Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)
Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love (loving one's way of life)
The whole blog
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L1. I saw a picture of a flourishing flower twinding it's way along a fence, a beautiful fragile refreshing sight of some time hundreds of years ago. Then came those who wanted to copy it but did not have skills, they said that you must bend the flower force it to grow this wsy and that way, but such does not have beneficial effect at all, instead it is very harmful to the viewer's life. Plants grow toward light like humans search for better life, fullfilling their natural goals in life in a natural way. So a human can learn good life from a freely grown plant but not from an artificially arranged replica. This is why an apple tree is not a good choice but ordinary trees are.
L2. When I was a young adult at the capital and took part in the nature protection oriented Green movement, they thought that anyone with enough motivation could become a parlament representative. But with more age and experience i would say that it isn't so. Politics too is a job, one needs to be well suited to such a job for it to work out all right, for example taking part in negotiations, speaking to people with very different views, reading a lot, being in publicity, etc, which is just some human type, while Greens mostly would like a walk in the forest, maybe get their views heard by writing a short piece every once in a while, talking with like-minded, getting rid of engineering studies etc. I think it makes young people at loss about their future if such differencies between professions are bypassed.
L3. 900th entry if i counted right Likewise there does not seem to be such a profession as singing. I once counted what i could earn by composing if i were successful and it was about 10 euros per year while the starting fee was over 100 euros. So since for a singer and a band there are travel costs and costs of living, it appears that one rarely can earn a living by music, except by teaching music or selling instruments in a good quality way. As younger that the best singers get to sing in concerts and on CDs. But later i have lasrned that there is a demand for different kinds of singers, each group wanting their own type of person or their own type of wisdom of life as a singer. So the questionnis do you have such groups which like you as a singer, and not who is the best on some fixed scale.
L4. 24th of April 2022 I have wondered a lot why i have no life left except writing this Christmas gnome skills text. For writing the text it would be good that i would have a well running life along roughly the same lines but also that has been stopped, i do not know why or how. So is it that i should offer gnome like life also for the readers?
Generally it isn't easy to start an all time consuming thing aruptly. Instead one should have a hobby first, maybe try for 5min to get an idea of the thing's nature then later maybe forget to change to something else while bladdring a text and eating a sandwich and so maybe sometime a half an hour passes. So one can have such a hobby in one's life, and if one likes it then learn to do things in Christmas gnome like ways, so that a little by little one has nice ways of doing and nice choices in many things in one's life. Home chores, hobbies and nature would be natural starting poibts for most in a Christmas gnome like life. A dream job, or preferably several dream jobs, kind of your human type, is important too.
L5. In fact, to start a gnome like life you should go outdoors to where there is nature and weather, but that is a very climate dependent thing and how you can wander depends on the place and culture. Dress according to the weather, wear shoes that are good to wander in, take care thst you have eaten and drunk water and gone to the toilet before you go out.
L7. 26th of April 2022 I do not know if this depends on the person or culture, but my impression is that doing handiworks that one likes creates one social room to live in, at least for a few days but maybe for months, but it has to be real handicraft type of handiworks and much liked, often admiring the materials and that chances that they bring and admiring handicraft skills.
L8. One way to gain more room is that one every once in a while oneself cooks good food.
L9. As far as i know, one can get a dog to behave well and be nicely along in the daily life, if one talks to it like to an animal friend about one's values in the daily life, why to value just such life. As far as i know people often have not managed to choose the kind of life they like and value, so if one wants to get along the same way with humans, a more distant approach like telling about people with such values according to a newspaper article or the like, is needed.
L10. Since i am somehow stuck to doing nothing, also my thinking ability is poorer. I have written about how free time according to likings around healthy natural ages old ways of living makes one's working ability better, see my book Hard rationality of feelings at .
L11. Remember that this is just a free blog, it isn't a task to which i would have been chosen at the expense of others wanting to write about a similar subject. As far as i understand, you can write about Christmas gnomes if you start a blog at . ( In this blog there is an advice about blogging at F30. ) These are my own thoughts, i have always been an excellent objective thinker with wisdom of life too. And i am already 50 years old and many of my other blogs back up this Christmas gnomes skills text.
L12. 27th of April 2022 Music too one can make for free, either make videos to or write music that one has composed or arranged and put the note to a free blog or homepage. It is rare that someone could earn by making music. It would demand a performance loved by very many. But are your songs liked so very much? I would have liked to become a professional singer who also dances. But people are not interested in me singing. When i over 12 years ago somehow came to sing familiar songs and put them on , most songs begun by me singing but very soon listeners got tired of me and there came voices of people and animals i know, some others too, singing the same song just somehow when not in the mood for singing, and listeners valued them more and never returned to me singing. At first i thought it sabotage but now that i have written a lot i guess that publicity just has some such spiritual side, some things are just asked for, not always the best but there is the demand for them, while others are left without such publicity.
L13. As a child i learned a lot almost completely on my own about the professions that i aimed at, the first was an emperor and the second a singer-songmaker. I did not learn exactly the professional skills of those but instead all kinds of skills that would have been good to know and for which my environment gave concentration into. The trick was that choose the versions of a job that is along all the wisdom that you have heard, of which you have some glimpse, and then the pieces of wisdom will support each other and life will run well along those lines, an ordinary life suited for many so that it is ok also in publicity.
L14. 28th of April 2022 The symbolic colours of clothes affect a lot. Red refers to life according to positive feelings and is also the colour of Christmas. Also the shades of colours may bear symbolic meanings, for example pink (neon coloured mixture of red with white, in other words a shade between them) refers to sex and lila to religiousness, orange to active life with sports and senses open, or as not so bright shade to Buddhism. One's favourite symbolic colours are often a good choise.
L15. If you run too much to this gnome skills text, notice that it is just a blog, so there ought not be any reason to read it if one does not want to read it and like it. So pay caregully attention to those who recommend it : are they somehow forcing you, are they adding views which make it compulsory in your lufe circumstacies, then complain to them. If it is on some internet newsletter or the like, is that surely the right newsletter for you and is there a demand for this kind of texts among the readers, then maybe the journalust is just answering ghe demand and you ought to profile yourself better.
L16. I wonder if this old melody of mine could help in bringing peace and building a nation.
L17. For recovering from an illness or a wound it is good if one religiously beautifully wishes well for the world since then the world wishes well in return and you recover quickly. But this is just my impression, i have no experience of medical professions or the like, not interested in them, instead interested in nature sports and religions etc.
L18. 29th of April 2022 If one has done some voluntary labour for the common good and is needed but exhausted, i guess it helps to wish well in the world at large but to scale down the work amount to much smaller what one can well bear and have some free time too with motivating refreshing healthy kind of things to do.
L19. I put a link to this Christmas gnome skills text as a comment to some videos of anthems, even European Union anthem, United Nations anthem, Vatican anthem and anthems of the world, and that seemed to be ok, peaceful. But when i put the link as a comment to videos of flags of the world, that seemed to be where this text has been longed for so that it has been the reason for me writing and spreading the link, and so now is just peaceful and satisfied.
L20. There has now been 411 entries in this Christmas gnome skills text after my poodle Banjo died, i.e. without pets. And 484 entries in Espoo. Total 917 entries, of which the first 433 entries in Savonlinna. But one cannot so well compare these times since the beginning is so long that it has almost all i could think of writing. And this year i have felt sorrow because of an impression of nuclear wars and of children having died, and not only because i lost my pets, and that sorrow too has been longer because i have been sleepy. Formerly i just continued my life if i lost someone, since i was quick to adapt and did not have the habit of keeping company, which i did to support my poodle after the loss of my Japanese spitz.
L21. If the room is so light that green plants flourish near the center of the room, it creates a pleasant atmosphere if you like such.
L22. I do not know whether one can learn how to live in a society if one goes to school at adult age or just reads the school books as an adult, since then that isn't one's whole picture of the world, everything observed with quality, but i guess that one important part is to learn to avoid thinking errors. I guess that one can learn a new culture to which one wants to belong, by reading a book of some who had such a culture as an interest, as a hobby and changed to it's ways.
L23. My impression of humanoid robots is that there was a human according to whom the robot has been made and in a way the human continues life as a robot. The human was forced to downshift one's life a lot, so that finally she/he noticed thst she/he could as well live as a robot. A humanoid robot has kind of the shape of each thing done well, kind of classified the things like this thing done this way and then that, but the view is that of a robot, and it is very basic life and if the humanoid robot does not survive tasks it too will die.
A car that drives by itself could be very objective, which leads one to think that driving a car oneself without a navigator is what humans too need to rise to their full potential.
L24. 30th of April 2022, Eve of 1st of May That there is 3 of something brings as association religion, so people have come to think of that things could be complex and beautifully, which is a different situation from there being 4 of them and an engineering association of people building artificial non-living things in a kind of square way, quite stupid in the questions of life, and divided in half in the middle so that one cannot emphatize with it via one's body without feeling a danger of getting hurt or unconfortably squeezed. 3 on the other hand divides things to three parts: a center that is left feactureless and sides balancedly which is good for life. It is also a natural way to look at things in time : the beginning, the flourishing season and the end.
L25. I do not know, but is it so that if a child is sexual with some type of people, he/she ought to live with one's own skills but aim somewhat at their ways and values, so that if one so learns, it is a choise of what kind of human to be.
L26. In Savonlinna there was via the medieval Olavinlinna castle and the town's name a liking of many of the licals for the castle theme, for what is good in it, like for example fine views out of the window or balcony, nsture around with something skilled and stylish build too, and this united with handicrafts, natural materials, comfortable living, living the weathers, etc, so that there was a such style, such liking in homes etc too. And so if it is ok from the point of view of the lical culture and viviluced ciews one can take some theme that one likes or some good side and have it along, even quite central in how one arranges home, for example get room for orfinary muvh liked hobbies this way, and then it is just how yoyr family luves, what kind of home you have, what is it good for, how is it pleadant and easy to take care of.
L27. Typically houses and other town views look magnifient when looked together with the trees in front of them, but if there is no trees near them they look like nothing special, not so good for living. But one can observe the views in several ways, not all magnifient. So looking in a beautiful wsy is a skill which makes life much more comfortable.
L28. About how to learn to arrange your home this way or that way. One learns from experience, so one should mark in one's memory goal like things like nice to have this spatious, good to have the small table so near here, this wood looks good but that surface isn't, here is a good light, the view is best from here, it is comfortable to sit st autumn like this but one would long for also..., etc. And then just try what feels good, arrange for example first some part of the room of which you have insight how it woukd be good. Choose moments if good mood and healthy energy for arranging your home.
L29. 1st of May Yesterdar when most Finnish students celebrated the Eve of 1st of May, I had stomach ache and realised that many of the students have such too. If i remember right i usually haven't had stomach ache, especially not as strong as tge students. I think the difference is that lne shoukd think of spring, of young leaves, flowers, sunshine, May and nearing summer, especially birdsong and admiring the awakening nature. And not whether to celebrate, or having sex when people are not at their best, not students but instead nature! And estimating with skill how to eat or notvto eat or drink. People maybe also need some advices for better 1st of May. One should be as if drunk from spring, but such happened more when snow wss melting. To be drunken from alcohol is somehow to miss the point in celebrating spring. Mustarastas blackbird sings of how to be drunk from spring, so one can learn by listening to it, but real time and same place, not kn tape.
L30. One is kind of stuck and not happy, not refreshed if one just fullfills some job for which there is a demand. If one would just live one's lufe accordibg to civiliced wisdom and healthy ways of living, one would be refreshed and happy ss if with new beginnings and as a byproduct one could do the same job but better and with more benefical effect on others and in the world.
L31. 3rd of May 2022 There are places in Finland and I guess that in many other countries too where people live a gnome like life. In Finland it is mainly in Lappland, for example in Rovaniemi where there is also the Santa Claus Village. Also some more countryside towns are somewhat gnome like in
their ways of living, i guess that especially in Central Europe, but as far as i understand it may be so on other continents too. But i do not know about the safety of those places.
L32. I do not know how much it explains this text, but kind of dark hair colour connects with seen others as fighting, while light hair colour connects with seeibg others as civilucedly behaving for example because one is somewhat soldier like and the others behave according to education. My hair colour is kind of sand brown with light shinibg through, which i guess connects with valuing summer cottage life, but it soon gsthers oil and turns dsrker which i guess connects with my not so healthy ways of living nowadays.

L33. I read about ghosts since i thought that maybe my problem is masses of ghosts, but i did not learn much. But there was one dtory of a ghost hundreds of years ago which had come to somebody's room at night with a strange light around and touched a blanket and at morning there had been a burned trace of a hand there. It brought to my mind how some young people who have learned in a good way at school are kibd of with a lighter more sovereign view to life, active and sporty, good willing and with civiliced wisdom. And that is in contrast with a person whose ways of luvibg and what kinds of values she/he grasps make death nearer, as if a dark cloud had come. So if the world is of spirit can we choose what our lufe becomes like by choosibg what kibds of persons and subjects we associate with, also choosing by the criterion of lightness.

L34. I am white skinned, a Finn i.e. from northern Europe. But i think that skin colour connects to factors influencing health, especially the shades of skin color, for example lively or dull and natural or artificial ways of thinking, nauseating or healthy. But some say that dark skin is caused by doing masses of murders so that it is outside the pictures of the world of most, and so it seems to be somewhere in thar direction when one ages and gets more experience of life. But as a child i learned that skin colour is a result of how much sunlight one gets and how much did one's forefathers get.
L35. 4th of May 2022 There was in the news about hunch back lax in Lappland, which looks as if it might be connected with Santa Claus, but of which they think it is unnaturaö for the area, so they plan to kill them. I do not know, but maybe it is old laxes which look like that.
L36. To the question who is left most in peace, the usual answer is that an average person is left most in peace, a person liking the mainstream of things in the society and needing just it in it's basic form. If a group in the society has arranged something, then supporters and beginner like persons are left in peace, and people who like the basic things that the group arranges. Often kn a society a foreigner or a quite stupid person or an occasional visitor is for a longer time like a beginner, liking what the society arranges and using a view that benegits from the basic perspective via which the things are arranged.
Another factor influencing do you get along is moral kind of thing : do not cause needless harm and if you promise some benefit, for example claim to be a skilled and moral person, keep that promise.
Third is are you much liked, and when you have noticed that do you still behave in nice ways and at least ok.
L37. If one needs to stay mostly at home but would have liked to go out more, shops' products sre what help a lot. If one wants to have pleasant time at home, one ought to choose products that have in their colour or style also a dream of comfortable life at home. It also helps if you have fine things as a subject of attention, like on a celebration day, so if you admire poems read a fine poem, or play some fine songs, read a good quality newspaper article to think about or take a look at a drawing guidebook to learn something about painting. If one wants to go out more, one needs to pay attention to which chains of shops one uses for that purpose, and also remember from one's younger years which areas of lufe, skill levels, values, groups of people, wisdom of lufe, etc seem to bring well working outdoor lufe etc.
L38. Some areas of life are more peaceful and wise than others, wspecially reading good quality books and learning to paint. But those work only as serious matters, but can calm down a tendency to social conflicts.
L39. Comfortable at home but nit so tidy has been to do things in one's own ways or on some other good ways which give forces and let one relax and luve like feels good for oneself and for the things at hand, for others too. If there is some dominant unwise social influences, take the worst examples of it away, and if it still disturbs, leave things like they sre after well workibg use or put away. If you have a bad day, do not tidy somuch, since arranging the room demands more wisdom. If the situation continues, tidy at a good moment, one part of the apartment st a time, taking things with poor spirit away and leaving mainly untouched things with good spirit which create homelikedness. Or so i have done during the last year that i have been mostly sleepy.
L40. 5th of May 2022 Sewing tips I made in Savlnlinna
Three types of skirts, sew without formulae,according to your wishesOne can easily sew a symmetrical basic skirt without any formulae, if one has the fabric and inspiration for such skirt. One needs to look at the fabric, feel what it is like and how it hangs, to know what kind of skirt would be nice from it and which season of the year it would fit. If one compares to an oldskirt of one's own, one knows better and surer, how wide, how long and what type of skirt would be nice from the fabric.
One needs heigh from the weist to the lower edge of the skirt plus on the top a tunnel for a plastic band and the small part of the lower edge that gets folded. The width needs to be how much width there is needed at the lowest part, so that often means making the skirt from more than one part.
One can cut the pieces of the skirt with curved edge, to which one gets the curve when one knows how much wider the skirt is at the bottom than at the top of it, i.e. in which angle the skirt widens when one goies downwards, since the curve ought to be in every place in a straight 90 degrees angle toward the vertical direction, which of course torns when you go sideways.On the other hand height stays the same all the time. Then just sew the sides together.
Or then one can sew a tunnel from rectangles and make with even spaces in between folds to it to give it its' form. If one wants the skirt widen straight when one goies doiwnwards, the folds are straight i.e. truiangles. Otherwise one makes the form of the skirt to them in what comes to how much the skirt widen at each place when going downwards. One can make all folds of the same size, or every second or ever third bigger one. At the top the width ought to be that of the widest part at the bottom of the torso, since the skirt has to go over that, and at the bottom the width of the bottom of the skirt. The part under the folds hangs straight. One needs atleast six folds.
Or the if one has a kind of plastic thin fabric that gets easily squeezed, one can sew a tunnel of it and at the top of it between two sewing lines a small tunnel to a plastic band which squeezes trhe upper edge to a narrower evenly and so gives the skirt it's form.
Then sew a small tunnel to the top enge and a plastic band to it at the same time already. And make the bbottom edge nice, i.e. fold a little bit nicely and sew. The excat height of the weiat should be chosen so that the bottom edge comes to a nice height, i.e. the height is easier to shorten from the weist.
Especially improitant os to look in from of the mirror or by grasping the fabric lightly to one's hand how the fabric hangs, since different fabrics hang in different ways and different figure sin them, colours and materials like different amount of waves. Likewise the season of the year, type of skirt and the social impression you wish for or other style like thing affect a lot to what kind of skirt would be nice. Let the fabric be loosely and change glidingly the amount of it's waves, width etc. And when passing by somepoint that seemed nice, fect it again, and memorize what it is like in style. Then try to make similar amount of waves all the way and estimate the width needed from them and other points like that.
If at some point the style goes poor, keeo a pause, ventilate the room, maybe ear something and start again with a fresh mind with your dreams guiding you.
In Savonlinna, which is quite much geandparents's home oriented place, the town's ways considered skilled handicrafts a part of how the ways of living there were oriented. I wonder if religion could offer such shelter here, but it is so that the placd matters too.
L41. In the countryside many are fat ( because of having eaten to ease miseries ) or with too little food, since life there does not offer what it promises. It is as if many would like to live there, but on the other hand things get ruined because some do not like such life in it's basic civiliced form at all but instead make murders which ruin the basic good sides of life there. Those who don't like it at all are adult children of the people who live there and foreigners who somehow ended up in an entirely wrong kind of place. For them it would matter to move to live in a place whose main attractions and culture they like a lot, and to not to come back even for a visit.
L42. It aren't so wise to keep company to all the world since many places have things poorly and just they want to keep company, and anyway climate differencies and differencies in values and skills cause that the influencies one gets by keeping company offer very low quality life. Much better to keep company, admire, receive influencies only from the best places and persons in the world. What is best may depend on the person, place and culture, and ought to be estimated in practice, choosing from several options by their effects in practice: what your life becomes like if you receive such influencies. Often the best places are the ssme climate's places with similar values and skills plus civiliced wisdom and healthy ways of living.
L44. About me : was good at school, objective thinking ability excellent, responsible character, had healthy ways of living and understood about such things, her feelings and her rationality seem to work well together, loves the nature, is from an academical background at the capital, music & arts, hobbies etc, interested in practical life
L45. I have the impression that this text has readers at least from China, Africa and Great Britain. And the Japanese maybe have read it. I did not think of such countries but i did think of single individuals with roughly such environment. But on the whole I have the impression that in many countries some have been reading this Christmss gnomes skills text, for example in India and in USA, but in smaller countries too for example in Asia.
L46. In wandering where there is nature, admiring the beauty of trees and views and of birdsong, undergrowth, buzzling insects and the miljo with nature increasing the charm of the houses and roads too, one can learn to recognize plant species by reading a book with their pictures and descriptions, each plant species having it's individual chsrming atmosphere, sn atmosphere of the place, and similarly with the help of listenibg a CD of birdsongs at home learn to recognize the songs of the different species of birds. So one can wander following the charm of the place, and admire the wisdom of nature in how it grows and lives and what one can learn from it's atmosphere tones. So there is a charm of a place and it changes to a new charming kind of place etc as one wanders in peace, just only the time one is fascinated by the nature, it's besuty.
L47. 7th of May 2022 It is good for thinking if one in nature uses a landscape like view which observes structures, together with zooming like an insect's view. Then the undergrowth feels more concretical and beautiful instead of just some bush.
L48. A quietened mind from admiring the beauty of nature is good for one's emotional life, for learning wisdom about feelings. It somehow lifts one's wisdom. For example a moment of birdsong or a short walk in rain.
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L49. This lobg blog text with links about the skills of Christmas gnomes seems to be over. It ended in a tranquil beauty much like what it begun from. One cannot rise higher than the wisdom of nature, so there seems to be nothing mire i could say. Besides the text is so ling already that i cannot figure out any new subjects, much less such thst would rise it's level from here.
A gnome is said to luve hundreds of years, instead of dying it rises ever to new beginnings and well running happy lufe!
L50. This blog text has been written thinking of the whole world as readers, but not especially my homecountry. Thinking if all climates and mant cultures, yet presupposing at least school pupils' level of thinking skills & other skills, sometimes even much higher level of skills and experience.
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