Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Of Female Warriors


(19.2.2024   Mysocial space to live in does not carry this subject, it just interests others with more social inclination. I ought to stop writing but feel forced to it. The reason seems to me having figured out easy ways to study kind of school taught things. But you should read my numerous earlier texts and not demand anything more from me.) 

 One common misconception is about female warriors. If one says that one does everything nicely and with wisdom, it often happens that one just lies. That means that what one does doesn't have the strenght of wisdom backing it up. So one soln feels wulnerable in ghe world. And so one starts investing in more murderous things like knives, poison, unfair behavious, traps, murders, acted friendliness, acted love, etc, which make one feel more squeezed and so one feels a need for murders, a need for a change of power in the society. Some call such female warriors, but I think that there are some misunderstandings in that. 

The name of this song is something like a song for making cats healthy in spirit (This video is briskly moving because the climates of the four seasons demand such ways of moving. If you are from a climate where good ways of moving are different, you cannot copy detailedly from the video. Instead it is jyst a glimpse of a foreign culture and climate.) 

In basic action one ought to observe a lot with the senses and have a landscape like wise view of the world and of the situation, with also civiliced values taken fully into account. If one isn't wise or experienced, the way of doing may be guided by a flat theory perspective piece of advice. So to gain healthy kind of wisdom, one should open one's senses while moving, and also one's sense of atmospheres, so that lne notices how one ought to be tuned for the action to work kn healthy natural ways. Being tuned so opens one's ability to observe things at hand with the sense of atmospheres in one's picture of the situation and picture of the world, with common sense backibg them up. That ought to make one understand more, which when backed up by civiluced wisdom snd moral in yhe world, would give a wise healthy kibd of view of lufe and of the world. 

A female warrior ought to be strong and with wisdom of life about feelings. Wisdom of life is usually born when one is free enough, which typically means that one is not interested in restricting one's life to small circles, but instead aims at investing in civiliced wisdom. 

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Quotations from my texts, with the theme women gaining well deserved position. Obs! These are my own advices. These cannot replace civiliced wisdom! 


You might be interested in reading this whole blog. 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Some news links, & songs about the Four Seasons

 These are from the Yle news

See the video at the end of the article: when one has so little and so much money that one concentrates into the area of life at hand and into choosing well, paying attention to how the name, style, symbolic colours,intended types of users etc affect what extra features the product has, for which price class it offers help for life, what it is like at large and in which way it is meant to be used, and from which country is it from, do they have some skills or values to back it up, does such culture fit well together with your own ways snd values? If you give the product time, maybe dream about it, and treat it well, valuing the wisdom in it's style, do you get a good idea of that product, can you understand better the messages in products' styles etc, do you know whom they are meant for, etc, and can you so learn to find very good products suited to your price level? The man on the video says he has thousands of dept, so he isn't a so good forefigure. https://yle.fi/a/74-20056082

A news video of a document of lufe on an island, near the town Kotka ("kotka" = "eagle"), the new shopkeepers intefviewed, also ghe old shopkeeper. They seem to like such island life.  https://yle.fi/a/74-20057302

August evening in Kotka


Winter night outdoors with snow, fire in a fireplace and nature around

Song for the early spring winter

Spring when there is already green grass

Late May at the beginning of summer 

A song about Midsummer Eve evening


Friday, October 27, 2023

Miracle healing advices and about giving birth

 Miracle healing advices: 

"A healing role" by Tervola at the Amazon internet bookshops, for example at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola 

Or the blog curingguesses.blogspot.com where my own translations in thr first posts, later other healing texts of mine and the latest Google's or internet browser's translations from

The Finnish original parantamisesta.blogspot.com to which there has been for two years the address www.parantaminen.info 

These are healing by pieces of healthy natural ways of living and wisdom of life according to feelings. So it is enough that you read a short piece from the index or maybe that entry's texts found by the number, but most texts lack ok translations. Instead there is sabotage. So just read the index (one ok English translation at https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2023/05/google-translation-of-old-finnish-index.html and some version in the book or e-book (which ought to have an immediate download) Healing 2. www.amazon.com/author/khtervola and you can try your own browser's translation of the Finnish original's indexes which can be found at parantamisesta.blogspot.com ) and it ought to heal in a few minutes after reading and understanding. There are no treaments needed for that. The idea is that the ill person could read oneself and get so healed. Read first some entries with their healing advices, so that you try to understand via your experience of life what such things cause both mentally, physically, in feelings and situations of life : could such relieve or milden something somewhat like that illness? So you also see how the names of the illnesses eyc are chosen in the index, so you can better find the right entries to resd. In the texts the later additilns are typically new cures to the same illness or to similar, or similar cures to other illnesses. I thought that someone helping ghe ill one could search for the right pieces of text if such happens to be too laborous, but in any case it would be good to get some idea of these healing methods. 


7.11.2023  A booklet in Finnish "Synnytys, äiti ja vauva terveet ja onnelliset" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CLL26CN9?ref_=ast_author_dp

If one wanrs to translate it, it is the task of many people, one foe each cultural area or something like that, and the translation would be a work of the translator instead of mine, so they also have their name on it and can dell it and keep the money they so earn, or so I understood. 

Kirjasena postissa, huom etsi Amazon-nettikirjakauppa lähempää, esim amazon.fr 


9.11.2023   " E-vihkosen voi kai nyt ladata osoitteesta https://www.angelfire.com/planet/paradisewins/Synnytys.docx ilmaiseksi. Mutta vihkosen myyntisivun teksti siitä puuttuu ja  vihkosen myytävän paperiversion kannen kuva olisi hyvä olemassa, kun haluaa opettaa vauvaa huolehtimaan itse synnytyksen, ainakin osin. Eivätkö vaikka isovanhemmat voisi kustantaa teille tuon vihkoseni?


Tavallisista kirjakaupoista voi kai tilata Amazon-verkkokirjakauppojen kirjoja. Kirjakauppa laskee niille hinnan, ja kenties innostuu ostamaan niitä useampia, jos kirja on hyvä ja kysyntää on. 


10th of November 2023   "Giving birth, mother and newborn baby healthy and happy" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola


I tried writing the central points in English, see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2024/01/advices-about-giving-birth.html


You could try translating (for example translate.google.fi ) from Finnish to English the following pages :





The following is the best of my advices about giving birth. The first link's version is my own translation of the first advuce, which though seems on the spiritual side marked as too quick, one does not almost notice it, it does not give a feeling of having given birth, it is more like a miracle healing advice only. 


The next text ought to have first the Finnish originals of the same pieces of advices and after them later advices about opening the birth channel, which seems to have given happy healthy mother and a baby and felt like giving birth. 


About tge possibility of the baby learning to tace care of giving birth and being born.


Afterwards (if there is bleeding or some other need of adapting to chikd having born) 




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There are about a thousand entries in my blog parantamisesta.blogspot.com and some entries have a few additilnal healing advices, so in practice there are well over a thousand healkng advices in the blog, miracle like healing advices that is. In the books where the blog is as printed there are some 1450 pages. There exists an ok dictionary like translation of tge index, so one can get some idea of what kinds of healing advices these are. But otherwise the translation is a big problem. In additiln to the translating from Finnish to other languages, there are the cultural and climate differencies in ways of living, values, undersranding, ways of communicating, living environment, etc. And a surprising major influencing factor is that all places do not want healing advices, since they do not have healing as a value, as a goal in the society. So one ought to translate for cultural areas that want healing advices. And in any case, like in school's individual practise translations, the end result of the translation reflects the views, values, ways of living, skills and knowledge of the translator, so he/she is the Author of the end result and has the copyright for it and so can also sell the texts and keep the money, while the original Finnish text is just one of the sources. 

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Blog Women's skills taught for men https://womensskills.blogspot.com

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15th of November 2023   If you need immediate miracle healing advice, try this: 

C3.   26th of September 2023  

 "Miracle healing advice for first aid plus later 

 Wish well for the world at large so that your effect in the world is positive and beautiful. Pay attention to the landscape around, especially trees and the weathers of the season, how they make more alive and spiritually sensitive in return. With the help of this effect on your body and mind, turn to religion seeking for miracle like healing. Give to your body and mind as an advice these effects and that each part of the body should be completely healthy, aim at healing to fully healthy. Each part of the body should heal itself and the neighbouribg areas, the wholebody too back to full health."
This is from this same blog, a quotation from my English healing blog curingguesses.blogspot.com 

A miracle healing picture 

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"  I tried to write this to my Finnish healing blog parantamisesta.blogspot.com but got computer problems

A writer us different from a care professional

22th of November 2023   About the difference of a writer and a medical professional. I have always wanted to avoid contacts with the ill, handicapped etc, since I feel that I fall myself ill almost always after such, even though not always to the same kind of illness. So as I am fond of healthy natural ways of living and wisdom of life, and since the last name Tervola is said to teach healing skills, I have written down my impressions about healing to this blog and some to it's English version. So.etimes I have first checked on some spiritual side that someone who had such an illness got cured by the advice. Last month I tried figuring out advices for giving birth and then tried via some spiritual or mental connectiln helping some woman in giving birth, and since it went well, I wrote the advices down, but for a month or so the woman and the baby kept coming to me on some is it spiritual side and were often at my body's place like one keeping company, but I have felt kind of vanished as if air and others only st my place. This month I wrote some extra advice about how a baby can learn to help in being born, and made a booklet in Finnish, and was it yeaterday or the day before it, some dogs came to my help on some spiritual side and cpunted some 50 000 mothers, babies, ill, care professionals, handicapped etc at my body's space but on some spiritual side, so I have felt just disappeared, erased, ill, sometimes in pains, stupidified and mostly unable to do anythibg much - so this from one case of helping a healthy person and a baby on some spirituaö kind of side, which for me has been much easier, brought much less afterward effects than meeting people or the like. Usually there have been a few such persons or more but not in sight, but after the English translatilns of my healing advices I was just ill for two months or so, almost whole summer. So a writer is a different kind of person from a care professilnal. 

If a care professional or a religious person or some other person helps the ill or people in trouble so much that it is hard to bear so much influencies from the ill, from lack of luck, from unwise ways etc, Buddhism has an answer to that: instead of all ill etc going to the same person or place, each one learns meditation when they are well, and so they practice meditation on their own and that heals them and their lufe circumstancies. Meditation isn't a spiritual thing, it isn't influencies from others who across time would collapse under thr burden of inföuencies from those in trouble. Meditation is something that one oneself does. If the effect of what one oneself does is benefical, one can buikd upon that and learn to heal oneself and get rid of yroubles. If the world is of spirit, by what we do we choose into what kind of world we belong, so choosing good well working ways of doibg, wise things to do and beautiful values and good quality as goals, may make one develop into a benefical direction even if it is first just a dream. But then some unwise tactics must not be taken along, ypu cannot discuss unwise views, values etc, instead just invest on the beautiful and wise, which heal both your life and affect benefically in the world. Do not carry along unwise persons, just tell of ghe good tactics and beautifuö values and they can wander themselves if they so want. 



 About moral there are texts in my old blogs 

Healthilymoral.blogspot.com and

In the books at links from 2013paradise.blogspot.com 

There is also at the text Skills of Christmas gnomes F60. the Finnish very well working rule "Live and let others live!" explained. In the Christmss gnomes snd Christmas elves texts there may be things like wishing well for the world, being fair, etc mentioned, since good will is important in the world, but there are over 1500 of ghe texts, so maybe you find them too if you read a lot. 

There is also something about Finnish culture's view on moral https://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2013/04/rationally-grounded-moral.html

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30th of October 2023   When I lived in Savonlinna in eastern Finland, I liked very much the major attractions of the area, so I liked also what the shops sold and how the locals arranged many things, since the town was really arts oriented, around summer cottages, in tge town grandparents' homes, etc etc. So I for the first time understood the point of view which asks "What is the role here?" or the like and causes a huge lack of luck if you do not have any idea of such, which is typical for Finnish speaking Finnish culture. So the quedtion is something like "What is this place build for,meant for, for which sreas of lufe, for what kinds of things?", so if you are such a person, along those lines in your lufe as one of your major dreams in life, for example liking such a profession in the future, then I guess you are along those lines, your type of persons have a place, a "role", there, and so the shops, town's ways, values in the environment and the culture with it's skills, values and ways of living is lijely to fit together with your life, but otherwise maybe not. So it is not an acted role, not the role of some other place or culture and not a lie, it isn't like an official document, instead it just tells whether you are along the lines of lufe there, along the professions, along what the place is suited to, etc.

Some seem to tjink that if you keep company to your envitonment, you have a role, you are kind of quaranteed to behave always well, be good for the world and do better quality work & other influencing than those who do not keep company. But usually that is not so. People who need emotional support and get well along with each other, tend to keep company to each other, but that does not quarantee them being good, wise and responsible toward the rest of the world or toward the more indovidual and more skilled  often more moral ones. 

As far as I have understood, a role allowing living in Finland and influencing tvings would be having Finnish weather skills, following objective rationality with pictures of wholes and having healthy wisdom of life, and seeking to make the world a good place to live in for all fairly, now and in the future. It usually also means following civiliced wisdom with common sense and responsibly in important matters. Healthy spirit in things done, arrangements made, ways of doing chosen, etc is also considered important. In Finland Finnish speaking Finns are the traditional inhabitants, but Finnish speaking Finnish ways also suit the place, are according to wise views and wisdom of life and Finnish speaking Finnish cultures cultivates strenghts which flourish just in Finland and are good to have in the world, and Finnish speaking Finnish culture seeks to be fair and responsible toward all in the world. The Swedish speaking Finns copy their cultural ways from Sweden and are unfair toward Finnish speaking Finnish culture, so that is a different culture and must be estimated separately. 


I changed the name of this blog

 This blog had the header "Skills of Christmas gnomes : Christmas gnome like life, year around, world wide, in the modern world". But I got today my text "Christmas angels (around oneself in the living environment)" publushed as a paperback booklet at the Amazon internet bookshop. As I informed about it Yle, it somehow came to my mind as if someone had suggested, to change this blog's name to "Christmas angels in Helsinki in FinlNd in Norgh-East European Union". I was born in Helsinki and grew up there, went to school there and even graduated from the Univerdity of Helsinki, before I at the age 33 moved to Espoo and from there a few years later to Savonlinna in eastern Finland at the lake district. I have a vague impression that before I was born I was a little singing bird in Helsinki, with views about value-free optimising and healthy ways of doing that could help to put the human world to right rational tracks. But some foreigners abroad felt that they would feel more at ease if Helsinki had Christmas angels, so as they ordered such, I was born a human in Helsinki. But that is already 52 years ago. When I was younger my relatives mentioned me writing in the future advices about Christmas angels, as if they had heard of it via time travel. Also in the university some study pals said that they had come to know me because they had been interested in meeting someone connected with Christmas angels in Helsinki, and so some religious person had adviced them even though I knew nothing of the subject. Now I have written of Christmas gnomes for some five years without knowing the reason for it, so I guess that the texts might be wanted somewhere in the world. I feel that most or even almost all texts of this blog have been much liked. You can also buy them as books, booklets and ebooks at the Amazon internet bookshops (search by my name "tervola"). Blogs stay reazable only some 5-15 years after having written them, while books stay longer. I wish you could express a wish for libraries to buy my books, since there are many books and libraries choose according to what their customers want to read. 

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28th of October 2023 

Christmas angels in Helsinki https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/christmas-angels.html

Christmas preparations https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2022/11/skills-of-christmas-gnomes-20-christmas.html

Christmas gnome like life, year around, everywhere in the world (a very long text of over 1500 separate entries, mostly about learning skills and talents, with links worth knowing)   https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09/gnomes-or-more-likelily-doing-things-in.html

17th of November 2023   Edith Piaf - Non Je ne regrette rien (with English lyrics)


Also the gorillas etc and animals liked these advices about fair position to influence things in one's life, living environment and the society & in the wide world.

22nd of November 2024   A new blog anokangel.blogspot.com 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Thoughts about magic


Magic seems connected with someone's living environment lacking wisdom of feelings and high skills in wise ways. So if one runs into something made with good spirit, wisdom of feelings, social eye or wisely according to an old tradition, it appears as if a piece of another kind of way of living with it's skills, values, ways etc. 

So magic is a question of who dedicatedly does what and with how high skill level. So it is connected with people choosing their jobs according to what they like and value, maybe even love. And it is connected with certain areas having a tradition of such jobs, having peace, good possibilities, high skills, lots of wisdom, wisdom of life and skills of passing such wisdom of life, values and skills to the younger generations and to the newcomers, in those kinds of jobs and hobbies around such ways of living and skills. 

And so for the ordinary person it is often a question of there being many kinds of good quality products in the shops and of one having enough money to buy with dedication to the area of life but not so much socially commanded that one would be careless or without personal values and own characteristics guiding in buying. And a question of one living in an area whose values, skills, skill levels, wisdom of life, favourite professions etc one enjoys and values. 

An example of a shop's product: a lila Elvis Presley "Romantic" ukulele that I bought from the music instruments' shop Soitinkulma in Savonlinna 

Ukuleles are from the Paradise Islands of the Paciric ocean, and seen to teach how to build paradises symbolised by the colour of the ukulele. I have liked this one very much, but it leaves a somewhat unpractical flat view of life, which is a big drawback. I bought from Soitinkulma also another ukulele which was said to offer summer cottage life, but I haven't had that possibility. It was brown like some foreign wood and maybe had been made in China, since it brough diahhorea and made me feel continuously every day somewhat ill (so I soon returned it, or did I give it to a second hand hall) so that a Chinese in China maybe would have instead of going to one's work stayed at home and played ukulele on the porch all days long. 

Later I also bought from Musiikki-Fazer www.f-musiikki.fi in the internet a red Diamond Head ukulele, hoping that it would help me to regain sporty ways with senses open. I had difficulties in tuning it, and then it seemed to teach Vantaa like study achievements for a career maybe in an orchestra, or for some career that one oneself compares with such, but without regard for the values as an idea in it, but just reaching for points, so I did not feel like playing it. 

Cher - Dark lady

In my twenties I read books about Zen Buddhism and other New Age books. I searched for a new kind of profession and had hobbies that were in a way toward something better in my life, read also poetry and listened to rock and pop in the radio. It was wonderful to find more spirited life, more worth living and wiser too, giving one more wisdom of lufe and finding higher skills, even though demanding individual understanding, own roads, which often means that safety precautions are needed. 

About black magic 

Black magic means that the effect is harmful as a whole, typically harmful at the level of the whole world and as an effect on the ways of living and values followed in the society. Typically the effect is stolen from something else which is natural as a part of the world and does have that much or stronger effect even though not only momentarily. People who like black magic like it usually because theh want to murder people or animals or be kn some other way too unfair toward them and the values that they cultivate in the world and because of which they are valuable, like a wild animal for example cultivates skills of living the weathers and seasons in a nature environment, and so animals in their own way support humans in basic life, for societies to be good to live in.

 Similarly the different professions are needed even if one oneself would prefer one's own kind of company. So it would be needed to keep distance to adult relatives and other social contacts of one's younger years when one oneself is already an adult and would prefer more distance. Black magic is often a question of someone or something being classified personally close and wisely cultivating one's good, when it is not st all so, not at all true, like an old relative thinking "Now quit!" and kicking the other one away when someone else classifies the behaviour as loving and caring in the sense of making nice things that do not require reaction or noticing from the one kicked. Similarly people often seem to say that when their children were a few years old or right after the birth of a baby, they still had they old ways of flirting and being social but they no longer could stand any new spouce candidates, even thpugh they started out of habit and an old liking like as younger, and so they at some point during the evening just murdered the new sexual contacts. It seems that similarly one can at some point choose some new culture or type of profession or a wide way to live so strongly that one cannot stand other ways of living, especially not those of one's younth. So it isn't at all ok to always admire only a certain cultural domain but to insist living in another. 

Likewise if one is always charmed by the ways of living of another climate, culture or type of place, one typically tunes one's life to learning such ways of living : their rythm, their emphazies on areas of life, interests, values and skills, while one does not tune so to one's present living environment's ways, and so one is in practice tuned only to the ways of living of the districts that one admires. So one should at once move to live there, since other options do not make sense. One would fit in there but not elsewhere, where ways of living are different. Like thete are differencies between summer's ways of living and rythm and of those of winter, likewise there are differencies between climates and cultures and areas specialised to different types of jobs, in what the ways of living need to be. 

Black magic somewhere or as an interest of someone, means that there is something wrong with the magic's effect, so there is danger, which is typically a danger of murders or of ruining ways of living so badly that life in the society becomes impossible, like when people no longer in practice aim at the same way of living, like if the town were bombed a lot and planned to stay as ruins. So since there is danger, one ought not trust and one should live according to one's own wisdom of life, trusting only sure sources of information and keeping distance to the harmful influencies. But since trusting one's own wisdom is what most young adults need, black magic as a subject sounds interesting if it allows keeping distance and trusting one's own wisdom, without giving up following civiliced values. And since humans are capable of more than just things interesting all of the same age, magic interests, how to find charming things of value that suit one's own life. But in that there is the possibility of danger, and so black magic kind of warns of such dimensions. The danger is not always in what happens or what one loses, but instead in the effect of abandoning wise civiliced values, especially if many do so because of paying attention only to much smaller scale interests.

David McWilliams - Days of Pearly Spencer 

In a climate of four seasons, when the leisurely lived and much liked summer draws toward it's end, it is time to change to more sportily moving ways of living and pay attention to heat production and avoiding losses of warmth from the body. That means that a rational understanding must overrule one's likings for summer time ways of living, and so the change is supported by school and studies starting in the beginning of autumn. Such is also the case when there is some other danger of death. If one has enough skills maybe one can enjoy such life, since after all such is ages old, but if one does not have enough skills one dies, or if one is wise enough one moves to warm lands before the danger actualizes. 

Many words for snow https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2021/10/short-melodies-of-snow.html

The build environment and nature

I do not know if you can notice it from the pictures, but if the houses would be one storey lower than almost at the level of treetops, the trees would shelter the area and also the houses, while almost at the level of ordinary treetops shelters a little bit, whike just the houses topmost leaves the area as if bombed. The trees are natural and very complex to look at, so trees around make people wiser, happier and more skilled than living in a place without trees. 

With the trees are complex natural phenomena understood with wisdom of life, while only build things catching attention makes some or even all people somewhat enhineer like in understanding, rigid and stuck, without cultivating thibgs well for life for all fairly. 

Tvere is in Russia, maybe in Russian Carelia, a place called Konnevitsa, which name brings the association that the existence of machines in the world is a major catastrophe.  It has a view that one ought to figure out a way to live without machines, only pure unfractured nature in one's way of living and in those of the world. It is a view like birdsong at the edge of small woods, and like aiming at wild bird's wisdom of life, with it's tough realism and with it's beauty, with it's wisdom in the wide world. See in Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. About Kalevala, see B38. at https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2020/01/some-observations-about-gnomes-and-like.html (it is in the first book of the "Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute", see www.amazon.com/author/khtervola ). I know nothing of Konnevitsa, but it is famous for it's chrurch bells. 

There is a dream that without machines there would be original wisdom of nature in the ways of living, even magic.

Of machines one of the problem are the square stuck nonreactive ways of thinking of engineering. To be wise lne should observe more and do things in ways that are good for the world and good for oneself and one's living environment, in healthy natural ways that have wisdom of life like music. Such makes natural wholes work well together and so one gains more force and more wisdom, and one's understanding and that of the group encomoasses more areas of life, is wiser so. It is also more natural, so all are happier and more at ease, even though there are many sides to lufe, and like is the idea in being a living being, lufe situations vary and so one lives with emphazis on dixferent sides of lufe according to the situation. And likewise there are many kinds of individuals, sowhat is detailedly describing good for one often isn't good for another, even ghough at a general level the optilns would be the same, the same ages old wisdom guiding. 

One problem with build environment is that it often leaves one fractured, without a natural way to mive and wander in the town. But if there are some trees etc, it helps to notice that one ought to look at them from the point of view of those who planted each tree, for example by the walkway to shelter and to make the place nice and atmospheric in nature's way, a miljo good to live, simikarly of those who plsnned, made the materials or buikd each small space & other parts of the houses etc. They thought of the near environment and of pleasant meaningful ways to live there for people and maybe some animals who feel that they suit such a place. But they were not able to plan the trees etc so well for the larger environment, at least nit in ways that taste so much lije life, so one must see the landscape as consisting of several much smaller miljoos, for example of apartment houses with theirnear environment, somewhere a big motorway leading people from work to hobbies, home and places they want to be in, making life much easier to bear, making lufe more worth living by allowing possibilities to change living environment. 

The nature environment is good for the youth learning : there are many kinds of shapes and structures, colours to look at and uneven terrain to wander in, lots a variations and shades, for one to get vocabulary for observing, understanding, moving in natural ways and using the senses. And it all is from the point of view of ages old life with full capacity and natural goals in lufe. 

This song or more like it's lyrical part (after the pictures of young birds) tells of the dream of the natural wisdom of the ages of old nature of humans and of the animals & the wild nature, some day conquering in the world, winning the world to better wiser life for all, but of course varied according to the natural environment.

" Oh, Finland, look: your day is dawning.

The threath of night has been dispelled away.

And the morning's bird sings in the brightness,

As if the whole sky would sing.

The powers of night are being won by morning's lightness. 

Your morning has begun, oh Birthland.

Oh rise Finland, lift high your head

With it's headband of great memories.

Oh rise Finland, you have shown to the world

That you drove away slavery

and that you did not get bend to under opression.

Your morning has begun, oh Birthland." 

If the world is of spirit

Some sides of magic are results of the world being of spirit. Such is often seen in people going different ways because choosing different things to tune themselves into. But the effect is larger than that, as if each person really would live kn a different world, each quite like their own character, like someone mostly keeping company to the nearest ones, while one more skilled in work like skills would seek possibilities to individually do something meaningful and share the viewpoint of some profession or the like. So much depends on how wise and charming those viewpoints are. Anyway, a different focus of attention creates different things, like for example most have noyiced each person in their habitual social emvironment having a style that seems to be typical to them, for example a certain way to be social and think of social kind of things, certain areas of life liked and used a lot in certain ways, a certain view of finery, moral, literature, practical matters, ways of doing etc. So one kind of wanders along those areas of lufe and meets different things. So even places are different for each, kind of exist much more for some, like for example does one fit the culture or social group or not. 

Canadian timber wolves   https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ierbJoNgfw8 

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29th of October 2023   I collected these texts and the short melodies of snow to a booklet "Thoughts about magic", which ught to be available at www.amazon.com in a few days time.


Monday, October 16, 2023

About earning money

 There is a song called "Vanha holvikirkko" i.e. "Old catedral with a rounded roof", which has a beautiful melody of someone walking past the catedral on a sunny summer evening maybe 5 p.m. and it is quiet but not silent and the oasser-by hears someone playing the church organs and it is just a beautiful summer like sound like people sometimes hear. 

My father's father died when I was eight years old 1979 (which is 44 years ago), but he was said to have been a bank's boss in Mikkeli, with the name Johannes Ekholm, but then his bank went bankrupt because of some business of building an apartment house that had problems and the business partner needed more and more money and turned out to be a traitor and run away with the money, and if I remember right, then it turned out that people had been stealing money from the bank and that the bank workers had pretended that all was all right but the bank was only just surviving, and so with the extra expenses the bank collapsed. My geandfather had to change his name from Ekholm, which means "oak island" or "oak stupid" to Hari, which was his idea of who do often well in lufe compared to the rigid wood like stuck ways, and so thought also his children: a daugter and four sons. And so they moved to Helsinki. 

But now thinking of this melody made me think of how people go to talk to some elder generation bank boss and search for a career and a way to get paid, since I feel that the people in my environment who got a career they liked and got an ok wage, approached the subject somewhat as if my grandfather like bank boss or his wife who was an apple farmer and a mother of a big family, had adviced them like the view of the melody.

"Already a summer evening has come,

Someone is playing church's organs, and the village life is sleepy.

As the player there is the son of the catedral's cantor 

And to a summery evening, the sound of fuuga wanders beautifully

He is dreaming of becoming a cantor, even though he plays just for himself.

Thinking: "if in tge future he could play also to others this way

It is just a dream but makes one enthusiastic."

(Someone else thinking:) "When some time in the future the church organs sing, the sound can tell what he wished".

He is still young, but he already looks forward to the time when people from all around come to hear him playing. 

"If some time in the future, he could play also to others

When once church bells sing, the sounds can tell what he dreamed of."

As far as I understand, dream jobs go that way when there is the civiliced picture of the world, civiliced values and a tendency of all to count on the healthy choices in the society. 

17th of October 2023   So it is practice someone walking by hearing beautiful music and dreaming for a while about learning to play such oneself and of getting such a profession, but turning then toward one's own dreams of what would be nice to do as a job for oneself, what kibds of things it could have. Such dreams need to be of something to do, for example fine-tunedly like skilled thinking or skilled handiwork, and good-willingly sensitively and with wisdom of life like a serving work professional like selling or caring for people's needs as a waitress or whatever. The basic idea is that one can live freely if one follows with good quality the civiliced picture of the world and civiliced values. In practice that means that one must have some job, while the wisdom of the society advices one to choose a job that one likes, and to follow wisdom of lufe, for example changing to a job that one likes and distancing oneself from the people who are not of one's own kind. So a job is something that one wants to take care of, with good quality and fairly toward all and well for the society and the world. And the civiluced picture of the world, civiluced values and wisdom of life are what to followin the world at large, instead of oneself dominating, so all get room, do not disturb others and can live freely according to the rule "Live and let others live!"

* * *

There is a huge difference between one dreaming of becoming a great painter but never taking such as a profession, and one who went to courses in painting and tried to be a full time painter. The one dreaming whose relationship to arts as professions is distant, comes up with great insights in how fine one's paintings could be, one sees every now and then somethkng of such kind and is motivated in developing in wisdom of lufe and lufe skills at large, while the one who is a professional painter jyst gets bored and one's painting get clumsy and without content, the original motivation has been lost. 

I have tried to figure out solutions to world's problems, for example to environmental problems. The main feature of them is that one supposes that it is enough if one comes up with good ideas to some parts of the problems, since the full solutions will propably be found by thr joint effort of many. So just about any good idea is good enough for that, and so one can find very many quite useful pieces. 

But if one would go to an ordinary job sounding of the same caliber, it woukd demand thst one would be able to solve with professional quality all the things that come across in that job, and lne would need to be able to carry that job from the point of view of wisdom of lufe and the workings of the society and of the wide world in what comes to those subjects and the people one meets in one's job. So the job would demand at least 10 000 tines more skills in the subject and a dedicatiln to jyst that kind of life. 

So as young people dream of many kibds of areas of life, and so they or quite many of them get some kind of skills reserve in them, wisdom of lufe from the point of view of such jobs and insights of what they coukd so achieve. Yet that is too luttle for such a job, maybe even for a hobby, but if one across time collects such pieces of skills, talents, an understanding of the world and wisdom of lufe, then one maybe can with them back up one's possibilities for work that is worth doing.

 Since jusg guessing that memorised education from books is enough and that it would be ok for all kinds tasks, just does not seem to produce quality worth the wage. 

18th of October 2023   


The news say: The police found an exhausted owl on the street and put it to jail. 

Kaisa Hannele Tervola's books www.amazon.com/author/khtervola , also at other countries' Amazon internet bookshops: search "tervola".

The Finnish Christmas radio www.jouluradio.fi starts in the beginning of November at least this year 2023. 

19th of October 2023   About leaning skills and talents for a Christmas gnome like life, year around, anywhere in the world, see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09/gnomes-or-more-likelily-doing-things-in.html onwards or as books or e-books at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola .

22nd of October 2023   Some of my books have in their info page a "Best sellers rank" number, which for example for my thich book "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes" was today #51,282 in Happiness Self-help, which means that in the Amazon.com internet bookshop there are over 51 thousand books classified in Happiness Self-help which have sold more copies than my book Skills Of Christmas Gnomes. Maybe I am the only one who has bought it, one for me and one for Santa Claus Land in Finland. 

I somehow came to count about this that if there are almost 400 days in a year, then in 125 years there ought to be 400 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 50 000 books read if you would read one book or booklet a day. So later on you could come across my book if you would check them that way in order. 

I checked also the ranking of my Finnish book series about healing by comparing with fully healthy natural ways of living, and the sales ranking was over 250 000 books from the top sellers in Health, fitness and dieting, which means that by the same way of counting those workers checking the boojs would arrive at my book in some 700 years and use one day to it. Yet it seems to be a reason for some to think that it should determine the writer's job, since it is so much dearly needed in the world, even though I am not at all incöined that way. It creates pressure likw being one of the few healing nooks that all Finnish speaking know about, have read and studied it, yet it seems that no-one has, and knowing of internet pages those vanish, ceade to be available or get destroyed a few years after the author has stopped writkng and visiting them. So it seems that the writing work's results not used in practice, at least not to the right purposes. So it seems like a fake by the social environment. And anyway, my strenghts are just thinking, moral, healthy wisdom of life, etc, so in many questions I write about some solution or skill that is hoped and which I have the skills for but most others not and according to my picture of the world of who ought to do what, I ought to write them down and make them available if I can, for example write to some internet page of mine. That usually takes only some minutes, very rarely more than a half an hour, so I have done so many times, but I am not suited to work in those subjects, since I am some other type of person, for example I almost always get ill if I try to heal someone, be it someone communicating via gesture language or someone via some spiritual or mental connection, some two weeks ago I tried on some mental or spititual side to help a woman in giving birth and it went well even though it seemed much too late, but so I wrote some advices of it to my Finnish healing blog (see E994. at parantamisesta.blogspot.com but it is all in Finnish language), but the woman and baby or people resembling them have kept coming to me, somehow trying to replace my wisdom of lufe of how I live, keep my body and do things, by their own ways in what comes to my body etc, and so I have been mostly ill for two weeks, without any good reason for it, and the same problem with many others, me just praying and wishing for peace for myself, and those people saying that they have such righrs because I am not of care profession type, I am not and I do not want to be, I jusg get ill from the care professions, those have some different needs and likings from me. 

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26th of October 2023   News tell of big happening around the world, and a good piece of news somehow tells what life is like there. I was surprised to notice that the picture of the compiser of tge song "Olen suomalainen", originally "I am Italian" or something like that, looked in some way like the picture of the boss of the Eurooean Central Bank, but it could be that she was considered wise in estimating people as workers. I have also wondered why the composer Kaija Saariaho and her music make me feel ill. I cannot stand so well build things, which she composed about nicely, but can it be that she too thought about bank worker's view about customers etc on the bank professiln as if clmposing could shed light on how well the society works and how well each worker works. But one should not take it as one piece or one feels ill. One should look from the point of view of life and that is one song. And one should notice each person's motivatiln to different types of work, and how such things done each sing & their combinations. And lne should look at the society and tge world as a whole, and how an individuals lives in it and affects things and the environment is still lne type of song. There are advices about learning to compose in my booklets "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves", especially in booklets 1. and 3., but booklet 2. is good for working life. Www.amazon.com/author/khtervola

2nd of November 2023   In Savonlinna I got the habit of drinking a cup of milk coffee in a cafeteria. It was maybe "Juhla Mokka" coffee with so much that colour gets no lighter, maybe 1/4 or 1/3 of full milk of the type of a countryside town with arts and countryside like professions, instead of academical life and engineering. In the capital district I do not feel like drinking coffee. Sometimes I ate a Carelian pie or the like with the milk coffee. But it was not economically ok, I just somehow could not avoid it, and it was bad for the ways of living, especially in the long run. 

3rd of November 2023   My step mother like mom Riitta Hari used to be very harsh on me, which some relate with the Chinese tendency to torture. When I was a child, she told that she tries to learn to make math looking evil deeds as many as a Siberian thick needle tree has needles. Some years later she said that she had learned to make 100 000 evil deeds in a minute, for which one way is to replace a wise objective theory perspective with civiliced values by a much more jnwiser theory perspective, claiming that it is better. And she said that she also hided evil deeds in the stupid theory perspective and tried to pretend that she made such errors. So she maybe attacked me as if envious of my school like thinkkng ability and of my name association "emperor", while she herself was a professional scientist and later a professor, and had to her nickname Tita the associatiln "dictator" and to our last name Hari the associatiln "zsar", so she just sttacks to hide her own much bigger influence in the world, her own much bigger tendency to cunn, and do lots of evil. The next minute another 100 000 evil deeds etc. So maybe that is some reason for torture oriented Chinese and for them being able to lie that they are quite nice toward a moral person when they are much too brutal and unfair. 

If you wanna change to other kinds of subjects and persons than the rationality of feelings, you will have to go to other writers' pages, since I am not a magazine. I have written already much too much and ran out of subjects. I moved away from my parents' home over 30 years ago, it makes no sense to remember all those old times of my youth who said what etc. There are hundreds of thousands of people living in Helsinki, Vantaa or Espoo. There are numerous internet magazines, also all over the world, for example cnn.com . I am not a person with publicity skills, I am just an university educated objective thinker with wisdom of life and with some (at least formerly) unusual strenghts in thinking, worth writing about in these modern times. 

What about continuing to Estonian culture? It appears more Christmas gnome like if you wanna slow down active life. 

Or them more southward is Germany. I have the impression that by following their civiliced picture of the world one can live quite comfortably, but Germany does not fit me since I need lots of slight differencies and a taste of life in my picture of the world. 

5th of November 2023   Of my grandfather Johannes Hari, earlier Ekholm, I was told that he had in some sense been the Old Man Upmost God, but that it somehow did not mean anything much to him, could not affect, was just sometimes called so by some. He was also said to have been the emperor of China on some spiritual or mental side, because he had a good way of running his bank and some understanding of the beneficality of moral, which he was able to communicare even to stupid men, and so things run quite peacefully around him. But my relatives told that when his vhildren grew up and he planned to give them room and have a kind of change of generations, that seemed to somehow start the cultural revolution in China, so he got ashtonished and thoroughly upset and quit the whole task of being an emperor of China, and his children grew up each their own way but not to the same tasks. 

But there was some misunderstanding of what happened when the oldest chikd who was a girl, grew up and planned to get married with a British man named Neil, so there was some fuss about him having flown to the moon, and I once visited their home in Britain and there was a spacesuit like diving suit there and I understood nothing, but Pirsa said that it was her husband's hobby, have to be able to bear thst. 

But these are just things said by someone. I did not get well along with my childhood relatives, so there is no close tie except via the beliefs of new aquiantages who like the culture, pfofessions, or tge like, without understanding that each one needs to grow up and go their own way and only then one will find people, cultures and things that one chise oneself, instead of being tied to the tale telling tendencies of the elderly etc, the distance is needed and one needs to be able to follow one's own choices in adult life, without the admirers of university professor parents etc ruining one's life. My parents used to say that social lufe is unobjective and that their works in science are a separate thing, sometimes that too obstructed by the unobjectivity of social relations and by the selfishbess of each. 

8th of November 2023   I have never understood how I coukd be a child of my parents, or whose child I coukd be. The influencies from humans seem almost always harmful to me. But that may be so because I have lots of wisdom of life. 

It coukd be that I was a test tube child. My father Pepe once said that he considered test tube chikdren a good idea, because one can so choose seeds which have a good school type of thinking and good basic ways of doing, kind of let them compete a luttle, maybe healthy kind of wisdom of lufe one can so aldo see, while ordinary ways of getting children are somehow blurred by social atmospheres so that the quality is disastrously poor. He would have chosen an egg from a woman with a good understanding and wisdom of lufe of feelings, of a wise elder woman about whom it is already known that she is wise. My step mother like mom on the other hand woukd have been interested in renting her womb for the baby of another woman, for her to see whether she would like to have a baby of her own and get experience of such. Maybe she would then whimsically chosen to keep the baby, partly because the baby looked rational and partly to give it a try, to try having a child. My father would maybe have gone to where his child is, since he would have thought it somehow good to follow human bature in the sense of having one's own child. 

9th of November 2023   Some people coming from a more countryside type of town try to remove all gnome like things. They say that their psrents were gnome like, and that it does not have a clear head. When I saw this video today, I felt that maybe this is what the ones aiming at more scarce ways were aiming or would like. I guess thst it is a reason for valuing Socrates.

25th of December 2023   https://aboutmytexts.blogspot.com/2023/08/about-safety.html 

18th of August 2024   https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EgpVUHfxjDg 


Saturday, October 14, 2023


 Pegasus, a horse with wings, is a symbol of poetry. 

If you have wisdom of life and are from a culture with wisdom of life, and if you like practical things to do, a little bit like the fascination of free time with horses. If you value the wisdom of feelings and want to offer such wisdom to the younger generation too, maybe via writing poetry or making nice artifacts from which one can learn such if one is motivated, and by living one's life in a good way. If you just live following that kind of courses in how you wander, a little bit like listening to nice song in the radio, is it then in some way like a horse wandering? And if your culture's wisdom can in a spiritual sense shelter the less wise every now and then, when they are eager to learn. If you think that you resyrict your lufe to a certain area only instead of travelling the whole world, is it then at some moments as if you or your dream horse had kind of angel's wings, like birds too have, but more in imagination or in some spiritual side only, in momentary impressions...

Friday, October 13, 2023

Guardian angels (very different from the Christmas Angels text)

 I watched a video document of filmed presumed guardian angel sightings that seemed real phenomena but not all exactly angels or guardian angels. Those seemed to get explained by the view that the world is of spirit. We each one live in our own world or piece of world and get influencies from others according to how we live and with whom we do things together and from what we are interested in and with whom we share a common view, values & similar skills. So often we live along some culture or some town's way of lufe or certain professions. 

But if we run into some problem that we want to overcome, we may look for forefigures with a better idea of how to live in those respects, which often is some group's cultural wisdom or it's way of life with it's wisdom of life. So we may abandon some old habits or views that caused us trouble and instead read a book or find some wiser group with better values and wisdom of life. So in a way we then change our world from near some to further away and toward better life choices. 

Sometimes the need for such a change is so arupt or becomes actual at certain point so ghat we know, like when in danger of death, that we have tl change to wiser ways of living. So we may for example change toward more civiluced wisdom and pray. Such often happens if in the eyes of others you died to something, but your lufe after death became possible via adopting wiser cjoices that for example heal and make wiser. If one does not yet have enough skills or such wise people as company, one may on some spiritual side lean toward such and they may shelter socially like a wise more experienced forefigure helps motivated beginners in tasks that the forefigure has a liking toward or values a lot. 

So the sheltering kind of guardian angels are often only at the times of emergency like near death, or just social relations on some spiritual or mental side with whom one identifies with.

 Likewise groups can shelter in a society that values those groups and the reasons why they shelter so. When it goes wrong, it is typically poor quality accepted as ok enough, when it in reality is not ok at all for the task. So if something goes wrong one should check the quality of basic things more at lenght instead of without observations.

 It may also be that the world is not so widely just like taught in school but instead more of spirit, with each one gaining space to luve in by being of hoped for kind, instead of by conquering from others. 

The sightings of these presumed angels seemed rare abd usually connected to the "angel" being from in some way wiser culture so that it was good wished for influence for the people seeing it, but mostly the angel did not seem moral as a person. It seemed that the angel was an ordinary person interested in the area or culture or of a certain person or animal there as a social relationship. So the angel either came there to show some wisdom that one can prooably learn by looking, or the angel just wandered around to get some kind of idea of these kind of nit so wise areas, or it sheltered an animal friend, which maybe died for those who do not value angels, or noticed like-minded in some other town being in trouble and as wiser tried to shelter, and if it was a question of death, tried to offer via good will a road to a better world without so many so big catastrophes, which means spirituality as a local choice for some while helps a lot in avoiding catastrophes. 

There was also a not so wise looking grey man figure flying as if culture's educated picture of the world had been wise and with civiliced values in the wide world, but the way of thinking nit so intelligent. 

There were also some human like figures with angel's wings, really wide 1 or 2 meters each or so, and as I thought of such afterwards, havibg wings seems to clnnect to reserving oneself to a certain area only, so that must be a birds'feature, and so birds' wings are a different tvibg from human hands and feet. The wings grow to human's back like on angels, and I guess that birds' feet correspond to human hands and the human feet correspond to birds' tail. 

If one has a theory perspective that one follows all the time and aims for the good of the world with good quality, that seems to bring white wings. And if one plans to live in ways that are amobg other things evil, that brings black and dark colours to the wings. The colours are like with a paint brush jyst one colour to a feather like painting a house. 

It may also be that a group tries to change to wiser ways of living, in which case they maybe feel lighter about the better choices that they study, so on some mental or spiritual side someone may take the task to be a model of those skklls for them for a moment. 

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14th of October 2023   If one at unwise times seeks to invest in higher wisdom, one may appear to some like a being of light, someone bringing lighter more positive views to life, since such is just what is often meant by wisdom or wisdom of life. 

If continuing according to wisdom seems hindered on the spiritual sphere, that is often because of keeping company to beings near by whose sphere of lufe is to a large extend just the social relations around and not a view of the larger world. It may also be that one relues on fakes as if those had wisdom which they do not have. At such cases light is maybe brought by thinking of some being like a partly wild animal in town or somebody's spirit passing by outdoors: someone thinking, can one go thst way, which route woukd be best, and continuing in one's way. 

Lufe that just runs well and is good for the world too, seems at unwise times to be the thing to remember and to invest in, seems to be one's own guardian angel. So guardian angels connect with the border areas of wise lufe and unwise lufe in the living environment. Then often some others are unwiser, trying to lean on you but without wanting to rise at all as high in their effect in the world. So benefitting from an guardian angel demands disrancing oneself socially from those who do not want to rise higher than their present life, which often is a difference between generations : they chose that kind of lufe while you needed a possibility to wsnder safely to the wider world. 

Some of tge flying figures in the video were as if a person in sleeping dreams had be suggested by a friendly animal that you can go there, but the human thinking "atsh this was not a good idea, I will go elsewhere", so such gliding figures do not ordinarily know how to glude, they just change place in their thoughrs. 

Quite often one also needs shelter. Such is typically found in social conformity toward the elderly who have some peaceful view on life, since they just know what works and what does not work in oractice. But of course one can learn new skills, but those are often not fitted to the whole so well, so one needs to back up one's life by following ordinary social likings & values, without giving up civiliced wisdom at large, at least leaving it as a possibility. But such comformity is often harmful in the long run and also in the large scale, so one should invest in school learned valyes and since those are more basic from the adult point of view, maybe find solutions with the both good sides. 


I made an e-booklet of this text, since the subject is interesting. But it is too short for a printed booklet. The e-booklet ought to be soon available at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola 

See https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CL1RDWX4/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?crid=3AIJJ63S344CP&keywords=guardian+angels+tervola&qid=1697269987&sprefix=guardian+angels+tervola%2Caps%2C225&sr=8-11 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Christmas calendar

 "Christmas Calendar with the Theme Rationality of Feelings" as an e-book at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CKC4MDMH?ref_=ast_author_dp

16th of November 2023   The above Christmas calendar is just texts and videos of interesting subjects. So the calendar is just thoughts and advices. 

I read today a news article https://yle.fi/aihe/a/20-10005767 of how someone had made a Christmas calendar of tiny boxes, and told that she had had in her childhood a Christmas calendar of rings to which were fastened tiny packets. That brought to my mind, did she think it wrong to have a thought of the rationality of feelings per day, too present like. But isn't that what is the idea in school: to read interesting things, to learn for life and to be motivated to it. You could starth with the Easy quick school for animals, for example, see E11., or https://kokonaiskuvat2.blogspot.com/2020/09/elaimille-koulu.html in my Finnish blog about solving environmental problems. 

1st of December 2023   The reason for children going to school is to learn skills for life. So parents think that school gives their child a civiliced picture of the world with civiliced values to follow and some life skills like healthy ways of living, sports, handiworks and arts. So they think that with such an education the child learns to be more independet yet civiliced, fitting into the society. So they typically sometimes mark such as a kind of box above the head representing civiliced wisdom. So they send the child to school with often some such marking above the school, or something like that. But the teachers mistake such for school schedule, and at the end of the day send children home, too often marking that a box like schedule continues as superwised by parents, but that is an error. With paarents there ought to ve normal life, not any extra commanding and discipline, especially not any irrational square forms emphasized. Maybe this error is born from there being mice or insects around, or ill children who cannot consume much of the content or of there likewise being foreigners or people wanting power via artificial irrational rules, or of the world being of spirit so that used styles, ways of doing, subjects, sizes thought of objectively etc tend to lead continui g in similar subjects. Anyway, since the various box like or square markings do not communicate right, one shouls instead refer to basic things in civiliced wisdom by using them with a picture of the world, primarily thinking by a landscape like view that observes structures, sizes, reluabilities, etc and understands life, plus following the ruke "Live and let others live!", see https://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2012/10/live-and-let-others-live.html , which one can shortly imagine as "like the trees in a park, each having space to live in without disturbing others. One shouls aim to follow justice, caring the world good to live in for all fairly, now and in the future, since it needs to be a goal reapected also in social contacts by all for it to be the future of the world. And in each practical case one ought to correct the chouces to fair toward all, so giving all a fair change, instead of too much or nothing st all and a tangle öike conflict.

If one isn't so rigidly commanded as before, that typically tends to widen one's sphere of life, but one must widen it geadually so that there are one's senses, social observations, atmospheres etc along, because often there is some danger causing restrictions, and so one should learn gradually what one can do and what one must avoid just in case it might be too dangerous. Often these things vary from person to person and for example the tiredness of adukts tends to cause restrictions which harms children but is at least sometimes needed. But others having done something does not mean that it would be automatically ok for oneself, sincw if a child for example dies of freezing injuries in the winter, maybe people think that they did not live in a way possible in that climate and so they try to change to better habits and distance their lives from such problems, so maybe such isn't so good to fully notice, and so one just cannot know if someone got replaced by someone with enough winter skills or honesty about staying indoors, or whatever the questiln was. 

10th of January 2024   If I remember right, the news article mentioned as a Christmas calendar option a fabric with numbered rings to which attach pakets. So what does one as a child or a teen want to learn so much that one would like to carry it along in life? These can be things of different sizes, and of varied kinds. I guess that most would like to learn to read and write fluently and to have the skills for studying by themselves from books or courses what they need. Most would like to learn some languages. And have a basic idea of different areas of life and know their basic skills, handiworks, arts, music and sports. A basic picture of the world, thinking skills, skills of living in the society, healthy ways of living and some wisdom of life, I guess something of religion too. ... Likewise lne could make wishes about what of these to consider important goals. So there ought to be many versions to choose from, with quality estimates describing them. 

I learned from my pets that some pets and other animals, for example mice, may be so interested in school that some individuals go to the school with kids and try to study the things taught to the children. So there may be hungry animals in the class, maybe causing some kkrraahh like or square dominant atmospheres, which disturbs at least girls, and anyway it would be good to bring them some carrot, bisquits, or the like, and some fresh water if needed. 

19th of January 2024   My old Christmas calendar with the theme of Rationality of feelings, see as a blog https://adventcalendarrf.blogspot.com 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Christmas Angels (around oneself in the living environment)

(13th of November 2024   This text is not at all as good as my texts about skills for a Christmas gnome like life, see LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 , since this text is kind of too mild, maybe Christmas decoration like only, but the additions in the end of this text (after A12.) fix the situation partly, some texts telling something of the motivation and skills for angel-likedness.)  


A1.   I do not know so much of Christmas angels. I see them as connected with atmospheres and weather, like if one opens a ventilation window and in comes a fresh breeze and the feel of the weather. Typically one soon closes the window, but ghe feel of fresh weather has something ages old which makes emotilnal life too somehow relieved, a little bit like walking a few steps on lawn grass barefooted in the summer time. 

A2.   Another what comes to mind from the words "Christmas" and "angel" is some human helping with a great heart the ill or helping in some too laborous task since one well can and it does not disturb the helper in so short pieces if it isn't repeated usually. Then I guess that the human or animal helping with a great heart is well capable of helping, does a lot of great things in just a short while, and likes such, is not in danger of falling ill or catching some lack of luck across time, instead just likes such persons as the helped one like people often like some other type of persons or some like having children around and playing.  My healing advices could help by just reading and understanding some short piece, if you first find it. It is healing by pieces of healthy natural ways of living and by pieces of wisdom of life. See "A healing role" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola at the Amazon internet bookshops. 

A3.   A third type of Christmas angels are religious people helping people & in other things in the society and in the world toward better life and wisdom. Wishing for a better lufe in the world makes the landscape less a burden, since there are solutions and seeds of solutions in the form of good will in it. Wishing well may be difficult if lne takes things very personally or searches for big feelings, but one can wish mildly well in civiliced ways just because such does not disturb lne's life and is said to be good for the future world and for one's living environment, i.e. for lne's own life too. 


A4.   If one feels exhausted, it is important to invest in healthy natural ways of living and wisdom of life like music teaches too. I have written many advices about wisdom of lufe, which this tect about Christmas angels presupposes, to my two book series "The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute" (9 books) and continued by "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves" (3 books), which both one can find at the Amazon internet bookshops. 

A5.   Some religious people like nunns work too much, i guess because others cannot fill their tasks and they have taken the tasks to themselves. Such is often syrenous, so it does not leave a relieved effect like a Christmas angel or an edging path of varied healthy kind of things to do according to the ages old human nature. I saw today a picture of a video of nunns who looked very exhausted. They seemed to be nunns because they had so much problems that they just needed to invest hours in a row to better wiser views to catch some well working way of life and values which would lift them out of trouble and maybe help some whom they had thought good to help on the way, somehow suited to their character type. 


A6.   I guess that Christmas angels connect to doing some one kind of thing and it caring for some whole area, so that one is left standing in the middle and admiring some single part of it and just being relieved that things are well as a whole. Like if one tidies and home and children take the carpets to be waved outdoors, and one just brushes the floor and helps the children in bringing the clean carpets to the floor and everything is just ready and nice, carpets in ways that feel good for lufe instead of rigidly squarely. 

A7.   Something people near by are so inclined toward certain areas of life and their stuck ways of thinking, that it lowers the quality of things done and some things just fail. If then for some reason people invest in all recommended wise things, good ways of doing and living, liked positive things and characteristics, beautiful values at large and good will, giving all room to live in, the usual problems often disappear in such cases and some things rise to heights and many kinds of things work out just fine. Christmas is sometimes such since people want to make things well for Christmas and there is tradition adding things of which all do not know why to do such, but which usually make something work out better or remind of values which make one more intelligent and/happy. 


A8.   Sometimes someone with wisdom of lufe according to feelings and maybe healing skills of religious kind, sends some Christmas greeting or has made some product in a shop, via which you and the others near by catches for some minutes or somelne motivated even for days a well running motivated happy way of living in which social relationships too work out ok and it is as if a moment of luck like being carried by the views of others which in this time happened to be wise, leaving room for each person's own well running life. Such a difference is likely to also heal if one manages to stay in such good travks, which is often the reason for people joining some religious social group. But the first ghat comes to my mind is the song "Puhelinlangat laulaa" by Katri Helena in the radio, but I do not know if it is such, it just somehow sounds like such kn my ears. 

"Telephone strings sing

Telephone strings sing

and in the nightly sky shines the moon.

On a highway, whistling walks briskly a wandering young man.


A culture's old traditional ways of living and dokng things are also such : suited to many, without being a burden to the possibilities for individual lives, and joining together the lives of different generations. 

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A9.   2nd of October 2023   My old texts about angels and devils and about Christmas, see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/03/ 

I copy them here :


 1st of March 2023

 I wrote a long blog text about the skills for Christmas gnome like life in the modern world, see learntalents.blogspot.com and www.amazon.com/author/khtervola . 

I wonder if I could similarly write about another friendly tale creature, namely angels. But I am not sure if that is a similar task at all, since Christmas gnomes are liked and they are said to make presents all the year for Christmas, while angels are often opposed and lied about angellikedness, so that maybe quite many are angel like sometimes for some but very rarely anyone all the time. 

Types of angels that are supported to exist momentarily, are at least pain relief, rescue, helping stuck persons in everyday life and much wanted major improvements in the life of a group. To be angel like those deeds need to save the situation like a relief, like an at least quite quick healing and do it in healthy ways that are good for life, both for the future of the individual and of the society and of the world. Typical to them is that when the need is big the angel appears and then later is gone or an ordinary person. It sounds like someone with high enough skills was friendly enough to help and shelter. 

But I had a white Japanese spitz who on some spiritual or mental side helped as many as he hsd white hairs in his coat. It was a huge number and took some five years. But he was a skilled miracle healer and he liked fat elderly nurses like him, so some nurses got him to help and the work load was just too heavy, but i and my apricot poodle wanted to give him lots of free time and wisdom and i cooked him extra food when he felt that he needed such. Maybe the healing was so quick and almost always successful that it was in a way nice job and he got respect and friends from doing it. But in the end the work load killed him, first brought a lack of luck and then killed. He was a nice pet. 


"Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Angels or the voice of what fits the human (& animal) nature

I somehow got stuck in the English version od my text about gnomes or gnome like fascination of things in modern town life. I wonder if that is because Finns tend to question tale like things and figure out explanations to them in ways which would support good life with good spirit at large if cultivated such. So instead of no tales we end up with something that has a good spirit but that is not exactly the same as the tale, but is much more long lasting tahn just trying to lie the tale into reality. So if gnomes interest, what about angels then? Neither one is my hobby but I can try to explain something about angels too.
On the concretical level angels seem to refer to either birds or humans, but on the other hand more meaningful is what the angel does and what it is like. If something is like a great relief, in some cultures they call it a deed of an angel, but that is culture dependent since in some countries such names are benefical for the one who is so called, and in ohers harmful. It is also something like saying: "That is almost ytoo much, but well tank you for doing it." Which is maybe good in care professions: caring for a moment, when needed, doing good quality job,but then resting too, not overstarining if not necessarily needed. On the other hand in jobs like university and school there is the need to stay rational and to appear rational in the eyes of others, so that saying that something is too much or done only because of virtues of character, kind of takes away the strenght in one'sd words, is not convincing, doe snot seem to fit as a rule to concern all.
Deeds of angels are thought to be quite or even very strenous and that is why those are thanked for, strenous but needed. How is it possible to do such without getting too tired to do such? If one needs strenght, healthy natural ages old ways of living are a good choise then. And healthy natural ways of living are what is good for getting cured and for getting a good life also in other matters, so that choice is aöready much of what the others need from an "angel". Making such good choices, such changes in one's ways of living toward better, makes one typically more sensitively observing, more fine tuned, and on the other hand such sensitive taking things into account is much of what considerate ways people need from an "angel".
Sometimes not at all moral people wish to be called sometimes an angel, so that they could take it as position over more moral individuals, so it is important to notice that an angel usually cares for single individual's need, which is in a hierargy in the society or in the world not at all as high as moral individuals."

"Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Devils and following different wanting in the same action as the others

This text is the third in a series of gnomes & angels.
As far as I know, there are several types of devils. ypical to them is that they follow some other goalsetting and some other values than the others in the group that terms them devils, values that do not cultivate at all the things the others care about. So the social group has accepted the "devil" in a too deep way to be a part of the group, a more distant relationship would typically have solved the problem. On the other hand the devil does something toward his own goals but mistakenly spreads the effect over a so large group that it causes harm to others, either to the things they do or to their lives or to the possibilities of good life in the socviety. There are two typical reasons for this: either the devil considers evil deeds soldier like handsomeness or then he/she wants to restrict his/her life to a certain profession but mistakenly competes in influence with others interested in other areas of life while he/she should have instead left those subject and the wider areas to be ruled by society's civilized ways and the work of each profession on it's area of life. Sometimes such misunderstandings get caused by school emphasizing engineering like ways to think without mentioning that they belong to engineering and are not fitted to ruling the world."

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A third text: Christmas   
These are from my tale figures blog attempt

Gnomes belong to Christmas, some angel decorations too but devils not, but maybe when one associates too closely with family members, they maybe get nearer than what is good for oneself and for the relations to work, but on the other hand during Christmas all are in a good mood and so they get better along the couple of days needed before one typically meets friends again and goes to hobbies. Good food, traditions, presents, some religion, being with the weather and caring for winter skills and of course good will bring pleasantness to the Christmas. On the dark winter days in November and December such celebration is dearly needed. Also school and work are a bigger burden then and it is nice to make Christmas preparations, presents, handiworks and eat some cookies.
I have written of weather skills at http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html and of curing illnesses at http://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2017/07/headers-translated.html . Handiworks are also a nice hobby http://learntalents.blogspot.com . Good food brings warmth to depressed or squeezed people http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2017/10/about-cooking.html . All people do not rise to their full potential in school or work but instead during free time and via wider interests and hobbies & good will, and so the society rises to better life with greater wisdom via prayer and liberal-minded good will and wider civilized ways and with healthy spirit. Songs too serve to rise the level of wisdom of life and the ability to trust feelings with wisdom. 

21st of March 2023   My old blog workandfreetime.blogspot.com 


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A10.   3rd of October 2023

If one wants a revelation like Christmas angel sight or presence, such are often the much valued things in life, for someone a good meal, music for most and of course religion for demanding matters like healing and other problem solving - when one wishes for such, maybe after a small pause, and when one has good possibilities to such in the form of habits and skills, since if one is kind of stiff and outside the subject, it does not feel so great. So the Christmas presents often seek to be such: like toys, hobby like things, good adventure books or a manual of butterflies, plants or the like, or wanted handiworks. Also visiting places that one wants to know, are often such : like a fine view, traditional houses of the old times, a cafeteria or the like in some area that one likes and from which to also buy things of that kind to one's home. 

A11.   If you would life something like a feeling of an angel's wings in your presence, such is often a feeling of relief, of life possibilities being corrected toward what they healthily ought to be, in a lasting way which often means that there should be a wise theory perspective supporting them, so that the possibility to such things in life stays even if it was just a passing moment. Such are often insights of wise people wise in the art of living and wishing well in the world, which means that one can momentarily learn them from the books that they have written, and propably in a lasting way if one has such as a hobby. The other option is to cultivate virtues that many suppose to be parts of happy life but which one oneself often dismisses, and so such create moments of better life to one's children or to those who do not have such a background but would like such, but one should inform them from where one can learn such. 

A12.   Christmas is a few days after the shortest day of the year. So in a sense it is at the start of a time of relief toward lighter days via lenghtening daylight time and via them a strenghtening feeling of the coming in the future of the summer time flourishing season that is important for animals, especially to the small insects, and plants, and for humans too. Yet it is difficult to notice at first, there is just some relief and an apprexiation toward the wisdom of religion and of the wild birds etc who can start building it already then. The weathers are best lived a moment by moment, and only via the complexity of the wild nature comes some view of the wisdom of the wild nature kn living the four seasons. 

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I made an e-book of these advices about Christmas angels, see (available soon) www.amazon.com see https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CKBXST3D

27.10.2023   Now there is also a paperback version https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CLWP85D5?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860

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16th of April 2024   See also https://learntalents2.blogspot.com/2024/04/a-new-word-for-angels-myweathers.html

In addition, please see also https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2024/04/find-land-of-christmas.html 

2nd of August 2024   An ok angel https://learntalents3.blogspot.com/2024/06/tranquil-peace-and-beauty-serene.html 

My books as free versions MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com 

10th of August 2024   The second larger edition available at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCHFJSB6


Thursday 20 June 2024

Tranquil peace and beauty, serene fracturelessness with healthy wisdom of life

 Try to follw these two advices fully: 

1. An ok angel 

"  ( The Finnish word for an angel is "enkeli", in which "en" means "No, I am not...", and "keli" means weather to travel in, and those both have to be taken into account: freedom to folliw one's likibgs in miral ways, and takkng the situations into account, the situations of all, and folliwing civiluced valyes and healthy wisdom of life. )

27th of April 2024    Learned from changing weathers demanding individual judgement to stay alive, like the melting of the ice cover of a lake in the spring time. 

16th of April 2024   First, follow civiliced values with good quality. Then have some independency, the right to refuse, so as to have some personal fracturelessness and healthy kibd of wisdom in lufe choices. Pay attention to weather like situatiobs: does the thing seem good, wished for in tge world, and for you right now, and for others, kibd of taking the ibfo of feelibgs into accoubt well, since often drawbacks are difficult to put to words, since those are often in another perspective or side or between perspectives, but kind of felt atmospheric fracturelessness in how one is in a landscape may help one notice such and take them wusely into account. "

2. Beneficial for life 


My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything. 






My books www.amazon.com/author/khtervola 

From my blog LearnTalents2.BlogSpot.com 


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5th of November 2024   If one is interested in a theory perspective maybe fitting white swans, one might read my blog ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com .

Some might be interested in the video Olympic workout at https://learntalents2.blogspot.com/2024/05/my-social-position-is-about-nonexistent.html 

Or in my booklets about Animals In Space, at MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com (the first booklet is much better than the second one) or my not-so-good text about Guarding Angels at https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/guardian-angels.html 

Many also liked the Christmas gnomes and elves skilks texts at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com 

There is also in the beginning of the blog MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com the book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings".

My miracle healing advices in English www.EasyHealing.info i.e. the blog CuringGuesses.BlogSpot.com has seemed nice to read for most, kind of relieving and quickly healing. 

One might also wish for a hero like power and good will like at https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-christmas-song-i-am-not-seeking-for.html 

If one wants beneficality grounds for moral, one can read my book at a link from https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/11/beneficality-grounds-for-moral.html , or my paradise theory collection book at MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com

11.11.2024   Jouluenkelivihkoseni 1. painoksen kannen kuvan kuuset kaadettiin juuri äsken kotini viereisen lastentarhan tontin pihalta. Mutteivät ne kamalammiksi olleet menneet, luulen. 

I made a third edition of this Christmas Angels booklet. It ought to be available soon at www.amazon.com . The ebooklet ought to have unlimited copying allowed. 


22nd of November 2024   If one would as older need school's benefical effect again, what in it is essential to remember https://learntalents8.blogspot.com/2024/11/if-one-would-need-schools-beneficial.html  

I copied this blog post and some others to a new blog anokangel.blogspot.com  

23rd of January 2025   Accordibg to the Finnish view, Christmas angels do not manufacture presents, especially not year around. If you want to see how much presents an angel could make if he/she wants, the text "an ok angel" https://learntalents3.blogspot.com/2024/06/tranquil-peace-and-beauty-serene.html offers a solution to such, but remember that following the advice is needed in it always. The ones gappily making presents year around are Christnas gnomes and Christnas elves, see LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 . Christmas angels belong only to Christmas time, since angels typically work out ok only very short times, occasionally even then. 

23rd of February 2025   Beneficiality grounds for moral, see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/11/beneficality-grounds-for-moral.html 

Find The Land Of Christmas

  "  You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...