialbond is left: a view of the place of hobbies in the world, a view of what one oneself fits into and how a person can find one's good correct place in the world.
A3. About teaching to the rest of the wolrd, one, or quite many on the same subject, successful attempt of mine: http://picturesfrommyhome.blogspot.com/2018/07/contact-with-nature.html
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A4. 26.9.2018 Ohhoh, just as I had translated this text of mine and later went to the bus stop, there came an old man there, maybe from northern Russia, very much with the weather and somehow solemn, quiet, concentrated to the nearest environment like someone who quite often does handiworks, somewhat religipus too, just like a gnome! we there thought. He brought to my mind the words in the Christams song
"Comes out of the grass shelter,
is left standing in the piles of snow,
as grey shadow by the door,
in his old ways glances
toward the sky to the moon.
Looks at the forest
which's pines are
sheltering from the wind
the big house lived in.
Ponders in hundred directions
the problem he always has.
* * *
A5. (Important addition:)
Maybe you would like to read my others texts too. I have many blogs, quite many of them in English. Most teach skills of some kind or try to help out of some problems. For example in this blog the cooking tips might interest many. And if you are ill and looking for fairy tales and that is why you came to my gnome text, maybe you would like to read about curing illnesses just by reading a short text http://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2018/12/index-with-cure-suggestions-after-word.html (correction made 21.12.2018). If you are interested in Finland, my blog http://Finnishskills.blogspot.fi teaches useful Finnish skills, for example of living wisely the seasons and of getting along and of singing experience of life via healthy ways of living. I have also blogs about bringing positive alternatives to working life and studies: http://workandfreetime.blogspot.fi and http://todreamjob.blogspot.fi . And there is something about the contact with the nature too http://talesfromforest.blogspot.fi . Please check my profile (by cliucking my name or picture in this blog) for a list of all of my blogs!
A6. 28.9.2018 I guess that many other countries too have their tradition of gnomes of some kind but that it is very different from culture to culture. Some countries have just tales or lies that do not carry so well and that causes a lack of luck when wondering about gnomes or the like. But in Finland people do not believe much in gnomes but think that it is a good tale: something like gnomes is needed, childen need such good life as gnomes are said to live, so do those to whom work or studies is a burden, people long for traditional ways of living at least sometimes as a hobby and mice and other animals long for a place to take part in the things people fuss about and do in practise, and of course under Christmasgnome like role for making Christams preparations is so very nice. So Finnish tradition of gnomes refers to things with good spirit that people long for and to animals which may be young, searching for their place, eager to take part in human activities or wise like grandparents and helping,doing their part. In my childhood at the summer cottage there was a good pleasant atmosphere at the sauna: old wood, needless dropped from the pines near by, smell of fresh tree branches or tar or the like, and my mom said that it was as if there were gnomes there, wondered could it be mice or the like.
There are some advices of how to associate with knomes but I do not remember themall. The basic advice is that one should not disturb the gnome but instead must let it live according to it's own rythms and take care of the place whose gnome it is like sauna gnome for example, let it dictate the way people live there, respect the atmosphere of the place's chores. So the gnome may like such and stay, contrary to loud noise or the like which may make it get scared, disappear and abandon the place. It is also said that different family members may see the gnome in different shape: one a forest mole, another a knee high old man, third see it as a little singing bird by the sauna or the like, and the shape of the gnome is usually typically the same for the same person but usually peopledo not see gnomes so very often. It is also said that one should not bring to the place, for example sauna, things that do not belong there or it may disturb the gnome so much that it for that time abandons the place and goes somewwhere else, ofte just disappears. Pets may be pals with the gnome. It is said that a place with a gnome is somehow sheltered but it is not commonly known how or whether the gnome shelters it or just lives there.
A7. Saturday 29. September 2018 For one who likes his/her work, it is both labour and something worthwhile in the world to do. So i is in a way just like a Christmas gnome working hard all the year to produce presents. But i is a positive, good view of working life and of what matters in the world.
A8. 30. September 2018 These pieces of text are about traditional Finnish gnomes but I titled the blog post just "Gnomes, ..." since I think that this kind of life is possible in many places and that means that they can have the same kind of gnomes, bit not exactly the same, or just good spirit even if they are culturally different. My impression is that if some wish for gnome like things and copy such fromabroad, if they term it foreign cultural influence possible only in some other culture, they don't get the same kind of features to their life, hobbies, or the like and so they do not get "nomes" but instead are left without them or with very much nastier story or lie like "gnome figures"´, since after all this kind of gnomes are questions of some features of how people live their daily life and such you can copy like one can sometimes cook delicious food originally from some other country.
(A picture from my window on some autumn here in Savonlinna, Finland.)
A9. Traditional Finnish gnomes are much like Christmas gnomes and maybe the same or at least similar.
A10. During the last year or two I have read two books about traditional Finnish gnomes, and both books left a taste that they build dremas of gnomes without offering them or offering them only shortly and then leaving one as if crying the lack of content to life, partly it is a question of gnimes belonging to times past and to countryside but partly it is also because the dream is so far away from what one as a child or as an adult without such wisdom of life can buikd oneself to one's dAILY LIFE. So my aim in thisblog post of mine has been to make (not exactly gnomes but) things that fascinate like gnomes possible for oneself in one's own daily life and in one's near environment. For that the recommendations of my other texts are important (see the links earlier in this blog post) and I think that my blogs at large can offer texts that are good for such, mostly teaching skills needed in living a life according to feelings.
A11. Gnomes are a subject that interests suprisingly many, at least these groups:
Christmas gnomes interest just about all, but mostly before and during Christmas.
This blog post of mine seeks to help those whose living environment lacks good spirit and who long for gnome like things: children, people who find schoo, studies or work had to bear, children and adults that are ill (see also the link to cure attempts of illnesses etc in the link list earlier in this blog post) for some longet time, places and cultures that do not have much things with d´good spirit, people wholong for old times' integrity.
But there are also others who are interested in gnomes: care professionals are used to comfortying things like gnomes belonging to subjects they can recommend in their work and so they are used to reading about such and may interfere with such subjects without any real longing for them.
Elderly persons who like quite quiet life mostly near home may assume the role of gnomes, somehow softer home bound life with nice chores, woolen socks, etc.
People who like handiworks tend to consider doing them a gnome like thing.
People who find life tough (maybe because they are social with boys' opinions also where boys seek instead more independency, or because they like different professions than their environment) may want tosoften it somehow and some of them like gnome like life: food, nice comfortable, being with the weather, doing ractical chores.
People who like traditional life, much like counrtyside in the old times is said to have been like in it's wisdom, may consider it a gnome like life.
Moms may want hippy-gnome like things to lighten up the life of their family.
Engineer oriented may want to associate in a social role like a gnome and do gnome like things or just mess around causing harm.
People who compare their work to that of a Christmas gnome.
Insightful people wishong for shelter for their wprk that requires high skill. The insightful thinking of the elderly via years of experience of life often classifies itself to the same group. Likewise religion at least part of the time.
So at least these are people sometimes interested in knomes,for example near Christmas, but most do not assume it as an identity and besides there aere very different views on gnome's work.
A12. 3. October 2018 Pets sometimes describe them or their hobbies with the help of small human like figures, like an elderly man or a lady or as in a shelter of someone who teaches some hobby like thing of theirs. So if there is some friendly animal very near and the small human like figure is as if an impression brought by communication (quite dry communication with images), then it may be the animal's idea of some area of it's life, like for example it's way of living nad taking care of some corner of the area that it lives in, kind of like a theory perspective about some practical chore's spirit. That is an easy way to communicate to humans. And an another explanation is that the animal has humans as a hobby too, so it sometimes kind of makes human figures in it's mind and refers to something like them in it's communication, at least sometimes. So the human like figure maybe answers to the question, what would the animal be like if it was a human, and so the figures are best understaood as a double figure of an animal present and a human like figure by it of how it describes itself to a human. The figures have somewhat the place's character: this is this place and it is used fro these chores. But the animal itself has better spirit and is much more interesting, complex and lively than the figure it communicayes via.
A13. 5. October 2018 My old video about the rationality of feelings and imagination
A14. Advices for living with the four seasons, a long blog text http://finnishskills.blogspot.fi/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html
A15. The here translated text about gnomes I wrote very shortly a few weeks earlier than translated it and it did not leave me pondering about the subject, but when I translated it to English I was left sstuck in the same subject, which I guess is a consequence of some foreign cultures lacking things between engineering like town life and old times' tales with magic etc. Finns have a tradition of good quality rationaly, so things like Finnish gnomes mostly get explanation attempts, and on the other hand very good such sources of kind of spiritual dinension in life are widely cultivated, like nature, Christmas, summer cottages, songs, healthy kind of basic life, a wider kind of civilized view to world, good moral, healthy ways of living, free time, hobbies and feelings, freedom too. Asian philosophy offers to objectively thinkings individuals interested in wisdom of life some easy alternative via which to grow toward an understanding of more spiritual life. Pets offer good life for those who love animals, likewise music, sports hobbies that one enjoys, being with the weather, company of different types of people of different ages, making home nice to live in and having green plants on window, cooking for some, travel to fascunating places, etc
A16. Some form of gnome like life when you like something, for example some hobby, some town or grandparents' home and it makes you wonder,enjoy, feel warm and assume things are superbly fine.
Iguess that basic form of gnome likedness is doing handicrafts that onelikes and spending the evening /time to just them and maybe cooking something tasty.
A17. 6. October 2018 Some fairy tales seem to bring bad luck. We reflect our own wisdom of life to them and our own dreams and wait for a good advice of how to reach our goals of happy wise life in this modern world If the tale does not give such advice, we feel that the tale has made our goals further away, not nearer. The good side ofthis text of mine is that it has tried to make the connection of takles to the modern toiwn life, teaching skills for happiness.
Some songs etc about gnomes, and also the old man I saw a week ago, leave a somehow peaceful atmosphere yet at the same time badly fractured feeling and a lack of luck. Then propably the artist has tried to generalize small scale peacefyulness to a larger environment but lacked the skills of harmony in that. Large scale peacefuness is based on harmony, on arrangements veing good and agreed about, like civilizedwisdom teaches. Then the wisdom of large scale solves also small scale problems. My texts http://healthilymoral.blogspot.com/2011/08/world-is-of-love.html and http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2012/10/live-and-let-others-live.html could propably help in this. .Also my objective paradise theory book (see the book itseöf) http://2013paradise.blogspot.com/2017/08/basics-of-my-paradise-theory.html .
A18. (A picture from my window with greenplants on the window, some April here in Savonlinna, Finland. Advices for living wisely the four seasons http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html )
A19. If something you hang on brings bad luck, you have somehow chosen wrong what to hang on. Either you hang on a harmful thing or then you hang on in a harmful way. For example if a gnome is like a good tale told by an animal that you are in friendly terms with, then neglecting the animal and hanging only in the gnome brings bad luck: the thing just does not work out that way. Likewise good spirit is important in gnome tales: if you want something like that to your life, you must attempt to culticate things with good spirit even if that means many kinds of things and different from your ordinary ways: just remember to pick good benefical things to hang on, things that bring good spirit. Sometimes when you like something you do in a hobby like way, it may bring good spirit for a half a day or so to that place to lkeave the things spread like they were left, if that is nice so, make one smile, but then when time passes, it is good to tidy again, but overly square ways are not good for good spirit, since a better sense of structures like with painting (That means the ability to notice structures, not arranging thing in your life artifically like a theatre as if for painting - painting too is more valuable with naturalö subjects born of natural life with healthy spirit, like things you enjoy but do not act at all.) is good for a deep understanding.
A20. (My blog http://picturesfrommyhome.blogspot.fi of ictures from my home and some advices for life with links: two dogs, no gnomes but some gnome like life.)
A21. 8.10.2018 Making home nice according to one's likings and comfortable,maybe clothes too such is an important part of finding a pleasant way to live for just oneself. In such green plants on the window and things that one loves are important. Often a different chain of shops offers different kinds of good sides in things and has a different variety as the cheapest things to buy, so it is worth checking, for example for some single cheap thing to buy but well chosen and with regard to what kind of ways of living and skill levels & tyoes the shop aims the sold things to especially support. Some things are sold just for certain age class in the area the shop is in, and that depends on the decade: what the kids of adults interested in the local main professional interests need if there are many types of people in the kids, and so they are not necessarily for sale later when the child has grown up, so there is the time for them while they are for sale and things sold in a shop change from season to season and from year to year.
(A picture from my window here in Savonlinna, Finland, some previous year)
A22. 12. October 2018 The old gnomelike man I saw some two weeks ago wassomewhat soldier like in style, which made me ponder that usually when one takes part in a society in an ok way but has some strenghts, for exampe practices a martial art with a beautiful philosophy, then one is somehow sovereign because one is stronger than earlier and at the same time one aims at harmony, aims at peaceful ways, so things go lighter and there is something gnome like in that, peaceful.
A23. 13.10.2018 I have "only" Finnish dogs, but I have the impression that French cats would be interested in gnomes. I use English here, like always, as an international language. Of Englsih speaking countries USA is the most interesting to most Finns.
A24. 14. October 2018 When someone reads gnome tales and is fascinated by them, he/she typically thinks of what is nice to do in life, what are good nice ways of doing and living. So he /she is pondering about what is good life and what kinds of things to do fascinate him/her. So it is his/her place in the world that he/she ponders about: the things he/she would like as his/her work for tens of years propably,and the place in the society that he/she would be satisfied with, find his/her life comfortable and nice, enjoy it and be in harmony with the demands of the world. So it is a big thing,possible first in dreaming and then in hobbies, short jobs and as the final profession that he/she adapts to, transforms to be alike the job. And there is lightness in such ways of doing: the person has found his/her place in the wolrd, his/her own areas of life and his/her good pleasant well working ways of doing and living, in harmony with traditions which now serve to rise the skill level in doing and in ways ofliving higher than the individual alone usually can.
(16.10.2018 A text about angels and another about devils http://healthilymoral.blogspot.com/2019/11/two-texts-angels-and-devils.html .)
A25. 19. October 2018 A Finnish gnome is like a person who likes some thing to do, typically the chores of some place. So the gnome is like an enthusiastic worker in his/her favourite profession or in work that he/she at least like a lot. So a Finnish gnome lives an active life with senses open, acutely aware of the world around, even sensitively observant of the affairs in his/her living environment. And so a gnome is not a likely target of a murderer or a hunter, but is instead often a guardian of the things he/she loves, like for example the deeds of the elderly in teh eyes of the young. A Finnish gnome is also not too bound to one place but can change to some other place and maybe to some other activity if it seems sometime better for him/her, even wander quite far on some affair of his/her, sometimes also in war like affairs in the spirit of protecting the things he/she lives, even though the basiuc character of a gome isgood willing. The gnome lives a peaceful life, not argumentative, just having opinions,affairs of his/hers, but living very active life and sporty too, for example skiing in the winter time.'
A26. The gnome like man I saw some three weeks ago seemed to say that he is a thousand years old - he impressed for some days while usually people don't anything that much, so it is a possibility, he also seemed to have found his ways of living that he was satisfied with . or that he had done at least a thoud´sand murders, which I guess is much more usual: people who lie and act may have a trap, cannibals may eat many, people who have a human eating large animal as a pet may come to murder many, people in hospitral taking care of the suffering may be accepted to kill many who do not get cured and professional soldiers taking part in several wars may kill many. This man was somewhat soldier like. Also people for some respected cause and people who do not respect locals at all may kill very many.
A Finnish gnome is not food-centered, a cannibal is as far as I know.
A27. Living like a gnome is not a classification that one can choose and then without problems live that way, it arenä't the key to success in being like a gnome. But one can cultivate gnome like things in life like hobbies, values and personal likings in that direction, and so one's life slowly grows to a gnome like direction, if one happens to like gnome like things that carry well as hobbies and personal choices. about way of living.
A28. My writing work has been without pay, I do it out of responsibility and it is often nice yto think about it like the work of a Christmas gnome making presents and on the otherhand as some way to be useful in the society and in the world. I also like handicrafts, dofgs, birds, nature and weather,music, arts and religion too, so it is somewhat likea gnome like things but not entirely. Oh, and wisdom of life too, and caring for the future generations. A dry thought like what I usually write can often correct some gap in understanding and skills, but is maybe not so very readable text.
A29. 20. October 2018 One who likes gnome like life, might get energy frommy paradise theory http://talefigures.blogspot.com/2018/10/paradise.html .
A30. I have now been stuck on this one blog post for over 20 times what usually is the longest time for me tyo spend in one text. I do not have the faintest idea why. If you like this text, please recommend it to those who like gnome texts. I wonder if this text is so much lower quality than my ordinary texts that people do not think that I could write anything of worth. I have written lots of texts of wider interest than this one, for example thinking course of common sense like objective thinking, about the future of computers, about the rationality of feelings, about learning skills and talents, about the seasons of the year, even about curing illnesses.
A31. 21. October 2018 If there is something gnome like in my viewpoint, its is propably the countryside town Savonlinna I live in http://picturesfrommyhome.blogspot.com/2018/02/pictures-from-countryside-town.html or Finnish culture http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html or my other texts here in the internet, much about the rationality of feelings and of learning skills and talents.
A32. (A picture from the Savonlinna harbour near the market place, some summer.
Savonlinna travel http://visitsavonlinna.fi/en/ )
A33. 22. October 2018 I have somehow gotten stuck in this text, even though I think that it is too long, kind of too cumbersomely written. I have advertised it too. If you know which group would be very much interested in it, could you please adversite it to them, if they like the subject. For example via the buttons below: Google+, Twitter, etc, or by e-mail ot whatever it is that suits the task. The good side of this text is that it leaves a somehow good spirit and as far as I know not any bad luck for readers. (But the town I live in seems to have lots of murders, especially in the evening and night time it is dangerous outdoors.) So it is not like the skriik style together with some gome art which is quite usual. Also the links support the text, for example heklping the ill or giving extra skills, even talents.
A34. The Finnish type of gnome is civilized in his/her behaviour. If someone is not civilized he/she is not a gnome type of person. If a gnome kills, he/she kills in protecting something valuable to life and is not criminal in intentions or values.
A35. There are many types of things that hold a gnome life like fascination for some, just like there are many kinds of hobbies. Handiworks, weather, cooking, pets and nature, also religion and traditional ways, wisdom of life are gnome like things that fascinate most and are possible for many. But to them one usually needs to add hobbies of one's own and one's own personal rythm of life, and of course modern life's civilized wisdom and healthy ways of living.
If one borrows from the library (instead of always the same) one or at most two fascinating books with pictures, like armory of the world or old time pictures of some famous place, then one can find some fascinating place tyo open it and watch especially somepictures, thinking of old timers, different ways of living,different professions etc, kind of pondersomething deeply about life, and it is at least for me a viewpoint that brings some gnome likedness to my life: winderful things just about inside one's reach, yet ordinary life,finding one's own roads in life, yet in harmony with the society and the world. And so I came to read the book about gnomes too.
A36. 24. October 2018 Oh, this text seems to need the search word "best".
Maybe some write gnome stories because they feel the need for them in their own life, while this texts of mine seeks to offer gnome like things to everyday life, with the help of my other texts of course.
A37. 11.11.2018 A few days earlier than I saw the gnome like man in Savonlinna in the Nätki suburban district I live in and he too travelled by bus to the center of the town, in an nearby town Joensuu had the church of Kiihtelysvaara burned. Maybe it had had a gnome by it's bell tower and the gnome had disappeared and so the church had burned. Well, I do not know. Maybe the gnome was interested in my paradise theory http://2013paradise.blogspot.com/2017/08/basics-of-my-paradise-theory.html , or in the translation of this gnome text, I came to ponder afterwards on the same day, but well, I just do not know.
A38. Some Christmas I watched from tv the pope sending greetings to all the world, and they said in tv that the pope has gnomes as guards, but I do not know what kinds of gnomes, appeared different from the ordinary Finnish gnomes. But when I some weeks ago came to think of them, I noticed that a flower on my window was in bloom, even though I had expected it to bloom later.
A39. 12. November 2018 Gnome's work and way of learning http://workandfreetime.blogspot.com/2017/12/old-times-work-happiness-in-nowadays.html
A40. 12. February 2019 In these modern times many people do not know which things fit together, and so they produce a kind of theoretical broken effect, not at all gnome like. While in the old times people's ways of living were such that most or all liked them, they had variations to allow different types of individuals live a life they liked, but the main things like living the weather were good for all. So the people also better understood what is the characterm the nature of each thing in life and in the world. And so they made choices whose parts fit harmonically together. Like, I saw today an advertisement of a handicraft exhibition in Jyväskylä and there was a picture oin it of woolen threads. Neighbouring yellow and blue produces a skriik like effect, like "I do not know how to do handicrafts!", while chosing one colour, for example blue, and then another that suits with it but take two nicely near tones of the other, for example green, made it appear very harmonical and handicraft like, like an example of "like thi you do handicrafts" which was gnome like too.
A41. 23.2.2019 Most of my texts on these blogs are meant to be read in a hobby like way, so if you are interested in such subjects, maybe they could offer you something like gnome like life, even though my texts are not written from the point of view of gnomes, since gnomes often get mixed by foreigners with the appearance and ways people have in tropics, since they do not understand that climate affects what are good ways of doing like and that happiness is a different thing from hot weather, and that being ill isn't what gnomes or happiness is a question about, even though it may be that people on climates of four seasons, who are well adapted to four seasons' climate have healthy ways of living and so they are healthier and happier than people from tropics who demand either hot weather or lots of food and do not seem to know happier thing than a food pause or company. Gnome is a person living an active life and enjoying it much more than people enjoy food or hot weather, and such active good willing healthy life brings a good social eye, compassionate, so that there is no error in this how happy each kind of thing makes one. HAPPINESS TOO DEMANDS SKILLS IN THE ART OF LIVING.
A42. 24.2.2019 Gnome like life is what many Fiins like: just about all under Christamas and if one would get one's work work out nicely one often would feel that to be a gnome like thing. Likewise other things that Finns support much are usually such that very many Finns would like such thing as their job or otherwise as a big part pf their life. So they are nopt a place we would ask foreigners to replace us. Instead we try to make them possible for their enthusiasts in a way that makes the society work out well and makes lives good. That is the reason I write these advices about learning skills: because I feel that many long for such skills and would use them in harmony with the good of the world, and of Finns of course.
A43. 2nd of March 2019 Several countries have a tradition of gnomes and Christmas brings such too, but ways of living have to depend on climate for it to be good life, so the types of gnomes differ too in looks and in ways of living and so also the characters are different from country or county to country or county.
A44. (One year during the Eurovision song contest in Tv those days, I made traditional Finnish wooden decoration birds, the tradition which is loosely connected with Kalevala, like all Finnish tradition. http://kalevalainenglish.blogspot.com Advices about making the birds but in Finnish only http://tunteetjatekemisentapa.blogspot.com/2018/05/lastulinnusta.html The upper picture is not typical.)
A45. 17th March 2019 But what is gnome like way of doing like? I do not fully know, but one side of it is how one does to others and that seems often be cultivating things needed for everyday life, but cultivating them without being bored or malicious in so doing, kind of liking such chores, doing only a little of them and then going to one's own life, good will and wisdom of life of course.
One's way of doing ught not be square but variate as life varies, and be with wisdom of life and civilized ways, understanding that the best options in life suited for all as understood by some wise people want to teach to the next generations and so they are parts of the civilized ways but typically demand lots of common sense, individuality, wisdom of life and some distant good will toward all.
A46. Some wonder can gnome like life be sporty if it is like elderly or like handiworks or some kind of soft in the opinion of some, but hobby like things fit well together with speedy sporty ways. You can learn such from following such wishes like what if I now put this book on the table, or taking some quicker step in between out of wish of the moment, kind of feeling of sportiness like sports bring health and good mood, somewhat like people on a walk on a day with beautiful weather followed their wish to go for a walk, the same way but mostly in seconds one can follow other wishes of the moment if those are with healthy spirit, and find so something of the way of being active in the same way sports are benefical and fun, safer too.
A47. 23th March 2019 I came to wonder if one could by one's approack and attachement choose how one feels about how much nature there is in the town that one lives in, and I wondered if one could make a song teaching such, and so I came to make a try on it. It wasn't a very good day for me, but the end result is maybe somewhat gnome like and might fit somehow to such choices too.
A49. 26th March 2019 I tried to make a melody that would help a perspective to not to get ruined by associating with others who maybe are on a diet or otherwise do not share the skill of such fine approach. But I do not know if the end result works, it is just a spring winter tune thinking of women on a diet.
A50. 12th of May 2019 How one buys food and artifacts from a shop matters a lot to how content one is with them. If there are for example several types of yoghurt with roughly the same price, it is good to choose for each family member the one according to her/his ideal of a way of living she/he wants to associate with so much, like berries or a lot or sugary, grandparents like or like celebration, etc so that one is more satisfied and so one feels as if with a fuller stomach and so it is possible to get back the extra cost by not needing to buy something else. Likewise when buying something else. For example computers have colour coded user friendliness features, at least this HP of mine.
A51. Wild animals choose to live in certain kinds of habitats and be rarely seen by humans. So they can be tuned to their own kind of life. Humans often make the error of wanting to be famous or stars or the like, and that is a problem since when one in peace and quiet on one's own does things the spirit in them is often good, but when one is the center of attention for many or quite many others, they are mostly not as interested in the subjects or not at all as skilled, and so their views ruin the good ways of doing and wise choices that brought the good spirit and enjoyment to the things you like. Sometimes such happens if you discus even with one person, so free leisureky talk with like-minded is much better!
A52. 14.5.2019 quite early evening
I tried to compose something about reaching for harmony:
A53. 22. of May 2019
Gonmes can be sporty too. Here is maybe something in between having fun and enjoying life and learning sports talents:
""About recovering from more strenous motion than usually:
The body warm and soft, kind of ball like, in ways that feel good as if comfortably in a sofa.
For returning energy reserves healthy food like on saturdays.
One ought to listen to muscles and limbs and the positions of the body: how the exercise makes them stronger and the good posture that they seek how it brings to the different parts of the body good space to live in and support from the neighbouring parts, health and strenght for the future. One ought to reserve time and eace for the body and mind for this like one listens to the body temperature after sauna, in other words there is a moment for this and otherwise one can be peacefully listening to the atmosphere of the moment, for a monet with a smaller sphere of attention for one to be with a better endurancy and more rested in the future, but just only according to what feels good and right, what the body and one's feelings long for.
If one is restless because of having exercised too much, it is good to move a little bit when one feels so whether it is two seconds or a few minutes, and then rest again when one feels so."
"Recovery and getting wiser
Recovering from more strenous motion than usually and after motion generally makes one feel good and is good for the body and mind.
Recovering after motion can make one wise similarly as waking up in the morning gradually (see point 6. in this blog in the text about healthy ways of living), if the movements are free in the whole body most of the time, like the body and mind each moment feel to be good for them, and not all the time curling or all the time as if one were a piece of bread.
Of the type of motion one ought to think that I got this type of motion now but I intend to keep my possibilities of moving wide, also now as I recover. One oguht not aim at being stiuck to that type of moving that one usually meets.
One needs to let the bpdy find a good posture for each of it's parts, for it's environment too anf for all body parts good possibilities of movement to different directu´ions, even though now largely as intentions, and a good posture for each part, and let the posture be alive and change from moment to moment and bring a good honest sporty way of living, a bouncing step and lots of freed energy and a fresh mind."
One can learn sports talents this way:
"Do not make plans about how to move but decide each second and each fraction of a second anew what right now feels like the best idea about where to move, how to move, in which style, in which attitude, in which mood, with how much eager interest and quickness resulting from that or relaxed awareness or emotionally motivated force,... So you change all the time, your plans change and you learn to pick each fraction of a second just the things that you like best right then to be your goalsetting right then in practice in your movements. So you feel happy and fulfilled. Be wary of boredom and habits.""
From my text about the seasons http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html
About the third advice: you are as a doing person going certain way and you instinctually know that a certain way of moving would at that moment be best for you, your body and mood and emotional motivation are tuned to that direction, so you take a step or half a step or a few steps emotionally in that mood, like is the wish of the moment, not a paln, not s though and certainly not pretending something else than your emotionas, mood and body's posture and body's sensations tell you at that moment. Like following temptations, being playful as you move.
A54. In doing handicrafts, building, gardening etc if the person or group is suited to the area, in harmony with it's fascinating sides and challenges, it's view to the world and values, then the materials for handiwork and the places in a garden etc often give a variety of ideas of how to do, of what would well be possible there to build, to do, and catching those ideas with one's own insight in a spirited form, in a good quality form that is good for living wisely (with healthy spirit), is how there is room, a place for such handicrafts, building work etc,a possibility for such, and doing so in harmony with the culture, climate etc of the town or village district I guess builds a place for them there, a track loosely along which others too can find such good sides to what they do and how they live there. The sama also in what comes to ways of doing: the district supports some good sides and basic skills and healthy spirit add to the variety, add wisdom of life to it and increase skills.
A55. 23th of May 2019
Moments with a good atmosphere are a side of your life that you can learn to cultivate. My advices about healthy ways of living helpto bring a better atmosphere more often and to more sides of life if you follow them http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2015/11/healthy-ways-of-living.html . The skills of living the weathers and of admiring the nature bring easier moments of good atmosphere http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html . Most happenings are planned so that they would give the visitors also a good atmosphere. Things that you like as hobbies or chores often have a good atmosphere at least for part of the time when you practise them. A good atmosphere is often something you come across when you wonder somewhere or take part in some activity: some part of it is just running unusually well and peopler enjoy their time there. Different places and different activioties have a different kind of atosphere. But often an atmosphere does not stay good if you try to grasp it, for example take a video of the people doing something, since then you are not yourself fullheartedly taking part in the action but isntead confusing it with some viewers who are not familiar with or not fond of such thing. But on the ther hand when some place or group has very much some characteristics, it tends to offer that kind of things to many, so it is just a question whether you like it or not. But often things have a better atmosphere as hobbies than as full time endeavouras. Healthy ages old ways of living like your best wisdom and the voice of your heart and soul says are where you can yourself build things/activities with a good atmosphere. A not at all good atmosphere is either not good for the thing done or a mark of there being people with different interests influencing or a mark of a lack of energy, for example exhausted or unwise.
Especially for those who lack skills people often recommend factors which can increase skills in the art of living: music, religion and good food. Good food can ease the mind and get people to a more good willing mood and can bring energy with which things go easier, for example some like discussions just after eating and some use a full stomach to bear disappointments or unpleasant things quite nicely, but in the other hand it would be better to survive without such negative sides. Music is most often praised, you can learn wisdom of life from it and you can have a CD or radio playing music at the background while you do something, or just have a pleasant moment.
A56. 25th May 2019 I am not fond of sending this gnome text to different places. I do not have the faintest idea why I ought to do so. I do not think this as as good text as my other texts. Propably you haven't read them. If you think that some would like this gnome text, you should send it yourself to them. Or I will just press "Delete" on this whole text.
I tend to write about widely interesting subjects, so my text about gnomes ought not be with especially wide audience, and not of very big signifigance, even though people sometimes need tales and hobbies and a positive view to their work. For example my thinking course http://quickerlearning.blogspot.com may have affected lives profoundly all over the world, since thinking is needed a loyt in life. Lately I have been writing mostly about the seasons (and composing pieces of melodies to it's spring part) http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html and cure attempts to illnesses. I have also written about the future of computers, about the future of the world and about how to learn talents and skills for and change to one's dream job http://todreamjob.blogspot.com .
A57. 26th of May 2019 Maybe when people tell about their culture something that there isn't much to tell, they tend to tell about things in that direction that generally interest people in their environment, and so it is in a sense quite interesting and in a sense very much like how they live.
A58. (I have on some years knitted woolen socks and mittens: knitting tips http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2017/10/knitting-tips.html )
A59. A place or an activity being sheltered is something like a hobby that people like: they come of their free will on their free time because they happen to like such, have a good time there and go away much before they would have gotten bored or too tired. So they support a thing like that in their lives and other people too have hobbies that they like and they all value the possibility for such and so there it is arranged and sheltered, since after all it is a quite small thing to arrange, and makes lives better since people with hobbies are likely to be in a good mood and so all get better along when people have such way of expressing their nature, their likings in a way that fits together with the rest of the society. But the good effect has to do with you liking your hobby sincerely, it would not work for you with somebody else's favourite things that you do not happen to like. With jobs it is the same: some need that job to be done. If you happen to like such a job, it is good for you, but otherwise not.
A60. 28th of May 2019 I have the impression that in England something like this gnome text of mine is longed for: tale like things in everyday life, yet realistical and explained rationally, not forgetting the needs of modern city life. I guess that the English would also like to read my other texts about the rationality of feelings etc.: see the video earlier in this text and the video playlist on the subject on my youtube channel www.youtube.com/khtervola . There are also texts about learning good quality rationality: see my thinking course in the beginning of this blog. See also my other texts.
A61. (A picture from (one of) my earlier homes here in Savonlinna, Finland. I am originally from Helsinki, which is the capital of Finland, North-East Europe. At that time I made advices for learning to play and read notes http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2019/02/learn-to-play-piano-keyboard-or.html And a piece advice made here where I now live, about learning to compose music: about how to learn to sing like the atmosphere of the moment http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2019/03/singing-spring.html )
A62. 4th of June 2019 As far as I know, gnomes are not much associated with magic but somewhat though especially of Christmas kind of magic like finding newly knitted woolen socks at home or something else done nicely for living, for better life, especially at home circles. And traditional ways of living have wisdom learned from living with the nature, and that wisdom has strenghts and good spirit, a superior level of skills yet peaceful like a grandmaster or grandfather, I mean mostly peaceful but not in trouble. Of learning from the nature, please read this:
"I am not sure of this, but my impression is that each weather, also in widely different climates, is best lived in a way which you find when you pay central attention to some fine whole of the nature, like an atmospheric branch in nature, that is especially spirited in it's view of how to live such wetaher and to which heights one's wisdom of life, skill, virtues of character and enjoyment of life could so rise,for example on some animal of the wilderness, and from siuch viewpoint pay attention to it's view on the ways of living: that is what is the way of living such wetahers and such temperatures, maybe such days, evenings, nights & mornings. Follow that advice and search for a new advice when the weather is clearly different."
Of how teh nature is benefical for wisdom and high skills, you could read my translation of the beginning of Kalevala in a way that is independent of the climate: http://kalevalainenglish.blogspot.com/ . But it is a wise old book,poetry, not very easy, but one can read and understand it as a kid since it is kind of tale like in it's way of telling about things.
A63. For these modern times I think a gnome like things for being outdoors and admiring the nature are running shoes and a breathing windproof rain coat that is quite loose and has a quite bighood for using against the wind.
A64. Of eating a good basic advice that makes one feel well and stay healthy, without any problems related to foods, is to eat fresh good quality food according to the food circle which says that you should at every meal eat at least something of each of the five groups of types of food, but how much of each food, that must be determined by how you feel that you would feel well for the next few hours and be healthy in the long run too: 1. fruits, vegetable & berries, 2. meat, chicken, fish, soya and some types of nuts, 3. wheat products, like musli, bread, (propably?? also pasta, potatoes and rise), 4. milk products, and 5. butter, oils and the like.
A65. Trees need all their branches, but sometimes a storm wind makes some branches fall and one can find them on the ground even much later. Often curved pieces of branches may look magnifient and serve as a decoration indoors if one wants a more complex,more profound, more ages old view to life. Often such fit together with pictures and art. Such do not need to be big at all, often without bark is nice, and a coloured stone (dry stone does not have strong colours, usually) can serve as such too, or a photograpf, some like especially pictures of flowers and of the summer. A branch, stone or the like from the nature is like a fractal: always new things to find, the more detailedly one looks at it.
A66. In the old times people spent lots of time outdoors, so propably they did not feel so cold indoors either. If it is cool and moist indoors but quite much colder outdoors, then even if it is raining, open a window and ventilate quickly a quite big part of the room's air and while doing that keep woolen socks on feet and a blanket around your feet, a woolen shirt on too, and then shut the wo´indows etc and keep the blanket etc and let the warm air near the roof of the room warm quickly the new cold and so much more dry air in the room and so in a few minutes you can have a warm room.
(A picture from my window some November day of raining water mixed with snow, and another of early summer cool day..)
A67. A good way of thinking is like looking and observing structures and what the things are and what their atmosphere & other features and place in the world are, and forming a landscape like view with these in it (see http://quickerlearning.blogspot.com ). In addition oneought to have the ordinary civilized wisdom and follow it in practice. Wandering in a landcsape and living one's life with one's picture of the world helping to guide one's actions are thus connected.
A68. 5th of June 2019
About growing to a hero like level of skill http://talesfromforest.blogspot.com/2017/08/about-kalevala.html
A69. Speaking of heroes, my dogs may say "Vuh!" on the door but they have also a friendly option available, sometimes they get scared and go and hide or flee. So that is a very different situation for a guard than fighting for life which is kind of desperate, not so full of options and skills of getting along. My Japanese spitz once fought with a German shepherd dog, lost but unwounded.
A70. One thing which maybe would fit gnome like life is listening to rock music played in the radio: how tough realism opens to good life via wisdom of life.
A71. Sometimes some fascinating roads in life are available only to you even if they appear to be available for all, like an interesting hobby's guidebook in a library, since just you have an eager interest in the subject but others do not have the motivation for just the same things and their insight is different.
But reading a hobby guidebook very detailedly school like thoroughly through isn't usually the best way to read it. Better to leave more room for insight and having the hobby in practice: read the basics from the beginning and then mainly just some fascinating opening(s) leaving the book open there and leaving room for own insight, dreaming, deep thoughts, own thoughts about ways of connecting the things read etc, kind of being led by the fascination and being supported by the skills taught in the book like in a manual about slightly different subject.
A72. "The blue in the Finnish flag refers to objective thinking with a view of the whole. The white in the flag of Finland symbolizes good moral. These are not atmosphere colours to follow or otherwise pictures of the Finns. Instead they are useful additions which are often needed in life. If you just live your life or do something, just following your wishes often does not bring a well working result. But if you add good quality thinking to support it and take care that the effects are good for life in the society and in the world, in the individual lives of each with wisdom of life, then it usually happens that all can just freely according to their so corrected wishes live their lives, according to their emotions, likings and wisdom of life. And so these two colours in the flag of Finland are a reminder of what is needed in addition to just living your life as you feel like doing. So invest some work in these virtues and life just smiles." http://Finnishskills.blogspot.com
A73. What the town environment, garden areas and also countryside are like is partly a question of skills: in which way to leave trees : http://talesfromforest.blogspot.com/2017/08/which-trees-bushes-and-plants-to-leave.html
A74. I quote here this famous old poem of Eino Leino:
"The Song of the Sage Väinämöinen
There aren't many joys given to a human child:
One the joy of spring
and another of summer
and third of high, clear autumn's joy.
Plough, saw,
rest at last in peace from labour.
There aren't many sorrows given to a human child:
One a sorrow of one's heart,
another worry of living,
and third of high, strict death's sorrow.
A friend betrays,
life leaves you,
magic is hero's only work and enthusiasm.
Why would sing I, to whom kantele was given,
other joys
and other sorrows?
I cannot count the stars of the sky,
neither the fishes of the sea,
not the flowers of the grasses.
So I sing of what a human is given to sing about.
Men should not sing knowledge, skills,
not bring forth them.
A hero is allowed
to sing only, how years change and weeks,
how sparks get lighted
and dimmen away again
and how goes the law of death and life.
All else is just glimmering of the sky,
splash of the waves.
A hero ought to sing like the sea,
as great, holy,
something to be afraid of,
tender like the resting night over the lands.
There are many songs, also many men of songs.
There is one song
above the others:
humans' ideal's, spirit's strict song.
Peoples disappear,
what does not disappear
is the might sung by a great one knowing the soul of one's people."
Eino Leino (My translation)"
A75. From my text about the seasons http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html :
"If the spring time's weathers in April feel uneasy, either too varying or too much always the same, I guess it helps to use a varied rythm in wandering outdoors and in life otherwise too, so that one sees what works well and how heat regulation and changes in ways of living according to weather and need of variation in life make one's experience of life melodical.
A76. From my text about healthy naturaö ages old ways of living http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2015/11/healthy-ways-of-living.html :
"110. The point of view of some men is very much according to education, kind of narrow and not so intelligent, not adapting to situations and not understanding the rest of the life in the society. It would be good to vary one's way of doing and one's way to approach things according to common sense and according to the situation: sometimes it is good to be practical, sometimes one needs a good memory, or educated thinking, common sense, motion, feelings or whatever suits the situation. Likewise when working it is good to notice the landscape of life at large with it'sphenomena: with it's social contacts, happenings, journeys, approaching holidays etc. Like that one can train one's common sense and one's understanding about life.
This way a more skilled person can learn to vary the rythm of writing on computer keyboard, so that one feels somehow more comfortable and the sound is nicer, better suited to other things to do and to listening one's own views."
A77. In building new and in repairing the old, it is important that the worker has a good insight into the wished for way of living, so that he/she has such way of living right at those seconds or minutes that choices in the construction work are made, so that one can choose what right then appears nice (exact space, colours, materials etc), good to live in, and keep that choise, make it so and then the end result naturally will be good to live in that way. But of course one needs skills too: https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/11/how-to-get-rid-of-modern-helplessness.html , the cooking tips in this blog are also good for learning skills at large https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2017/10/about-cooking.html and the advices of learning talents and skills for one's dream job may often be useful if one likes one's work https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2017/09/learn-talents-and-skills-in-something.html .
The texts on these links ought to be very useful lessons for other skills too!
A78. Of music, I like the harmonical choir https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2019/02/harmonical-choir.html .
A79. 18th of June 2019 Of wisdom of life I have written at http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2015/11/healthy-ways-of-living.html
A80. 30th of June 2019 If the world is of spirit, you can sometimes when you happen to meet something gnome like in your life, in your environment, you can maybe wander to a gnome like world for a while, like for example meeting the weather when you go out and wandering for a while in a world of weather and nature, maybe adding wisdom of life too. Likewise if you run into trouble, that may keep you lingering on a not so nice perspective, as if all were spirit. But if you search for things that usually help out of trouble, like music, religion, better life, civilized wisdom, maybe the medias, then you typically can wander to the worlds they create and leave your troubles behind. Often this demands some energy, so having eaten, preferable good tasting food, often helps doing it's part and bringing life to a gnome like direction, kind of wirh less nuisancies or with less burden from them, more fractureless, more free to invest on hobbies, personal interests, etc, each having theirmoment, their worlds, which can become parts of your daily life and if you much like them somehow parts of your character too.
A81. 2nd of July 2019 Many who have some dream profession already as a child learn many kinds of skills to support it and see it's place in the world as important, so that in a job like that they are kind of building that kind of things to the world, and if it is their job they may succeed in it even if others who invest less in just that area of life would typically fail. But it demands that the job is not too closely according to instructions but instead relying on the worker's skills and independency. http://todreamjob.blogspot.com
A82. "D13."About how summer is benefical for one's understanding
In the summer time it is easy to reach one's best skill level. In the summer there is holiday or at least the value of free time is emphasized, and in addition the nature is at it's most flourishing. Warm weather that is good to live in more relaxed ways, makes one let go of stuck habits,which are partly a consequence of a work like stuck way of doing and partly of the bpdy being tense in a stuck way, and so as one relaxes and changes to free time, one's attention widens to include more perspectives and the rythm of understanding changes fromstuck work like to catching new things and searching for meaningfulness. One's experience in work like objective thinking makes it easy to go through objectively those new perspectives without it taking much time. The flourishing nature together with healthy ways of living brings in the atmospheres of plants branches a model of successfull solutions and successfull ways of doing along the lines of healthy natural ages old ways of living. So as one looks at the nature or has just admired the nature, one catches easily and understands better than usually such subjects that the nature is a model of. Getting motion, for example swimming, brings an ability to take into account varying temperatures and other situations: there I noticed that and here already now I have taken it fully into account and live according to that understanding without problems, sovereignly. SSummer time's relaxedness and the varying weathers cause that one does not get stuck in the new things either so that they would be a burden, but instead the body changes to new mood and the mind to new things, to new things to do."
A83. From the same blog, a short piece on a summer theme
A84. "2nd of July 2019 In school we were taught that tyrannies usually had a bad effect on the nation but there was one exception and that was "valistunut itsevaltias" enlightened sovereign ruler, which meant somehow wise and good for life, yet kind of tyranny but it had a positive effect on the nation so such ought to be supported, and the teachers said that that was their goal: they sought to educate kids so that they could be sovereign in their lives in a way that well fits into a society and that they would be so skilled and wise in their work that they could be kind of sovereign rulers in that what was their dream job that they had chosen, and of which maybe experience with adults shows that an individual often isnät interested in a good quality way in anything much wis´der in scope than what could fit as his/her work, so they could not be sovereign rulers any wider but there could be many enlightened sovereign rulers in a society, that was not a problem, instead it was an advantage they sought and kids liked." http://aboutmytexts.blogspot.com/2015/08/my-birthday.html
A85. So, a gnome like way of doing is born of a sincere interest in the subject and that usually means that the things have not been made according to a rigid timetable and detailed instructions but instead what has been done has grown from personal interest, of wishes of the moment, of what makes sense in each thing, and typically there have been others too to carry a part of the burden, to help in this and that. And so gnome like skill and a gnome like incluination to something is born from several interests with at least some skills backing them up and some knowledge too, a fascinating and refreshing union of several areas of life.
A86. Of how wellequipment and other things bought fit into their purpose, matters a lot how much time and interest you invest on them. You should visit more than one shop to see what the shops are like and what kinds of things they offer. If you support the ways and values and skill level of the town you live in, then there ought to be some shop that sells things targeted to people like you, but it also means that you ought to buy from your own price level and according to your interests and likings while taking into account what the town's culture is like. If you buy just something, it is quite likely to go ashtray. But if you take a closer look at the material, tool or whatever it is and at the different sides and possibilities of usage of it, "oh it looks like as if it were..., coukld it be that it could be used to...", and use it according to it's spirit, while maybe ready to go to the shop again and buy something extra which needs time to catch the new ideas and adapt to the changes inplans according to what the more skilled whomanufacture the things know of good ways of doing and of using them. I guess that it could be likewise when choosing an apartment or the like.
A87. 5th of July 2019
A88. 12th of July 2019 "419. If one longs for much more fracturelessness to one's life and one's living environment, one maybe gets it if one lives in a landscape dominated by the atmospheres of single trees, and takes the atmospheres typical to their three species to be an advice of life in the weathers and also more widely a source for one's happiness. This somehow in connection with Finnish civilized ways. The ordinary tree sopecies that are natural in the climate of Finland, and abroad the tree soecies natural to that area and it's climate." http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2018/01/healthy-ways-of-living-and-doing.html
A89. " From the point of view of a human, I would say that lack of money causes forced situations to humans, propoably to farmers too, and that causes harm to both human´s and animals. Forced situations get fewer and less harsh if you yourself are along the main courses in life that people on that district usually hope from their life and from the functioning of the society, and which values they value, which ways of doing etc, so in other words if you are in harmony with the surrouding culture's flow that you take part in, which maybe is mainly a question of making choices according to your dreams, so that you are more sensitive to the dreams of others and consequently to where and how, to whaty and which way you get support and what you on the other hand should sensitively avoid."
A90. Of religion I have learned across the years that it is both learning abouthigh ideals, wise states of mind and benefical effects. And on the other hand fixing problems of the not-at-all skilled, of the tired, of the ill and of those in trouble, which is often just referrung to wise solutions that are basic answers to many life's probmens and taking care that the environment and the situation are good for wisdom: havung eaten a meal, having some nature, some free time, something to look at and admire like handiwork's materials, nature decorations or the like, kind of basic things in life which to value to get refreshed and recover well again.
A91. 13th July 2019
"Autumn vow
There is a song called something like I guess we have to say good bye to the summer. I altered the words:
"Though we got to say good bye to the summer, darling I promise you this: I'll safeguard all my loves, every time in practise, vowed with a kiss. I guess its gonna be a long snowy winter, but darling I promise you this: I'll safeguard all my loves every time in practise, vowed with a kiss." (Obs! "My loves" here does not mean sexual love but instead likings, things that bring a good mood, healthy spirit and give forces that carry over the winter time.)"
A92. 27th of July 2019
How one gets room and peace for one's hobbies, personal interests, personal choices of life, personal style too, comes from following the rule "Live and let others live!" and trying to get others to follow it too: http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2012/10/live-and-let-others-live.html . In addition one needs civilized ways and healthy spirit & healthy ways of living http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2015/11/healthy-ways-of-living.html .
A93. 9th of August 2019
As far as I know, in the beginning of the school year parents and maybe some other adults too take a look at their kids' new school books and try to estimate if they are worth studying, if they are what one is supposed to teach children, what wisdom says about such. And generally they are quite happy with it: read quickly, leisurely, like reading a novel, following their interest in the subjects and the meaningfulness in things, so it is in a sense a quite gnome like way of studying. Of course most of them have studied them already years earlier, but on the other hand, if such are new things for the kids they still ought not take very much longer, at most say a hundred times longer for the kids to study. And so, if it was a quarter of an hour for the parents, it would be something like 25 hours, less than two weeks studying for the kids. But kids study in some other way, getting bored which is typical what happens when things go much too slow, and doing things like rigidly adviced which is laborous and does not feel nice and is not motivating. So I guess that one ought to copy also the way of studying: to study in free ways, out of an interest in the subjects, much like a gnome does. But if one has more time left, one ought to have hobbies too, to not to just sit and wait for parents to come home from work, but have something top balance the school work with.
A94. 17th of August 2019
Quite much home bound life is often more comfortable anf works put in some respects better. The manufacturers of artifacts have thought that you have just that hobby that the artifact belongs to, and so they have thought that you invest time and peace for that hobby, and so it works out better if you are quite much at home by yourself, being free to do things in your own ways. That is easy to notice about a musical instrument but also the manufacturers of other good propably have lived alife centered on those areas of life, and that is seen in the product's style, in it's uses. If you are much away from home, many people are just bypassing there or doing their work and so you get from them influencies of somehow being out of the center of your life, even though some may like being out and that influence ught to be good. Also home bound life gets better f one sometimes has a hobby: something different that one likes, in some other place,learning new inspiring things and meeting like-minded people. Then one can when one returns home start all fresh and new, with new energy.
A95. Some think that plants too are somewhat gnome like: they live in the enviroenment making it pleasant, have different styles and even their own wisdom that one can learn from each plant species via the sense of atmospheres, an understanding about life. But some think it tough that when plants die they become the earth that other younger plants grow upon, but there in the earth there are some pieces of straw left like the pieces of older generations' wisdom that the younger ones managed to grasp and value.
A96. 22th of August 2019 I have been sending this gnome text of mine to different places. I have planned the text for giving a glimpse of traditional kind of life and a connection with nature for those who live in towns, a life influenced by computers etc, who long for something tale like to their everyday life. I have been amazed to find that I get the impression that Amazon and Borneo rainforests would like my gnome text, since that was far above the gola, but I guess that is how the Finnish culture carries well, and not the effect of my own texts like I have gotten used to. But anyway, it so seems that one can continue on this gnome way of life quite far without going ashtray, at least if one is interested in the nature,but much of that has to do with Kalevala and the Finnish culture.
A97. 23th of August 2019 Can it be that when people take refuge in something, even if they seek it as their pilgrimage, they tend to rob it barren as the time passes? Many take it as a gift, many think that they do not have own wisdom to give in return and help to carry the burden, and many are just so desperate they grasp whatever hope there is. But they do have cultural wisdom, some have personal wisdom of life and strenghts and they do have the ability to pray and turn to wisdom. So they could each wish for their cultural wausdom to carry some poart of the life there onwards, their personal wisdom helping a little bit and religion and higher civilized wisdom carrying it toward hope of a good future. And so it would be a place of recovery for all instead of a robbed place.
A98. 24th of August 2019
"The map of Finland looks like a maiden. Where the ear should be is a great lake that is suite much of a bomb shape.The Santa Claus is said to live in the Finnish Lappland in Ear Lapplandhill. Was he bombed? In our hearts there is the motivation to continue giving presents in the Christmas time and the tradition goes on, all over the world.
These both make one wonder is bombing the headquarters or famous sounding places as starightforward question as one would guess?
Also, having taken part in quite many groups, how usual is it that professionals are fed up with the subject and those creating the demand of it have just about never heard of it being a possibility for them to have suhc so much?" http://mythoughtsaboutnews.blogspot.com/
A99. 25th of August 2019
The other place maybe bombed was Arkangel, a small place in the middle of nowhere in northern Russia quite near Finland, known of it's bird waters of the shape of angel's wings pointed toward where Santa Claus lives in the Finnish Lappland, as if it were children's letters to Santa Claus, wishing for presents, almost arrived on their way to Santa Claus, and so the children claiuming to be very well behaved, almost like angels, like once a year only, to get many of the presents they wish for.
A100. "White is just a colour, like other colours. It fits for example a landscape that has different colours.
The white colour goes lightly with joyful light colours like with a little bit of red, which lightens the burden, makes it easier.
All animals and all humans, regardless of colour, are demanded to behave ina way fit into a society. That is good enough to be white. The white colour does not set special demands, except that if it sometimes gives higher position, then one ought to carry responsibility about how one affects things in a such position.
The white colour isn't grey, one does not need to do lots of labour or serve. The things that one needs to take care of one has better strenght for them if the basic current of one's own life is strong and undisturbed, for example healthy ways of living according to one's likings and wishes for the moment, plus basic life typical to dogs, that dogs like.
"Live and let others live" is a good type of moral and of getting along and getting room to live in for oneself: each one sovereign like the branches of park's trees, one must onot interfere with the branches of others, with their own life that is, if they do not unfairly disturb others. http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2012/10/live-and-let-others-live.html
Think what is like ages old life according to the nature of humans and animals,our ideals are born from it, think how that way of life with it's parts touches your feelings and use that as your motivation when you need some courage but the situation isn' t too demanding.
A guard dog ought to have always along the view of ordinary good mood quite friendly life.
" http://healthilymoral.blogspot.com/
A101. Sewing clothes without formulae, with just your dreams guiding you, an easy lesson, but it is for everyday life and higlights, not for acting or stories, http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2017/09/sewing-clothes-without-formulae.html
A102. "Harmonical choir with beautiful, touching sound
A103. 3.9.2019 Gnome like life interests many but being a gnome seems defenceless: some term it soft, some want to reserve it for themselves inly, only for the robust and evil, or want to remove it as nonmodern or as not so army like. So it may be that there is someone else who wants to be called a gnomew more than you or the people you know. It may even be that gnomes exist and the place of gnomes is reserved for the tale like spiritual beings called Christmas gnomes. One cannot know, unless one has seen them.
A104. 18th September 2019 As I have learned to communicate with dogs and other animals, I have öearned to notice that a certain plant or animal may have a style like a character that is suited to certain place or to certain thing to do, and that such can via time or in the company of others change. So some seed, plant or animal may look like suited to certain area while the neighbouring in the same species to another area. Andplaces too, if you wander there like fascinated about tales, may look like as if to certain place would suit a certain type of tree, and tyo another another kind, and the place so have a fascinating atmosphere. And maybe one can so also learn how to care for the young plant individuals etc in such a place. One can learn such langiage from animal friends, music, painting, religion, fascinated handiworks and tales. Maybe also humans have a character suited to certain kind of place or activity, happy with just such, while the neighbouring in other hobbies, other jobs to be.
A105. 19th September 2019 Gnome like life is in the shelter of something or of some people like some part of the society. Writing about gnomes on the other hand ought to offer some kind of version of such shelter for others, whether just imagination or wisdom of life. So writing, singing or painting about gnome like life is in sight of many and so isn't gnome like job but instead should have some source of shelter that one can offer to many, like objective thinking and skills offering things in the wolrd in whose shelter a gnome like life is possible, or a religious person teaching about religious life or an elderly person telling wise stories. Burt of course all do not have enough wisdom for the task and so they do not offer much shelter or not to so many fairly.
A106. Courage often is related to having many options, many sources of strenght and survival in such a situation. So that one can behave in meaningful ways, not desperate. Grandparents tend to have many strenghts compared with their grandchildren, not all strenghts in sight of the younger eyes. On the other hand a younger generation person behaving in an ok way may have the shelter of the elderly. So I guess that in the old times the older generations thought in the times of war that some places have such culture or location that thewy beling to certain nation or group, while other places with different culture etc belonging to another nation or group. So they could offer to the ypung men in army a shelter to conquer certain places and retreat from others, leabving some untouched. So war was not chaos but instead guided by the wisdom of the older generations in all nearby countries. There were still rules, still civiliced wisdom and peace as a value, yet a possibility react in a straightforward way too, in a way that is good for good quality work and peace.
A107. "My method of solving large scale problems
One should see what are the parts of the situation, it's main elements. And then observe each of them in their natural place in the world, undisturbed from their ordinary context and their ordinary life, ways of thinking etc. That is a way to understand them. Then one should place them each to their right place in a well working healthily build society, it's daily life. And that often works out as a solution: well working society, ordinary daily life and the elements as parts of it. But it demands a good view of what a well working society is like. Often one can find the correct place of an element by thinking via the ages old healthy natural ways of living and being a part of a society and of the wide world, and placing the element seen in the light of these values to it's right civiliced place in the society and the world."
A109. 21th of September 2019
Please read my other blogs recommended in this text and/or the other texts in this blog, if you like this one. Those are mainly of subjects supporting free time and things like that. It does not make sense to copy them here, since if you like the subject you can well read it from it's own blog. Besides, those may be tale like sounding things but those are real skills, objective, give possibilities in life, while this text is just about a commonly liked tale figure. Please follow the interesting links in this text!
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A 110. 11th June 2019 Please observe that this text seeks to make gnome like life possible in the modern towns. And the text has many links to advices on learning skills. So it leaves Finnsih kind of gnome like life possible for the reader, contrary to ordinary gnome stories, figures ect wehich are jsut tales, not wisdom of life like new skills. Also gnomes of other countries may be widely different in values, ways, looks, style, amount and type of happiness, skills of harmony, social goals, etc and in their amount of realism in the modern world.
A111. 22th of November 2019 I do not know much about gnomes, I do not have insight about them, I just like the tale and happened to write thios text about gnome like life. But I have experience of most of these skills and have written the teaching material about them, knowing what they are like in daily life and hw one can learn them. I just do not know what happens if one takes a gnome like bunch of them and follows it in one's daily life, especially if ir is in some far away country that is very different from the traditional Finland.
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Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love
Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view
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" You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...

See https://sekundablogi.blogspot.com/2023/01/skills-of-christmas-gnomes_23.html " Start a career as a Christmas gnome! Study for ...
(13th of November 2024 This text is not at all as good as my texts about skills for a Christmas gnome like life, see LearnTalents.BlogSpot...
" You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...