Wednesday, November 8, 2023

 I sent this blog to some Santa Claus association and/or Santa Claus university in usa. So the next day I somehow came to try to buy the internet domain to set it to direct it's traffic to this blog . I bought the domain for one year today, and it can maybe be continued. 

The only text in this blog about just Christmas angels is 

But the main text is about the Skills of Christmas gnomes, 

 so it is both about Christmas and about how it is possible to behave nicely and wish well for the world. It contains some 1500 pieces of text. 

Also the other texts and links in this blog can do their share in making nice behaviour with civiliced values possible in practice, for example the miracle healing advices

 and my paradise theory, 

and in Finnish there are advices about changing profession to one's dream job. 

There are also much liked knitting tips in the blog, see 

If the subject is angels, I am just a thinker and a writer. I do not see angels as a good social role for me. Most of tge people who try to be classified as angels, appear very evil, bringing to mymind some movie called "resident evil". So being angel like does not as a social classification suit anyone. By an angel many mean so moral that such ought to be allowed, when in practice those are so evil that such ought to be prevented. 

Maybe sometimes it is a question of the "angel" trying social self-defence by fighting, lies, acting and murders etc, when instead she/he should have followed civiliced values and civiliced wisdom and those would have given one room to live in and safety, since those are recommended just because of being good choices in life and in the world. 

I was writing this blog of skills and talents for a Christmas gnome like lufe in ghe modern world, but maybe the words "Chtistmas elf" would be more right. 

So, is it that this situation I got from writing to the Santa Claus association. There was some mention of 5500 graduated Santa Claus professionals. Was I transformed to presents for others, since such are always needed? Is my writing career ending here? I am exhausted, so in a sense it would be good. 

But i do not know how to handle the angel imago subject here next to Helsinki, maybe two kilometers from Helsinki, and what do the people in Helsinki and in the capital district at large do with such a contradiction, when the angel like people from other cultures are more like devils if objecticely estimated? 

9.11.2023   Siis enkelillä pitäisi olla maailmankuva, ja sivistyneet arvot sekä perusyleissivistys. Olen katsellut youtube-videoiden kuvakkeita engl enkeliaiheista, joita on esille nostanut aiempien videoiden perusteella, ja ne tuntuvat kovin kaoea-alaisilta, kuin ei olisi useimmilla ollenkaan maailmankuvaa laajemmasta maailmasta, ja kenties moraaliakaan. Mutta ehkö ne istuisivat leivoskahvilla ja hajamielusen hyväntahtoisesti kuubtelusivat, kun täti puhuu taiteesta. Niin he eivöt taideharrastusta paljoa häiritsisi mutteivät olisi hyödyksikään, etenkään maailmassa laajemmalti. Silloin enkeli ei olisi moraalinen vaan hyväntahtoisen seurallinen. Paitsi että laajemmassa maailmassa ei silloinkaan saisi tehdä pahaa, ei vaikka olisi enkeli. Onmarraskuuta ja lämmitin äsken käsiäni mahaani vasten, ja unenpöpoeröisedti uneksuin, että olin enkelikoriste-esine, sillä se jotenkin vaikytti samalta kuin enkelikuvat: vain sen verran hyvä, että omia käsiään lämmittää ja huomio maailmasta poissa, puuttu vaikka yleensä sitä kaivataan. 

* * *

15th of November 2023

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Find The Land Of Christmas

  "  You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the head...