Sunday, March 10, 2024

Did you find a charming culture?

 I wondered why some old fashioned idea of Africans is kind of charming and positive in ways that one does not see so often. But I came to notice that is it a picture of some person who went to a very different kind of culture because of being charmed by it, like for example one might imagine a rationally communicating person in Iran finding oneself in social situations that are jyst totally different in atmosphere, style and content or skill levels. So it is a collection of charming situations, i.e. a picture of a happy foreigner, propably unable to fully support the local life, but anyway a picture of life in a foreign culture instead of a picture of a certain nationality. 

27th of March 2024, the Wednesday of the Easter week  

In today news there was a video of a foreigner who appeared weak as if kn a bacterial disease, but from having eaten foods (jotain sellaista kuin raskaita "Riitan herkku"-lettuja, nakkikastiketta, kiinankaalia) that suit Chinese oriented people at least here in Finlsnd in north-eadtern Europe. Instead he ought to have eaten something like foods, which in Finnish are called "juusto-parsakaalikeitto", "kiisseli", "hedelmämoussejälkiruoka kermavaahdon kanssa", maybe in tropics pieces of fruits kept in room temperature before serving. 

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