Mostly translations from my Finnish text about sewing
Please read my easy advice about sewing clothes withoutformulae, with just your dreams guiding you, in this blog:
It is propably a large part of what you wish from sewing!
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At which point, how proportions etc: In this it helps a lot to pay attention to one's feelingsa of what is the right choice. So please read the cooking tips in this blog:
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Buying fabrics
Do not think detailedly what to buy but only roughly and grasp fascinating possibilities if they are not too expensive.
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Avoiding errors
Quotation from the knitting advices in this same blog:
" In avoiding errors
it is important to notice that some things demand much more time and
need their own peaceful space. Planning is such. Likewise estimating
right places and right ways of doing. Spotrs talented people invest in
moving maybe a thousand tomes more each moment than ones withotu such
taloents, and so they do better in sports. If you want to get over some
problematic point, keep a pause, breathe freash air, eat something,
maybe a fruit or so, rest and do other things for change. Form a picture
of your goals starting from your dremas, not according to a ridi´´gid
form. Collect practical skills to your support and some kind of
emotional touch and an eye for teaching that yu can apply to yourself.
Return to those points which succeeded and find good ways of doing and
the minimum amount of energy you need. Try again along your dreams with a
good quality in practise. Don't copy your old failures and the
viewpoints of too clumsy ways. Think starting from the ideals what would
be a good way to solve proiblems."
Usually in sewing there comes errors if one does not concentrate in a problematic point in a good way, preferably beforehand already when approaching it. In a difficult point one needs a larger sphere of attention which includes different options of how to do and different possible choices and a good basic way to do and a good state of mind.
So one's state of mind ought not be stuck, stuck to habits, since such easily causes errors to the difficvult points. Insteda one should have energy to invest more in difficult points: Let's see how we come over this in a good way.
In sewing there is the same kind of thing: not just sewing forward with the machine, but it is instead just one factpr of sewing and adjustments, choices, pauses, trying the cloth on and thinking of noce lines to serw along are also such elements that need to be given time and energy. So sewing does not proceed via an even track, but instead only some points are such sewing which one already can well, and others are thinking of the cloth, developing in sewing skills, solcving difficult points energetically, dreaming of what the cloth would be like to be nice, etc.
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Quotations from my blog
"109. It seems that there is a big difference between whether one is
fractureless while doing nothing much or fractureless in the middle of
action. In daily life and in healthy ways of living there are many kinds
of active things to do, and it is important to get along with such
things, feel well with them and be fractureless while doing them.
Fracturelessness in the middle of action is somewhat like when you while
driving a bicycle stop for a few pushes from pushing with your legs and
the bicycle moves by itself, so that you have stuimuli and activity and
at the same time you have light easy fracturelessness and sense the
atmoshphere of the moment. If you do likewise but whenpushing teh pedals
with your legs in a good pleasant mood, the task is easy and just easy
enough and the pleasantness, naturality and that it is according to
feelings bring fracturelessness into the middle of action. Or if you
aren'ät even that much sporty, then like when a sightseeing ship turns,
you have stimuli and pleasantness at teh same time. Maybe the
diufference to one who is fracturelessness while doing nothing is in how
you conceive the moments: do you listent o how your body adapts to
changes of temperature when you have just come in fromoutdoors and do
you think whether you should eat some snack, or do you lazy without
noticing how your body reacts, even if it was just your body which said
that now keep a pause since you have to adapt to the temperature change.
So one is active and another is passive in the same things to do, and
activity creates a route to get along with activity at large inone's
life while passivity makes activities cumbersome, full of failures and
makes them feel nasty.
110. The point of view of some men is very much according to education,
kind of narrow and not so intelligent, not adapting to situations and
not understanding the rest of the life in the society. It would be good
to vary one's way of doing and one's way to approach things according to
common sense and according to the situation: sometimes it is good to be
practical, sometimes one needs a good memory, or educated thinking,
common sense, motion, feelings or whatever suits the situation. Likewise
when working it is good to notice the landscape of life at large with
it'sphenomena: with it's social contacts, happenings, journeys,
approaching holidays etc. Like that one can train one's common sense and
one's understanding about life.
This way a more skilled person can learn to vary the rythm of writing on computer
keyboard, so that one feels somehow more comfortable and the sound is
nicer, better suited to other things to do and to listening one's own
111. In my own life and in that of the people that I know, I have
noticed that for the quality of life it is of an enermous importancy
that work, hobbies and studies would be things that one values because
of themselves and fascinating as things to do, and not done just because
of money, habit, custom or being forced to them.
112. Accordingt o my experience women long for women's things more than
men do and men on the other hand long for men's things more than women
do, but on the other hand both long for the whole spectrum of life, also
long for having skills of their own on the whole spectrum of life, at
least some kind of skills or even good skills, many kind of content to
life. Women long for sports and healthy psirit and basic skills in men's
works and not to get pushed around. Men long for music and the
possibility at least sometimes bake bakery or the like and fry beef, to
be able to choose clothes for oneself, nice looking and socially ok, one
that one oneself likes and what kind of values one has and not just
according tos ome rigid form, and learn tobe handy etc too. But anyway
men enjoy their time in repairing cars more than women do, and women
spend time making home nice, to clothes and so on to social things and
things that bring good life. So even if you were first a human being and
only secodnly of your own sex, you would be just more skilled and more
satisfied with your life and not less of your own sex's typical
characteristics. My guess is that if pairs would choose freely, boith
would do 20% of the other sex's typical work, 10% they would do together
and 70% would be according to the traditional roles., but that is just a
113. I do not remember this well enough but as a child I read boys'
books "Vinski ja Vinsentti" and "Koko kaupungin Vinski" which were maybe
by Jalmari Finne, and they taught fracturelessness, how to be
fracturelkess even though there is scholl, human relatiosnhips etc,so
that one would anyway live according to one's own wishes, somewhat like
some on the coffee pause at work read afternoon paper, but that somehow
more widely in one's own life and in what one does, like just is
healthy. I wonder ifsome women left those too much un´read, that one
should read at least oneor two of them?"
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Making ths sound of sewing machine quieter
The sound of a sewing machine became quiet and nicer when I puty a few times folded fleece fabric under it and somewhat around it too. Earlier the sound was loud and metallic, nasty. Now it is quieter and softer.
Three types of skirts, sew without formulae,according to your wishes
One can easily sew a symmetrical basic skirt without any formulae, if one has the fabric and inspiration for such skirt. One needs to look at the fabric, feel what it is like and how it hangs, to know what kind of skirt would be nice from it and which season of the year it would fit. If one compares to an oldskirt of one's own, one knows better and surer, how wide, how long and what type of skirt would be nice from the fabric.
One needs heigh from the weist to the lower edge of the skirt plus on the top a tunnel for a plastic band and the small part of the lower edge that gets folded. The width needs to be how much width there is needed at the lowest part, so that often means making the skirt from more than one part.
One can cut the pieces of the skirt with curved edge, to which one gets the curve when one knows how much wider the skirt is at the bottom than at the top of it, i.e. in which angle the skirt widens when one goies downwards, since the curve ought to be in every place in a straight 90 degrees angle toward the vertical direction, which of course torns when you go sideways.On the other hand height stays the same all the time. Then just sew the sides together.
Or then one can sew a tunnel from rectangles and make with even spaces in between folds to it to give it its' form. If one wants the skirt widen straight when one goies doiwnwards, the folds are straight i.e. truiangles. Otherwise one makes the form of the skirt to them in what comes to how much the skirt widen at each place when going downwards. One can make all folds of the same size, or every second or ever third bigger one. At the top the width ought to be that of the widest part at the bottom of the torso, since the skirt has to go over that, and at the bottom the width of the bottom of the skirt. The part under the folds hangs straight. One needs atleast six folds.
Or the if one has a kind of plastic thin fabric that gets easily squeezed, one can sew a tunnel of it and at the top of it between two sewing lines a small tunnel to a plastic band which squeezes trhe upper edge to a narrower evenly and so gives the skirt it's form.
Then sew a small tunnel to the top enge and a plastic band to it at the same time already. And make the bbottom edge nice, i.e. fold a little bit nicely and sew. The excat height of the weiat should be chosen so that the bottom edge comes to a nice height, i.e. the height is easier to shorten from the weist.
Especially improitant os to look in from of the mirror or by grasping the fabric lightly to one's hand how the fabric hangs, since different fabrics hang in different ways and different figure sin them, colours and materials like different amount of waves. Likewise the season of the year, type of skirt and the social impression you wish for or other style like thing affect a lot to what kind of skirt would be nice. Let the fabric be loosely and change glidingly the amount of it's waves, width etc. And when passing by somepoint that seemed nice, fect it again, and memorize what it is like in style. Then try to make similar amount of waves all the way and estimate the width needed from them and other points like that.
If at some point the style goes poor, keeo a pause, ventilate the room, maybe ear something and start again with a fresh mind with your dreams guiding you.
28th of May 2019 A sewing professional may be bored and not so interested, not so charmed about sewing, while someone who likes sewing as a hobby but does not sew so often may be enthusiastioc, full of new ideas and insight and just like sewing a lot, producing good quality results. For one with a hobby like interest in sewing:
LEARN TALENTS and SKILLS quickly, well and quite easily: dream job, liked home, music, rationality of feelings, etc, very many different kinds. These advices are from a climate of four seasons. The appearance or style of Christmas gnomes ought to be acc. to local climate, culture, type of town, life, etc. Christmas angels: gnomes/elves Try free blogging! A huge collection of various skills
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