In this Christmas gnomes text, the advices about making indoors nice have seemed to interest readers surprisingly much. I try to collect here advices where to find some of them.
The old blog was .
Especially the earliest post at has seemed interesting from the point of view of making indoors nice.
Was it before or after chapter 26. there were separate short texts and among them of making home nice and of Finnish celebrations.
Also after those long texts, among the later typically much shorter posts there is at least something about making indoors nice.
Also earlier, in chapter 11., after 100 there are some pictures from my window etc and something about making home nice.
If one starts from the beginning of the texts "Skills of Christmas gnomes", for example A21. is about making home nice, so I guess there are mant such texts along the way. See
It matters especially much that one would like the place abd district one lives in, please see
I was born and raised in Helsinki, in an academically inclined environment thst valued especially nature sciences. So my childhood home was kind of scarce and I got forced to study physics snd math in the university. Later I tried to change to farming but ended up writing. In Savonlinna the main areas of life were interesting, and when I bought something, I tried to learn how the locals arranged things like curtains etc, kind of handiworks, arts, wisdom of the elderly and summer cottage life as a forefigure. But those were among my main interests there and arranging home was just a passing moment of trying such to home too, with emphazis on giving possibilitues for lufe and arts. But Savonlinna appeared more dangerous than the capital district, which was more centered on civiliced wisdom than the dangerous persons in Savonlinna. So anyway, living there for 11,5 years kind of removed much of the possibilities to go to places etc, which anyway is important in the long run.

This was the first photo, when I tried the poster of the famous painting on my wall. After that I have somehow taken pictures and written of making indoors nice, etc.
But in Espoo
About how I placed the famous poster (bought from the internet shop of the Ateneum Art Gallery ) of the painting of a young man who can learn from the trees' wisdom. The subject was about nature contact, so I placed the poster facing somewhat toward the window. The painting is made so that children at different ages can see it from a height of their present skill level, or so like makes sense from tge point of view of learning. So I as an adult placed it somehow well so for myself, and in the impressiln took into account the furniture near by, amount of light etc. I have liked the shadows of room plants playing on the walls sometimes, so I took the picture at such a time of a sunny day. Then it was a year or some anniversary lije date from when my Japanese sputz Vaapukka seemed to have died and woken from death while st vetenarian for teeth stone removal, so I guess that some readers of my blog about that were interested in that. So I took more pictures, kind of to support ordinary life.
15th of March 2024 You get magnifient looking views if you arrange them to be in a good way central in your room, when they look magnifient in your eyes just that moment, like for example a liked hobby running well or a tree outside the window somehow fitting your sense of charm. At some later moment you can arrange something of the rest of the room so that you do not need to overemphasize some fine view or fine thing when not feeling a need for such a charm so much right then. The goal is that all the things at home would be in their own way good for life and give room for varied types of activity, refreshment, stimuli, life according to one's wishes and needed things in a nice form that makes it easy to trust civiliced wisdom in estimating how much of each.
29th of March 2024, the Friday of the Easter week
I have always had as a kind of dream or magnifient thing to sometimes try to figure out and learn, to become a great painter. It is mostly just a far away dream or fine thing, but kind of motivation to learn some things in that direction, and so sometimes when placing some nature decoration object, places of furniture, places to look out frlm the window or a poster on a wall, there is also some sense of magnifient looks and atmospheric old times things that comes along sonewhat on some side of it, since I am not so sure of such skills, I just try to learn where to find such in the daily life, without making life less healthy in spirit, less joyfully actkve in healthy ways well fitted into the society.
3rd of April 2024 OBS! If one wants especially stunning views, it is important that one would like the views oneself, be fond of such charm. And that the place and views would be like one's own inclination in questions oh how to live and wisdom of life. One should live according to one's wusdom of lufe and like fits the world, in a place where one's interests, skilks, values, way of life and likings support the traditional ways of living there, wisdom beneficial there and for the world. And so the things in one's home kibd of rhyme together and produce an unseen strenght that is wise in the world. As well known, arts support observing the beauty of nature, so liking arts is likely to make nature views out from the window more impressive. If there is something lacking in the atmosphere or social position, eating oneself warm with good food makes as a habit the place somehow more impressive. Sports as an interest, for example recreation outdoors with the weathers and nature, may make the views out from the windows more imprdssive and kind of strongly experienced, yet enjoyable.

A hobby or a well running liked work project mistaken for just some artifact bought without any interest in such, may look surprisingly intensive and well carrying.