Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Hot air balloon flight video, Savonlinna

 Hot air balloon flight video would have suited the Christmas gnomes skills text

14th of December 2023 I somehoe felt that Juha Mieto would be needed here. I did not watch the video fully. The text days that he skied with wood skis even after others had changed to plastic skis. That sounds essential.

I watched the video only halfway. It somehow came to my mind that I should add here something about Tulenkantajat, Flame bearers, or Fire catchers as it came to my mind so when watching the above video. Here is a link to Wikioedia

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If one uses in one's studies or in one's job and at least in free time holistic objective thinking and an objective picture of the world. Then if one has in the free time a possibility to move in nature with a nature landscape around, one can see it objectively as trees of certain species so and so as if in a map with heighrs too, and also how the individual trees have branches, leaves, etc, structures like makes sense to pay attention to in physics, math etc. Then the multitude of nature offers a better understanding of possible structures, a more finely tuned observation capacity with stmospheres too i.e. understanding what those kinds of things mean to life, what kind of lufe they are made of. Likewise one learns thibgs lije fractured versus unufied hwalthy happu ginely tuned well functioning, simpke lije a straight line of pathway edge in sight versus the good understanding of pictorial thinking. 

Uf one is only in a build environment without nature and kind of stressed  one's observational abilitues get poorer, and so one lises wisdom of lufe and ways of doing deteriorate, get less wuse and borne to minir accidents. If one then on free time goes to a nature recreation path that is uneven to walk or ski on, one needs to look around and one needs to correct one's posture and way of moving all the time, to which the change from the strsight lines of the buikd environment to the vlmplex seen structures of nature that taste like life, gives support to learning sports skills and wisdom of life, healthy normal life skills that are basicalöy ages old but kind of only smaller amount of thrm reached if there is not an all natute envuronment to live in anymore. 

With such better ways of moving one can via such a hobby learn comfortable nice well running motion in the nature, kind of singing according to the state of mind and the rythm of doing, etc. Then one can observe the atmospheres of the plants having often in some points such tuned well functioning atmospheres that may serve as advices to that kibd of life as seen ln the atmosphere of that branch of tgat plant or the like. Likewise one can learn from other people and animals moving there. But one must remember that weather skills for example are for many weathers of near by days, with ways of living always taking into account the need to live well the whole year. At least to me these have been momentary glimoses, kind of giving an enjoyable moment of moving and an idea of such ways of luving, but not been jyst my type and often seen only once, with each person, plant, animal etc having it's own infividual way of living the four seasons. 

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