LEARN TALENTS and SKILLS quickly, well and quite easily: dream job, liked home, music, rationality of feelings, etc, very many different kinds. These advices are from a climate of four seasons. The appearance or style of Christmas gnomes ought to be acc. to local climate, culture, type of town, life, etc. Christmas angels: learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/christmas-angels.html gnomes/elves LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09/ Try free www.blogger.com blogging! A huge collection of various skills
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Claims of miracle healing places
I came to think of what schooled kind of objective thinking without education in nursing profwssions wonder, is there any way water from a certain well or tge air of a certain place or the like could heal, for example some percentage of visitors. I think that there are certain ways of life with original forms suited to certain kinds of people, which work out in a certain climate and culture, and so there could be for example a traditional mountain road with the nature, landscapes, air, water, food, ways of living there, the feel of the place somehow very good for gaining better health and for example wounds healing quicker, but only for those to whom such a climate, places, emphazis on the different areas of lufe etc are ok and even ideal. So there coukd be very many small such places, but not necessarily any town, exceot a town with lots of nature all over the town and healthy ways of living, freedom, civiluced values, wisdom of lufe etc making the town a good place to live in, and so good for healing certain types of people too, ones who feel like healing there without disturbing such ways of living and such good sides of the place.
About the understanding of babies
I do not have children of my own, and I do not have experiences of babies, but as I have written advices about giving birth and about how a baby could learn in one's mother's stomach, babies have been quite much in my mind and part of the time as if on some spiritual side babies or people connected with babies.
A baby forms a picture of the world, of what lufe is like, what sre the social possibilities of different kinds of life and of lwarning different kinds of skills. So a baby us forming a picture of the world. So it would be good for a baby to see healthy normal ages old life, like trees, weathers and going to places, meetibg people, moving, using the senses, maybe hearing birds singing, music, different languages?, etc.
A baby seems to be observing lufe all around, like an older vhikd or an adult forming a picture "Oh, here I am." Typical to those pictures is having all kibd of sensation and sides of lufe in them, kind of forming a basic pictyre of those things. What is difficukt for a baby, is adults using kind of straight line like markings, like "I will just out this thing on the table." or "Is that fact so. Then we must do so abd so." since those neglect much of tge sensed and social environment around, annd do not show the grounds for such a rule. So as far as I understand those are the major reason for the baby not learnibg or feelung well.
There seems to be a oresupposition ggat it is ok for a baby to lie in a quite horizontal position or crawl to get to kniw tge environment somewhere where it is nice and tidy and enough light, and to be lufted up as if sranding or walkibg, but that of sitting position only sitting in some obe's lap yo get to know tgat kibd if older peopke's view to the world and skills, seems socially ok.
If learnibg to walk, it would be on a moment of wonder, in a clean nice spatious feelung environment like a wooden floor, sun lighting the room, nice, an adult supporting up like slightly hanging somewhat from up and somewhat from a sideways direction, maybe a wooden stool as a support for one's hand. Anyway tge wonder of being along in "adult" lufe, of wanting to be on one's feets, balance, using the sense if sight in having a picture of the situation, a little bit like a pet with a nice fur and a factual fruendlily or goodwillingly social attitude, learning about the world aroubd too.
(Eating a piece of a fresh vegetable or a fresh fruit quite often can be good for learning, for example a slice of a fresh cucumber.)
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
"The running graves of war", and some other songs
The song Elämää juoksuhaudoissa - Life in trenches https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DLgi0-IaRCk&pp=ygUZRWzDpG3DpMOkIGp1b2tzdWhhdWRvaXNzYQ%3D%3D tells of World War II in Finland, but the perspective is of children living with a serious mind their daily lives thinking of all kinds of questions in life and so of war too as a strenous effort with the danger of death and of getting wounded, but their own lives are filled with school work and children's chores and running around etc. So the perspective is of family life and of my text Saying "Wonderful, miracle like beings" https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2024/01/saying-wonderful-miracle-like-beings.html or something culturally in that direction, with such a way of looking. I was born and raised in Helsinki, where the view is that all things have to be taken into account, but rationally with their right proportions and places in life, without losing wisdom of life and healthy spirit in daily life in all occasions, without losing fair play as a rule, wisdom in the world. Life is for living.
Here is a song video of Syyslaulu, a song of the autumn of the four seasons of the year https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7pLEdOtNY3E&pp=ygURU3l5c2xhdWx1IEVuZ2xpc2g%3D
"The way home feels long, not much passer-bys.
The evenings get extinguished to dark brownish twilight.
Come to comfort me, in my dark moods of lonely autumn evenings.
Oh, the darkness makes one think of what one otherwuse does not think at all :
I remember how much chores I wanted to do and how little of it I got done.
Hurry, my love. Already love is calling. The moments of the day aren't so long.
Let lights be put on in homes. The night will soon be coming. The autumn will take away summer's fliwers.
I am seeking fir something that we have forgotten, which could have been in some other ways. The summer is like an unreachable dream of what could have been otherwise. I am seeking for something I used to want, as if it had gotten our lives in flower. Now that a storm is raging, I ...
I guess I now love less than I used to love. But more than you will ever know.
When the storm is raging. Wind carrying bubble head waves.
It is most important to follow our heart's voice, and give with our all strenght good living conditions in this society for each others' lives.
Baltimora - Tarzan boy
Eino Leino's poem of one skiing alone in a forest : I ski the snow covers leisurely slow, "Minä hiihtelen hankia hiljakseen" (did he ever arrive?)
Kevätsointuja, Spring chords (sung here by the famous old male choir of former? students of the University of Helsinki)
Valkoakaasiat, sung by Tamara Lund, tge melody tell of the charm of a garden as one comes out of a door from indoors in the end of May and in the beginning of June.
(Breasts as a bodily characteristic refer to teaching wisdom of life to especially younger generation people around, making living environment (also the people) and wisdom in use good for life (compare with giving many brochures). Broad shoulders refer to carrying things agilely or with skill or likewise caring for work like things at hand like a needed skilled responsible worker.)Miss soutaen tuulessa
"Where the branches of the slender young trees with white trunk with black fractures, wave in the wind and make a singing sigh,
and tge roses shine most brightly,
There let us too make a love vow and vow faithfulness like the wild nature's ideal's way of life there.
And upon our head we would have a small hut, let's enjoy this happinesses' charm.
Here were our childhood's most wonderful days.
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From my long text about wisdom of life for living withthe four seasons (see miraclelikenature.blogspot.com ) :
" READ this chapter, it is the ground for staying warm in the autumn:
When in the late summer waters in the lakes get cooler because of the rains and the weather is in the late summer and in the beginning of autumn somewhat cooler but such that is good to spend time outdoors, then if you for example on the way tip your feet to the water in the lake shore or walk in teh terrain among the grasses which have partly been burn and dried by the heat of the hot summer days, you are then at the same time both fierce and warm enough, you feel the power of the summer time's nature, it's wisdom, you watch life from the point of view of a wild animal, from a point of view that gets superbly well along with the seasons, life's toughness, it's warmth, the wisdom of an almost full lifetime, summer's emotionality and the challenges that the nearing autumn time brings to wisdom, to how to be strong, weather proof, able to make preparations, oneself warm and wise, with wisdom of life, feeling, with foresight, one who finds balance between energy reserves and the demands of the weather, an indian of the late summer, a few steps in the bushes of the shoreline, on the shore stones, and when the weather gets cooler or the feet get wet soon fleeing indoors, to eat pie, woolen socks warming one's feet, watching out of the window, planning adventures, looking for nice things to do.
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Suomen laulu, Finland's song, (sung here by the old male choir of former? engineering students in the Aalto University in Espoo, formerly engineering was at the same place but separate and with the name Helsinki University of Technology), is a song about the autumn, it's weathers in the nature, at least October onwards
"Hear how song echoes,
A song from the sage Vainämöinen's kannel is singing,
The song is Finland's song.
Hear how pines sigh loudly in the wind,
Hear how steep places in rivers thunder,
The song is Finland's.
Everywhere the sound echoes,
Everywhere the strings of kannel sing loud
They sing the song of Finland.
If you have been given a heart
In both sorrow and joy listen to
The song of Finland."
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Climate obstacles
" Finland in northern Europe is so near the arctic that climate skills are a necessity for staying alive. That does not mean that there would be no other factors affecting life. Anyway, people who without enough skills try to do something which requires really much skills and dedication, typically fail almost all the time and hurt themselves and get angry. In cultures which value skills highlt, such is known to be typical in demanding tasks for which one does not have enough skills, experience or dedication. So people living in cold climates tend to suppose that also foreigners would notice that if they fall ill or feel bad about weathers, that means that at least on some part they do not have enough skills to live in that climate nowadays. Typically they should move to a climate which they like, like whst it demands and gives the possibility to, what kibds of ways of doing, learning, wisdom of lufe, the emohazis on different areas of lufe, etc it is suited to, like such lufe ebdlessly, and like it's level of compkexity, the atmospheres of the traditional wisdom of lufe of living in that climate. Such they are tuned to learning, enjoy such lufe, such living environment.
But it often happens that foreigners get angry claiming that the cold climate is caused by the locals being malicious. Yet jyst about all in Finland have vhosen the place based on wanting to live in a cold or cool climate, some just musedtimated how north or high high in the mountains that would be.
Cold weather is tough for the skin. So one must shelter the skin with warm enough clothes. The clothes that look styly in warmer countrues are too thin or of too cold material in a colder climate. Going under a thick padded winter blanket, leaving only head outside, typically makes one feel better because of being in warmth and getting enough normal skin's healthy bacteria in the warmth. But cold air around be it outdoors or a cool room, is tough for the skkn. In southern Eurooe the behaviour and states of mind seem to say, if those were nice people, it is as if one were presently removing a plastic band that has covered a small woubd for it to heal, so it is lije outch, why do you do that, can we cure the ways here to something nicer and more comfortable - but the effecg continuing because it is the cold or cool air without any really hot days. Here in the north the situation seems to be, as if saying Grr, now this has to end, let's go arrange things in some wsy well again like where in the southern Europe it was warm yet civiliced. "
Saturday, January 27, 2024
My new blog: "A Hymn Of the Instinctual Wisdom of Our Species"
See https://specieshymn.blogspot.com , even though it is this far mostly only links to my books and blogs.
Philosophical themes in Kalevala
Finland as a country has not had so much build towns etc, but instead had forests and lakes and life in close contact with the wild nature, far from other humans. The need to live well the four seasons has made it meaningful to learn from the wild nature skills in living the seasons. The harshness of the weathers has driven most of the ones wanting build things toward moving to luve in the warmer coubtries. And so there has traditionally been lots of wild nature in Finland. The cool and cold weathers are best lived with an emphazis on looking and the sense of atmospheres, with lots of variation in rythm and other heat regulation things. Such is good for objective landscape like thinking of the world and of life. And copying from the ways of living and skilled ways of doing of the wild nature is good for health and general skill level.
So in Kalevala there is the theme of comparing the level of wisdom and skills of the ones who copy from the wild nature, with the level of wisdom and skills of those knterested in build things and memorised theoretical learning.
Likewise there is the threefold theme of south or summer like compared with, is it southern and eastern, Finland where one needs skills of living the tough weathers of the nothern four seasons, is it like spring and autumn, where one spends quite much time outdoors year around, and comparing that with the Lappland where people live surprisingly much indoors and survive largely via build things and social life, but where some of the nature may survive the winter.
About learning from the wild nature, regardless of climate zone, I think my book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" could help, see https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/book-wonderful-miracle-like-beings.html
Christmas gnomes and opinions about war
My view of Christmas gnomes is that a Christmas gnome too can fight in a war. But it is not a very fight oriented view of civil wars etc. Instead it the view of foresight in the wide world : what creates what in the long run? Are there any drawbacks in the choices suggested? What wisdom could fix them and how? Often that means waging war against some unwise choices, regardless of whether it is just rational precautilns and wusdom of lufe kept in mind, or opposing some enemy in the border. All enemies are not always at the border, but such a basic image in mind makes it easier to think of. To a ckviluced society there fit many kibds of lufe choices but typically via keeping themselves in different spheres, without trying to dominate over other professions, ways of being social, etc. But there us a olace for each thing : what is good for what, and to which things it is of no use.
Friday, January 26, 2024
About the ways of living of Christmas gnones
About tge ways of living of Christmas gnomes
Last autumn I bought from second hand the book Tontun vuosi (= The year of a gnome) which started me writing. There is in the internet also an English version with much the same front cover, was it "Finnish elves for all the four seasons" by Kirsti Manninen, or something like that.
The book has both text and large phtograpfs of Christmas gnome like traditilnal Finnish gnomes in traditional Finnish farm chores aroubd the year, like feels good when teaching children, like feels good life. The pictures are of dolls, from a tourist destination "Tyynelän tontut", but the problem is that the dolls look ill, so ill that they are not able to enjoy life in healthy ways that were the traditional Finnish farm life. At first I thought the dolls resembled people from the tropics without weather skills.
Then I thought those were people who had tried to live outdoors all the time, so that their heat regulation got broken and their ability to adjyst the amount of bacteria on skin got somehow broken too, and they were so tired, without profer rest that they jyst went everything through like an endless sausage, without being able to fully enjoy the variation in chores. And they had too much of the same types of things in their life, so they were jyst fed up.
Now that I have written for over 5 years about the skills for living a Christmas gnome like lufe in the midern world, I have noticed that Christmas gnones are a subject interesting the whole world. So the style of Christmas gnomes gers characteristics from all or many climates, for example also from the tropics. So for happy healthy lufe one ought to tube the style of the local gnomes to the local climate and the ways of living of each.
One also ought to choose clothes etc so that the bodily sensations, the states of mind, feelings, social things etc are all separate from the feeling of the clothes, since lufe varies more than cloth sensations, and so one gets a better quality of lufe via a more practical way of choosing clothes to use.
I think also that ghe traditional Finnish farm life included some reading, and before that age looking at nature landscapes and thinking wise objective thoughts. The books were valued like nice reading, like short pieces of interesting good books, lije a first glimose of a subject in a good quality encyclooedia with photograpfs too. And the subjects were discussed with the people around, like saying to a child "Go, look it in the encyclopedia.", and chikd relling what she read, and adults &older children telling of such things in the world too, and of the lives of others. Likewise checking something in a manual, or a postcard with the handwriting of some relative or a picture of a faraway tourist town or village that they were interested in. Likewise th elderly and sometimes others sometimes when there were difficult times for someone, reading a short piece from the bible to help them tjink wisely, and go outdoors to walk among the trees of a forest, watching the magnifient looks of the trees when thinking of big fine things in the world and watching sometjing smaller when thinking of individual lives, but for some character virtues getting midels from tge looks of tree branches etc.
The major reason for having reading books as a part of a way of life was to feel relieved and to have more wisdom of lufe. So the reading was for civiluced wisdom, for it's benefical effect in widening lufe spheres, the possibilities in life via making one have wisdom of lufe with which things settle themselves so that one can go to places and get along, enjoy life and such lufe continues from generation to generation, each one choosing their own routes in life with healthy wisdom of lufe along together with basic skills and a view of the wider world of what kind of well working long lasting lufe and ways of living there are available in the wude world, in each continent, country and if one is interested in such, in each town, if one really is incöined to that much labour kn jyst such professions, ways of living and climates.
Walking and looking at trees while thinking of life (my experience is of a forest road or wide path in a flat or quite even ground with mostly full height pine trees) was much the same as when one nowadays walks a piece of road with trees and nature by the roadside, so that one just notices that "oh, it is this time of the day" and notices thkngs connected with some starting their work career or studies, getting their work ready, somewhere being a pause or minor chores, kind of thinks of lufe as a landscape with working life important and studies and civiliced work being compared with the shapes of trees' branches high up in front somewhere quite near.
And when there was something difficult in the lives of individuals, one often feels that one needs time to think, and so one wanders some scenery path (typically an uneven path in varied terrain turning continuously this way snd that way, with very varied natyre around but nice and beautiful) or goes to look at the shore near by, and so the beauty of nature, of stones, weeds, small trees by the shore, climbing the path, trees, the variation of landcspes and sights makes one somehow feel that one understands lufe better, even though does not know how, is somehow more satisfied at the level of feelings about one's wisdom of lufe in the lufe in the living.
The varied wise division of labour between family members and other people around, is an important part of how to get things running well. So it is important that each one woukd do all kinds of chores at least sometimes but that each one chooses what lne wants to do right then and lets the others too soend time in whst they like, but with timetables taking into account the needs of the whole and the needs of each of when to go where or do certain kinds of chores etc. Wisdom of lufe is important. One shoukd do one's lufe's chouces so that the effect is healthy snd wise upon all and especually upon oneself, so that as time passes no-one gets squeezed, angry, criminal, suffering, lije a bomb. Instead there are chores for lufe skills including spirts, takibg part in the milutary service, finding different new places for oneself to live in where the inclination, ways of living, orofessions, ways of doing etc suit one's character so that one does not get bad from ordinary life, does not lue an outer form while feeling bad inside, does not lise good will toward the world and peopke, aninals, ways of living, valyes, skills, professions etc around, but instead is sincerely goodwilling and fair. Correcting practical choices in each occasion on each side to fair creates relueving room for life, niw and in the future.
Like a person liking to meet lots of people, would have, preferably even in a young age, gone to live at a village near a shop or other social meeting point, and even more likelily to a town where there are lots of people and even a bar. And so many who like such move to warmer countries where there are more people and the air pleasant just for social interaction outdoors. And climate does affect the culture and ways of living a lot, so also the pleasant ways of being social vary according to the climate and culture. In Finland one lives pleasantly in a landscape like view with individuals each having tgeir own chores, likings etc but sharing a common civiliced picture of the world with a shared liking for tge ways of living, especially for the freedom of individuals, the weathers and the nature and the civiliced values giving each one a possibility to choose jobs, hobbies, interests etc that one likes, but with healthy wisdom of life, healthy common sense and the following of the rule "Live and let others live!" demanded from all, i.e. leave others too room to live in, a good lufe of their own choice, for each one fairly, also in the long run.
About the work of judges
" Today in the news there was a picture of judges of the international court of justice, and it was a kind of dark appearance with educated work, Christianity referred to and yet the interest overly much in matters involvibg awful crimes. So tge questiln tgat arises to one's mind, is can it affect the world toward good if even the jydges are interesred in such crimes?
I do not know, how it works in the justice system, but at least when there are sibgle quite free individuals, thibgs usually work out much better if the suggested arrangemenrs and corrections are understandable and make rationally sense inside the corrected individual's and group's picture of tge world, taking into account that often people claim to be stupid when they break against the good of others or take a too dominant positiln claiming that they did not see any fault in such a temptation.
So one ought to restrict power per deed by quality criterilns, valyes, situation etc, and not by looks and presumed customs in the society when the people are not folliwing the valyes and/or quality their group is claimed to have.
There are basic skills, values, wusdom of life, knowledge of tge world, etc that are valuable and on a general level, suited to many or most, butbuilding a rigid rule, a rigid theory perspectivw fir all to follow, usually does not work in practice, since people's skill levels, values, lufe situatiobs, etc differ a lot, abd usually there are such differencies also betqeen the different ages of a certain individual, and usually also in short term between different occasions with different social influencies, situation, tiredness, point of view, etc. So the world kind of consists of separate paths in life, each for it's own way of living abd spheres of lufe, and those intertwine like meeting separate realities. So there mostly is no common rule. Instead there are lufe skills worth knowing, and areas of applucation i.e. views of a how wide shere of lufe matters, how widely things ought to go welm for lufe in the futyre, for all fairly. Faur play is like the usefulness of market economues: you see what produces what and so you can cjoose what to cultivate and how it works out. Without following the guidelibes for a good future of the world, also in social situations, without makubg excuses, it does not seem that the future of the wirld would be good.
From my blog healthilymoral.blogspot.com which is available also as a book or an ebook at www.amazon.com .
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Enjoying handiworks
The video in A25. of my text Wisdom of life for Christmas elves, makes one think of what makes doing handiworks pleasant.
Typically it matters a lit if the town or village, especially it's shops, newspaper and it's view of good life and skills, support liking handiworks and doing them leisurely but in a good way when one so likes. So often there are good cheap enough materials, a view of a good place for handiworks and of company sharing an knterest in such and other things in lufe, and in the air in the village a view of how handiworks fit the ways of living and what other types of elements of life one ought to have at least somewhat but according to one's interest. Anyway, the most important thing seems to be to have a possibility for nice handiworks in a good way, when one has such a liking, and likewise it being advisable to just leave when one does not feel like doing it or when one's way of doing somehow got worse or unlucky. And one ought to have other content to lufe that cures awsy the bad habits and leaves a nice atmosphere, a nice way of living, healthy and sporty enough, and with a view to the rest of the world, following civiluced ways and values, leaving the door open for other sources of income.
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
I sent my book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" to many places both as a link and also as a text file. I also made a new blog of my books for free, and since the book still felt overly much wanted, I today bought the domain www.Christmaselves.info and set it to lead to my new blog https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/book-wonderful-miracle-like-beings.html
Before that I had yesterday bought the domain www.Tonttuopisto.info and set it to lead to the same page in my new blog about quite many of my books as free blogs or downloadable text files, and as ordinary books at ghe Amazon internet bookshops.
I understood thst the book's name holds a similar fascination as Buddhist teachings.
The dance of one living inside an objective picture of the world
" In an objective pucture of ghe world there are many things as a landscape like view. So if one feels like dancing, for dance expression one needs to know what are the central themes of lufe in one's mind each few seconds, a half a minute or these minutes. So there is a subject which one is living through, thinking of it, and typically there are from one to a few such in one's mind at the same time, and the dance expression for them is thought if separately. Think of the subject, the srea of life as a happening or a short series of happenings which have their own atmosphere and emotional rythm, emotional motivation, are phenomena of their own kind, like for example running a short distance. The area of life and the feelibgs in it that one wants to express, to tell a luttle bit like a pie e of a story, have gheir typical style in gesture language and posture, placing the current of lufe to certain areas of body, and if one would think of it as a melody, see learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/09/ part 1. , it woukd be like of certain mood, of joy, peaceful, a flickering inspiring thought, etc, which affects the movement expression. "
In my opinion the original form of dance in the human nature is about wise ways of doing in a varying living environment, like for example a rise or fall of a half a meter on a path, how to move, keep balance, enjoy moving and find good ways to take account the varying situations. Likewise in life at large, what wisdom of life one has kn use each moment and how the life situations change and with what wisdom of life one takes each thing into account. So dance for an objectively thinking individual would mean a taste of life, plus gesture language along in life.
learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/09/ A10. and A11.
9th of March 2024 See also https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2024/03/in-building-and-safeguarding-living.html
Monday, January 22, 2024
Position from eating bakery
Some seem to get some favoured position because of having eaten bakery and being in positive mood because of it. I do not quite understand why it gives power to influence social things. But I guess the basic form is drinking milk coffee with a piece of bakery in a nice cafeteria that is kept like traditional views of making places nice say that one should have nice curtains, some decoration flower or handiwork at each table, etc etc.
Another guess is that one should sometimes buy something that is made by others, something of good quality which makes life better in ways that one does not usually have, so it can be something cheap that one needs or that makes one happy. Second hand isn't good for that, and one should listen to colour symbolics etc and keep the thing well, be happy of such an insight to some professional's wisdom of life about making some area of life nice in a way that suits many.
23th of January 2024 See also the first text at https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/some-links.html
A video of beautiful Buddhist chanting
Like a song with wisdom of life about natural ways of living and doing and of emotional life kind of song like, with such a view in the society's values and wisdom
Buddhism is a philosoohy of life aiming at personal growth toward more happy, compassilnate, skilled and wise via increasing one's attention i.e. consciousness of things in natural ways like watching the beauty of nature, such is called meditation and it is thought to make one wiser and happier in healthy kind of ways, like objective thinking with civiliced picture of the world advices, but the main method is sitting still and listening to one's breathing, kibd of letting a pause make one more observant of the beauty of life around and of one's own states of mind etc, like choosing nuce hobbies and continuing one's life so to better wiser roads, later maybe also in working life finding things suited one's inclinatiln, endurance and talents, kind of insight via personal likings.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Dark or light
In the Winter War people are often interested in the white snow cover like outer costumes upon ordinary winter clothes.
So what are dark or light impressions of people?
As far as I know, a person who is grasping chances for fights tends to have dark or black hair, a person who associates a lit with ways of living causing desth or almost so (to oneself or to others), has a dark blackush atmosphere in one's body, while a person whose ways of living or actions tend to cause deaths of people near by tends to have a dark skin.
A person who just leisurely wanders without obstructions to healthy civiliced life, with healthy spirit, in peace with the civiliced society, leaving others too room to live in and sharing a view of healthy kind of life, tends to have a light atmosphere in lne's body and actions and a light skin. While light hair tends to connect to with being able to be well along in civiliced ways in the life in the social environments' wise views of how one ought tp live.
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5th of June 2024 You could try following https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0D36GYCLD?ref_=dbs_m_mng_wam_calw_tkin_23&storeType=ebooks
What is the place of unusually big soldier like deeds?
In the World War II Finland fought against Sovjet Union. There were two wars: first the short Winter War in white masking clothes above the winter clothes in a landscape of snow and cold, and later the Continuation War in which Finland first conquered back was it Viipuri and Old Valamo Orthodoc monastery but continued after that much too far and ended up lising the conquered areas plys a luttle bit more. That has afterwards in Finland been seen from the point of view of what ought to have been done: did such places belong to Finland or Sovjet Uniln in these modern times if one looks at how their influence changes according to which country has them, did we think that after all wiser to be a western country than to try to take care of such places of interest in the east. So the borders aren't thought of as a result of war and balance of arms, but instead of other factirs like a route to the sea determining the intensity and strenght of the motivation to each endeavour.
In Savonlinna I lived in Kaartilantie 15B up in the side of the forest patch between the hoyses, and at the same place at the ground level lived a quite old man with a nice way of treating his white and reddish brown cat, and his last name was Häyhä. I learned from the media that in the World War II there had been a Finnish precision shooter Simo Häyhä who had shot over 500 Sovjet soldiers. That was really much by Finnish standards which were for oeaceful civiliced healthy kind of lufe and supposed that most Finnish soldiers shot none or one or two, mostly not more than wounding one, saying that what reason do we have here in the norgh to fight when we are civiliced with similar values, skill level and ways of lufe, the war is in the south between other nations. So what to think of the Simo Häyhä? He was one skilled among peaceful ones worth defending, so he defended the group, the country like professionals or older people with more skills do for the whole society, not thinking that all ought to have such a profession at all. I understood that he saw further well than most and had social eye for what was happening, who causing what, so if there was trouble somewhere he shot one or two from far away choosing so that things turned out peaceful, kind of more with wisdom of lufe than with unwise ways.
When I was of school age, some boys in school said that one needs to defend a country alone or not at all, since in practise situations are often such, only one having skills, socisl eye or moral. But that is together with civiliced values and the support of the society. It is a question of doing one's own part when one's forces suit the situation, like me writing to kind of settle things to more clearer and with healthier spirit. But it does not mean an attempt to be better than all others and attacking all without regard for any values. It is more like protecting civiliced values in the society and in the world.
About crimes as an interest
The name of the capital of Finland causes to some foreigners a guess that if they are interested in crimes or of certain type of evil, they could try to find such kn Helsinki. But Helsinki is primarily a place in a cold climate where climate skills matter a lot and where rationality with picture of the whole matter a lot. Crimes on the other hand depend on what are the wishes born of the ways of living, so what kinds of crimes make sense, interest people, depends on the culture and climate. One who does not wish to follow a theory perspective wishes for a place where hot weather or some other factor interrupts the work like perspective and forces one to put it aside and not demand it from others either and still things go quite ok if people just lazy away ghe hottest time of the day, and are grateful if in the coolndss of evening some others get the practical chores of daily lufe done bringing pleasant refreshment. So what one wishes for determines where one would suit to live, in which climates, cultures, places. Those do not all have the same crimes abundant, neither fo they suit to associating with the same other cultures, professions, etc.
Generally if one wishes for certain type of crime, one ought to search for it in the vulture and area where such a wish is common, where such a wish is suited to the place, making lufe better there. If it is not where you live, it is likely to be a part of some of the major cultural or climate inflyencies that you get from media, local society, people you associate with or via your own interests or liked people and forefigures. Generally people can break against rules if they do not force others, do not command, do not disturb, do not lie about others. So that is very different from aiming at or using a dominant position in practice. One gets freedom if others and wisdom of lufe see such choices as wise, making sense in such a society, in such a place, for such an individual at such a time. So the Finnish advice "Live and let others live!" is good for getting freedom to live in one's own ways and for getting room for such ways of living in the society.
Making technical inventions as a part of a team
My step mother like mom Tita was very fond of mathematics and school studies. She seemed to figure out lits of new ideas for solutions kn mathematics by using drawn picture like of word associations in daily life as a source of new ideas, instead of working work like in math seemingly no more than a minute or two, except maybe liking reading some text about mathematical things for maybe 5-30 min with pauses in between fetching cooked tea enthusiastically bustling around or fetching a better pen and the like.
Now as I think of years back, she seemed also good at figuring out ideas for new technological inventions. She was fond of a school like or academucal wsy of thinking and of a skill level or clmpany of maybe 10-12 years old boys, so she just figured out inventions with such a basic perspective and the drawn picture like basic associatilns of how things could be. She also thought that way of the inventions of others, learning from them problem solving skills, even though I did not get the geasp of such, since I felt bigger wholes and wisdom of lufe much needed.
For example of the computer mouse, she said that a ball could be moved this way and that way, if one only coukd see how it mives, so maybe one coukd draw a grid or uneven figures on it, if some optical machine coukd together with a computer notice from those how the ball moves, and so one could place the ball inside such a box if it is small enough, and maybe have the figures on the ball's surface on some colour seen in special light. So she always supposed others filling the needed extra work with trade like high skills, and that was an essential orequisite for such an approach to work out. Likewise she thought of warm clothes as a punch of air pockets insulatins, and asked coukd one have thought of a blanket consisting of several layers insulating, and so have invented the warmest padded winter blankets - but that too only with the help of professionals in product development.
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My book about work efficiency and likings, see the link at https://workandfreetime.blogspot.com/2011/07/what-i-promise-here.html
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Handiworks as an income?
I do not know, how handiworks could be a source of income, unless one gets a job in carpenteering or sewing, building, repairing or the like.
But I have the impression that doing handiworks that one likes, making them good quality and of cheap materials that one happens to find and which give ideas, a temptatiln to some kind of fine or nice handiworks, maybe each one unique personal style, and mostly giving the handiworks wsy like seems to bring a good atmosphere like as if a friendly pet had arranged something for it's friends, mostly would bring a situation where one is somehow liked and respected, left in peace and with company, and maybe one could get the expencies from somewhere and new materials mostly for new personal style single or few handiworks and sometimes also get something that one needs for lne's family, and maybe get from shop cheaper certain types of artifacts for one's lufe, and st least understand better such differencies between towns, villages, shop chaibs etc. The basic way, that I guess is the usual way, is to offer them to a shopkeeper of a shop which seems suited to such handiworks, and so maybe ghe shopkeeper can arrange such and the costs of the materials get paid.
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My advices about makkng Christmas presents, see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/11/about-making-presents.html
Advices in learning skills based on emotional estimates https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2017/10/about-cooking.html
Sewing clothes without formulae, with your dreams guiding you https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2017/09/sewing-clothes-without-formulae.html
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
A new book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings"
You ought to be able to download the book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, FOR FREE AT https://www.angelfire.com/planet/paradisewins/Wonderful.docx . (29th of January 2024 With one new remark you can find the file at https://www.angelfire.com/planet/paradisewins/Wonderful1.docx .) You can both spread this link or a link to this page and/or copy the downloaded book text file to others too. It ought to have pictures, and the few videos are on a playlist at the video site www.youtube.com .
I collected miscellaneous texts from this blog learntalents.blogspot.com and made a book:
17th of January 2024 A new book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland, northern European Union, hardcover, 15usd +post, soon available at www.amazon.com and at my author page www.amazon.com/author/khtervola
It turned out that I sent my book file to many wide organizations.
You ought to be able to download the book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, FOR FREE AT https://www.angelfire.com/planet/paradisewins/Wonderful.docx . You can both spread this link or a link to this page and/or copy the downloaded book text file to others too. It ought to have pictures, and the few videos are on a playlist at the video site www.youtube.com .
See as a kindle 0.99usd+tax https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSKLD3HC
Saying "Wonderful, miracle like beings"
Like one can walk in the rain, seeing rain drops kind of light dazzling spots all around, the wonder of nature, the atmospheric beauty of walking a few steps in a quite light rain, forgetting for a moment the burdens of social life that one wants to distance one self from. Likewise there is something such in the besuty of nature, the wonderful miracle like beauty and wisdom of life of the living nature.
Likewise one can look at the younger generation or liked pets or just one's liked hobbies, thinking of the miracle like wonderful possibilities of healthy kind of life in a civiliced society. It is something that one can or in theory could learn from young trees or from young undergrowth plants' atmosphere, in the air near by their bark, as if rainy weather, seeing there coming an opening between clouds, on a moist weather.
But it depends on the wisdom of life of the one who thinks so. Without such wisdom it does not work as well. It seems to create possibilities for life running well. Such affects also the life of tge one who sees life around so: the wonder of being alive, of life around.
Some of my books as free versions:
Www.ChristmasElves.info or MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com
Of healing:
Www.parantaminen.info eli parantamisesta.blogspot.com
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
A new booklet
"Animals In Space : Inhabiting new planets" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, see https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSFKF8Y9?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520
Soon available also an an e-book (called kindle), which is much cheaper.
Monday, January 15, 2024
A video
From Japan, I guess "when you play deathcore at a kids' concert"
Is this whi I have to write so much at lenght about Christmas gnome like life's skills? Because people want to lazy in their warm bed?
It makes no sense to be tuned to the continuity, ways of living, type of wisdom of life or liked type of things and sensations of another climate. But on the other hand one cannot choose what one sincerely likes, so one just has to choose the climate zone based on that. For me the variation of 50 to 65 degrees of Celcius between the extremes of the seasons here in southern or eastern Finland is ok, nice, but I cannot bear any hotter or colder climate, so I cannot move to more south neither more north.
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Fracturelessness skills and position
Some yars ago I wrote to Asian saying that the thing why Asians most lise position compared with what they otherwise could have, was the lack of fracturelessness, and I sent them a link to my advices about healthy natural ages old ways of living and doing, which is a part of my blog about the skills of Finns, see Finnishskills.blogspot.com .
Maybe two years later, I do not know when, I came to think that the same maybe applues to Arabs, so I sent them a link to this Christmas gnome skills text, learntalents.blogspot.com .
Now still some years have passed, and I come to think, have we others taken care that we have enough wisdom of life about fracturelessness? See for example:
Learn to compose melodies https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/09/christmas-elves.html
Individual insight as a strenght in working life https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-christmas-song-i-am-not-seeking-for.html
Unconceptualuced nature as a source of wisdom https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2024/01/unconceptualized-nature-as-source-of.html
The future of the world https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/12/the-future-of-world.html
Social tangles get solved via fair play as a goal
If I think of my own life, I have had some strong strenghts, especially objective thinking, healthy ways of living & wisdom of life and civiliced values followed always according to my best ability in each case. But on the other hand I have had weaknesses too, so that I mostly haven't had my wishes respected in social life. Sometimes when it is a work like thing and I have had enough space for my good quality views, it is ok if others with their skills and civiliced values take care of those sides of things done for which their skills, values and quality are good enough.
Similarly in social life I need room to follow my own wisdom of life, while there mostly is no need for me to command others, since I am not somehow socially such. All following the rule "Live and let others live!" is enough. But what most problems come from is people being unfair on purpose, walking over the rights of others since they think life is some social competition instead of a common attempt to live a good life, each one of one's own kind. So someone being stupid or lacking skills usually isn't the problem, if such does not affect too widely. Since there is communication possibility to fix such problems, and usually most understand that all are different, and it is just nice to do things in one's own ways while one's pal chooses some other option, so that one does not need to compete.
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Home nicely
When I in Savonlinna bought a keyboard from the music instrument shop Soitinkulma, the shopkeeper said that in order to keep it a long time, one ought to have a scarf or the like upon it when it is not played, to prevent dust, but that a scarf is so light that it tends to glide to the floor. So I put a folded blanket of the type I had bought from Espoo upon it, but I feel that such is also a good way to teach, how to keep things well and nicely. And the charm of a countryside place adds to it and one can imagine that it is easier to learn in connection with music. But so one can maybe lwarn to keep one's home well somewhat like grandparents' home. I do not know huch much the emphazis on a countryside place on such things is necessary, but it did help a lot.
Learn to compose https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/09/christmas-elves.html
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Refreshing if one feels tired
If Finnish speaking Finnish culture seems refreshing when compared to most foreign cultures, it prooably is a consequence of Finnish wisdom. About my views of how to live the four seasons, see https://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html . Very refreshing is also the Finnish view that one can live one's life wishing well for the world and having healthy ways of living and a landscape civiliced view of the world with civiliced values, like was the idea in basic school to give all young people basic skills and knowledge with which to continue to any profession they choose and have wisdom of life and talents and basic common sense, be parts of the society and of the world in a good way even if they move to live elsewhere, and so such a basic view of how to live is good for curing lives when as an adult/old maybe too stuck to one's choices to see how to live a good life.
Friday, January 12, 2024
Advices about giving birth & how a baby could learn in mother's stomach
These advices one can read beforehand. ( The miracle healing advice on a link from here is the one which seems to bring immediate birth. ) I do not know so much of the subject, so follow ordinary wise advices and common sense.
I wrote in Finnish language (Finland is a country in northern Europe, with snow in the winter time) advices about giving birth. The advices were common sense like, aimed at those who are school educated, and who had followed healthy ways of living, had some sports hobby and liked music, read quite much, etc. The advices also aim at being nondangerous and harmless.
I am just a writer, university educated in theoretical physics, physics and math plus taken part on some courses in theoretical philosophy. ( My advices about learning thinking skills quickerlearning.blogspot.com . ) These advices are my common sense like view with theoretical grounds in ordinary picture of the world. I am not speaking for any advices made by others or altered by others. I have heard tales of pain and damage from births in Finland, and I cannot understand why such fates woukd be necessary, since giving birth is a natural part of life and so there should be easy natural ways to such for healthy wise adult women. I made in Finnish advices about giving birth ladt autumn, and those brpught just an influence of happy wise proud mothers and babies, and at first a feeling of relief. Today I got some influencies from others and I just got ill, got stomach pain and had to go to the toiled. Earluer I haven't gotten ant paind of this subject, even though I am usually not good at all bearing inflyencies from others, other humans I mean.
The basic advice for avoiding pain in the Finnish advices, was to go along in the situation, letting the emphazis on different areas of life change to taking wisely and according to feelings, sensations etc into account the needs of the situation.
Giving birth is an unusual situation in life but natural, so there ought to be a natursl way of the birth channel widening well enough, but others are not in the same situation at the same time, so one should rely on one's own abilitues of natural action and learning, which are helped by natural healthy diet including especially fresh fruits, fresh juice or fresh vegetables, and such vitamins are needed especially when givkng birth.
Others just disturb, so those who tend to come to the same spit or interfere, ought to be removed and put under warmest winter blankets so that they are soft. Likewise the one giving birth ought to notice that too hot body is like in slumber and so not wise enough, while too cold body is stiff, but in liked sports the body is of comfortable temperature and there exists some temperatures and states of mind in which one has fine body coordination in a natyral music like way and emotional wisdom of life that makes one sensitively observing and wise in body coordination kn natural ways. One can affect one's body temperature via clothes, blankets, ways of living, some amount of fatness, etc. Very thin is often with poor attentiln. Very hungry is often directed only toward food in what comes to natural motivation, so being somewhat fat and so being able to take a relaxed attitude yet skilled and wisely understanding viewpoint, ought to make giving birth eadier. But for slme food is not interesting, so fat neither, so jyst normal weight would be enough if the person is healthily musical. ( An interest in musical ways of keeping the stomach, can help in smallening the upper and maybe central stomach by contracting the stomach muscles. But the baby ought to have gone downwards toward birth, the baby needs to be along. )
For opening the birth channel it is important to try to open also the outmost parts of the birth channel right in the beginning. When the baby is born, maybe 10cm or I do not know how much of the outmist part of the birth channel seems to get opened by someone welcoming the baby to the world. There are different social distancies, like very near, lije family, a little bit farther from the baby like aunt and uncle, or a few meters away by the window like internet and society or the wide world. When the person welcoming the baby is at that distance, the birth channel's outmist parts seem to open by themselves and the baby is born like gliding almost by itself, as if on a gliding tape.
( If there is afterwards any bleeding, that may be due everything ooened, so the mither should admire the newborn, so her body would change to recovery phace. )
Links to my original Finnish advices about giving birth, and to the English miracle healing advice about giving birth, and to other healing advices, see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/miracle-healing-advices.html
For the miracle healing kind of advice about giving birth, see https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2017/07/about-giving-birth-knee-ball-misplaced.html
I do not have children of my own, I do not have any experience of giving birth. But I have written many healing advices, weather skills advices, advices in wisdom of life and in learning other skills and talents. Take care to apply my advices only according to common sense, without dangers, since sometimes the texts have been replaced by the texts of others with different strenghts and weaknesses, even the main values sabotaged. And anyway these are just guesses by me, not always so sure.
Please comment here under this blog post, or locally to other mothers etc, if you have experiences that could give other mothers a better idea of what this advice is like and whom it might suit, and is there some danger to avoid. Remember to mention your country and culture and the climate you are in. My impression of my original longer Finnish advices about giving birth, is that by following them with one's other skills and common sense along, the births went without problems and did not feel like hardships. So people mistook the newborn babies for older babies.
HOW A BABY COULD LEARN to take care of being born
If the baby in tge stomach of one's mither is interested in, how a baby learns, baby maybe learns by one's senses and sensations forming a picture of the surrounding world and of one's own body, it's tuning to moods and types of action/ areas of life, it's postures, etc, and of one's mither's body, of each situation and life. So it would be good if the mother would live a quite ordinary basic life which has the basic elements of ordinary life, for examole spending some time outdoors with some nature too (maybe trees), some motion, music, thinking, both with common sense and with wusdom, doing practical things, meeting people that one knows, etc. One's body, if one wants to learn, ought not be fully stiff and neither fully relaxed like a cloth, but instead give in according to each situation, bend somewhat like is good in such a situation. Then the baby maybe can figure out a good way to be born too. That would maybe be for the mother something like, let's try now in the baby's way if it would go well that way. Then too one maybe needs to communicate to the baby, head or feet first, etc. For the outmost part of the birth channel it would be essential that someone would welcome the baby to the world, from the distance that seems to make thd birth work out well.
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27th of January 2024 You can find these advices as a part of the (short) book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings", which is largely about learning wisdom of life and talents unpredictably, see www.amazon.com/author/khtervola or the first post at miraclelikenature.blogspot.com , see https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/book-wonderful-miracle-like-beings.html .
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Safety of homes
As far as I know, no home or other building, place, etc is absolutely safe. It just exists at some time in history at some place. And it depends on the place and on what the district is like, and who uses it and how, whether it is safe or not. If at such period of time such things and such places there are considered ok and left peace, maybe such a home of such people is left in peace. But there are many different kinds of cultures and situations. Generally people who get well along with the dominant culture there and in the surrounding areas, can live an ordinary kind of life in peace the amount typical in that culture for such a life. But it depends also on the culture fitting the district, for example it's climate, main professions and location in the wide world.
If there are some dangers but it otherwise is ok for such a people live there in such a way, the support of the locals depends on following local values, wisdom of life and avoiding breaking much against local ways of living and handling things, which of course may depend on professions, age, type of situation and of individual characters, etc.
Basic safety typically relies on having the basic safety arrangements needed in such a culture: warm enough home, a lock in the door, skills of living in such a place and culture. Some reservoir of food, water, warm blankets, not being ill, overly tired or out of shape. Plus a possibility and a tendency to variations inside the boundaries set by the reservoir, for example allowing weather variations affect timetables. Likewise such reservoir and variations in social relations with the environment and culture, and also family circles, plus society via working lufe protecting the district and culture with allying with those sharing it's main values: good living conditions for all fairly, now and in the future.
The music video seems to be from the countryside, a song of a young adult ( in the age of getting independent after having moved elsewhere to live on one's own and having already a different kind of profession of one's own liking ) wondering can he/she get his/her mom along in this occasion to supporting the adult child's wishes of where to go and how to live in the future. The style and words tell of an attempt to start one's own well running adult life with own dates elsewhere in a good way, in young adult's circles of life.
For getting along with the environment, the rule "Live and let others live!" is good, see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-christmas-song-i-am-not-seeking-for.html
About earning money
To be clear, I haven't managed to get jobs so well. I had an education in a profession to which I am not suited and so I have no work endurancy and tend to suffer from such. So I have tried to figure out again and again how to get money and how to get working life work out well for me. I have quite many skills and ideas kn such but not enough for success.
(14th of January 2024 I had added as search keywords: What one can learn by reading poetry, music and practical life, sports and an ages old view to the world. )
(12th of January 2024 I painted this picture when I was starting my blog of advices about changing profession to one's dream job. The picture is supposed to teach how one has skills and talents for just the areas of life that one admires in a good quality way. The picture of the dog, especially it's chest and forelegs, is atmospheric in it's apprexiation of the area of life at hand, the atmosphere tones reflecting the things at hand, and that together with an objective structured detailed seen view of those things in a landscape like view of the situation and of the world. So instead of just recognising which words to use, one observes a lot and well, with certainty, without any lies or neglecting, and one understands the value of the things at hand, and enjoys doing such labour well, apprexiating very well done. )
For earning a lot per day, there is the idea of selling copy+paste my miracle healing advices in the internet, maybe 20%-50% of the basic fee of a visit to a health center if the symphtoms disappear inside a few minutes and stay away, otherwise no fee. https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/miracle-healing-advices.html
There are also some other entries about earning money in my extremely long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes. https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09/gnomes-or-more-likelily-doing-things-in.html
About work endurancy https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2024/01/each-one-has-to-choose-ones-own-way.html
About individual insight as a strenght https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-christmas-song-i-am-not-seeking-for.html
About increasing quality https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2024/01/unconceptualized-nature-as-source-of.html
Beneficality grounds for moral and healthy natural life according to feelings, i.e. my paradise theory book ( one version ) https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/11/beneficality-grounds-for-moral.html
Alanvaihto haaveammattiin Nopeaoppisuus.blogspot.com
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
A video of Santa sightings caught on camera
I watched only the beginnkng, but there ought to be 20 Santa sightings caught on camera kn this video
(It isn't yet so long after the official Christmas time ended last Saturday 6th of January. So I wonder who is waiting for Santa Claus already now. There are miracle healing advices at links from https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/miracle-healing-advices.html . For Children who wish for a way to pick better what kids need to study in school and how, there is the blog post Christmas calendar https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/christmas-calendar.html . If there is some danger of war or the like, it helps if one takes as one's course in life that one does not cause oneself such and that one lives an ok peaceful normal life which can be an option for others too who wish for such, bringing so peace more widely. And especially it matters when ghere are big problems, to distance oneself frlm harmful social influencies, so that if the world is of spirit lne ends up in a peaceful world oneself with only the like-minded etc always along.
If life feels tough, do not try to achieve well in the favourite professions etc of others. Instead try to find professions that you are inclined toward and in them living responsibly and fairly as a part of the society and of the living world. See https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/11/do-not-stock-yourself-things-which-are.html
Likewise choosing to live kn a place with climate and culture that one likes and whose wusdom of lufe one admires, is good for the quality of lufe and for learnkng skills and talents and for having healthy natural wisdom of life, see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/11/finding-good-place-to-live-in.html . )
27th of February 2024 See my book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" as a free ebook at https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/book-wonderful-miracle-like-beings.html
I sent the book link to the Finnish Santa Claus' Land Korvatunturi today, so I guess that is why I added a mention of Santa to this blog post's search keywords. Santa may have a lot to do year around, so please see my blog yourself!
There are other books of mine in tge same blog too.
Monday, January 8, 2024
Unconceptualized nature as a source of wisdom, UO
The Finnish language word for Finland is Suomi. It as far as I know comes from the words "mi suo" that which gives by giving the possibility to something that is a part of wise good life in the world. "Suo"means also a swamp. It is said that Finland as a northern country has much varying weathers and also quite much rain. So where there is even ground without ditches may quite often have been swamps, but many of them are small, often only a few meters wide between hills or ridges. A swamp is quite clearly unconceptualised, jyst some grasses, mosses of varied types and colours, some water and mud, maybe small pines where there is an island like form of land or of moss. Of phonetical meanings U means unconceptualised, while O means ready made form of understanding. So the Finnish nature has given Finnish culture an unique and wise form of wisdom of lufe, that resembles the Buddhist notion of emptiness (from taught rigid concepts) as a source of rich sensory experience of life. It arises from enjoying and respecting the beauty and wisdlm of the nature. So one liking more some other climate's and culture's nature, wildlufe and wilderness, would find it best thete in the climate and country where the sights and shapes, coloyrs, atmospheres, impressions of wisdom of the nature convince one of the value of such foreficures in wisdom in the art of livkng. So the unconceptualused means walking or otherwise e joying the sensed beauty of nature and learni g from it, also observing that a nature landscape is a good ages old form of a picture of the world.
( 9th of January 2024 Recreation on natural swamps requires wooden tracks via which to walk without harming the nature or spoiling the sight of nature around. One cannot swim in mud, so falling may cause desth. The wooden tracks are typically fliating, made of umpainted dry wood, and carry only one adult at a time. But a such an arching track of a few tens of meters of swamp environment and then again on solid ground, would often be enough for most. Keeping mostly quiet but admiring the beauty of small plants (28th Jan. 2024 different moss individual's etc characteristic beauty, the atmospheres of their wisdom of life of skills for ways of living) and the atmospheric beauty of the ladscape is good for such an experience.
A swamp means that the ground tends to give in under the feet, so that even where one can walk on the moss, the next step too tends to give in under the feet. Such an experience in other things in life is typically compared with a swamp. The solutiln to such is to build in each place upon what naturally grows therd, is possible there. So if one succeeds well in such, one gets varied types of trees, each suited to it's environment, like letting people in a society choose freely their job, as long as it (and the effects of such a person having such a job so there) is good for the society and the world, for the lives of all fairly, healthily. Another way is to count on what usually carries well everywhere, so also here, which is like counting on a good theory perspective of the wide world, and the wooden tracks on a swamp resemble that option. )
This way one can increase the quality of a stuck rigid theory perspective and it's way of objective thinking, if the perspective is not intelligent.
An example of such improvement would maybe be adding everyday life common sense and wisdom of life with beautiful values and fair play too, to one's theoretical view of the world.
Sunday, January 7, 2024
Each one has to choose one's own way
I tried to explain this to my Japanese spitz Vala when he was a puppy 2008.
Each person and each animal has one's own likings in what comes to climate, professiln etc. Each one is different and suits just one's own kind of life, and the things liked by others often suit only when passing by, not long term even if those jobs too are needed in the world.
In the radio there played Elton John's song Sacrifice, but I think a better viewpoint would be "It's no sacrifice" i.e. "one ought not sacrifice".
Each one ought to be given space to live in, without unfairly harming others.
My Japanese spitz Vaapukka (he chose that name after our circus training lukevatkoirat.blogspot.com ended and he thought that then he wants some other namr than Vala which meant Oath) was as older a skilled miracle healer via some spiritual connection of animals. It took about 2 hours each day, either right after 16 when working days ougvt to end, or then some time in the evening. He said he healed so 200 to 1 000 per evening, and once mentioned that he took care of 8 hospitals, of miracle healing there, but most of the healed were dogs and other animals, since animals underdtood my dog easier so it was much quicker and he got so very many animals with some insight into healing. Me and my apricot poodle tried to counterbalance the huge strain of so much earlier misfortune around him, so I cooked him extra meals when he needed such to stay away from harmful influencies, and we tried to offer good lufe with walks, company, healthy ways of living, some religion too and other interests most of the day and night. Such I think valuable but possible only of the worker's own liking and by the support of individually living healthy kind of wise social environment.
A possibility of earning by making good quality art
" I have written lots of advices in developing in skills, talents and wisdom of life, to my blog learntalents.blogspot.com thinking of a world-wide audience. I guess some of those could make art which teaches among others things also some of the skills taught in my blog, wanted in the media, etc. "
From my Finnish blog https://savolaisuudesta.blogspot.com/2024/01/taiteella-ansaitsemisen-mahdollisuudesta.html
Friday, January 5, 2024
( Www.FriendlyTaleCreatures.info vaiko ) www.friendlytalefigures.info
I tried to buy the domain friendlytalecreatures.info and set it to lead visitors to this blog learntalents.blogspot.com . There was some problem with processing the payment, so I do not know yet if I will get the domain.
This blog learntalents.blogspot.com was originally about learning talents and skills, but changed then to a long text about learning skills and wisdom of lufe that make possible a Christmas gnome or a Christmas elf like life, year around, everywhere in the world, even though the basic advice is to have a dream job and move to live in a town whose main attractilns, main professions, culture, climate, skill level and location one likes and suit to. See, CLICK ON THE LINK : https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09/gnomes-or-more-likelily-doing-things-in.html
There are many subjects in this blog. Please bladdre the search keywords list in the side panel, or the headers, or just start at the beginning of the Christmas gnome skills text.
The Finnish word "tonttu" means either a Christmas gnome or a Christmas elf. I tried using also the words "Christmas elf", see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/09/christmas-elves.html but it too supposes the reader having read the earlier texts. Together they are some 12 books or booklets. Yet I still feel oblidged to write, even though I have mostly run out of subjects to write about. There are also other texts on links that the reader is supposed to have read at least a little bit.
Jaa, would the other option : friendlytalefigures.info suit this blog better ?
So I got the latter domain for a year : Www.FriendlyTaleFigures.info , but it may take some days, since I paid after 4p.m. and today is friday. I.e. it ought to lead to this blog learntalents.blogspot.com . (8th of January 2024 I just got the possibility to make the domain www.FriendlyTaleFigures.info transfer visitors to this blog learntalents.blogspot.com , so I guess it becomes valid quite soon. )
I just found this video
Thursday, January 4, 2024
An European point of view to the Asian idea of Jin and Jang
I watched a video of an Asian ballet dancer, and came to think of Jin and Jang.
To a Finn such a division does not sound central in objective thinking. Jang like doing forward according to an objective theory perspective and daylught like ability of seen observations, is naturally intertwined with widening one's perspective when needed, giving up wrong emphazies and prejudices. It does happen ghat one needs to stop and look and listen to sensations to form a new better idea of ghe situation, and sometimes one needs to readjust one's attitude and try again with more dedication and wider wisdom in use. One gets so stronger, especially when one's old forces would have ceased to carry and one's speed would have stopped.
5th of January 2023 About variation in the tropics, see my blog composingmelodies.blogspot.com .
About the need for free time, see for example the links to my advices about healthy ways of living and doing, plus my blog workandfreetime.blogspot.com .
For my view of healing via following healthy natural ways of living and wisdom of lufe according to positive feelings : learn especially those good habits which people with your ilness often most lack, and usually that is enough for the symphtoms to disappear. See curingguesses.blogspot.com . If you try to figure out this on your own in a different cultural domain, check if the solutiln, if it does not work, contains some feature which is usually oppised for a good reason, and find solution attempts without such drawbacks.
My parents taught me as a child tvat in each individual there are both manly and womanly characteristics in a way that is unique for the individual, and that differencies between the average of men and of women are smaller than the variations between individuals of the same sex. So each one needs to find one's own unique place in the society, world, one's ways of living and working life. For getting one's voice fairly heard, read my text https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-christmas-song-i-am-not-seeking-for.html .
Find The Land Of Christmas
" You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...

See https://sekundablogi.blogspot.com/2023/01/skills-of-christmas-gnomes_23.html " Start a career as a Christmas gnome! Study for ...
(13th of November 2024 This text is not at all as good as my texts about skills for a Christmas gnome like life, see LearnTalents.BlogSpot...
" You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...