LEARN TALENTS and SKILLS quickly, well and quite easily: dream job, liked home, music, rationality of feelings, etc, very many different kinds. These advices are from a climate of four seasons. The appearance or style of Christmas gnomes ought to be acc. to local climate, culture, type of town, life, etc. Christmas angels: gnomes/elves Try free blogging! A huge collection of various skills
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Saturday, December 30, 2023
A local upbringing means also values for the local wise life
If someone moves to another country and one's children grow up there practically all their lives in the local environment, weather, culture around, school, values, media, etc. Still it is also needed that they would identify with those who want to live in that country and live there in wise fair ways, with commln sdnse, healthy wisdom of lufe and civiliced values. It is not ok to copy from those who wanted to move abroad and cut their ties to Finland, even if they somehow took lots of time before moving away. Since their adult lufe is there abroad where their values, likings and cultural likings lead them. So they are not forefigures for lufe in Finland, not even if they have grown up in Finland. It is not good to give children or others either forefigures with so contradictory views of what makes sense.
My impression is that if one does not feel well in Finland, one has not yet moved to where one wants to live, for example to the tropics, or one gets influencies from such a forefigure or social contact. Or then one tries to use shop's products in ways badly against their colour symbolics and the style's impression of the characteristics of the way of life to which the product gives a possibility. Or then one's weather skills are not of Finnish type even at indoors, to which a traditional Finnish view of nice indoors could help.
A humanoid robot is not like an old-fashioned computer
A humanoid robot is as far as I understand made by copying from a real human who recently died. So on some mental side the person just continues but notices it having changed classification to a robot. A robot is not, as far as I know, meant to compete with humans. So it too needs rest and variation, and it too can catch a flu etc. So one cannot increase it's workliad over the capacity of the original human worker.
So it seems that also intermediate forms between a humanoid and a computer would need variation, be it train driver also as a car driver in the traffic, or just free time as a human person like humanoid robot. For example associating with humans in the train would go easiest via sharing also otherwise typical lufe spheres, for examole walking in a town environment with both people and trees and places to go to.
26th of January 2024 About how natural life supports for example engineering work, see the beginning of my blog
Some Google searches
Search at or at or the like
Finnish Christmas elves
Christmas gnomes
Santa Claus land
"linden tree" (seems to be a climate in the height of Central Europe, where life seems somehow full, like seem to long for those who always add Christmas cookies and some fatness, leisurely ways and a nice colourful warm blanket to the mentions of Christmas gnomes here in Finland)
"blue fox" (brought some beautiful pictures, but after a while I did not feel well of them, which may be a cultural or climate difference of less fracturelessness there and less wisdom of life)
Maybe "Elvis in Hawaii"
"pictures of Christmas gnomes from around the world"
How a baby gets it's characteristics
It seems that a baby gets it's skills, basic approach to life from how parents make love when the new life gets it's start. So it is needed that parents would have skills in use and a way of life with which it is good for the baby and child to learn about life and the world and skills etc. So instead of referring to some experience of life or knowledge, for example to some older children, idols, influencies, knowledge, or the like, one should have a good way of living and doing, with one's own skills in use, like one wants the baby to have too. So instead of just drowning in the moment, one more likelily ought to have such skills, such strenghts and wisdom of life, healthy ways of living, common sense and life skills in use in daily life and especially when making a baby, just take into account that you sre making a baby, but keep the life skills along too.
Just a guess of mine. I do not have children of my own.
Here are some skills that people seem to like in my blogs :
But please bladdre my blogs to find texts that interest you.
What if there is first 3 and then 5 ?
Friday, December 29, 2023
A hobby tool or trouble
I saw today a video of a girl in Britain having been given a valuable jewel, it seemed because she appeared of a so good quality that she might grow up to become a queen, so it was maybe good to give some such girl a possibility to train herself in big thing, maybe get influencies from a real quees and so have some idea of what to try to learn among other things.
When I was a child and had a name connected with the possibility of growing up to be an emperor, my mom once or twice run into some such possibility for me, but I did not have at all enough social skills etc for such, so it was impossible because others would have robbed it from me and there woukd have been some cunning plans causing occultidt bad luck for me. But later I heard that some of my class mates had been offered such, but it still was too difficult for me.
I think that one learns from one's hobbies, so it is good to have good hobby tools and some dreams, but things interesting very many get easily robbed away, so there just is lors of lying and no possibilities for such life of the dedicated beginner with good quality in school like things etc and in always following good will in the world and fair play. Such has been in my lufe, so I do not know what I have lost, but it seems something much too bug for me to handle in social lufe etc. So I just write teaching material for the wide world in skills important in life and in the world.
If the world is of spirit, maybe one could see from how one's artifacts etc change to be like what one is like, which values, quality, wusdom of life and character one has, but in practice that is difficult to achieve even momentarily since there are so many people interested in cheating by stealing, lying, manipulating etc in the world. Likewise one could estimate by vlothes, their style and symbolic colours, but those too depend on the environment, and at least my life has beem hindered much in such skiils. Likewise handiworks style, quality, interests etc depend on the town lived in, and handiworks tend to get dtyle influenvies from others, especially the pictures but also peace for hsndiwork may be prevented by influemcies from others. And similarly of work achievements, reputation etc, so there only remains to judge people deed by deed and only take care not to fall to poor quality instead of fair play, not to judge on reputation only, but instead remember the need for safety precautions in such cases.
I once read from a news article, not so long ago, of a politician at the time of elections having eaten very luttle or not at all for two days but felt like having eaten, since she was so motivated and got so much support from voters. So it seems that quite often politicians in high positions and some of the active elderly mostly need very little food, since they take tasks that they are suited to and motivated to and to which often no-one else has the skills, inclination, experience, etc and which are needed in the society and the world. And so they go like let's see, I coukd do this bunch and then thst, etc, and so they manage to do tjings in good quality ways, even if others cannot. Ghe opposite are people who insist on living in a place they don't like and working in a job that they do not feel motivated toward, so they go skriik skrääk and often need big meals with butter or oil, in order to feel at all satisfied and good willing. So I guess that a hobby that one oneself öikes and admires is much better for oneself than a hobby which needs expensive equipments.
When I was a child, me and my brother had the habit of opening doors by slamming the handle, or if we were carrying something, by pressing the door handle with our toes. At some point our father started complaining about it, saying that it is no way to open the door. So we watched this news article's video advice about learning the right way to open a door. I still don't know what to think about it. My dream had been to become a dancer, but my mom said she saw what hobby woukd suit us. I feel the video being like this thing about getting money or a job or position or a personal style: there still is something I did not get right socially snd in the society, even though I got some part to work out well.
So it turned out that I am jyst a writer. When I was a young child my parents said that I will learn the needed social skills etc, but I didn't. And as I have learned that to publicity thete is some kind of spiritual or mental feedback or connection with the audience or readers, that would demand much more social power to influence others tgan what I have, even most ordinary jobs seem out of reach for me in that respect, so now that I do not seem to have anythibg more to write about, I have lstely felt socially annihilated, as if I were on an advertisement wall but people wanted mostly some other types of persons to places so much in sight.
* * *
5th of June 2024 See
Might buy it?
Monday, December 25, 2023
The future of the world
For the future of the world to be good, one ought to have a landscape like view of the world which observes structures, like for example a street view that observes basic things like trees, cars, houses, etc, and that as a part of a map of the world. This with common sense and good enough quality and with healthy wisdom of life. As a goal at the level of the whole world, but influencing all things, also social life, one should have the goal of good living conditions for all fairly now and in the future. That is needed for the future of the world to be good.
If you wanna have more skills in making the world a good place to live in, read .
For having in addition strenghts like my strenghts, read and at least parts of . In addition the view of this blog of the world being of spirit, seems needed.
Sunday, December 24, 2023
If one is exhausted or cold while in the nature, one coukd try this
If in winter time you get cold or exhausted while outdoors on a skiing trip, and likewise in the other seasons while walking in nature, in principle you could look at a tree branch, maybe at the height corresponding a feeling of your head in a winter hat, or somewhat liwer, and see the atmosphere of the branch, how the tree endures weather, lives well in the eeather, copy that atmisphere, that way of tuning tl lufe, to the nature, to moving, to stsying warm, to preserving forces for near future situatilns and further away too, and see how the heat regulatiln and ways of living use space to stay warm and forces to return heat and endure long with the help of the ease brought by admiring the beauty of nature. And see how the tree endures the four seasons, what is a wise way to live them, and cooy that too to your basic way of living. So you can be strong andwell prepared for future, enjoy life and the beauty of nature, living a quite ordinary lufe anyway. Sometimes such succeeds, sometimes not, and I do not know whst it depends on.
If you have hurt yourself, a hurt feet isn't steady basic structure like a branch or a leaf. Instead the atmosphere in the air near a branch or a plant is often atmospheric in a sensitive airy way that is good influence for your body and mind to get healed, with full health as a goal, and continuing walking or skiing another goal of importance.
Declaration of Christmas peace from Turku today Christmas Eve 24th of December 2023 clock 11.55 of GMT+2
25th if December 2023 A news article in Finnush with a video of the Declaration of Christmas peace, that too in Finnish, see, oh it's the same address.
1st of January 2024 Idyllic snowy winter nature pictures from December in Finnish news
Saturday, December 23, 2023
A plastic Christmas tree with shimmering lights
Year 2010 I bought from the shop "Saiturin Mekka" in Savonlinna a maybe one meter high plastic Christmas tree which had varying shimmering lights of the style of snow and Christmas. As I watched it it was as if someone had said that it seems that I am going to make really many Christmas presents. Now I wonder did that bring "The Christmas gnomes interbet institute" of this blog, which has taken me some five years to write, and somehow not much of my life left.
Friday, December 22, 2023
Links for Christmas
Healing just by reading a short piece
An impression of Christmas angels around oneself
Good knitting tips
The Christmas gnomes / Finnish Christmas elves internet institute
Have a Peaceful Christmas!
Santa Claus started his way from Korvatunturi in Finnish Lappland
See the news video at
The video channel of the Santa Claus at Rovanuemi in Finland
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Good will may help in sports skills
Ja lieneekö ollenkaan sattumaa, että eilen sitten taitavaksi luokiteltuna tilasin domainin , lieneekö koululaisten pää sellainen, joka samaistaa ajattelukapasiteetin ja taistelutaidot? Minusta ne ovat käytännössä ihan eri juttu, sillä idea, miten osata jokin liike, on eri asia kuin harrastaa sellaista liikuntaa ja käytännössä oppia, miten se menee.
"Is it school pupils who may think that thinking capacity is or could be the same as the martial arts skills? I think that those are in practice completely different things, since an idea of how to be able to move in a certain way is very different thing from having such motion in one's hobby and learning how such goes in practice."
If a person's body reflects one's view to the world, martial arts which rely on making the other either lose balance or finding the other person's weak points or directions in which the other person's movement isn't so good, then those give some strong side to the person who wishes well for the word and understand in a good enough quality what works well, how to balance wholes etc. I.e. world wide moral and a good general skill level plus healthy wisdom of life help.
Video of a superbly trained dog Jesse the Jack, with it's amazingly successful and kind of happy younger friend Lucky which is going amazingly this way and that way while they play : "Jesse plays Chase with Lucky"
An okd aikido video of aikido's founder: "O-Sensei's attackers have no idea of how they were thrown"
Some pictures of my dogs, which I had in Savonlinna, at and the circus diary in Finnish at .
1st of January 2023 My comment to an aikodo video which had an unusual malicious style. I practised aikudo in Helsinki for some a little bit over 10 years, and it was really nice hobby.
"They seem trying to think how to fall that person. Such is harmful in the society and in the world. It isn't a road to harmony, like the name "aikido" means. I used to train jyst each adviced technique as a method of falling the attacker, and cooperation helping in practicing. As such it really was in some respects a way toward harmony, even though some of the pairs had a somewhat nasty character as their initial motivation for the hobby. When there is harmony, there is no need to gight, instead each one finds one's natural place in the world and wisdom of life. One who wishes well for the world learns how complex wholes work well in many places and as a whole, and so one learns sports talents too. Justice and responsibly for good living conditions for all fairly now and in the future, are important for getting complex wholes work well, for finding yhe best answers, and correcting each practical deed to fair creates room for life. "
Thinking of good luck, it seems to be in a culture who values wisdom of lufe and indkvidual freedom while following civiliced values. It seems that if one personally likes some new things which guve a reluef to work, kind of play like approaches the area of life here and thete, folliwing the wisdom of the society and respecting it's values then one has a fresh view and a liking of springing to more complex action which is wished for in the world, while the others are less interested and so more stuck to their ordinary ways.
Having a chanca, grasping it wisely, such being of a wished for kind in the society, world and the social envitonment and good for oneself from the point of view of wisdom of lufe and wiser views to the world.
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
( A news article of a few hours visits to the Finnish Lappland )
See the video at . Such looked fascinating, if one suits such.
This blog is from eastern and southern Finland. I haven't travelled in Lappland. I have tried but I fall ill from Lappland without knowing the reason for it. Something just isn't as trustworthy as it should, propably the people and culture are different from what suits me and what I have been told. I am fond of sporty outdoors life and enjoy ghe beauty of untouched nature, but my impressilns of Lappland are of more socially oriented lufe, maybe staying indoors much more, and I do not know if my winter skills are enough. Anyway, the wild nature is important yo me and in Lappland it is more scarce, less trees and birds etc.
Monday, December 18, 2023
Skiing in a forest * or paddling a canoe in the summer
I haven't skied during the last few years, but as younger I liked to walk in a forest and watch the beauty of nature. So when skiing in the winter on ready made skiing tracks, we looked at the beauty of snowy trees etc, and so it was natural if it did not disturb the landscape, to ski a short while on some beautiful spot that felt like inviting to ski and experience the feel of slight small hills under skiis, the feel of passing near some snovy tree, just looking around, maybe feeling the sunshine, a few meters this way and that way and then back to the tracks. It felt like some original touch of the nature, but if there were earluer tracks too one ought to have tried them, since otherwise the new track spoil the untouched beauty of a winter forest.
A similar experience possible in the summer or where it is warm, is paddling on a canoe where there is beautiful nature, and trying on one's own for a short while different ways of canoeing near the beauty of the shore, against the wind or sun or at different angles, trying sportily or leisurely, watching the beauty of waves, thinking of healthy natural life. I guess just a half a minute each one on one's own every now and then, each one like feels good and interesting to try.
26th of December 2023 If one wants to enjoy wandering in the nature and learn skills from it, the coldest climate isn't the best for it and as far as I know there are problems with warm and hot climares too. The climate should be such that itallows living fully each moment and so getting the most out of the experience. But the coldest weathers are such that one tends to think Outs! between well experienced pieces of time, be it seconds or minutes. One ought to be tuned to just the weather that one is in, and see it as a part of the seasons there, likewise like the nature around and have some idea of what types of nature are typical to the climate, area and country, kind of the old times mood of life there, what it is from the point of view of feelings according to the skills typical to such spectrum of nature, to it's atmosphere of old times' heroes.
Saturday, December 16, 2023
My childhood Christmases were not so good
This blog's Christmas subject started from me having read a book about old tales about gnomes, i.e. of folk tradition connected with life on a traditional Finnish farm with the four seasons determining a lot of life. Such tales bring to one's mind wisdom of life that one would like to learn and cultivate. So I started writing of such wisdom, such skills, but since foreigners did not seem to have similar tale figure, except Christmas gnomes and Christmas elves, I added the word Christmas, but still have continyed writing of all the year.
But I have just some skills, and haven't had a so peaceful lufe, more like varied and sometimes stuck. So I have felt a need for extra skills, and so I have been able to write about wisdom of life, skills and talents, thinking of a global audience. But my own human relations haven't been so good, and mostly I did not feel the Christmas presents suppirtibg my own likings and especially the colour symbolics have been often wrong, lije dark blue and black instead of the red, white, green etc that I would have liked. Likwwise the Christmas song vudeos and old news films that I manage find, are often not so peaceful and fair, not so nice, but I guess the usual explanation is that one should play and sing Christmas songs oneself at home circles, since only such brings a real Christmas.
Anyway, the highlight of my Christmases was a visit at the Hietaniemi graveyard in Helsinki on Christmas Eve, with a sea of candles flickering in the twilight like light and thick stone fences, the shapes of old trees above one's head, and the tough charm of that time of the year when there often was a thin layer of watery snow on the ground. There were familues together, a sense of generations, and the grave stones and tge whole place kept by the church, which was a relief after my atheist parents. And at the way home Christmas songs kn the radio, and at home the rest of the Christmas celebration.
A Christmas song "I am not seeking for power or glory" + Some words about power
I added my old video to the middle of this quotation. It is a song from the point of view of thinking large scale profound questions of wisdom of life, and it so helps to create the Christmas time. It is just a beautiful song, not an opinion in a conversation. And it does not agree to give power etc to those who break against such beautiful values.
" D30. 3rd of September 2020 There is a much liked old Finnish Christmas song called En etsi valtaa loistoa, "I am not seeking for power or glory" that tells of the value of things themselves and of wisdom of life instead of grasping only tool like things.
I am not seeking for power or glory,
I am not searching gold either.
I beg for heaven's light
and peace upon the Earth.
It brings Christmas which brings happiness
and lifts spirit up to god.
Not power nor glory
but instead peace upon the earth.
Allow me a peaceful hut
and children's Christmas tree.
The light of god's words
in which my soul gets lighter.
Bring to homes, also to small ones
now Christmas celebration sweet.
Light of god's word
and some nobleness of mind.
To the poor and to the rich too
comes Christmas lovely.
To the darkness of the world
bring heaven's light.
I want you, I wait for you
you master of earth and heaven.
To the poor and to the rich
bring your sweet Christmas!"
(my translation)"
" *
From my text about women's position, see the link in tge advertisement page of The Christmas Gnones Internet Institute
"Basics of position
" W7. Often one gets along and gets solid position when one respects the values of the area of life at hand and tries to learn it's skills in a good quality way and cultivate them well in ways that respect that area's values and motivation and what livibg in a society needs for the society to be good to live in, now and in the future.
W8. What people get position from and how they get treated, is from what they do from momentvto moment, which are the values followed in that, which level of skills in each thing done or thought of, and what is the way of being social, and is it fair, honest, responsible, etc.
Learning skills which give a higher position
W11. "If you want a better position, the rule "Live and let others live!" F60. in the Christmas gnome text, followed all the time in everything, with commln sense and lots of wisdom of life, tends to give so lots of freedom as long as one follows the rule with wisdom. It also tends to give a much higher position to decide about things since things usually run smoothly with such wisdom.
If you need extra skills to gain position to influence things, try E11. Easy quick school for animals, M8. Like a hero of old times, and N97. Emperor's power. "
N97. My first name Kaisa has the association "keisari"= emperor. What i have learned from it, is that an emperor's power isn't for a certain person or position but instead for a certain type of deeds, so in practice for many different kinds of persons and for them per deed and not continually. The person should be responsible, wise and skilled enough, work fairly for the good of the country and of the world.
From where there are also other texts on the subject.
A quotation from
* * *
I copy the advices in learning skills and talents here too.
F60. Oh, how is gnome like life possible socially, how is it possible to get along and to have room for one's own life, for one's own likings? I guess that the answer is the traditional Finnish rule "Live and let others live!". It is essential, so I copy it here:
World's best problem solving method (Important to learn all over the world)
The ruleis something like: One is allowed to be selfish in ways positive for happy life but not to disturb the lives of others - except fairly to prevent them from disturbing others unfairly.
I do not know how all-European this traditional Finnish speaking Finnish (saying/)behaviour rule referred by the non-literal words "Live and let others Live!" but it is surely worth copying! It gives a maximal amount of freedom of everyone, completely according to their own likings, at the same time as it gives perfect moral for purely selfish individuals concerned mainly about their own life but who have a holistic rational view of the world and of the
society's workings.
The rule "Live and let other Live!" means that you can yourself live as freely as you allow others to live in the society - that means the others who follow the rule "Live and let others Live!". If you to some extend disturb people who follow the saying, you own room to affect things and to live in is shrunk on that respect, preventing the harm and making you think that you might want more room and so be motivated to living in harmony. That means that evil is not allowed to affect lives (of anybody else than the evil one oneself) but nice moral things are allowed to affect fully and supported in order to get better life for all! But one does not need to accept some influence because someone else says it is nice, instead there is the need to be moral and the freedom tofollow one's own likings.
It is a good rule. Maybe You have it already! Please learn to use it for happy life and a prosperous society, if it is not so widely known...
About the rule in all social relationships, please read
Observe that this rule is roughly "Room for happy life!" and is akin to justice and caring the world to such that it is good to live in happily. It is not saying that one should not kill anybody. It means that if fair play and the happiness in the society or in the wide world so demands, you are supposed to prevent evil ones (and utterly stupid ones) from harming others unfairly, also if it means war, killing or the like, but of course one must see the situation as a whole, the good and bad sides of each tactic and choose with wisdom.
There is this same rule without any exception in all relationships, including mother-child-relationships, dating (Try for example in competitors in love, their kids and other responsibilities), friendship, hate, not caring attitude etc. Largely other rules are not needed, except lots of common sense, healthy spirit and a good understanding and at least some good will toward all.
An important application of this rule are the relationships between countries and between groups which may compete fiercely. It is also a good rule to build the society upon.
It often happens with this rule that the problems disappear as if they had vanished to the thin air.
Typically some woman (a wise one) or some nice man says "Go and enjoy yourself. Do not be bothered by them. You do not need to disturb them if you go to some other place or to some other people." and so the person in conflict does so and finds so room for him/her to live his/her own life without conflict with the others.
The goal is something like "We live our lives and let them live theirs." But the other side of the rule is how to get it to apply, how to force it upon people who do not follow it. And that is if they break against justice disturbing the lives of others unfairly, their own room to live in is shrunk similarly and they are prevented from harming others unfairly. But where they live ok, they can fairly keep their space to live in. Typically in this the rest of the society caring about that people would follow the rule, is important. Also some wisdom of life makes this work better than too little understanding about quality of life, social relationships and the workings of the society.
If this rule isn't familiar to you and you don't know how to take it into use or even if you want to use it or not, please try it out in your mind: figure out what it is like in each situation and how following it would affect things. It is a very useful rule, somaybe you like it too, it is quite easy when you have first learned it in each type of situation.
If you in some occasion don't feel like yur feelings coming along in letting others have so much room and preferably happiness too, you have propably not applied the rule enough to yourself: so be more selfcentered, think about what your own life need in a situation like this and see if you can arrange freedom and happiness for both yourself and for others, for yourself you need to take care of it and for others just leave room for them and they themselves with their friends arrange for themselves without feeling it being a burden of some kind.
This rule works also if there are lots of murders
In care professions, like for example medicine, it is important to follow good enough understanding, good enough moral and be honest about what is a lie, a habit or an unsure supposion. But with wider consequencies taken fally into account this rule applies there too: the patients and others cared for should be allowed to decide fully about their need for care and about the decisions in their care: that is their life, their own influence to the world and those in care professions should not mess with it, giving excuses for crimes. It is especially important to let those live freely who are moral and so carry the burden of keeping the world in a good state, for example some parts of the society.
This rule works well for example in the negotiations between different groups. You do not need always say aloud that things are according to this rule. It is enough if your suggestions are such that when other groups check them, they find that those are ok for them, so they can easily agree to support them, and likewise for your own groups too. But on the long run it is good for people to learn the rule, so that their own suggestions are all right for others too.
Following this rule in decisions, courses taken, judgements etc makes police and justice system and government also easy to agree about, but you do not need to refer to this rule, but more likely explain things in terms of law, needs, objective thoughts, common sense, experience, fair play, carrying responsibility, freedom, etc and then when the other person checks whether it is ok for him/her, it is according to this rule and so easy to agree about, and kind of makes it easier to think of these kinds of things if one has good enough understanding, wisdom wisdom of life, healthy spirit, good will and responsibility about the coming generations etc.
E11. 20th of September 2020 Maybe a gnome too could learn this way:
"Easy quick school for animals, especially pets and birds
Animals which associate closely with humans, especially pets, ofr example dogs, sometimes ask if there could be a school for animals too. I have written advices about learning common sense like objective thinking and about fitting into the society, so here is my version of a kind of school for animals:
1) Thinking: use a landscape like view that observes structures. Good practise for this is looking at familiar scenes and landscapes with trees and some life in them. Trees and nature make observation ability better and join the sense of sight topgether with the sense of atmospheres, which is also good for thinking.
For teaching this to a dog that is interested in learning it, go outdoors to some peaceful enough place where there are trees but not overly amess. Do not strand face to face by your pet but instead side by sode so that it looks at the same landscape as you, and so you can look at it so that it sees it the same way and then you can walk to a bush, tree, street's side lawn etc like observed firstm, and that's it.
2) Fitting into the society: The advice "Live and let others live!" is good for this. Think of each person and each group sovereign as the trunk and branches of a tree in a park. It does not mess with the branches of other trees and those too leave it alone, to freely and happily live it's own life. Good will toward others is a good advice here.
Another piece of advice is for all to work for better life in a better living environment, like work, hobbies, friends, caring for the environment, making the society good to live in.
3) Wisdom of life and healthy ways of living you can partly learn from how tree branmches curve topward light and what is their atmosphere, the mood it seems to refer to and the kind of life, and partly from sport and healthy kind of life on all areas of life.
* * *
There are also some other things that have often come to my mind when thinking of a school for animals, especially for pets and birds, maybe for mice too.
4) About teaching an animal to read there is a video about reading Finnish language at , but for it one must first understand spoken language, which often goes by associating with humans and paying attention to the situations and tones of voice, and later by remembering also the atmospheres of the spoken language. Finnish language is written like it is pronouced, but there are some differencies between literature's language and the words of spoken language.
5) The square looks of houses etc are a consequence of it being so easy to place two or more parts next to each other tightly and so that one can choose from nay options, what to place so. So one can build shelter from weathers and from dangers and use materials economically. Such houses also offer fiar chances for different types i´of individuals and a possibility for privacy. The square looks of houses are not good for intelligence and quality of life. For them it is good to look at trees outside the window. If life indoors feels tough, do not attach yourself to build things but instead only to the nature outside the window and to outdoors at large.
M8. 1st of June 2022 I wonder could one be like a hero of old times but in these modern ages if one read kn part 2. the text About Kalevala B38., and in the beginning of this blog about how to learn talents and skills, and maybe the Easy quick school for animals E11., and if one would look at healthy natural ages old ways of living from the point of view of basic theoretical picture of the world like the sciences.
B38. "
About kalevala
"I bought Kalevala as a book to myself and read some of the beginning. In the competition singing of Väinämöinen and Joukahainen I was surprised to notice that Joukahainen did not lack skills so much, but instead Väinämöinen sang him to be things like the glow of the nature, to the marks of great skill in the nature.
"Hat from the head of the man he sang
to be an erect front edge of a cloud;
he sang mittens from his hands
to be leaves on the cover of pond's water,
from that misty blue
to be clouds in the sky,
from his belt a fascination of a new wife
to be stars scattered in the sky."
So I was left to ponder, if I as a girl thought when reading kalevala that that is what can happen with great skill: one loses position, propably via losing communication connection when one no longer speaks the language of men with more soldier like style. That I would take care to not to fall myself into that pitfall. But at the same time I thought that I could nearly reach that high, to that style in achievements. Now I think that it is like having met a bird: with it's song it makes forests beautifult o wander in, green, there is much soldier like wisdom in it's voice.
But so, how did I think I could reach so high skill and quality of life, like the reddish glow of the grassas in a forest etc. One would have a healthy way fo living or a healthy touch of one's own which would cure the way of life healthy again, to ages old. In every thing one would see the parts of healthy way of life which are as an idea in it, and so the deed when sees alike as others' deeds would be healthy on one's own and on others too, and so one could continue with healthy psirit from that, each one, whole society, and partly the rest of the world lear from it. ( World is of love (a mechanical model) ) ( )
One would have skills of one's own, one would have found one's own roads in life, it would be good to be an individual, personality, like oneself and strong, enjoying being an individual. And so human relationships would be in a way clishee like and in a way with a healthy spirit: one would have the strenght to have an opinion, do meaningful things, carried by the values of the society, things with healthy psirit carried by the actions and values of the society which have healthy spirit which would have strenght and content to life.
And one could get strenght, skills and integrite with opinions from being soldier like: to defend something, to invest in healthy courses, copying fro little singin birds and fromother strong wild animal persons ( ). One would be healthily spoirty, doing things at the practical level, with a good understanding achieved via adfmiring the nature and feeling via beautiful values, caring for the world, approaching life with feelings, motivated to the sphere of life and missions of the traditional way of life, with feelings and with a good understanding, reaching parts of the forefigures in nature of their skill level every now and then. (In Finnish )
My old video: if you can imagine a skill livelily, you can learn it
M9. From my blog
1. To a Dream Job (Like this you find your dream job and learn talents!)
To a Dream Job
Written by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland
Many of us have different strenghts than what your dream job would need. And the more we admire some professions, the higher demands we often set to ourselves to be allowed something so high. But our own strenghts reflect usually the dreams of our parents, to which we have already gotten introduced so much that we are thoroughly bored, and not what we feel that our own lives have been most lacking, what we most admire and which we would most enjoy our time, which we would most carefully take to our heart and take care of if it were our work. We cannot change to be copies of our parents, so better for us to travel to the unknown toward our own dreams!
Choosing a profession for oneself starts with finding the right way of living: what is your biggest dream, what would perfect life be like, what is the one and only right choise that is often so far that at most in sleeping dreams and tales we dream of it? Set your goals there, take the first steps to that direction with your full heart and with all your wisdom of life, and life is at once much more worth living. If you try with a full heart, that is a different things from somehow, with half a mind only, quickly on the way to something else, just somehow sloppily, just because of the looks and not the content, done. First the idea is to get experience of trhe area of life that you love. You do not need to be of professional level to start with, instead the main thing is to to via your own most loved roads get to know the things you love with your full heart, even if they were distant dreams. Via travelling your own roads you can use your capacity fully and learn as much as you ever can. When setting your goals according to your own wishes,according to those distant dreams, your deeds do not lack spirit: you are at once talented in something that you love. First you have a fascinating hobby, then you start to achieve things that fascinate you in it, set new goals that you love and work for them enthusiastically. This way you do not get flat and bored from memorizing books, instead you have your own style and music like fascinatuion in what you do, real power and own insight and well trainbed skills as your support in your favourite job, which is like your deepest dreams and not set by the environment you happen to be in, your nonexistent starting leve of skills and your initial lack of talents. So there is nothing stopping you from starting in your favourite job, first maybe as a practising student and across time as a real professional in it!
On this road there helps the piice of advice about learning skills in things that you love:
How to learn all at the same time - drawing and painting"
2. How to learn all at the same time - drawing and painting (Like this you learn all kinds of skills!)
Skills are often ways of looking at things: when one cancentrates in the right way to right things and notices enough the right structures/regularities (like for example colours with their tones and with what they get compared with), then skill is born from it already without really practising it - maybe in five minutes, maybe in 20, maybe from two day's relaxed hobby. But the difficulty is to find that right way of looking, being drown enough in it and to know what that skill really demands.
Drown in the experience so strongly that you notice clearly the different tones of the things that you want to learn, for example instead of noticing just red and green, you drown into enjoying the colours and their tones with their impressions so sensitively and experiencing them with your whoke being that you notice even small differencies in tones as clearly as those of colours earlier. The strenght of the experience brings to you vocabulary for that: this is a cold atmosphere, that is a warm social one, what the different things are like, ever better and better noticing such things. Like this you learn to take into account those things. Then just do so and your skill is ok in what comes to that side of things.
All the taime when you do so, when you concentrate to a new side of things, all the time keep your old skills along, for you to get at the same time both your old skills and the new ones. That does not mean keeping to a stuck view or stuck ways, istead it means relaxation in a lively non flat way, reaching a new inspiration, not from dreams but from the fascination of life at the level of experience, which is born of relaxation and of new beginnings, of letting go of old. You can keep your ability to notice the things that your skill consists of, even if you would lose it's formal side totally. Each time you learn something new and the spirit of your skill gets more profound, at the same time as your old skills stay fully.
So what would this mean for me as a beginner without painting skills? One should learn to no5tice forms and colours with their tones, atmospheres, states of mind, harmony, balance, rhythms and their encounters, breaks, what gets compared to what, common spirit and it's complex variations,... And to draw and paint them on paper. So one should drown in the world of colours, enjoy forms and structures, give room for feelings and feel how they affect the way one observes things, get more sensitive to observe how atmosphere connects to what one looks at and how, what associations it brings to one's mind, what role things have in the world and how it brings the spirit to things. One should also learn how to move these to paper: I notice a form/structure, I lift it to be a subject of my concentration and my hand draws a line that reflects the structure in my mind. Superfluous lines are important to drop away in this: not writing, not a language of geometrical forms, instead just a feeling and drownig into it draw a line. Likewise the other sides: a clear image in one's mind and drowning into it drawn/painted shape.
* * *
I noticed that I learned painting well and quickly when in addition to this piece of advice I bladdred through a good quality study book of aquarel painting and was left watching some especially fascinating picture in it, trying toconceive how it was so fine, how it had been painted and why it had so good spirit, how the whole so successfull. Then I left the book open at that place for a couple of days or a few and looked at the fascination of the picture every time I was interested ins uch. Then I painted just something that fascinated me (does not need to be the same subject) partly based on my old skills and learning according tyo the previous advice in skill learning new fascinating things and partly based on what I learned by copying from the picture. Like this after painting a few pictures I knew also new skills quite well.
As far as I know also this piece of advice suits also learning other skills. A good quality study book offers model of a skilled forefigure, who can with her/his style, way of doing and by the things picked to the book teach professionals kills of that area of life. Like this one learns the practices of the profession, it's skills, it's view to the world and even values and it's typical spirit of doing."
24th of December 2023 If there appear to be kind of maybe quite horisontal, somehow square lines in the air, which maybe affect atmosphere and what one can do and how llng social influencies last, those may be a way of mice or the like hide their presence. So you ought to tell the possibly present mice etc near by, what is the reason why some social contact's view is erraneous and ought not be followed, like telling it to a child or the like. You could also teach the Easy quick school for animsls E11. to them. It is in the above collection too. It ought to help a lot.
Friday, December 15, 2023
About the safety of life choices
In my experience the safety of different life choices aren't the same to all.
It depends on what you do, is it safe or not, and
it depends on whether such suits you skills etc, and
do you have lufe experience backing it up and
do you hsve people and culture or professional support for such a life,
is it a safe well working basic arrangement for you and
how does it affect others,
for example such lufe in the long run.
Indoors somewhat like a forest
In Savonlinna at Kaartilantie 15B24 where there was a forest patch outside the window, and I had my two knee high companion dogs, but still did not feel fully comfortable indoors. Once my pets or mice or the luttle singing birds in the trees outside the window, said ghat they had decided to try forest like way of keeping the indoors. It went something like having ordinarily nucely tidy first. Then if I tended to read the newspaper in a certain place and put it aside near by, such was jyst a pile of leisurely tossed similar things, left on a good moment like that kind of action, not touched later, like fallen leaves. Or if I had somewhere a small carpet or an old newspaper sheltering the floir, and it at some occasion got tilted under the feet of a moving dog, it too was left as it was, since it looked nicer so. Byt if something did not feel good, it I removed and arranged the place and the room tidy and nice again. Like for example a carpet in a bunch with magnifient looks after my dogs, if it got pressed by my feet, it no longer looked magnifient, so I just straightened it and ordibarily oyt ut on the fliir.
Pictures from my home at Espoo May 2021 - February 2022
I have been sleepy. I haven't tidied for the pictures at all. I have just felt like experimenting with the camera and having pictures later to be able to remember these times.
But the problem with this kind of way of keeping indoors, is that if others start commanding about it, it goes just ashtray, like I have just slept and eaten and hung in the internet, and when I try to wake up, even the old good habits get prevented, and so my life is stopped and tge room a mess. I guess some want some advices in nice kind of life skills first but I have already written some 10 000 advices, so it just does not make sense anymore, I need a life of my own even if writing often continues.
My room today 15th of December 2023.
Estimating the number of my texts
The Christmas gnomes internet institute 1600 pieces of text, the rest of the blig, ibcluding Knitting tips, maybe 100 advices or more.
My Finnish healing blog has some 1000 entries with several additions, I do not know how many, so maybe 1800 advices
Translations seem to reflect the views of the translator, so my text about the four seasons is maybe 2 x 500 pieces of advice plus 200 instructions on getting warm.
Healthy ways of living 450 in Finnish and 160 in English
Changing job to a dream job 600 in Finnish and 50 in English
Videos, mostly text vudeos with some advice in learnibg skills, a 1 000 videos
Healing advices in English, maybe 100 or some 600 headers not so well translated
Solving environmental questions, some 250 advices or solutions in Finnish
Developing thinking skills, 100 advices to help the thinkibg course, plus a lobg blog
A 400 pages long collection book of paradise theory, maybe 1 000 pieces of text
I have about 100 blogs. Some of them have some 200 entries, mostly inclyding some piece of advice or vuew
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Dawn Ra
"Dog" is in Finnish "koira", which when one plays with all kinds of words, brings first the interpretation "dawn + Sun god". But having had dogs, the word seems to go in a different way: "kohti" = "toward", I like the long nose of the dog, and Ra, Sun god with the meaning aiming at being a true friend. The dog comes toward the ownef, trying to see what is in her/his mind, and then tries to be a good enough family member.
But I have heard that a dog is maybe a good choice for a child who seeks to live with wisdom of life according to positive feelings, and maybe like a man of the family was thought in a healthy sense in the lld times, also good for the society and the world.
Another explanation that I have heard is that if one wants to go for a walk, the weather, variation and nature are good for one's life and for one's wisdom of lufe too, and a dog makes frequent walks possible, is a good excuse for them.
A guess a dog's view to these associations maybe was "we can help in these fine things for example a child who ought to have wisdom, or some human similarly, but we are not the ones expressing them in the human world, we are not at that sphere, more like a handicraft expresses some wisdom of the one having done it instead of it being a thought, a dog's wisdom is more like points to take into account in one's way of life", "except that sometimes dogs and other animals associating with humans have kind of hobby like interests that grow wisdom in single areas of the world like for example an author learns to tell short expressed opinions about one's interests".
Pets are important as a connection with the nature and the wisdom of the wild nature, so in a sense pets are meant to be a dawn of that wisdom in one's life.
There are many kinds of dog breeds: make a search "dog breeds" at . To some suit other types of pets. All people do not want any pet, not even aquarium fishes.
The picture is from Savonlinna, but I am originally from Helsinki, lived four years in Espoo and had not lived so long in Savonlinna. I had a "rivitalo" one-storey row like apartment house apartment with an unusually large garden which was very nice, seemed a good idea. I read a gardening magazine "Viherpiha" and tried to learn from it. I also love gardening and farming, arts, motion, practical things to do, variation and the beauty and wisdom of nature. I also like flowers, considering their fragrant beauty somehow benefical for wisdom about wise sensitive atmospheric ways of doing and also good for feelings and having at least some flowers is in my opinion good for feeling well.
I have now lived in Leppävaara town area in Espoo at the capital district for over two and a half years.
17th of December 2023 The name of Alaska is problematic in Finnish language since "alas"means "Put it down!". And for me, because of my first name Kaisa, it has meant that I cannot associate with Alaska at all, since people connected with Alaska seem to attack me unendingly. But I did read Jack London's adventure book The Call of the Wild, and have always tried to learn wisdom of the wild nature, and I also thought the sledge dogs in that book to be of arctic spitz type which are considered wise in healthy natural ways of living. So I thought the book also being about growing in wisdom of life when met by obstacles and challenges like the weather, and not about fighting as separate from the need for wisdom of life and high skill level in objectivity, weather skills etc. But the people in Alaska do not seem to rise to that level at all. Instead they seem to sit kndoors a large part of the year and are not of good quality like school teaches. So even if in the book the place was Yukon "niemimaa", a large nose like form of a shore, which sounds like it coukd have been Alaska, that would have misled travellers too much, since humans rarely have wisdom of the nature, and humans staying largely indoors rarely have the wisdom of those whose climate allows them spending time outdoors with the nature too year around. I do not know what would be a good name for Alaska. I think it ought to be something that they presently can rise to, but having a too liw name isn't good either. So I guess that something around whst presently works well in Alaska and brings good lufe, high enough skills, tends to support civiliced values and would somehow mark where and what kinds of people they are and who suits there. But as said I do not know about Alaska. But having send links to my blog or books around the world, I have the impression that Anchorage in Alaska seems to work well, but of course it was jyst an imoression of a library there.
(If one thinks of the name Anchorage, an anchor seems ok and it seems ok to take in a good way into account how much time one spends indoors, and how much otherwise. But to anchor the coming ages to Alaska does not sound wise, if the people in Alaska aren't that wise by the present time standards. So one should check that the type and amount of influencies goes fairly and according to common sense.)
25th of February 2024 I saw today in the some separate pictures of kind of wooden hut like interiors, in a way nicely cared for and on the other hand I did not understand what it was about. One of them had a sofa or bed made from an old boat, and so I wondered could Alaska have so much sea theme. If one wondered was it maybe from Canada, it looked peaceful, but a thought of Alaska made it loose such shelteredness like skriik, so there clearly was some extra problem in Alaska. It looked as if it needed slme sturdy stone wall as a shrlter agsinst such, but the room in picture had very sturdy walls, so it seemed that on the south-western side there should be an extra sturdy stone wall piece or something sturdy like that, for example outside ghe hut, and that it ought to be much styrdier than in other directions, since it seemed at least partly a spiritual kind of shelter, but such appeared to cure the problem but I do not know of lufe in Alaska, I do not feel like fitting there myself at all.
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Hot air balloon flight video, Savonlinna
Hot air balloon flight video would have suited the Christmas gnomes skills text
14th of December 2023 I somehoe felt that Juha Mieto would be needed here. I did not watch the video fully. The text days that he skied with wood skis even after others had changed to plastic skis. That sounds essential.
I watched the video only halfway. It somehow came to my mind that I should add here something about Tulenkantajat, Flame bearers, or Fire catchers as it came to my mind so when watching the above video. Here is a link to Wikioedia
* * *
If one uses in one's studies or in one's job and at least in free time holistic objective thinking and an objective picture of the world. Then if one has in the free time a possibility to move in nature with a nature landscape around, one can see it objectively as trees of certain species so and so as if in a map with heighrs too, and also how the individual trees have branches, leaves, etc, structures like makes sense to pay attention to in physics, math etc. Then the multitude of nature offers a better understanding of possible structures, a more finely tuned observation capacity with stmospheres too i.e. understanding what those kinds of things mean to life, what kind of lufe they are made of. Likewise one learns thibgs lije fractured versus unufied hwalthy happu ginely tuned well functioning, simpke lije a straight line of pathway edge in sight versus the good understanding of pictorial thinking.
Uf one is only in a build environment without nature and kind of stressed one's observational abilitues get poorer, and so one lises wisdom of lufe and ways of doing deteriorate, get less wuse and borne to minir accidents. If one then on free time goes to a nature recreation path that is uneven to walk or ski on, one needs to look around and one needs to correct one's posture and way of moving all the time, to which the change from the strsight lines of the buikd environment to the vlmplex seen structures of nature that taste like life, gives support to learning sports skills and wisdom of life, healthy normal life skills that are basicalöy ages old but kind of only smaller amount of thrm reached if there is not an all natute envuronment to live in anymore.
With such better ways of moving one can via such a hobby learn comfortable nice well running motion in the nature, kind of singing according to the state of mind and the rythm of doing, etc. Then one can observe the atmospheres of the plants having often in some points such tuned well functioning atmospheres that may serve as advices to that kibd of life as seen ln the atmosphere of that branch of tgat plant or the like. Likewise one can learn from other people and animals moving there. But one must remember that weather skills for example are for many weathers of near by days, with ways of living always taking into account the need to live well the whole year. At least to me these have been momentary glimoses, kind of giving an enjoyable moment of moving and an idea of such ways of luving, but not been jyst my type and often seen only once, with each person, plant, animal etc having it's own infividual way of living the four seasons.
An angel song
An angel song is maybe a song sung watching a person that one maybe likes and who at least has healthy ways of living and a civiliced view to the world, a view that sings as one lives one's life according to it. Or then, like was the original idea, one's own lufe is such, and so it isjyst heard in one's vouce as one sings familuar liked songs. So it is of a fresh kind and good for the world in a civiliced way. And it is just a way of living and studied knowledge, plus wishing well in the world.
One gets extra highness in a singing way to one's voice if one has such wisdom of life that when one wishes well for many and for the world at largd, that wisdom of lufe would maje lives better. Often it is jyst sensitivity, civiliced wisdom, a likibg to folliw feelings in a healthy way and an undersranding what is healthily wise in the world.
"Harmonical choir with beautiful, touching sound
Sing according to your idea of how the song is music, fine, magnifient, touches feelings, beautifl. And not according to the notes, keep your idea of the music at the place where notes used to be. And listen to how the voices of others together with your voice reach for your music ideal and theirs, in h natural harmony of ideals."
Nisse-polkka, a Finnish Christmas song, I do not know from where it is originally, it tells of the running, fuss etc that happens in the story when forest's animals come to eat Christmas porridge. Here it is sung by a children's choir. I remember having heard it when I was a child and had thought of the name Tervola, which my relatives on my mother's side had had earlier, but then I heard it in the radio or on a tape sung by some other Hannele Tervola, not me, and that too was a nice song.
El amor by Julio Iglesias has in the beginning fine bird song, I did not find the dia pictures like video of it about different types of love, which I saw years ago. The views & ways of living of Latinos do not seem to sing. Instead they seem to sing beautifully by watching the younger generatiln's or foreign countries' school educated young people's way of lufe as parts of the civiluced society.
Diego Maradona neither does not seem to have so rich singing experience of life and a way of moving getting increased skills from such, but maybe it is a climate difference.
Well functioning sings. Person from the tropics tends to stay unmoved like a sack, making only a kkraahh like sound. Yet they claim it to be good life. For it to be good life one pught to listen to one's sensations & feelings, of which part of life ought to go which way, in which rythm and atmosphere, I guess like a poem or like a view of the culture that one luves by. Runeberg's poems in Swedish seem to search for such singing well working sides of life, which kind of leaves teenagers with a personal wisdom of how life works out well in each respects, but as such it does not generalize to thoughts of the society, since all do not work well and enjoyably in the same tjings and besides the wording is often wrong, jyst an inspiration of the moments instead of right words from a basic objectkve vuewpoint without describing much more. So the ordinary civiliced values and rules of behaviour in the society and in the world stay valid, for example in each practical course or occasion aim at being fair toward all individuals and groups.
22nd of November 2024 A new blog
For a singing experience of life in the tropics too, see my blog , especially the texts Weathers lije wines, Weather skills for all climates and maybe Dwenda.
An angel like deed or good to have in the world
Many who take as a hobby to try to be angel like, end up being very evil. The Finnish view on angels supposes that angels should be primarily moral when taking all into account. So since a deed of an angel is typically a deed pringing great relief to another or to a group, i.e. a deed made by following greater wisdom of life, it is then enough for an angel to be in addition fit to the society and to tge world by tge ordinary criterios, i.e. follow civiliced wisdom, civiliced values and healthy wisdom of life with good enough quality all the time in everything. So one ought to aim st being fair toward others instead of trying to dominate because of some supposed angel likedness.
The easiest ways to this might be "Live and let others live!" F60. and the "Easy quick school for animals" E11. in my Christmas gnones skills text. See .
In the text about Gurdian angels, I noticed that one can in some cases see many people as having kind of spiritually as a possibility occasionally angel's wings. But it seems that the colour of the wings is not constant: if I am at a window thinking of going outdoors in a minute or two, it is as if I had big white wings that reach above my head and shelter others with my wisdom of life, but if I then think of instead staying indoors and trying to make life indoors nice, it is as if I had much smaller dark greyish brown or dark greyish green wings folded in my back, as if dusty and dim, like in some pictures of dragons. And if I do not experiment with such, there is no impression of wings at all.
Sewing clothes
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Links to my texts about Christmas preparations
Christmas preparations
Christmas bakery, advices for more unusual forms of the stars etc, see a31. at
In the same text a link to advices about Finnish Christmas foods, see a13.
* * *
The beginning of my long text about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life. These advices are for a "tonttu" like life, so also for Christmas elves around tge world.
Some might want knitting tips
Monday, December 11, 2023
Doing chores or wisdom of life
It may be that the characteristics (also physical) of women and men, are results of all the time being about to do chores (men) to make the living environment and the wide world good to live in, or caring for wisdom of life (women) in one's own life, in tge living environment and in the society & the world. Both ought to care for both kinds of goals and have lots of experience of them in practical life, for this to work out in practice.
Does this explain what women and men are like, and why they have the rights and tasks they have? One ought to remember that there is lots of variation between individuals!
( about changing gender, see )
Thursday, December 7, 2023
How would a "Declaration of summer peace" work?
In Finland there is a long tradition that on the Christmas Eve at noon (GMT +2hours) Turku in Finland declares Christmas Peace. That is a nice tradition, but is more like local, kind of not-so-explained part of Finnish culture, especially since familues do not always get along together. But family life and peaceful relations are helped by the Finnish rule "Live and let others live!", see F60. And Finland as a border nation of a big nation has a his tory of investing also in learning affecting things via peaceful negotation tactics that are fair toward all in the world, also toward smaller one or different kinds of individuals or groups, since the civiliced view with civiliced values alliws such in objective thinking with healthy wisdom of life and common sense.
But December is the first winter month in southern Finland, so such restricts telling foreigners of this tradition. So in some places in Finland there has been tried a declaration of summer peace as a summer time happening. To such could foreigners travel to, but it hasn't worked out so well, more like brought some crimes. It is a problem of law upkeeping that if you ask professionals, they have associated a lot with problems, while ordinary holiday fun in well kept places is usually just fun, without need to extra police etc. In a good mood one gets well along if the others or one oneself does not disturb such possibilities to good life of others either. So my text about Christmas gnome like life could bring peaceful happy life, if it is ok for the environment too, like if one has shared values, skill level aimed at, etc. So the basic advice for a Christmas gnome like life seem good: a dream job and moving to live in a town that one likes, likes it's major attractions, liked professions, climate, culture& values, location, etc.
Please read :
If one wants peace for oneself, it is not a wuestion of a declaration. A declaration is made from the sake of a nice tradition and for making people to observe that this is an unusual situation and considered important in the society and in the world at large, and it works because most are motivated to trying celebration Christmas according to the liked traditions, and it lasts typically just two days of the actual Christmas time and the third day is marked clesrly too much for anyone to bear, so people can go to town to hobbies etc.
Peace is like a moment of rest: some want a lot of it and some want some peace for their work, but trying to order more makes ordinary life suffer and so people do not like it and so it often does not bring peace. In the long run it is also good to keep one's eyes open, to safeguard the kibd of life that one likes and that fits the district.
So summer is for holiday, for a flourishing season. Autumn encourages one to invest in the wisdom of the old and in healthy ways of living. Winter needs well running life made possible by investing on the wisdom that makes society work well. Spring encourages one to use well for better life and for more possibilities to choose where one goes, the increasing possibilitues for life.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
A new fine town stream for fishes in Imatra
See the news article with videos
As far as I know the name Imatra does not mean anything, it just has an association to math and to sun gods. If you are interested in work in engineering or in some other work where work efficiency matters, you could be interested in my blog : how natural ages old life and more free time according to it increase work efficiency a lot.
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
My books, booklets and ebooks for sale
Most of my books and booklets and theur ebook versions are for sale at . The texts ought to be the same as in my blogs, but blogs do not stay in the long run. Many of my blog texts have been altered by others or replaced by something else, even some of my most wanted texts have been altered so that the original good quality has been lost. So the info just does not stay in the long run if no-one stores it in book for or as a safety copy of some library or university or I do not know where. So my work just gets list, since it is all my own thoughts that I wrote to the internet so that such solutions and skills would be available in the world. As far as I know, almost no-ne except me myself has bought any of my books or booklets. The sales rankings on my books pages do not tell of copies sold, instead they tell how many books sold more copies in the same wide classification. For example . So if you do not buy any of my books, my lifetime's work will just be lost from the human kind.
Pets add to life
A video: Pet interview of Christmas
I have not watched the other videos on this video channel. I just saw this one about Christmas.
Find The Land Of Christmas
" You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...

See " Start a career as a Christmas gnome! Study for ...
(13th of November 2024 This text is not at all as good as my texts about skills for a Christmas gnome like life, see LearnTalents.BlogSpot...
" You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...