Saturday, September 23, 2023

Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves 2. Social skills and position in the world


B1.   "Why I was given a name with the name association "emperor" 

 What I learned from an ant as a baby

  "  , and from seeing ants I had learned how soldier like ways, moral work for the society amd athletic healthy ways of living & an individual living freely according to it's feelings and it's ages old nature produce the same result,"


26th of July 2021   I learned the basic view of my paradise theory, of how the different sides of life support each other, as a baby from a reddish brown ant, before I was given my name, if I remember right I was two days old, so it must have been August 1971, which is late summer when the insects are at their wisest because they are older already and the summer gives good possibilities for life. I have wondered why I haven't learned anything such later from the insects, but maybe that is because I had somehow marked that happening to June instead of to August, propably 10th of August 1971. 



(7. March 2016
As a child I had the last name Hari, so my name Kaisa Hari bought the associations "keisari" = emperor and "tsaari" = Russian tsar (emperor). So I took it to my task to cultivate some of the good sides that people need to have to be good or at least worthy emperors, but I did not connect that to the emperor of China but to rulers of vast areas in general. At the same time I valued grass roots democracy in the Finnish way and not kingdoms as forms of government, much less empires.)
(24. August 2016
I did not have some role or ways of behaviour emperor like, not even sometimes. Instead I thought of emperors as persons who arrange things that people in wide areas need, who find solutions to difficult problems on wide areas of the nation and do that via thinking, discussing, understanding the world, cultures, different types of people, how they interact, what they need and how to arrange such, etc. So I thought of the position of an emperor like an ordinary citizen who in some task deserves well such a high position, negotiating about the affairs of the state. But emperor managing to do that more often, solve problems, negotiate, discuss, find solutions, support good causes, know things and workings of the nation and it's neighbours well - kind of like a relative for an ordinary person, taking part in discussion about something because one has often something valuable to offer, worthy of that role and partly because he/she is often around. So I thought that emperor needs support, needs to show his/her skilledness again and again and again.) "

B2.   I some years ago saw the beginning of a video of Persian Shah celebrating a thousand years of the rule of Persian royalty, was it 1971 when I was born in August. It was as if I had been told or seen such as a baby. I did not know what to think of it. Maybe it was a good subject to show to a baby who ought to see other people interested in the level of the whole world, who really affected it personally, while I was only a thinker and with wisdom of life and years later a writer. Maybe it is so that partues are often arranged when there is a need to offer some better life possibilities for someone who does not otherwise get them, like to give better life and company for the ill or hard working or showing places to visitors.

A boss often is a person who arranges that things work well in practice. So that is different from a thinker or councelor. It demands getting along, which often is a question of liking the persons and things done, without giving up wisdom or fair play. So it often sounds like a task suited best to a companion dog of a light colour and responsible attitude, intelligent too and fair. Why one cannot give the task to any nice educated or intelligent person around, is that usually they do not have the values safeguarding the good of the world and the good of the nation in the first place in all their life, but are instead taking sides, unfair, irresponsible, lie and act and use a too low quality in estimating what is good enough. 

B3.   Advices about getting position that one fairly deserves are in book 5. of "The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute" or you can find them at where it is the whole page you ought to read. 

B4. "Build a perfect relationship

How to get along
Let go, live freely, love life and enjoy the company of your partner. Do not put your thoughts and feelings about these things to words, do not make rigid plans. Just let yourself grow toward light and give the other one the same freedom too. One who grows toward light is no obstacle to others, it is the dark thoughts that you should let go of, you should let your spouce be what she/he is without manipulating him/her, without putting to words what she/he is like, without making your needs thoughts in your mind. Just plant seeds of love, love toward yourself, love toward life, love toward your spouce and love toward others and the world at large. In harmony we coexist, such a harmony is in our nature, it grows from us giving room to our real self and to the real selves of all the others, just let them enjoy life without being obstacles to the happiness of others, and you will all find fulfillment in life, a natural harmony that feels like the only obviously right way to live – wide and varied like the human nature...


B5.   "Advice on creating charm

Advice on creating charm
You are irresistible just when you find life irresistible to you, when you love each and everyone and are thrilled with life’s challenges. That attitude gets reflected from others too, you kind of drag them along to a good way of living. But how to come about this? You must let go of rigid patterns of life and open yourself to new possibilities like most do when they are about to go for a holiday. Catch that mood and let it be your guide to how to live your life, how to approach the things in life and how to be social. But be quick witted in this and pay especially much attention to when it works well and at which moment it has ceased to be effective and when it goes totally ashtray. Since if you are too slow, you start the right way but then continue along some old habit of yours and end up pouring your good will upon others who are stuck on their own habits without you getting anything in return. You ought to keep the thrilled mindset all the time. It isn’t anything fixed, it is like being born anew each moment: “Oh, it is like this… And that! And there is! And there!...” Each new thing which catches your attention gives you strength, each enjoyable experience is kind of fuel that keep you going. And in that it is important that you do not overdo anything, just go with the flow of the situation without “putting it to a box” to repeat, to continue or to give to others – just let go and enjoy life, that way you can endure forever! In social relationships you have to see what is a good way to live for both of you, kind of seduce the other one to the right kind of good times and then just enjoy the thus found entertaining life together.



Think of the ages old healthy natural way to live according to the human nature, to our instructions of usage, to our soul on all areas of life.
Like a wolf howling at the moon!
Think of this also in what comes to your relationship to the world: world wide moral, meaningful things to do, for healthier ways of living etc.
Then just live by your feelings toward this right way to live!

B7.   " 

A rose in his teeth

From my Finnish blog
"I was pondering this since in the summer time I once picked tall grasses and tied them with a woolen thread to a bunch that looked quite fine in my opinion, and since my poodle brings me in the evenings a sock that he "says" to be his drink.

So can it be that the clishee of a Romeo with a rose in his teeth, for example climbing in from a window, could refer to what if I do fine fascinating things in my life, have them as my hobbies like my poodle has fascinating things like summer cottage life and arts, so could this clishee refer to someone's life consisting of nice things with good spirit that draw people to them like a rose draws people. So one should have a good life oneself and it would attract someone likeminded who would be very satisfied next to tyou, since she did not come because of theoáter act like things but instead drawn by the same real thing that fascinate you.

B8.   "Reaching for harmony

It is quite early evening on the day Eurovision Song Contest in Israel begins, it is in tv starting klo22 but I have not yet decided if I watch it. I have the feeling that this year it could bring bad luck.
But anyway I tried to compose a melody, even a song about harmony in the society but it turned out to be just a too short piece.

I was thinking of something along the lines of "Live and let others live" 

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5th of July 2019   Another piece:

30th of June 2022   I have now lived for over a year in Espoo and walked to the near by shopping mall. On the way back there has a couple of times been quite many different kinds of individuals who seem to say they are from Eritrea in Africa and some of them seem to say they would like to have this melody (Reaching for a good future in the society) as their National song. But it is a very far away country, a very different climate and diffwrent culture: does it fit there or is it annoyingly foreign? I would guess that for a song from a so distant country a place in a valued songbook would be better suited. But of course the song is aimed to make the society a better place to live in, and to affect fairly for better in the wide world too. 

I might add here the text Easy quick school for animals E11. at my text Skills of Christmas gnomes 

More than money, i would like to be left in peace. 

B9. "The Christmas gnomes internet institute

 " This Christmas gnomes internet institute is the blog 

Skills of Christmas gnomes, See 

With it's links. Most of it is also available as books at .

The blog with it's linked blogs is the main text for the orientation options of the institute, which are 

A Christmas gnome ( including dream job and moving to where you like to live ), 

An angel, 

A hero, 

A miracle healer, 

A composer and

An emperor. 

For the miracle healer there is the blog but the problem is that the original is in Finnish but would be needed. About angels see the following text.

These are just advices for living a Christmas gnome like life year around, but since Christmas gnomes make presents all the year for Christmas, someone whose dream job would be ok for an angel, since this is useful work after all, could maybe this way learn to live the life of an angel.

For being a Christmas angel I guess that one would need skills of making the landscape peaceful and atmospheric : see the comment about mobile phone's local area share, plus living with the seasons, plus experiencing the seen environment as beautiful, plus likibg music. 

For becoming a hero of old times in the modern world see especially M8. but preferably the whole blog text. 

For becoming a music composer, see F35. in part 6., the link in D1. about healthy ways of living, and see if there is anything else of interest in the blog.

In all these orientation possibilities the blog Skills of Christmas gnomes offers the basic way of living in a society, enjoying one's time and having a somewhat sheltered place in the society that is good to live in. 

About emperor's power read N97. Read also here the previous post on a link about women's position, plus in part 1. the text before the picture of a flower, and in a way the whole blog is thought of being in some way useful for people ruling, what there is needed in the society and in ghe world. 

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B10.   From tge first chapter of my first book about the Skills of Christmas gnomes : 
I have been interested in solving large scale problems of the world for years and also learned some method that often works well. I have lots of experience and skills in objectuve thinking.
One should see what are the parts of the situation, it's main elements. And then observe each of them in their natural place in the world, undisturbed from their ordinary context and their ordinary life, ways of thinking etc. That is a way to understand them. Then one should place them each to their right place in a well working healthily build society, it's daily life. And that often works out as a solution: well working society, ordinary daily life and the elements as parts of it. But it demands a good view of what a well working society is like. Often one can find the correct place of an element by thinking via the ages old healthy natural ways of living and being a part of a society and of the wide world, and placing the element seen in the light of these values to it's right civiliced place in the society and the world."


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20th of March 2024   OBS! Remember to also click on the link  and at least bladdre it to see what one could learn by reading it, and preferably read it through. 

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23rd of September 2023

I collected these texts plus the collection about women's position to a new book "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves, Book 2. : Social skills and position in the world" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola. The book and e-book ought to be for sale at the Amazon internet bookshops in a few days time. 

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  "  You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...