Monday, September 25, 2023

Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves 3. Composing a hymn

 C1.   When I compare the Japanese spitz with a phalene (the butterfly-eared dog), the Japanese spitz seems adapted to town life but still more sporty like the spitzes in general. The spitz type of dogs get wisdom of life from sporty moving on an uneven ground while watching reactively the landscape around with the trees etc too. They get their erect posture, head held high, from the way of moving and living that is good for moving (and using the senses & full understanding at the same time). They get so wisdom of life about healing, in practise about how to stay healthy : what feel like good ways of living, relieving, wise and active in a fractureless way. And they get increased skills for different tasks from their experience of what is a good way of moving on that area of the body&mind. And they get wisdom of life connected with feelings from the way of living fully with one's being, how each part of one's body-mind is strong and capable in the sense of having wisdom. Similarly one can teach new things to the young. 

C2.   I yesterday watched a video of camels galloping competition somewhere in Arab countries where seemed to be only desert, no green plants. It seemed that wishing things well for life, for plants etc, in the wide landscape around and in the whole world, brings a more fractureless environment of good will and healthy arrangements, and so one can endure longer, as if leisurely running. And I think that such is good for grasses etc too. 

C3.   26th of September 2023  

 "Miracle healing advice for first aid plus later 

 Wish well for the world at large so that your effect in the world is positive and beautiful. Pay attention to the landscape around, especially trees and the weathers of the season, how they make more alive and spiritually sensitive in return. With the help of this effect on your body and mind, turn to religion seeking for miracle like healing. Give to your body and mind as an advice these effects and that each part of the body should be completely healthy, aim at healing to fully healthy. Each part of the body should heal itself and the neighbouribg areas, the wholebody too back to full health."

C4.   I now have lived in Espoo for two and a half years, but this I wrote in Savonlinna:


E18.   5th of October 2020   I have now lived 11 years in Savonlinna, which is a countryside town in Savo in eastern Finland, and is famous for it's summer time opera festival in a medieval castle in the center of the town, and for the vast lake and forest district Saimaa around which has lots of summer cottages. So it is kind of practical life with arts and nature and some religion too. As I moved to Savonlinna, I had had a way of life and wisdom of life that brought happy life in such things, but as I have lived in Savonlinna, my life has been mostly centered in writing and I haven't been so happy. But today I tried to find that perspective of happy life, even though I have lately been stuck and stupid, but I gave it a try anyway and oproduced these two pieces:

F, D, very quick E, long A

D, very quick E, F, quick D, long A

But I do not know if it suits other places, even though it might,since Savonlinna is a tourist town. But anyway it is only about searching for that perspective of happiness, not about happiness itself.


From my long text about learning the skills of Christmas gnomes

And this I wrote in Espoo, around 15th of May 2021:


" I 49.   I wondered how to see or experience the landscape like music, and made this melody to help in it, but lately I haven't been musical at all. 

D, F, A, H, F, D, F#, A

 and another melody to make the landscape more emotional, with spirits of things

F, A, H, G, E, D, F#, A, E


But I have been lately ill. After my poofle died I have gotten ill if I try to eat meat, fish or the like, stomach pain etc.

It is spring and birds sing. A cloudy day yet quite light, somewhat cool aftera few warm days, already medium sized leaves on trees.


C5.   "Advices about composing a hymn

 "F36.   Composing a hymn is a different thing, but I guess that one can use the same piece of advice about how to produce a melody like the atmosphere. As far as I understadn, a hymn is the atmosphere of some place where there is frcatureless nature and it's wisdom emphasizes virtues needed in a good society, and offers some view of how such fractyureless atmospheric society is possiblke, what it is build upon and what it is like in at,osphere, and that is composed: some moment wandering there, like Finlandia Hymn is about skiing on sunny spring winter landscape somewhere in nature with open spaces and trees and lots of snow, and somehow that fracturelessness is a good model for society yet familiar for almost all."


I guess that in the tropics if palm trees are considered an example of wise emotional kind of wisdom suited to tropics, I do not know but maybe admiring such and thinking of a view of life at the level of the society could bring some such view, kind of expanding the subject, but I do not know if it works. Often landscapes are connected better to thinking of one's picture of the world. 

C6.   "Advices on how to compose an ode


F35.   I just learned how to compose an ode to someone that one loves. I had been composing today earlier after a long pause, and I sat looking at my apricot poodle Banjo, which was laying and looking, and I thought of saying to it how magnifient to live witha poodle with such fine characteristics as he has, but so I sang the atmosphere of that feeling or thought, and then plotted the melody down somehow, but it is was somewhat Russian sounding melody.

 Here is how to learn to compose music:

"Song inspired by the moment's atmosphere
Now that trees and bushes are getting their leaves, instead of Eurovision song contest, I feel that the nature would somehow long for humans too to sing, maybe like this, a little bit like on the summer cottage or an freely organized choir or singing at home, like feels to suit the moment. 

29.4.2017 A singing skill from a few years ago came to my mind today morning, when grass was most places already green, sun was shining, birds sang and the green plants on my window created a feel of green, there was like the summer time a haze like atmosphere in the air. So with that atmosphere came to my mind a tune that I roughly knew, or something in the direction, so I sang it in a way that emphasized the fascination of the atmosphere, like doves or yodling(?) of the Alps or composing, creating sound like the atmosphere, not according to rigid forms but singing especially the parts that are musical, emphasizing the atmoshphere tones, like assembling from pieces of different strenght, somehow a very natural song and atmospheric, a little bit like what a composer seeks for with his/her tune: a moment with such an atmosphere but richer one, and then singing it naturally, not la-la-laa or the like as if from notes but instead from the places that the atmosphere touches oneself, one is fascinated by such an experience, but somehow on a general level and not a murmur of personal life.
This singing skill comes from trying to learn wider expression to be able to sing emotionally like this or a song like that or with a clear atmosphere, impressively or whatever, many kinds of colours in voice, many ways to approach song as one oneself is naturally, since there are moments in life, spirits and many different songs. So when one then picks from that spectrum according to the moment, but somewhat like song being partly carried away by the wind, not of even strenght, one manages to describe the atmosphere tones of the moment, not only in tones of voice but also with singing skills, somehow naturally."

"An easy way to write down the melodies, but I am not sure if iut is right:"


* * *
22.12.2020   I do not have the skill to compose right now, but on the two above pieces I had it. But reflecting on odes, I think that one ought to compose about large wholes like areas of life and as other wholes something like nice to get along and what kind of way of life there is, it's well functioning parts. Like a tree with fallen leaves underneath has a space around it, like wise these ought to have space for them so that they do not get squeezed while you compose but instead keep their form in peace. And just the sense of atmospheres is important,plus feelings and sensations.   

If you compose to a family member or the like, those valued things are parts of your daily life, so that if you meet them only for a moment, you have quite strong and undisturbed atmosphere on them, and that you can compose. And yesterday it appeared that such is good to sing the moment one composes, comes to think of it for the first time, it has some fascination as sung. But it may depend strongly on the person about whom it is and about who sings, so it may be that it is not so widely interesting in to others. Yet it is a nice experience. At you can plot down melodies.

One could also sing this way how nice it is to do something together, for example a hobby. Or compose about kids' hobbies. Or how some company is nice. And maybe those could be on a general level. Maybe one could also just compose about some hobby like action, how it is fun.Maybe that would have a wider level of generality.


C7.   27th of September 2023   From 2020 in Savonlinna:

" Writing a good blog

My poodle Banjo said that he would like to start an English blog, and star with a Christmas greeting and as a present the blog. The greeting would say something like: "Banjo the Poodle wishes a Good Christmas and a Happy new Year 2021!" and have a picture of Banjo with a Christmas flower. 

I said that the blog ought to have just best pieces of how Banjo has been on an adventure in my other blogs, and not just try to write a blog and write a blog, etc, since such is work like and does not give the writer any hint of how to write. Instead I ought to need highlights, atmospheres, sources of joy, insights, wisdom of life, smnall tales, and good pictures of nature, pets, home life or the like. 


C8.   I am exhausted from writing too long about Christmas gnomes and Christmas elves. Lately it has seemed that the reafers would like to change from my texts to reading famous politicians' etc views on Christmas gnome like life. Books about the early lives of famous people offer interesting things to tjink about if one is sincerely interested in those areas of life, like I read the beginning of a book about the life of Lenin, and the beginning of a book of the life of the famous Finnish poet Eino Leino. But one must remember that those are the views of others and not of the person who really lived in some kind of circumstancies and achieved something noteworthy. So it makes more sense to read them of the old times than of the present day famous people. 

C9.   28th of September 2023   For safeguarding moral in questions of giving someone professional or other position to affects others based on having enough skills, having civiliced values and being moral enough. It is good to notice that such position ought to be given per deed, and that usually when someone does something, one can see in his/her being some area in which he/she cultivates things with certain quality, like in one's whole picture of the world with all one's ability to edicated objective thinking, common sense and wisdom of life, thibgs well for all fairly according to civiliced values. Or some care things well only for themselves and only in some respects like own good, own position and some things about food with certain amount of wisdom, while they may intentionally affect others, which often is a crime, and in using position given by being a care professional it is often torturing or otherwise taking away the personal rights of others, and ought to be considered a reason to forbid them from having such a job or such power. 

C10.   From my dog training blog about solving problems in living with a dog, summer 2016, I translate : 

" 1) A dog searches for a social "box" or a role in which to be, how to be a good dog, for example a dog aggressive toward other dogs while on a walk in a leash usually tries to be a good guard dog, while a nicely behaving dog cooperates and pays attention to one's owner but does not look like a convincing guard dog while on a walk where people around look at it. So one ought to find a "box" that suits the dog, is natural to it, create it and to the dog good possibilities to such and to it skills to such and maybe some reward. And the social "box" or place ought to be some usual for dogs. 

2) If one talks to one's dog of life and some of one's wisdom of life, the dog usually seems to understand quite much and likes it, one gets a more profound contact with it that way and so the relationship gets better and one gets along a lot better. One ought to talk with facial expressions along and with feelings along too, like talking about life to a human or an animal friend, about wisdom of life and about the important questions in life, talk profoundly so that the dog can think in it's own way and be valued for taking part in the conversation and in one's life. 

C11.   29th of September 2023   As far as I know, if one has naturally a white curly hair, it comes from doing almost solely or mostly nice wanted things like living a customary kind of positive life, like liking children, caring for home chores, maybe cooking something tasty and healthy, creating possibilities for good life, maybe also being religious in wise civiliced ways with moral and wisdom of life according to feelings. A white curly beard would come from feeling pressured toward doing positive wanted things in the society and toward living with wisdom of life, maybe somewhat with a warmer body temperature, and from behaving so in practice. Doing these overly much would greate lots of such hair. Behaving partly according to other values would either change the colour or make hairs of different colour or curvature. So such is a description of what Santa Clauses are supposed to be like. But in practice in many cases are the colours and curls natural? 

C12.   1st of October 2023   Of learning via sexualuty
If one has a hobby course that one likes and one is interested in learning sich things and really tries to learn the taught things, and if one is interested in developing in such skills and talents and changing one's ways of living toward that area of lufe. If one then is interested in finding a pair from there and pays attention to what the others are like, how skilled or talented they are and in which ways they do thkngs, if one maybe flirts with them and gets social inflyencies from them and via them a better understanding of them and of their ways of doing which bring their talents, which one can so easier learn by practising the hobby in the ordinary way but with those good sides in one's ways of doing. And so one can learn skills and talents and values and get an idea of with whom one gets well along and with whom it would be for oneself good to live with. 
Going to bed or having such an atmosphere is not good for learning skills and talents, since going to bed connects with forming a family, so it is a question of adopting habitual ways of living together, forming so a home, a living environment for the children to grow up. 

* * *

I collected this text and my old spring melodies from 2019 to a book "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves, Book 3. : Composing a hymn and other texts". 

I am just exhausted from writing. If you want to read more of my texts, you must read my other books and blogs instead of demanding me to write more or quote them for you. My older texts are mostly good if one is interested in such. 

You can find my books at the Amazon internet bookshops. 

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