Saturday, April 6, 2024

Find The Land Of Christmas


You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the headers at (Obs. that the first ebook is very long: some 906 pages.) 

Or start reading from the beginnkng of tge first book at 

These ought to bring many skills useful in creating a home that is nice to live in. 


( miracle healing advices at

On Wednesday 29 May 2024, Kaisa Hannele Tervola <> wrote:

My book series "Find / Create The Land Of Christmas" ought to be now available as ebooks (23 of 25), so almost the whole series costing a little bit under 30usd plus tax which I guess is 10% , see .
With best wishes, Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Espoo, southern Finland, North-East European Union 

* * *
I am an internet writer, see and links from there
Talents and skills for your dream job
Work efficiency supports more free time
Helppo ja tehokas arkijärkisen objektiivisen ajattelun kurssi

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Continuing at

 This blog seems to get overly long, which means ghat it could become unrwadable because of computer problems. So I try contunuing at .

( 22th of August 2024   Continued at , , (short) and

And as ready books, which though are more like collections of blog texts, available at , or 


16th of October 2024   After those parts continued at and . )

There can be other reasons for emphasizing engineering studies than the need of more engineers

 Now as 52 years old and watching things from the points of view of other more complex areas of life. It seems that technology has developed so much during my lufetime, that if already in the 1990's computers were able to develop new math faster than humans, it is likely that niwadays the kind of artistic looks of some superhypercomputer or whatever, serk to explain that engineering really has advanced far, and so one should recheck the need for engineers etc. There surely is a need for user help professionals, and for people liking engineering kinds of things checking that new results too have a human-understandable form. 

But new results seem to be found by some few who are very much so inclined, kibd of trying to learn what kibds of things others invented. And user-friendliness features are needed too. 

But on the whoke it seems that a large part of why engineering studies are too often recommended to those with a good thinkibg ability, is that goibg diligently through too simple theory, that one is not especially motivated toward, be it engineering or school or some other theoretical understabding, makes one typically in the daily lufe speedy and observe quickly and well senses open, at least seen things, which is needed for driving, good at sports, gives good way of makkng observations for more finely tuned wise areas of lufe lije arts, religion, practical life, picture of the workd, etc, which is very much needed instead of yheblurred rough mimics of such ubderstanding and observatiobs. 

The 1940's and the first Moon flight 1969 brought lots of engineering influencies, and so there is a need for a good objective picture of the world with engineering too understood in it. 


See also 


26th of March 2024, Tuesday of the Easter week   How to fix a stuck engineer, see 

Did you find a charming culture?

 I wondered why some old fashioned idea of Africans is kind of charming and positive in ways that one does not see so often. But I came to notice that is it a picture of some person who went to a very different kind of culture because of being charmed by it, like for example one might imagine a rationally communicating person in Iran finding oneself in social situations that are jyst totally different in atmosphere, style and content or skill levels. So it is a collection of charming situations, i.e. a picture of a happy foreigner, propably unable to fully support the local life, but anyway a picture of life in a foreign culture instead of a picture of a certain nationality. 

27th of March 2024, the Wednesday of the Easter week  

In today news there was a video of a foreigner who appeared weak as if kn a bacterial disease, but from having eaten foods (jotain sellaista kuin raskaita "Riitan herkku"-lettuja, nakkikastiketta, kiinankaalia) that suit Chinese oriented people at least here in Finlsnd in north-eadtern Europe. Instead he ought to have eaten something like foods, which in Finnish are called "juusto-parsakaalikeitto", "kiisseli", "hedelmämoussejälkiruoka kermavaahdon kanssa", maybe in tropics pieces of fruits kept in room temperature before serving. 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

I wonder did some imagine white snow meaning no blood there, and that there never is any wounds or murders in the north

 In tge news there was a picture of a movie, a wounded or murdered man on snow, excapt that there was quite bright red around. Oh, maybe there was really much blood upon blood on very thin snow, or on ice, so maybe it could have been blood. But ordinarily if one gets a wound outdoors when there is snow, the drops vanish in the powdery new snow, since the drops are heavy and warm and the snow light and easily melted. So ordinarily blood isn't seen on snow. If there is more blood or the snow kind of rigid surface, the blood drops often kind of spread to the snow around, and many of them vanish downwards, so the effect of like that of some dust. But if there is ice, then maybe also smal amounts of bloid lise their coloyr, but blood upon icy bloid ought to be bright red, but such is rarely seen, and there often also come new layers of snow upon iced substancies, so such does not stay long like footprints outside paths may be seen for months. So if someone thought things very peaceful here in the north because of no such colours on snow, that isn't so peaceful here but blood isn't usually bright red on snow. 

I do not know how much crime there is. It seems to be one factor to take into account in daily life. But in the spring when temperatures are well above zero, it seems that all who spent the winter here, even if it was indoors, take the winter seriously. In the autumn it wasn't so at all, so it seems thst all those died. So the weathers and living wisely the seasons are one factor determining who can stay alive here. That is why the country has the name association "finish", at the furthest edge of livable regiln in the world. More extreme are like in space ship. I do not understand why mentioning such makes foreigners think they ought to kill people. Do they think this area culturally homogeneous, kind of nonchanging. The climate does not change, the geopolitical and military locatiln as an edge natiln of a big nation does not change, and the amount of civiliced thinking benefical in this climate zone does not change. Yet the people may change. 

Friday, March 8, 2024

Where does women's wisdom come from

 " Women's Day 8th of March in the spring winter isn't actually a celebration. Instead it is a wish to end the winter cold by women's wisdom if they happen to such have with such an effect too. If a child wants tl be a girl, it is for most or all imporant that one could get a child of one's own and carry it in one's stomach. So the child is asked, do you think that you would be able to care for the child in your stomach so well that it does not die but is healthy and grows like a child ought to, and care for the child when it has born but is still quite youbg, say a few years, and care for your own body and needs so well that you have the strenght and wisdom etc for such and things run well for you, your family and friends, for the social group you live in and also the society and world good for life in the future. And so most women and girls learn to care for such yhings somewhat, have some wisdom of lufe anf common sense and think that such are needed. And so if the world is of spirit, Women's Day in ghe quite early spring can help to end the winter cold and bring spring weathers. 

I guess such is some general wisdom of how is good to live, suited for all, like healthy ways of living and civiliced wisdom, and taking the environment into account, and wishing well in the world - but even mentioning this causes that many try to convince others of the opposite goals as similarly wise advice in life. But it is like a passer-by of a young person or animal saying/thinking "Gees, good ways of doing and taking the environment into account civilicedly, that's life!". Emotional wisdom of life tells whether one feels well or not, so learning wisdom of life about feelings helps in this a lot, but these are complex subjects including wisdom of life, understanding of good ways of doing, of personal differencies, learning, individuality, society level wisdom and one's picture of the world, etc. 


* * *

About giving birth, both in Finnish and in Englush: a healthy happy mother and newborn baby, see at links from

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

If after reading this blog others seem somehow not good enough

 I have written of skills and talents, also of gaining fair position and of quality and wisdom of life. My advices are often theoretical and meant for a global auduence, but if you can back ghem up with your civiluced wisdom and lufe skills, interests etc, it is likely that if the works of others seem somehow lower quamity than you expectez, it is likely that you yourself could produce something of quite much better quality or otherwise more interesting in the world than before. So I guess these texts do work as study material of skills and talents, at least for slme. That is what I have written them for. Remember your responsibility in the world, wishing sell for the future generatilns and respecting fair play. 

Making indoors nice

 In this Christmas gnomes text, the advices about making indoors nice have seemed to interest readers surprisingly much. I try to collect here advices where to find some of them. 

The old blog was .

Especially the earliest post at has seemed interesting from the point of view of making indoors nice. 

Was it before or after chapter 26. there were separate short texts and among them of making home nice and of Finnish celebrations. 

Also after those long texts, among the later typically much shorter posts there is at least something about making indoors nice. 

Also earlier, in chapter 11., after 100 there are some pictures from my window etc and something about making home nice. 

If one starts from the beginning of the texts "Skills of Christmas gnomes", for example A21. is about making home nice, so I guess there are mant such texts along the way. See

It matters especially much that one would like the place abd district one lives in, please see 


I was born and raised in Helsinki, in an academically inclined environment thst valued especially nature sciences. So my childhood home was kind of scarce and I got forced to study physics snd math in the university. Later I tried to change to farming but ended up writing. In Savonlinna the main areas of life were interesting, and when I bought something, I tried to learn how the locals arranged things like curtains etc, kind of handiworks, arts, wisdom of the elderly and summer cottage life as a forefigure. But those were among my main interests there and arranging home was just a passing moment of trying such to home too, with emphazis on giving possibilitues for lufe and arts. But Savonlinna appeared more dangerous than the capital district, which was more centered on civiliced wisdom than the dangerous persons in Savonlinna. So anyway, living there for 11,5 years kind of removed much of the possibilities to go to places etc, which anyway is important in the long run. 

This was the first photo, when I tried the poster of the famous painting on my wall. After that I have somehow taken pictures and written of making indoors nice, etc. 

But in Espoo 


About how I placed the famous poster (bought from the internet shop of the Ateneum Art Gallery ) of the painting of a young man who can learn from the trees' wisdom. The subject was about nature contact, so I placed the poster facing somewhat toward the window. The painting is made so that children at different ages can see it from a height of their present skill level, or so like makes sense from tge point of view of learning. So I as an adult placed it somehow well so for myself, and in the impressiln took into account the furniture near by, amount of light etc. I have liked the shadows of room plants playing on the walls sometimes, so I took the picture at such a time of a sunny day. Then it was a year or some anniversary lije date from when my Japanese sputz Vaapukka seemed to have died and woken from death while st vetenarian for teeth stone removal, so I guess that some readers of my blog about that were interested in that. So I took more pictures, kind of to support ordinary life. 

15th of March 2024   You get magnifient looking views if you arrange them to be in a good way central in your room, when they look magnifient in your eyes just that moment, like for example a liked hobby running well or a tree outside the window somehow fitting your sense of charm. At some later moment you can arrange something of the rest of the room so that you do not need to overemphasize some fine view or fine thing when not feeling a need for such a charm so much right then. The goal is that all the things at home would be in their own way good for life and give room for varied types of activity, refreshment, stimuli, life according to one's wishes and needed things in a nice form that makes it easy to trust civiliced wisdom in estimating how much of each. 

29th of March 2024, the Friday of the Easter week

I have always had as a kind of dream or magnifient thing to sometimes try to figure out and learn, to become a great painter. It is mostly just a far away dream or fine thing, but kind of motivation to learn some things in that direction, and so sometimes when placing some nature decoration object, places of furniture, places to look out frlm the window or a poster on a wall, there is also some sense of magnifient looks and atmospheric old times things that comes along sonewhat on some side of it, since I am not so sure of such skills, I just try to learn where to find such in the daily life, without making life less healthy in spirit, less joyfully actkve in healthy ways well fitted into the society. 

3rd of April 2024   OBS!   If one wants especially stunning views, it is important that one would like the views oneself, be fond of such charm. And that the place and views would be like one's own inclination in questions oh how to live and wisdom of life. One should live according to one's wusdom of lufe and like fits the world, in a place where one's interests, skilks, values, way of life and likings support the traditional ways of living there, wisdom beneficial there and for the world. And so the things in one's home kibd of rhyme together and produce an unseen strenght that is wise in the world. As well known, arts support observing the beauty of nature, so liking arts is likely to make nature views out from the window more impressive. If there is something lacking in the atmosphere or social position, eating oneself warm with good food makes as a habit the place somehow more impressive. Sports as an interest, for example recreation outdoors with the weathers and nature, may make the views out from the windows more imprdssive and kind of strongly experienced, yet enjoyable. 

A hobby or a well running liked work project mistaken for just some artifact bought without any interest in such, may look surprisingly intensive and well carrying. 

Some Gaia theory links

 See , and there also the links back to this same blog: 

Monday, March 4, 2024

Wild nature is more refreshing than gardened plants

 In Finland the weathers of the four seasons are easier to live if one looks at the natural tree species, tiny wild flowers, wild grasses and other natural plants and animals of the area. Lijewise one could guess that also in warm countrues the natural plant and animal species of that climate and area would teach the weathers, be nicely refreshing etc. While there of course usually are also beautiful big garden flowers, fine foreign tree spe ies etc, but those are somehow not as finely tuned, not refreshing, just kind of stunning but without such skills in living in the local environment. So in Finland the ordinary answer is to have garden flowers etc in gardens but at the edges, street sides etc just ordinary local plants, local trees, etc that happen to grow there. 

Often solutions do exist

 Solutions to lufe's common problems are taught in school: what are the basic life skills with which such problems often vanish. For example to stucking to the same circles much too much, help following civiliced values with good quality and always in everything. 

Taiwanese seem squeezed by Chinese influencies, yet sometimes when one gets slme glimpse of what the Chinese influences there are, those seem to be aimed at helping the even more squeezed, for example those who do not have life outside engineering. So I guess the Taiwanese could from that point of view communicate more detailedly what is and what is not the problem, and end up in something wider life circumstancies via followed wise values and good quality. 

In building and safeguarding living conditions values and quality matter

 As a child I read quite many adventure books, mostly good quality old boys' adventure books, since I liked the Finnish nature and admired wild animals and wanted to be somehow good for the society. Some of the most famous books were Swedish or maybe by Swedish speaking Finns, telling of chilren's lives with gardens and adventures, but beautiful though those tales and views were, those books tended to take away my own experience of our garden, the beauty and naturality of it, like passing under a low apple tree branch just for the enjoyment and natural complexity of it, intertwined with the Finnish traditional civiluced possibilities in life, and instead after reading when one went to the garden such beauty got replaced by unability to enjoy or undersrand such, as if someone had borrowed a famous outer form without understanding the values in it and the need for civiliced rationality to support such, and there was left only some technical form with social obligations more unwisely than before. So adults had mistaken famoys books as wise instead of as beautiful fakes. For a thing to last there needs to be values safeguarding it, upon which it is build and maintained, plus good enough quality, for example school's civiliced wisdom instead of justt fajes and guesses, and for example one shoukd notice that neighbouring individuals often hsve different valyes and different grounds for their position, for example one social and lying and another safeguarding the good of the society and of the world. 

Finnish cultural wusdom or the picture of the world of the nature sciences which my parents were fond of, says that a natural living environment is important for humans and other living beings. Even though most people nowadays live in cities, natural functioning of biological beings and human societues may demand a certain amount of natural elements in the environment, which abd how many and of which kinds snd how much of them may vary a lot between individuals and situations, but it is likely that natural functioning of all the needed sides of ghe society would demand at least some individuals or groups having very natural living environment even if others don't have. Since we cannot predict the future, and in any case, it is good, surest to have at least the traditional forms of natural life and a natural living environment, with which it has been good to live here, so gardens, some recreation areas with forests, lakes, parks, trees, lawns, some grasses and flower pots are needed, likewise local farming without arupt or unwise changes in habits, etc. 

A tree branch in the garden offers varied sensory stimuli when one wishes for such. It is structured and atmospheric with clear concretical characteristics like sturdy or slender young, sensitive or on old good tracks, etc. Such is good for observation abilities which is good for objective thinking and skills, and so good also for school work. 

When I was young, I comoared the rythm of winter or spring time's bush or tree branches to thinking perspectives of different people with their typical fwatures, like long but narrow steps in thinking or short but more practical, and so the different professions had their own meaningfjl typical choices of such, likewise areas of life. 

Sturdy or sensitive etc like the structures and atmospheres of plant's branches, flowers, etc, is good vocabulary for sports skills, especially in sports kinds of variations in ways of doing, but also in perception abilitues, balancing whokes, emotional wisdom of life and how situations develop and choosing healthy courses in lufe situatilns and in single things done while taking into account near future and long term health, happiness and skills. In this sense life resembles things interesting in dance. 

10th of March 2024   A Finnish propaganda song, is it from World War II, but with the above text of mine could help locally all nations and not especially Finland. The name of the song is something like "Throw away your claim of your square skills being better than the skills brought by good quality civiliced wisdom" 

Famous Sovjet cavalry song, with the nature element one ought to reach high, yet it looks very war like, but I watched only the beginning 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Tiredness, stress or agitated response

 In work or in family life, stress often connects with too artificial ways of doing. One should live in a landscape like picture of the environment, with only healthy kind of goals and only basically healthy ways of doing.

An agitated state of mind as a response to one's own shortcomings, often is a result of unrealistically claiming to be very skilled, while in practice one lacks experience and maybe isn't at an emotional level so sure of choosing just this area of lufe, just in this form, for it's own sake. One just wanted points or a feeling of superiority. But skills grow where one is sincerely interested in such skills, in natural ways, finds them meanibgful in those amounts. 

Tiredness often telates with the work not being natural leisurely action for the individual, or to free time lacking healthy kind of wider spheres of life. 

Of religions and of not-religious being mistaken for moral and wise because lack of social eye

 Of religions I have learned that a large part of it is civiluced wisdom, especially wishing well in the wide world, with good quality objectivity supporting it, for example telling that fair play is important kn practice: so like in market economies, one sees what produces what, so it makes it possible to invest in benefical optiobs that the times need. Objectivity is backed up by sensitive observations, civiliced wisdom of good quality and healthy wisdom of life. Often a religious person gets much of one's wisdom and of the presumed effect of one's relugiousness from civiliced wisdom, very large amounts of civiliced wisdom, high quality objectivity, good will in the world, much responsible attitude and lots of wisdom of life.

 But it often happens that others cannot estimate the amount of such wisdom of each individual, and so they jyst mark religion important instead of the values and wusdom important, and so it often happens that they guess something unclear but somehow blurred as if feeling and steady to be religiousness, and so they ghink that they ought to support such kibd of blindly, give it wisdom's place and values' place, and so such an individual often gets lots of social positiln over wisdom and over moral, and so it ends up suppirting shit, evil, social dominance, bacteria, attacks like killing, malicious lies, acting instead of sincere relations, commanding by lues instead of honesty and each individual's own wishes deciding about their lives. So one must jyst say that it isn't religion anymore, it is some lues and sociaö musperceptilns playing on the unaknoledged kniwledge of the world being of spirit and people mostly opposing civiliced values and the good of the future generations. 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Learning healing

 I bought today the domain . That was just two days after I had noticed that there no longer is enough safety precautions, shelter for continuing making my Finnish healing blog. So I guess, since the English blog used to disturb too much making the Finnish blog, someone thpught that now is the time to inform of the English blog. 

This thought came to my mind a few hours later or so.

" In learning healing one ought to pay attention to how different things done, associated with, ways of living, social situations, etc affect one's being, the situation and so one's health. Those are kind of cloud like things: the effect of the deed or whatever, and how long it lasts, what is the total effect, like for example what different kinds of foods cause, thinking of when one longs for just that kind of food, for example an orange maybe gets senses open, while a sweet dessert may make it easier to trust one's emotional wisdom of life, and musli sometimes makes it easier to think of farmer's life. Line like markings are usually sosially commanding, so one must discern vetween social bullying and maybe benefical relieving civiliced wisdom as a part of the fact content, but those too have some effects with some atmospheres which slmetimes help to discern what areas of life those are about and so mention more of the effects. 

This blig's way of healing is to suggest as a cure the piece of healthy natyral ways of living and wisdom of lufe according to positive feelings, which people with such an illness often most lack, and teach them like to a beginner. "

Friday, March 1, 2024

Using stomach muscles naturally

 Sports teach that one should use one's stomach muscles in moving and use one's whole body in natural ways. 

Likewise emotional wisdom increases from using in natural healthy ways the stomach muscles as an individual in moving and thinking of life, and not mixing that with social relationships or sex. 

At least via these two one's ability to stay healthy and move, living a natural healthy kind of life increases, gets some important form of understanding for some sides of life. 

A natural way to use stomach muscles is at a  moment of sincere felt motivation that wishes well in the world too so that it is not contradictory from the point of view of the ages old human nature as a part of the living world. So getting bored decreases such, and doing only so little of each thing that one stays motivated and interested, is good for using the stomach muscles naturally. Likewise in social relations associating in ways that make sense and are fair in the world, makes the relationships more natural and stomach muscles also more natural. Likewise of things done, so professionals rarely suit as forefigures, while the admirers of some areas of life may be good forefigures in this kind of touch in life. 

Also in thinking it is good to use stomach muscles naturally, kind of see the structures in a landscape like view as such as they are, instead of transforming the landscape because of taking sides or overrunning some quality criterions or values. 

Good social relationships and healthy kind of active life

 I have been wondering why I am so sleepy and unactive. I have noticed that if there is anything really negative in my life, someone has marked it healthily normal and the only occasion to wake up and get some home chores done, kind of as if a possible start for my own active life, except that it is so negative that I would prefer dying. Yet the problem seems to be that foreigners consider Finnish ways somehow too positive and naive to exist as anything else than a theater scene hiding murders, torture, evil, etc. So I do not quite know how it is possible for the rest of the world to exist and be alive if this Finnish level looks much too good to be allowed to flourish by it's own virtues. Like, school was for most or many just memorised knowledge, without following civiliced values in social life etc, except between like-minded maybe. So is even that too much for foreigners? One cannot build the world upon that. Much less if the rest of the world is worse in what good is allowed. 

But anyway, the kind of social life school taught was much better. It was civiliced values followed with common sense and good quality and wisdom of life with healthy ways of living, this in all social matters, in all kinds of matters with all, allowing each individual make oneself one's own life's choices of hobbies, jobs, ways of doing, friends, dates, etc, but leaving room for others too. Follow the rule "Live and let others live" all the time in everything, see . And wish well for the world, good life for all fairly, now and in the future, and if there is time travel, wishing well for the past generations too, and for all living beings. 

About Zen Buddhist enlightenment

 The Zen Buddhist enlightenment is often described that after one moment of insight "All had changed, yet nothing had changed." The world had stayed very much ghe same, but one had found a good way of living in it. One felt happy and fullfilled, especially of the sights and sounds of nature and of the meaningfulness of things done at the level of understanding and one's own ages old nature. It seems to have much to do with individual ways of doing, like the varying weathers and learning skills demand: doing things in a good way every moment, like is good for the individual and for lufe. Just standing by and taking part only sociallt, without personally liking the hobby or whatever at hand, does not bring that feeling of meaningfullness, that ages old wise way of living. But so instead of not being tued to pkace or culture, each one could find such happiness best just where one likes the climate and the wusdom of lufe in the local ways of living. And civiluced wisdom togeyher with sincwrely wishing well in the wude world can lift the experience to more healthily happy and well workkng. 

Wishing well for the world, may make one healthier

 Wishing well for the world, often may make one invest in wisdom, trying to learn how thing would be well everywhere, like is good for the world. Then it is much easier to sinilarly wish that one's body would be well at every place and side of lufe, and so one lears of healing obeself to fully healthy and livibg as healthy and happy as a part of the wide world. 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Silver threads among the cold

 I liked this performance, kind of basic good quality, it seems. One of the performers had last name Silver, kind of an attempt at curing a name by adding a more life like taste to some association of the name. I watched it only once, though. 

About 2000 advices in wisdom of life and skills for a Christmas gnome or elf like life

 A few days ago I counted the texts in this blog, starting from the beginning of the text Skills of Christms gnomes , counting first the numbered entries untill  the end of the texts about Christmas elves at , which was about 1600 texts, and then mostly counting each paragrapf but jumping over some. If I remember right, October and November 2023 were about 200, December 100, January 2024 was about 100 too and February maybe 50 more. So these all togetger maje some 2050 pieces of text roughly about the subject wisdom of life and skills for a Christmas gnome or elf like lufe in the modern world, year around, world wide. So these texts are not about tale figures. These are about the skills and wisdom of lufe that make such tale figures fascinating, like a dream job and a place to live kn which one likes. Such means among other things that one might be a good worker in such a job and fit into the area - better than anywhere else, or something in that direction. So it isn't any place for childhood competition to interfere. Each one must make one's own choices in life. 

Estimating the number of all my texts .


6th of March 2024   If I estimate by the atmospheres of these texts, the booklets "Wisdom of lufe for Christmas elves" 1.-3., see were still in the "tonttu" i.e. Christmas gnomes or elves subject, that was September 2023, i.e. somewhat over five years of writing and about five years in English about that subject. Christmas angels and other later subjects have been different in atmospheres, kind of more failed attempts or kind of not so nice in overal atmosphere. So there were some 1600 advices in the skilks of Christmas gnones and elves plus texts on links, some of which were copied to be parts of the books. And some hundreds of later texts in this same blog, but somehow not so relueving in atmosphere, even though those too can make lufe lighter. 

Especially I noticed that the book Christmas elf like work somehow no longer carried the reader, and that made also the earlier booklets Thoughts about magic, Animals in space, and Wonderful miracle like beings, carry less well. You can find the booklets as free downloads or blog links at , and likewise the earlier booklets Christmas angels (around oneself in the living environment) and Guardian angels, but I do not remember, whether one can find the Christmas calendar with the theme rationality of feelings. It is at

Olevi Virta : Tyttö metsässä (Girl in the woods)


"... It is just a memore, just a memory,

That song from my youth. 

It is too late to turn around and go to the girl. 


Skills for a Christmas gnlme or elf like life in the midern world, world wide, year around : 


1st of April 2024

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Finding wisdom like Kalevala's

 I watched some videos today evening and put the mobile phone away, but it started playing some concert very silently, and as it is Kalevala's day, the style somehow got influencies of the times of Emias Lönnrot having collected the poems of Kalevala. Once again, like when I was a child, I wondered at the wusdom of the Finns meeting the unwise influencies coming from Sweden and from gge seas. How to sing about wise fractureless views of lufe when the others want judt a date and want to be called highly skilled when they are just newcomers from somewhere without such skills in their cultural background. So singing of high skills does not seem to get lusteners to wisdom. So I guess one shoukd sing songs like many traditional songs around the world: songs about love but especially the seasons and nature and traditional much liked and valued ways of living as a theme, so that one is left remembering the themes and learning a lot about such nature, ways of living, etc in the öiving environment, getting sensory stimulu, memorised knowlezge, thinking of lufe and wisdom of life and of how to take into account these midern times too. So instead of an audience asking anew song for them, maybe the family with friends has a good songbook and each one can wish some song from it, and all those are much liked and bring content to life and wisdom and one knows tvat there are many who like the same song. But this too supposes that if one would like to move to a very different kind of place, say a different climate zone and different cultural domain, one would move there already as a child, since very different choices about weatgers and ways of living do not fit together. 

Elias Lönnrot travvelled near the border of Finland and Russia, where people maybe did not suppose all sharing the same wisdom, so he interviewed just old individuals with insight and with a wish to teach the young ordknary skills for life and what thete was such wisdom, and pass on what there was to learn of the old tines' ways of living in these modern times at the counties where civiliced wisdom was widely valued. 

Animals too share such views. But how often it is jyst a few birds singing in the nearby trees or an aninal walking by, instead of it talking to the whole world. For many to like something, they each typically want to make their own choices about it, and so it seems often quite impissible to pass wisdom so to many, but if the people around and animals around ate wise, that is just nice. 


I did not want to write this blog post, but as I watched some news video of Mitch Macconnel of the u.s. congress, I somehow got overrun to write it anyway. 


29th of February 2024   My text about Värmlandsvisan could help if one can use it also if one usn't so very young, .

Most of the texts of this blog and the texts at links from this blog, seek to teach some strenghts to a global audience. Those are either my version of civiluced wusdom, Finnish culture's skills or my own skills. I have written a lot since I feel that mostly others cannot offer the same good sides, but of course many good quality books may offer valuable things to learn. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Quite many of my books FOR FREE

 See .

For example a free download of my book "Skills of Christmas gnomes" as a text file at , the file size ought to be 8.15M.


28.2.2024   "Kalevala, the beginning translated to English", free download at 

There is no tradition to fast on Kalevala day, but one would like to eat healthily, like is nice if one goes out for a walk or skiing with the beauty of nature around. So senses open and healthily sporty, aiming at wise ways is the point, experiencing the nature in nice old times' ways like what made one wise and motivated into living here in tge north with the nature. So abroad too, fasting is not like living in cool, instead eating so that one is healthily active and the sense of sight works well, ought to resemble northern climate's traditional ways. 

Inform civilicedly about my texts

My texts need an objective picture of the world. So at least school level objective thinking with civiliced values followed all the time in everything, especially in possible influencies in the large scale, is needed from the readers. 
I feel that I have exhausted my reservoir of skills etc to write about. So there remains just the task of somehow making the texts reach those who would like to read them, who support such things in the world and who would like these texts of mine. I do not know how to achieve that. Could you please help in fully moral ways. I am just an individual and cannot fill any extra tasks of publicity, info spreading, discussions, or whatever. The world is wide. This time maybe needed my texts. Now it seems a time to move on. 
Please notice, a nice text is not like a nice song that sometimes echoes in one's mind or which one wants to return to. A nice fact text like my texts, is once read and then there is no reason to try to read it again. One just continues to other things like after reading a newspaper article. 

About making presents

 You can download my booklet "Christmas elf like work" for free at .

Monday, February 26, 2024

About police mark on a grave

 In the news there was something about it being forbidden to knit a police mark in socks, since a police mark is meant for the police only. The news told that in some cases relatives had gotten the possibility to have a police mark carved to a dead police's grave. That sounds unusual, kind of mixing what kind of life it is about. For a grave of a police, if one wants more peaceful than a knife with a lion head , I guess a kind of square form with spaces in between, referring to the pieces of different theory perspectives used to caring things well point per point in each occasion but leaving lots of room for the civiliced wisdom of the people in the society, kind of it working of itself. So for example only the corners but on one side going along inside like certain procedure needing filling some document, and on the other side along some wider perspective good for living in a society. * Or the centers along some inner square like basic things, with quite much space between and the corners somewhere like doing some extra work to fix this and that when needed but not using overly rigid or overly guiding measures, more like leaving room for life. Both of these ought to be somewhat wider than high. 

Sunday, February 25, 2024

About making a song for a family member

 I have the impression thst the song Romance is for opossums, i.e. for the small animals maybe spending the winter or even all year hiding in the rooms lived in, for example in the small room by the outdoor, between wall and carpet, kind of stuck, kind of very familuar and family lufe like. So if an opossum likes to live in our home all the year or mo ths at a time, how to make such family life like lufe together nice for all? There is a melody of opossum's lufe running well, like on sees from the atmosphere of the image of an opossum in one's mind. And for words one picks all kinds of things, ideals that are good to have in life, and especially for young like the opossum maybe is too, they give chances to rise toward one's full potential on rewarding valuable important areas of life. 

"You only I love above everything else.

You are my treasure, my most valued thing upon the Earth.

You are my happiness, my dreams.


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Some foods for different countries

 " "  I 48.   15th of May 2021    I feel that this text gets classified as "like eskimo", even though I am from Finland in northern Europe, but this is of course a climate four seasons and I have written about weather skills. I feel that for eskimos and for others too a good summer time food would be salmon (or rainbow trout) sallad: equal size pieces of tomato, cucumber and sallad leaves' pieces mixed in a bowl and let be in cool for some time to get juicy taste. Add somewhat smaller pieces of cool fried salmon, mix and serve. "

Today I watched a piece of some video of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. After it I came to think of this kind of food for peope somewhere there. Maybe half a banana that is already quite soft, small pieces of cucumber and half a glas fresh orange-mango juice.

I tried to figure out some kund of food for Arabs too, abd it was: some fresh orange juice, some fresh tomato and a small piece of red paprica ( not a spice ) plus drinking water.

For the Chinese a fresh sallad of pieces of cucumber, leaf sallad, spice called "persilja" in Finnish, pieces of mandarin and small pieces of carrot. 

I do nit know this, I came to think of my poodle who used to est such, but for people in usa cooked carrots, Fanta lemonade, meat balls  brown sauce and tattar or rise.

An attempt for tge Japanese : carrot scratched to small pieces, and as dessert red berries with whisped cream.

For Africans water melon, apricot marmelafe on a toast, orange marmelade on a toast, fresh orange juice, and milk. 

For Indians cook pieces of tsukin and honey melon and rise.

For the Swiss apricot jam bakery.

For the British vegetables in oven with some element like bakery, potato, or so, plus some fresh berries  vegetsbles or fruit, and maybe milk.

For the Russians hard bread called näkkileipä  cheese and a sallad leaf  maybe margarin on the bread.

Hot summer day foods for children

vanilla ice cream with berries

lemonade, either light or ordinary, colour like what feels good in the shop

if hungry ordinary food that aren't warm anymore, maybe cooked vegetables, brown sauce with meat stripes and åieces of vegetables in it, rise and fresh sallad, but only quite little of the ordinary food and a lot of fresh vegetable sallad, for example equal size peices of tomato, cuycumber and leaf sallad, mixed,kept in cool for a while and served.

If on a hot day's evening one feels weakbor fragile and as if crying, one can est a normal meal, even a quite heavy one.

* * *

For west coast of usa small sallad leaves like at the center of a ball like sallad as snacks.

For midwestern usa lingonberry porridge (pink, airy, eaten with cool milk).

For eastern usa a dish that loiks somewhat like a big green worm, or a green bakery which has been squeezed a luttle bit by gummy strings, maybe the thickness of a palm. Of sallad or some green plant, cooked schrimp or lax, and some milk product like airy butter like cheese or what is it used in desserts.


These ought to a kind of happy easy going life with a civiliced picture of the world followed and good will as a value. So the foods tend to give energy to such a life if it is aimed at, and the view seeks to have some fractureless wisdom. So it kind of interpretes Finnish culture or a school taught view on life. Either for getting such wanted features to one's diet and daily life or by giving a chance to kind of cooking travel, peeks to Finnish life. 

The scratched carrot or small pieces of carrot or the like ought to be of fresh carrot. 


( ( Arvaus (en nyt oikein osaa arvioida, kun olen ollut kipeänä reilun viikon ja vasta toipilas, mutta siis yritän) :

Alaskalaisille joulutorttua omenahillolla, tuoretta itse tehtyä italiansalaatin tyyppistä makaronisalaattia, joka ei ole etikkainen, sekä ehkä lusäksi kuivahedelmistä tehtyä hedelmäkeittoa kermavaahdon kanssa.

Kanadalaisilla leipänä vehnäpatonkia, jonka välussä tuoresalaattia esim lehtisalaattia, tomaattia ja kurkkya, sekä makaronilaatikkoa, keitettyjä vihanneksia, jotka aika isoja paloja ja keutinvedessä sekä suolaa että öljyä, ja ehkä karjalanpaistia. 

Mutta nämä kumpikaan eivät ole tavallisia ruokavalioita, vaan etsivät jotain suomalaistyhppistä virettä, joka suomessa vaatii kevye.pää tavallista suomalaista ruokaa ja mm ulkoilumahdollisuuksia ym mahdollisuuksia päästä vaihtamaan ympyröitä hyväätekevin tavoin. 

Suomen Lappiin: piimälimppua, vuohenjuustoa, kirsikkakoristeinen täytekakku, isoja jauhoisia perunoita, uunissa lihaa tai kanaa, parsa-rahkapiirakkaa. Mutten tosiaan näitä tiedä, ajattelin kai ruotsalaisia vieraita tai ruotsinkuelisiä Rovaniemellä.

Arvaus: Venäjän tundralle kasvispiirakkaa plus tavallisia perinteisiä venäläisiä ruokia esim talviversioina. 

Chile: lihakaalilaatikkoa ja karpalo-punakaali tms raastesalaattia. 

Brasilia: tuoreita kai vihreitä hedelmiä jälkiruokamaisesti, riisi-maitovanukkaan kanssa ja ehkä limonaadia. 

Pefu: punakaali-riisi-papu/juures tms pataa, jotain liian kevyttä esim kesäisemmän sään pasteijaa, jossa mm riisiä täytteenä. 

Guatemala: jotain tuoretta vihreää hedelmää, ja kai kirkas ei-värjätty kiisseli siitä, ehkä lisäksi maitoa. 

Greece: some sallad leaves in big pieces, a part of a piece of bakery, some red berries and fresh water or lemonade, as a dessert red berry juice mixed with water.

Malaysia/Indonesia: some lemonade, slices of fresh fruit(s), a food of sallad leaves in quite big pieces mixed with rise and squeezed avocado

Italy: somethkng like rise porridge from rise, cocoa milk and cocoa flakes, a food of cooked spenate leaves, rise and maybe tiny pieces of fried meat, plus tomato either baked or as fresh, maybe sheets of pasta with some ordinary kind of warm tasting spice plants pieces that are not overly dry. (The problem in the atmosphere seems to be square forms like the walls of houses, etc. So maybe this food is kntended for insects, or the like, to those who are paying too much attentiln to following square forms in thinking, social life, etc.) 

) ) 

I saw somewhere a picture of a brown Mexican prison cat which looked like a bulterrier dog maybe. I tried to figure what such a dog or cat might eat: (these as warm) squeezed potatoes with brown sauce and vegetabled baked in oven together with maybe as much meat thoroughly baked in oven, plus as separate some transparent maybe green sauce of some root type of vegetables, plus some cream as bubbles. 

Would Egyptians eat a piece of a fresh green grass (25.2.2024 to get some vitamins every now and then).

25.2.2024     Kireä Suomessa nykyaikaan: (tavallisen ruokavalion lisänä) rusinapullapitkosta viipale tai pari, tms, punaruskeaa teetä ja naposteltavina siivuja tuoretta porkkanaa, tuoreen kukkakaalin paloja tai tuoreen kurkun viipaleita. 

I guess that all foods should be from the same climate zone and also culturally from a similar kind of place, for example tea from local plants' leaves, since typically the characterics of a very different kind of place, say seashore or tropics compared with winter inland, do not carry right in the local life. One can have dishes from another kind of environment but one must balance the whole. 

About searching for a job

 In the news there was told about problems in job interviews, about discriminating because of age, pretending applicant's skills to be much lower than they are, other strange comments etc. What I know of academical jobs in the university by having heard from older generation people, for many men such a job is a way to appear convincing and skilled, and so get a family, maybe even more kids, and a position in the society and for that type of educated men to appear militarily convincing enough for the country. So for other types of applicants the wish of those men is that they would seek to classify themselves somehow to the direction of their strenghts and likings compared to this quite large group of men, so for example a more skilled wise one to a more philosophical sounding job, one with a more lively approach to some with flourishing life or teaching of the young or whatever is their characteristic feature. 

Bakery or sports or how?

 The Estonian Independence Day today makes one think that they look like as if many of them liked to eat a piece of bakery in a cafeteria every now and then, except not maybe today or it would be overly much. Such helps to keep up fine traditilns, but it is only for special moments, and one ought to get the everyday lufe work out all right, in healthy happy ways, leisurely free, wise and active. But how does it go in practice? Bakery gives energy, so liking such often means that one has too cool clothes or too mittle weather skills. So if one wants a sports hobby for example, it is best to arrange it indoors, where it is nice comfortable room temperature year around, but just suited to ghat hobby, so it may be much too cool for lazying. In addition one can try after snowfall if it is just a few degrees under zero or warmer, skiing in the beauty around, or likewise in the spring winter's sunshine. Just a few tens of meters like feels nice and is beautiful is much nicer than nothing. But one must take extreme care to avoid freezing injuries, especially of the head and neck areas, and of toes, fingers, ankles and wgists, thighrs, etc. So warm winter boots for sliing are much beyter than skiing shoes. And likewise one should be in the mood for outdoors motion, kind of adventureous, capable and wise, recognizing the value of traditilns, giving others too fairly room to live in. Enjoying the beauty of nature, the wisdom of weather skills. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

Reading books

 In the news there was an article of some women in Tampere meeting to read together in a cafeteria. Mostly they did not look like satisfied with the novels, but one was reading a novel by a Russian author and she looked peaceful and satisfied. I guess there ought to be Russian books in the internet, maybe at for example, but actually I am not sure of it. Also hobby manuals can be nice. 

I made the search "russian children's books in english" and it did bring quite many books. I remember that my father read us some Sovjet children's books in Finnish when we were quite young and those were quite nice, but I do not know what I would think of them nowadays. Those are some of my background from childhood but I did not fully understand the cultural content, so I do not quite know how they affected my life. 

About safety in long term career choices

 I have wondered why some taking care of cattle sound as if it were a good needed characteristic to sound somewhat like a nurse at a health station. But I guess they run so much into accidents and illnesses, both of their own and those of some of the animals. In my experience with quite small animals and humans accidents happen when the physical distance between the humans and animals is too close compared with the amount of attention and lightness of movements in use. So for habitual who does not enjoy one's work such happens often, while to one in wonder of such a beauty, the beauty of such a work but with enough skills and good enough general capacity for driving, moving, learning, being in a group of many, etc such rarely happens. 

But for one to enjoy work, one needs to have also other healthy kinds of things in life, freedom and variation, and so also for others, both humans and animals in civiliced ways, since there ought be no social tangles. Instead there should be some freedom of movement toward better life for all, kind of place for their individual wisdom in the group and possibilitues to enlargen the sphere of life toward other areas of life that suit them. So one also needs possibilities to go to town, have wider social spheres, real library, hobbies, possibility to move to another farm, town, etc like one likes. 

Lappland's summer

 A fine performance of Lappland's summer by Joose Vähäsöyrinki. Each person typically has fascination for certain area's nature, for it's beauty, vigour, wisdom of living the weathers of the years, for it's type of life life and it's climate's characteristics. Typical is ghat to such a climate and district come many such people, and for them reflecting life in what one learn from the seasons of the year, is kind of in tune with how much rationality, hardships, what types of social ways, how long flourishing season their type of life tends to have, for example the jobs they can carry even if others are not able to bear such. Here in the north the four seasons often make one think of the world, objectively like from far as a seen landscape of civiliced thinking. 

" Lappland's summer

In Lappland all gets into flower soon,
the earth, grass, wheat, also the Lapplandish dwarf trees.
That I have been thinking about often
when I have looked to the past fates of this people.

Why among us all beautiful tends to die
and great deteriorate to not worthy?
Why do we have so many out of their mind?
Why so few who play a musical instrument?

Why men here everywhere fall like grass, -
men, of hope really,
men of ideals, men of feelings,
all get to be earth or stop in the midle of action?

In other countries gray haired spark fire,
in the elderly shines the sun of spirit.
Among us already kids are alike elderly men
and a young man is already ready for grav.

And what about me? Why do I ponder about these things?
It is a mark of having early grown old.
Why am I not following the command of blood's instinct,
but sigh about the fates of peoples?

There is only one answer: Lappland's summer.
In thinking of it one gets melancholic.
Short is Lappland's birdsong, fun
and the flourishing of flowers and other joys.

But long is the might of winter.
Just a moment rest ideals here like from flight,
when they again begin a sunny journey
and already leave the icy Lappland.

Oh, white birds, you guests of Lappland's summer,
you great ideals, I greet you!
Oh, stay here, make a nest here,
even if you move to the southern lands!

Oh, learn from the swans!
They leave in the autumns, return in the springs.
On our shores it is peaceful
and safe the side of Lappland's hills.

Sound of your wings whle you fly through the air!
Do deeds, lighten lands!
But when you see that winter has gone from here,
I pray, I ask: please return!

Eino Leino  (My traslation)

(I live in Savo,originally from Helsinki and haven't been to Lappland, I am just a Finn and I was translating Eino Leino's poems at large, not in connection with Lappland, even though this poems is famous just in connection with Lappland.
I have also written about the seasons in Savo and the capital area, see , to which I needed some poems...)

(10th of June 2020   Surviving the winter is a question of high skills. I do not know if it belings here at all, but Santa Claus is said to live in the Finnish Lappland, and I have written a very long text about learning skills of Christmas gnomes and other Finnish gnomes: You can find it at )

* * *

I try to explain this poem, kind of to tell that poems have objective content and are valuable, that is if they are really good quality poems.
1st paragrapf:  The practical physical circumstancies in which we live our lives determine a lot of how our lives go. The Lapplandish seasons show that for example the ampunt of daylight and of how much one can because of the weather spend time outdoors, affect a lot how we feel:what is our situation of life that our feelings make us tuned to. From such things one can learn different lessons in life, especially valuable lessons aóne can learn from the nature, since it is objective, ages old and fractureless good quality, also objective in it's concretical features like for example the seen landscape and how branches grow toward light, which often is a good example for reaching one's goals, a good analogy for them.
2nd paragrapf:  These are problems that the poet wants to solve in the world at large, with the help of the wisdom of life learned from the Lapplandin´sh nature. Music is a cure.
3rd paragrapf: to these the pet thinks that the Lapplandish nature is a good cure:if they did not have those wished for strenghts to begin with, the Lapplandish way of life together with the nature tend to teach them so that they can have them as realk virtuals from then on.
4th : Ideals that people, also kids tend to agree with, even though saiud as if one did not have such.
... "

From my blog 

Find The Land Of Christmas

  "  You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...