(10th of November 2022 in Espoo : These English knitting tips from Savonlinna are now also available as a book at www.amazon.co.uk for 10£ + post.
2nd of February 2025 The prices are now much lower: see https://www.amazon.co.uk/Knitting-Tips-Kaisa-Hannele-Tervola-ebook/dp/B0CFXMVP6V )
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(A list of headers of this long translation is in the end of this text about knitting.)
1. More easy going knitting, nicer and better quality
61. Knitting the thumb of mittens
It has been almost a year since I knitted mittens, but now as I translated these advices to English, I noticed that almost all else had been explained but the thumb.
As I came to the level of the thumb, maybe a round before the mitten has to continue two roads, I took five loops, i.e. the breadth of the thumb or a little bit more, from the side of the palm and bind them by a thread to store so. Then I at that place made five new loops like in the beginning. Then I knitted the rest of the mitten ready but did not tidy the thread ends yet. With the remaining thread I knitted the thumb: I lifted the both five loops to sticks and from each end two or three loops, and then I just knitted around, untill testing with the hand it was time to narrow the tip of the thumb. The beginning end of the thread could be knitted to the following rows somewhere where it does not disturb the thumb's grip. The knitting must be started from the lower part of the thumb, or from hillside that goes downwards.
62. Advices about knitting mittens
Likewise made about a year after I knitted mittens.
First test piece only right loops, to be compared with around the palm,to know how many loops are needed. In the beginning one knits only 2right 2bank 2right 2bank etc, for quite long to protect the wrist well, maybe folds to double and protects so better, and so the number of loops ion one round needs to be a multiply of four. Usually somewhat loose winter clothes are warmer than tight, but the mittens need to be also air-tiught to avoid wind passing through them which is much too cold.
Advices: starting, the first piece of text in this blog text about knitting air-tight, Same size, about threads, narrowing, ending, own model, at which point, Knittingthe thumb of mittens, choosing threads
Then knit just right loops around and around, until you reach the thumb's place, leave a hole for it and continue around and around, untill you narrow by the fingertips like is nice, comfortable and tidy. You can make a figure to the backside of the mittens when you knit it. The threads for beginners are often of several colours, so that often is enough decoration. Last knit the thumb. If you do not knit the starting thread's end to the work, you can in the end tidy the difference of rows out of sight. And when you knit you see from the starting thread end when you have knitted a round and where you are going in your knitting work, so it is a good landmark.
63. Leaf decoration (Celtic?)
I found from the public library a book about knit models. It had among others a Celtic wine plant figure, of which I attempted the leaf figure, but the advice did not seem to be right, since knitting five loops to the same loop (1right, 1 thread around the stick, 1 right, 1 thread around the stick, 1 right) the threads going through the same loop enlargened to to a hole. But I do not know if the branch of the leave was curved, did it somehow help to hide the hole. But so I developed my own way of knitting a leaf much like the model, but it too had small holes:
So here the backgound is back loops and the leaf figure made of right loops. (But I knitted from teh opposite side in the opposite way of course every second row.) Here on teh edges the background hasn't been made any narrower even when there have been loops added to the leaf.
First the branch like leaf part: 1 right for a few rows. If one would lift like in hair-do knit, one could maybe get a curved branch, but I haven't tried.
Then to the neighbouring spaces between loops of that one right knit to both 1 right. Then of course knit the leaf 3r. After a good looking number of rows knit to the neighbouring spaces of the centermost right loop, also right loop, and knit the right loops like normally, so that you have 5 right loops.
At the edges of the leaf the lines in the leaf point outwards, but do not continue up to the top of the leaf. So at a good looking height knit two loops at the edge of the leaf together so that the centermost of them is upper, in other words that is the one from which the loop comes out so that taht line of loops seems to continue. On the right side of the work it means that in the right edge of the leaf you can knit together twi right loops in the ordinary way. On the left edge it means that you must fiurst change the leftmost one via backside to the right side of the other loop, and then knit them together in teh ordinary way. But I do not know how it goes if one knits it from the opposite side. If you do not want the leaf to get narrower here yet, you can at this row add a right loop to both neighbouring spaces of the centermost right loop of the leaf.
When one wants to narrow the leaf, one just knits together in thsi way two loops from both edges of the leaf.
When knitting the tip of the leaf, one needs to narrow three loops tyo one, and then the centermost right loop needs to be moved to be on the left side of these of´ther two, so that the centermost line continues to the tip of the leaf. After that I knitted still one round of 1right for the tip, and after that only background of back loops.
I am not wine hobbyist but instead an absolutist, but the picture of a wine plant was fine looking., like a decoration of a woolen shirt. For that one would need that leaf, a hair-do knit like curving branch and knitting berries, but for berries there was a good, well working advice:
To one loop one knits five: 1 right, 1 thread around the stick, 1 right, 1 thread around the stick, 1 right
Then one knits those five back and forth as if they were the whole work to be knitted: turn, 5 back, turn, 5 right, turn, 5 back loops, turn (On the front side narrow with back loops so that the surface tirns to ball like) 2 back together, 1 back, 2 back together, turn, lift one loop without knitting it, knit two loops right together, pull the lifted loop over the loop which you got from knitting the two together. Ready.
The book is Maria Parry-Jones: Neulojan suuri silmukkakirja (Knitting stitch bible)
I haven't tried this, but could one change the order of the loops to be knitted together by picking the loops in right order to the right hand stick the same way stick enters loop when knittinga right loop, and changing the other loops from stick to extra stick if needed, in that keeping the sticks like usual? And then with the stick again like when knitting a right loop, one would pick all the loops to be knitted together, to the left stick and knit them together with a right loop. Then would the first picked loop be upmost,I guess.
Or one could pick the upmost loop by fiungers on the front side of the work and move the other loops to the right stick, keeping the sticks in ordinary way. Then just place the upmost loop to the right hand stick in an ordinary way, and return the other loops to it's right side. Then just knit them together
64. Villasukkaa
Kaupassa oli tänään vanha mies,joka kertoi olleensa kutomossa töissä. Mutten ostanut hänen suosittelemaansa lankaa, kun en olisi osannut kutoa sillä ja se oli kovin ohut Mutta tulis ostaneeksi vitosella kaksi kerää samanlaista lankaa kuin viime vuonna, paitsi että kutomaan ryhtyessäni värit olivat erilaiet. (Kamerani ei näytä kuvissa oikeita värejä: esim. ekat lapaset ovat violettiin eivätkä viininpunaiseen vivahtavat.) Kutominen tuntui sujuvan hitaasti ja takellellen mutta muutamassa tunnissa sain reilun vaaksan verran sukkaa kudottua. Kantapää meni ohitse lähes huomaamatta.
Tokmannilla on joskus ollut myynnissä konekudottuja villasukkia, vähän kuin resoriputkea, aika kapeita mutta ihan hyvät jalassa, taisivat olla aika halpoja. Luulen, että heillä on myöhemminkin ollut niitä.
65. Kutomisen opettelusta
Ensimmäinen käsitys siitä, miten silmukka kuuluu tehdä, jää kutomistaidon kehittyessä monelle teoreettiseksi ohjeeksi ja kädet löytävät omat sujuvat reittinsä harjaannuksen myötä. Jos silloin kiinnittää huomiota langan liikkeisiin ja tuntuun, puikkojen reitteihin ja niiden ideoihin eli vaikka ettö hakee langan tuoltapäin, niin aika vähällä miettimisellä saa itselleen uuden sujuvamman ohjeen siitä, mistä kannatti lanka hakea tms: mitkä ovat niitä perustekoja, joita kätesi ovat oppineet tekemään, älä pidä vanhaa ohjetta hankaloittamassa vaan tee uusi hyvin toimiva ohje.
66. Eka sukka valmis
Pidin pari tuntia taukoa ja kudoin sukan loppuun. Puolitoista tuntia siihen meni, mutta kärkikavennus ei ollut kovin nätti. Oiskohan sukkaan mennyt viisi tuntia plus tauot.
67. Parrot figure?
In my woolen shirt there was a fold in the shape of a parrot, and I was left pondering if one could knit such a little bit like the Celtic leaf. Instead of the leaf veins theloop chains would be feathers and the curve of the wings etc. The decoration figure in the back seems a good idea. Always when ne makes a hole with the help of thread around the stick, one needs to somewhere quite near knit together two loops. Which one of them is then uppoer, I wrote in the part about the Celtic leaf. It is beautiful to have the parrot on the other half of the hole figure, which ought to mean that the whole figure should have an uneven numver of loops as it's breadth. But does one need to start the tail above the holes in order to not to lower it under the back loops background? How is it done? The feet too are made of holes and the nose and of course the ye too. The top of the head could propably be made by knitting the next row just back loops.
68. Knitted tit "tiainen" or "tilhi" or which bird would it be?
Knitted holes for decoration were too difficult and besides familiar birds are a better choise.
So: back loops as the background. Here then I knitted by the middlemost loop, one right and to the neighbouring spaces thread around the stick. Then I continued the tail: three right and the background back loops.
Then I started the stomach: on one row next to the three right loops on their left side space I added one right loop. Then I knitted a row four right loops, next row added one to the same place (between the added and the three right loops), then knitted five right loops, then added one to the same place and one to the right side of the five right loops. Then I just knitted the bird: seven right and the background back loops.
When the form of the bird seemed to demand so,I arched the stomach inwards: I knitted the two leftmost loops together in teh ordinarty way, so that the leftmost loop chain continued. On the next row I again knitted two loops together in teh left side, and on the right side I hid the other wing from sight behind the back: two rightmost loops topgether in the ordinary way. Then still one row I knitted tw loops together on the left side so that the neck become of birdlike thickness.
Then I knitted one row of the neck: three right. On the second row I added next to the leftmost right loop one right loop to be the nose of the bird, which I on the next row knitted together with the leftmost right loop of the bird's head. Then I knitted three right for the head and on the next row knitted the three together so that the centermost was upmost (I lifted the loop with my fingers,moving the other loops from stick to stick). On the next row I knitted there one back loop and next to it on both sides thread around the stick so that the head would not lower there, but the thread was much too loose and so I got big holes above teh bird's head.
Which bird species would it be?
Tiainen vai tilhikö tuo nty sitten olisi?
69. Tilhi bird and red berries clishee
Could one get from this a clishee like picture of tilhi bird with the typical red berries in winter time, to some woolen shirt? Maybe one could find a small berry? Or then one could use holes as berries, if it won't make the woolen shirt too cold.
I haven't made such knitted bunches so much but if one would copy the wine berry and alter it, one kind of small berry one could get this way:
Or one could pick the upmost loop by fiungers on the front side of the work and move the other loops to the right stick, keeping the sticks in ordinary way. Then just place the upmost loop to the right hand stick in an ordinary way, and return the other loops to it's right side. Then just knit them together
64. Villasukkaa
Kaupassa oli tänään vanha mies,joka kertoi olleensa kutomossa töissä. Mutten ostanut hänen suosittelemaansa lankaa, kun en olisi osannut kutoa sillä ja se oli kovin ohut Mutta tulis ostaneeksi vitosella kaksi kerää samanlaista lankaa kuin viime vuonna, paitsi että kutomaan ryhtyessäni värit olivat erilaiet. (Kamerani ei näytä kuvissa oikeita värejä: esim. ekat lapaset ovat violettiin eivätkä viininpunaiseen vivahtavat.) Kutominen tuntui sujuvan hitaasti ja takellellen mutta muutamassa tunnissa sain reilun vaaksan verran sukkaa kudottua. Kantapää meni ohitse lähes huomaamatta.
Tokmannilla on joskus ollut myynnissä konekudottuja villasukkia, vähän kuin resoriputkea, aika kapeita mutta ihan hyvät jalassa, taisivat olla aika halpoja. Luulen, että heillä on myöhemminkin ollut niitä.
65. Kutomisen opettelusta
Ensimmäinen käsitys siitä, miten silmukka kuuluu tehdä, jää kutomistaidon kehittyessä monelle teoreettiseksi ohjeeksi ja kädet löytävät omat sujuvat reittinsä harjaannuksen myötä. Jos silloin kiinnittää huomiota langan liikkeisiin ja tuntuun, puikkojen reitteihin ja niiden ideoihin eli vaikka ettö hakee langan tuoltapäin, niin aika vähällä miettimisellä saa itselleen uuden sujuvamman ohjeen siitä, mistä kannatti lanka hakea tms: mitkä ovat niitä perustekoja, joita kätesi ovat oppineet tekemään, älä pidä vanhaa ohjetta hankaloittamassa vaan tee uusi hyvin toimiva ohje.
66. Eka sukka valmis
Pidin pari tuntia taukoa ja kudoin sukan loppuun. Puolitoista tuntia siihen meni, mutta kärkikavennus ei ollut kovin nätti. Oiskohan sukkaan mennyt viisi tuntia plus tauot.
67. Parrot figure?
In my woolen shirt there was a fold in the shape of a parrot, and I was left pondering if one could knit such a little bit like the Celtic leaf. Instead of the leaf veins theloop chains would be feathers and the curve of the wings etc. The decoration figure in the back seems a good idea. Always when ne makes a hole with the help of thread around the stick, one needs to somewhere quite near knit together two loops. Which one of them is then uppoer, I wrote in the part about the Celtic leaf. It is beautiful to have the parrot on the other half of the hole figure, which ought to mean that the whole figure should have an uneven numver of loops as it's breadth. But does one need to start the tail above the holes in order to not to lower it under the back loops background? How is it done? The feet too are made of holes and the nose and of course the ye too. The top of the head could propably be made by knitting the next row just back loops.
68. Knitted tit "tiainen" or "tilhi" or which bird would it be?
Knitted holes for decoration were too difficult and besides familiar birds are a better choise.
So: back loops as the background. Here then I knitted by the middlemost loop, one right and to the neighbouring spaces thread around the stick. Then I continued the tail: three right and the background back loops.
Then I started the stomach: on one row next to the three right loops on their left side space I added one right loop. Then I knitted a row four right loops, next row added one to the same place (between the added and the three right loops), then knitted five right loops, then added one to the same place and one to the right side of the five right loops. Then I just knitted the bird: seven right and the background back loops.
When the form of the bird seemed to demand so,I arched the stomach inwards: I knitted the two leftmost loops together in teh ordinarty way, so that the leftmost loop chain continued. On the next row I again knitted two loops together in teh left side, and on the right side I hid the other wing from sight behind the back: two rightmost loops topgether in the ordinary way. Then still one row I knitted tw loops together on the left side so that the neck become of birdlike thickness.
Then I knitted one row of the neck: three right. On the second row I added next to the leftmost right loop one right loop to be the nose of the bird, which I on the next row knitted together with the leftmost right loop of the bird's head. Then I knitted three right for the head and on the next row knitted the three together so that the centermost was upmost (I lifted the loop with my fingers,moving the other loops from stick to stick). On the next row I knitted there one back loop and next to it on both sides thread around the stick so that the head would not lower there, but the thread was much too loose and so I got big holes above teh bird's head.
Which bird species would it be?
Tiainen vai tilhikö tuo nty sitten olisi?
69. Tilhi bird and red berries clishee
Could one get from this a clishee like picture of tilhi bird with the typical red berries in winter time, to some woolen shirt? Maybe one could find a small berry? Or then one could use holes as berries, if it won't make the woolen shirt too cold.
I haven't made such knitted bunches so much but if one would copy the wine berry and alter it, one kind of small berry one could get this way:
First three loops to one, in other words one right, once thread around the stick and still one right to the same loop. Then turn the knitting work and knit from the other side three back loops to the loops just created. Then turn the work and knit the three together, and the berry is ready.
Voisikohan marjatertun marjojen varret tehdä villalangasta, jonka ompelisi tuohon päälle, samoin oksan? Tavalliset pistot voivat olla tylsän näköisiä, mutta mitä jos olisi kaksi neulaa ja kaksi villalankaa ja pistäisi vuorotellen edellisen piston keskivaiheille vähän matkaa smaa matkaa yhdessä kulkisivat langat ja sitten vasta neula osuisi alla oleviin silmukoihin,niin olisiko se oksamaisemman näköistä? Oksaan kai sopisi paksumpi villalanka tai vaikkapa kolme vierekkäistä. Ihan heti ei voisi niin ommella, koska kudoksen tarvitsisi asettua ensin. Mutten tiedä, voiko niin tehdä, voiko kudotun päälle ommella.
For the branches of the berries maybe thread with a needle from below to the middle area of the last sewn thread, and then down through a thread of the knitted work. The colour ought to be the same or roughly same as that of the knitted, for the bird to be well in sight. I just happened to have another colour here in my try.
((Koetin tehdä lentävän tilhen kuvan, pulleamman kuin talviset tilhet, mutta se epäonnistui.
Pyrstön voi näköjään tehdä leveämmäksi ja kaventaa sitten niin kuin nättiä on. Alla oli neljä reikää kahdella korkeudella.
Kroppaa lähdin tekemään samantapaisesti kuin edellistäkin, mutta symmetrisestija hiukan pulleampaa, jotta olisi talvinen pihlajanmarjoja syömässä oleva tilhi.
Siivet lisäsin reunoille,mutta näköjään jätin ne liian kapeiksi. Kun lähdin kaventamaan kaulaa kohden, lisäsin nurjan silmukan kavennuksen viereiseen väliin, jotta siivistä tuli erilliset. Mutta niitä olisi pitänyt siinä vaiheessa vielä leventää, luulen. Ja siirtää kauemmas kehosta esim. lisäämällä väliin silmukoita. Kun kavensin kaulaa kohden uudelleen ja ssamalla siipeä, lisäsin väliin kaksi silmukkaa, yhden aiemmin lisätyn kummallekin puolelle silmukoiden väliin.
Ongelmaksi tuli, että vaikka tein muutaman kolmen silmukan kerroksen päätä ja kaulaa, niin linja jotenkin näytti jatkuvan suoraan suippenevana, kenties siksi, että päälaen kolmen silmukan yhteen kutominen teki myös suippoa linjaa. Eli pääolisi saanut olla korkeampi, siivet leveämmät ka päättyä kauemmas kehoista, siinä vlissä enemmän silmukoita. Leveämmät siivet olisi kai tarkoittanut, että niiden ulkoreunalle olisi pitänyt lisätä silmukoita.
Linnun leveys vaihteli niin paljon, että neljä silmukkaa taustaa kummallakin puolella ei riittänyt vaan koko kudotun kappaleen leveys vaihteli paljon.))
70. Knitting the second sock
Kudoin eilisiltana toista sukkaa vähän yli kantapään. Taas oli vire kömpelö, mutta toiusaalta teki mieli kutoa, lieneekö marraskuuta.
71. Instructions on getting warm
Woolen socks are well needed, but one can well buy hats, mittens, gloves, long scarfs and woolen shirts. There are also other ways of staying warm than woolen clothes: instructions on getting warm http://finnishskills.blogspot.fi/2015/12/instructions-on-how-to-get-warm.html and instructions on living wisely the seasons http://finnishskills.blogspot.fi/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html .
One good way to stay warm is to keep woolen socks in feet and a blanket wrapped around the feet and to ventilate from a quite big window quickly maybe one third of the room's air, even if it is raining outdoors, and then close all windows and doors well and kepp the blanket and socks and let the body heat together with the warming warm the room air to dry and warm, which goes quickly. And repeat that if it is cool and at all moist in the riim.
72. Still one more way to make loops
Handy but I guess quite slow way to make loops is the following. To habitual knitting it ought to suit well but may demand continuous adjustments which slows.
A back loop can be made with the thread on the front side of the work, so that one kind of hooks the thread from up left. So the thread goes upwards to left (very roughly estimated in 45 degrees angle) and is kind of hooked downwards with the stick. (I looked at some knitting videos and if I remember right, this kind of back loop was in a video about Russian way of knitting.)
A right loop can be made by spreading the loop with the stick so that the thread is seen through the loop and then kind of hooked through the loop.
73. Abotu sock knitting machines
I was thinking that many women would be relieved if they would not in practise need to knit qwoolen sicks. One can buy woolen socks from handiwork selling, very rarely some kind of woolen socks also from shop. But there are also knitting machines. I saw a video about Singer's sock knitting machine which cost some 20 or 30 euros, but it did not make even knit work, but could have knitted a tunnel like a woolen sock. If one at some place would replace for half a round the thread with a piece of thread that one would in the end remove, then if one would pick both edges to sticks (four?) and knit as if one were knitting both to the right direction, could one then knit the heel to it if one would narrow the knitwork in 45 degrees angle (45+45=90). Could one then sew the pieces as such together by sewing the spaces between loops on either wide by their both edges, just one loop so and then on another piece. Then one would need to sew also the parts in 45 degrees angle and hid the two thread ends to the sides of the sock. But one would need to knit the front end of the sock ordinarily though where the sock gets narrowed to end. And maybe by sewing this way one could knit also some other type of heel to the sock.
I do not know this, but are there sock knitting machines with which one can knit back and forth? Then, if one does not have the energy to knit by oneself but has the energy to pick loops at the edges so that they do not untangle and so that one can later sew them together. Then one could knit the heel back and forth, if one just would know how wide each row and how many rows in each part. And what the best, one could knit the tip of the sock likewise by knitting back and forth two parts and then sewing them together, without needing to narrow the work by knitting oneself.
74. Käsityölehti
Kirjastossa oli muutama käsityölehti, joista yksi esitteli kivan näköisiä neulottuja, virkattuja ja koneneulottuja villavaatteita tms, mutten muista sen nimeä, kun ei se ollutkaan Ihanat käsityöt. Mutta löysin netistä ison joukon käsityölehtiä, joita voi tilata, jos rahaa ja kiinnostusta on: https://www.lehtikuningas.fi/askartelu--ja-kasityolehdet
75. Tilhi kkoneneulottuna?
Villapaidassa on kamala urakka, mutta tilhi ja pihlajanmarjat olisi kiva aihe. Kutookohan neulomiskone nyppyjä? Entä silmukan kahden silmukan väliin ja kaksi tai kolem yhteen tietty silmukka päällimmäisenä? Silloin voisi kutoa tilhi ja pihlajanmarjat -kuvion kokonaan koneella, oksa ja marjojen varret vain tarvitsisi ommella käsin, jos ne tekee erillisestä langasta päälle ompelemalla. Luulisi, että tuo voisi olla aika tavallinen villapaitakuvio, ainakin luontiharrastuneita kiinnostava.
Pihapuussa on pariin otteeseen ollut tilhiparvi,tulleet tilhineulettani katsomaan. Tuumaavat tykkäävänsä olla neulemallin malleina, koska villapaidoista tulee kovin lämmin ja se on talvella pakkasella hyvä.
Mutta tuo tilhi vai mikä lie on siis syksyn tilhen mallinen hiukan eikä talven pallomaiseksi höyhenensä pörhistäneen klisheemäisen tilhen mallinen. Mutta viimeisimmät muistikuvani tilhistä olivat juuri syksyltä. Nyt marraskuun loppupuoliskolla Savonlinnassa vielä ei ole pakkasta kuin muutama aste, vaikka lunta on jo.Tilhiparvi on helppo huomata sirittävän kujertavasta pakkasmaisesta äänestään, joka kuuluu sisällekin, mutta lieneekö minulla ollut ikkuna raollaan.
76. Sukkapari valmis
Nyt on toinenkin sukka valmis, mutta tuli aika miesten sukkien väriset, mutten kai voi antaa niitä poiskaan, kun aloitin sukkaparin kutomisen vainajien muistopäivän jälkeen, jolloin nousi isäni mieleeni muttei isänpäivänä viikkoa myöhemmin, eli kai hän on kuollut, syöpä hänellä oli ja parina vuonna on hänen syntymäpäivänään helmikuussa tuntunut olevan aaveita: yöllä viima käynyt ja ovi kolkannut.
Katselin tuossa ennen kuin kudoin toisen sukan kärjen loppuun, niin NovitaKnitsin mainosta ja tuli siitä vähän tyyliä kutomiseen, mutta kovin hankalaa niin oli kutoa: yhteen kudottavista silmukoista tuli liian kireitä ja ei niitä meinannut saada millään. Tilanteen mukaan tarpeen tullen vähän löysempi kutomiskäsialan olisi ollut paljon helpompi. Siis edellisellä kierroksella kutoa niille main löyhempää, missä aikoo kaventaa.
77. Lehtikuviota resorin sijaan?
Saiskohan tuosta kelttiläisestä lehdestä kaarevavartisen pienen version, esim. koivunlehden? Jos niitä laittaisi useamman, tai erikokoisia erinäköisiä moisia lehtiä koristenauhaksi, niin se kai korvaisi resorin, vai korvaisiko? Ainakin palmikkokohokuvio korvaa resorin. Voisi tehdä lehtiä kahteen riviin tai miten sattuu, niin jokakohdassaolisi lehteä ja silloin se kai toimisi resorina.
Tuleekohan siitä ollenkaan resori, kun siinä on lisättyjä silmukoitra?
Jos lehteen tulee reikiä, niin lisättävät silmukat voi kai myös kutoa edellisen kerroksen silmukan sivuihin. Tein niin, kun kudoin lehden ilman taustaa, jolloin välejä ei tietenkään ollut lehden alussa. Reikiä tulee, jos kutoo löysää.
78. Woolen socks from a shop
"Urjalan villa" sells woolen socks, woolen pants and other woolen clothes http://urjalanvilla.valmiskauppa.fi/fi . They sell also in other currencies than euros.(But teir socks are very woolen (was it 75%) and so may get easily broken, while this "Folk" thread from which I knitted very warm socks that lasted without holes a few months always on feet were I guess 80% akryl and 20% wool, very good thread, I guess.)
Helsinki woolen sock factory sells woolen socks, but maybe to individuals only in Finland
http://helsinkiwoollensockfactory.fi/ (pictures of the staff http://helsinkiwoollensockfactory.fi/contact/ )
Since socks with a big % of wool are more difficult to machine knit than with small % of wool, lasting woolen socks (i.e. low % of wool) would well be possible to machine knit in some factory where the workers like the work. But I guess that many who like knitting think that it is better if woolen socks are handknitted, kind of presents. So I guess that if one wants to buy machine knitted woolen socks, one should voice that opion to shopkeepers etc, kind of voting for such an option.
79. Kudottavan työn, koristekuvioiden, mallin, tyylin yms valitsemisesta
Minusta on vaikuttanut siltä, että se, minkä kutominen sujuu ja tuottaa kivaa jälkeä, ryhtyy siitä, milloin kutoo. Joskus kun jokin kiehtoo, niin siitä saa ihan kivaa jälkeä, mutta sitten jos toiste ei se oikeasti kiinnosta, niin siihen ryhtyessä, törmää ongelmiin, jälkeen tulee virheitä, ei se ole yhtään nätti, tuskin edes oikean mallinen. Osin se on luonnekysymys: mitkä ovat perustaitoni, minkä tyylilajin teen tenhoutuen, minkä pituiset ja kuinka vaativat rupeamat viihdyttävät, miten paljon luonteenlaatuni sallii tsemppaamista hankalien kohtien ja tärkeiden kohtien kohdalla, miten hyvin toistan samaa ulkomuistista, yms Ja osinhan se on kiinni siitä, mitä muuta olen viime aikoina tehnyt ja minkätyyppistäviimeksi kutonut. Yleensä vaikeammat k'sityöt kai perustuvat niiden yksinkertaisten osien hallitsemiseen ja siihen, että työn tekeminen ja sen suunnitteleminen haaveillen kiehtoo. Eli sellaista vaativaa ei voi tehdä, mitä ei hahmota, mistä osat jäävät hämäriksi, jollei sitten korvaa noita osia jollakin muulla kyllin hyvällä, tai missä perusosat ovat niin edistynyttä, että ne sipisivat harjoiteltaviksi osiksi eikä pikku rakennuspalikoiksi, joista sommitellaan kaunista.
80. Lehtikohokuvioita
Kokeilin eilen noiden lehtikohokuvioiden kutomista, jos vaikka kutoisin sukat, joissa olisi lehtikoriste. Kokeilin sekä varren kaarevuutta: nosto kahden ylitse heti alussa ja sitten suoraa oli kivoimman näköinen, ja lehtien muotoa, mutta ne eivät niin onnistuneet, paitsi pyöreä joka toisella seitsemän levyiseksi levennetty, kudottu sitten samaan ja taas joka toisella kavennettu, mutta jatkoin siit tammenlehtiyritelmää, joten en tiedä, miten sen kauniisti lopettaisi.
Harmi, ettei tuosta kuvasta niin näy. Lehdet ovat selvästi kohollaan ja näteimmät, jos venyttää hiukan sivusuunnassa. Jos kutoo löyhää, niin si,mukoita lisättäessä tulee isoja reikiä, samoin, jos lisää kahdella peräkkäisellä rivillä. Jos tekee lehtiä kahteen riviin kuten tässä, niin lehtien välillä kaksi silmukkaa eir iitä vaan olisi oltava kolme tai enemmän. Pyöreistä ja kolmiomaisista lehdenmuosoista tuli ihan erityyliset, kuka nyt sitten pitää mistäkin, itse pidin pyöreistä.
81. Trying the bird
I thought I would try to knit the parroit, but the result here to begin with seems to be two quite nice looking little singing bird's tails:
Backgroung back loops, thread around the stick, one right loop, thread around the stick, again back loops
The same three right for three rounds
Then knit the other edge loop of the three together with the center loop, with the edge loop beneath, and the third one just right
Then one row two right
On the second row begins the bird: add one right to both sides of the two, between loops on the edge that is
And the other one:
Background back loops, thread around the stick, one right, thread around the stick, one right, thread around the stiuck, and background back loops
then three rounds five right
On the fourth round knit on both sides two loops together, the edgemost beneath
then one round three right
on the next round begins the bird: one right to both sides of the three, between loops that is, and the three right of course.
82. Knitting and computers
Some think that knitting is like using and programming computers, since both have a simple mechanical task, but I do not think that one could learn much about computers by knitting, even though there is the point thta one somehow needs to rise above the mechanical task and do meaningful things. I wrote about this subject in my blog about future computers, where I explain how computers are analogious to feeling beings: goals create needs: something needs to be done in order to reach the goal, and so a computer is analogious in it's action to a feeling being whose needs create feelings which make him/her/it act in practise to answer to those needs, http://feelingcomputers.blogspot.fi/2017/10/side-step-knitting.html
83. Sukkaa
Aloitin eilenlehtikuviollista sukkaa, mutta paksusta langasta lehtikuviosta ei tule niin kivan näköinen. Eilen kudoin varren ja pienemmän lehden sekä melkein koko kantapäälapun. Tänään kudoin kantapään ja sitten ympäri vain sekä toisen isomman lehden, josta vielä ihan kärki puuttuu.
84. Kutomisjäljen tasaisuudesta
Yleensä olen kutonut aika tasaista jälkeä, mikä kai liittyy siihen, että minulla on vakiona pysyvä teoriaperspektiivi, johon aina vertaan, että mitä osaa siitä, milloin elän, missä olen siihen nähden ja millainen vireeni on jäljen osalta siihen nähden, niin että sen avulla osaan sitten säätää, että tarvitseeko yrittää vähän isompaa tai pienempääsilmukkaa vai ottaa tosissaa, ettei tietylle kohdalle liian löysää, tai löysätä jossakin, jos seuraavalla kerroksella kyllä tarvitaan löysempiä silmukoita silmukoiden yhteen kutomiseen tms. Kanssa olen yirttänyt pitää silmukantekotapoja, vaikka ne vaihtelevat, niin sellaisina, että huomaan aina, minkä kokoisen silmukan kulloinkin teen, jolloin pystyn vaihtelemaan kokoa ja säätyämään sen sopivaksi ilman, että tuntuu kireältä tai pakottamiselta. Hyvät tekemisentavat, kutomismukavuus, on koko ajan tärkeää vaalia, niin ei mene kutominen niin aivottomaksi, kun on jotakin, minkä oppiminen on muun elämän kannalta hyödyllistä ja elintilaa tyuovaa.
(Jos olet tavannut kutoa kovin epätasaoista, niin pitäisiköhän tästä opista tiedottaa aviomiehelle?)
85. Sukan kuvion päättämisestä, kun tausta nurjaa
Tuossa kun kaksi lehteä vei aika ison tilan, niin päätin kuvion taustoineen aika pian toisen lehden jälkeen, mutta siinä kun oli tausta nurjaa, niin suora, jolla jatkoin, jäikin nurjan alle kuin olisi ollut toista ohuempaa lankaa, vaikkei ollut, vaan vaakasuora nurja rivi nousee kai aina niiden ylä- ja alapuolella olevien oikeiden silmukoiden yläpuolelle. Eli nurjaa taustaa ei saisi lopettaa ennen kuin alkaa sukan kärkikavennus, tai muuten tulee eri langalla kudotun näköinen.
Mutta voiko tuo osin olla, kun olin niillä main kun langan väri vaihtui ja nurja tausta loppui, kummastakin sukan sivusta kaventanut kahteen otteeseen yhden silmukan, kun sukka tuppasi olemaan liian leveä? Tästä jää se olo, ettei kutomistaitoni nyt ollut kyllin hyvä. On muuta pyörinyt mielessä vaivaksi asti.
Onko kutomistaitokin siis sitä samaa kuin virheiden korjaaminen kutomisessa ja ompelussa, että pitää miettimistauon ja miettii kunnolla päätöksiä vaativat kohdat sekä virheiden korjaamiset uudestaan aoittaen onnistuneesta, eikä samaa vanhaa urautuneesti jatkaen, jos se tie vie nykyisin ojaan.
86. Year of knitting
Now it is about a year from when I started knitting. I have knitted three pairs of mittens, three pairs of socks, some failed starts and a part of a woolen shirt of which I do not know if I ever get it ready, and knitted figures, especially figures that rise above the surface. There are already many of these knitting advices maybe too many? I hope they are useful bring joy and so that knitting does not entirely depend on the district that one lives in, whether it is handicrafts oriented.
Voisikohan marjatertun marjojen varret tehdä villalangasta, jonka ompelisi tuohon päälle, samoin oksan? Tavalliset pistot voivat olla tylsän näköisiä, mutta mitä jos olisi kaksi neulaa ja kaksi villalankaa ja pistäisi vuorotellen edellisen piston keskivaiheille vähän matkaa smaa matkaa yhdessä kulkisivat langat ja sitten vasta neula osuisi alla oleviin silmukoihin,niin olisiko se oksamaisemman näköistä? Oksaan kai sopisi paksumpi villalanka tai vaikkapa kolme vierekkäistä. Ihan heti ei voisi niin ommella, koska kudoksen tarvitsisi asettua ensin. Mutten tiedä, voiko niin tehdä, voiko kudotun päälle ommella.
For the branches of the berries maybe thread with a needle from below to the middle area of the last sewn thread, and then down through a thread of the knitted work. The colour ought to be the same or roughly same as that of the knitted, for the bird to be well in sight. I just happened to have another colour here in my try.
((Koetin tehdä lentävän tilhen kuvan, pulleamman kuin talviset tilhet, mutta se epäonnistui.
Pyrstön voi näköjään tehdä leveämmäksi ja kaventaa sitten niin kuin nättiä on. Alla oli neljä reikää kahdella korkeudella.
Kroppaa lähdin tekemään samantapaisesti kuin edellistäkin, mutta symmetrisestija hiukan pulleampaa, jotta olisi talvinen pihlajanmarjoja syömässä oleva tilhi.
Siivet lisäsin reunoille,mutta näköjään jätin ne liian kapeiksi. Kun lähdin kaventamaan kaulaa kohden, lisäsin nurjan silmukan kavennuksen viereiseen väliin, jotta siivistä tuli erilliset. Mutta niitä olisi pitänyt siinä vaiheessa vielä leventää, luulen. Ja siirtää kauemmas kehosta esim. lisäämällä väliin silmukoita. Kun kavensin kaulaa kohden uudelleen ja ssamalla siipeä, lisäsin väliin kaksi silmukkaa, yhden aiemmin lisätyn kummallekin puolelle silmukoiden väliin.
Ongelmaksi tuli, että vaikka tein muutaman kolmen silmukan kerroksen päätä ja kaulaa, niin linja jotenkin näytti jatkuvan suoraan suippenevana, kenties siksi, että päälaen kolmen silmukan yhteen kutominen teki myös suippoa linjaa. Eli pääolisi saanut olla korkeampi, siivet leveämmät ka päättyä kauemmas kehoista, siinä vlissä enemmän silmukoita. Leveämmät siivet olisi kai tarkoittanut, että niiden ulkoreunalle olisi pitänyt lisätä silmukoita.
Linnun leveys vaihteli niin paljon, että neljä silmukkaa taustaa kummallakin puolella ei riittänyt vaan koko kudotun kappaleen leveys vaihteli paljon.))
70. Knitting the second sock
Kudoin eilisiltana toista sukkaa vähän yli kantapään. Taas oli vire kömpelö, mutta toiusaalta teki mieli kutoa, lieneekö marraskuuta.
71. Instructions on getting warm
Woolen socks are well needed, but one can well buy hats, mittens, gloves, long scarfs and woolen shirts. There are also other ways of staying warm than woolen clothes: instructions on getting warm http://finnishskills.blogspot.fi/2015/12/instructions-on-how-to-get-warm.html and instructions on living wisely the seasons http://finnishskills.blogspot.fi/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html .
One good way to stay warm is to keep woolen socks in feet and a blanket wrapped around the feet and to ventilate from a quite big window quickly maybe one third of the room's air, even if it is raining outdoors, and then close all windows and doors well and kepp the blanket and socks and let the body heat together with the warming warm the room air to dry and warm, which goes quickly. And repeat that if it is cool and at all moist in the riim.
72. Still one more way to make loops
Handy but I guess quite slow way to make loops is the following. To habitual knitting it ought to suit well but may demand continuous adjustments which slows.
A back loop can be made with the thread on the front side of the work, so that one kind of hooks the thread from up left. So the thread goes upwards to left (very roughly estimated in 45 degrees angle) and is kind of hooked downwards with the stick. (I looked at some knitting videos and if I remember right, this kind of back loop was in a video about Russian way of knitting.)
A right loop can be made by spreading the loop with the stick so that the thread is seen through the loop and then kind of hooked through the loop.
73. Abotu sock knitting machines
I was thinking that many women would be relieved if they would not in practise need to knit qwoolen sicks. One can buy woolen socks from handiwork selling, very rarely some kind of woolen socks also from shop. But there are also knitting machines. I saw a video about Singer's sock knitting machine which cost some 20 or 30 euros, but it did not make even knit work, but could have knitted a tunnel like a woolen sock. If one at some place would replace for half a round the thread with a piece of thread that one would in the end remove, then if one would pick both edges to sticks (four?) and knit as if one were knitting both to the right direction, could one then knit the heel to it if one would narrow the knitwork in 45 degrees angle (45+45=90). Could one then sew the pieces as such together by sewing the spaces between loops on either wide by their both edges, just one loop so and then on another piece. Then one would need to sew also the parts in 45 degrees angle and hid the two thread ends to the sides of the sock. But one would need to knit the front end of the sock ordinarily though where the sock gets narrowed to end. And maybe by sewing this way one could knit also some other type of heel to the sock.
I do not know this, but are there sock knitting machines with which one can knit back and forth? Then, if one does not have the energy to knit by oneself but has the energy to pick loops at the edges so that they do not untangle and so that one can later sew them together. Then one could knit the heel back and forth, if one just would know how wide each row and how many rows in each part. And what the best, one could knit the tip of the sock likewise by knitting back and forth two parts and then sewing them together, without needing to narrow the work by knitting oneself.
74. Käsityölehti
Kirjastossa oli muutama käsityölehti, joista yksi esitteli kivan näköisiä neulottuja, virkattuja ja koneneulottuja villavaatteita tms, mutten muista sen nimeä, kun ei se ollutkaan Ihanat käsityöt. Mutta löysin netistä ison joukon käsityölehtiä, joita voi tilata, jos rahaa ja kiinnostusta on: https://www.lehtikuningas.fi/askartelu--ja-kasityolehdet
75. Tilhi kkoneneulottuna?
Villapaidassa on kamala urakka, mutta tilhi ja pihlajanmarjat olisi kiva aihe. Kutookohan neulomiskone nyppyjä? Entä silmukan kahden silmukan väliin ja kaksi tai kolem yhteen tietty silmukka päällimmäisenä? Silloin voisi kutoa tilhi ja pihlajanmarjat -kuvion kokonaan koneella, oksa ja marjojen varret vain tarvitsisi ommella käsin, jos ne tekee erillisestä langasta päälle ompelemalla. Luulisi, että tuo voisi olla aika tavallinen villapaitakuvio, ainakin luontiharrastuneita kiinnostava.
Pihapuussa on pariin otteeseen ollut tilhiparvi,tulleet tilhineulettani katsomaan. Tuumaavat tykkäävänsä olla neulemallin malleina, koska villapaidoista tulee kovin lämmin ja se on talvella pakkasella hyvä.
Mutta tuo tilhi vai mikä lie on siis syksyn tilhen mallinen hiukan eikä talven pallomaiseksi höyhenensä pörhistäneen klisheemäisen tilhen mallinen. Mutta viimeisimmät muistikuvani tilhistä olivat juuri syksyltä. Nyt marraskuun loppupuoliskolla Savonlinnassa vielä ei ole pakkasta kuin muutama aste, vaikka lunta on jo.Tilhiparvi on helppo huomata sirittävän kujertavasta pakkasmaisesta äänestään, joka kuuluu sisällekin, mutta lieneekö minulla ollut ikkuna raollaan.
76. Sukkapari valmis
Nyt on toinenkin sukka valmis, mutta tuli aika miesten sukkien väriset, mutten kai voi antaa niitä poiskaan, kun aloitin sukkaparin kutomisen vainajien muistopäivän jälkeen, jolloin nousi isäni mieleeni muttei isänpäivänä viikkoa myöhemmin, eli kai hän on kuollut, syöpä hänellä oli ja parina vuonna on hänen syntymäpäivänään helmikuussa tuntunut olevan aaveita: yöllä viima käynyt ja ovi kolkannut.
Katselin tuossa ennen kuin kudoin toisen sukan kärjen loppuun, niin NovitaKnitsin mainosta ja tuli siitä vähän tyyliä kutomiseen, mutta kovin hankalaa niin oli kutoa: yhteen kudottavista silmukoista tuli liian kireitä ja ei niitä meinannut saada millään. Tilanteen mukaan tarpeen tullen vähän löysempi kutomiskäsialan olisi ollut paljon helpompi. Siis edellisellä kierroksella kutoa niille main löyhempää, missä aikoo kaventaa.
77. Lehtikuviota resorin sijaan?
Saiskohan tuosta kelttiläisestä lehdestä kaarevavartisen pienen version, esim. koivunlehden? Jos niitä laittaisi useamman, tai erikokoisia erinäköisiä moisia lehtiä koristenauhaksi, niin se kai korvaisi resorin, vai korvaisiko? Ainakin palmikkokohokuvio korvaa resorin. Voisi tehdä lehtiä kahteen riviin tai miten sattuu, niin jokakohdassaolisi lehteä ja silloin se kai toimisi resorina.
Tuleekohan siitä ollenkaan resori, kun siinä on lisättyjä silmukoitra?
Jos lehteen tulee reikiä, niin lisättävät silmukat voi kai myös kutoa edellisen kerroksen silmukan sivuihin. Tein niin, kun kudoin lehden ilman taustaa, jolloin välejä ei tietenkään ollut lehden alussa. Reikiä tulee, jos kutoo löysää.
78. Woolen socks from a shop
"Urjalan villa" sells woolen socks, woolen pants and other woolen clothes http://urjalanvilla.valmiskauppa.fi/fi . They sell also in other currencies than euros.(But teir socks are very woolen (was it 75%) and so may get easily broken, while this "Folk" thread from which I knitted very warm socks that lasted without holes a few months always on feet were I guess 80% akryl and 20% wool, very good thread, I guess.)
Helsinki woolen sock factory sells woolen socks, but maybe to individuals only in Finland
http://helsinkiwoollensockfactory.fi/ (pictures of the staff http://helsinkiwoollensockfactory.fi/contact/ )
Since socks with a big % of wool are more difficult to machine knit than with small % of wool, lasting woolen socks (i.e. low % of wool) would well be possible to machine knit in some factory where the workers like the work. But I guess that many who like knitting think that it is better if woolen socks are handknitted, kind of presents. So I guess that if one wants to buy machine knitted woolen socks, one should voice that opion to shopkeepers etc, kind of voting for such an option.
79. Kudottavan työn, koristekuvioiden, mallin, tyylin yms valitsemisesta
Minusta on vaikuttanut siltä, että se, minkä kutominen sujuu ja tuottaa kivaa jälkeä, ryhtyy siitä, milloin kutoo. Joskus kun jokin kiehtoo, niin siitä saa ihan kivaa jälkeä, mutta sitten jos toiste ei se oikeasti kiinnosta, niin siihen ryhtyessä, törmää ongelmiin, jälkeen tulee virheitä, ei se ole yhtään nätti, tuskin edes oikean mallinen. Osin se on luonnekysymys: mitkä ovat perustaitoni, minkä tyylilajin teen tenhoutuen, minkä pituiset ja kuinka vaativat rupeamat viihdyttävät, miten paljon luonteenlaatuni sallii tsemppaamista hankalien kohtien ja tärkeiden kohtien kohdalla, miten hyvin toistan samaa ulkomuistista, yms Ja osinhan se on kiinni siitä, mitä muuta olen viime aikoina tehnyt ja minkätyyppistäviimeksi kutonut. Yleensä vaikeammat k'sityöt kai perustuvat niiden yksinkertaisten osien hallitsemiseen ja siihen, että työn tekeminen ja sen suunnitteleminen haaveillen kiehtoo. Eli sellaista vaativaa ei voi tehdä, mitä ei hahmota, mistä osat jäävät hämäriksi, jollei sitten korvaa noita osia jollakin muulla kyllin hyvällä, tai missä perusosat ovat niin edistynyttä, että ne sipisivat harjoiteltaviksi osiksi eikä pikku rakennuspalikoiksi, joista sommitellaan kaunista.
80. Lehtikohokuvioita
Kokeilin eilen noiden lehtikohokuvioiden kutomista, jos vaikka kutoisin sukat, joissa olisi lehtikoriste. Kokeilin sekä varren kaarevuutta: nosto kahden ylitse heti alussa ja sitten suoraa oli kivoimman näköinen, ja lehtien muotoa, mutta ne eivät niin onnistuneet, paitsi pyöreä joka toisella seitsemän levyiseksi levennetty, kudottu sitten samaan ja taas joka toisella kavennettu, mutta jatkoin siit tammenlehtiyritelmää, joten en tiedä, miten sen kauniisti lopettaisi.
Harmi, ettei tuosta kuvasta niin näy. Lehdet ovat selvästi kohollaan ja näteimmät, jos venyttää hiukan sivusuunnassa. Jos kutoo löyhää, niin si,mukoita lisättäessä tulee isoja reikiä, samoin, jos lisää kahdella peräkkäisellä rivillä. Jos tekee lehtiä kahteen riviin kuten tässä, niin lehtien välillä kaksi silmukkaa eir iitä vaan olisi oltava kolme tai enemmän. Pyöreistä ja kolmiomaisista lehdenmuosoista tuli ihan erityyliset, kuka nyt sitten pitää mistäkin, itse pidin pyöreistä.
81. Trying the bird
I thought I would try to knit the parroit, but the result here to begin with seems to be two quite nice looking little singing bird's tails:
Backgroung back loops, thread around the stick, one right loop, thread around the stick, again back loops
The same three right for three rounds
Then knit the other edge loop of the three together with the center loop, with the edge loop beneath, and the third one just right
Then one row two right
On the second row begins the bird: add one right to both sides of the two, between loops on the edge that is
And the other one:
Background back loops, thread around the stick, one right, thread around the stick, one right, thread around the stiuck, and background back loops
then three rounds five right
On the fourth round knit on both sides two loops together, the edgemost beneath
then one round three right
on the next round begins the bird: one right to both sides of the three, between loops that is, and the three right of course.
82. Knitting and computers
Some think that knitting is like using and programming computers, since both have a simple mechanical task, but I do not think that one could learn much about computers by knitting, even though there is the point thta one somehow needs to rise above the mechanical task and do meaningful things. I wrote about this subject in my blog about future computers, where I explain how computers are analogious to feeling beings: goals create needs: something needs to be done in order to reach the goal, and so a computer is analogious in it's action to a feeling being whose needs create feelings which make him/her/it act in practise to answer to those needs, http://feelingcomputers.blogspot.fi/2017/10/side-step-knitting.html
83. Sukkaa
Aloitin eilenlehtikuviollista sukkaa, mutta paksusta langasta lehtikuviosta ei tule niin kivan näköinen. Eilen kudoin varren ja pienemmän lehden sekä melkein koko kantapäälapun. Tänään kudoin kantapään ja sitten ympäri vain sekä toisen isomman lehden, josta vielä ihan kärki puuttuu.
84. Kutomisjäljen tasaisuudesta
Yleensä olen kutonut aika tasaista jälkeä, mikä kai liittyy siihen, että minulla on vakiona pysyvä teoriaperspektiivi, johon aina vertaan, että mitä osaa siitä, milloin elän, missä olen siihen nähden ja millainen vireeni on jäljen osalta siihen nähden, niin että sen avulla osaan sitten säätää, että tarvitseeko yrittää vähän isompaa tai pienempääsilmukkaa vai ottaa tosissaa, ettei tietylle kohdalle liian löysää, tai löysätä jossakin, jos seuraavalla kerroksella kyllä tarvitaan löysempiä silmukoita silmukoiden yhteen kutomiseen tms. Kanssa olen yirttänyt pitää silmukantekotapoja, vaikka ne vaihtelevat, niin sellaisina, että huomaan aina, minkä kokoisen silmukan kulloinkin teen, jolloin pystyn vaihtelemaan kokoa ja säätyämään sen sopivaksi ilman, että tuntuu kireältä tai pakottamiselta. Hyvät tekemisentavat, kutomismukavuus, on koko ajan tärkeää vaalia, niin ei mene kutominen niin aivottomaksi, kun on jotakin, minkä oppiminen on muun elämän kannalta hyödyllistä ja elintilaa tyuovaa.
(Jos olet tavannut kutoa kovin epätasaoista, niin pitäisiköhän tästä opista tiedottaa aviomiehelle?)
85. Sukan kuvion päättämisestä, kun tausta nurjaa
Tuossa kun kaksi lehteä vei aika ison tilan, niin päätin kuvion taustoineen aika pian toisen lehden jälkeen, mutta siinä kun oli tausta nurjaa, niin suora, jolla jatkoin, jäikin nurjan alle kuin olisi ollut toista ohuempaa lankaa, vaikkei ollut, vaan vaakasuora nurja rivi nousee kai aina niiden ylä- ja alapuolella olevien oikeiden silmukoiden yläpuolelle. Eli nurjaa taustaa ei saisi lopettaa ennen kuin alkaa sukan kärkikavennus, tai muuten tulee eri langalla kudotun näköinen.
Mutta voiko tuo osin olla, kun olin niillä main kun langan väri vaihtui ja nurja tausta loppui, kummastakin sukan sivusta kaventanut kahteen otteeseen yhden silmukan, kun sukka tuppasi olemaan liian leveä? Tästä jää se olo, ettei kutomistaitoni nyt ollut kyllin hyvä. On muuta pyörinyt mielessä vaivaksi asti.
Onko kutomistaitokin siis sitä samaa kuin virheiden korjaaminen kutomisessa ja ompelussa, että pitää miettimistauon ja miettii kunnolla päätöksiä vaativat kohdat sekä virheiden korjaamiset uudestaan aoittaen onnistuneesta, eikä samaa vanhaa urautuneesti jatkaen, jos se tie vie nykyisin ojaan.
86. Year of knitting
Now it is about a year from when I started knitting. I have knitted three pairs of mittens, three pairs of socks, some failed starts and a part of a woolen shirt of which I do not know if I ever get it ready, and knitted figures, especially figures that rise above the surface. There are already many of these knitting advices maybe too many? I hope they are useful bring joy and so that knitting does not entirely depend on the district that one lives in, whether it is handicrafts oriented.
It is quite clear that one does not need to knit mittens every year, but I could use a pair or two of woolen socks each year.
I guess one year was just before starting the newest woolen sock with a leaf figure.
87. Lammaskuvio?
Saisikohan tuosta lintukohokuviosta lammaskohokuvion, jos aloittaisi ylhäältä päätä ja selkää samaan tapaan kuin pyrstöä ja kaventaisi lopussa jalat silmukkajonoiksi, ja alla olisi nurjien silmukoiden ruoho? Päässä kai voisi lisätä silmukan sisemmäs, niin saisi päähän pyöreyttä, ja kaventamalla sisempää pääsisi kai kaulaan. Mutta miten saada mahan pyöreys?
Onnistuisikohan villakoirakuvio helpommin?
88. Whether I should stop here?
There are already very many of these knitting advices. A year is an interesting time to compare one's own knitting with, but adding more of what I have knitted would not so make sense, it would just make it more difficult to compare and maybe get some support for one's own knitting hobby.
89. Lehtikuviollisia sukkia kutomassa
Tuossa kumminkin tuo lehtikuviollinen sukka, jonka tänään sain valmiiksi, ja tokan varsi kantapäälapun alkuun asti. Purin tokan lehden jälkeisen epäonnistuneen osan kärkikavennuksen alkuun asti ja tein tilalle kolmannen lehden. Ensin en aikonut tehdä niin,mutta sitten ajattelin, että näistä tällaisista valinnoista muodostuu tottumuksiani, jotka myöhemmin määräävät, olenko hyvä vai huono kutoja, teenkö siistiä onnistunutta jälkeä ja kivoja kuvioita vai epäonnistuneita epämuotoisia tekeleitä. Eli purin epämuotoisen loppuosan ja tein kivana pitämääni kuviota tilalle ja otin vaarin siitä, mitä olin oppinut nurjan tausta-alueen lopettamisesta.
Mutten ole niin vakuuttunut, että olisi mielekästä blogata enää näitä uusimpia kutomiani, sillä on kiva osata kutoa ok sukka ja lämpimät lapaset, mutta miksi seurata, mitä kuvioita olen tehnyt tai miten onnistunut? Muutama kiva kuvio on kiva aloittelijan oppia, tuntee itsensä niin osaavaisemmaksi, ja onkin.
Tuo lehtikuvion koko tuntui olevan kutomisnopeuden ja jaksavaisuuteni kannalta juuri hyvä: yhden lehden sai kerralla tehtyä ja kenties vähän jotain muutakin kudottua. Tässä on varressa aloitus ja sitten yksi lehti, minkä jälkeen kantapäälappu ja kantapää. Ja sitten taas kaksi lehteä ihan kärkikavennukseen asti niistä jälkimmäinen, ja sukan lopetus.
Lehtien alussa, kun silmukoita lisätään, on niitä edellisillä kerroksilla ja niden tienoilla kudotava lehden tienoilla ihan tiuhaa, jottei sukka veny siitä rei'ille.
90. About the pleasantness of knitting (Knitting enlightenment, if such is possible)
I didn't just now succeed in knitting according to this piece of advice of mine, but usually if one conceives things while in thinking perspective, especially if it is a rigid formal perspective like counting silently aloud in one's mind, if one so sees practical action and practical action is left somehow to the side, to not so successfull, one then does not feel so well while knitting or while doing something else in practise, like moving for example. But if one drowns to the doing, mostly without words, at the level of the senses and common sense, feelings, atmospheres, thrown to the doing which touches and fascinates the instinct nature, one then so feels much better and the things done succeed much better, it is more pleasant to do when one has dedicated the right kind of attention to it and left away cumbersome or nasty things from those that one does at the same time.
My non-knitting mom in Finland once years ago said that she does not know if
Buddhist enlightenment is any useful, except that the women who knit a
lot could use such fine character traits.
I do not consider knitting so good for meditation, since the sphere of
attention is in it so narrow and it is so repetitive, not good for the
intellect. But maybe this piece of advice could be used in some other
area of life?
91. About the effect of sorrow, tiredness, getting stuck to one's habits etc to knitting
Some think that sorrow reminds them of knitting, and so they suppose that maybe knitting would fit the timew of mourning. But sorrow needs some understanding, one needs to conceive the new situation, the changes that have happened or are happening, reclassify things, find new roads for life, etc Such understanding comes usually from looking at landscapes etc, of complex healthy kind of visual stimuli likelooking at trees, which make pictorial thinking easy and quick.
This is why I think that knitting a lot just makes one's thought a tangle, one's worrow too, because it does not help adapting via one's understanding. But if you feel that knitting would suit you, you can try knitting, but I guess that overly much of knitting in the midst of sorrow isn't good, even though it might be like drinking: who longs for what.
Sorrow, illness, tiredness, getting stuck to one's habits and leaning on others make knitting more stuck to certain ways, less guided, less correctable than on an ordinary day. So then one produces lots of minor errors and also more easily than usually big errors in estimates. Usually good quality in knitting demands somewhat rising above the situation, looking from further away, where there is a wider number of things and of life in the sphere of one's attention so that one is somewhat more quick witted and wiser. Every now and then a good head is enough, for example by ventilating, doing something else for a change, eating something and forgetting knitting might bring it. But for me at least it demands a separatework period, so that I need to keep a pause until the next day or even longer, so that I can dream again and start anew, make a good new solution to a difficult place in the knitting, with new energy knit better quality, look at things wiser, understanding knitting too from a wider perspective.
92. Knitting another sock with leaf figure
Now I have knitted already two leaves of the other sock, but I have knitted very slow. I have had sorrow, since now that 6th December 2017 there was the 100th independence day of Finland, my Japanese spitz dog was first like a foreigner and now like from another town, so I have been wondering whether it is the same dog at all and what hapened to it, and so my knitting has been very slow. My dog is already 10 years old.
I was wondering if it happens to women keeping handicrafts courses and to others with a successfull happy handiwork hobby, that in their life otherwise they have sorrow, close ones die or the like? Can it be that a school pupil does not understand how so big happiness would be possible: to live handicraft centered life? But then the schoolkid does not understand on which grounds one should choose profession: to him or her would suit a handicrafts profession or a work which benefits from and cultivates handicrafts skills, like a hair dresser or producing artifacts, siunce one can well learn skills, and talents, when one is from one's heart interested in such areas of life, values them, finds them enjoyable to do, gives them their righteous good causing place in the society. About learning talents and skills and choosing årofession, see my blog http://todreamjob.blogspot.fi . It is the idea in schoo to to give skills needed for one's own life and to teach one to fit in the society, nothing much else, but the way it is put to practise is somehow erraneous.
93. Sairauksien parantamisesta
Surusta tuli mieleeni, että löytääköhän tuon sairauksien parantamisyritelmälinkin tuolta aiempaa. Eli Tervola-sukunimen sanotaan opettavan taitavaksi parantajaksi, ja niinpä olen alusta asti, yli 10 vuotta sitten Tervola-nimen otettuani, kirjannut ylös vaikutelmiani parantamisesta näin terveyden vinkkelistä, niitä on nyt jo yli 500 blogissani http://parantamisesta.blogspot.fi mutta riittäää katsoa ekan sivun hakemistosta vaiva, jonka haluaa parantaa, ja lukea sitten viereisistä sadan kohdan kokoelmista juuri se teksti. Vaikeampiin vaivoihin on ihmeåarannusohjeyritelmiä, joissa siis parantamisnäkemykseni.
94. Toisen sukan loppuosaa
Kolmas lehti kuvio on nyt valmis ja on kärkikavennuksen vuoro.
95. Finland and knitting
I guess that especially abroad,in Britain and Sweden, knitting may make women angry, even murderous. Finns often do not like knitting. It is a strenght of the culture of Finland that that means that those women do not knit, especially they do not knit much. I guess it is a consequence of the Finnish rule "Live and let others live" which gives a great freedom of individuals for Finns, and means roughly: it is ok to be selfish in ways positive for happy life, but not to mess with the lives of others, except fairly is ok. It would be worth using also abroad, and maybe buy the woolen socks from a market.
96. Lankojen hinnalla
Vuosi sitten kysyin kirpparilta, miten myyvät villasukkia ja lapasia, niin sanoivat, että tavallisesti pitää olla oma vuokrattu kirpparipöytä mutta etenkin villasukille on niin paljon kysyntää, että niitä otetaan myyntiin ilman pöytäänkin, lankojen hinnalla ostetaan mummolta tms kutojalta eli kai 9-12 euroa /pari. Eli rahat lankoihin saa kyllä, jos haluaa kutoa ja osaa kutoa ihan lämpimiä ok sukkia, joita ihmiset haluavat.
97. Praying and knitting
When I started the first pair of mittens, I did not have any previous successes in knitting, and my habits were full of advices from others and influencies from the ways of kntting of characters completely different from my own, not at all nice ways to knit. So maybe up to the halfway of the first mitten I prayed several times that I would find peace to find my own way of knitting, my own handiwork skills and not to collapse under the mountains of influencies from others. And so I think that that helped a lot in that I learned to like knitting.
98. Knitting and music
A singing sewing professional is some kind of clishee of old girls' novels, but how about knitting? Different people knit in different ways and for different reasons, but I guess that knitting could well fit together with being on a singing mood after it. I guess that in it it is essential to be natural, with healtyhy spirit and according to feelings. So knitting should not be hard work but instead a liking, knit just the lenght of time that you like to knit and continue then to other things to do when you feel so. Likewise knitting should not be mechanical like counting aloud (see 32.) and not not-at-all-nice (see 1., 90.). When one has knitted, one shouldcontinue to middle of life, so looking at landscapes and taking part in life in ways with healthy spirit matter a lot for this. Likewise it matters to not to knit in too repetitive or forced ways, but instead if it is simple, try to grow in skills, so that you have soething more intelligent to do while you knit. Growing in skills needs breaks, at least small breaks, for the things done to be more complex and varied and also with a varied rythm. I guess that it would be good to have also other things to do, hobbies, in one's day more things to grasp and from which to get position and a feeling that one has really done something without so much social sides in it.
99. Translating and publishing these knitting tips
I guess that very many people want knitting tips. So these knitting tips and their parts one is allowed to translate to other languages, and one can publish these tips in newspapers, magazines etc, for example to copy to internet pages about knitting, to be knitting advices there. I would be glad if you could send the link to this page and maybe some knitting tip, amybe heel, to women's email lists that you know and of course to knitting lists, since there must be many of them. But I myself do not like just knitting so much, but instead like more active life and do not knit so often.
87. Lammaskuvio?
Saisikohan tuosta lintukohokuviosta lammaskohokuvion, jos aloittaisi ylhäältä päätä ja selkää samaan tapaan kuin pyrstöä ja kaventaisi lopussa jalat silmukkajonoiksi, ja alla olisi nurjien silmukoiden ruoho? Päässä kai voisi lisätä silmukan sisemmäs, niin saisi päähän pyöreyttä, ja kaventamalla sisempää pääsisi kai kaulaan. Mutta miten saada mahan pyöreys?
Onnistuisikohan villakoirakuvio helpommin?
88. Whether I should stop here?
There are already very many of these knitting advices. A year is an interesting time to compare one's own knitting with, but adding more of what I have knitted would not so make sense, it would just make it more difficult to compare and maybe get some support for one's own knitting hobby.
89. Lehtikuviollisia sukkia kutomassa
Tuossa kumminkin tuo lehtikuviollinen sukka, jonka tänään sain valmiiksi, ja tokan varsi kantapäälapun alkuun asti. Purin tokan lehden jälkeisen epäonnistuneen osan kärkikavennuksen alkuun asti ja tein tilalle kolmannen lehden. Ensin en aikonut tehdä niin,mutta sitten ajattelin, että näistä tällaisista valinnoista muodostuu tottumuksiani, jotka myöhemmin määräävät, olenko hyvä vai huono kutoja, teenkö siistiä onnistunutta jälkeä ja kivoja kuvioita vai epäonnistuneita epämuotoisia tekeleitä. Eli purin epämuotoisen loppuosan ja tein kivana pitämääni kuviota tilalle ja otin vaarin siitä, mitä olin oppinut nurjan tausta-alueen lopettamisesta.
Mutten ole niin vakuuttunut, että olisi mielekästä blogata enää näitä uusimpia kutomiani, sillä on kiva osata kutoa ok sukka ja lämpimät lapaset, mutta miksi seurata, mitä kuvioita olen tehnyt tai miten onnistunut? Muutama kiva kuvio on kiva aloittelijan oppia, tuntee itsensä niin osaavaisemmaksi, ja onkin.
Tuo lehtikuvion koko tuntui olevan kutomisnopeuden ja jaksavaisuuteni kannalta juuri hyvä: yhden lehden sai kerralla tehtyä ja kenties vähän jotain muutakin kudottua. Tässä on varressa aloitus ja sitten yksi lehti, minkä jälkeen kantapäälappu ja kantapää. Ja sitten taas kaksi lehteä ihan kärkikavennukseen asti niistä jälkimmäinen, ja sukan lopetus.
Lehtien alussa, kun silmukoita lisätään, on niitä edellisillä kerroksilla ja niden tienoilla kudotava lehden tienoilla ihan tiuhaa, jottei sukka veny siitä rei'ille.
90. About the pleasantness of knitting (Knitting enlightenment, if such is possible)
I didn't just now succeed in knitting according to this piece of advice of mine, but usually if one conceives things while in thinking perspective, especially if it is a rigid formal perspective like counting silently aloud in one's mind, if one so sees practical action and practical action is left somehow to the side, to not so successfull, one then does not feel so well while knitting or while doing something else in practise, like moving for example. But if one drowns to the doing, mostly without words, at the level of the senses and common sense, feelings, atmospheres, thrown to the doing which touches and fascinates the instinct nature, one then so feels much better and the things done succeed much better, it is more pleasant to do when one has dedicated the right kind of attention to it and left away cumbersome or nasty things from those that one does at the same time.
My non-knitting mom in Finland once years ago said that she does not know if
Buddhist enlightenment is any useful, except that the women who knit a
lot could use such fine character traits.
I do not consider knitting so good for meditation, since the sphere of
attention is in it so narrow and it is so repetitive, not good for the
intellect. But maybe this piece of advice could be used in some other
area of life?
91. About the effect of sorrow, tiredness, getting stuck to one's habits etc to knitting
Some think that sorrow reminds them of knitting, and so they suppose that maybe knitting would fit the timew of mourning. But sorrow needs some understanding, one needs to conceive the new situation, the changes that have happened or are happening, reclassify things, find new roads for life, etc Such understanding comes usually from looking at landscapes etc, of complex healthy kind of visual stimuli likelooking at trees, which make pictorial thinking easy and quick.
This is why I think that knitting a lot just makes one's thought a tangle, one's worrow too, because it does not help adapting via one's understanding. But if you feel that knitting would suit you, you can try knitting, but I guess that overly much of knitting in the midst of sorrow isn't good, even though it might be like drinking: who longs for what.
Sorrow, illness, tiredness, getting stuck to one's habits and leaning on others make knitting more stuck to certain ways, less guided, less correctable than on an ordinary day. So then one produces lots of minor errors and also more easily than usually big errors in estimates. Usually good quality in knitting demands somewhat rising above the situation, looking from further away, where there is a wider number of things and of life in the sphere of one's attention so that one is somewhat more quick witted and wiser. Every now and then a good head is enough, for example by ventilating, doing something else for a change, eating something and forgetting knitting might bring it. But for me at least it demands a separatework period, so that I need to keep a pause until the next day or even longer, so that I can dream again and start anew, make a good new solution to a difficult place in the knitting, with new energy knit better quality, look at things wiser, understanding knitting too from a wider perspective.
92. Knitting another sock with leaf figure
Now I have knitted already two leaves of the other sock, but I have knitted very slow. I have had sorrow, since now that 6th December 2017 there was the 100th independence day of Finland, my Japanese spitz dog was first like a foreigner and now like from another town, so I have been wondering whether it is the same dog at all and what hapened to it, and so my knitting has been very slow. My dog is already 10 years old.
I was wondering if it happens to women keeping handicrafts courses and to others with a successfull happy handiwork hobby, that in their life otherwise they have sorrow, close ones die or the like? Can it be that a school pupil does not understand how so big happiness would be possible: to live handicraft centered life? But then the schoolkid does not understand on which grounds one should choose profession: to him or her would suit a handicrafts profession or a work which benefits from and cultivates handicrafts skills, like a hair dresser or producing artifacts, siunce one can well learn skills, and talents, when one is from one's heart interested in such areas of life, values them, finds them enjoyable to do, gives them their righteous good causing place in the society. About learning talents and skills and choosing årofession, see my blog http://todreamjob.blogspot.fi . It is the idea in schoo to to give skills needed for one's own life and to teach one to fit in the society, nothing much else, but the way it is put to practise is somehow erraneous.
93. Sairauksien parantamisesta
Surusta tuli mieleeni, että löytääköhän tuon sairauksien parantamisyritelmälinkin tuolta aiempaa. Eli Tervola-sukunimen sanotaan opettavan taitavaksi parantajaksi, ja niinpä olen alusta asti, yli 10 vuotta sitten Tervola-nimen otettuani, kirjannut ylös vaikutelmiani parantamisesta näin terveyden vinkkelistä, niitä on nyt jo yli 500 blogissani http://parantamisesta.blogspot.fi mutta riittäää katsoa ekan sivun hakemistosta vaiva, jonka haluaa parantaa, ja lukea sitten viereisistä sadan kohdan kokoelmista juuri se teksti. Vaikeampiin vaivoihin on ihmeåarannusohjeyritelmiä, joissa siis parantamisnäkemykseni.
94. Toisen sukan loppuosaa
Kolmas lehti kuvio on nyt valmis ja on kärkikavennuksen vuoro.
95. Finland and knitting
I guess that especially abroad,in Britain and Sweden, knitting may make women angry, even murderous. Finns often do not like knitting. It is a strenght of the culture of Finland that that means that those women do not knit, especially they do not knit much. I guess it is a consequence of the Finnish rule "Live and let others live" which gives a great freedom of individuals for Finns, and means roughly: it is ok to be selfish in ways positive for happy life, but not to mess with the lives of others, except fairly is ok. It would be worth using also abroad, and maybe buy the woolen socks from a market.
96. Lankojen hinnalla
Vuosi sitten kysyin kirpparilta, miten myyvät villasukkia ja lapasia, niin sanoivat, että tavallisesti pitää olla oma vuokrattu kirpparipöytä mutta etenkin villasukille on niin paljon kysyntää, että niitä otetaan myyntiin ilman pöytäänkin, lankojen hinnalla ostetaan mummolta tms kutojalta eli kai 9-12 euroa /pari. Eli rahat lankoihin saa kyllä, jos haluaa kutoa ja osaa kutoa ihan lämpimiä ok sukkia, joita ihmiset haluavat.
97. Praying and knitting
When I started the first pair of mittens, I did not have any previous successes in knitting, and my habits were full of advices from others and influencies from the ways of kntting of characters completely different from my own, not at all nice ways to knit. So maybe up to the halfway of the first mitten I prayed several times that I would find peace to find my own way of knitting, my own handiwork skills and not to collapse under the mountains of influencies from others. And so I think that that helped a lot in that I learned to like knitting.
98. Knitting and music
A singing sewing professional is some kind of clishee of old girls' novels, but how about knitting? Different people knit in different ways and for different reasons, but I guess that knitting could well fit together with being on a singing mood after it. I guess that in it it is essential to be natural, with healtyhy spirit and according to feelings. So knitting should not be hard work but instead a liking, knit just the lenght of time that you like to knit and continue then to other things to do when you feel so. Likewise knitting should not be mechanical like counting aloud (see 32.) and not not-at-all-nice (see 1., 90.). When one has knitted, one shouldcontinue to middle of life, so looking at landscapes and taking part in life in ways with healthy spirit matter a lot for this. Likewise it matters to not to knit in too repetitive or forced ways, but instead if it is simple, try to grow in skills, so that you have soething more intelligent to do while you knit. Growing in skills needs breaks, at least small breaks, for the things done to be more complex and varied and also with a varied rythm. I guess that it would be good to have also other things to do, hobbies, in one's day more things to grasp and from which to get position and a feeling that one has really done something without so much social sides in it.
99. Translating and publishing these knitting tips
I guess that very many people want knitting tips. So these knitting tips and their parts one is allowed to translate to other languages, and one can publish these tips in newspapers, magazines etc, for example to copy to internet pages about knitting, to be knitting advices there. I would be glad if you could send the link to this page and maybe some knitting tip, amybe heel, to women's email lists that you know and of course to knitting lists, since there must be many of them. But I myself do not like just knitting so much, but instead like more active life and do not knit so often.
At least in Finnish books about knitting there is often errors in the knitting advices, I guess that that is because someone knitted something fine and only later encouraged by others made the knitting advices for it. So it wasn't written remembering well the point of view of knitting. In addition I guess that someone makes knitting advices to several clothes knitted by, but has theskills for it only for some and for some not, and at the same time someone demands her to hurry. And in addition many advices are for machine knitting and not for hand knitting. These advices that I have made have the good side that they have been made immediately after getting ready some part or some sock, so they have the mood for succesful doing. I guess that they should be translated thesame way: read and knit a pair of socks or mittens and socksand some decoration figures, and only after successful pleasant piece of knitting translate that part immediately afterwards, but not so that one would think of the translation while knitting, but instead knitting for those who like handiworks and translating to be helpful. I think that in knitting advices it is good to explain whic part is to be knitted and what is the idea in it, so that if there isan error in theadvice it is still possible for one to knit it well, one's own corrected version I mean. Words bring better understanding than gryptical markings which just take one's energy and bring a forced rythm, but I guess that those are easier for machine knitting it.
100. Thread sphere or shop's bunch of thread
100. Thread sphere or shop's bunch of thread
I bought sma type of wool (&acryl mixture) thread (Novita's Folk thread) as before and it seemed to have colours in the opposite direction as I had knitted, so I made a sphere of it, but it did not seem to be a good idea at all. The shop's bunches have been beautiful, have had handiwork spirit. Those have been good to copy from while knitting. From my own sphere I seem to learn nothing at all. And even though I tried to make the sphere loose, the thread appears lower quality so than directly from the shop's bunch. I guess that the one who makes the bunches knows how the feel of the thread treaches knitting and the pleasantness of knitting, but my own sphere lacks those good sides. I put the sphere in a plastic used for fruits so as to get it roll effortlessly.
101. About the way of trying
In knitting like in other things done one feels uneasy if one does work like, forces and acts that one has skills, instead of just doing. "This would be like this." or "This would be skilled." or "This would be fine." is just a thought in the mind, a word, term or the like, that is not an advice for knitting, it is not a well working way of doing for knitting, it is not a form of enjoyment and especially it is not the key to skills. It is instead somewhat like a children's play or acted play or somebody else's idea tyo which one mistakenly takes part. Skilled pleasant knitting is found from playing with things done, of palyful mind, of just doing without grasping one's goals so unwisely tightly, without being stuck to certain form. So it is not bron from bypassing perceptions, since knitting is in it's own way reactive: one needs to all the time search for good ways of doing, maybe not so much when one has experience but still cultivating good quality, passing by problems from far, knowing beforehand that something can cause troubles later, so I do here this way. Likewise skills need to be cultivated, for one to not like a worker stuck to habits, whose work and life collapse to a tangle or pile. Doing, for one to enjoy it and for the product to be of good quality, isn't done too personally or too much reaching for point like goals, but instead is oriented toward doing, enjoys doing, the feel of the materials, different ideas, freedom, a little bit like the feel of doing in men's traditional physical labour, and not like status thing.
102. Knitting a sock with a bird figure
Here the beginning fo a sock I knitted the evening before yesterday. Somehow I felt in a slow mood, other things in mind, but knitting worked out well, but then when I looked at the clock, it was late in the night already, so knitting speed aren't just a question of what it feels like to knit, but one should look at the clock too, to see what affects how.I was planning a bird figure, to the ankle a leaf and now the tail of the bird has been knitted. I do not know if the head will be too low in the sock, but in my earlief leaf socks the upper side of the foot seems quite horizontal even though it isn't exactly horizontal.
103. Leaf edge decoration
I borrowed from the library today a book whose English original is called Knitopedia, and in the end in it there was a picture of a leaf edge decoration, maybe to a shirt, but the advice had alternately right and back loops and thread around the stick so that it did not seem to correspond to the picture. Here is my advice for the decoration but I haven'ty knitted it:
October changing to Novermber 2018
Knit a Celtic leaf figure (see advice earlier 63.) without background and end it's both edges like knitted works usually, i.e. by lifting a loop over the remaining loop next to it. So narrow just one loop at a time on both sides. The holes come either from one knittingmore loose or from adding loops at every row in the first half of the leaf. When the leaf is ready, lift one loop per round to stick from oít's side (from the lower edge of the loop there since the uper edge is seen as the edge of the leaf) and knit slowly broadening strip of back loops to it's side like in the picture, to the middle of which starting quite early the branch of the leaf i.e. one rtight in the middle of the back loops at each row. And from that continue to make a Celtic leaf, and at the same time end the strip of back loops like knit works usually are ended. Finally sew the leaf decoration strip to the endge of the knitted cloth.
(a photograpf of the picture in the book)
I do not care so much about this leaf decoration edge, I haven't even tried to knit it, since I do not know what it could be used to. But when I was a baby, I might have liked it. Would it suit babies? Or be an edge strp of grandmother's scarf?
104. By an internet search engine
At least now 11.1.2018 I fond a Finnish discussion group post with a link to this text by the Google search "knitting tips", so right now these knitting tips ought to be easy to find, if just the search engine works the same way or as well in this respect abroad, but search result may change as time passes.
105. Knitting makes one more stupid
When I think what kind of knitting or what in knitting makes one slow witted, it s just slow knitting stuck to habits which does not notice much. For it it is typical that there is at the same time in one's mind some separate subject to think about, like some work aquiantage's not so well getting along type of view, sorrow, some older generation person's view that commands to something you are not like-minded about, somebody being ill, or the like: some big separate subject that takes away room from doing freely by oneself, takes attention away from knitting and from choices made in one's own rythm, makes on stuck to habits and makes one's choices clumsy and nt so wise, makes one's reactions slower and the quality of knitting poorer, takes also pleasantness, comfortability away from knitting. On the other hand knitting that does not so much make one stupid, is either learning new things or doing handily quickly I get this, paying attention to learning about ways of making loops, and then there is the point that I need to decide and I cultivate good quality in it, for it to be according to feelings, handy, well workingm good to use, comfortable, and at the same time I would learn about doing handiworks.
Elokuu 2018
106. Lehtiköynnös
Lainasin kirjastosta Rita Taylorin kirjan Parahaat perinneneuleet - 150
mallia maailmalta. Siinä s. 49 oli kuva sukista, joissa oli lehtiköynnös
koristeena, aaltoileva varsi, tosi nätti ja hyvin onnistunut.
Varsi oli kahden silmukan levyinen ja siitä erkanivat vuorotellen
kummallekin puolelle yhden silmukan levyiset lehtivarret, joiden
kummaltakin puolen lisäsi useamman kerran silmukan, jolloin lehtivarsi
sai reikäkoristereunuksen ja itse varsi kaartui siitä poispäin, mikä
jatkui vielä lehden keskikohdille asti, ja sitten lehden kaventamisen
myötä kääntyi köynnöksern varsi kohti tuon lehden puolta. Kelttiläinen
lehti siis, ja molemmin puolin lehteä yhtä paljon tilaa, arvelen,
muutama silmukka. Mutten tiedä, onko leveys tuosta yksiomaa, nurja
tausta siis. Kai oli kavennettu sukan yläpuolen reunasta se,m mitä oli
eroa lehden varren lähtökohdan ja lehden kohdan välillä. Lehden olivat
suorassa ja sukan kärjessä kaksi lehteä lähes rinnan, nätisti niin kuin
oksissa usein. Sukan kärki oli hiukan tyylitelty jalan muoto, siis
epäsymmetrinen mutta säännöllisen muotoinen. Jalkapohja ja sivut kai
oikeaa neuletta.
October 2018
107. Sewing from factory made (half woolen) knitted fabric
I should have knitted an autumn hat, but it would have demanded at least 90, and maybe over 100, loops per round, and so I did not have the energy for it, especially since I did not know if it would be a good hat or not.
In a fabric shop there was knitted fabric, which means knitted but all the same, just right loopsback and forth, and so I made a hat from it. It turned out to be quite warm hat but it was much easier to do by sewing tahn it would have been by knitting.
The problem with knitted fabric is that it unties, the threads become loose from the fabric very easily. So I kept the fabric carefully and did not wash it before I sew quite near the edge by siksak (crus cross?). Or I meant to wash it after I had sewn with very tense (only a short step forward) criscross, but then I was more in a hurry and was curious, and so I sew the hat.
When the fbric has been cut the loops by the edge are in pieces, so that one cannot fasten the fabric there but instead must dew together two unharmed loop rowns.
I had the advice that a ball headed needle and stretch type of sewing.
I sew evertyhing with the same criscross, but left some psace between two neighbouring criscross to make it less easy for the fabric to unfasten..
So in this hat I first sew near the lowert edge to keep the fabric unharmed. Then I folded the lower edge as a nice width to a hat and sew it there a little bit closer to the edge. Then I tried in front of the mirrow, how big circle the hat's double fabric ought to be, and sew straight upwards from there, approximately as high as the straight part of the hat. Then I cut the fabric quite near the sewn line but leaving room for another criscross line. Then I tried in front of the mirrow, what is a nice height for the straight part, and sew that. Then I tried in front of the mirrow, what the upmost part of the hat ought to be like,and then sew that so. Then I sew the straight and upmost parts's with another criscross to make the hat last longer. Then cut the left over fabric from the top part away and made knots to the sewing thread ends.
I all teh time took care for the fabric not to become loose. So I let the fabric be untouched, just peacefully, and sew it all at the same time, so that the fabric would not come loose in storage or when washing. But so I cannot wash it with vcery warm water now,for it to not to smallen.
Ther ordinary width of the sewn criss cross resulted in narrow criscross line. It seemed imprtant tpo have the line dense.
October changing to Novermber 2018
108. Knitted furry toy
aI borrowed from the library a book about knitted dog breeds, of whose knitting instructions I understood nothing when I earler looked at the book, but the knitted books looked successful and fascinating: Sally Muir & Johanna Osborne: Best in Show - knit your own dog. Now I thought that I could sidestep the problem and knit on my own: look at the pictures a little bit to see what forms rhey have knitted, and then knit a piece of fabric to see how it stretches to different directions, and knit then according to my own view a dog toy or someother furry toy, fill it with bomull or the like and I would like it to be of furry thread (Can one open it's fur after knitting by astick cut from food package plasctic?). I think that the edge is much stiffer than the knitted part, so tat affects too. And the edge can curve nicely if one smallens the numberof loops in the middle and not in the edge. Except that that too would be easier from knitteed fabric. Fort example the Finnish translation of the book had in it's cover a dog with nicely curved lines and straight loop rows as if sewn by machine fromknitted fabric and then added with a needle and thread some furry hairs .I guess that legs and tail could be knitted like while knitting the thumb of a mitten, but one should pay especially attentuon to what will be the direction of the leg when filled. The animal inthe cover had maybe iron thread skeleton, or the like. It is of course different fromknitted fabric if the dog has spots of different colour. But I haven't tried, I was just pondering.
The Afgan of the book was especially good work. It had a fine coat, from under it one could see only the head, tail and the outmost parts of the feet. It looked as if it were the second or third attempt or the work of an even more experienced knitted of furry toys. First she had learned to make the bpody of right form, then to add to it the hanging thrads of the coat, and then knitted a new one, in whicxh she paid especially much attention that the head, taoil and the outmost parts of the feet would be of good handiwork quality, and while knitting the tail, on each round or so knitted the coat thread around one or two loops under the tail so that the part that hangs as the coat would be nice looking and dog like determined by the thread's qualities, and the coat itself sewn with a needle pieces of thread to the knitwork like is artistic and Afgan stylefine, so it troo was a big job led by a fascination with the arts and with Afgan charm.
The lenght f the coat, it's thickness and what size bunches or areas it feelsto be consisting of,was determined by the feel of the coat of that dog breed, of some nice individual of it, for example on the Afgan "big bunches of wool" or the like, in other words which amount of threads, in which ways and in which lenghts gives an impression that has the same atmosphere as the fascination of the coat of that breed, even if it in the furry toy would be a different size area than in the dog breed's coat usually, anyway if it feels right, it is in it's way good, makes sense,is artistiocally a good choice which tels something of the breed.
Knitted soft toy animal is handiwork, toy or for decoration. It isn't anything connected with animals, since animals' lives are much more complex and richer, and do not fit to be followers of a simple knitted toy.
Please read the request under the list of contents at the end of this blog post.
CONTENTSof these knitting tips
1. More easy going knitting, nicer and better quality
2. Creating a place like grandparents'
3. Right and back loops
4. Same size
5. Own model
6. Learning talents and skills
7. At which point and how the proportions
8. Rauhaa kutomiselle yms
10. About knitting quicker than before
11. I knitted socks
12. Paperbag looks fine
13. Handiwork skills
14. Knitting makes more stupid
15. Adivice about knitting the heel of a woolen sock (and advices for knitting the whole sock)
16. An additional remark about nitting heel
17. Threads
18. Beginning
19. Ending
20. Narrowing
21. Hair-do knit
22. About errors, repairing and learning
23. Horse knit picture
24. Kudon kuviollisia sukkia
25. Puikot
26. About endurancy and goals
27. Puupuikot vai metallipuikot
28. Kudon sukkaa
29. About photographing knit works
30. Silmukantekotavoista
31. Left over thread bunch's knot
32. About counting loops and rows
33. Kudon myssyä
34. About changing threads
35. About earning by knitting
36. Villasukista juhannusaattona 2017
37. About repairing woolen socks
38. An observation about knitting the heel of a sock
WOOLEN SHIRT39. Villapaidoista
40. Sibelius-mallin hakemista
41. Villapaidasta
42. Laskemisesta
43. Muun puuhaamisesta samalla kun kutoo
44. About getting the thread from the thread sphere
45. Väsyneenä kutomisesta
46. Important: Choosing threads
47. Villapaitaan kuvioita miettimässä
48. Epäonnistuneen kohokuvion korjaamisesta
49. Kirjoja
50. Important: Knitting speed and ways of doing loops
51. About the time of the day or night
52. Kukkakuvio
53. About counting loops in large knit figures
54. Tukea kukkakuvioille tunteiden rationaalisuudesta
55. Kukkakuviota
56. Kukkakuvion korjaaminen, silmäpakojen virkkaaminen
57. Knitting makes one much more stupid
58. Villapaitaa (yläosa)
59. Important: About the peacefulness of knitting
60. About planning
61. Knitting the thumb of mittens
62. Advices about knitting mittens
63. Leaf decoration (Celtic?)
64. Villasukkaa
65. Kutomisen opettelusta
66. Eka sukka valmis
67. Parrot figure?
68. Knitted tit "tiainen" or "tilhi" or which bird would it be?
69. Tilhi bird and red berries clishee
70. Knitting the second sock
71. Instructions on getting warm
72. Still one more way to make loops
73. Abotu sock knitting machines
74. Käsityölehti
75. Tilhi kkoneneulottuna?
76. Sukkapari valmis
77. Lehtikuviota resorin sijaan?
78. Woolen socks from a shop
79. Kudottavan työn, koristekuvioiden, mallin, tyylin yms valitsemisesta
80. Lehtikohokuvioita
81. Trying the bird
82. Knitting and computers
83. Sukkaa
84. Kutomisjäljen tasaisuudesta
85. Sukan kuvion päättämisestä, kun tausta nurjaa
86. Year of knitting
87. Lammaskuvio?
88. Whether I should stop here?
89. Lehtikuviollisia sukkia kutomassa
90. About the pleasantness of knitting (Knitting enlightenment, if such is possible)
91. About the effect of sorrow, tiredness, getting stuck to one's habits etc to knitting
92. Knitting another sock with leaf figure
93. Sairauksien parantamisesta
94. Toisen sukan loppuosaa
95. Finland and knitting
96. Lankojen hinnalla
97. Praying and knitting
98. Knitting and music
99. Translating and publishing these knitting tips
100. Thread sphere or shop's bunch of thread
101. About the way of trying
102. Knitting a sock with a bird figure
103. Leaf edge decoration
104. By an internet search engine
105. Knitting makes one more stupid
A Request
I have very much had the feeling that I ought to send these knitting tips to many places, but the world is wide and many women knit. So please, if you have the feeling that some group would need this kind of knitting tips, please send them the link, thank you.
* * * * *
The lenght f the coat, it's thickness and what size bunches or areas it feelsto be consisting of,was determined by the feel of the coat of that dog breed, of some nice individual of it, for example on the Afgan "big bunches of wool" or the like, in other words which amount of threads, in which ways and in which lenghts gives an impression that has the same atmosphere as the fascination of the coat of that breed, even if it in the furry toy would be a different size area than in the dog breed's coat usually, anyway if it feels right, it is in it's way good, makes sense,is artistiocally a good choice which tels something of the breed.
Knitted soft toy animal is handiwork, toy or for decoration. It isn't anything connected with animals, since animals' lives are much more complex and richer, and do not fit to be followers of a simple knitted toy.
Please read the request under the list of contents at the end of this blog post.
CONTENTSof these knitting tips
1. More easy going knitting, nicer and better quality
2. Creating a place like grandparents'
3. Right and back loops
4. Same size
5. Own model
6. Learning talents and skills
7. At which point and how the proportions
8. Rauhaa kutomiselle yms
10. About knitting quicker than before
11. I knitted socks
12. Paperbag looks fine
13. Handiwork skills
14. Knitting makes more stupid
15. Adivice about knitting the heel of a woolen sock (and advices for knitting the whole sock)
16. An additional remark about nitting heel
17. Threads
18. Beginning
19. Ending
20. Narrowing
21. Hair-do knit
22. About errors, repairing and learning
23. Horse knit picture
24. Kudon kuviollisia sukkia
25. Puikot
26. About endurancy and goals
27. Puupuikot vai metallipuikot
28. Kudon sukkaa
29. About photographing knit works
30. Silmukantekotavoista
31. Left over thread bunch's knot
32. About counting loops and rows
33. Kudon myssyä
34. About changing threads
35. About earning by knitting
36. Villasukista juhannusaattona 2017
37. About repairing woolen socks
38. An observation about knitting the heel of a sock
WOOLEN SHIRT39. Villapaidoista
40. Sibelius-mallin hakemista
41. Villapaidasta
42. Laskemisesta
43. Muun puuhaamisesta samalla kun kutoo
44. About getting the thread from the thread sphere
45. Väsyneenä kutomisesta
46. Important: Choosing threads
47. Villapaitaan kuvioita miettimässä
48. Epäonnistuneen kohokuvion korjaamisesta
49. Kirjoja
50. Important: Knitting speed and ways of doing loops
51. About the time of the day or night
52. Kukkakuvio
53. About counting loops in large knit figures
54. Tukea kukkakuvioille tunteiden rationaalisuudesta
55. Kukkakuviota
56. Kukkakuvion korjaaminen, silmäpakojen virkkaaminen
57. Knitting makes one much more stupid
58. Villapaitaa (yläosa)
59. Important: About the peacefulness of knitting
60. About planning
61. Knitting the thumb of mittens
62. Advices about knitting mittens
63. Leaf decoration (Celtic?)
64. Villasukkaa
65. Kutomisen opettelusta
66. Eka sukka valmis
67. Parrot figure?
68. Knitted tit "tiainen" or "tilhi" or which bird would it be?
69. Tilhi bird and red berries clishee
70. Knitting the second sock
71. Instructions on getting warm
72. Still one more way to make loops
73. Abotu sock knitting machines
74. Käsityölehti
75. Tilhi kkoneneulottuna?
76. Sukkapari valmis
77. Lehtikuviota resorin sijaan?
78. Woolen socks from a shop
79. Kudottavan työn, koristekuvioiden, mallin, tyylin yms valitsemisesta
80. Lehtikohokuvioita
81. Trying the bird
82. Knitting and computers
83. Sukkaa
84. Kutomisjäljen tasaisuudesta
85. Sukan kuvion päättämisestä, kun tausta nurjaa
86. Year of knitting
87. Lammaskuvio?
88. Whether I should stop here?
89. Lehtikuviollisia sukkia kutomassa
90. About the pleasantness of knitting (Knitting enlightenment, if such is possible)
91. About the effect of sorrow, tiredness, getting stuck to one's habits etc to knitting
92. Knitting another sock with leaf figure
93. Sairauksien parantamisesta
94. Toisen sukan loppuosaa
95. Finland and knitting
96. Lankojen hinnalla
97. Praying and knitting
98. Knitting and music
99. Translating and publishing these knitting tips
100. Thread sphere or shop's bunch of thread
101. About the way of trying
102. Knitting a sock with a bird figure
103. Leaf edge decoration
104. By an internet search engine
105. Knitting makes one more stupid
A Request
I have very much had the feeling that I ought to send these knitting tips to many places, but the world is wide and many women knit. So please, if you have the feeling that some group would need this kind of knitting tips, please send them the link, thank you.
* * * * *
7th of November 2022 in Espoo (This is not in the book.)
A warm winter shirt you can make easiest from warm fabric. Buy it from the same town where you use it. Ask the shopkeeper for advice. Sewing does not make one stupid.
If there is a feel of cool and moist or cold and moist in a room thst is lived in, is heated by a heater or people in it, warm the room by ventilating the air quickly dry. Open a window and go sit in the center of the room. When the air begins to feel fully dry, go at once to shut the window. The warm air high in the room soon warms the new cold dry air, and in a minute or three the room ought to become very warm.
Advices for living the four seasons https://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html
Warm winter clothes you get easiest by buing as new. Those usually cost the same as fabrics or threads, or are cheaper. Ask the shopjeeper for help. Do not buy secondhand if you cannot recognice which fabrics are warm in yoyr present climate.
If you look very detailedly, you notice that ordinary thin summer socks have been machine knitted. There are lots of very small loops in them. So it is no wonder that also machine knitted woolen socks are for sale in shops, and those too are very warm in the feet. Likewise woolen hats, and mittens with an insulating windproof fabric underneath plus winter gloves are for sale in shops in winter time and late autumn.
19th of January 2024
Warm winter clothes you get easiest by buing as new. Those usually cost the same as fabrics or threads, or are cheaper. Ask the shopjeeper for help. Do not buy secondhand if you cannot recognice which fabrics are warm in yoyr present climate.
If you look very detailedly, you notice that ordinary thin summer socks have been machine knitted. There are lots of very small loops in them. So it is no wonder that also machine knitted woolen socks are for sale in shops, and those too are very warm in the feet. Likewise woolen hats, and mittens with an insulating windproof fabric underneath plus winter gloves are for sale in shops in winter time and late autumn.
19th of January 2024
Please observe that knitting doesn't make life soft. Instead knitting often makes those who try to knit angry and argumentative.
If you want softness to your life, try warm clothes, good food that a foodshop you like recommends to you on such a weather, day, etc. You could try reading in this blog my texts about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life, see learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09 or my new blog about my books miraclelikenature.blogspot.com .
21st of January 2024 A padded winter blanket is the most efficient way of getting warm. Go fully under the blanket, leaving only your head uncovered, to allow breathing. Such blankets are a Canadian invention and often too warm for other climates. So buy a local padded winter blanket meant for the coldest winter, and put it inside a sack like sheet to keep it clean, since a padded blanket cannot be washed without spoiling it. It is also essential that you are not wet or in moist clothes when using the blanket. If you need an extra blanket, use it under the thick padded winter blanket which needs to be airily. You should not have run out of body's energy reserves with which to create heat, but one does not need to eat any more for that than a piece of bread, maybe half the size of an ordinary piece of bread, but my imoression is that it is better if it has formerly dried a little bit on the surface, just go quickly under the padded blanket so that you do not lose any heat you create. College trousers and college shirt on top of ordinary clothes can keep on warmer while sleeping if it is cold. The thick padded winter blanket is also good for getting a feeling of enough bacteria around, since that is a result of your body being comfortably warm.
21st of January 2024 A padded winter blanket is the most efficient way of getting warm. Go fully under the blanket, leaving only your head uncovered, to allow breathing. Such blankets are a Canadian invention and often too warm for other climates. So buy a local padded winter blanket meant for the coldest winter, and put it inside a sack like sheet to keep it clean, since a padded blanket cannot be washed without spoiling it. It is also essential that you are not wet or in moist clothes when using the blanket. If you need an extra blanket, use it under the thick padded winter blanket which needs to be airily. You should not have run out of body's energy reserves with which to create heat, but one does not need to eat any more for that than a piece of bread, maybe half the size of an ordinary piece of bread, but my imoression is that it is better if it has formerly dried a little bit on the surface, just go quickly under the padded blanket so that you do not lose any heat you create. College trousers and college shirt on top of ordinary clothes can keep on warmer while sleeping if it is cold. The thick padded winter blanket is also good for getting a feeling of enough bacteria around, since that is a result of your body being comfortably warm.
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Your comments are welcome, but remember that Christmas gnomes are a subject that children often read. One can comment under each blog post of mine, but the blogs are aimed for a global audience, so the comments too should be from a so general point of view, and with well workkng beautiful values.