Monday, September 25, 2023

Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves 3. Composing a hymn

 C1.   When I compare the Japanese spitz with a phalene (the butterfly-eared dog), the Japanese spitz seems adapted to town life but still more sporty like the spitzes in general. The spitz type of dogs get wisdom of life from sporty moving on an uneven ground while watching reactively the landscape around with the trees etc too. They get their erect posture, head held high, from the way of moving and living that is good for moving (and using the senses & full understanding at the same time). They get so wisdom of life about healing, in practise about how to stay healthy : what feel like good ways of living, relieving, wise and active in a fractureless way. And they get increased skills for different tasks from their experience of what is a good way of moving on that area of the body&mind. And they get wisdom of life connected with feelings from the way of living fully with one's being, how each part of one's body-mind is strong and capable in the sense of having wisdom. Similarly one can teach new things to the young. 

C2.   I yesterday watched a video of camels galloping competition somewhere in Arab countries where seemed to be only desert, no green plants. It seemed that wishing things well for life, for plants etc, in the wide landscape around and in the whole world, brings a more fractureless environment of good will and healthy arrangements, and so one can endure longer, as if leisurely running. And I think that such is good for grasses etc too. 

C3.   26th of September 2023  

 "Miracle healing advice for first aid plus later 

 Wish well for the world at large so that your effect in the world is positive and beautiful. Pay attention to the landscape around, especially trees and the weathers of the season, how they make more alive and spiritually sensitive in return. With the help of this effect on your body and mind, turn to religion seeking for miracle like healing. Give to your body and mind as an advice these effects and that each part of the body should be completely healthy, aim at healing to fully healthy. Each part of the body should heal itself and the neighbouribg areas, the wholebody too back to full health."

C4.   I now have lived in Espoo for two and a half years, but this I wrote in Savonlinna:


E18.   5th of October 2020   I have now lived 11 years in Savonlinna, which is a countryside town in Savo in eastern Finland, and is famous for it's summer time opera festival in a medieval castle in the center of the town, and for the vast lake and forest district Saimaa around which has lots of summer cottages. So it is kind of practical life with arts and nature and some religion too. As I moved to Savonlinna, I had had a way of life and wisdom of life that brought happy life in such things, but as I have lived in Savonlinna, my life has been mostly centered in writing and I haven't been so happy. But today I tried to find that perspective of happy life, even though I have lately been stuck and stupid, but I gave it a try anyway and oproduced these two pieces:

F, D, very quick E, long A

D, very quick E, F, quick D, long A

But I do not know if it suits other places, even though it might,since Savonlinna is a tourist town. But anyway it is only about searching for that perspective of happiness, not about happiness itself.


From my long text about learning the skills of Christmas gnomes

And this I wrote in Espoo, around 15th of May 2021:


" I 49.   I wondered how to see or experience the landscape like music, and made this melody to help in it, but lately I haven't been musical at all. 

D, F, A, H, F, D, F#, A

 and another melody to make the landscape more emotional, with spirits of things

F, A, H, G, E, D, F#, A, E


But I have been lately ill. After my poofle died I have gotten ill if I try to eat meat, fish or the like, stomach pain etc.

It is spring and birds sing. A cloudy day yet quite light, somewhat cool aftera few warm days, already medium sized leaves on trees.


C5.   "Advices about composing a hymn

 "F36.   Composing a hymn is a different thing, but I guess that one can use the same piece of advice about how to produce a melody like the atmosphere. As far as I understadn, a hymn is the atmosphere of some place where there is frcatureless nature and it's wisdom emphasizes virtues needed in a good society, and offers some view of how such fractyureless atmospheric society is possiblke, what it is build upon and what it is like in at,osphere, and that is composed: some moment wandering there, like Finlandia Hymn is about skiing on sunny spring winter landscape somewhere in nature with open spaces and trees and lots of snow, and somehow that fracturelessness is a good model for society yet familiar for almost all."


I guess that in the tropics if palm trees are considered an example of wise emotional kind of wisdom suited to tropics, I do not know but maybe admiring such and thinking of a view of life at the level of the society could bring some such view, kind of expanding the subject, but I do not know if it works. Often landscapes are connected better to thinking of one's picture of the world. 

C6.   "Advices on how to compose an ode


F35.   I just learned how to compose an ode to someone that one loves. I had been composing today earlier after a long pause, and I sat looking at my apricot poodle Banjo, which was laying and looking, and I thought of saying to it how magnifient to live witha poodle with such fine characteristics as he has, but so I sang the atmosphere of that feeling or thought, and then plotted the melody down somehow, but it is was somewhat Russian sounding melody.

 Here is how to learn to compose music:

"Song inspired by the moment's atmosphere
Now that trees and bushes are getting their leaves, instead of Eurovision song contest, I feel that the nature would somehow long for humans too to sing, maybe like this, a little bit like on the summer cottage or an freely organized choir or singing at home, like feels to suit the moment. 

29.4.2017 A singing skill from a few years ago came to my mind today morning, when grass was most places already green, sun was shining, birds sang and the green plants on my window created a feel of green, there was like the summer time a haze like atmosphere in the air. So with that atmosphere came to my mind a tune that I roughly knew, or something in the direction, so I sang it in a way that emphasized the fascination of the atmosphere, like doves or yodling(?) of the Alps or composing, creating sound like the atmosphere, not according to rigid forms but singing especially the parts that are musical, emphasizing the atmoshphere tones, like assembling from pieces of different strenght, somehow a very natural song and atmospheric, a little bit like what a composer seeks for with his/her tune: a moment with such an atmosphere but richer one, and then singing it naturally, not la-la-laa or the like as if from notes but instead from the places that the atmosphere touches oneself, one is fascinated by such an experience, but somehow on a general level and not a murmur of personal life.
This singing skill comes from trying to learn wider expression to be able to sing emotionally like this or a song like that or with a clear atmosphere, impressively or whatever, many kinds of colours in voice, many ways to approach song as one oneself is naturally, since there are moments in life, spirits and many different songs. So when one then picks from that spectrum according to the moment, but somewhat like song being partly carried away by the wind, not of even strenght, one manages to describe the atmosphere tones of the moment, not only in tones of voice but also with singing skills, somehow naturally."

"An easy way to write down the melodies, but I am not sure if iut is right:"


* * *
22.12.2020   I do not have the skill to compose right now, but on the two above pieces I had it. But reflecting on odes, I think that one ought to compose about large wholes like areas of life and as other wholes something like nice to get along and what kind of way of life there is, it's well functioning parts. Like a tree with fallen leaves underneath has a space around it, like wise these ought to have space for them so that they do not get squeezed while you compose but instead keep their form in peace. And just the sense of atmospheres is important,plus feelings and sensations.   

If you compose to a family member or the like, those valued things are parts of your daily life, so that if you meet them only for a moment, you have quite strong and undisturbed atmosphere on them, and that you can compose. And yesterday it appeared that such is good to sing the moment one composes, comes to think of it for the first time, it has some fascination as sung. But it may depend strongly on the person about whom it is and about who sings, so it may be that it is not so widely interesting in to others. Yet it is a nice experience. At you can plot down melodies.

One could also sing this way how nice it is to do something together, for example a hobby. Or compose about kids' hobbies. Or how some company is nice. And maybe those could be on a general level. Maybe one could also just compose about some hobby like action, how it is fun.Maybe that would have a wider level of generality.


C7.   27th of September 2023   From 2020 in Savonlinna:

" Writing a good blog

My poodle Banjo said that he would like to start an English blog, and star with a Christmas greeting and as a present the blog. The greeting would say something like: "Banjo the Poodle wishes a Good Christmas and a Happy new Year 2021!" and have a picture of Banjo with a Christmas flower. 

I said that the blog ought to have just best pieces of how Banjo has been on an adventure in my other blogs, and not just try to write a blog and write a blog, etc, since such is work like and does not give the writer any hint of how to write. Instead I ought to need highlights, atmospheres, sources of joy, insights, wisdom of life, smnall tales, and good pictures of nature, pets, home life or the like. 


C8.   I am exhausted from writing too long about Christmas gnomes and Christmas elves. Lately it has seemed that the reafers would like to change from my texts to reading famous politicians' etc views on Christmas gnome like life. Books about the early lives of famous people offer interesting things to tjink about if one is sincerely interested in those areas of life, like I read the beginning of a book about the life of Lenin, and the beginning of a book of the life of the famous Finnish poet Eino Leino. But one must remember that those are the views of others and not of the person who really lived in some kind of circumstancies and achieved something noteworthy. So it makes more sense to read them of the old times than of the present day famous people. 

C9.   28th of September 2023   For safeguarding moral in questions of giving someone professional or other position to affects others based on having enough skills, having civiliced values and being moral enough. It is good to notice that such position ought to be given per deed, and that usually when someone does something, one can see in his/her being some area in which he/she cultivates things with certain quality, like in one's whole picture of the world with all one's ability to edicated objective thinking, common sense and wisdom of life, thibgs well for all fairly according to civiliced values. Or some care things well only for themselves and only in some respects like own good, own position and some things about food with certain amount of wisdom, while they may intentionally affect others, which often is a crime, and in using position given by being a care professional it is often torturing or otherwise taking away the personal rights of others, and ought to be considered a reason to forbid them from having such a job or such power. 

C10.   From my dog training blog about solving problems in living with a dog, summer 2016, I translate : 

" 1) A dog searches for a social "box" or a role in which to be, how to be a good dog, for example a dog aggressive toward other dogs while on a walk in a leash usually tries to be a good guard dog, while a nicely behaving dog cooperates and pays attention to one's owner but does not look like a convincing guard dog while on a walk where people around look at it. So one ought to find a "box" that suits the dog, is natural to it, create it and to the dog good possibilities to such and to it skills to such and maybe some reward. And the social "box" or place ought to be some usual for dogs. 

2) If one talks to one's dog of life and some of one's wisdom of life, the dog usually seems to understand quite much and likes it, one gets a more profound contact with it that way and so the relationship gets better and one gets along a lot better. One ought to talk with facial expressions along and with feelings along too, like talking about life to a human or an animal friend, about wisdom of life and about the important questions in life, talk profoundly so that the dog can think in it's own way and be valued for taking part in the conversation and in one's life. 

C11.   29th of September 2023   As far as I know, if one has naturally a white curly hair, it comes from doing almost solely or mostly nice wanted things like living a customary kind of positive life, like liking children, caring for home chores, maybe cooking something tasty and healthy, creating possibilities for good life, maybe also being religious in wise civiliced ways with moral and wisdom of life according to feelings. A white curly beard would come from feeling pressured toward doing positive wanted things in the society and toward living with wisdom of life, maybe somewhat with a warmer body temperature, and from behaving so in practice. Doing these overly much would greate lots of such hair. Behaving partly according to other values would either change the colour or make hairs of different colour or curvature. So such is a description of what Santa Clauses are supposed to be like. But in practice in many cases are the colours and curls natural? 

C12.   1st of October 2023   Of learning via sexualuty
If one has a hobby course that one likes and one is interested in learning sich things and really tries to learn the taught things, and if one is interested in developing in such skills and talents and changing one's ways of living toward that area of lufe. If one then is interested in finding a pair from there and pays attention to what the others are like, how skilled or talented they are and in which ways they do thkngs, if one maybe flirts with them and gets social inflyencies from them and via them a better understanding of them and of their ways of doing which bring their talents, which one can so easier learn by practising the hobby in the ordinary way but with those good sides in one's ways of doing. And so one can learn skills and talents and values and get an idea of with whom one gets well along and with whom it would be for oneself good to live with. 
Going to bed or having such an atmosphere is not good for learning skills and talents, since going to bed connects with forming a family, so it is a question of adopting habitual ways of living together, forming so a home, a living environment for the children to grow up. 

* * *

I collected this text and my old spring melodies from 2019 to a book "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves, Book 3. : Composing a hymn and other texts". 

I am just exhausted from writing. If you want to read more of my texts, you must read my other books and blogs instead of demanding me to write more or quote them for you. My older texts are mostly good if one is interested in such. 

You can find my books at the Amazon internet bookshops. 

28th of October 2024   Also my later texts in these blogs almost all continue the Christmas gnome/elf skills subject, see tge blogs , , , ...
Plus the blog of the free versions of my books, see 
But I no longer have anything to say and the quality has gone low, so it would be much better to read the texts of several authors and to live one's lufe in practice in wise ways. The counter on my page says 81 books. 

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves 2. Social skills and position in the world


B1.   "Why I was given a name with the name association "emperor" 

 What I learned from an ant as a baby

  "  , and from seeing ants I had learned how soldier like ways, moral work for the society amd athletic healthy ways of living & an individual living freely according to it's feelings and it's ages old nature produce the same result,"


26th of July 2021   I learned the basic view of my paradise theory, of how the different sides of life support each other, as a baby from a reddish brown ant, before I was given my name, if I remember right I was two days old, so it must have been August 1971, which is late summer when the insects are at their wisest because they are older already and the summer gives good possibilities for life. I have wondered why I haven't learned anything such later from the insects, but maybe that is because I had somehow marked that happening to June instead of to August, propably 10th of August 1971. 



(7. March 2016
As a child I had the last name Hari, so my name Kaisa Hari bought the associations "keisari" = emperor and "tsaari" = Russian tsar (emperor). So I took it to my task to cultivate some of the good sides that people need to have to be good or at least worthy emperors, but I did not connect that to the emperor of China but to rulers of vast areas in general. At the same time I valued grass roots democracy in the Finnish way and not kingdoms as forms of government, much less empires.)
(24. August 2016
I did not have some role or ways of behaviour emperor like, not even sometimes. Instead I thought of emperors as persons who arrange things that people in wide areas need, who find solutions to difficult problems on wide areas of the nation and do that via thinking, discussing, understanding the world, cultures, different types of people, how they interact, what they need and how to arrange such, etc. So I thought of the position of an emperor like an ordinary citizen who in some task deserves well such a high position, negotiating about the affairs of the state. But emperor managing to do that more often, solve problems, negotiate, discuss, find solutions, support good causes, know things and workings of the nation and it's neighbours well - kind of like a relative for an ordinary person, taking part in discussion about something because one has often something valuable to offer, worthy of that role and partly because he/she is often around. So I thought that emperor needs support, needs to show his/her skilledness again and again and again.) "

B2.   I some years ago saw the beginning of a video of Persian Shah celebrating a thousand years of the rule of Persian royalty, was it 1971 when I was born in August. It was as if I had been told or seen such as a baby. I did not know what to think of it. Maybe it was a good subject to show to a baby who ought to see other people interested in the level of the whole world, who really affected it personally, while I was only a thinker and with wisdom of life and years later a writer. Maybe it is so that partues are often arranged when there is a need to offer some better life possibilities for someone who does not otherwise get them, like to give better life and company for the ill or hard working or showing places to visitors.

A boss often is a person who arranges that things work well in practice. So that is different from a thinker or councelor. It demands getting along, which often is a question of liking the persons and things done, without giving up wisdom or fair play. So it often sounds like a task suited best to a companion dog of a light colour and responsible attitude, intelligent too and fair. Why one cannot give the task to any nice educated or intelligent person around, is that usually they do not have the values safeguarding the good of the world and the good of the nation in the first place in all their life, but are instead taking sides, unfair, irresponsible, lie and act and use a too low quality in estimating what is good enough. 

B3.   Advices about getting position that one fairly deserves are in book 5. of "The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute" or you can find them at where it is the whole page you ought to read. 

B4. "Build a perfect relationship

How to get along
Let go, live freely, love life and enjoy the company of your partner. Do not put your thoughts and feelings about these things to words, do not make rigid plans. Just let yourself grow toward light and give the other one the same freedom too. One who grows toward light is no obstacle to others, it is the dark thoughts that you should let go of, you should let your spouce be what she/he is without manipulating him/her, without putting to words what she/he is like, without making your needs thoughts in your mind. Just plant seeds of love, love toward yourself, love toward life, love toward your spouce and love toward others and the world at large. In harmony we coexist, such a harmony is in our nature, it grows from us giving room to our real self and to the real selves of all the others, just let them enjoy life without being obstacles to the happiness of others, and you will all find fulfillment in life, a natural harmony that feels like the only obviously right way to live – wide and varied like the human nature...


B5.   "Advice on creating charm

Advice on creating charm
You are irresistible just when you find life irresistible to you, when you love each and everyone and are thrilled with life’s challenges. That attitude gets reflected from others too, you kind of drag them along to a good way of living. But how to come about this? You must let go of rigid patterns of life and open yourself to new possibilities like most do when they are about to go for a holiday. Catch that mood and let it be your guide to how to live your life, how to approach the things in life and how to be social. But be quick witted in this and pay especially much attention to when it works well and at which moment it has ceased to be effective and when it goes totally ashtray. Since if you are too slow, you start the right way but then continue along some old habit of yours and end up pouring your good will upon others who are stuck on their own habits without you getting anything in return. You ought to keep the thrilled mindset all the time. It isn’t anything fixed, it is like being born anew each moment: “Oh, it is like this… And that! And there is! And there!...” Each new thing which catches your attention gives you strength, each enjoyable experience is kind of fuel that keep you going. And in that it is important that you do not overdo anything, just go with the flow of the situation without “putting it to a box” to repeat, to continue or to give to others – just let go and enjoy life, that way you can endure forever! In social relationships you have to see what is a good way to live for both of you, kind of seduce the other one to the right kind of good times and then just enjoy the thus found entertaining life together.



Think of the ages old healthy natural way to live according to the human nature, to our instructions of usage, to our soul on all areas of life.
Like a wolf howling at the moon!
Think of this also in what comes to your relationship to the world: world wide moral, meaningful things to do, for healthier ways of living etc.
Then just live by your feelings toward this right way to live!

B7.   " 

A rose in his teeth

From my Finnish blog
"I was pondering this since in the summer time I once picked tall grasses and tied them with a woolen thread to a bunch that looked quite fine in my opinion, and since my poodle brings me in the evenings a sock that he "says" to be his drink.

So can it be that the clishee of a Romeo with a rose in his teeth, for example climbing in from a window, could refer to what if I do fine fascinating things in my life, have them as my hobbies like my poodle has fascinating things like summer cottage life and arts, so could this clishee refer to someone's life consisting of nice things with good spirit that draw people to them like a rose draws people. So one should have a good life oneself and it would attract someone likeminded who would be very satisfied next to tyou, since she did not come because of theoáter act like things but instead drawn by the same real thing that fascinate you.

B8.   "Reaching for harmony

It is quite early evening on the day Eurovision Song Contest in Israel begins, it is in tv starting klo22 but I have not yet decided if I watch it. I have the feeling that this year it could bring bad luck.
But anyway I tried to compose a melody, even a song about harmony in the society but it turned out to be just a too short piece.

I was thinking of something along the lines of "Live and let others live" 

* * *

5th of July 2019   Another piece:

30th of June 2022   I have now lived for over a year in Espoo and walked to the near by shopping mall. On the way back there has a couple of times been quite many different kinds of individuals who seem to say they are from Eritrea in Africa and some of them seem to say they would like to have this melody (Reaching for a good future in the society) as their National song. But it is a very far away country, a very different climate and diffwrent culture: does it fit there or is it annoyingly foreign? I would guess that for a song from a so distant country a place in a valued songbook would be better suited. But of course the song is aimed to make the society a better place to live in, and to affect fairly for better in the wide world too. 

I might add here the text Easy quick school for animals E11. at my text Skills of Christmas gnomes 

More than money, i would like to be left in peace. 

B9. "The Christmas gnomes internet institute

 " This Christmas gnomes internet institute is the blog 

Skills of Christmas gnomes, See 

With it's links. Most of it is also available as books at .

The blog with it's linked blogs is the main text for the orientation options of the institute, which are 

A Christmas gnome ( including dream job and moving to where you like to live ), 

An angel, 

A hero, 

A miracle healer, 

A composer and

An emperor. 

For the miracle healer there is the blog but the problem is that the original is in Finnish but would be needed. About angels see the following text.

These are just advices for living a Christmas gnome like life year around, but since Christmas gnomes make presents all the year for Christmas, someone whose dream job would be ok for an angel, since this is useful work after all, could maybe this way learn to live the life of an angel.

For being a Christmas angel I guess that one would need skills of making the landscape peaceful and atmospheric : see the comment about mobile phone's local area share, plus living with the seasons, plus experiencing the seen environment as beautiful, plus likibg music. 

For becoming a hero of old times in the modern world see especially M8. but preferably the whole blog text. 

For becoming a music composer, see F35. in part 6., the link in D1. about healthy ways of living, and see if there is anything else of interest in the blog.

In all these orientation possibilities the blog Skills of Christmas gnomes offers the basic way of living in a society, enjoying one's time and having a somewhat sheltered place in the society that is good to live in. 

About emperor's power read N97. Read also here the previous post on a link about women's position, plus in part 1. the text before the picture of a flower, and in a way the whole blog is thought of being in some way useful for people ruling, what there is needed in the society and in ghe world. 

* * * 


B10.   From tge first chapter of my first book about the Skills of Christmas gnomes : 
I have been interested in solving large scale problems of the world for years and also learned some method that often works well. I have lots of experience and skills in objectuve thinking.
One should see what are the parts of the situation, it's main elements. And then observe each of them in their natural place in the world, undisturbed from their ordinary context and their ordinary life, ways of thinking etc. That is a way to understand them. Then one should place them each to their right place in a well working healthily build society, it's daily life. And that often works out as a solution: well working society, ordinary daily life and the elements as parts of it. But it demands a good view of what a well working society is like. Often one can find the correct place of an element by thinking via the ages old healthy natural ways of living and being a part of a society and of the wide world, and placing the element seen in the light of these values to it's right civiliced place in the society and the world."


* * *

20th of March 2024   OBS! Remember to also click on the link  and at least bladdre it to see what one could learn by reading it, and preferably read it through. 

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23rd of September 2023

I collected these texts plus the collection about women's position to a new book "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves, Book 2. : Social skills and position in the world" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola. The book and e-book ought to be for sale at the Amazon internet bookshops in a few days time. 

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Books about gnomes by politicians?

I seem to have run out of ideas to write about Christmas gnomes like life or about Christmas elves, which in Finnish is the same word, but I guess an elf is more nature and music oriented. 
The both subjects ended in some famous politician seeming to take over (the choise of subjects and bringing a somehow more rough situation as if a good road had ended and a bumby road had begun) on some mental or spiritual side (d9. by Mitch Mcconnell usa congress republican leader (originally with a video of "Everything I do, I do it for you" by Brian Adams, but it was too tough style and did not communicate the idea on a large scale but was left as a love song) and of elves A15. by Anna-Maija Henriksson finland, formerly minister of justice for years) and it appears that people would now like to read gnome stories etc by politicians. There is in Finnish a book called "Suomen kansan tonttuaarre" which I guess was written by some well know Finnish politician(s?). I did an internet search in English about Finnish politicians having sritten about gnomes, and found tge book which I though have not read. 

The search "books about Christmas elves" brought many book remmendations, but I haven't read them.

27.9.2023   On some mental or spiritual side it was as if the Shah of Iran had been along and somewhat superwised the writing & quotations of the book 2. of the Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves. And in writing & quoting my texts to the book 3. there also is a feeling as if I no longer had anything to write about and no writing skills left but some others wishing for texts about music. So I feel that the natural time to write book 3. would be so that it woukd be ready jnder Christmas, but taking into account the postage times it would be earliest in October, but I jyst do not have anything to write about, and the part 2. made me feel so squeezed that what I now write does not seem Christmas like to me.
But anyway, there seems to be a demand for texts written by those who have done well in life. As far as I know there often ate books, art etc made by famous persons, one just needs to know in the library which professilns, types of persons etc one is interested in. And there are books telling of the roads of famous persons to the achievements of their career. I have not managed to read whole books, but I have read beginning of such books about Lenin and the poet Eino Leino, and those left me thinkkng for a long while of their living environment, life choices etc, really interesting but kind of with dedicatiln to something it arises higher than just reading through. I also tried to read the beginning of two such books of present day famous people, but the one about music somehow dropped away my own touch with music and largely that has not returned even though it was over a ten years ago, and the one about an olympic athlete was written by some handicapped person without view on sports talents. 

28.9.2023   I am from southern Finland and have lived in eastern Finland too. During my life except the last two years, when there has been influencies from Canada, I have been outdoors ever day, except when in flu or such, and enjoyed the weathers, nature etc. But it is different in where the winter is tougher. This Canadan song "Four strong winds" makes one think that maybe the people in Canada, Alaska and Lappland often stay indoors overly much, maybe do not go out at all in the winter time. So such is not good life with the weathers of the four seasons, not healthy in that sense. 

I wrote instructions about getting warm once indoors. If I remember right someone said years ago that all such get translated to eskimo languages. Would it be possible to get them translated to English too?

I have written a book "Living with the Four Seasons" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola. It ought to be available at the Amazon internet bookshops. As an e-book it costs some 3usd. As book it is a hardcover, since maybe others too want to read about the skills of living the four seasons, also years later. 

12th of October 2023   The last text thst went in my way, in ways which I feel to be gnome like  was the translation of the lyrics of the Polush campfire song. After that there was much too much influencies frlm politicians and in book 2. Of the Christmas elves from the Iranian shah, for me to be able to choose the effect tl be Christmas gnlme like. The thoughts were mine, but the writing situations kind of rough, not leaving peace to aim at Christmas like effect. So after those I feel jyst squeezed and unable to affect things. Yet I do not think that I coukd replace those with any better texts, since I was just exhausted already then and had run out of good subjects to write about. Besides, I feel that such has happened also earlier kn writing these texts about the Christmas gnomes. But I was left without room to live in. 
13th of October 2023   My Christmas gnome texts aren't about or from my dogs. I like dogs but I am not that good at communicating with them. The white spitz Vaapukka that I had died during the first chapter of the first book, and my apricot miniature poodle Banjo died during the seventh chapter of the first book. I have always had some wisdom of life of my own and read a lot and the traditional Finnish speaking Finnish culture has lots of wisdom of life too. I do not understand how these texts would have come from my dogs. Instead the subject robbed away all my life and my liked things in life, and so I just sit at home without doing anything except being in the internet and I wonder what are these occult hindranges and attacks on my life and on those following the Finnish culture. I do not understand why placing a picture of a dead dog in my book covers would make sense in any way or connect to the subject at all. Both Christmas tradition and liked pets are nice things in life but that does not make them the same thing in life. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves

Obs. 25.11.2023   These texts about Christmas elves seem too explosive in their effects if one does not read first the long long text "Skills of Christmas gnomes", see . These both are referred by tge Finnish word "tonttu". If you read from the beginning, you can see that with the links the Christmas gnome skills text offers a lot, is worth bladdring through for one interested in a Christmas elf like life and wisdom of life. See the product description on the hardcover book page of the very thick first book

17th of January 2025   Obs.   My texts etc do not seem to fit together with pictures or videos other than my own. So even if you copy my texts etc somewhere, do not add other pictures or new videos to those contexts. My name association "emperor" describes the viewpoint of my texts slnewhat: what would be like a flourishing nation and a flourishkng world, I see such as heroes' tasks and of ordinary peopke's too. My texts are not about cutting throats etc even if some fine fantasy pictures describe female warriors etc, or are not of good enough quality to copy from or to influence things. Please do not mix these different size classes and different levels of understanding. 

    I wrote 9 books about the skills for living a gnome like life in the modern world. That is some 1500 pieces of text, and as much more than what I was prepated to write. Aftdr that the number symbolics would go worse, and that matters when it is a so long text that many do not bother to read it fully well. And because a tired one is more at the mercy of suggestilns by others, and of other circumstancies. 

So I try to continue with the subject "Christmas elves".

A1.   As a child I read in Finnish a British book called "Viheriä noita", in English "Greenwitch". It tells of the last years of an old tradition in some English village, where girls or young women each year dedicatedly make of tree branches a somehow positively magical shape of a woman, the green witch, which then is lowered to the sea and left there, was it in secrecy. That was considered important for life in the district. In my ears it sounds like a way to teach wisdom and wisdom of lufe to the fishes of the sea as the human shape disintegrates to small branches with green leaves in them. The shape of a branch is more natural than jyst a straight line or human made artifacts, and so it is impirtant learning for fishes too. Likewise it is important for young people, both boys and girls, to understand how human deeds are buikd from natural parts, even if the structure of the green witch does not tell it. See M8. like a hero of old times, in my text about the skills of Christmas gnomes. Skills and taldnts usually consist of natural ages old elements of human life lije looking for example and tge sense of atmospheres. But if the girls were originally from some vety different country, they maybe instead og trying to describe structures, added all kinds positive culturally valued British or universally human values to the figure, like good willingly like this bunch of leaves here, and nurturing, healing, teaching young, thknking deeply, wise, with wisdom of lufe, feeling, strong, agile, etc, and so the thing rose to a higher level of wisdom. I guess that the right age would be during the first few years in school, before the children are becoming teenagers, since the things children learn are more like what young fishes can learn. The figure ought to be done in good common sense ways, more guided by society's civiliced understanding, and not so overly personal. 

A2.   Yesterday I found many this kind of videos, quite many of them by "Rainy boy", which look like a clishee of summer cottage (which got spoiled to the level of murders because of unwanted visitors), but the fire seems to refer to warm summer days while the rain looks ordinary soothing rainy day with a quietened walk sheltered from full sight by the shore's trees, being left there to watch to the lake for a while. Both of them in the same picture seems to refer to indoors with a view to rainy street.

A3.   There is some view of a dream job that you should do it always, and eat yourself warm with good food if there is some problem and it aren't as nice as you planned. I do not think so. I think that some things are best done in small pieces when you feel like doing them and only sometimes shen you really wish so a longer session, and certainly not full time labour and in the same subject free time too, thst aren't the same for inspiration, it isn't the same things one needs then to one's life and so the content to life and the style of things done get bored and like without spirit, maybe even opposing the same things. Like handiworks for example, me wanting to sew something isn't enough if I do not have the fascination for the colours and materials, for the possible things done and for that kind of finely tuned yet individually motivated task right now. 

A4.   When I soke up today morning the song Wonderful tonight by Eric Clapton was echoing in my mind and I wondered could it be that love comes from loving a certain way of life and in many songs it is maybe some charm taught by the books of the old Japanese poet Basho who wrote about poetry motivated journeys, wrote story like parts and poems in between them about the same subjects, so that the reader can learn to understand poems. There are also his/her paintings with poems in them, really fine.

In my experience learning some wisdom of life from poetry, having an emjoyable sports hobby and wishing for practical life with healthy ages old elements andpossibilities to change jobs, hobbies, where one lives, etc bring a life rich with sensations and happiness. 

A5.   I wrote when I lived in Savonlinna in eastern Finland in North-East Europe: 

"When I was younger at the capital district, I felt that my own view of what is a nice spirit in a home or in clothes drowned under all kinds of practical details. Later in Savonlinna the things available have been more in my taste, but on the other hand I have noticed that at the capital district the way of trying, it's technique was wrong. Instead of tidying small detail one should have attention in the spirit that one aims at having in the room, if how the room would be nice. Drown in that spirit, do things that fit well together with that, see that view richer and as more dominant. Then place few things, or even more if it goes well, according to that spirit, for example some area of the room, or bring clothes of the beginning season's weathers, things needed in it or the like, for one to have some spirit, some element which creates pleasant being and well working spaces. Where it does not work out so well, leave things undone this time, at most taike away some thing with nasty spirit, and leave rest later, to be done according to other factors which create pleasant life to those things which are not well taken care of by for example the window with it's view, plants on the window, curains, things there, light, shadow by it or the like. If some place has poor spirit, you can search for something to replace it with, for example some nice thing, nice hobby tool, something styly found from second hand or from others or from elsewhere ideas of what would be pleasant, charming etc. So from several pieces is the pleasantness of a room formed across time and changng from season to season. 

 For one to understand a person one needs to take into account social perceptions, things done etc. Looked at more widely, different things done, equipment etc need eacvh their own space to function well, and to understand the whole thing one needs to look at the whole room etc. Likewise the different parts of the room have their own good sides and actions suited to them and a good way of using the space there, their own spirit and the characyteristics of that part of the room, it's spirit, life there, in other words pleasantness, liveliness, well working, good moments and successful things done.

10.9.2016   I noticed also that when my window one can at some places see green outdoors ("Oh, there are trees here") and right next to it the wall of an apartment house ("yak, it was only like this"), I noticed that wehn I put the washed clothes drying thing's usual place so that my ordinary road of passing by it goes with beautiful vies and not at all with ugly views, it at once became more pleasant and charming.

10.2.2018   Here views from my window, all from the same window:

25.9.2016    Here the way of arranging the room should not be stiff or acted, at all like a theater scene, at least if one spends a lot of time in the room, since such does not make one feel well, one does not get that rest and refreshment that one needs from home. So how, if from here is a magnifient view but from some other place not, how should one choose places to sit and walk along? Reaching for looks easily falls into the trap of making a theater scene like arrangement to the room, so it isn' t agood thing to hang on, even though it can be an additional charm. Instead "here is nice to wander when there is the view outdoors, so I will place the walking route roughly here and sitting place there where it is good to sit and look out of the window" works well and one makes at the same time the choices according to the view. Generally "nice" is a good rule, since it takes many things into account and varies from situation to another.

* * *

27.9.2016   If there are as many rooms (not including kitchen) as there are people living in teh apartment (maybe half a room for kids) it brings a luxory like feeling instead of the melancholy of too many rooms, a little bit like the trees may bring greenery and magnifient looks.

A6.   The music in the radio seeks to be suited to that day, time of the day, weathers, major happenings in the world lately and local radio stations to local charactdristics too. So frlm listening to the radio at the background while one does chores or whatever at home, may teach one a rewarding way tl be with music and a well running nice way to do things and to live one's lufe with wisdlm of life learned from music and fact documents with civiliced view to the world.

A7.   Chris De Burgh : Lady In Red   When one has own wisdom of life according to feelings and it starts to carry one's life and could be helpful to others too, it is happy like a sports hobby with wisdom of life and a shared interest in thr hobby supporting life possibilities. Yet it works just as an individual but with a wish to be social and support the wisdom of life of others too.

A8.   From my blog 21.2.2021

" I tried to compose something about how to reach a singing experience of life by one's viewpoint and approach if one is stuck like I have been for the last year, which appears to resemble the ways of the tropics. And how to sing such state of mind and experience of life with varied atmospheres and colours etc in voice, so that one composes so of the subjects in one's life. But as said, I have not been lately good at all in this, but maybe now that I live in the capitak duistrict it will be easier, since sports and recreation in the nature are more easily available here.

D, E, F, D and A, of which the first and last are quite long andf the others quick, the first three ought to be one bunch while the fourth separate.

22,2,2021  Here is roughly the same as a note:


A9.   Each weather has it's own charm and it's own way of living it. It helps to think of how those who are skilled at living such weathers, live them. At least the little singing birds in the near-by trees and the wild plants natural to this climate are good at living them. Of the weathers in Finland I often sesrch for some intense colour or other strong taste of the weather and time of the day to grasp what kind of style and colours of the nature the weather has, and if I search words for how to find such chsracteristics, it reminds me of how people who here like the steppes (in Hungary?) think of the weathers and landscape there.

A10.   Sometimes a curly wind has it's own rythm and one can step accordingly, being fascinated by the nature's phenomenom, like one could dance in the rythm of this song of the autumn wind. 

A11.   From my text Skills of Christmas gnomes : 

"   N88.   20th of July 2022   Eino Leino wrote ( my translation) :

"...  See, a human feels sorrow and joy

and a human feels and lives.

But a singer wanders and listens

and in her/his ears kanteles play.

Those play, play days

and nights, those echo from far away, so far away.

And a singer wanders and listens

and a singer hears and - sings. "

Life has it's own rythms, like lifting one's glace when one is aware of one's environment, or running a short distance, or how the feel of rainy weather affects how one comes in. Those rythms are kind of like songs, and having started something natural and pleasant in one's everyday lufe one knows how to continue it, kind of saying yes i was singing this song and the other natural refreshibg songs of my daily life. But it is more like lufe singing than any memorized melody. 


The poem is the ending from the poem Yölaulu = Nightsong in Eino Leino's poetry book Laulun lahja = The talent/gift of songs/singing.

A12.   "Last year I gave you my heart, the very next day you gave it away. This year I will give it to someone special" meaning: I will follow my own wisdom of life and my own positive feelings. 

A13.   " Get along and be liked


"I love Life, happiness and things positive for happy life - like most of the others, like You too!
So I take them as my value in the world at large."
If you can agree with this, without ever neglecting badly this point of view, that's it!

A14.   " You get an increased work efficiency in mathematical kind of work and other work demanding objective thinking or similar skills, via the following:

* recreation in the nature: just spending time in the nature while admiring the beauty of nature

* sports: doing enjoyable physical exercise relaxedly the senses open and according to what feel best for you - as long as it is a varied and demanding real sport

* painting, drawing, etc. - especially structured landscapes with a sensitivity to atmoshperes

* following feelings in healthy natural ways while having a holistic picture of what one feels about each kind of thing

* singing, playing an instrument and learning to compose

* meditation, prayer and healthy natural ways of living

* doing anything that you like emotionally - including a rich social life and sex

In the following I give explanations to how all these help one's working ability in mathematics etc.

For a more detailed explanation see MY BOOK "Hard Rationality of Feelings and Instincts", to which there is the link (It is a whole book: a large PDF file, so give the page time to load.)

A15.   14th of September 2023   "Safety in government jobs with position
"Dear Sirs,
Something which can delay supreme court nomination is lack of safety
and conflicts about what course the court should take. So what brings
safety to government officials?
Rationally grounded moral makes arrangements understandable also to
the selfish individuals and groups, see
Basic view of bureaucrats is that bureaucracy serves to meet people's
needs fairly and according to common sense witha picture of the whole
and civilized wisdom.
Different professions gain safety if they are according to people's
wishes what they with wisdom wish the officials etc to be like. Like
singers should have wisdom of life, police behave according to common
sense and people's views on what kind of moral is ´good to have in a
society, etc.
The Finnish behaviour rule
solves conflicts between individuals, groups and countries. It also
makes government agreed about and law too, if it is placed above them
according to common sense, wisdom and wisdom of life, with a healthy
Maybe also . ,

Maybe also

9. July 2018   See also

15. March 2019   About placing the rule "Live and let others live" (i.e. it is ok to be selfish in ways positive for happy life but not to disturb the lives of others except fairly is ok - Think of the trees in a park: each one has it's branches sovereignly but does not disturb the braches of others.) above law. Sin ce the rule is ok but kind of thinking centered and does not allow all possible choices, it might be good to start in a quite (but not overly, I guess) orderly, rationally inclined way, and then let the situation open to this kidn of aloowing view that is positive for happy life.
I do not know about punishments, but could one in one's mind think of different choices, maybe far apart to make it easy in the beginning, and check what the end results affect compared to this rule: what would be the best working society, easy to agree about, giving good life & freedom to all? 

28th of March 2020  The rule "Live and let other live" could help also polices' work if used above law but explained with common sense and with the laws too.
From my book Healthily moral, see 

A16.   My impression is that the gorillas, apes and other animals, even insects could achieve an intelligent common sense like civiliced cooperation or coexistence with humans, human societies and the whole world, if given the teaching material about reaching fair position in my book 5. of the "Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute", see .

A17.   A copycat version of an original idea of some other culture or of some other type of persons, is usually not at all of the same quality, does not fit to the same kibd of purposes. Like in the news today there was about the wives of famous dictators. In Philippines they had sewn traditional Philippinian dresses for visiting dictators' wives, which sounded like their view of a good way to tell of the wisdom of Philippinian culture to the general public in those other nations. But the Finnish questiln should all sew and give such dresses of their own country tl visiting foreign leaders' wives, has only gone ashtray because we do not have a so good communication via clothes. Likewise the news article sounded like the dictators' wives had taken care of some sides of the societh demanding more social eye and had had some funding to it. So the copycat version of having used such money to luxory sounds like a claim of children with low quality, but it does sometimes happen that a copycat replaces the wise persons already in the beginning of such income, but yet the place for such spending comes from the benefits so gained and not from lues and acting. Yet such happens often when thete are skills, values, situations, cultures, interest groups etc that are difficult for people to estimate, yet how economical or other measurable benefit is born is just straightforward physical labour, thinking, solving problems, making things run smoothly, teaching wisdom and wisdom of lufe and arranging the society well for lufe now and in the futute, and fair play is essential in that. 

A18.   One where people often try to cheat and which creates lots of problems, is how much food they eat, since they many try to pretend wiser than they are in wisdom of life and in their effect in the society. So a thin and domewhat hungry looking being nasty or unfair toward others, pften gets explained by a real or instinvtually attravtive inknown wish to harm by lies or knives or otherwise the serene or flesjy öooking others around to be able to eat them or parts of them. To which wpuld help if they would eat an ordinary dinner of that climate with lots of added oil like tastes good. 
Being cynical causes that one does not try to repair the problems around, so there is lots of dedtructiln which causes a much bigger hunger. Wishing well in the world with the help of civiliced wisdom, common sense, beautiful values and healthy kind of wisdom of lufe makes one need much less food, especially fresh vegetables, and especially if one likes beautiful music. Keeping compa y brings influencies from the other person's views and makes one clumsier, so for the wiser one it increases need of food and lufe's and world's problems a lot. 

A19.   The news told of wolves having killed and wounded sheep somewhere in South-West Finland. There had been 50-60 male sheep on a pasture and the su.mer or growing season drawing towards it's end. The male sheep were worried about are thry needed in the world at all, since they were in an all-male group. Some of them mixed their worry about not having offspring to green plants dying in the autumn, so those who had least possibilities for offspring or some other place for just them looked at the dead and dying plants on the meadow, and died tgemselves, maybe via having felt desperate and someone called the wolves. So tough the winter on life. 
In there are lots of angry ram videos from some warm countries. 

A20.   Yesterday I watched the beginning of the video of Arkhangelsk which is a forgotten place near Finland in the northern Russia. The associatiln to the main angel brings influencies of what humans who are called angels are like, I guess that is what the dark technical looking angel figures that one sometimes sees in pictures are about, and how the people in Transsylvania who wish for white angels flying around get Dracula etc, vampires. So it must be difficult to live in such a place. As far as I know it makes Christmas handiworks (mittens?) that have been prayed about too, so that the name suits. And it suits of course religion, but as such it is important to not to make clumsy garden repair work or somehow alter the places where once maybe some wise old person visited from whom they want to learn poetry, religion, etc. This video made me advertise "The Christmas Gnome Interndt Institute" as an angel repair set, like I earluer advertised it to Lis Angeles. 

Here are my old mittens whose style made me think that they have been knitted in Arkangel by some religious person with a thread from too short pieces of sheeps' wool. I used them in Savonlinna and repaired them with woolen threads of different colours.

If arkangel means moral, my book/blog "Healthily moral" could help: . It is also at the end of my Christmas gnome skills book series i.e. in book 9.

In Finnish arch angel is Arkkienkeli, where "arkki" means either a sheet of paper i.e. a writer, or it means Noah's ship/home full of animal friends of different species. So the upmost angel could be a wise writer with animal friends who teach him/her wisdom and help him/her. 

A21.   The Paradise Islands of Oceania have music that teaches some type of harmony, at least Tahitian music gitted together with my Japanese sports hobby. And they have a music instrument called ukulele which is like a small 4-stringed guitar and which come in different colours that try to teach different well known paradises as skills along the lines of the colour symbolics. But it may be that those do not taste like life, not enough sportiness, enjoying weathers, nature, variations in feelings and states of mind with wisdom of lufe. 

A22.   Of having written 25 years without pay but very valuable things like my objective paradise theory, feelings etc for computers, the thinking course, advices for living the four seasons, over a thousand seemingly good attempts at advices about healing by healthy natural ways of living, and this five years about Christmas gnome like lufe. Of this I have concluded that working life and money does not work like I was told as younger. Yet I think thst if I do something valuable and good willing in the world  yet comfortable and quite easy st ghe level of individual luves, it does not go completely unobserved, I have some place, and it means that also the use of money goes via some more vague logic than engineering. I guess that for a good cause one can have money but not for unwise life chouces. One is often wanted someshere where one's personal likings and strenghts lead one but one does not necessarily know of such places  since relatives etc are not trustworthy enough to have told even if they knew of such, and maybe they were socially too fifferent. So I feel ghat if one lives in a good way from the point of view of working lufe and the good of the world, wisdom of life, etc and does not check diligently how much money one has one may have enough for such a way of lufe, and maybe one could also make handicrafts that way, like seems adviced by the shopkeeper whose products suit your valyes, but not spending blindly and not too much, just trying a little to see how it works out, but if the money just somehow is enough, maybe the handicrafts are even for free or like works out to where each piece is fairly for the good of the world. But I do not know. The money system cannot work engineer like if one working via the i ternet kn the tropics can save all the heating costs and have lots of superfluous money each month without really being such a good influence to the world. 
Sometimes something is just wanted.

A23.   20th of September 2023   Livibg in a build environment of square flat surfaces and straight lines makes one stupid and unhappy, while having nature to look at outside the window makes one much more intelligent and happy, especially if indoors too there are more complex structures like nature decoratipn and handiworks. Ghe same happens to insects which spend their winter inside house's structures, so in building and repairing it would be good to hide pieces of small branches of treen or of sturdy undergrowth and maybe some sturdy small leaf here and there, so that all would stay more intelligent and wise, happier too, both animals and humans. The same applues to building space stations etc. 

A24.   I found many more videos of sofas near a fireplace and trees outside the window. If one would replace the fireplace by a tv or something else nice, maybe music or some hobby or nice coloured clothes or blankets or some nice warm handiwork, the same would be possible in many apartment houses if one likes a view of trees, and maybe somewhat higher up to gain peace and safety. 

A25.   There was one such video that reminded me of making handiworks and having a family the way people seem to live in Lappeenranta in eastern Finland. They seem to enjoy such life and gain lots of position because of it, but are often much too irresponsible and unfair, so it goes much more ashtray then what the idea suggests. Instead of making products for sale, kind of concentrating ln one piece being good enough, one should have a landscape like view of life and aim at a good life for all fairly now and in the future. Fair play is what usually makes things good for life. 

A26.   If there is some good person jnder evil attach without it being so easy to get rid of, it is often that the attackers have a nice reputation in the eyes of some others, so the people get mixed and the attacker is considered helping with wisdom the attacked. Like an intelligent gets attacked by the educated with official position and more experience of life but more unreliable. One with wisdom of life gets attacked by persons with motherly good sides, for example fat, in the eyes of some people elsewhere. Etc. 

A27.   In August or earlier, maybe even in May it was as if on some mental or spiritual side some police had said that it seems marked to the police on some spiritual side that all humans, the human species, also from lives after death, would die in one or two years, in August that was possible after a few days, which now was already a quite long time ago. The ghost of my apricot miniature poodle Banjo said that in such case dogs and all other animals closely associated with humans will die in a few years. I have wondered at it and it seems that many men want to die and do not want children to a world that is not good enough to live in, especially in the lobg run. My opinion is that life after death seems to exist for many, but in principle those wanting to die could die and those wanting to live could continue living. If there are lots of deaths, spiritual kind of sides of the world may matter a lot. Writing about the Skills of Christmas gnomes has brought an impressiln that there is some place for Christmas kind of things, so those may stay in their own realm if one wants such life and wishes well for the world. Likewise thinking of Arkangelsk made me think that there are kind of spiritual places for things like a dog helping relugious people in some affairs involving travelling. And generally kn life I think that it is important that one would live with wisdom of life and do slme nice things too, so that if one is a glimpse of nice life for some far away person, one could live a normal life and have such a nice hobby, even if the times are tough in the world, but that means that one shoukd wish well for life kn the world. 

A28.   I used to have on my window a collectors' one euro coin with as it's theme the famous old Finnish composer Sibelius. "Suomi (=Finland), sauna (the traditional Finnish steam bath to get warm) and Sibelius" is an old motto of Finland. I used to have on my window also green plants, some nice fallen branch, a pebble, maybe some fallen seagul feather and some unused present wrapped candles with one 90 years of Finland's independence and a heraldic lion, and another red one with a Christmas themed picture of a reindeer, and of course curtains on both sides plus a hanging green plant in the middle of the window. 

A29.   From my home in Savonlinna some years ago. 

A good spirit somewhere at home means that one likes such things, enjoys them for their own sake, instead of work like achieving poibts in having such even if one oneself does not like them. One also leaves them undisturbed. In the above pictures I had liked the subject of the painting in what comes to one's relationship to the nsture, and I liked the hanging flower pot's shadow thinking that such is beautiful. And my dog was the subject of the picture, if I remember right, it was about him having woken from death a year earlier or something like that. In the second picture spring 2019 I had been composing that spring about the seasons, lookibg out of the window, and the flower somehow reflected that kn style. The third picture is from some earlier year, I just liked to play the keyboard, but having it against the wall was somehow flat since there were no trees or the like in sight while playing. 

A30.   21st of September 2023   Tge Christmas flower in the pictures above was in bloom only for a few days and then over. A week or two earlier I took a picture in the twilight time, when I liked to see somewhat outdoors but have a curtain partly drawn because of sometimes having lights on. It was an atmospheric moment, so I took a picture and it turned out to be a version quite much influenced by having the Kokoomus party in power in Finland, which was quite difficult especially at first, since I had a white dog and the name of Kokoomus has thw associations "collected together" or "fully black" of which the latter seems to refer to a lack of moral or to coffee. 

A31.   As a child I would have liked to become a ruler of the world (see my view of such as an adult ), or a singer-songwriter superstar, or a famous painter like Albert Edefelt. When Iwas at the first class in school, the mom of one child worked as a some kind of boss at the famous art museum Ateneum in Helsinki and she said that I had a so good quality that my paintings might suit Ateneum while those of most not. When I moved back to the capital distrkct it was still in the air, but I guess not nowadays since I have only slept and eaten too much. When Iwas twelve I once tidied my table (except some high objects including maybe a high black hair spray bottle, which my mother placed at the end of the table near the door and forbid me to touch them at all) with good quality way of trying (since my mom commanded that I ought to try such then), and it somehow made a fuss. My mom took a picture of it and maybe showed it to some Orthodox Christian monks, even though we were atheists, and that is when I first heard of them and have been their afmirer ever since. But after that my attemots at tidying my room have been kind of stopped, hindered badly. When I was 12 tge leader of the school I was in said in frobt of our school class that he had talked with our teachers and they all thought that I was so rational and responsible that the compulsory school was over for me. But also after that I was forced to school, and that year our family visited Japan and Thailand and somehow I got very squeezed after that always. And that year too, was it the same evening my little brother had some crying rage in kitchen with a knife and maybe killed my father who was too allowing toward him. At the age of 12 I also noticed that I had not managed to learn the social skklls enough for politics or the like, so government careers were out of question, and my life started going badly from the point of vieq of wisdom of life, so I concluded that I will not have a career in arts either. 

A32.   When I lived in Espoo before I moved to Savonlinna, I once saw in a shop window in Hakaniemi in Helsinki small statues of horses made of some glass like transparent material which maybe was some type of Russian plastic. Such costed 25 euros and I asked anf got one for Christmas from my boyfriend. In Savonlinna I bought two bigger angel statues made of beton. Having such in one's room looks somehow magnifient but slows down life, but it seems that if one is impressed by the subject one can learn of such that way since statues are fine just with wisdom, and anyway it may help one to learn arts oneself, I do not know. Such with the view of trees can be impressive and good for a high skill level like the elderly making art or writing nationalistically or the like, but it demands ghe basic life of the young too, since otherwise what is the point in making art? In Savonlinna market square there was in the summer someone selling among woodworks finely detailed spirited horse scultures of wood or of something very much like wood. I once bought a small round box of tree bark with a pictyre of two doves at the cover. It had some magic but I had to return it since I had thought of Gaia and not of a marriage. 

Where I now live there is no possibility to place anything on a window, and I have been very sleepy for two and a half years now, but when I moved here I placed some decoration objects on a self.

A33.   This video of Japanese flying squirrels makes me wonder do some nice homes have wild animals living there part of tge time and spending part of the time in the nature. Is the comfortable charm of a home based paftly on allowing and supporting such in wise clean ways, even if we never see the animal? By the big tree I see from the window there seems to be a marking of a flying squirrel kn the tree, but I have never seen such. Over my clothes shelves there is a marking that an eagle sits there often, it is maybe from Latin America and it has marked "kotka" (=an eagle) because this is "Kaisan koti" (= the home of Kaisa), but I have never seen it even though the place is fully in sight in daylight and it is in the same room. Or is it some joke by mice? 

A34.   For recreation outdoors and for sports it is good to use so loose clothes that they do not restrict movements and do not create extra effects like sensations or choices in ways of moving. So one can concentrate on listening to one's body while moving, and also the atmospheres of the nature landscape around are easier to notice. 

A35.   If the social environment is with too stuck views, you maybe should change your area of life to a more relaxed wiser free time like. If there is no such environment or maybe in any cade it might help if the working place's dining hall's tables had a flower pot or the like for making places nicer, likewise other usually valued nice things of more pleasant areas of lufe like nice curtains, free time subjects, varied magazines or newspapers to read and discuss, etc. 

A36.   A video of a fine performance of a Russian(?) circus, only riding & riding acrobatics. I used to (autumn 2010 - spring 2011) train my white spitz and my light brown (apricot) poodle for circus, but we never got the performance ready. In training for circus it is fine that one can try one's best and learn new skills in a way that is harmless and positive in the world. In training it is important that one does things in a good quality way and is very motivated, so that one is kind of turned toward developing skills in harmony with others. It is also very important that one wishes well for the world, since then one observes how complex wholes can work well in all places at the same time, which is good for complex skills, and it also makes the skilled individuals fit as parts of the whole world. In such beautiful civiliced values and wisdom of life are important: what to invest in, what makes complex wholes work well. Beautiful music with it's wisdom of life offers one side of such skills, of harmony with happiness, which is also one way a circus performance can look good. That is good for developing skills as a group since each one can do things in one's own way but with the aim toward hogher skills, which is also one of the major reasons why circus interests the audience. 
My dogs continued by reading the local newspaper which was an arts oriented place with summer cottages in the surrounding countryside and the art happening was high culture and so oriented toward doing something great in the world from the point of view of wisdom of life with feelings and offering the fine Finnish or more widely civiliced cultural inheritage for the younger generations so as to safeguard good life for all fairly in the future too. 

A37.   22nd of September 2023   Of making some circus like performance, it is born of what is natural for each of the performers and what is good for the world. First one practices jyst ordinary hobby like skills that one is interested in, like as a child having a colourful gummiball called "superball" which bounces just finely in varied ways and is colourful and somewhat transparent to look at, so it varies according to how light hits it. Then one has ordinary hobbies which often have many interesting sides. Especially learning to play piano/keyboard or some other music instrument via going to piano lessons and practising, teaches how life can have many sides and what kind of observation ability teaches wisdom of life that is good for happiness in an ages old way and good for skills. Likewise sports hobbies can have many sides, since ways of living are reflected in ways of keeping the body in ways suited to those areas of life. Also admiring the magnifient beauty of nature and reading teach some wider understanding that is good for skills. When one has such a background and wants some one type of performance, it is born of what is natural and fascinating as skills for oneself, like for someone throwing hulahula rings to the air would go nicely, whike someone else would be good with safety precautions and a dare, figuring out something like a jump through a burning ring. 

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This text as a quite small paperback book and as an e-book ought to be available at the Amazon internet bookshops in a few days, "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola 

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